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Monday, December 4, 2000


VATICAN CITY, DEC 2, 2000 (VIS) - Bishops who are friends of the Focolare Movement and who are holding their annual meeting in Rome, were welcomed today by the Holy Father in what has become a traditional appointment. They have been reflecting on the theme "The cry of the abandoned Christ: light on the path to full communion among Churches."

The Pope thanked the bishops and their communities "for the tenacious work you undertake in favor of unity among all believers in Christ. ... I am happy that you have been able to reflect and pray together for this great objective, for which the Catholic Church has repeatedly affirmed her irrevocable commitment. The ecumenical path, in fact, is the path of the Church."

"You have meditated," he said, referring to their theme, " on the anguish experienced by Christ in Gethsemane when He felt alone and abandoned in fully carrying out the mission that the Father had entrusted to Him. ... The ecumenical path thus finds its decisive model in the extreme offering of the Son of God Who, for love of His brothers, bore every division, conquering in Himself the sin of the disunity of His followers."

John Paul II observed that "we, witnesses of His redeeming sacrifice, are called to become ever more profoundly His instruments and ministers of unity and sanctification. Above all with prayer, because reconciliation and the recomposition of the unity of the divisions in the Church are a gift from on high."

In closing, the Pope affirmed that "unity is also a patient and far-sighted victory of faith and charity. We must allow the Lord, who is the doctor of souls, to heal us inside from every egoism."

AC;UNITY;...;FOCOLARE;VIS;20001204;Word: 290;


VATICAN CITY, DEC 2, 2000 (VIS) - Released today was a tentative calendar of events for the December 15 to 17 Jubilee of the World of Entertainment.

On Friday December 15 at 9 a.m. a welcome gathering is scheduled to take place at the basilica of St. Mary Major, followed by greetings from Archbishop John Foley and Bishop Pierfranco Pastore, respectively president and secretary of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications, and a marian celebration. In the afternoon, at the basilica of Holy Cross in Jerusalem, participants will renew their baptismal vows and take part in a penitential celebration. Archbishop Stephen Fumio Hamao is scheduled to preside. He will be joined by Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa, O.F.M.Cap. preacher of the papal household. There will be a procession from Holy Cross in Jerusalem to St. John Lateran where a Eucharistic celebration will take place.

On Saturday, December 16, starting at 9 a.m., street artists will parade from Rome's central Piazza del Popolo to the Church of St. Ignatius where there will be an ecumenical celebration presided over by Cardinal Edward Cassidy. In the afternoon Cardinal Poupard will lead celebrations at the Titanus Studios where those in the world of entertainment will be given the opportunity to express, through their art, the reasons which persuaded them to accept the Holy Father's invitation to participate in the Jubilee.

At 8 a.m. on Sunday, December 17, artists will process from Castel Sant'Angelo to St. Peter's Square. At 9:30, Pope John Paul will preside at a Eucharistic celebration inside St. Peter's Basilica (not at St. Paul's as previously announced), after which he will recite the angelus in the square.



VATICAN CITY, DEC 2, 2000 (VIS) - This morning in St. Peter's Square, the Holy Father received 20,000 pilgrims from various groups who have come to Rome to celebrate the Jubilee and to meet the Pope.

Speaking of new evangelization, John Paul II said that "everyone - from priests to catechists, from parents to children, from the consecrated to the married - has the responsibility of reiterating to the world the ever pertinent announcement of Christ, Who died and rose again for our sake. This announcement must ring out with profound ardor, through an evangelization that is open to all, that is new in its methods and proposals."

The Pope thanked members of the Circle of St. Peter and the Association of Sts. Peter and Paul, "for their constant and silent service to my person and my universal petrine ministry."

Going on to address members of the "Centesimus Annus-Pro Pontifice" Foundation, who were accompanied by members of their families, the Pope thanked them for their contribution "to a deepening of ecclesial Magisterium in the service of justice and peace." He added: "You prepared yourselves for this Jubilee meeting with an important international congress on 'Ethics and Finance,' whose final document you have presented to me today."

The Holy Father also greeted members of the National Association of Professional Divers. "As testimony of the celebration of your Jubilee," he said, "you have asked me to bless a statue representing Christ of the Deep. You will submerge this image of the Redeemer in the waters of the island of Giglio, Italy, in memory of the fallen members of your daring profession."

