MADE PUBLIC TODAY WAS A LETTER FROM THE HOLY FATHER to Bishop Heinz Josef Algermissen of Fulda, Germany on the occasion of the 1250th anniversary of the martyrdom of St. Boniface, "Apostle of Germany." The feast day of the bishop and martyr is June 5.
ON THE OCCASION OF THE 34th General Assembly of the Organization of American States which takes place on June 6-8 in Quito, Ecuador, Cardinal Angelo Sodano sent a letter in the Holy Father's name to the assembly's president, Ambassador Patricio Zuquilanda, minister of Foreign Relations for Ecuador and the ministers of the American States and the Caribbean who are participating in the meeting. The cardinal secretary of State recalls the Pope's visit twenty five years ago to the OAS headquarters in Washington where, among other things, he affirmed "durable peace is not obtained by accumulating arms." The cardinal invites countries with more resources to finance development projects "that constitute the foundation for durable peace."
.../IN BRIEF/... VIS 20040607 (170)

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