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Friday, September 10, 1999


VATICAN CITY, SEP 10, 1999 (VIS) - Made public today was a message from the Holy Father to Bishops Carlos F. Ximenes Belo S.D.B. and Basilio Do Nascimento, respectively apostolic administrators of Dili and Baucau, East Timor, and to the faithful of that country. The text of the message is as follows:

"It is with great sadness that hour by hour I am receiving ever more tragic news from the cherished land of East Timor and I am profoundly saddened that the glimmers of hope born of the recent popular consultation have been transformed into the terror of today, which nothing and no-one can justify.

"In these hours of suffering, I wish to send to both of you, to the clergy, seminarians, religious and faithful of the two dioceses this expression of my spiritual closeness, while remembering in prayer those who have died, the injured, the refugees, the deportees and all who are in distress. I call on everyone to cling to hope in the victory of the Cross, even as they are living once again the sorrowful experience of the passion.

"In most firmly condemning the violence, which has also been furiously unleashed against the personnel and property of the Catholic Church, I implore those responsible for so many acts of wickedness to abandon their murderous and destructive intentions. It is also my heartfelt wish that as soon as possible Indonesia and the International Community will put an end to the slaughter and find effective ways to meet the legitimate aspirations of the Timorese population.

"With such sentiments and fervent wishes, and as a pledge of divine comfort, I impart with all my heart to you and your Christian communities my Apostolic Blessing."



VATICAN CITY, SEP 10, 1999 (VIS) - "It is my fervent desire that sincere and fruitful dialogue be established between all the inhabitants of Burundi, dialogue that results in definitive peace." These were the words of the Pope in the address he gave this morning to the prelates of the Conference of Catholic Bishops of Burundi, at the end of their "ad limina" visit.

The Pope emphasized "the responsibility of Christians to work towards re-establishing peaceful and conciliatory relations between all the nation's inhabitants." He added that it is "imperative to be clearly aware that all human beings have the same dignity, merit identical respect, are equal and subject to the same rights and duties."

He continued: "I cannot but deplore the multiple cases of people sentenced to death. I also think of the large numbers of detainees who are victims of the slowness of the judicial processes. I trust the trials be rapidly concluded and an adequate defense guaranteed."

John Paul II encouraged the bishops to help their communities "to commit themselves with ever greater intensity to the task of reconstructing a new society, one based on justice, fraternal solidarity, and harmony between all its members. It is vital that, starting from primary education, all are taught moral and civic values. ... By educating in justice, you educate to peace."

"It is particularly important that Catholic lay people commit themselves in public life, in order to be 'the salt of the earth', courageously witnessing, in their daily activities, the love and justice of God."

The Pope recalled the "tragic situation" of the country in former years and said: "Once more I would like to commend the victims of violence to divine mercy and show my profound solidarity with all those who suffer the consequences of that violence."

Going on to refer to the relationship between a bishop and his clergy, the Pope added: "In order that this communion, indispensable for the life of the Church, be developed, I encourage you to become ever more united with your priests, sharing with them the joys and sorrows, the worries and hopes of their lives and ministry."

"May they reserve," he continued, talking about priests "a special place for prayer and the celebration of the sacraments, especially that of the Eucharist and the Penance, persevering in the search for an authentic personal encounter with the Lord!"

John Paul II underlined that "in order to prepare candidates to live all the demands of their priestly commitment ... human, intellectual, pastoral and spiritual formation are all very important. They must be helped to conceive of their vocation not as social advancement, rather as generous service." He concluded: "In order to face up to the difficulties of society, I invite you to ensure that the subjects of justice and peace be vigorously covered in seminaries, according to principles of the Church's social doctrine. In this way, future pastors will be ready to help the young generations to understand that justice is much more than the simple affirmation of one ethnic group over another."

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VATICAN CITY, SEP 10, 1999 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received in separate audiences eight prelates from the Puerto Rican Episcopal Conference, on their "ad limina" visit:

- Cardinal Luis Aponte Martinez, archbishop emeritus of San Juan de Puerto Rico.
- Archbishop Roberto Octavio Gonzalez O.F.M., of San Juan de Puerto Rico accompanied by his auxiliary Bishop Hector Manuel Rivera Perez.
- Bishop Juan Fremiot Torres Oliver of Ponce accompanied by his auxiliary Ricardo Antonio Surinach Carreras.
- Bishop Ulises Aurelio Casiano Vargas of Mayaguez.
- Bishop Inaki Mallona Txertudi C.P., of Arecibo.
- Bishop Alvaro Corrada del Rio S.J., apostolic administrator "sede vacante" of Caguas.

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VATICAN CITY, SEP 10, 1999 (VIS) - On September 14, Cardinal Vicar of Rome Camillo Ruini will receive the World Youth Day cross. On the same day the cross will begin its pilgrimage through the parishes of Rome.

A communique released today by the vicariate of Rome states that the pilgrimage is "an itinerary of faith and prayer" which, over the course of the pastoral year, will pass through the whole diocese of Rome. The intention behind this, the communique continues, is "to sensitize the young and Romans in general to the most important event of the jubilee year, an event that will involve the participation of more than one and a half million young people from all over the world."

The cross, which the young people will carry in procession on September 14, recalls the cross that the Pope entrusted to the young at the end of the Holy Year of the Redemption in 1983. It will be carried from the Basilica of the Holy Cross to the Basilica of St. John Lateran. This symbol of World Youth Day has been present at all the international encounters from Rome in 1984, to Paris in 1997.

The liturgy, on the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, will be presided by Cardinal Camillo Ruini. Also taking part in the ceremony will be Cardinal Miroslav Vlk, archbishop of Prague, Czech Republic, who will address some words to the participants.

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VATICAN CITY, SEP 10, 1999 (VIS) - Holy See Press Office Director Joaquin Navarro-Valls today made the following declaration:

"From November 5 to 8, His Holiness John Paul II will make a pastoral visit to New Delhi, India, for the celebration of the concluding phase of the Synod of Bishops for Asia. During the return journey the Pope will visit Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia, on the 8th and 9th of the same month."

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