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Monday, June 2, 2003


VATICAN CITY, MAY 31, 2003 (VIS) - Made public today was a letter written in Latin and dated May 7 in which the Pope appoints Cardinal Jan P. Schotte, C.I.C.M., as his special envoy to the celebration of the 150th anniversary of the reestablishment of Catholic hierarchy in the Netherlands which will take place on June 7.

Msgrs. Santiago De Wit Guzman, Petrus Albertus G. Rentinck and Hubertus Jozef Gerard Maria Schnackers, respectively secretary of the nunciature in The Hague, vicar general of the archdiocese of Utrecht and vicar general of the diocese of Roermond, will accompany Cardinal Schotte, secretary general of the Synod of Bishops.



VATICAN CITY, MAY 31, 2003 (VIS) - The Pope this morning welcomed a group of pilgrims from the diocese of Saint-Brieuc and Treguier in France, who are in Rome to celebrate the seventh centenary of the death of St. Ivo, the patron saint of jurists who is also known as "the advocate of the poor." His feast day is May 19.

The Holy Father told the pilgrims that "the values proposed by St. Ivo remain a powerful stimulant for out times, especially in the Europe that is being built. A servant of justice, St. Ivo invites men of good will to build a world of peace, founded on respect for law and on service to the truth. A defender of the poor, this lawyer encourages persons and people to put into practice solidarity and equity that guarantee the rights of the weakest whose inalienable dignity will be fully recognized."

"As a priest, and tireless preacher of the Word of God," the Pope added, "he calls the Church today to propose to everyone the Gospel, a source of new relations among men. May the example and life of St. Ivo invite Christians to actively contribute to the building of Europe, a community of destiny in which all are called to work so that love and truth will meet each other and justice and peace will encompass each other."

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VATICAN CITY, MAY 31, 2003 (VIS) - The Holy Father appointed Bishop Benvenuto Italo Castellani of Faenza-Modigliana, Italy as coadjutor archbishop of Lucca (area 1,520, population 307,507, Catholics 301,200, priests 316, permanent deacons 16, religious 506), Italy. The archbishop-elect was born in Cortona, Italy in 1943 and was ordained a priest in 1973.

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VATICAN CITY, MAY 31, 2003 (VIS) - At 8 p.m. today, the Feast of the Visitation, the traditional procession to mark the end of the month of May took place from St. Stephen of the Abyssinians Church to the Grotto of Lourdes in the Vatican Gardens, during which the faithful prayed the rosary. Archbishop Francesco Marchisano, vicar general for Vatican City, read a message from the Pope at the end of the ceremony.

In his message, the Holy Father writes: "I join each one of you before the Grotto to present as a gift to the Immaculate Virgin the entire spiritual journey made during this marian month: every intention, every worry, every need of the Church and the world. May the Holy Virgin grant every one of your intentions."

"On this occasion," he continues, "I wish to renew the invitation to everyone to recite the Rosary diligently, taking care to say it well. I think above of all of priests: may their example and guidance lead the faithful to rediscover the meaning and value of this prayer. I think of consecrated people, especially religious: may they continue to be close to Mary, who pondered in her heart the mysteries of her divine Son. I think of families and I urge them to gather together often, especially in the evening, to say the Rosary together: this is one of the most beautiful and consoling experiences of the domestic community!"

The Holy Father concluded by inviting everyone to persevere in prayer with the Virgin, "like the apostles in the Cenacle waiting for Pentecost which is now close. The liturgy of these days invites us to relive the spiritual climate which preceeded that event, and if the Year of the Rosary must be characterized by continuous prayer with Mary, even more must we join Her in these days of the Novena, invoking the coming of the Holy Spirit on the entire Church throughout the world."



