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Wednesday, July 2, 2008


VATICAN CITY, 2 JUL 2008 (VIS) - The Holy Father has sent a Message to prelates of the Episcopal Conference of Colombia, who are meeting from 29 June to 5 July in a plenary assembly during which they will commemorate the 100th anniversary of the foundation of their institution.

  In his Message, the Pope highlights how the Episcopal Conference of Colombia, which came into being in 1908, "has constantly supported the evangelising mission of the Church in that beloved nation, seeking adequate ways and means to reinforce ecclesial life in those lands, and to encourage the baptised to respond generously to their vocation of sanctity".

  Referring to the challenges facing the Church in Colombia, Benedict XVI gives the prelates assurances of his "prayers and spiritual closeness in the efforts you are making to ensure the Gospel rings out in all parts of Colombian territory, through initiatives in the fields of pastoral care in education and in universities, and in the concern you show for the imprisoned, the sick, the elderly, indigenous peoples, workers, the displaced, the young and families".

  "In the certainty that you are laying solid foundations for a promising future, and for the good of the whole Church", he continues, "I encourage your to redouble your attention towards priests, seminarians, missionaries and religious, and to give renewed impetus to the various formational programmes for catechists, lay people and pastoral care workers".

  After highlighting the care with which the prelates seek to be "men of harmony", and their "continual exhortations for an end to the violence, kidnapping, and extortion which affect so many sons and daughters of that beloved land", the Pope concludes his Message by asking God "for an end to these situations which have caused so much suffering, and for a stable and just peace in Colombia, in a climate of hope and prosperity".
MESS/PEACE HOPE/COLOMBIAN BISHOPS                        VIS 20080702 (320)

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