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Monday, July 2, 2001


VATICAN CITY, JUN 29, 2001 (VIS) - At midday today, Solemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul, Apostles, patron saints of Rome, John Paul II appeared at the window of his private study, which overlooks St. Peter's Square, in order to pray the angelus with faithful gathered below.

The Pope gave thanks to the Virgin Mary for the "great gift" of his apostolic trip to Ukraine. "For me," he said, "visiting Ukraine - a historical bridge between East and West - was a goal that I had long awaited and prepared for in prayer. Now, achieving that goal constitutes further confirmation of a providential design: that the Church in Europe may recover and breathe with her two lungs in order for the entire continent to experience renewed evangelization."

At 12:45 p.m., as is traditional on this feast day, the Pope received in audience a delegation from the ecumenical patriarchate of Constantinople. The delegation was led by His Excellency Jeremias, metropolitan of France and exarch of Spain, and included His Excellency Dimitrios, bishop of Xanthos and auxiliary to the Greek-Orthodox archbishop of America, and Deacon Elpidophoros, under-secretary of the Holy Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate.

In his talk to them in French, the Holy Father stressed that "the impossibility of our sharing together in Christ's single sacrifice is, for us, a cause of suffering, as well as a stimulus to seek ways to resolve the divergences that still exist between Orthodox and Catholics."

The Pope indicated that the work of the mixed commission of Catholic and Orthodox "must be completed according to the established program." He affirmed that "promoting the dialogue of charity - which has enabled the creation of the necessary conditions for opening theological dialogue - is again revealed as being the most direct means for us to meet once more in truth and reciprocal affection in Christ."

"The feast of Sts. Peter and Paul," he concluded, "has again offered us the occasion to pray together to the holy Apostles for their intercession on behalf of all Christ's disciples, in order that they 'all be one' and that together they be 'fishers of men' among the young generations of this new millennium.

In St. Peter's Square at 6:30 p.m., the Pope presided at a Eucharistic celebration during which he blessed and imposed the pallium on 36 metropolitan archbishops, including two archbishops whose names were not on the original list made public June 28: Archbishops Rodolfo Quezada Toruno of Guatemala and Denis James Hart of Melbourne, Australia. The new archbishops are from 21 countries on five continents and have all been appointed during the last year. The delegation from the Ecumenical Patriarchate, led by Metropolitan Jeremias, was also present at the event.

Addressing his remarks particularly to the 36 archbishops, the Holy Father said: "Both hopes and joys exist in the various members of the ecclesial body, which you here represent. Wounds, however, are certainly not lacking. I am thinking of poverty, of conflicts, at times even of persecution. I am thinking of the temptation to submit to the secularism, indifference and practical materialism that undermine the vigor of evangelical witness. In us, dear brothers in the episcopate, all this must not diminish - but rather strengthen - our concern to bring the Good News of God's love to each human being. Let us pray that the faith of Peter and Paul support our common witness and render us willing, if necessary, to accept even martyrdom."

"Peter's martyrdom," he added, "marked Rome's vocation as the seat of his successors in the primacy that Christ conferred upon him in the service of the Church: a service to faith, a service to unity, a service to the mission."

The Pope highlighted the fact that "this yearning for total faithfulness to the Lord is urgent. The desire for full unity among all believers is becoming ever more intense. I am aware that 'after centuries of bitter controversies, the other Churches and ecclesial communities are more and more taking a fresh look at this ministry of unity.' This is particularly true of the Orthodox Churches, as I too had the opportunity to note over the last few days in the course of my visit to Ukraine. How I wish to hasten the time of reconciliation and reciprocal communion!"

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VATICAN CITY, JUN 30, 2001 (VIS) - This morning, the 36 archbishops who yesterday received the pallium met John Paul II in the company of their families and friends. In addition to the 34 names made public last Thursday, Archbishops Rodolfo Quezada Toruno of Guatemala and Denis James Hart of Melbourne, Australia, were also present.

After greeting the archbishops in their respective languages, the Pope encouraged them to know how to "translate the meaning of this traditional liturgical symbol (the pallium) into coherent pastoral choices: in other words, faithful and effective communion with the Apostolic See. May you also find help along this path in the Apostolic Letter 'Novo millennio ineunte' which you are examining profoundly with the various members of your communities."

"Our unity," he concluded, "must always by animated and nourished above all by prayer. If together we keep our gaze upon Christ, we will cooperate effectively in guiding God's People along the ways of the Lord."



