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Thursday, November 4, 2010


VATICAN CITY, 4 NOV 2010 (VIS) - Given below is the complete text of the English-language version of a circular letter issued by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, dated 2 October and signed by Cardinal William Joseph Levada, prefect of the congregation. The letter was published today by "L'Osservatore Romano" and concerns the current doctrinal and canonical position of the association known as "Opus Angelorum".

  More than thirty years ago, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith began to examine the theories and practices of the association called Opus Angelorum (Engelwerk). At the present time, the dicastery believes that it would be helpful for the bishops of [episcopal conferences] to be informed regarding the developments which have taken place in these years, so that they may exercise effective oversight in this area.

  I. The initial examination was brought to a conclusion with the publication of a letter on 24 September 1982, communicating certain decisions approved by the Holy Father (AAS 76 [1984], 175-176); this letter was followed by a Decree entitled 'Litteris diei' of 6 June 1992 (AAS 84 [1992], 805-806).

  In essence, these two documents stated that, in promoting devotion to the Holy Angels, the members of the Opus Angelorum were to follow the doctrine of the Church and the teaching of the Church Fathers and Doctors. In particular, the members were not to make use of the "names" of angels derived from the alleged private revelations attributed to Mrs. Gabriele Bitterlich and they were not to teach, spread or make use of the theories originating from these alleged revelations. Furthermore, they were reminded of the duty to follow strictly all liturgical laws, in particular those relating to the Holy Eucharist. The Decree of 1992 entrusted the implementation of these measures to a delegate named by the Holy See and possessing special faculties; he was also given the task of regularising the relationship between the Opus Angelorum and the Order of Canons Regular of the Holy Cross.

  In the years that followed, the delegate, Fr. Benoit Duroux O.P., successfully completed the work entrusted to him. Today, thanks to the obedience of its members, the Opus Angelorum can be considered to be living loyally and serenely in conformity with the doctrine of the Church and with canonical and liturgical law. On 13 March 2010, given the advanced age of Fr. Duroux, Fr. Daniel Ols O.P. was named delegate, with the same powers as described in the Decree of 1992.

  The process of normalisation can be seen in particular in the following elements. On 31 May 2000, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith approved the formula of a consecration to the Holy Angels for the Opus Angelorum. Having received the positive opinion of this dicastery, the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life approved the "Statutes of the Opus Sanctorum Angelorum", in which, among other things, the relationship between the Opus Angelorum and the Order of Canons Regular of the Holy Cross was defined. According to the Statutes, the Opus Angelorum is a public association of the Catholic Church with juridical personality according to the norm of canon 313 of the CIC; it is joined to the Order of Canons Regular of the Holy Cross according to the norm of canon 677, para. 2 of the CIC and placed under the direction of the Order in conformity with canon 303 of the CIC. The Constitutions of the Sisters of the Holy Cross were approved by the bishop of Innsbruck. Finally, the Order of Canons Regular of the Holy Cross, whose central government had been named by the Congregation for the Institutes of Consecrated Life and the Societies of Apostolic Life on 30 October 1993, was able at the beginning of 2009 to elect its own superior general and the members of the general council.

  Therefore, in its present state, the Opus Angelorum is a public association of the Church in conformity with traditional doctrine and with the directives of the Holy See. It spreads devotion to the Holy Angels among the faithful, exhorts them to pray for priests, and promotes love for Christ in His Passion and union with it. Therefore, there are no remaining obstacles of a doctrinal and disciplinary kind which would prevent local ordinaries from receiving this movement into their dioceses and promoting its development.

  II. At the same time, however, the congregation wishes to draw the attention of ordinaries to the fact that, in the course of these years, a certain number of Opus Angelorum members, including some priests who either left or were expelled from the Order of Canons Regular of the Holy Cross, have not accepted the norms given by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and seek to restore what, according to them, would be the "authentic Opus Angelorum", that is, a movement which professes and practices all those things which were forbidden by the above-mentioned documents. The congregation has learned that very discrete propaganda in favour of this wayward movement, which is outside of any ecclesiastical control, is taking place, aimed at presenting it as if it were in full communion with the Catholic Church.

