VATICAN CITY, JAN 10, 2002 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received in audience Cardinal Camillo Ruini, his vicar general for the diocese of Rome and president of the Italian Episcopal Conference.
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Thursday, January 10, 2002
VATICAN CITY, JAN 10, 2002 (VIS) - This morning in the Vatican's Sala Regia, John Paul II received members of the diplomatic corps accredited to the Holy See for the traditional exchange of New Year greetings. At present, 172 States have full diplomatic relations with the Holy See; in addition to these are the European Union, the Sovereign Military Order of Malta and two special missions: the Mission of the Russian Federation and the Office of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO).
Following a speech by the dean of the diplomatic corps, Giovanni Galassi, ambassador of the Republic of San Marino, the Pope delivered an address dedicated to the lights and shadows of the past year.
Some extracts of the his address are given below:
"The horizon indeed appears dark, and many of those who have lived through the great movement towards freedom and the changes of the 90s are surprised to find themselves gripped today by fear of a future which has once again become uncertain.
"But for those who have put their faith and hope in Jesus, ... the angelic message has rung out again in the stillness of Christmas night. ... The light of Christmas gives meaning to all human efforts to make our earth more fraternal and friendly, to make it a good place to live, and to ensure that indifference, injustice and hatred will never have the last word."
"Among reasons for satisfaction, one must surely mention the progressive unification of Europe, recently symbolized by the adoption of a single currency by twelve countries. ... But it is also important that the expansion of the European Union should continue to be a priority. I am likewise aware that the question has been raised about the expediency of a Constitution for the Union. In this regard, it is essential to make increasingly explicit the goals of the process of building up Europe, and the values on which it must rest. Hence, with some regret, I have noted that no explicit mention was made of communities of religious believers among the partners who are to contribute to the reflection on the 'Convention.' ... The marginalization of religions, which have contributed and continue to contribute to the culture and humanism of which Europe is legitimately proud, strikes me as both an injustice and an error of perspective. To recognize an indisputable historical fact in no way means to disregard the modern demand for the non-confessional character of States, and therefore of Europe as well!
"I am also pleased to mention the good news, so long awaited, of the beginning of a direct dialogue between the leaders of the two communities on the island of Cyprus. A legitimate parliament in Kosovo is another harbinger of a more democratic future in that region. Since last November, delegations of the People's Republic of China and the Republic of China have taken their seats in the World Trade Organization. ... The conversations taking place between the parties in the conflict which has so long torn Sri Lanka apart undoubtedly must be encouraged. These certainly are significant advances on the path of pacification between individuals and peoples.
"But the light which came from the stable in Bethlehem also illuminates ... the ambiguities and setbacks in our undertakings. ... (We) were alas forced to note that the Holy Land, where the Redeemer was born, is still, through man's fault, a land of fire and blood. No one can remain indifferent to the injustice of which the Palestinian people have been victims for more than fifty years. No one can contest the right of the Israeli people to live in security. But neither can anyone forget the innocent victims who, on both sides, fall day after day under the blows of violence. Weapons and bloody attacks will never be the right means for making a political statement to the other side."
"As I have already stated on many occasions, only respect for others and for their legitimate aspirations, the application of international law, the evacuation of the occupied territories and an internationally guaranteed special status for the most holy places in Jerusalem can bring about a beginning of pacification in that part of the world, and break the hellish cycle of hatred and vengeance."
"The legitimate fight against terrorism, of which the abhorrent attacks of last 11 September are the most appalling expression, has once again let the sound of arms be heard. Barbarous aggression and killings raise not only the question of legitimate defence but also issues such as the most effective means of eradicating terrorism, the search for the factors underlying such acts, and the measures to be taken to bring about a process of 'healing' in order to overcome fear and to avoid evil being added to evil, violence to violence. It is appropriate therefore to encourage the new government installed in Kabul in its efforts to achieve the effective pacification of all Afghanistan. Finally, I must mention the tensions which have once more set India and Pakistan at odds, in order earnestly to request the political leaders of these great nations to give absolute priority to dialogue and negotiation.
"We also need to heed the question which comes to us from the depths of this abyss: that of the place and the use made of religion in the lives of people and societies. Here I wish to say once again, before the whole international community, that killing in the name of God is an act of blasphemy and a perversion of religion. This morning I wish to repeat what I wrote in my Message for January 1: 'It is a profanation of religion to declare oneself a terrorist in the name of God, to do violence to others in His name. Terrorist violence is a contradiction of faith in God, the Creator of man, who cares for man and loves him.'
"In the face of these outbreaks of irrational and unjustifiable violence, the great danger is that other situations will go unnoticed and leave whole peoples abandoned to their sad fate.
"I am thinking of Africa, and the health emergencies and armed struggles which are decimating its peoples. Recently, during a debate in the General Assembly of the United Nations Organization it was observed that there were seventeen conflicts taking place on the African continent! In such a situation, the establishment of an 'African Union' is in itself good news. This Organization should help to develop common principles capable of uniting all the member States, with a view to facing major challenges such as the prevention of conflicts, education and the fight against poverty.
"And how can I fail to mention Latin America, which is always dear to me? In some countries of this great continent the persistence of social inequalities, drug trafficking, corruption and armed violence can endanger the foundations of democracy and discredit the political class. Most recently, the difficult situation in Argentina has given rise to public unrest which has painfully affected people's lives."
"With insistence I wish to encourage the people of Latin America, and of Argentina in particular, to hold on to hope amid the present difficulties, and not to lose sight of the fact that, given the great human and natural resources available, the present situation is not irreversible and can be overcome with everyone's help. If this is to happen, private or partisan interests must be set aside, and the interest of the nation must be promoted by every legitimate means, through a return to moral values, open and frank dialogue, and the renunciation of what is superfluous in order to help those who are in any way in need. In this spirit, it should be remembered that political activity is above all a noble, demanding and generous service to the community."
"Let us not be overwhelmed by the distress of the present time. Let us instead open our hearts and minds to the great challenges lying before us:
- The defence of the sacredness of human life in all circumstances, especially in relation to the challenges posed by genetic manipulation.
- The promotion of the family, the basic unit of society.
' The elimination of poverty, through efforts to promote development, the reduction of debt and the opening up of international trade.
- Respect for human rights in all situations, with especial concern for the most vulnerable: children, women and refugees.
- Disarmament, the reduction of arms sales to poor countries, and the consolidation of peace after the end of conflicts.
' The fight against the major diseases, and access by the poor to basic care and medicines.
' The protection of the environment and the prevention of natural disasters.
' The rigorous application of international law and conventions.
"Of course, many other demands could also be mentioned. But if these priorities become the central concerns of political leaders; if people of good will make them part of their daily endeavors; if religious believers include them in their teaching, the world would be a radically different place."
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