VATICAN CITY, JUN 29, 2001 (VIS) - "The Virgin Mary appeared in Kibeho, Rwanda, on November 29, 1981 and in the following months. There are more good reasons to believe it than to deny it." This is part of a declaration made today - and released by the Holy See Press Office - by Bishop Augustin Misago of Gikongoro, Rwanda, in which he makes a definitive statement about this case once the work of a study commission was terminated.

The Declaration of Definitive Judgement On The Apparitions of Kibeho states, in part: "Only the three visionaries from the beginning can be held as authentic: Alphonsine Mumureke, Nathalie Mukamazimpaka and Marie Claire Mukangango. The Virgin appeared to them under the name 'Nyina wa Jambo', that is, 'Mother of the Word'."

The first part of the Declaration is a brief overview of the facts. The second part is the heart of the document and concerns initiatives taken by Bishop Misago regarding the apparitions.

The three visionaries, who at the time of the apparitions, were, respectively 17, 20 and 21 years old, "responded satisfactorily to the criteria established by the Church on the matter of apparitions and private revelations." The Virgin's message is a continuous invitation to prayer, repentance and conversion, and foretells catastrophes and disasters if her counsel is not followed.

"The main time of these apparitions ends in 1983. Everything else that has been said or done after this date in Kibeho in truth added nothing new in relation to what was known earlier." It was between 1982 and 1983 when "significant events occurred what made so many people speak of Kibeho and rush to visit it. It was also in this period that the basic elements of the message of Kibeho were communicated."

The document does not speak of "the presumed apparitions of Jesus in Kibeho starting in July 1982," about which there are persistent perplexities.

"The recognition of these apparitions of the Virgin Mary," continues the text, "should not be confused with an article of faith: for this reason each Christian is free to adhere to it or not."

The third part of the document offers a series of "pastoral directives which indicate to the faithful how to conduct themselves with regard to this matter."The public cult relative to these apparitions is recognized and was already authorized in 1988 by the then bishop. On November 28, 1992 the cornerstone of the Marian shrine - to be called Our Lady of Sorrows - was laid.

The Declaration "permits the clarification of a situation which has been for a longtime ambiguous for many faithful, as well as for public opinion not only in Kibeho, but throughout the country."



VATICAN CITY, JUN 30, 2001 (VIS) - "Without forgiveness there is no peace" is the theme chosen this year by John Paul II for his Message for the 35th World Day of Peace, which will be celebrated on January 1, 2002.

This theme, says a communique made public today, "continues in the same line as the theme of the message for the 1975 World Day of Peace ("Reconciliation, the way of peace") and that of 1997 ("Offer pardon. Receive peace"), and will highlight how the practice of forgiveness and reconciliation creates the conditions necessary for peace to develop."

"In calling for forgiveness," the communique goes on, "the Holy Father will discuss some of the conditions that must be recognized and accomplished in order for peace to be possible. Among these are: sincere and constant dialogue for peace; acceptance of moral responsibility and recognition of human liberty; historical discernment and, above all, respect for human dignity. The Church, following the path of the 'purification of memory' which was embarked upon with courage and humility as a sign of hope for the future, places all her faith in God's merciful love and encourages the world to trust in the power of truth and love."

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VATICAN CITY, JUN 30, 2001 (VIS) - Made public today was a note from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith regarding the value of doctrinal decrees on the ideas and works of Fr. Antonio Rosmini Serbati. The note bears the signatures of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger and Archbishop Tarcisio Bertone, S.D.B., respectively prefect and secretary of the congregation.

"At various times in the course of the nineteenth century," reads the text, "the Church's Magisterium concerned itself with the results of the intellectual labors of Fr. Antonio Rosmini Serbati (1797-1855), placing two of his works on the Index in 1849 ... and later, in 1887, condemning 40 propositions, taken above all from posthumous works."

Following a detailed examination of the decrees, and bearing in mind the results of historiographical, scientific and theoretical research in recent decades, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has reached the following conclusions:

"The reasons for prudence and concern, and the doctrinal difficulties that dictated the promulgation of the decree of condemnation of the 'forty propositions,' may now be considered as having been overcome. ... This is because the meaning of the propositions, as understood and condemned by the decree, does not in fact indicate Rosmini's true position; rather, it reflects possible conclusions that arise from reading his works. Nevertheless, the question of the plausibility or otherwise of Rosmini's system, of the coherence of his ideas and of the theories or philosophical and theological hypotheses expressed therein are still a matter of theoretical debate."

