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Monday, December 10, 2001


VATICAN CITY, DEC 8, 2001 (VIS) - At midday today, solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, John Paul II appeared at the window of his study which overlooks St. Peter's Square, in order to pray the angelus.

The Pope affirmed that the Blessed Virgin "invites us not to let our gaze linger upon her but to go deeper and penetrate the mystery in which she was conceived; in other words the mystery of the One Triune God, full of grace and faith."

After recalling that during the afternoon he would visit Rome's Piazza di Spagna for the traditional homage to the Virgin, he said, "to her I will again entrust the Church and humanity, at this uneasy moment in history."

In the afternoon the Pope travelled by popemobile to Piazza di Spagna where, on arrival, he blessed a basket containing 300 roses which was placed at the base of the column to Mary Immaculate. The monument, which is being restored, is covered by sheeting upon which is an image of the column and of the statue of the Blessed Virgin.

Addressing the Virgin, the Pope said: "We ask you to present our prayer to He who clothed you in grace and delivered you from any shadow of sin. Dark clouds gather on the horizon of the world. Humanity, which greeted the dawn of the third millennium with hope, now feels threatened by new and distressing conflicts. World peace is at risk. For this reason we turn to you, Mary Immaculate, to ask that as a strong and understanding Mother you ensure that souls, freed from hatred, may open to mutual forgiveness, to constructive solidarity and to peace."

In recalling the missionary mandate that he entrusted to the Church of Rome for the occasion of the Great Jubilee, John Paul II requested that "the mission become the daily witness of each believer, each in their own life circumstances. By this means, may the Christian face of Rome be renewed so that everyone may clearly see that faithfulness to Christ changes personal life and molds a peaceful future, a better tomorrow for everyone."

At the close of his homage, a unit of 75 sailors from the Spanish Navy frigate "Santa Maria" sang the "Salve Marinera" for peace in the world.

The Holy Father then travelled from Piazza di Spagna to the Basilica of St. Mary Major where he blessed the new Holy Door and prayed before the image of the Mother of God "Salus Populi Romani."

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VATICAN CITY, DEC 7, 2001 (VIS) - At the close of the concert held this evening in the Paul VI Hall, during which the National Philharmonic of Warsaw played Wojciech Kilar's "Missa pro Pace", John Paul II made an address to those present.

"This artistic event with its deep religious significance has helped us to think and pray for peace. The twentieth century, though marked like perhaps no other by wars and bloodshed, closed with so many hopes for justice and peace. Alas, the tragic events of September 11 abruptly swept those hopes away. Yet we must not lose heart. Peace is a gift of God and, at the same time, the fruit of the daily efforts of men and women of good will. Through the universal language of music and song, the invitation has rung out from the Paul VI Hall for everyone to be builders of hope and peace. Let us take up this heartfelt exhortation. May the life of each believer be an echo of that love that defeats violence and marks the beginning of 'a new heaven and a new earth'."

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VATICAN CITY, DEC 9, 2001 (VIS) - John Paul II prayed the Angelus at noon today with the many faithful gathered in St. Peter's Square.

Before the recitation of the Marian prayer, the Pope recalled the upcoming day of fasting and prayer for peace on December 14. "This initiative," the Pope said, "has met with approval also from the faithful of other religions, in particular Hebrews and Muslims, as well as many people of good will." He then emphasized that in the current complex international situation "humanity is called to mobilize its best energies, in order that love prevail over hatred, and peace over war."

"Fasting," the Holy Father explained, "expresses sorrow for a serious misfortune, but also the desire to assume responsibility for it in some way, confessing our sins and committing ourselves to convert our hearts and actions to greater justice towards God and neighbor. ... Fasting allows us then to share our daily bread with those who lack it, beyond any pietism or false charity."

"The date of December 14 also coincides with the end of Ramadan, during which the followers of Islam express with fasting their submission to the One God. It is my heartfelt desire that the shared action of religious penance cause reciprocal understanding to increase between Christians and Muslims, called more than ever, in the current time, to together become the architects of justice and peace."

