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Wednesday, September 13, 2000


VATICAN CITY, SEP 13, 2000 (VIS) - The theme of the Pope's catechesis during the general audience, which was held this morning in St. Peter's Square in the presence of 35,000 pilgrims, was "The Christian, animated by the Spirit."

John Paul II recalled that the whole current of the Church "is pervaded by the presence and activity of the Spirit, donated 'without measure' to believers in Christ."

"The Holy Spirit," he said, "lies at the root of the experience of faith. ... The breath of the Spirit is present at the very source of Christian life - when we are born as new creatures - making us sons in the Son and causing us 'walk' along the paths of justice and salvation."

The Holy Father affirmed that "the whole Christian experience must, then, develop under the influence of the Spirit. ... The Spirit is near us at the moment of trial, becoming our defender and our support."

"The Spirit," he added, "lies at the root of Christian liberty, which is the removal of the yoke of sin. ... Moral life - as St. Paul reminds us - precisely because it is irradiatated by the Spirit, produces fruits of 'love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control'."

John Paul II indicated that "the Spirit animates the whole community of believers in Christ," ensuring "the unity of the Church as the work of the Holy Spirit" and confers "the various charisms, in other words the particular gifts offered to members of the Church."

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VATICAN CITY, SEP 13, 2000 (VIS) - At the end of today's general audience in St. Peter's Square, and just before reciting the Our Father with the pilgrims present, Pope John Paul made the following appeal for clemency for Derek Rocco Barnabei, who is on death row in a prison in Virginia, U.S.A.:

"In the spirit of clemency which is proper to the Jubilee Year, I once again join my voice to all those asking that young Derek Rocco Barnabei be spared his life. I also hope, in a more general way, that there no longer be recourse to capital punishment, given that States today have the means to efficaciously control crime, without definitively taking away an offender's possibility to redeem himself."



VATICAN CITY, SEP 13, 2000 (VIS) - Given below is the calendar of liturgical celebrations at which the Holy Father will preside from September to November 2000:

- Sunday 17: 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time. At 10 a.m. in St. Peter's Square, Mass for the Jubilee of the Elderly.

- Sunday 24: 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time. At 10 a.m. in St. Peter's Square, Mass for conclusion of the Marian-Mariological Congress.

- Thursday 28: At 11:30 a.m. at the main altar of the Vatican Basilica, Mass for deceased Popes, Paul VI and John Paul I.


- Sunday 1: 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time. At 10 a.m. in St. Peter's Square, Mass and canonization of Blesseds Agostino Tchao and 119 Companions, Chinese martyrs; Maria Josefa del Corazon de Jesus Sancho de Guerra; Katherine Drexel and Josephine Bakhita.

- Sunday 8: 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time. At 10 a.m. in St. Peter's Square, Mass and act of entrustment to the Blessed Virgin Mary for the Jubilee of Bishops.

- Sunday 15: 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time. At 10 a.m. in St. Peter's Square, Mass and celebration of matrimony for the Jubilee of Families.

- Friday 20: At 6 p.m. in the Vatican Basilica, Mass for the start of the academic year in the ecclesiastical universities.

- Sunday 22: 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time. At 10 a.m. in St. Peter's Square, Mass for World Mission Day.

- Sunday 29: 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time. At 10 a.m. in Rome's Olympic Stadium, Mass for the Jubilee of Athletes.


- Wednesday 1: Solemnity of All Saints. At 10 a.m. in St. Peter's Square, Mass for the 50th anniversary of the dogmatic definition of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. At 6 p.m. in the Vatican Grotto, moment of prayer for deceased Popes.

- Sunday 5: 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time. At 9:30 a.m. in the Vatican Basilica, Mass for the Jubilee of Government Leaders and Parliamentarians.

- Sunday 12: 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time. At 10 a.m. in St. Peter's Square, Mass for the Jubilee of the Agricultural World.

- Tuesday 14: At 11:30 a.m. in the Vatican Basilica, Mass for deceased cardinals and bishops.

- Sunday 19: 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time. At 10 a.m. in St. Peter's Square, Mass for the Jubilee of the Armed Forces and Police.
- Sunday 26: Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe. 34th Sunday in Ordinary Time. At 9:30 a.m. Mass in the Vatican Basilica for the World Congress of the Apostolate of the Laity.

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VATICAN CITY, SEP 13, 2000 (VIS) - Cardinal Roger Etchegaray, president of the Vatican's central committee for the Jubilee Year, has left for Beijing, China, to participate in an Italo-Chinese symposium on "Religions and Peace" from September 14 to 16 at the Institute of World Religions, a section of the Academy of Social Sciences of Beijing.

The symposium was organized by the Tian Xia Yi Jia ("under the very heavens only one family") cultural association, whose president is Prof. Giovagnoli of Milan's Sacred Heart University. The vice president is Fr. Lazzarotto, PIME.

Prior to his departure Cardinal Etchegaray granted an interview to Vatican Radio. Following are excerpts from that interview:

VATICAN RADIO: "You are already known in continental China...

ETCHEGARAY: "Yes, I made two previous trips, one in 1980 and again in 1993. The first one - I was still in Marseille (France) at the time - was important for its length - three weeks - and for the quality of contacts with highly placed Chinese. I was the first cardinal to visit Communist China, and I was able to see in person the serious difficulties that China was going through, but also the intrepid faith of the Catholics.

VATICAN RADIO: "But this time the religious situation seems even more complex...

ETCHEGARAY: "No one can deny the diverse positive aspects which indicate how the Catholic community is growing under the action of the Holy Spirit. However, it is true that some news stories which reach us are serious and not reassuring. In any case, one can never block the movement of history and Christians know that well just by looking at the Church's twenty centuries of history. The Gospel teaches us to always look forward, 'with our glance fixed on the Christ' of yesterday, today and tomorrow."

VATICAN RADIO: "... What are you thinking of doing in China to help Catholics?

ETCHEGARAY: "I don't know in advance: Starting with my first trip, twenty years ago, I pray every night for the Chinese people and for the Church in China. I would like to be able to give some little sign of hope. I am fully aware that my words, my gestures, though limited, risk being misunderstood, badly used. Eventual contacts will not be able to be interpreted as a recognition of existing ecclesiastical structures. My own desire is simply to be able to witness to everyone a sincere and determined will to dialogue without hiding any truths of the Church which Christ founded. I place myself totally in God's hands and also in the trust and fraternal prayer of all Catholics in China."

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