AC;JUBILEE PILGRIMAGES;...;...;VIS;20001204;Word: 280;


VATICAN CITY, DEC 3, 2000 (VIS) - As their Jubilee came to a close, celebrations for the disabled were held this afternoon in the Paul VI Hall. Pope John Paul arrived in the middle of the four-hour program, listening to witnesses given by some of the handicapped and their care-givers as well as addressing those present in the hall.

"The festivities this afternoon," he said, "show that the integration of disabled persons has made progress, even though much remains to be done. There are, in fact, several urgent matters upon which we should reflect a while. Above all is the right that every handicapped man and woman has, in every country of the world, to a dignified life. It is not just a matter of satisfying specific needs, but more a question of gaining recognition for one's own desires to be welcomed and to autonomy. Integration must become part of our mentality and culture and at the same time legislators and government leaders must not fail to give this cause their coherent support."

The Holy Father added that "scientific research, for its part, is called to guarantee every possible form of prevention, safeguarding life and health. When a disability cannot be eliminated, it is always possible to release the potential that disability does not erase."

He underscored that the disabled must be guaranteed their rights "to study, work, to have a home and to the breaking down of barriers, and not just architectural ones!" And he urged those families, communities and associations who have the disabled in their midst or tend to them to continue to care for them "with respect and love."

John Paul II concluded: "'Blessed are the poor, the afflicted, those who are persecuted for justice's sake' for their reward in Heaven will be great! And herein lies the paradox of Christian hope: what seems to be a human ruin, in the divine plan is always a project of salvation."

AC;DISABLED;...;...;VIS;20001204;Word: 320;


VATICAN CITY, DEC 3, 2000 (VIS) - Today, the first Sunday of Advent, in the basilica of St. Paul's Outside-the-Walls, the Pope presided at a Eucharistic celebration marking the occasion of the Jubilee of the Disabled.
The Pope told the disabled and their families that, with the start of Advent, "the Christian community prepares itself for the second coming of the Lord, focussing on those people that Jesus Himself favored, those whom society marginalizes and does not take into consideration."

"We know that the disabled man or woman - who is a unique and unrepeatable person of equal and inviolable dignity - requires not only care, but above all a love that becomes recognition, respect and integration. ... We wish to feel that we participate in your struggles and in the inevitable moments of discomfort, in order to illuminate them with the light of faith and with the hope of solidarity and of love."

The Pope said that their presence reaffirmed "that disability is not only need, it is also and above all a stimulus and an incentive. ... Your reality questions those concepts of life that are linked only to satisfaction, appearances, speed and efficiency."

"On this solemn occasion, I would like to ask those who hold political responsibility at all levels, to work towards assuring the living conditions and opportunities necessary for your dignity, dear disabled brothers and sisters, to be effectively recognized and safeguarded. In a society so rich in scientific and technical knowledge, it is possible and and a duty to do more in the various ways that civil coexistence demands: from biomedical research to prevent disability, to care, to assistance, to rehabilitation, to new social integration. Nonetheless, though your civil, social and spiritual rights must be defended, it is even more important to protect human relationships, relationships of support, friendship and sharing."

Prior to praying the angelus, the Holy Father gave the assurance that, of all the Jubilee celebrations, today's was "one of the most meaningful and, to me, most dear," and he encouraged "the multiple associations that mature and spread a mentality open to social integration. ... Indeed, the aim of today's event is to reaffirm that a united society is possible if, in others, we learn to recognize and encounter, always and above all, the person."

Finally, John Paul II greeted the disabled, their families and care-givers in six languages.

AC;JUBILEE DISABLED;...;...;VIS;20001204;Word: 410;


VATICAN CITY, DEC 3, 2000 (VIS) - The Council of the General Secretariat for the Second Special Assembly for Europe of the Synod of Bishops met in the Vatican from November 21 to 23 under the presidency of Cardinal Jan P. Schotte, C.I.C.M., secretary general of the Synod of Bishops, according to a communique released today.