After reciting the Angelus, the Pope recalled that in the upcoming days, the representatives of 140 ratifying States will meet in Geneva to reaffirm the Convention of 1951 regarding the status of refugees, and the Protocol of 1967. "I hope that all nations implement legal protection for the unfortunately great number of individuals forced to flee their own countries, as well as for the so called 'internal refugees'. May shared commitment bring an end to the grave violations of human rights, which are at the origin of these forced movements."

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VATICAN CITY, DEC 10, 2001 (VIS) - Made public today was a message from the Holy Father to young people of Italian Catholic Action who took part in a conference in Rome from December 7 to 9.

In the message, which is dated December 8, the Pope tells the young people: "Have no hesitation (in following Christ) in a school of sanctity, one renewed by the spirituality and ecclesial commitment specific to Catholic Action."

"Today I would like to reiterate the invitation I made at Tor Vergata: You are and must ever more be the morning guards of the dawn of the new millennium. Even though at the beginning of this century - overshadowed unfortunately by terrorism, fear and war - the invitation may seem to require too great a commitment, it nonetheless remains valid. Today more than ever, in order to be the morning guards of the new millennium, you must be saints!"

John Paul II calls on the young people to have ever more love for "the word of Christ. Know how to listen to, understand, deepen, love and, above all, live (that word). Let yourselves be guided in this by the true masters of faith."

"Christ will take you wherever there is pain to be alleviated, solidarity to be expressed, joy to be celebrated; in the fatigue of study and work, in the enjoyment of leisure time, in family life and in the overly-long wait for a future that often comes about only with difficulty."

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VATICAN CITY, DEC 10, 2001 (VIS) - The Holy Father received today in separate audiences:

- His Beatitude Raphael I Bidawid, patriarch of Babylonia of the Chaldeans, Iraq, with Auxiliary Bishop Shlemon Warduni, on the occasion of their "ad limina" visit.
- Bishop Youssef Ibrahim Sarraf of Le Caire of the Chaldeans, Egypt, apostolic visitor for the Chaldeans in Europe, on the occasion of his "ad limina" visit.
- Bishop Michel Kassarji of Beirut of the Chaldeans, Lebanon, on the occasion of his "ad limina" visit.
- Fr. Abbot Yousif Ibrahim, O.A.C., patriarchal administrator of Sulaimaniya of the Chaldeans, Iraq, on the occasion of his "ad limina" visit.
- Archbishop Giovanni Angelo Becciu, apostolic nuncio in Angola, and in Sao Tome and Principe, accompanied by family members.

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VATICAN CITY, DEC 10, 2001 (VIS) - Holy See Press Office Director Joaquin Navarro-Valls today made the following declaration regarding the meeting to be held in the Vatican on December 13 on "the future of Christians in the Holy Land" which the Pope "considered it appropriate to organize, given the delicate situation" in the region:

"By this initiative, which is of a pastoral nature, the Supreme Pontiff wishes to highlight once again his spiritual closeness to those peoples and to share the drama of their daily lives, too often tested by acts of violence and discrimination.

Apart from the cardinal secretary of State and his collaborators, the meeting will be attended by leaders of the different rites within the Catholic community in Jerusalem, a number of cardinals of the Roman Curia, pontifical representatives in Jordan and Israel, and representatives from certain national and international episcopal conferences that have always followed the unfolding events in the Holy Land with particular interest. The meeting will provide an opportunity to bear witness to the Church's solicitude for Christians in the Holy Land, especially for the Catholic community, as well as to demonstrate a common commitment to the continuity of (the Church's) millenary presence in that region and to offer a specific contribution towards justice and reconciliation between all those whose faith has its roots there."



VATICAN CITY, DEC 10, 2001 (VIS) - The Holy Father accepted the resignation from the pastoral care of the diocese of Melaka-Johor, Malaysia, presented by Bishop James Chan Soon Cheong, upon having reached the age limit.

On Sunday, December 9, it was made public that the Holy Father accepted the resignation from the pastoral care of the diocese of Alleppey, India, presented by Bishop Peter M. Chenaparampil, in accordance with Canon 401, para. 2, of the Code of Canon Law. He is succeeded by Bishop Stephen Athipozhiyil, coadjutor of the same diocese.

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