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Monday, May 14, 2001


VATICAN CITY, MAY 12, 2001 (VIS) - This morning, the Holy Father received the members of the General Council of the Missionaries of the Holy Spirit on the occasion of their 13th General Chapter on the theme: "To enter the Third Millennium with the awareness that, devoted to the mission, it is necessary to deepen and direct pastoral work with faithful creativity."

John Paul II exhorted the religious to "fix their gaze upon Christ. ... From this contemplation springs the urgency of a personal and communal, profound and constant conversion, which means, as your founder the venerable Servant of God Felix de Jesus Rougier said, to renew your loving attention for God, thus being able to meet Him in daily prayer, in the sacramental experience, in attentive listening to the Word."

"Urged by the Holy Spirit, 'Duc in altum'," the Pope continued, "put out into the deep, transforming your commitment into pastoral directives that respond to the needs of your charism and the necessities of the community entrusted to you."

The Holy Father recalled that the General Chapter addressed "the theme of vocations and the internationalization of the Institute, seen from the perspective of the mandate that the Church received from the Risen Christ: 'Go therefore and make disciples of all nations', and in memory of the figure and desire of your founder."

"Your commitment, when lived with joy and generosity," the Pope concluded, "a greater definition of your pastoral ministries and the fraternal love in your communities, will translate into an invitation to all those who seek the radical following of Christ in the religious and priestly vocation."

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VATICAN CITY, MAY 13, 2001 (VIS) - Following Mass this morning in St. Peter's Basilica, during which he ordained as priests 34 deacons from the diocese of Rome, Pope John Paul prayed the Regina Coeli with the numerous faithful who had gathered in St. Peter's Square. As he addressed the pilgrims from his study window, he reflected on his recent pilgrimage in the footsteps of St. Paul, the violence in the Holy Land and the 20th anniversary of the attempt on his life in St. Peter's Square on May 13, 1981.

Speaking of his just-concluded trip to Athens, Damascus and Malta in the footsteps of St. Paul, the Pope said that "these places are impressed on my soul, places which the Apostle to the Peoples had indelibly linked to the history of Christianity." He added that "this unforgettable itinerary was quite significant from an ecumenical and inter-religious point of view."

"Unfortunately," the Pope remarked, "this trip was saddened by the painful news which continued to arrive from the Holy Land. In reality, we are facing an absurd spiral of violence! Sowing death every day only exasperates people and delays the blessed day when everyone will be able to look each other in the eye and walk together as brothers! Everyone, especially leaders of the international community, has the duty to help the parties in conflict to break this immoral chain of provocations and reprisals. As I have said many times before, but it bears repeating, the language and culture of peace must prevail over inciting people to hatred and exclusion."

The Holy Father then turned to the just-concluded Mass in St. Peter's, telling the faithful that "a reason for joy and praise today comes from the priestly ordinations which I celebrated this morning."

For the 34 new priests from the diocese of Rome, John Paul II invoked "the maternal help of Mary Most Holy, on the day in which we recall her apparitions at Fatima. I myself personally experienced her protection twenty years ago on May 13. We renew our plea to her for the Holy Land, so that everyone's hearts and intentions may be purified, so that the massacres will end and the energies of both sides will be finally committed to building an effective and lasting peace."

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VATICAN CITY, MAY 14, 2001 (VIS) - At 9 this morning, the Fifth Sunday of Easter, John Paul II presided over a Mass in the Vatican Basilica during which he ordained 34 deacons from the diocese of Rome to the priesthood.

The Pope told the new priests: "Each of you is formed to render glory to God 'in persona Christi Capitis'. As Christ, and united to Him, you will glorify God and be glorified by Him, offering yourselves for the salvation of the world, loving completely the people that the Father will entrust to you, washing one another's feet."

"The Lord," continued the Pope, "entrusts you in a new way with His commandment: 'Even as I have loved you', that you also love one another'. This constitutes for you a gift and a commitment: the gift of Christ's sweet and light yoke; the commitment to be always the first to carry this yoke, humbly making yourselves models for the flock entrusted to you by the Good Shepherd. You must always have constant recourse to His help. You must always draw inspiration from His example."

