VATICAN CITY, JUN 13, 2006 (VIS) - On June 22, 2006, for the occasion of the issue of a series of special stamps dedicated to "St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican 1506 - 2006," the Vatican Post Office will use a special postmark bearing an image of the basilica, a reference to the 500th anniversary, and the words: "DIE EMISSIONIS" and "POSTE VATICANE - 22 GIUGNO."
Moreover, to mark Benedict XVI's apostolic trip to the Spanish city of Valencia on July 8 and 9, where he will participate in the Fifth World Meeting of Families, on those two days the Vatican Post Office will use another special postmark depicting the Holy Father's coat of arms and the words "BENEDICTVS XVI FAMILIAS CONVENIT VALENTIAE" and "POSTE VATICANE 8-9 LUG. 2006."
.../SPECIAL POSTMARKS/... VIS 20060613 (140)