  The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, therefore, asks ordinaries to be vigilant with regard to such activities, disruptive as they are of ecclesial communion, and to forbid them if they are present within their dioceses.
CDF/                                    VIS 20101104 (910)


  1. Too bad the church worry more about its priests committing criminal sex acts with children. I think the Catholic church is a shameless institution.I am no longer a Catholic.

  2. Anonymous,

    I am a Catholic who feels he is not a member of an institution but a of a living entity the Mystical Body of Christ.

    Some of my fellow Catholics have done horrible things and have made terrible decsion. I pray everyday for victiims and assailants alike.

    I would never give up my relationship with Christ as head of the body or the sacarments of the church because of sinners. I am one myself and count on the mercy of Christ too. i cannot deny it to others and expect it for myself.

    Please consider coming home,


    Your brother in Christ,



  4. If the sinfulness of some leading members be a good reason for leaving the Church, there would have been no Church. "How could a Church that produced Judas Iscariot be any good?"

  5. How sad for you. Instead of seeking out the holy priests who, in the face of their brother priests abdicating their Holy Vows (and this isn't by any means limited to the child abuse scandal), have stood their ground and upheld their vows, and are in great need of support from their laity- you choose to throw out the "baby with the bathwater"- and go so far as to renounce your faith. Well- good luck with that.

  6. Dear anonymous, If you can only associate the Catholic church with the bad press regarding sexual abuse then you made the right decision.

  7. having been a long standing member of the Opus, it has been a very rewarding experience.

  8. Anonymous, the sins of others is not an excuse for us to abandon the Faith of Christ. There has always been scandal of some sort in the Church. The Church will prevail against her enemies, both external and internal. Take the advice of the Letter to the Hebrews and "keep your eyes fixed on Jesus". Then none of this other diabilical noise will disturb you. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever, and He remains with us until the consummation of the world.

  9. And since your government (and members of every government, for that matter) has committed criminal acts, I assume you are no longer a citizen of any country. And because members of every other religion, and atheists, and public school faculty, and bankers, and corporations, and every other organization or institution that I can think of has also sinned and committed crimes (although some are not yet made public), I assume you do not associate with any of those either.

    You sound like Pharisee in the Bible who arrogantly thanked God that he was not like the repentant sinner humbly praying to God for mercy. Shame on you. The Catholic Church was founded by Jesus to call sinners. As the Bible says, it's the sick that need a doctor, not the healthy. The Catholic Church is made up of human beings, all of whom are sinners, just like every other religion. The difference is the Catholic Church has done more than any other religion to make amends and apologize for its mistakes, and also to help the poor and minister to the sick and needy throughout the world.

  10. I is more than obvious that Anonymous suffers from the same illness most Cathoic haters suffer from. It is called the ability to stick to the subject at hand...what was the article about. I will also venture to say that Anonymous was never a Catholic.

  11. Anonymous (above): I'm so sorry that you feel hurt by the Catholic Church or some members of it. The Church is made for sinners, so it's no surprise that people in the Church screw up.

    Still, the gates of hell will never prevail against the Catholic Church. It is the only church that has the full content of divine revelation, and the only church that faithfully and unwaveringly adheres to the faith and teachings of the Christians that knew Christ best - the Apostles.

    There is only one Church, one body. I invite you to come back to it, friend. Return to the Catholic Church.

