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Tuesday, February 12, 2002


VATICAN CITY, FEB 9, 2002 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received in separate audiences:

- Archbishop Silvano Tomasi C.S., apostolic nuncio in Ethiopia and Eritrea, and apostolic delegate in Djibouti.
- Two prelates from the Episcopal Conference of Argentina, on their "ad limina" visit:
- Bishop Jorge Ruben Lugones S.J., of San Ramon de la Nueva Oran. - Bishop Jose Maria Rossi O.P., of Concepcion.
- Cardinal Eduardo Martinez Somalo, prefect of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life.

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VATICAN CITY, FEB 9, 2002 (VIS) - This evening, in accordance with annual custom, the Holy Father visited Rome's major seminary - which presently has 165 students - for the occasion of the feast of the patroness, Our Lady of Trust.

After listening to a piece of music inspired by the figure of Blessed John XXIII, who was also a student at the seminary, the Pope sought to underline "the yearning after sanctity which became a daily concern in (Blessed John XXIII's) life. His optimism remained firm even in the face of real problems and difficulties. Strong in his faith, he invited others to realize that what unites the Lord's disciples - and, in general, all men and women - is far greater than that which actually divides them. With this spirit he favored the ecumenical journey, which has attained no small results although much remains to be done."

John Paul II told the seminarians that the publication, on December 20, 2001, of the decree of the heroic virtues of the former student of the seminary, Bruno Marchesini, was a reason for them to be joyful. "May the Spirit that inspired the young Marchesini," he said, "also lead you along the path of the heroism of faith, that you may ready yourselves to carry the Gospel wherever Providence may guide you, if necessary to the very ends of the earth."

After highlighting that sanctity is "the first part of any missionary endeavor," he concluded: "Advance without pause towards this arduous and majestic peak, treasuring the grace that is dispensed to you every day and attempting to translate it into a fervor of good intentions and courageous actions. This is the duty of all ecclesial communities and must be the principal occupation of all believers."

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VATICAN CITY, FEB 9, 2002 (VIS) - This morning, the Pope received in audience members of the "Centesimus Annus - Pro Pontifice" Foundation who, with their "activities in the economic and social spheres, represent a valid form of the lay apostolate."

"Your activity," said the Holy Father, "is particularly relevant because it aims to give special attention to the family and to the evaluation of its role, so indispensable in society. A contented and industrious family becomes a forge for building peace. ... Therefore, it is necessary to pray and work ceaselessly in order that the family become a protagonist in creating a constructive path of peace, both within and around itself"

John Paul II stressed that "in the world today there exists a great desire for truth, justice and harmony. I was able to experience this two weeks ago at Assisi" with representatives of world religions. Nonetheless, he added, "love must be promoted in society, and to do this we must start from the primordial cell of humanity which is the family. ... It is, consequently, important that family units be guaranteed, among other things, adequate economic, social, educational and cultural security in order for them to be able to carry out the tasks that it is their primary duty to fulfil."

After referring to the principle of subsidiarity, upon which the foundation is presently reflecting, the Pope said: "Applying this principle to the family's relationship with the State, the first thing that emerges is the urgent need to use all possible instruments in order to safeguard the promotion of those values that enrich the family, sanctuary of life and environment in which tomorrow's citizens are born and develop."

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VATICAN CITY, FEB 9, 2002 (VIS) - This morning, Cardinal Secretary of State Angelo Sodano presented the 2002 "Annuario Pontificio," or pontifical yearbook, to the Holy Father in the presence of Archbishop Leonardo Sandri, substitute for General Affairs, and of the officials responsible for compiling and printing the volume.

A communique regarding the presentation highlights some of the salient facts contained in the new yearbook. In 2001, six new episcopal sees were created as well as one apostolic exarchate and two apostolic prefectures. Furthermore, two metropolitan sees and two episcopal sees were elevated.

In a world population of 6,047 million, Catholics represent 1,050 million, 49.4 percent of whom are concentrated in the Americas. The communique indicates that over the last year, 161 bishops have been appointed, bringing their total number to 4.541. There are 405,178 priests (of whom 265,781 are diocesan); 27,824 permanent deacons; 55,057 non-ordained male religious; 801,185 female religious; 30,687 members of secular institutes; 126,365 lay missionaries and 2,641,888 catechists.

