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Wednesday, February 16, 2000


VATICAN CITY, FEB 16, 2000 (VIS) - Holy See Press Office Director Joaquin Navarro-Valls stated last evening that the Basic Agreement signed earlier in the day between the Holy See and the Palestinian Liberation Organization "does not concern the peace process as such, but rather regulates the presence and activity of the Catholic Church in the territories run by the Palestinian Authority.

"This agreement only repeats what has been established by the pertinent institutions of the United Nations and the recent agreements between the Israeli and Palestinian authorities.

"As far as the city of Jerusalem is concerned, the agreement does not enter into questions of territoriality or sovereignty which regard the two interested parties, Israeli and Palestinian.

"The text signed this morning in the Vatican refers to the universal religious and cultural dimension of the most sacred parts of the city, recognized by the international community itself."



VATICAN CITY, FEB 16, 2000 (VIS) - At the conclusion of today's general audience, Pope John Paul urged Congolese authorities to allow Bishop Kataliko to return to his diocese. The bishop has been barred from returning since last week.

"Worrisome news continues to arrive from the Democratic Republic of the Congo," said the Pope. "In recent days, Bishop Emmanuel Kataliko, archbishop of Bukavu, has been blocked by local authorities from returning to his diocese. This is a serious violation which sadly wounds all Catholics!

"While I feel solidarity with the clergy and faithful of Bukavu, I express the hope that this deserving prelate might be allowed to return without delay to the flock which has been entrusted to him.
"At the same time, I am making a heartfelt appeal for the quickest possible application of the Lusaka peace accords, asking the Lord for unity and reconciliation for that beloved nation."

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VATICAN CITY, FEB 16, 2000 (VIS) - During today's general audience, the Pope announced that next Wednesday he will make a pilgrimage, "at least in spirit," to Ur of the Chaldeans, thus starting his journey to those places linked to the history of salvation.

The Holy Father told the pilgrims gathered in St. Peter's Square that, as it has not proved possible to "pray and meditate at Ur of the Chaldeans," Abraham's place of origin, "next Wednesday, in a special celebration in the Paul VI Hall, we will relive together some of the key events of Abraham's experience."

"Following this first stage," he continued, "it will be possible to continue, with our spirits full of gratitude, towards the other stages of the progress of the history of salvation; starting with Mount Sinai where Moses experienced the revelation of the most holy name of God and came to know His mystery. I invite you, starting now, to accompany my pilgrimage with your prayers."

John Paul II recalled that "the pilgrimage is one of the most important and profound spiritual aspects of the Jubilee." Consequently, he added, "I would have liked first to visit Ur of the Chaldeans, today called Tal al Muqayyar in southern Iraq, Abraham's place of origin." The patriarch, obeying God's command, left his country and journeyed to the land that God would show him. "With him, God's salvation began to move along the paths of human history."

Abraham, said the Pope, "fully adhered to God's plan for himself and his descendants and became the father of a multitude of believers. Consequently, walking 'in Abraham's footsteps' we learn to give concrete value to the requirements of true faith, and we experience the dynamism of the divine initiative which has its culmination in Christ."

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VATICAN CITY, FEB 16, 2000 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received Archbishop Zenon Grocholewski, prefect of the Congregation for Catholic Education, accompanied by Archbishop Giuseppe Pittau, S.J., and Msgr. Giuseppe Baldanza, respectively secretary and under-secretary of the same congregation.

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