  12. Dear Anonymous,

    I am saying a prayer for you now. Pray to your guardian angel to guide you. Don't become bitter and disillusioned because of some bad priests. There are many, many devout and holy priests who are daily doing God's work who don't get publicity and neither do they want it. Check out www.catholicscomehome.org and maybe you will get some help. They are bringing many ex Catholics back to the One true Faith. Just know that you are in my prayers and I sincerely hope you will give the Catholic Church a second hearing and that you find good and loving support. God bless you! Finola

  13. You are no longer a Catholic because you don't understand the Catholic faith-------------because some priests have not been faithful to their vows is no reason to leave-----no sympathy for you

  14. I have only experienced Opus Angelorum since they have been in conformity with the directives. The priests are simply magnificent. Learning I had a terminal disease, they helped me see beyond my fears to the perfect hope in Jesus Christ and the comfort of His Holy Angels. I do not speak English well and ask forgiveness if I have said something incorrectly.

  15. "Thou art Peter and upon this rock I will build my church. And the gates of Hell shall never prevail against it!"

    I am blessed to be a Catholic; God always wins in the end!

  16. To bad for you faithless anonymous. Scandal exists.Look at Jesus's life-if you dare. The laity get what they deserve. It separates the goats from the sheep.

  17. Commenting on above comment and article! You do not know what you are leaving when you leave the Eucharist! It is the job of the church to safeguard all its children from the possiblity of false teachers wolves in sheep clothing. Here the church is promoting the the good and rejecting the evil. There are all kinds of dangers if we do not build on the rock of the church and the saints. The OSA community began by building on the sand of a mystic--The church is prudent in advising caution. Read the Book of Jude very applicable for our day.

  18. Dear Anonymous, if you are reading information from the Vatican Information Service, I would think that maybe you're missing the Church that you've left. If you left the Church over those horrid men, or over the mishandling of their activities, I can understand that. Besides the unfathomable harm to their victims, they were committing scandal of the highest order. The bishops' poor responses added to the harm and scandal. But if you left the Church because of this (abandoning Peter because of Judas, as they say), then I wonder what other institutions you also no longer associate with. Pedophiles and pederasts have left their ugly wake in public and private schools, hospitals and other institutions. Any of those entities could benefit from examining the more current response to the sins of those priests. I believe an honest evalualtion shows that laity, priests and bishops are now much quicker at handling and putting an end to situations that put children at risk. The history of the Church in the mid- to late 20th century in these matters is indeed shameful, but it is unfair to act as though nothing has been done to prevent such abuse both now and in the future.

    Don't let Judas rob you of all Peter has to offer.

    And be aware that the members of Opus Angelorum are not being accused of these horrendous crimes. It is encouraging, however, to see that bishops are being encouraged in this matter to ensure that the teachings of the Church are presented accurately in their dioceses. That's what the article is about.

  19. I do not base my faith on an institution but on the person of Jesus Christ. I remain a Catholic and loyal to the Catholic Church base on this factor and the truths by which the Church teaches and the Sacraments given. For having to be concerned with the spiritual wellbeing of all people in the whole world and having only fallible people at her disposal, the Catholic Church does a miraculous job. I am sorry you are no longer a Catholic. Investigations take time and quick judgments are not always the correct ones.

  20. Isn't the whole reason we are
    Catholic because we believe in the Eucharist. Didn't Jesus suffer for good. What happen to offering up the bad and like I always said I don't go to Mass for the Priest or church hop trying to find one that agrees with everything I believe. I go for the Eucharist, Jesus, and peace. Look around, there is bad everywhere and you can't run from it, you can only hope.

  21. The wacky Spirit Daily website identified this group as "Tradionalist". I see no evidence of this from the Vatican documents. Is this designation by Spirit Daily just another Medjugorie attack on the Tradition of the Church?

  22. The Catholic Church has the right to dicern what is in keeping with the Cannon Law. All churches have humans as its members and as such, are by nature, flawed, however the Holy Spirit leads in all truth and the Catholic Church with the Holy Eucharist is truly the fullness of faith. And the church has taken measures to deal with any issues that are sinful. God Bless you.

