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Tuesday, July 17, 2007


VATICAN CITY, JUL 17, 2007 (VIS) - Bishop Pedro Sbalchiero Neto M.S. of Vacaria, Brazil, died on July 3 at the age of 53.
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VATICAN CITY, JUL 17, 2007 (VIS) - Holy See Press Office Director Fr. Federico Lombardi S.J. has affirmed that the Pope is dedicating part of the holiday he is spending in the Italian alpine resort of Lorenzago de Cardore to writing the second part of his book "Jesus of Nazareth," and to reflecting upon his next encyclical "which will have a social theme."

  During a brief interview given at Lorenzago de Cardore on Sunday July 15, Fr. Lombardi said that the Holy Father "is working mainly upon the continuation of his book on Jesus of Nazareth, while as far as his second encyclical is concerned, it is still at the initial stages of ideas and reflection."

  The Holy See Press Office Director recalled that on September 1 and 2, the Pope is due to go to Loreto, Italy to participate in a meeting of Italian youth, and that on the 7 and 8 of that month he will make an apostolic trip to Austria to visit the Shrine of Mariazell.

  In the year 2008, said Fr. Lombardi, apart from visiting Sydney, Australia, in July for World Youth Day, it is highly probable that Benedict XVI will make a trip to the United Nations headquarters in New York, and a pilgrimage to Lourdes for the 150th anniversary of the apparition of the Virgin there. In this context, the Holy See Press Office Director recalled that John Paul II went to Lourdes in August 2004 on his last international trip.
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