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Thursday, November 21, 2013


Vatican City, 21 November 2013 (VIS) – At 10 a.m. today, in the Consistory Hall of the Apostolic Palace, the Holy Father received in audience the Patriarchs of the Oriental Catholic Churches, along with the Major Archbishops. It is the first time since the beginning of his pontificate that the Bishop of Rome has held such a long meeting with the Heads of the Oriental Churches and he therefore took the opportunity to “renew the great esteem for the spiritual heritage of the Christian East, and to recall Benedict XVI's description of a Church leader in his post-Synodal exhortation “Ecclesia in Medio Oriente”. “You are, he said 'watchful guardians of communion and servants of ecclesial unity'”.

In order for our testimony to be credible”, he continued, “we must always seek justice, piety, faith, love, patience and clemency, adopting a sober manner of life in imitation of Christ, who embraced poverty so that we might be enriched; with tireless zeal and with the charity, both fraternal and paternal, that the bishops, priests and faithful, especially those who are alone or marginalised, expect of us”.

Francis spoke of the good example that the heads of the Churches should give, especially to priests who expect “transparency in the management of goods, and concern for every weakness or need”. He concluded by emphasising that this must all be achieved through “the committed application of that authentic synodal practice distinctive of the Oriental Churches”.


Vatican City, 21 November 2013 (VIS) - “The memorable Vatican Council II also had the merit of explicitly mentioning that in the ancient liturgies of the Oriental Churches, in their theology, spirituality and canonical discipline 'there remains conspicuous the tradition that has been handed down from the Apostles through the Fathers and that forms part of the divinely revealed and undivided heritage of the universal Church'”, said Pope Francis this morning, as he received in audience the patriarchs and major archbishops of the Oriental Churches, along with the cardinals, metropolitan archbishops and bishops of the Congregation for the Oriental Churches. The Congregation, whose prefect is Cardinal Leonardo Sandri, is holding its plenary assembly in these days, on the theme of the magisterium of Vatican Council II with regard to the Christian East.

From an evaluation of the path taken so far, guidelines will emerge intended to support the mission entrusted by the Council to our brothers and sisters in the East: that of 'promoting the unity of all Christians, especially Eastern Christians'. The Holy Spirit has guided them in this task on paths through history that have not always been easy, nurturing their faith in Christ, in the universal Church and in Peter's Successor, even at great cost, not infrequently unto martyrdom. The entire Church is truly grateful to you for this!” exclaimed the Pope. Then, following the example of his predecessors, he reaffirmed that “within the ecclesiastical community, there exist legitimate particular Churches, with their own traditions, which however fully retain the primacy of the Chair of Peter, which presides over the universal communion of charity, protects the legitimate differences between them and ensures that the particularity of these Churches not only does not damage the unity of the whole, but instead serves it; the Council tells us that this variety is necessary for unity”.

Pope Francis commented that the patriarchs and major archbishops had spoken to him this morning about the situation faced by the various Oriental Churches, in particular “the renewed vitality of those long oppressed under communist regimes, the missionary dynamism of those who refer to the preachings of the apostle Thomas, and the perseverance of those who live in the Middle East, not infrequently as a 'little flock' in environments riven by hostility and conflict, as well as hidden persecutions”. A further problem is that of the diaspora, one of the key points of the plenary assembly, and which is growing in every continent. The Holy Father reiterated the importance of doing everything possible to facilitate “pastoral care both in the original territories and where the oriental communities are long established, favouring at the same time communion and brotherhood with communities of the Latin rite. To this effect, it would be useful to promote renewed vitality in existing entities of consultation between the single Churches and the Holy See”.

My thoughts turn especially to the blessed land where Christ lived, died and rose again … and where the light of faith has not been extinguished, but instead burns brightly. It is the 'light of the East' that 'has illumined that universal Church, from the moment when a rising sun appeared above us: Jesus Christ, our Lord'. As a consequence, each Catholic has a debt of gratitude towards the Churches that live in the region. From these we may learn, among other things, the patience and perseverance of the daily exercise, at times wearisome, of the ecumenical spirit and interreligious dialogue. The geographical, historical and cultural context in which they have lived for centuries has indeed made them natural interlocutors with numerous other Christian confessions and with other religions”.

