VATICAN CITY, NOV 12, 2005 (VIS) - This morning, Benedict XVI received prelates from the Bulgarian Episcopal Conference, who have just completed their "ad limina" visit.
In his address, the Pope said that following his individual meetings with each of the prelates he was convinced that "the Catholic Church in Bulgaria is vibrant and wishes to offer its witness to Christ in the society in which she lives." Despite being a small minority, "the Lord always knows how to compensate for any of our shortcomings and for the lack of means at our disposal. What is important is not so much organizational efficiency as unshakeable faith in Christ, because it is Christ Who guides, upholds and sanctifies His Church, also through your indispensable ministry."
Referring to the prelates' ecclesiastical service alongside their brethren of the Orthodox Church, the Holy Father expressed the hope that "the present good relations may develop further, to the advantage of the announcement of the Gospel of the Son of God." And he asked the Bulgarian Catholic bishops to pass on "a cordial greeting" to Patriarch Maxim, head of the Orthodox Church in Bulgaria.
He continued: "It is necessary to continue the journey we have begun, intensifying prayer so as to bring forward the moment when we can all sit around the one Table and eat the one Bread of salvation."
The Pope made reference to an "intense dialogue with the civil authorities on themes of common interest," and indicated that "the Catholic community, although a minority in the country, can offer generous witness to Christ's universal charity."
Benedict XVI then went on: "Following the sad period of communist oppression, Catholics who persevered in their adherence to Christ with eager trust now feel the urgent need to consolidate their faith and to spread the Gospel in all areas of social life, especially where there is the clearest need for Christian announcement. I am thinking, for example, of the severe drop in the birthrate, of the high percentage of abortions, of the fragility of many families and the problem of emigration. I am happy to learn that the Catholic Church in Bulgaria is strongly committed in the social field, so as to meet the needs of so many poor people. I encourage you to continue this journey at the service of the Bulgarian people, who are so dear to me."
The Pope called on the prelates not to be afraid "also to present young generations with the ideal of a total consecration to Christ," and to continue their efforts "to give your communities appropriate structures for pastoral activity and Christian worship, also with the help of other Catholic Churches and organizations. On this matter, I am particularly pleased to learn of the rebuilding of the Latin Cathedral Church of Sofia, dedicated to St. Joseph."
AL/.../BULGARIA VIS 20051114 (480)

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