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Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Vatican City,  (VIS) - This morning in the Holy See Press Office Archbishop Rino Fisichella, president of the Pontifical Council for Promoting New Evangelisation, announced details of the opening ceremony for the Year of Faith, which will be presided by the Holy Father in St. Peter's Square at 10 a.m. on Thursday 11 October.

"It is particularly significant", the archbishop explained, "that the beginning of the Year of Faith falls on the day of the fiftieth anniversary of the opening of Vatican Council II. This is no coincidence. ... Rather, it is an opportunity to revisit that event which left such a deep mark on the life of the Church in the twentieth century, and to examine the influence its teachings have had during the intervening decades and will have over the coming years of Church commitment to new evangelisation. In fact, Vatican Council II was itself intended as a special moment of new evangelisation".

Thus the anniversary of the Council "deserves to be not only commemorated but also celebrated by the Church". Part of that celebration is the Year of Faith, which "is a good opportunity to revive the faith of believers, animating them with a new and more convincing spirit of evangelisation". The Year will also be "dedicated to the study and examination of the conciliar teachings, that they may help in the formation of believers - particularly through catechesis - in the sacramental life of the Christian community and in its life witness".

In the light of these premises, Archbishop Fisichella went on to describe the inaugural ceremony of the Year of Faith which, he said, "will be deeply impregnated" with symbols evoking Vatican Council II. "Extracts from the four conciliar Constitutions will be read out as expressions of the Council's work and of renewal in the life of the Church. This will be followed by a long procession which which will lead the collective imagination back to 12 October 1962. The procession will be formed of all the bishops participating in the solemn concelebration with the Holy Father. Those taking part will include the Synod Fathers who are currently participating in the meeting on the new evangelisation, presidents of all the world's episcopal conferences, and fourteen Council Fathers who, despite their age, have managed to come to Rome. All seventy of the Council Fathers who are still alive had been invited to participate, but advanced years or health problems have prevented them from being among us".

The procession will be followed by the enthronement of the Word of God, a gesture "which evokes a significant moment in the work of the Council when, during the solemn sessions in St. Peter's Basilica, the Sacred Scripture was brought in in procession and placed at the centre of the gathering in order to remind everyone that they were at the service of the Word of God, which lies at the heart of the Church’s activities". The same lectern and the same copy of the Holy Scriptures as those of the Council will be used. At the end of the Eucharistic celebration, there will be another sign "to indicate that the teachings of the Council retain all their validity and deserve to be be better known and studied".

This sign, the archbishop explained, will mirror "Paul VI's consignment of Messages to the People of God at the end of the Council. Those same Messages will be consigned by Pope Benedict XVI to various categories of people": political leaders, representatives of the world of science and thought, artists, women, workers, the poor, sick and suffering, and to young people. "Finally, since this year also marks the twentieth anniversary of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the Holy Father will consign a special edition of the Catechism, published for the Year of Faith, to two representatives of catechists".

"The years pass", said Archbishop Fisichella concluding his presentation, "but the power of Vatican II remains, with all its cargo of hope that the entire world may come to know the Gospel of Christ. Our intention is to offer Christians a further reason to feel that they are part of one Church, which knows no frontiers and which daily renews her faith in the Lord through the commitment of her life".


Vatican City,  (VIS) - Beginning on Wednesday 10 October, during the Holy Father's weekly general audience, an Arabic speaker will join the other speakers who provide a summary of the papal catechises in various different languages.

In this way, in the wake of his recent trip to Lebanon and the publication of the Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation "Ecclesia in Medio Oriente", the Holy Father intends to express his perpetual concern and support for Christians in the Middle East, and to remind everyone of their duty to pray and work for peace in the region.


Vatican City,  (VIS) - On 2 October Archbishop Silvano M. Tomasi C.S., Holy See permanent observer to the United Nations and other international organisations in Geneva, addressed the sixty-third session of the Executive Committee of the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR), focusing his remarks on "more creative and concrete forms of solidarity and protection".

"The surge in the number of recent conflicts has produced new waves of refugees and displaced persons", said the archbishop speaking English. "The media spotlight focuses on the more politically interesting cases for them and leave in the shadows of public awareness other masses of displaced people forgotten and left to their tragic destiny. The Holy See delegation takes note and is grateful for those countries which have kept their borders and their hearts open to receive refugees fleeing conflict in neighbouring States, and calls on all member States to assist in sharing the burden these new refugee populations place on many of their hosts".

"It is once again a fact this year that there are more persons internally displaced by conflict in the world than there are refugees. My delegation is also aware that the topic of the extent of the UNHCR’s involvement in providing assistance to internally displaced persons is one on which States differ. In some instances there is a genuine fear of “mission creep” and a concern that the core mission of the UNHCR, protection of refugees, will suffer. In other instances there is reason to suspect that the presence of neutral, international eyes during internal armed conflict or the provision of life saving assistance to locally disfavoured groups might not be welcome. The Holy See encourages the High Commissioner to continue to go the extra mile with regards to those displaced by armed conflict. This should be done in the first instance by seeking humanitarian access to affected populations to assess their protection needs, and in the second instance in coordination with other United Nations bodies by providing crucial assistance to these people".


Vatican City,  (VIS) - A note released today by the Office of Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff provides details concerning the taking of possession of the following titles and diaconates:

- At 11.30 a.m. on Sunday 14 October Cardinal Timothy Michael Dolan, archbishop of New York, U.S.A., will take possession of the title of Nostra Signora di Guadalupe a Monte Mario, Piazza Nostra Signora di Guadalupe 12, Rome.

- At 6 p.m. on Tuesday 23 October Cardinal Thomas Christopher Collins, archbishop of Toronto, Canada, will take possession of the title of San Patrizio, Via Boncompagni 31, Rome.

- At 5 p.m. on Thursday 25 October Cardinal Edwin Frederick O'Brien, grand master of the Equestrian Order of the Knights of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, will take possession of the diaconate of San Sebastiano al Palatino, Via di San Bonaventura 1, Rome.


Vatican City,  (VIS) - The Holy Father accepted the resignation from the pastoral care of the diocese of Iquique, Chile, presented by Bishop Marco Antonio Ordenes Fernandez, in accordance with canon 401 para. 2 of the Code of Canon Law.

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