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Thursday, September 13, 2001


VATICAN CITY, SEP 13, 2001 (VIS) - This morning the Holy Father received at Castelgandolfo the participants of the General Chapter of the Daughters of St. Paul, meeting on the theme "From the Eucharist to mission. Together communicating the Gospel today."

"Go 'together'! Thus He repeats to you during the chapter. Go forth with confidence so that, sustained by the Eucharist, spring of renewed life, you can draw the light, strength, and grace necessary for your missionary task. From this sublime mystery, you can obtain ardor and enthusiasm for announcing to the men of our time, with ever faster and more effective means, the hope that doesn't disappoint."

John Paul II exhorted the religious with these words: "May Christ be the center of your existence and of your mission. Strive for sanctity! If it happens, as disciples, that you toil without success, transform this apparently frustrated experience into a precious occasion of prayer and spiritual growth. The challenges of the present age are many, and the means available for confronting them do not always seem adequate. The problems and obstacles are not always, however, a cause of discouragement; on the contrary, they urge you to open your heart to divine grace so that, strengthened by the word of Christ, you may spread the joy and newness of the Gospel with your presence and your action."

"I am grateful to you," the Holy Father concluded, "for the service that you give to the Church in a vast and complex missionary field, which is the milieux of social communications. In this age, characterized by global communication, it is necessary to make the message of salvation resound with vigor. To complete this task, more necessary than ever is the presence of competent individuals, who at the same time are convicted and credible witnesses of Christ."



VATICAN CITY, SEP 13, 2001 (VIS) - Today at Castelgandolfo, Pope John Paul received the Letters of Credence of the new United States ambassador to the Holy See, James Nicholson. The Pope, referring to the September 11 terrorist attack on the U.S., assured the ambassador of his "profound participation in the grief of the American people and my heartfelt prayers for the president and the civil authorities and for all involved in the rescue operations and in helping the survivors, and in a special way for the victims and their families."

"You are beginning your mission at a moment of immense tragedy for your country," he said. "I pray that this inhuman act will awaken in the hearts of all the world's peoples a firm resolve to reject the ways of violence, to combat everything that sows hatred and division within the human family."

The Holy Father then recalled that, "in my recent meeting with President Bush, I emphasized my deep esteem for the rich patrimony of human, religious and moral values which have historically shaped the American character. ... Underlying your nation's commitment to freedom, self-determination and equal opportunity are universal truths inherited from its religious roots" from which spring values including "respect for the sanctity of life and the dignity of each person."

He went on to say that "in the century now opening before us, ... the possibilities before the human family are immense, although they are not always apparent in a world in which too many of our brothers and sisters are suffering from hunger, malnutrition, the lack of access to medical care and to education, or are burdened by an unjust government, armed conflict, forced displacement and new forms of human bondage. In seizing the available opportunities, vision and generosity are necessary, especially on the part of those who have been blessed with freedom, wealth and an abundance of resources."

John Paul II, turning to the "many disturbing situations throughout the world, the tragic violence which continues to affect the Middle East," told the ambassador: "I am certain that your country will not hesitate to promote a realistic dialogue which will enable the parties to achieve security, justice and peace, in full respect for human rights and international law."

The Pope then highlighted the "spiritual roots of the crisis which the Western democracies are experiencing, a crisis characterized by the advance of a materialistic, utilitarian and ultimately dehumanized world view which is tragically detached from the moral foundations of Western civilizations." He stated that "economic and political structures must be guided by a vision whose core is the God-given dignity and inalienable rights of every human being, from the moment of conception until natural death. When some lives, including those of the unborn, are subjected to the personal choices of others, no other value or right will long be guaranteed. ... Never has it been more urgent to re-invigorate the moral vision and resolve essential to maintaining a just a free society."

The Holy Father's closing remarks were dedicated to America's young people, "surely your nation's greatest treasure. That is why they urgently need an all-around education which will enable them to reject cynicism and selfishness and to grow into their full stature as informed, wise and morally responsible members of the community."



VATICAN CITY, SEP 13, 2001 (VIS) - The Holy Father received in separate audiences six prelates of the Episcopal Conference of Haiti, on the occasion of their "ad limina" visit:
- Bishop Frantz Colimon of Port-de-Paix, with Coadjutor Bishop Pierre-Antoine Paulo.
- Bishop Jean Alix Verrier of Les Cayes.
- Bishop Louis Kebreau of Hinche.
- Bishop Guire Poulard of Jacmel.
- Bishop Hubert Constant of Fort-Liberte.

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VATICAN CITY, SEP 13, 2001 (VIS) - The following declaration was released yesterday afternoon by the Congregation for the Clergy. It was signed by Cardinal Dario Castrillon Hoyos, congregation prefect, and by Archbishop Csaba Ternyak, secretary.

"The Holy See has received several news reports concerning the so-called Conference for Peace in the World, which is being planned for Rome for October 7 to 13 and which has been organized by Fr. Nicholas Gruner of Canada.

"The Congregation for the Clergy, upon the mandate from a higher authority, wishes to state that Rev. Nicholas Gruner is under an 'a divinis' suspension, which has been confirmed by a definitive sentence of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signature.

"The activities of Fr. Gruner, therefore, including the above-mentioned conference, do not have the approval of legitimate ecclesiastical authorities."



VATICAN CITY, SEP 13, 2001 (VIS) - Made public today was the following declaration, dated September 12, of the Islamic-Catholic Liaison Committee regarding Tuesday's attack on the United States. It is signed by Dr. Hamid Ahmad Al-Rifaie, president of the International Islamic Forum for Dialogue, and by Bishop Michael L. Fitzgerald, secretary of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue:
"As Secretaries of the Committee, speaking in its name, we condemn the horrifying acts of terrorism committed on September 11 in the U.S.A. We express our great sorrow at the number of victims and we offer our condolences to their families.

"Such acts of violence are not the way to bring peace to the world. As religious leaders we wish to emphasize that the true basis for peace is justice and mutual respect."

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