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Monday, August 28, 2000


VATICAN CITY, AUG 26, 2000 (VIS) - Made public today was a message from the Pope for the 9th World Day of the Sick which will be held in the cathedral of Sydney, Australia, on February 11, 2001. The theme of the Day is to be: "New evangelization and the dignity of suffering man."

John Paul II launches an appeal "that efforts be made to favor the necessary developments in health services in those countries - of which there are still many - that find it impossible to offer their inhabitants decorous living conditions and suitable healthcare. Furthermore, I trust that the great potential of modern medicine will be put at the effective service of man and applied in full respect of his dignity."

Interest in "medical scientific research" must "always be guided by concern for delivering an effective service to the sick, giving them practical support in their struggle against illness. ... Clinical experimentation must be practiced in full respect of the person and with a clear awareness of its risks and, consequently, of its limits."

The Pope makes reference to the fact that the majority of the population in poorer countries lack "the indispensable care necessary for health" and describes this situation as a "great scandal." He highlights that "supporting 'health for all' is a primary duty for all members of the international community. Moreover, for Christians, it represents a commitment intimately linked with the witness of their faith. They know they must give solid proclamation of the Gospel of life, promoting respect for life and rejecting all attacks against it, from abortion to euthanasia."

At the end of the message, the Pope asks the sick and healthcare professionals to proclaim and give witness to "the Gospel of life and hope, with generous willingness. Announce that Christ is the consolation of all those who live in torment and difficulties. He is strength for those who are passing through moments of fatigue and vulnerability. He is support for those who work passionately to ensure better living and health conditions for everyone."

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VATICAN CITY, AUG 26, 2000 (VIS) - This morning on the patio of the apostolic palace of Castelgandolfo, the Pope received groups of Italian pilgrims from the archdiocese of Vercelli and the diocese of Cremona, as well as from various parishes.

John Paul II referred to the concern of the faithful from Vercelli for "activity in parishes, which are called to be true frontiers of evangelization and to have the capacity to adapt to changing social conditions. ... This task calls for courage and prudence, holiness of life and tireless dedication to announcing the Good News: through catechesis, liturgical life and the witness of charity."

The Pope requested faithful from the diocese of Cremona that the experience of having passed through the Holy Door of the Vatican Basilica and of having professed "with great ardor ... faith in Christ, Son of God, and in His Church, one, holy, catholic and apostolic ... may sustain your witness to the Gospel and may act as a guide in the new pastoral year that the diocese is about to start."

At the end of the audience, the Pope greeted faithful from various Italian parishes: "May the moment of intense spirituality, that you most certainly have had the grace of experiencing in your Jubilee, spur you to be strong in faith, cheerful in hope and persevering in charity. Always be witnesses of evangelic joy and fraternal solidarity."



VATICAN CITY, AUG 27, 2000 (VIS) - "The echo of World Youth Day has not yet been extinguished in public opinion" said the Pope at midday today, prior to reciting the angelus at his summer residence of Castelgandolfo.

"Over a number of days, the hearts of young people were pulsating in Rome" said the Holy Father, "they inspired great affection for themselves. Joyous, peaceful young people, with ready greetings and smiles, respectful of the city and of nature, enamored of Jesus Christ and of His message. They are a people who are entering the third millennium with a new energy."

John Paul II gave thanks to God "for the good that the Jubilee of Youth has sown in the Church and the world. Everyone was deeply impressed by the huge turnout. Nonetheless, World Youth Day is only a staging post on a journey that must continue. The young people, on returning to their countries, are called to render more profound their choice of the Gospel and the coherence of their own lives."

To the Blessed Virgin, Mother of the Church, the Pope entrusted the fruits of World Youth Day "and the development of the upcoming Jubilee of Universities" which will be held in Rome from September 3 to 10.



VATICAN CITY, AUG 28, 2000 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received in audience at Castelgandolfo Bishop Angelo Scola, emeritus of Grosseto, Italy, and rector of the Pontifical Lateran University.
On Saturday, August 26, he received in audience at Castelgandolfo Archbishop Zenon Grocholewski, prefect of the Congregation for Catholic Education.

On Friday, August 25, he received in audience at Castelgandolfo Cardinal Roger Etchegaray, president of the Committee and of the Presidential Council for the Great Jubilee 2000.

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VATICAN CITY, AUG 28, 2000 (VIS) - Today in the patio of the apostolic palace of Castelgandolfo, John Paul II received 400 participants in the world congress of secular institutes who are reflecting on the theme of the formation of their members.

The Pope indicated that formation "involves the whole life of the consecrated person," and that "it cannot disregard - as its vital center and as a criteria for the Christian evaluation of historical phenomena - the spiritual, theological and sapiential dimension of a life of faith. This provides the final and decisive key for understanding the human condition today, and for selecting priorities and forms of authentic witness."

He went on to highlight: "Above all, you must bring light and hope into today's society. Do not allow yourselves to be taken in by naive optimism; remain faithful witnesses of a God who certainly loves humanity and offers it the grace necessary to work efficiently in constructing a better and more just world, one more respectful of the dignity of all human beings. The challenge that contemporary culture places before faith seems to be this: Abandon the facile inclination to depict dark and negative scenarios and draw viable, not illusory, itineraries of redemption, liberation and hope."

The Holy Father underlined the fact that "the teaching of discernment cannot overlook the foundation of all human designs that is, and remains, Jesus Christ." The further humanity is from the evangelical message, the louder the announcement of Christ's truth should ring out. However, that announcement must not be something imposed by believers, rather, he concluded, "it must be made clear that the Church, the bearer of Christ's mission, cares for man with love."

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VATICAN CITY, AUG 28, 2000 (VIS) - The Holy Father accepted the resignation from the pastoral care of the diocese of Bacolod, Philippines, presented by Bishop Camilo D. Gregorio, in accordance with Canon 401, para. 2 of the Code of Canon Law.

On Saturday, August 26, it was made public that he appointed Cardinal Jan Pieter Schotte C.I.C.M., secretary general of the Synod of Bishops, as his special envoy to the consecration of the cathedral church of the apostolic administration of Eastern Siberia. The event is due to take place at Irkutsk, Russia, on September 8.

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