VATICAN CITY, JUN 1, 2003 (VIS) - Pope John Paul appeared at his study window at noon to recite the Regina Coeli with the pilgrims gathered in St. Peter's Square and, in remarks made before the prayer, he reflected on the celebration today in many counties of the Ascension of the Lord,

"The Ascension," he noted, "is the final moment of Christ's 'Easter', which the evangelist John describes as the passage 'from this world to the Father'. (Christ) wishes to lead all of mankind to our one heavenly Father. 'I am going to prepare a place for you' - He told the disciples at the last Supper - 'that where I am, you may be also'. Today's feast ignites in our hearts the desire for heaven, our eternal homeland."

The Pope than pointed out that today is also World Communications Day whose theme is "The Communication Media at the Service of Authentic Peace in the Light of 'Pacem in terris'."

"Forty years after the publication of the historical encyclical of Blessed Pope John XXIII," said the Holy Father, "it is ever more important to reflect on the role of the mass media in building a peaceful world, founded on truth, justice, love and freedom. In fact, the means of social communication can make a valid contribution to peace, tearing down the barriers of mistrust, encouraging understanding and reciprocal respect and, even more, favoring reconciliation and mercy. It is, therefore, by virtue of their vocation and their profession that those who work in the mass media are called to be workers of peace."



VATICAN CITY, JUN 1, 2003 (VIS) - Upon the death of Cardinal Francesco Colasuonno yesterday at age 78, John Paul II sent telegrams of condolences to Archbishop Francesco Cacucci of Bari-Bitonto, Italy and to the cardinal's sister, Teresa. The cardinal had been apostolic nuncio in Italy and in the Republic of San Marino.

The Holy Father expresses his sorrow to Archbishop Cacucci and the ecclesial community of Bari of which the late cardinal was an "illustrious son." He adds: "While recalling with sentiments of lively admiration the fruitful service to the Church and to the Holy See by the cardinal, who took as his motto 'Laetus Serviam', I give thanks to God for the gift of this generous pastor who honored the diocese of Bari-Bitonto with his life. While I raise fervent prayers that God may welcome him into eternal joy, I send you and those who participate in the funeral and everyone who shares the grief for the loss of this brother so dear to me my comforting apostolic blessing as a sign of my intense participation."

In his telegram to Cardinal Colasuonno's sister, the Pope recalls "with gratitude to the Lord the immense harvest of good that he accomplished through his intense and painstaking work as apostolic nuncio, especially on the occasion of his service to countries in Eastern Europe, during a particular and painful period in the history of those nations."

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VATICAN CITY, JUN 2, 2003 (VIS) - The Holy Father's general prayer intention for the month of June is: "That the faithful who hold positions of responsibility in public life, following the teachings of the Gospel and the principles of the social doctrine of the Church, may defend and promote the respect of human values in every situation."

His missionary intention is: "That the Christians of India who belong to various traditions may be drawn to offer together a testimony of full unity and communion in the one Spirit which guides them."

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VATICAN CITY, JUN 2, 2003 (VIS) - Holy See Press Office Director Joaquin Navarro-Valls released the following statement this afternoon on the visit of the U.S. secretary of state:

"This morning, June 2, 2003, the Holy Father received Colin Powell, secretary of state of the United States of America, who afterwards paid a visit to Cardinal Angelo Sodano, secretary of state, who was accompanied by Archbishop Jean-Louis Tauran, secretary for Relations with States.

"Among the themes discussed in the conversations was the material and political rebuilding of Iraq, which must be able to count on the cooperation of the international community and must pay particular attention to fundamental rights such as the right to religious freedom.

"They also spoke of the new prospects for peace that the creation of the well-known 'road map' has opened in the Holy Land and in the entire region. Thanks to this, it is hoped that the two States, Israeli and Palestinian, can finally enjoy the same security and the same sovereignty.

"And lastly, there was an exchange of opinions on the situation in Africa, and in particular on the fight against epidemic diseases, which has always seen the participation in these places of the various aid and charity institutions of the Catholic Church."