The Holy Father affirmed that the priestly vocation is also "the fruit of the prayer of the Church, as indeed of the diligent and patient work of many laborers of the Lord's harvest, who have also ploughed, seeded, and tended the earth for you. Your perseverance is tied to this spiritual solidarity, which must never fail the Church." Lastly the Pope thanked all those who pray and offer their sufferings for priests and vocations.
"Dear ordinandi," John Paul II concluded, "conscious of your mission, strive for holiness, spread love. Be above all lovers of the Church, both the earthly and heavenly Church, looking upon her with faith and love, despite the stains and creases that can mark the human face. ... The priest is not a man of individual initiatives; he is the minister of the Gospel in the name of the Church. His every apostolic work originates from the Church and returns to the Church."

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VATICAN CITY, MAY 12, 2001 (VIS) - This morning in the Paul VI Hall, the Holy Father received 1,000 participants in a meeting promoted by the National Office for Health Pastoral Ministry of the Italian Episcopal Conference (CEI) on the theme "The Italian Church in the World of Health. Identity and New Directions."

After welcoming those present, including Cardinal Camillo Ruini, the CEI president, the Pope said: "I also extend my greetings to all persons who are ill and suffering, to their families and to those who care for them. Truly - as I wrote in my Message this year for the World Day of the Sick - I would ideally like, every day, to go and visit those who are suffering."

"You are gathered," he told the participants, "to study more deeply the meaning and ways in which you can bring about Christ's mandate" to "'Go, announce the Kingdom of God and heal the sick'." He recalled that "Christ not only healed the sick, but was also a tireless promoter of health through His saving presence, teaching and action. ... By imitating Christ, Who took upon Himself the 'sorrowful' face of man to make him 'glorious', the Church is called to walk the ways of man, especially when he suffers, ... to listen to him, care for him, ease his pain, open him to understanding the meaning and saving value of suffering."

John Paul II remarked that the Church, in her care of and concern for mankind, "is supported by a vision of health, which is not just the simple absence of illness, but rather a tending toward a full harmony and healthy equilibrium at mental, spiritual and social levels." The Church must be close to those in pain "with compassion and solidarity. ... This service to man tried by illness proposes the close collaboration between pastoral and health care workers, spiritual assistants and health care volunteers."

In closing remarks, the Holy Father thanked all those who work in the field of health care, including the many ecclesial associations and the "numerous religious institutions who ... continue to play an important role in this sector. ... Theirs is a public service which I greatly hope will be justly recognized by civil authorities. ... This is a privileged sphere in which the Church is called to witness to the Lord's presence. ... Let us go forward with hope!"

AC;CHURCH; HEALTH CARE;...;RUINI;VIS;20010514;Word: 380;


VATICAN CITY, MAY 14, 2001 (VIS) - According to a note from the Office of Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff, the following cardinals will take possession of their diaconate or title churches next weekend:

- Saturday, May 19 at 6 p.m.: Cardinal Audrys Juozas Backis, archbishop metropolitan of Vilnius, Lithuania, the title of the Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ in Via Gallia, on Via Urbisaglia, 2.

- Sunday, May 20 at 11 a.m.: Cardinal Marian Jaworski, metropolitan archbishop of Lviv of the Latins, Ukraine, the title of St. Sixtus, Piazzale Numa Pompilio, 8.

- Sunday, May 20 at 11 a.m.: Cardinal Julio Terrazas Sandoval, C.SS.R., metropolitan archbishop of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia, the title of St. John the Baptist de Rossi, Via Cesare Baronio, 127.

- Sunday, May 20 at 11 a.m.: Cardinal Wilfrid Fox Napier, O.F.M., metropolitan archbishop of Durban, South Africa, the title of St. Francis of Assisi at Acilia, Largo Cesidio da Fossa, 18.

- Sunday, May 20 at 11 a.m.: Cardinal Varkey Vithayathil, C.SS.R., major archbishop of Ernakulam-Angamaly of the Siro-Malabars, the title of St. Bernard alla Terme, Via Torino, 94.

- Sunday, May 20 at 11:30 a.m.: Cardinal Geraldo Majella Agnelo, metropolitan archbishop of Sao Salvador da Bahia, Brazil, the title of St. Gregory the Great at Magliana Nuova, Piazza Certaldo, 85.