"John Paul II's own Apostolic Letter 'Fides et ratio', while numbering Rosmini among modern thinkers who have created a fruitful relationship between philosophical knowledge and the Word of God, adds at the same time: 'I intend not to endorse every aspect of their thought, but simply to offer significant examples of a process of philosophical enquiry which was enriched by engaging the data of faith.'

"Moreover, it must be affirmed that Antonio Rosmini's speculative and intellectual labors, characterized by great audacity and courage - though not devoid of a certain reckless daring, especially in some formulations, in their attempt to offer new opportunities to Catholic doctrine in the face of the challenges of modern thought - developed within an atmosphere of asceticism and spirituality recognized by even his most fierce adversaries, and found expression in works that accompanied the foundation of the Institute of Charity and the Sisters of Divine Providence."

The document concludes by recalling that "the Supreme Pontiff, John Paul II, in the course of his audience with the cardinal prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, held on June 8, 2001, approved this note on the value of doctrinal decrees concerning the ideas and works of Fr. Antonio Rosmini Serbati, decided during the ordinary session, and ordered its publication.



VATICAN CITY, JUN 30, 2001 (VIS) - John Paul II sent a telegram to Bishop Luciano Monari of Piacenza-Bobbio, Italy, for the death yesterday at the age of 90 of Cardinal Silvio Oddi, prefect emeritus of the Congregation for the Clergy. The Holy Father sent another telegram to His Beatitude Gregoire III Laham, patriarch of the Greek-Melkites, Damascus, Syria, for the death yesterday at the age of 93 of His Beatitude Maximos V Hakim, patriarch emeritus of the same patriarchate.

In the telegram to Bishop Monari, the Pope recalls "with a grateful spirit, the invaluable collaboration that (Cardinal Oddi) gave to the Holy See during so many decades in the service of five Popes; as apostolic nuncio in various countries and then as prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy."

In the second telegram, the Holy Father affirms that Patriarch Maximos V Hakim always strove to "promote unity among all the faithful, in the Middle East and in the diaspora, in the service of communion within the Church and in order to announce the Gospel to the world."

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VATICAN CITY, JUL 2, 2001 (VIS) - The Holy Father's general prayer intention for July is: "That the Gospel may be read and lived in Christian families by parents and children, so that they may bear witness to the hope of Christ."

His missionary intention is: "That catechists and lay missionaries may not lack the necessary solid pastoral training."

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VATICAN CITY, JUL 1, 2001 (VIS) - Published today was a Message from the Holy Father to the participants in a study session organized by the Pontifical Academy for Life on the licitness of the transplant of animal organs to humans.

"The aim of your work," says the Message, "is first of all of human interest because it is suggested by the need to solve the problem of the serious lack of valid human organs for transplants: it is well known that such an insufficiency causes the death of a high percentage of patients on waiting lists who could have been saved with a transplant, thus prolonging a valid and always precious life. Certainly, giving animal organs and tissues to man through transplants involves serious new problems of a scientific and ethical nature."

The Pope highlights the importance of "taking to heart at the same time the good and dignity of the human person, the health risks which are not always foreseeable or quantifiable and an attentive regard for animals which is always a duty even when one operates on them for the superior good of man, a spiritual being created in the image and likeness of God."

"One can see ever more," the Holy Father notes, "that the alliance between science and ethics enriches both branches of knowledge. ... The caveats and the clear conditions of the practicability of transplants from animals to humans, which you have underlined, are the fruit of this dialogue and this convergence."

In conclusion, the Pope writes: "The Church, therefore, will always offer its own support and assistance to those who seek the authentic good of man with the strength of reason, illuminated by faith."



VATICAN CITY, JUL 1, 2001 (VIS) - Before praying the angelus today with the pilgrims gathered in St. Peter's Square below his study window, the Pope recalled that "today starts the month of July which popular tradition dedicates to the contemplation of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus, an unfathomable mystery of love and mercy."
"The blood of Christ," the Holy Father added, "is the price that God paid to free mankind from the slavery of sin and death. The blood of Christ is the irrefutable proof of the love of the heavenly Father for every man, none excluded."