Considerable worry is caused by the conditions of life faced by Christians who in many parts of the Middle East suffer gravely as a consequence of current tensions and conflicts. Tears often still flow in Syria, Iraq, Egypt and other areas in the Holy Land. The Bishop of Rome will not rest while there are still men and women, of any religion, whose dignity is undermined, who are deprived of the basic requirements for survival, robbed of their future, or forced to live as fugitives or refugees”.

Today, along with the pastors of the Oriental Churches, we make an appeal for the respect of the right to a dignified life and to freely profess one's own faith. We must not resign ourselves to thinking of a Middle East without Christians, who for two thousand years have proclaimed Christ's name, integrated as citizens to all effects in the social, cultural and religious life of the nations to which they belong. The suffering of the youngest and the weakest, with the silence of victims, poses the insistent question, 'What is left of the night?' … I therefore turn to the entire Church to exhort her support in prayer, that may obtain reconciliation and peace from the merciful heart of God. Prayer disarms ignorance and generates dialogue where there is open conflict. If it is sincere and persistent, it will make our voice humble and firm, capable of being heard by the leaders of nations”.

The Pope concluded by speaking about Jerusalem, “our spiritual birthplace. I hope for every consolation, so that it may truly be a prophesy of that definitive convocation, from east to west, promised by God”.


Vatican City, 21 November 2013 (VIS) – Yesterday afternoon Archbishop Angelo Becciu, substitute of the secretary of State, attended the funeral held in the city of Olbia in Sardinia, Italy, for the victims of the recent flood. The prelate, of Sardinian origin, gave an address at the end of the rites. “As a son of this land”, he said, “I join with deep affection in your prayers for your dearly departed brothers and sisters, torn from their families by a cruel death”, manifesting the Holy Father's solidarity and expressing his sincere participation following this disaster.

Pope Francis is spiritually present among us”, he continued, “sharing in your anguish, to urge you to maintain hope without giving in to despair, and hopes that with respect for nature and the necessary care for this territory, devastating tragedies of this type may be avoided in the future”. He also remarked that the Pope encourages all institutions to continue their commitment to providing assistance.

The archbishop commented that the Pontiff “entrusts all the people and families affected by this tragic event to the Virgin of Bonaria, so that through her maternal intercession the Lord might dry all tears and heal every wound”.


Vatican City, 21 November 2013 (VIS) - Today, the Holy Father:

- appointed Bishop Thomas Luke Msusa, S.M.M., of Zomba, Malawi, as archbishop of Blantyre (area 9,166, population 5,166,000, Catholics 1,539,209, priests 93, religious 384), Malawi. He was born in Iba, Malawi in 1962, was ordained to the priesthood in 1996, and received episcopal ordination in 2004.

- appointed Fr. Paskalis Bruno Syukur, O.F.M., as bishop of Bogor (area 18,368, population 16,283,000, Catholics 83,406, priests 76, religious 205), Indonesia. The bishop-elect was born in Ranggu, Indonesia in 1962 and was ordained a priest in 1991. He holds a licentiate in spirituality from the Pontifical University “Antonianum” and has served in a number of roles, including master of novices at Depok, guardian of the community of the Order of Friars Minor at Depok and member of the provincial council, provincial minister in Indonesia, and definitor general of the Order of Friars Minor for Asia and Oceania in Rome.

- accepted the resignation from the office of auxiliary of the archdiocese of Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany, presented by Bishop Rainer Klug, upon having reached the age limit.

- appointed Bishop Celmo Lazzari, C.S.I., as apostolic vicar of San Miguel de Sucumbios (area 13,287, population 143,300, Catholics 139,000, priests 30, permanent deacons 7, religious 50), Ecuador. Bishop Lazzari was previously apostolic vicar of Napo, Ecuador.
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