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Monday, December 20, 1999


VATICAN CITY, DEC 18, 1999 (VIS) - This morning, John Paul II received a group of pilgrims from the Czech Republic, led by President Vaclav Havel. It is his government that this year has donated the Christmas tree that adorns St. Peter's Square.

Apart from the fir tree, that comes from the mountain of Beskydy in the region of Ostrava-Opava, "you have wished to offer other smaller fir trees," said the Holy Father, "which will be placed in various places in the Apostolic Palace and the Curia. ... Furthermore, you have brought three statues, dressed in the traditional costume of Valassko, which have been placed next to those customarily used in the nativity scene in St. Peter's Square.

"The Christmas tree together with the nativity scene creates the typical Christmas atmosphere and can help us to better understand the message of salvation that Christ brought to us with His incarnation. From the manger in Bethlehem to the Cross of Golgotha, He gave witness with His whole life to God's love for man. He is, in the words of John the Evangelist, 'the true light that enlightens every man'."

The Pope concluded: "As a symbol of this light, the lights on the tree shine at Christmas to reinforce our awareness of the great mystery: Present in Christ is the light that can change the heart of man."

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VATICAN CITY, DEC 18, 1999 (VIS) - Given below is the text of a telegram sent, in the Pope's name, by Cardinal Secretary of State Angelo Sodano to Archbishop Leonardo Sandri, apostolic nuncio in Venezuela, for the floods that have recently devastated that country:
"The Holy Father John Paul II, profoundly grieved upon hearing of the sad news of the floods and mudslides caused by torrential rain, that have provoked a great number of victims, injured and serious material damage, offers his prayers for the eternal repose of the deceased. He also entreats the Lord to grant consolation to those affected by the tragedy and to inspire in everyone sentiments of solidarity, with the aim of assisting the injured and the afflicted and of overcoming the calamity. Furthermore, His Holiness expresses his sincere condolences to the families of the deceased and his closeness to those who have lost relatives, home and goods. At the same time he encourages public bodies, institutions and men and women of good will to contribute, with a generous spirit and in Christian charity, effective aid in these difficult moments of great suffering. Moreover, he imparts a heartfelt and comforting apostolic blessing upon the beloved people of Venezuela."

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VATICAN CITY, DEC 18, 1999 (VIS) - The Holy Father:

- Accepted the resignation from the pastoral care of the archdiocese of Guayaquil, Ecuador, presented by Auxiliary Bishop Jose Gabriel Diaz Cueva, in accordance with canons 411 and 401, para. 2 of the Code of Canon Law.

- Appointed Msgr. Alberto Bottari de Castello of the diocese of Treviso, Italy, presently rector of the John XXIII minor seminary in the diocese of Ebolowa-Kribi, Cameroon, as apostolic nuncio in Gambia, Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone, at the same time elevating him to the dignity of archbishop. The archbishop-elect was born in Montebelluna, Italy, in 1942 and ordained a priest in 1966.

RE; NN;...;...;DIAZ; BOTTARI;VIS;19991220;Word: 110;


VATICAN CITY, DEC 18, 1999 (VIS) - On Monday, December 20, at 5:30 p.m. in St. Peter's Basilica, Pope John Paul will preside at the concelebrated funeral Mass for Cardinal Paolo Dezza, S.J. who died yesterday. Cardinal Dezza had just celebrated his 98th birthday on December 13.

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VATICAN CITY, DEC 19, 1999 (VIS) - At midday today, after praying the angelus with the faithful gathered in St. Peter's Square, the Pope asked that generosity be shown towards the citizens of Venezuela who are suffering the consequences of torrential rains:

"I am following with grief the news that arrives from Venezuela, where the numbers of dead, missing and displaced, victims of torrential rains that have also caused great material damage, continues to grow. I reaffirm my closeness to the beloved people of Venezuela, and at the same time call upon institutions and people of good will to generously contribute in order to alleviate the suffering and repair the tragic consequences of this huge natural disaster. May the Virgin of Coromoto intercede on behalf of this people that honor her as Mother and Patroness.

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VATICAN CITY, DEC 19, 1999 (VIS) - At today's angelus, on this last Sunday of Advent, Pope John Paul reflected on the imminent Christmas vigil Mass in St. Peter's Basilica on December 24 and the opening of the Holy Door, which officially inaugurates the Jubilee Year 2000.

He also spoke of today's Gospel where we see "the Virgin Mary in the act of welcoming the announcement of the birth of the Messiah. Her actions are for every Christian and for every person of good will a model of how to prepare oneself for Christmas and the Great Jubilee. She performed an act of faith, of listening to the Word of God, in order to assent to it with complete submission of mind and heart."

"Opening the Holy Door," observed the Pope, "the Church is symbolically expressing how God has opened the path of salvation to everyone. Each one is expected to answer, as Mary did, with a personal and sincere 'yes,' opening up in turn their own life to the love of God."

The Holy Father pointed out that "the lights on the streets bring to mind one aspect of the holiday season, a more external one which, while it is not negative in itself, risks however distracting us from the authentic spirit of Christmas. If in fact, and rightly so, Christmas has become the feast of gifts, it is because we are celebrating the gift par excellence that God gave mankind in the person of Jesus. However this tradition should be lived in harmony with the meaning of the event, in a simple and sober style."

ANG;CHRISTMAS; HOLY YEAR;...;...;VIS;19991220;Word: 270;


VATICAN CITY, DEC 20, 1999 (VIS) - Sweden's new ambassador to the Holy See, Bo Enrikson, presented his Letters of Credence to the Holy Father this morning, who welcomed him by recalling the Swedish royal family's November 13 visit to the Vatican, the ecumenical service in St. Peter's Basilica that same day, and the Pope's own pastoral visit to Sweden 10 years ago.

The Pope said his "joy about the recent proclamation of Sweden's Saint Bridget as co-patroness of Europe, with Saints Catherine of Siena and Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, is still very alive in my heart. (St. Bridget is) an illustrious daughter of Sweden and pilgrim of Christ, guided by extraordinary mystical graces." He added that the proclamation "was a providential occasion to reflect on the common responsibility to pursue the path to full unity."

"The Holy See," observed John Paul II, "knows and esteems Sweden's action in favor of peace, collaboration and respect for human rights at regional and international levels, as well as concretely demonstrated generosity in favor of the poorest nations." Such actions, he said, combined with "authentic ethical and religious values, will contribute to the affirmation of a civilization of peace and mutual comprehension among peoples."

Building Europe's common house, he said, must have a foundation which includes "the dignity of the person, respect for the sacred nature of life, the benefit of the central role of the family,, recognition of the importance of education, and safeguarding basic freedoms, starting with that of religion. ... The Church will play her part in this process, placing at the disposition of modern man the riches of her faith."



VATICAN CITY, DEC 20, 1999 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received in separate audiences:

- Archbishop Jose Saraiva Martins C.M.F., prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints.
- Archbishop John Patrick Foley and Bishop Pierfranco Pastore, respectively president and secretary of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications.

On Saturday, December 18, he received in separate audiences:

- Vaclav Havel, president of the Czech Republic, accompanied by his entourage.
- Cardinal Achille Silvestrini, prefect of the Congregation for Oriental Churches. - Cardinal Lucas Moreira Neves O.P., prefect of the Congregation for Bishops.

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