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Wednesday, July 31, 2002


VATICAN CITY, JUL 31, 2002 (VIS) - Blessed Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin whom John Paul II will canonize in the shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe was an Indian born in 1474. The name Cuautlatoatzin means 'eagle that speaks.'

Although he was not a slave and owned land on which he built a house, he had humble origins. He was a farmer and made blankets to sell.
After Brother Toribio de Benavente preached among the Indians, Cuauhtlatoatzin converted to Christianity along with his wife between 1524 and 1525. He then took the name Juan Diego and his wife Maria Lucia; when she died in 1529, he moved with his uncle Juan Bernardino to Tolpetlac, located 14 kilometers from the church of Tlatilolco in Tenochtitlan.

On December 9, 1531, during one of his journeys by foot, crossing forests and villages to go from his house to Tenochtitlan, the Virgin Mary appeared to him for the first time, speaking to him in his native nahuatl in a place now known as 'Chapel of the Little Hill.' Our Lady asked him to build in the same place a church in her honor in order to be able to give her love, help and compassion to men and women. At the Virgin's request, Juan Diego informed the bishop who did not believe him unless he brought him proof.

Three days later, the Virgin appeared to the Indian again and told him to go up to the summit of Mt. Tepeyac where he would find roses from Castilla which did not grow on the mountain, and to bring them to the bishop. When Juan Diego opened out before the prelate the cloak in which he had put the roses, there was an image of Our Lady miraculously impressed in it. It is the same image that has been venerated for almost 500 years later in the shrine of Guadalupe.

Juan Diego died in 1548 at 74 years of age and has become one of the most popular subjects of devotion in all of Latin America. In 1737, the Virgin of Guadalupe was proclaimed Patron of Mexico and in 1910 Patron of the Americas. In 1935, the Phillipines also proclaimed her their patron. John Paul II elevated Juan Diego to the altars in 1990.

The present shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe is located 15 kilometers from Mexico City in the same place where the old basilica was constructed in the 16th century and used until the middle of the 20th century. When the foundations of the basilica gave in, posing a danger to the faithful, the Mexican Episcopal Conference decided to start the construction of a new basilica. The first stone was set in place on December 12, 1974 and the complex, the work of architect Pedro Ramirez Vasquez, was inaugurated two years later.

Our Lady of Guadalupe today is the biggest and most visited Marian shrines in the world; each year 20 million pilgrims visit it. From the outside, it looks like a circular tent in the desert, in memory of the tabernacle of Moses at the foot of Mt. Sinai, and is lined with dark green copper sheets of (the color of the Virgin's cloak). The inside of the church is covered in Canadian pine (6,000 square meters), the floor is made of Mexican marble and in the central column, lined with planks of cedar covered in sheets of gold, lies a fragment of Juan Diego's cloak with the image of Our Lady.

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VATICAN CITY, JUL 30, 2002 (VIS) - After a brief farewell ceremony, John Paul II departed at 4:30 p.m. local time (12:30 a.m. on Wednesday July 31, Rome time) from the international airport in Guatemala City for Mexico City where he landed approximately 2 hours later after covering 1,050 kilometers.

At 7:30 p.m. local time (2:30 a.m. on Wednesday July 31, Rome time), the Pope arrived at the airport in Mexico City where he was received by the president of the republic, Vicente Fox, and by political and civil authorities, and representatives from the diplomatic corp. The archbishop of Mexico City, Cardinal Norberto Rivera Carrera, archbishop of Guadalajara, Cardinal Juan Sandoval Iniguez, archbishop of Monterrey, Cardinal Adolfo Antonio Suarez Rivera and Archbishop Luis Morales Reyes of Potosi, president of the Mexican Episcopal Conference, also participated in the welcome ceremony. It is the fifth time that John Paul II has visited Mexico. His previous trips were in 1979, 1990, 1993 and 1999.

The Holy Father addressed those present recalling that in their "hospitable land" he had begun his "travelling apostolate that ... has brought me to so many parts of the world, drawing me near to many men and women to confirm them in the faith of Jesus Christ, Savior."

Afterward, John Paul made reference to the new saints and blesseds of the Latin American continent, Pedro de San Jose Betancur, Juan Diego, Juan Bautista and Jacinto de los Angeles who "join in this way," he explained, "the beautiful examples of holiness in these beautiful American lands, where the Christian message has been welcomed with an open heart, has permeated its cultures and has reaped abundant fruits."

At the end, the Pope thanked Mexicans for their "constant affection" and their "faithfulness to the Church" and he added: "I bless each one of you from my heart in the way that your forefathers used to bless their loved ones; 'May God make you like Juan Diego.'"



VATICAN CITY, JUL 30, 2002 (VIS) - John Paul II presided this morning at 9 a.m. local time (5 p.m. Rome time) in the South Hippodrome at the Eucharistic celebration during which he canonized Brother Pedro de San Jose Betancur. Cardinals, bishops and priests from Tenerife, Guatemala and other Central American countries concelebrated with the Holy Father in memory of the old kingdom of Guatemala which during the life of the new saint used to include all the states in Central America. More than 700,000 people attended the ceremony.

The Holy Father began his homily by affirming: "As I inscribe Brother Pedro de Betancur in the catalogue of saints, I do it convinced of the current value of his message. The new saint, with the unique equipment of his faith and his trust in God, crossed the Atlantic to attend to the poor and indigenous of America: ... Cuba ... Honduras ... Guatemala."