- Sunday, May 20 at 12 noon: Cardinal Francisco Alvarez Martinez, metropolitan archbishop of Toledo, Spain, the title of Mary Queen of Peace at Monte Verde, Via Maurizio Quadrio, 21.

- Sunday, May 20 at 6:30 p.m.: Cardinal Claudio Hummes, O.F.M., metropolitan archbishop of Sao Paulo, Brazil, the title of St. Anthony of Padua in Via Merulana, 124.

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VATICAN CITY, MAY 14, 2001 (VIS) - This morning the Pope received the Mothers Superior of the Executive Council of the International Union of Superiors General, representing the 800 religious from 70 nations who came to Rome last week to participate in an encounter of reflection on the problems and hopes of the consecrated life at the beginning of the third millennium.

John Paul II told the religious: "In order to recognize Christ and the Church the world also needs your witness. Do not be discouraged, therefore, if you meet with difficulties. ... Do not be afraid; the Lord is with you, He precedes you and follows you with the faithfulness of His love. Witness with your life to what you believe!

"There is need of the strong and free witness of your vow of poverty, lived with love and joy. ... There is need of your faithful and pure chastity. ... The youth observe you; they can learn from you that there is a love different from what the world proclaims, a faithful, total love, capable of risk. Virginity, lived for the love of Jesus, is prophetic today more than ever! ... There is need of your responsible obedience and full availability to God through the people which he places in your path."

"How many times has it been said that today the need is felt not as much for teachers as for witnesses! Be, therefore, witnesses of the Gospel, faithful to God and faithful to man. ... The certainty of the presence of God in your life helps you to understand the relationship existing between consecrated life and the announcing of the Gospel. God wants to need your personal and communal availability to His Spirit, in order that humanity becomes aware of and finally discovers His mercy and His love for every creature."

AC;...;...;UNION SUPERIORS GENERAL;VIS;20010514;Word: 310;


VATICAN CITY, MAY 14, 2001 (VIS) - The Holy Father appointed:

- Fr. Denis Wiehe, C.S.Sp., pastor of "Ste. Croix" in Port-Louis and regional superior of the "Fondation Ocean Indien" of the Holy Spirit Fathers, as coadjutor bishop of Port Victoria (area 455, population 78,064, Catholics 70,380, priests 11, religious 65), Seychelles. The bishop-elect was born in Curepipi, Mauritius Island in 1940, and ordained to the priesthood in 1969.

- Msgr. Agostino De Angelis, director of the legal office of the Vicariate of Rome, as prelate uditore (judge) of the Tribunal of the Roman Rota.
On Saturday, May 12, it was made public that the Holy Father:

- Appointed Fr. Lawrence Saldanha, of the clergy of the archdiocese of Lahore (area 23,069, population 30,000,000, Catholics 506,000, priests 73, religious 261), Pakistan, assistant pastor of Precious Blood Church of Scarborough, Toronto, Canada, as metropolitan archbishop of Lahore. The archbishop-elect was born in Mangalore, India, in 1936, and ordained to the priesthood in 1960.

- Accepted the resignation of Bishop Arvaldis Andrejs Brumanis from the pastoral care of Liepaja (area 13,210, population 314,500, Catholics 33,000, priests 10, religious 10), Latvia, in accordance with the age limit. He is succeeded by Coadjutor Bishop Vilhelms Lapelis, O.P.

NER; NEC;...;...;SALDANHA; WIEHE;VIS;20010514;Word: 160;


VATICAN CITY, MAY 14, 2001 (VIS) - The Holy Father received today in separate audiences seven prelates of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of Bangladesh, on the occasion of their "ad limina" visit:
- Archbishop Michael Rozario of Dhaka, with auxiliary Bishop Theotonius Gomes.
- Bishop Michael Atul D'Rozario of Khulna.
- Bishop Francis Anthony Gomes of Mymensingh.
- Bishop Patrick D'Rozario of Chittagong.
- Bishop Paulinus Costa of Rajshashi.
- Bishop Moses Costa of Dinajpur.

On Saturday, May 12, he received in separate audiences:

- His Beatitude Cardinal Ignace Moussa I Daoud, prefect of the Congregation for the Oriental Churches.
- Cardinal Giovanni Battista Re, prefect of the Congregation for Bishops.

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