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Monday, November 10, 2003


VATICAN CITY, NOV 8, 2003 (VIS) - The Council of the General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops for the Special Assembly for America celebrated its eighth meeting on October 14 in the Vatican, according to a communique made public today.
Under the leadership of Cardinal Jan P. Schotte, C.I.C.M., secretary general of the Synod of Bishops, five cardinals, seven archbishops and two bishops participated in the meeting. In addition to discussing the application of the post-synodal apostolic exhortation 'Ecclesia in America' after the publication of a report on the same document in February, they spoke about the social and ecclesiastical situation in America. The next meeting is scheduled to take place on November 4-5, 2004.

The tenth Ordinary Council of the General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops met for the seventh time on October 23-24 in the main office of the general secretariat. During the gathering, which was attended by five cardinals and five archbishops in addition to Cardinal Schotte, there was an exchange of options and suggestions on the preparation of the eleventh ordinary general assembly. The next meeting will take place on November 16-17, 2004.

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VATICAN CITY, NOV 8, 2003 (VIS) - Archbishop Jean Claude Perisset, apostolic nuncio in Moldavia, participated as a representative from the Holy See in the 113(th) session of the Committee of the Ministers of the Council of Europe which took place from November 5 to 6 in Chisinau, Moldavia.

Archbishop Perisset said that the future constitutional treaty for the European Union 'promises further opportunities for institutional cooperation between the Churches, Ecclesial Communities and other religious organizations and the European Institutions. ' Such recognition of the public role to be played by religious institutions is welcomed, as is that of the importance which must surely be given to the religious dimension in guaranteeing the secure and peaceful development of society.'

'It is also our conviction that the religious dimension and heritage, in all their splendid diversity, are most enriching, as they clearly form an integral part of a multitude of identities, which can only be successfully integrated within Europe by being valued and celebrated. At the same time, it will be to the enduring advantage of all Europeans if due recognition is given to the unique and indisputable contribution of Christianity to European civilization.'



VATICAN CITY, NOV 8, 2003 (VIS) - This morning in the Paul VI Hall, the Holy Father received 6,500 pilgrims from Croatia who have come to Rome to thank the Pope for visiting their country in June. Among those present is Cardinal Josip Bozanic, president of the episcopal conference, as well as representatives from military and civil authorities in the country.

After recalling that his apostolic trip to Croatia was his 100(th) trip outside of Italy since the beginning of his pontificate, the Pope said: 'As a pilgrim of the Gospel on the ways of the world, called to serve the Church in the chair of Peter, I was able to confirm you in the faith which you have born witness to amidst much adversity and suffering. I wanted to sustain your hope, often put to the test, and to enliven your charity by urging you to persevere in your adhesion to the Church in the new climate of freedom and democracy, reestablished three years ago.'

'Your beloved land,' he continued, 'has the necessary strength and capacity to adequately confront the challenges of the present moment. I hope that it may always know how to use these resources in order to build up a solid society which is ready to diligently support its weakest members; a society founded on religious and human values, that through the centuries have inspired the generations that have proceeded you; a society that respects the sanctity of life and the great project of God for the family; a society that keeps its healthy elements united, promoting the spirit of communion and joint responsibility.'

John Paul II concluded by asking God to grant 'the noble nation of Croatia peace, harmony and perseverance in the commitment of the common good.'

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VATICAN CITY, NOV 10, 2003 (VIS) - This morning John Paul II received a delegation of Christian Palestinians from the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) to whom he expressed his desire that their visit facilitate 'a better understanding of the situation of Christians in the Palestinian territories and of the significant role that they can play in promoting the legitimate aspirations of the Palestinian people.'

'Despite recent setbacks on the road to peace and fresh outbreaks of violence and injustice, we must continue to affirm that peace is possible and that the resolution of differences can only come about through the patient dialogue and persevering commitment of people of good will on both sides. Terrorism must be condemned in all its forms, for it is not only a betrayal of our common humanity, but is absolutely incapable of laying the necessary political, moral and spiritual foundations for a people's freedom and authentic self-determination.'

Once again the Pope made an appeal to all parties 'to respect fully the resolutions of the United Nations and the commitments made in the acceptance of the peace process, with engagement in a common quest for reconciliation, justice and the building of a secure and harmonious coexistence in the Holy Land.'