John Paul II then turned to the situation in Sri Lanka. "May meditating on the Lord's sacrifice - a pledge of hope and peace for the world - be an encouragement and stimulus to build peace even where it seems almost unreachable. Today my thoughts turn in a special way to Sri Lanka where, on the occasion of the feast of Our Lady of Madhu, the Catholic community is gathering in prayer at that famous shrine to beseech the longed-for gift of peace. The parties involved in the tragic ethnic conflict, which for almost 20 years has been sowing violence and terrible atrocities in that dear nation, are finding it hard to attain the path of dialogue and reconciliation. A negotiated solution is the only one for facing the serious questions which are at the basis of the present conflict."

In remarks made following the angelus prayer, the Pope expressed "cordial greetings to the staff of L'Osservatore Romano who, together with their director, are present today in this square to commemorate the newspaper's 140 years of life. I thank them for their daily work in serving the truth in faithful adherence to the magisterium of the Successor of Peter. I hope that each one of you will persevere in the courageous defense of the basic human and Christian values on which all civil coexistence is based, offering every one the image of a Church ever more open to the world's longings."

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VATICAN CITY, JUL 2, 2001 (VIS) - The Holy Father:

- Accepted the resignation of Msgr. Ugo Moretto from the position of director general and secretary of the administrative council of the Vatican Television Center, at the same time appointing Fr. Federico Lombardi, S.J., program director of Vatican Radio, as director general "ad interim" and secretary of the administrative council of the same Center.

- Accepted the resignation of Archbishop Karl Braun from the pastoral care of the archdiocese of Bamberg, Federal Republic of Germany, in conformity with canon 401, para. 2, of the Code of Canon Law.

On Saturday, June 30, it was made public that the Holy Father:

- Erected the diocese of Maralal, Kenya, with territory taken from the diocese of Marsabit, making it a suffragan of the Metropolitan Church of Nyeri, Kenya. He appointed Fr. Virgilio Pante, I.M.C., current vice-provincial of the Consolata Missionaries in Kenya and Uganda, as first bishop of Maralal (area 20,809, population 143,547, Catholics 29,000, priests 31, religious 56). The bishop-elect was born in 1946, in Lamon, Italy, and ordained to the priesthood in 1970.

- Appointed Fr. Benjamin Ndiaye, vicar general of the archdiocese of Dakar, Senegal, as bishop of Kaolack (area 21,299, population 1,563,640, Catholics 11,906, priests 25, religious 81), Senegal. The bishop-elect was born in 1948, in Fadiouth, Senegal, and ordained to the priesthood in 1977.

On Friday, June 29, it was made public that the Holy Father:

- Appointed Msgr. Walter James Edyvean, of the clergy of the archdiocese of Boston (area 6,382, population 3,754,200, Catholics 2,017,452, priests 1,508, permanent deacons 215, religious 3,678), U.S.A., bureau chief of the Congregation for Catholic Education, and Msgr. Richard Gerard Lennon, of the clergy of the same archdiocese and rector of the St. John Seminary School of Theology in Brighton, U.S.A., as auxiliary bishops of Boston. Bishop-elect Edyvean was born in 1938 in Medford, U.S.A., and ordained to the priesthood in 1964. Bishop-elect Lennon was born in 1947 in Arlington, U.S.A., and ordained to the priesthood in 1973.

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VATICAN CITY, JUL 2, 2001 (VIS) - The Holy Father received in separate audiences nine prelates of the Conference of Catholic Bishops of Cuba, on the occasion of their "ad limina" visit:
- Cardinal Jaime Lucas Ortega y Alamino, archbishop of San Cristobal de la Habana, with Auxiliary Bishops Alfredo Petit Vergel and Salvador Emilio Riveron Cortina.
- Archbishop Adolfo Rodriguez Herrera of Camaguey, with Auxiliary Bishop Juan Garcia Rodriguez.
- Archbishop Pedro Claro Meurice Estiu of Santiago de Cuba.
- Bishop Hector Luis Lucas Pena Gomez of Holguin.
- Bishop Jose Siro Gonzalez Bacallao of Pinar del Rio.
- Bishop Mariano Vivanco Valiente of Matanzas.

On Sunday, July 1, he received in audience representatives of the Institute of Polish National Patrimony, scientists, and devotees of Polish poet Cyprian Norwid, on the occasion of the 180th anniversary of his birth.

On Saturday, June 30, he received in audience Cardinal Giovanni Battista Re, prefect of the Congregation for Bishops.

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