Between 1978 and 2000, the number of students of philosophy and theology in diocesan and religious seminaries passed from 63,882 to 110,583. The biggest growth was in Africa where the number of seminarians increased threefold. Asia saw a growth of 125 percent, followed by the Americas with 65 percent and Europe with 12 percent.

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VATICAN CITY, FEB 11, 2002 (VIS) - In the Vatican Basilica at 4:30 p.m. today, feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, Cardinal Camillo Ruini, the Pope's vicar general for the diocese of Rome, celebrated Mass for the sick and for pilgrims from UNITALSI and the "Opera Romana Pellegrinaggi," for the occasion of the Tenth World Day of the Sick.

At the end of the Eucharistic celebration, John Paul II arrived in the basilica to bless the sick and address some words to those present:

After recalling that the theme of this year's World Day of the Sick is taken from Jesus' words, "that they may have life, and have it abundantly," the Holy Father said: "These words represent an invitation to adopt a clear stance in favor of life and a sincere commitment to its defence, from conception to natural end. Human life is a gift of God and should always be lived as such, even in the most critical situations. On this matter we have the extremely eloquent testimony of no small number of people, some of them present this evening, who, though confined to a bed of pain for many years, are full of serenity because they know how precious the contribution of their suffering and their prayer is for the Church."

"It is just to fight against illness, because health is a gift of God. At the same time, it is important to know how to read God's design when suffering knocks at the door of our lives. For we believers, the key to understanding this mystery is the Cross of Christ. ... Only when our pains are united to His do they acquire full meaning and value. Illuminated by faith, they become a source of hope and salvation."

The Pope affirmed that today's Day of the Sick reminds us that "alongside each person who suffers, there must be a brother or sister inspired by charity." Like the Good Samaritan, "we must stop, bend over the prostrate and injured man and ease his burden and difficulties."

The Holy Father expressed his joy at the upcoming pilgrimage of Italian "disabled people" and "builders of peace" to the Holy Land, the places that "today are stricken by so much violence and bathed, alas, in so much blood." This pilgrimage, he added, "represents an eloquent gesture of solidarity between handicapped persons and, at the same time, it is a message of hope for everyone. It is my heartfelt wish that this fine initiative may contribute to making solidarity and peace prevail in that Land, presently marked by hatred and war."

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VATICAN CITY, FEB 10, 2002 (VIS) - At midday today, the Pope appeared at the window of his study in the Vatican's apostolic palace in order to pray the angelus with the faithful gathered in St. Peter's Square.

John Paul II recalled that tomorrow, feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, is the Tenth World Day of the Sick. This year the celebrations will be held Vailankanny in southern India, at the Shrine of Our Lady of Health known as the "Lourdes of the East."

"'I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.' These words of Jesus which we may read in the Gospel of John," said the Holy Father, "constitute the theme of the World Day of the Sick this year. They recall the basic prospect of the Christian faith which, even in the experience of sickness and death, is always open to life. ... This prospect gives meaning to the commitment of those who, in many ways, lovingly concern themselves with the sick and suffering: doctors, nurses, researchers, chemists, voluntary workers. To all these servants of life, many of whom are consecrated persons, I would like to express my most cordial appreciation."

The Pope gave an assurance of his spiritual closeness to all the sick of the world and recalled that "human suffering was assumed by Christ and is an integral part of His mystery of salvation: 'salvificus dolor.' Uniting themselves with faith and love to Christ's passion, those who suffer participate in His victorious struggle against evil and death, as the testimony of saints shows."

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VATICAN CITY, FEB 12, 2002 (VIS) - The Holy Father:

- Appointed Bishop John Ribat M.S.C., auxiliary of Bereina (area 19,146, population 80,000, Catholics 64,536, priests 18, permanent deacons 1, religious 45), Papua New Guinea, as bishop of the same diocese. He succeeds Bishop Gerard-Joseph Deschamps S.M.M., whose resignation from the pastoral care of the same diocese the Holy Father accepted, in accordance with Canon 401, para. 2 of the Code of Canon Law.

- Appointed Bishop Daniel Robert Jenky C.S.C., auxiliary of Fort Wayne-South Bend, U.S.A., as bishop of Peoria (area 43,840, population 1,447,418, Catholics 240,680, priests 264, permanent deacons 94, religious 348), U.S.A.

- Appointed Fr. Janusz Kowal S.J., professor at the Pontifical Gregorian University, as "referendario" (consultor) of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signature.