Participants included 3 cardinals, 6 archbishops and 1 bishop representing the Czech Republic, Italy, Austria, Greece, Lithuania, Poland, Croatia, France, Great Britain and Ukraine. Four members of the synod's staff also took part in the meeting.

There was an exchange of information on the repercussions in the various local churches from the synod which was held last year on the theme "Jesus Christ, Living in His Church, Source of Hope for Europe." The communique states that "discussions, in both plenary session and two language groups, focussed on the rough draft of a study text for the post-synodal document and suggestions were offered as to how to better the language, contents, organization and unified editing, according to a coherent biblical and pastoral inspiration."

SE;COUNCIL; EUROPE;...;SCHOTTE;VIS;20001204;Word: 190;


VATICAN CITY, DEC 4, 2000 (VIS) - This morning in the Paul VI Hall, the Holy Father received in audience four different groups of pilgrims. He expressed the hope that the Great Jubilee "may induce everyone to more ardent spiritual enthusiasm and to courageous evangelical witness."

The Pope asked the participants in the International Forum of Catholic Action, who are meeting in Rome, to continue to deepen "their search for God. Keep your spirits open to the great hopes and apostolic challenges of our time."

"If at times the progress of the communities in which you work should seem slow and arduous, do not be discouraged but redouble your love and your efforts so that, by the sanctity of your lives and your apostolic drive, you may render the Church's image ever more splendid."

He then greeted the participants in the seminar on debt reduction, organized by the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, which is underway in the Vatican. He referred to his Message addressed to them and added: "We cannot permit fatigue or inertia to weaken our commitment, when the lives of the poorest in our world are at stake."

John Paul II went on to address Cardinal Thomas Winning and the bishops, priests and seminarians of the Pontifical Scots College in Rome, which is celebrating the fourth centenary of its foundation. "During your years in Rome, in this city made holy by the blood of the martyrs and the lives of many other saintly men and women, I encourage you to follow their example by developing a deep intimacy with the Lord and becoming men of intense prayer. In your studies, seek always the truth and wisdom that will enable you to answer the fundamental questions affecting people's lives."

Finally, the Pope addressed the Sisters Servants of the Incarnation who this year are celebrating the 50th anniversary of the foundation of their institute: "Mindful of the modern relevancy of your charism, you have taken the message of the Incarnation, not only to various parts of Italy where you have long been involved in catechesis, in the formation of children and in assisting the sick and the elderly, but also to other countries, opening yourselves to a promising missionary horizon. May the Lord render fruitful your apostolic commitment."

AC;PILGRIM GROUPS;...;...;VIS;20001204;Word: 380;


VATICAN CITY, DEC 4, 2000 (VIS) - Made public today was a Message from Pope John Paul to Archbishop Francois Xavier Nguyen Van Thuan, president of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, and to the participants in the seminar organized by the council on the theme "From Debt Relief to Poverty Reduction." The seminar began yesterday and ends December 6.

The Pope expressed his gratitude to the council, which "has been in the forefront in addressing the question of the effects of the heavy burden of debt on the lives of the peoples of the poorest countries," and "to all those who were sensitive to my appeals" for the reduction of debt of the poorest countries or its outright cancellation.

Stating that "we are only stewards of the riches of creation," the Holy Father wrote: "Our increasingly globalized world requires a corresponding increase of solidarity. Debt relief is part of a broader effort to achieve changed relationships between peoples and to establish a true sense of solidarity and sharing among all the Children of God, among all people. Despite great scientific progress, the scandal of severe poverty remains extremely widespread in our world."

He asked the council "to continue to work closely with all those in the scientific and development communities, as well as with international organizations, who are striving to ensure that the spirit of cooperation, which has been generated by the Jubilee experience, will continue to develop in the future. ... Debt relief initiatives launched by the wealthier nations and the international institutions should come rapidly to full fruition."

MESS;DEBT REDUCTION;...;CON-IP;VIS;20001204;Word: 260;


VATICAN CITY, DEC 4, 2000 (VIS) - This morning in Madrid, Spain, Msgr. Pietro Monni, Holy See permanent observer to the World Tourism Organization, addressed the 20th meeting of the WTO's planning committee.

"At the dawn of the third millennium," he said, "tourism is firmly established as one of the principal economic resources at the disposal of governments, and as one of the most effective methods for favoring mutual knowledge between peoples. This process involves economic interests as well as the differing traditions and important cultures that have marked the history of peoples in a world that we now define as globalized."

