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Monday, July 12, 1999


VATICAN CITY, JUL 11, 1999 (VIS) - Looking tanned and rested, Pope John Paul, on the fourth day of his vacation period in Les Combes, appeared on the balcony of his chalet to recite the noon angelus with the faithful who had joined him in this Italian mountain region of Valle d'Aosta, about 10 kilometers from the French border. In remarks before the angelus, he spoke of the value of vacations and highlighted man's responsibility to preserve the environment.

Recalling that this is the seventh time he has spent his vacation in Les Combes, the Pope thanked "the Lord and everyone who has offered me hospitality," and said: "I hope that the many families whose income derives from tourism will have a favorable season, and I hope that those who, like me, are on vacation, can enjoy the beauties of nature - the air, the woods, the water - with great respect for the treasures that the Creator has entrusted to us."

"Every time that I can go to the mountains and contemplate these scenes," added the Holy Father, "I thank God for the majesty of creation. I thank Him for His own Beauty, of which the world is a reflection, capable of fascinating those who are attentive and of motivating them to praise its greatness."

"All of this," he said, "invites us to reflect on man's role in the universe. Called to cultivate and care for the world's garden, the human being has a specific responsibility for the living environment, not only for the present, but also for future generations. ... May mankind of the third millennium be reconciled with creation and find ways for a harmonious and sustainable development."



VATICAN CITY, JUL 11, 1999 (VIS) - Speaking with journalists just before Pope John Paul recited the angelus today from his vacation retreat in Les Combes, Italy, Holy See Press Office Director Joaquin Navarro-Valls said that the Pope "is thinking intensely" about making a Jubilee Year pilgrimage to Iraq.

Navarro-Valls also confirmed that the Pope will travel, "probably in November," to Asia for the conclusion of the Special Assembly for Asia of the Synod of Bishops, which was held in Rome the spring of 1998. He added that the time and place have yet to be settled.

Navarro-Valls highlighted that the Pope has been contemplating a trip to Iraq for some time, but has been "thinking intensely" and talking about it with his collaborators during this vacation period. The papal spokesman said that, in recent days, Pope John Paul stated that "how beautiful it would be if I could be accompanied to Ur of the Chaldeans (home of Abraham) by Jews and Muslims," also the spiritual children of Abraham.



VATICAN CITY, JUL 11, 1999 (VIS) - At midday today in Les Combes, after praying the angelus, the Pope recalled that today is the feast of St. Benedict, "patriarch of western monasticism and patron saint of Europe. I extend a warm greeting to all monks and nuns of the Benedictine Order, recalling that it is precisely today that celebrations begin to mark the 1,500 years since St. Benedict founded his first monastery at Subiaco."

Thereafter, addressing the French-speaking faithful in their own language, the Holy Father said: "In this Alpine valley I do not forget the people who, in France and Italy, have died in the mountains, especially the victims of last winter's avalanches. I also commend to the Lord those who died in the Mont Blanc tunnel accident and I share in the pain of their families."



VATICAN CITY, JUL 11, 1999 (VIS) - The Pope wrote a letter to the abbot of Subiaco, Italy, Dom Mauro Meacci, on the 1,500th anniversary of the founding there of the first monastery by St. Benedict.

In the letter, dated July 7, the Holy Father writes that the Benedictine monastic community is called to "live the Jubilee of its 15 centuries of life and (the Jubilee) of the Holy Year as moments favorable for renewed devotion to the 'patrimony' of the holy patriarch, entering more profoundly into the original charism.

"The example of St. Benedict and of the Rule itself ... call, above all, for a testimony of persistent faithfulness to the Word of God, meditated upon and received by means of the 'lectio divina.' This presupposes keeping silence and an attitude of humble adoration before God."

John Paul II indicates that prayer "constitutes the primary source and expression of the unity of the monastic community which has its roots in the unity of faith. ... Today more than ever before, there is an urgent need to cultivate fraternal life within communities which practice a type of friendship that is no less real because it maintains those distances that safeguard the liberty of others. This is a witness that the Church expects from all religious, but most of all from monks."

"I sincerely hope," the Pope concludes, "that the celebrations marking 1,500 years since the start of monastic life in Subiaco may constitute, for this community and for the whole Benedictine Order, a renewed occasion for faithfulness to the charism of the holy patriarch and for fervor in communal life, a life of listening to the Word of God, of prayer and of commitment to announcing the Gospel, in keeping with the tradition of the congregation of Subiaco."



VATICAN CITY, JUL 12, 1999 (VIS) - Made public today was the "Instrumentum Laboris," or "working document" for the Second Special Assembly for Europe of the Synod of Bishops, which will be celebrated in the Vatican from October 1 to 23. Its publication constitutes the final phase in the preparatory process for this synod, which is the last in the series of continental synods called by Pope John Paul as a means of preparation for the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000.

