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Thursday, September 6, 2001


VATICAN CITY, SEP 6, 2001 (VIS) - This morning, in the apostolic palace of Castelgandolfo, the Holy Father received the prelates of the Uruguayan Episcopal Conference at the conclusion of their "ad limina" visit.

The Pope recalled that the bishops "took inspiration for their document 'Pastoral Directives 2001-2006', which focused on the 'contemplation of the face of Christ'," from the "great legacy of the Jubilee of the Year 2000. ... As you have emphasized, sanctity is the goal to which all must aspire."

"An important event of your ecclesial life was also the celebration, at Colonia del Sacramento, of the Fourth National Eucharistic Congress." This "special moment of grace," the Pope continued, "must continue, in particular encouraging faithful Catholics to live the mystery of the Eucharist more intensely, through an active participation in Sunday Mass and reception of Holy Communion under the proper conditions."

Referring to theological studies and the world of culture, John Paul II affirmed that "the work of the 'Msgr. Mariano Soler' Uruguayan Theology Department is commendable." With regard to the evangelization of culture the Pope emphasized that "Catholic institutions, from primary schools to universities, have particular importance." In this regard, the Holy Father said that "the Church cannot disregard the means of social communication for reaching the people of today, above all children and youth, with an appropriate language, able to faithfully transmit the Gospel message."

The Pope went on to speak of priests and the importance of promoting their permanent formation after the seminary, confirming the necessity "of increasing the spirit of communion among bishops and priests, in order that they are for the people a faithful example of the unity desired by Christ."

"Among your pastoral priorities, consider your principal duty as helping parents to be good shepherds of the 'domestic church'. ... It is necessary, therefore, to give particular attention to every family, not only to those who fulfill their mission of service to life from conception to natural death, in conjugal and familial love. In this perspective, pastoral discernment is also necessary regarding alternative forms of union which today touch the institution of the family in Uruguay, particularly the tendency to consider simple de facto unions as familial realities, not recognizing the authentic concept of conjugal love!"

The Holy Father concluded his discourse by affirming that "the Church in Uruguay, notwithstanding limited material resources, finds itself in the front line of assistance to people and families who live notably below the minimum level required by human dignity and in the battle against 'the new poverties'. The Church ... is present in the marginalized areas of the cities and countryside, through schools and many forms of assistance to the poorest and most needy."

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VATICAN CITY, SEP 6, 2001 (VIS) - The Holy Father received today in separate audiences:

- Three prelates of the Uruguayan Episcopal Conference, on the occasion of their "ad limina" visit:
- Bishop Julio Cesar Bonino Bonino of Tacuarembo.
- Bishop Carlos Maria Collazzi Irazabal of Mercedes.
- Bishop Rodolfo Wirz Kraemer of Maldonado-Punta del Este.
- Archbishop Santos Abril y Castello, apostolic nuncio in Argentina.

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VATICAN CITY, SEP 6, 2001 (VIS) - This morning at Castelgandolfo John Paul II received the participants of the International Congress of the Confederation of the Canons Regular of St. Augustine, who have reflected on the theme "Participation of the laity in our charism."

"You are," the Pope said, "the continuators of a spirituality able to speak to the mind and heart of the men of today in search of spiritual models which are truly inspiring. While I congratulate your vitality with joy, I exhort you to persevere in the commitment of offering to those you meet in your apostolate a continual announcing of the Gospel, translated into the daily witness of faithfulness to your charism."

The Holy Father reminded the religious that in their Rule "everything is centered upon Christ, everything is directed towards Christ, the sublime interior Teacher. ... From this flows the particular emphasis given by St. Augustine to the value of contemplation and to its close connection with community life. ... This requires an unceasing effort of meditating on the Gospel and putting it into practice, living in community an authentic fraternal charity, sincere and generous, the fruit and at the same time the means of advancing on the interior contemplative journey."

Referring to the theme of the congress, John Paul II affirmed: "You offer a community experience in which the laity assume their specific ecclesial role with responsible participation. ... All this," he concluded, "creates the conditions for an effective service to evangelization."

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