Consequently, continued Msgr. Monni, international organizations must promote "effective tourism development policies." In this matter, he concluded, "it is not enough to recall that the logic of profit must never prevail, but elements must be developed that favor a lasting and sustainable tourism, one that is respectful of man and of the environment."

DELSS;TOURISM;...;MONNI;VIS;20001204;Word: 170;


VATICAN CITY, DEC 4, 2000 (VIS) - The Holy Father received today in audience Cardinal Edward Idris Cassidy and Bishop Walter Kasper, emeritus of Rottenburg-Stuttgart, respectively president and secretary of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity.

On Saturday, December 2, he received in separate audiences:

- Archbishop Jozef Michalik of Przemysl of the Latins, Poland.
- Bishop Jerzy Mazur S.V.D., apostolic administrator of Eastern Siberia of the Latins.
- Archbishop Giovanni Battista Re, prefect of the Congregation for Bishops.

AP;...;...;...;VIS;20001204;Word: 90;


VATICAN CITY, DEC 4, 2000 (VIS) - The Holy Father received today in audience Cardinal Edward Idris Cassidy and Bishop Walter Kasper, emeritus of Rottenburg-Stuttgart, respectively president and secretary of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity.

On Saturday, December 2, he received in separate audiences:

- Archbishop Jozef Michalik of Przemysl of the Latins, Poland.
- Bishop Jerzy Mazur S.V.D., apostolic administrator of Eastern Siberia of the Latins.
- Archbishop Giovanni Battista Re, prefect of the Congregation for Bishops.

AP;...;...;...;VIS;20001204;Word: 90;


VATICAN CITY, DEC 4, 2000 (VIS) - The Holy Father appointed Bishop Brendan Michael O'Brien of Pembroke, Canada, as metropolitan archbishop of Saint John's, Newfoundland (area 16,641, population 208,056, Catholics 115,857, priests 56, religious 283), Canada. The archbishop-elect was born in Ottawa, Canada, in 1943, ordained a priest in 1968 and consecrated a bishop in 1987. He succeeds Archbishop James Hector MacDonald C.S.C., whose resignation from the pastoral care of the same archdiocese the Holy Father accepted, upon having reached the age limit.

On Saturday, December 2, it was made public that he:

- Accepted the resignation from the pastoral care of the archdiocese of Bombay, India, presented by Auxiliary Bishop Ferdinand Joseph Fonseca upon having reached the age limit.

- Erected the ecclesiastical province of Catania, Italy, elevating the archdiocese of Catania to the status of metropolitan church and assigning it as suffragans the dioceses of Acireale, up until now 'immediate subjecta Sanctae Sedi,' and of Caltagirone. He appointed Archbishop Luigi Bommarito of Catania as metropolitan archbishop of the new ecclesiastical province.

- Erected the ecclesiastical province of Agrigento, Italy, elevating the diocese of Agrigento to the status of archdiocese and metropolitan church and assigning it as suffragans the dioceses of Caltanissetta and Piazza Armerina. He appointed Bishop Carmelo Ferraro of Agrigento as metropolitan archbishop of the new ecclesiastical province.

- Assigned the archdiocese of Monreale, Italy, up until now a metropolitan church, as a suffragan of the ecclesiastical province of Palermo.

- Appointed Fr. John S. Pazak C.Ss.R., pastor of the parish of St. Joseph in Winnipeg, Canada, as bishop of Saints Cyril and Methodius of Toronto of the Slovaks of Byzantine Rite (Catholics 20,000, priests 8, religious 3), Canada. The bishop-elect was born in Gary, U.S.A., in 1946 and ordained a priest in 1972.

- Appointed Fr. Teodoro Enrique Pino Miranda, pastor of the cathedral in the archdiocese of Hermosillo, Mexico, as bishop of Huajuapan de Leon (area 26,000, population 613,000, Catholics 608,000, priests 100, religious 150), Mexico. The bishop-elect was born in Cucurpe, Mexico in 1946 and ordained a priest in 1972.

NER; RE; ECE;...VIS 20001204 (330);...;
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