On Monday, February 11, it was made public that he:

- Elevated the apostolic administrations of the Russian Federation to the rank of dioceses with a view to facilitating their pastoral activities. Thus he created a regular ecclesiastical province with the dioceses of: St. Clement at Saratov, the Transfiguration at Novosibirsk and St. Joseph at Irkutsk, as suffragans of the metropolitan see of the archdiocese of the Mother of God at Moscow.

- Appointed Archbishop Tadeusz Kondrusiewicz, apostolic administrator of Northern European Russia, as metropolitan archbishop of the archdiocese of the Mother of God at Moscow.

- Appointed Bishop Clemens Pickel, apostolic administrator of Southern European Russia, as bishop of the diocese St. Clement at Saratov.

- Appointed Bishop Joseph Werth S.J., apostolic administrator of Western Siberia, as bishop of the diocese of the Transfiguration at Novosibirsk.

- Appointed Bishop Jerzy Mazur S.V.D., apostolic administrator of Eastern Siberia, as bishop of the diocese of St. Joseph at Irkutsk.

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VATICAN CITY, FEB 12, 2002 (VIS) - The Pope today invited prelates of the Episcopal Conference of Argentina to continue to render, "to your faithful and to all people, the wonderful service of maintaining the true hope that is the Risen Christ, at such a critical moment both at an international level and in the particular situation" of this beloved nation.

"At this time," said the Holy Father to the bishops who have just completed their "ad limina" visit, "your country is passing through a profound social and economic crisis that affects all of society and, furthermore, that endangers democratic stability and the solidity of public institutions, with consequences that go beyond the nation's frontiers. ... These current concerns should lead to a serious examination of conscience on the responsibilities of each and every individual, as well as on the tragic consequences of unsupportive egoism, of the corruption that so many condemn and of short-sightedness and poor administration in handling the nation's wealth."

John Paul II highlighted: "At this moment, appropriate technical measures are most certainly required to raise the economy and ensure that no Argentinian lacks the resources necessary to develop as an individual and as a citizen." He encouraged the Church to foment "a national dialogue between leaders, so that each may actively cooperate in overcoming the crisis. Dialogue excludes the various expressions of violence, such as killing and looting, and helps to build a more human future with everyone's collaboration, thus avoiding a radical impoverishment of society."

The social situation, he went on, "does not improve only by the application of technical measures, but also and above all by promoting reforms with a human and moral base, reforms that give ethical consideration to the individual, the family and society."

In the face of the danger of division and of hatred and rancor, the Pope invited the Bishops to accompany the people "as ministers of reconciliation" so that, "overcoming present difficulties, they advance along the paths of harmony and sincere love among all people, without exception. You well know that the future of the country must be based on peace which is the fruit of justice."

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VATICAN CITY, FEB 11, 2002 (VIS) - Holy See Press Office Director Joaquin Navarro-Valls today made the following declaration regarding the Holy See's elevation to the rank of diocese of the four apostolic administrations of the Russian Federation and the creation of a single ecclesiastical province:

"The measure just taken normalizes the position of the Catholic Church in Russia in accordance with canonical regulations. It is a standard administrative procedure, recommended by the need to improve pastoral assistance to the Catholics present in that vast region, as they themselves have insistently requested.

"Apostolic administrations are, by their nature, extraordinary and provisional structures, motivated by special circumstances and naturally destined to become dioceses. With today's decision, the Holy See has done nothing more than render the organization of Catholic communities in Russia equal to that in other parts of the world, as stipulated by Canon Law.

"Indeed, the elevation was motivated by the same pastoral concern that has led the Russian Orthodox Church to create dioceses and other organizational structures for the faithful who live outside her own traditional territory (in Europe for example, the Russian Orthodox Church has dioceses in Vienna, Berlin, Brussels etc.). Catholics in Russia are being acknowledged the same organization and pastoral care that Russian Orthodox enjoy in the West.

"The Catholic Church hopes, thanks also to this reorganization, to be able to improve dialogue and collaboration with the Russian Orthodox Church, for which her support has never been lacking, also through various Catholic organizations (for example, 'Kirche in Not' has donated more than 17 million dollars to the Russian Orthodox Church over the last ten years).

"The government of the Russian Federation has not raised any problems in this matter; indeed, as a member of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), it signed the Vienna Document of which article 16, para. 4 reads: 'participating States will respect the right of religious communities to organize themselves according to their own hierarchical and institutional structures'."

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