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Monday, July 1, 2002


VATICAN CITY, JUN 29, 2002 (VIS) - At midday today, the Solemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul, Apostles, patrons of the city of Rome, John Paul II appeared at the window of his private study overlooking St. Peter's Square in order to pray the Angelus with the faithful present.

The Pope said that on this day which is "so significant," he was thinking about "the faithful of the dioceses of Rome and those who live in our city. While I congratulate all those who are named Peter and Paul, I invoke the celestial patrons for peace and Christian prosperity."

At 1 p.m., the Pope received in audience, as is tradition on this day, a delegation from the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, headed by the metropolitan of Belgium and exarch of the Netherlands and Luxembourg, His Eminence Panteleimon, with Bishop Emmanuel of Reghion and Deacon Stephanos.

In his speech in French, the Holy Father recalled that during this year "the Lord has given us an occasion to show to the world our common will to search for and travel the paths that bring us to unity, to direct a call of peace to humanity and fraternity, in mutual respect, justice and charity."

"I desire to renew today to the Ecumenical Patriarch, His Holiness Bartholomew I," he continued, "the expression of my deep gratitude for their fraternal participation in the World Day of Prayer for Peace in Assisi."

John Paul II emphasized that "there still remains a lot to do so that a better fraternity may reign on the planet. The desire for vengeance overtakes peace frequently, especially in the Holy Land and in other regions of the world affected by blind violence; this makes us feel the precariousness of peace that requires us to unite our strengths and to act together so that the world finds in our common testimony the necessary strength to accomplish the changes that are necessary. This way of collaboration will carry us to full communion, according to the will of Christ for his disciples."

At 6 p.m. in St. Peter's Square, the Pope presided at a Eucharistic celebration during which he blessed and imposed the pallium upon 28 metropolitan archbishops appointed in the last year and coming from 17 countries. The delegation of the patriarch of Constantinople was present, headed by Metropolitan Panteleimon and a delegation of the patriarch of Bulgaria, headed by His Eminence Simeon, metropolitan for Western and Central Europe.

In his homily, the Pope affirmed that "the Church celebrates today with joy the memory of Peter and Paul. The 'Rock' and the 'Chosen instrument' found themselves definitively here in Rome. In this place they carried out the apostolic ministry, marking it with their bloodshed. The itinerary mystery of faith and love that drove Peter and Paul to Jerusalem from the land of their birth, and to other parts of the world and finally to Rome, constitutes in a certain sense a model of the journey that all Christians are called to make in order to give testimony to Christ in the world."

"The Church is continually being put to the test. The message that it always received from the holy apostles Peter and Paul is clear and eloquent: through the grace of God, in all circumstances, it is possible for man to be a sign of the victorious power of God. For this reason, he should not be afraid. Whoever trusts in God, is freed from all fear and experiences the consoling presence of the Spirit also, especially in moments of trial and sorrow."

While addressing in particular the 28 metropolitan archbishops, the Holy Father said: "The special bond with the Apostolic See, that this liturgical sign (the pallium) expresses, serves as a stimulus for a greater commitment to the search for spiritual and pastoral communion for the benefit of the faithful, fostering in them a sense of unity and the universality of the Church.

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VATICAN CITY, JUL 1, 2002 (VIS) - The Holy Father's general intention for July is: "That artists may do all they can to help the men and women of today to rediscover the signs of God's providential love in creation."

The Holy Father's mission intention for the month of July is: "That the Christians of India may not be prevented from publicly professing their faith and freely announcing the Gospel."

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VATICAN CITY, JUL 1, 2002 (VIS) - Pope John Paul this morning welcomed 1,000 relatives and friends of the 28 new metropolitan archbishops from five continents on whom he had bestowed the pallium on June 29, the solemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul.

He addressed them in the Paul VI Hall in the languages spoken by the new metropolitans: Italian, French, English, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian and Polish. He asked that the various dioceses represented by the new archbishops "always distinguish themselves by an intense and effective spirit of communion."

The Holy Father remarked to the English-speaking archbishops, representing Newark, Madang, Visakhapatnam, Cardiff, Adelaide, Kumasi, New Orleans, Glasgow, Calcutta and Kingston, that their "presence is an eloquent sign of the universality of the Church, and a powerful witness to the communion through which the Church lives and fulfills her saving mission."

The Pope told the Spanish-speaking prelates that he hoped that, "vested with the pallium, sign of a special tie of communion with the See of Peter, you can be lively witnesses to the faith and bearers of the hope in the Risen Christ and the particular churches that have been entrusted to you."

John Paul II asked the new metropolitans "to always be passionate servants of the unity of the Church." He urged the faithful to always "know how to collaborate with (the bishops) so that every ecclesial community will live and work with only one heart and one soul."

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VATICAN CITY, JUN 30, 2002 (VIS) - At midday today, John Paul II appeared at the window of his study overlooking St. Peter's Square in order to pray the Angelus with pilgrims.

Recalling the celebration on June 29 of the feast of Sts. Peter and Paul, patrons of the Church of Rome, the Pope said that on this special occasion he had pointed out, "as the successor of Peter, the profound solidarity of the entire ecclesiastical community" and that, for this reason, he wanted to thank everyone.

"In effect," he continued, "I feel every day that my ministry is sustained by the incessant prayer of the people of God, of so many people that I do not know - but who are very close to my heart - who offer their prayers and sacrifices to the Lord for the intentions of the Pope. In moments of great difficulty and suffering, this spiritual strength is an immense help and an intimate consolation."

"I always need your prayers, dear faithful of Rome and of the entire world! How could I respond without them to the word of the Lord that Simon Peter sends: ... Put out into the deep!

The Holy Father concluded by recalling that Sts. Peter and St. Paul, "after overcoming many trials, including mortal ones, with the help of God, carried out His mission in this city where so many ruins preserve their memory."

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VATICAN CITY, JUL 1, 2002 (VIS) - The Holy Father:

- Accepted the resignation from the office of auxiliary of the Archdiocese of Newark, U.S.A., presented by Bishop Dominic Anthony Marconi, upon having reached the age limit.

- Accepted the resignation from the pastoral care of the Archdiocese of Freiburg im Breisgua, Germany, presented by Archbishop Oskar Saier in accordance with Canon 401, para. 2 of the Code of Canon Law.

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VATICAN CITY, JUL 1, 2002 (VIS) - Today the Holy Father received in separate audiences:

- Four prelates from the Episcopal Conference of Peru on their "ad limina" visit:
- Bishop Jose Ramon Gurruchaga Ezama of Lurin.
- Bishop Elio Alevi Perez Tapia, prelate of Juli.
- Bishop Antonio Santarsiero, prelate of Huari.
- Bishop Jose Luis Astigarraga Lizarralde, apostolic vicar of Yurimaguas.
- Archbishop Antonio Jose Lopez Castillo of Calabozo, Venezuela accompanied by Archbishop Helimenas de Jesus Rojo Paredes, emeritus, on their "ad limina" visit.

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