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Thursday, February 18, 1999


VATICAN CITY, FEB 18, 1999 (VIS) - Yesterday afternoon, Ash Wednesday, the Holy Father presided at the Liturgy of the Word in St. Sabina's Basilica, during the Mass celebrated by Cardinal Jozef Tomko, prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples.

"Lent," said the Holy Father in his homily, "reminds us of the work of salvation, so that people will realize that death, a reality which must always be confronted, is not however a truth which has been since the beginning. In the beginning, this did not exist."

The Pope said that "the death of man has been destroyed by the death of Christ. However, if Lent directs us relive the dramatic events of Golgotha, it always and exclusively does this as a preparation to immerse us afterwards in the fulfillment of the Easter event, that is, in the luminous joy of the resurrection."

"Lent," he recalled "is a time of intense prayer and prolonged praise; it is a time of penance and fasting. ... The Lenten practices of fasting and almsgiving, apart from expressing personal asceticism, have an important value in the community and in society: they recall the need for 'conversion', the model for development in a more just distribution of goods, so that all might live in greater dignity, protecting creation at the same time."

Following the homily and the rite of blessing, the Pope received ashes from the hands of Cardinal Tomko, who is titular of the basilica of St. Sabina, and gave ashes in turn to some of the faithful present.



VATICAN CITY, FEB 18, 1999 (VIS) - Cardinal Roger Etchegaray, president of the Central Committee of the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000, today addressed the Bethlehem 2000 International Conference, being held in the Rome headquarters of the United Nations' Food and Agricultural Organization.

In his remarks, the cardinal recalled that the meeting had been organized under the aegis of the "Committee for Exercising the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People." He also pointed out that the U.N. General Assembly had recommended the conference in a unanimous resolution, "perhaps the only (unanimous) one of the many resolutions regarding the Middle East."

Cardinal Etchegaray pointed out that "Pope John Paul had wished that the forthcoming Jubilee ... be celebrated not only in Rome but also in the Holy Land." He indicated that pilgrims must find a Holy Land that is "welcoming and peaceful. ... This peace cannot be decreed, does not depend on any process, but rather proceeds from a conversion of spirits and hearts and is based on the dignity of every person, respected without discrimination or bickering."

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VATICAN CITY, FEB 18, 1999 (VIS) - This morning John Paul II held his traditional meeting with Roman clergy at the beginning of Lent. The Pontiff spoke on the final stage of the Citizens' Mission which is directed towards the world of work and society.

"The decision not to limit the mission to families who live in parishes," and to reach those places in which people work and study, "has been without doubt a courageous and committed decision. We took it because we are convinced of its importance and, even more, of its necessity if we truly wish that the Gospel of Christ be proclaimed and witnessed to in all circumstances and situations of life."

The Citizens' Mission "in practice, is entrusted above all to the laity," said the Pope. However. "it is not first and foremost the work of each individual believer, but is rather of all the community, and moreover of those who are responsible for that same community. ... You are and must always be missionaries and evangelizers everywhere."
The Pope told priests that each one has the duty "to prepare and support the laity, called to give witness to Christ in all situations of life." He added that "the fundamental elements of formation and spiritual growth" are prayer, catechesis "penance, conversion of heart and the progressive opening up to the love of God and the brothers and sisters."

"The workplace in some cases is where secularization seems to be more advanced, and speaking of God and Jesus Christ can be difficult and almost out of place. However in reality God is never extraneous, Christ is never extraneous."

Referring finally to the increase in unemployment and poverty in the city, he highlighted the necessity to find new means so that Rome "might promote her social and economic development for the good of the Italian nation and of the world."

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VATICAN CITY, FEB 18, 1999 (VIS) - The Holy Father appointed:

- Bishop Thomas C. Collins of Saint Paul in Alberta, as coadjutor archbishop of Edmonton (area 81,151, population 1,149,245, Catholics 294,935, priests 199, religious 640), Canada.

- Bishop Juan Carlos Maccarone of Chascomus as bishop of Santiago del Estero (area 81,969, population 671,000, Catholics 530,000, priests 62, religious 108), Argentina.

- Msgrs. Anthony Mancini and Louis Dicaire as auxiliary bishops of the archdiocese of Montreal (area 1,399, population 2,170,792, Catholics 1,570,650, priests 1,541, religious 7,586), Canada. Bishop-elect Mancini was born in Mignano Monte Lungo, Italy, in 1945 and was ordained a priest in 1970. He is currently vicar general, bursar and director of the pastoral care of English-speaking people in the archdiocese of Montreal. Bishop-elect Dicaire was born in Montreal in 1946, was ordained a priest in 1974 and since 1996 has been episcopal vicar of the eastern region of Montreal.

- Frs. Nello Cipriani O.S.A., Giovanni Iammarone O.F.M. Conv., and Maurizio Faggioni O.F.M., as consultors for the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

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VATICAN CITY, FEB 18, 1999 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received Cardinal Camillo Ruini, vicar general for the diocese of Rome, together with Archbishop Cesare Nosiglia, vice gerent, and Fr. Eraclio Contu, O.de M. (Mercedarians), pastor of the Parish of San Raimondo Nonnato, accompanied by a parish curate.

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VATICAN CITY, FEB 18, 1999 (VIS) - Holy See Press Office Director Joaquin Navarro-Valls released the following declaration today: "On the occasion of a trip to Europe, Jason Hu, foreign affairs minister of the Republic of China, wished to include a visit to the Vatican, within the framework of diplomatic relations between the Holy See and the Republic of China."

"This evening Minister Jason Hu will be received by Archbishop Jean-Louis Tauran, secretary for Relations with States, and Saturday morning he will have a talk with Cardinal Secretary of State Angelo Sodano.

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