'I hope,' he concluded, 'that the national Constitution presently being drafted will give expression to the highest aspirations and the most cherished values of all the Palestinian people, with due recognition of all religious communities and adequate legal protection of their freedom of worship and expression.'

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VATICAN CITY, NOV 9, 2003 (VIS) - Today, Feast of the Dedication of the Patriarchal Basilica of St. John Lateran, the Holy Father presided at a Eucharistic celebration at 10 a.m. in St. Peter's Square and proclaimed the following Servants of God blessed: Juan Nepomuceno Zegri y Moreno (1831-1905), Valentin Paquay (1828-1905), Luigi Maria Monti (1825-1900), Bonifacia Rodriguez Castro (1837-1905), and Rosalie Rendu (1756-1856).

In his homily while speaking about the new blesseds, the Pope said, 'Juan Nepomuceno Zegri y Moreno, priest of deep Eucharistic piety, understood well how the proclamation of the Gospel must be converted into a dynamic reality, capable of transforming the apostle's life. ' With this goal, he developed his redeeming spirituality, born in intimacy with Christ and oriented toward charity with those most in need. Invoking the Virgin of Mercedes, Mother of the Redeemer, he was inspired to found the Congregation of the Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mercy, with the goal of always making the love of God present.'

Fr. Valentin Paquay, of the Order of the Friars Minor, was 'a disciple of Christ and a priest according to the heart of God. Apostle of mercy, he spent many hours in the confessional with a particular gift for setting sinners on the right track, reminding human beings of the grandeur of divine forgiveness. Putting the celebration of the Eucharistic mystery at the center of his priestly life, he invites the faithful to join frequently in the communion of the Bread of Life.'

John Paul II indicated that Blessed Luigi Maria Monti, founder of the Sons of the Immaculate Conception, 'dedicated his life entirely to clean the wounds of the body and soul of the sick and orphaned. He liked to call them 'Christ's poor ones' and he served them, inspired by a lively faith and sustained by intense and constant prayer. ' How modern is the message of this new Blessed! He is an example of fidelity to God's call and the proclamation of the Gospel of charity for his spiritual sons and for all believers; he is a model of solidarity with the needy and tender abandonment to the Immaculate Virgin.'

'Jesus' words in the Gospel proclaimed today, 'Do no make my Father's house a house of trade,' speak to modern society which is often tempted to turn everything into a commodity, leaving aside values and dignity which are priceless. Since the person is the image and likeness of God, purification is necessary in order to defend him or her, regardless of social condition or occupation. This is what Blessed Bonifacia Rodriguez de Castro consecrated herself completely to, as she was a hard worker and understood the risks of this social condition of her time. She found a model of the spirituality of work ' in the simple and hidden life of the Holy Family of Nazareth.'

The Pope concluded by speaking about Blessed Rosalie Rendu, of the Society of the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul: 'In a time troubled by social conflicts, she became a happy servant to the poor, in order to give back to each person his or her dignity, through material help, education and the teaching of Christian mystery.' The secret to doing so many things, he concluded, 'is in an intense life of prayer and incessant recitation of the Rosary which she never left out.'

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VATICAN CITY, NOV 10, 2003 (VIS) - Today the Holy Father received in separate audiences:

Three prelates from the Catholic Bishops' Conference of India on their 'ad limina' visit:

- Archbishop James Masilamony Arul Das of Madras and Mylapore, accompanied by Auxiliary Bishop Lawrence Pius Darairaj.

- Bishop Malayappan Chinnappa of Vellore.

On Saturday November 8, the Holy Father received in separate audiences:

- Ivica Racan, president of the government of the Republic of Croatia, and an entourage.

- Three prelates from the Catholic Bishops' Conference of India on their 'ad limina' visit:

- Archbishop Peter Fernando of Madurai, India, accompanied by Auxiliary Bishop Anthony Pappusamy.

- Bishop Edward Francis of Sivagangai.

- Cardinal Giovanni Battista Re, prefect of the Congregation for Bishops.