VATICAN CITY, JUNE 2, 2003 (VIS) - Oded Ben-Hur, the new ambassador of the State of Israel to the Holy See, presented his Letters of Credence this morning to the Holy Father, who told him "your presence today is a testimony to our common desire to work together to build a world of peace and security, not only in Israel and the Middle East, but in every part of the globe, for all peoples everywhere."

"This is a task," he went on, addressing the diplomat in English, "which we undertake not alone but with the whole international community: indeed, perhaps unlike any time in the past, the entire human family today feels the urgent need to overcome violence and terror, to expunge intolerance and fanaticism, to usher in an era of justice, reconciliation and harmony among individuals, groups and nations."

"This need," underscored the Holy Father, "is probably nowhere more acutely felt than in the Holy Land. There is absolutely no question that peoples and nations have the inherent right to live in security. This right, however, entails a corresponding duty: to respect the right of others. Therefore, just as violence and terror can never be an acceptable means for making political statements, neither can retaliation ever lead to a just and lasting peace. Acts of terrorism are always to be condemned as true crimes against humanity. Every State has the undeniable right to defend itself against terrorism, but this right must always be exercised with respect for moral and legal limits in its ends and means."

John Paul II noted that "like other members of the international community, ... the Holy See is convinced that the present conflict will be resolved only when there are two independent and sovereign States. As I said earlier this year to the Diplomatic Corps: 'Two peoples, Israeli and Palestinian, are called to live side by side, equally free and sovereign, in mutual respect. It is essential that both parties give clear signs of their determined commitment to bring this peaceful coexistence about.

"Of course, the many issues and difficulties raised by this crisis must be dealt with in a fair and effective manner. Questions concerning Palestinian refugees and Israeli settlements, for example, or the problem of setting territorial boundaries and defining the status of the most sacred places of the City of Jerusalem need to be the subject of open dialogue and sincere negotiation. By no means should a decision be made unilaterally. ... Nor should real or apparent failures lead partners in dialogue and negotiation to be discouraged."

Pope John Paul pointed out that the Fundamental Agreement between the Holy See and the State of Israel was reached ten years ago which lead to the establishment of full diplomatic relations. "I am pleased." he added, "that an accord also appears close at hand regarding related fiscal and economic matters." He expressed "the fervent hope that this climate of cooperation and friendship will allow us to deal effectively with other difficulties that the Catholic faithful in the Holy Land face on a daily basis. Many of these problems, such as access to Christian shrines and holy sites, the isolation and suffering of Christian communities, the dwindling of the Christian population due to emigration, are in some way connected to the current conflict but should not discourage us from seeking possible remedies now, from working now to meet these challenges."

The Holy Father dedicated closing remarks to his Jubilee Year pilgrimage to the Holy Land, noting that it was "a pilgrimage of hope: the hope that the 21st century will lead to a new solidarity among the peoples of the world, in the conviction that development, justice and peace will not be attained unless they are attained by all."



VATICAN CITY, JUN 2, 2003 (VIS) - Today the Holy Father received in separate audiences:

- Bishop Heinz Josef Algermissen of Fulda, Germany.

- Colin L. Powell, Secretary of State of the United States of America.

- Two prelates from the Catholic Bishops' Conference of India on their "ad limina" visit:

- Bishop Sylvester Monteiro of Aurangabad.

- Bishop Varghese Chakkalakal of Kannur.
On Saturday May 31 the Holy Father received in separate audiences:

- Archbishop Pablo Puente, apostolic nuncio in Great Britain.

- Archbishop Alberto Bottari, apostolic nuncio in Gambia, Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone.

- Three prelates from the Catholic Bishops' Conference of India on their "ad limina" visit:

- Bishop Francis Kallarakal of Kottapuram.

- Bishop Peter Thuruthikonam of Vijayapuram.

- Bishop Maria Callist Soosa Pakiam of Trivandrum of the Latins.

- Cardinal Bernard Francis Law.

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