  23. You are forever a Catholic however, not practicing. Your choice, and I respect you decision. However, because of a few we all suffer. This does not mean the institution of Catholicism is bad. The shameless actions of those entrusted by the Catholic Church, (all inclusive) does not mean the Church is bad. "The gates of Hell shall not prevail against it." Go back to Mass, receive holy communion, confess, as often as you can...and pray for an end to abortion worldwide. In this way you connect yourself to me and others who pray, fast and receive the sacraments for the greater good....like the crucifixion...the greater good. Peace, angelfire

  24. Why leave JESUS Truly Present in the Holy Eucharist because of the sins of some men. We all sin. Pray for them. Problems today were told to us by Our Lady at LaSalette.

  25. I thank God every day for being a Catholic. I was away for 40 years and now I understand Mother Church...growing up is hard to do.

  26. The Catholic Church is a beautiful Institution created by Jesus Christ.
    People who abandon her for any reason or excuse are sad, lost souls. Just because of a hand full of priests who are SICK,need help and under the guise of their priesthood shouldn't give the rest of the body a bad name. Jesus gives us the Sacrament of Reconciliation to get back in his grace.These are the end times and we need to pray more for everyone.God is our refuge.

  27. You are a misinformed former Catholic. That's too bad. The Church didn't fail, the people (who are human) did. There are always sinful people everywhere in every church. Even Jesus had Judas! Not a reason to leave the church.

  28. Only an uneducated person like yourself would leave such a comment,. You have left the church founded by Jesus Christ himself (not some Johnny Come Lately), but folks like you do not want to follow the teachings of the church but the benefits. A Catholic wedding, Baptism for your child and oh My Jesus - funerals. They would do you no good if you do not have the faith and a clean heart and know how to accept people for who they are. God bless you my Child

  29. St. Michael the Arch Angel defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil, may God rebuke him we humbly pray, and do thou, oh Prince of the Heavenly Hosts, by the power of God, cast into hell satan and all of the evil spirits who prowl throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen

  30. The sins of the Church are well known. I cannot understand how anyone who ever believed the whole truth about the Church could leave her. How can you leave the Eucharist, if you believe, or ever believed. As for the heinous sins of some priests and bishops, I often wonder if people who have left over these sins have also quit the secular world, since these acts are much more plentiful there. Peace, lg

  31. May our Father bless with conversion our oppressors, no matter how they dress, that mothers and our children might one day live in true peace.

  32. I have experienced the OSA before and after the directives from Rome. Happily most are obedient... Yes many have left who did not want to water down Mother Gabriel’s teachings. However, and some cause for concern here, as well as difficult to prove, others have remained as priests in the Canons Regular of the Holy Cross and in the sisters of the Holy Cross who knew and are still very sympathetic to the teachings of the mystic Mother Gabriel Bitterlich, the foundress of the OSA, 1896-1978. Some still promoting her more palatable teachings publicly when the microphones are off. Or to a special select few. Like one of the comments from above the movement is built on the sand of a mystic who was in communication with the evil spirits. Some one once said she channeled with the spirits. Here the evil spirit may appear as a good spirit to deceive. I am happy the church will keep watch on the future growth of the communities of the priests and sisters and the regulations of the Opus Sanctorum Angelorum OSA to keep it on the rock of Peter and the teachings of the church.

  33. There is an old medieval joke about the good Jew whose neighnors loved and honored him as a saint. They onle regretted he was not Catholic. Finally he made a pilgrimage to a corrupt Rome, and they despaired. But he retuned baptized and holier than ever! He told them that only a Church founded and directed by God could survive the stupidity, corruption, and incompetence of men! The Church is not one criminal or one fool, but all who believe and act in accordance with the faith. Leave because ONE person scandalizes you? NO! Stay and be the faithful one who is not a hypocrite, not a scandal, but a light on a hill.

  34. Dealing with people who are, "the sheep furthist from the flock " they have a great knack of hidding behind a lable. Such as I left or stopped doing this or that because.... To say it like it is, you don't want any truth. You let shame and fear run your life. The fear that someone might find out who you became, (not who you are) without the help of the "HOLY SPIRIT" THE COMFORTER AND YOUR GUARDIAN ANGEL.


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