VATICAN CITY, NOV 10, 2003 (VIS) - This morning John Paul II received members of the Pontifical Academy of the Sciences which is celebrating their 400(th) anniversary with a meeting. The Pope briefly reviewed the history of the institution, whose predecessor the Academy dei Lincei was founded in 1603 in Rome by Federico Cesi due to the impetus of Pope Clement VIII, restored in 1847 by Pius IX and reestablished in 1936 by Pius XI.

'We are united,' said the Pope at the beginning of his speech, 'in our common desire to correct misunderstandings and even more to allow ourselves to be enlightened by the one Truth which governs the world and guides the lives of all men and women.'

John Paul II observed that the first theme of the meeting, 'Mind, Brain and Education,' draws our attention to 'the complexity of human life and its pre-eminence over other forms of life. ' Scientists today often recognize the need to maintain a distinction between the mind and the brain, or between the person acting with free will and the biological factors which sustain his intellect and capacity to learn. In this distinction, which need not be a separation, we can see the foundation of that spiritual dimension proper to the human person which biblical Revelation explains as a special relationship with God the Creator.'

Referring to the meeting's second topic, 'Stem Cell Technology and Other Innovative Therapies,' the Pope recalled that 'research in this field has understandably grown in importance in recent years because of the hope it offers for the cure of ills affecting many people.'

He concluded by saying: 'I have on other occasions stated that stem cells for purposes of experimentation or treatment cannot come from human embryo tissue. I have instead encouraged research on adult human tissue or tissue superfluous to normal fetal development. Any treatment which claims to save human lives, yet is based upon the destruction of human life in its embryonic state, is logically and morally contradictory, as is any production of human embryos for the direct or indirect purpose of experimentation or eventual destruction.'

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VATICAN CITY, NOV 10, 2003 (VIS) - The Holy Father:

Erected the diocese of Dindigul, India, with territory taken from the diocese of Tiruchiparalli and the archdiocese of Madurai, making it a suffragen of the same Metropolitan Church.

Appointed Bishop Anthony Pappusamy, auxiliary of Madurai, India, as bishop of Dindigul (population 852, population 2,543,806, Catholics 182,500, priests 193, religious 888), India.

Appointed Fr. Francis Alleyne, O.S.B., abbot of the monastery of Tunapuna, Guyana, as bishop of Georgetown (population 214,887, population 800,000, Catholics 88,000, priests 30, religious 47), Guyana. The bishop-elect was born in 1951 in Point-a-Pierre, Trinidad and Tobago and was ordained a priest in 1985.

On Saturday November 8, it was made public that the Holy Father:

Appointed Fr. Giovanni Scanavino, O.S.A., provincial of the Augustinian Province of Italy, as bishop of Orvieto-Todi (area 1,200, population 90,800, Catholics 89,500, priests 137, permanent deacons 12, religious 279), Italy. The bishop-elect was born in Santo Stefano Belbo, Italy in 1939 and was ordained a priest in 1964. The Holy Father accepted the resignation from the pastoral care of the same diocese presented by Bishop Decio Lucio Grandoni, upon having reached the age limit.

Erected the diocese of Puerto Escondido, Mexico, with territory taken from the archdioceses of Antequera and Oaxaca, making it a suffragen of the same metropolitan Church.

Appointed Fr. Eduardo Carmona Ortega, O.R.C., regional director of the Priestly Fraternity of the Works of the Kingdom of Christ for Mexico, as bishop of the diocese of Puerto Escondido (area 13,221, population 470,000, Catholics 423,000, priests 30, religious 22), Mexico. The bishop-elect was born in Mexico City, Mexico in 1959 and was ordained a priest in 1983.

Appointed Bishop Jose Luis Chavez Botello of Tuxtla Gutierrez, Mexico as metropolitan archbishop of Antequera and Oaxaca (area 46,869, population 2,127,160, Catholics 1, 365,439, priests 191, religious 349, permanent deacons 21), Mexico.

Appointed Fr. Gustavo Bombin Espino, O.S.S.T., superior of the missionary territory of Maintirano in the canal of Mozambique. as bishop of the diocese of Tsiroanomandidy (area 40,000, population 393,363, Catholics 161,483, priests 36, religious 70), Madagascar. The bishop-elect was born in 1960 in San Llorente, Spain and was ordained a priest in 1987.

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