The final draft of this working document was produced in the fifth meeting of the pre-synodal council, held in Rome March 16-18, 1999. Cardinal Jan Schotte, secretary general of the Synod of Bishops, in his preface to the Instrumentum, explains the synod's theme, and the structure and scope of the document. Following are excerpts from that preface:

"The 'Instrumentum laboris,' presented in English, French, German and Italian, is structured according to the logical progression of ideas in the synod topic: 'Jesus Christ, Alive in His Church, the Source of Hope for Europe,' ... (and) is composed of an introduction and three major parts whose headings reflect the main aspects of the topic."

"The introduction begins by describing the present context in which the synod is being held and compares it to that in which the previous Synod took place.

"Part I - 'Europe towards the Third Millennium' - presents abundant material for the necessary discernment of 'the signs of the times.' It sets forth not only the changes which have occurred in Europe in the last decade, with their causes and reasons for hope, but also the disappointments, the risks and concerns which accompany these changes. It likewise examines some questions emerging as a result of present-day happenings in Europe."

"Part II - 'Jesus Christ, Alive in His Church' - describes the essential underlying elements of an authentic, life-giving faith. A key element to the document, this section insists that restoring and regaining hope is possible only if it arises from faith in the Risen Christ; ... only if a person believes and professes that Jesus is the one and only Savior; and only if ... a person is clearly aware that Jesus Christ and the Church are one.

"Part III - 'Jesus Christ, the Hope of Europe' - describes how encountering Jesus Christ is the basis of the Church's mission and the mission of each disciple. Some preliminary suggestions are then made on how the Church can restore hope to Europe today. ... Three sections follow on the mission of the Church - 'martyria. leitourgia, diakonia.' To stimulate discussion and possible debate, each section presents ways in which the Church can announce, celebrate and serve 'The Gospel of Hope' in Europe today. 'Proclamation and witness' treat the subjects of the new evangelization, ecumenism and dialogue with the Jews and other religions as well as the topic of the sects. In speaking of celebration, the suggestion is made to examine people's awareness of the Lord's presence in the liturgy and in today's liturgical practices. Finally, in referring to service, emphasis is placed on the witness of charity, the duty of building communion and solidarity, some pastoral areas requiring particular attention and the responsibilities and activities in constructing a new Europe.

"After commemorating the martyrs of Europe in this century and the importance of keeping their memory alive so as to bring about a new hope in Europe, ... the text concludes by presenting the relationship between the Special Assembly and the Jubilee of the Year 2000.

"The present 'Instrumentum laboris' is meant to assist in the synodal assembly's work ... (and) to point out the main issues under discussion in the local Churches in Europe. ... It will also provide occasion for a beneficial 'examination of conscience.' Above all, the document offers suggestions for discussion and analysis on some essential ways of restoring hope to Europe today."

The "Intrumentum Laboris" is scheduled to appear on the Vatican website (www.vatican.va) today, according to the Holy See Press Office. It can be found under "Roman Curia."



VATICAN CITY, JUL 12, 1999 (VIS) - The Holy Father appointed Msgr. Mario Zenari, Holy See permanent representative at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and at the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and permanent observer at the U.N. Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and at the U.N. Vienna office, as apostolic nuncio in the Ivory Coast and Niger, at the same time elevating him to the dignity of archbishop. The archbishop-elect was born in Villafranca in 1946 and ordained a priest in 1970.

On Saturday, July 10, it was made public that the Holy Father appointed:

- Bishop Bassano Staffieri of Carpi, Italy, as bishop of La Spezia-Sarzana-Brugnato (area 881, population 224,448, Catholics 222,120, priests 180, permanent deacons 19, religious 280), Italy.

- Bishop Joseph Ignace Randriansolo, auxiliary of Antananarivo, Madagascar, as bishop of Mahajanga (area 71,900, population 768,628, Catholics 72,628, priests 44, religious 117), Madagascar.

- Fr. Jean-Paul Randriamanana as auxiliary of Antananarivo (area 12,500, population 2,574,914, Catholics 623,062, priests 230, religious 1,664), Madagascar. The bishop-elect was born in Antananarivo in 1950, ordained a priest in 1979 and since 1998 has been vicar general and pastor of the cathedral of the same archdiocese.

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VATICAN CITY, JUL 12, 1999 (VIS) - The Islamic-Catholic Liaison Committee held its fifth meeting in Paris, France from July 1 to 3, corresponding to 17-19 Rabi'al'Awal, 1420, according to a communique released today by the Pontifical Council for Inter-Religious Dialogue.

Cardinal Francis Arinze, council president, led the Catholic delegation, while the Islamic side was headed by Senator Kamel al-Sharif, secretary general of the International Council for Da'wa and Relief, Cairo.

On the first topic under discussion - building a culture of dialogue on the present generation - both sides agreed that, to do so, "it is important to have clarity on the nature of the dialogue itself. It covers all forms of encounter which promote mutual understanding and respect."

With regard to the second topic - common action to sustain permanent religious values in a changing order - "the committee underlined the need to call attention to the religious values that should guide political leaders in achieving a world order which will assure the good of all human beings."

The note closes with "an appeal to the media to promote religious values and the culture of dialogue."

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