VATICAN CITY, OCT 17, 2005 (VIS) - This morning, the Holy Father visited the Pontifical Ethiopian College, which is located within the walls of Vatican City, for the 75th anniversary of its inauguration.
During the visit, the Pope delivered an address to prelates from the Ethiopian and Eritrean Episcopal Conference, who have just completed their "ad limina" visit. Mentioning the fact that the college is located within the Vatican, Benedict XVI pointed out how this "is an eloquent sign of the close bonds of communion linking the Church in your countries with the See of Rome."
"Indeed, the united witness that you give, transcending all political and ethnic divisions, has a vital role to play in bringing healing and reconciliation to the troubled region in which you live."
The Pope encouraged the bishops "to express solidarity in whatever way you can with your suffering brothers and sisters in Somalia, where political instability makes it almost impossible to live with the dignity that properly belongs to every human person."
He continued: "In your countries, where Catholics are such a small minority, the work of ecumenical dialogue takes on particular urgency, and I am glad that your episcopal conference has been addressing this challenge. ... Since ecumenical progress also depends upon good theological formation, it should be greatly assisted by the establishment of a Catholic university in Ethiopia, and I give thanks to God that the long negotiations over this project have recently borne fruit."
The Holy Father went on to recall how half the population of Ethiopia and Eritrea is under twenty, giving the prelates "numerous opportunities to harness the vitality and enthusiasm of the new generation." He also called on them to help young people "recognize and respond generously if God is calling them to serve Him in the priesthood and the religious life. In paying tribute to the work of generations of missionaries - including some of you here present - I pray at the same time that the seeds which have been planted will continue to bear fruit in a rich harvest of indigenous vocations."
In closing, Benedict XVI said: "Your visit to Rome takes place in the closing days of this Year of the Eucharist. ... I urge you to deepen your personal devotion to this great mystery. ... Your people have experienced famine, oppression and warfare. Help them to discover in the Eucharist the central act of transformation that alone can truly renew the world, changing violence into love, slavery into freedom, death into life."
AL/.../ETHIOPIA:ERITREA VIS 20051017 (430)

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