Afterward, the Pope greeted participants in the canonization, from Archbishop Rodolfo Quezada Toruno of Guatemala City to political, civil and religious representatives and he added: "I also wish to express my appreciation and closeness to the many indigenous people. The Pope does not forget you and, admiring the values of your cultures, he encourages you to overcome with hope the sometimes difficult situations you experience ... You deserve respect and have the right to realize yourselves fully in justice, integral development and peace."

John Paul II underlined that the new saint "was a man of deep prayer. For this reason, he is an example for all Christians of today whom he reminds that to be a saint 'a christianity that distinguishes itself above all in the art of prayer is necessary.'"

Subsequently, referring to the psalm prayed in the Mass in which it is affirmed that divine justice exists throughout the ages, he exclaimed: "Justice that endures is that which is practiced with humility, sharing cordially good fortune with your brothers, spreading the spirit of forgiveness and mercy everywhere."

"Pedro de Betancur," he explained, "stood out precisely because he practiced mercy with a humble spirit and an austere life. ... He was truly brother to everyone who lives in misfortune and he devoted himself to his salvation with affection and intense love."

"The new saint is also an urgent call today to practice mercy in modern society, above all when there are so many who are waiting for a hand outstretched to help them. Let us think about children and young people without a home or an education; abandoned women with many needs to meet; the multitude of outcasts in the cities; the victims of organized crime, prostitution or drugs; the sick who are unattended or the elderly who live alone."
At the end of the Mass, the mayor of Guatemala City and two representatives of the city gave the Pope the keys to Old Guatemala, the place where St. Pedro de San Jose Betancur lived and died.



VATICAN CITY, JUL 31, 2002 (VIS) - Today John Paul II canonized Blessed Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin, who became the first indigenous saint from the American continent, in the basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe.

Several cardinals and Mexican bishops from America, the Philipines and other places attended the ceremony, as well as the president of the republic, Vicente Fox and civil authorities. There were also many indigenous people who came from different regions in the country, representatives of Mexico's many ethnicities and cultures.

In addition to the 12,000 people that packed the basilica, another 30,000 followed the canonization from the square outside thanks to giant screens.

In the homily, the Pope affirmed that Juan Diego was "the simple and humble Indian who contemplated the sweet and serene face of the Virgin of Tepeyac, so dear to the peoples of Mexico."

He continued: "In accepting the Christian message without forgoing his indigenous identity, Juan Diego discovered the profound truth of the new humanity, in which all are called to be children of God. Thus he facilitated the fruitful meeting of two worlds and became the catalyst for the new Mexican identity, closely united to Our Lady of Guadalupe, whose mestizo face expresses her spiritual motherhood which embraces all Mexicans. This is why the witness of his life must continue to be the inspiration for the building up of the Mexican nation, encouraging brotherhood among all its children and ever helping to reconcile Mexico with its origins, values and traditions."

The Holy Father emphasized that "the noble task of building a better Mexico, with greater justice and solidarity, demands the cooperation of all. In particular, it is necessary today to support the indigenous peoples in their legitimate aspirations, respecting and defending the authentic values of each ethnic group. Mexico needs its indigenous peoples and these peoples need Mexico!"

"At this decisive moment in Mexico's history, having already crossed the threshold of the new millennium, I entrust to the powerful intercession of Saint Juan Diego the joys and hopes, the fears and anxieties of the beloved Mexican people, whom I carry in my heart. Blessed Juan Diego, a good, Christian Indian," he concluded, "whom simple people have always considered a saint! We ask you to accompany the Church on her pilgrimage in Mexico, so that she may be more evangelizing and more missionary each day."



VATICAN CITY, JUL 31, 2002 (VIS) - The Holy Father accepted the resignation from the office of Auxiliary of the archdiocese of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, presented by Bishop Francisco Jose Arnaiz Zarandona, S.J., upon having reached the age limit.

RE;...;...;ARNAIZ ;VIS;20020731;Word: 40;

Tuesday, July 30, 2002


VATICAN CITY, JUL 30, 2002 (VIS) - On the occasion of the canonization of Blessed Brother Pedro de San Jose Betancur that will take place today at the hippodrome in Guatemala City at 9 a.m. local time (5 p.m. Rome time), in continuation we offer a brief biography.

Brother Pedro was born March 21, 1626 in Vilaflor, Tenerife, Spain. He left his country at age 24 and departed for America, arriving in Havana, Cuba, where he stayed for one year. In 1651 he left for Guatemala, passing through Trujillo, Honduras, and from there he began the journey on foot toward the city of Santiago de los Caballeros, Old Guatemala. When he arrived, he knelt down, kissed the ground and said: "I must live and die here."

On January 10, 1655 he presented his petition to enter the Secular Franciscan Order (Third Franciscan Order) and on June 11, 1656 he made his profession in the same order.

On February 24, 1658, Pedro bought a small house from Maria Esquivel for 40 pesos, the remains of which are in the 'Posada de Belen'. He converted it into an infirmary at night and installed an oratory dedicated to the Virgin which would later be used as a school for Christian doctrine and reading and writing for illiterate children and adults, as well as a hospice for the homeless. It is recognized as the first school to teach reading and writing in Guatemala. From 1658 on, he collaborated in his small hospital with the first Tertiary Brothers in founding the fourth hospital in the history of Guatemala and the first for convalescents in America and the world.

Brother Pedro called the oratory the 'Little House of Our Lady of Bethlehem', which would be the cradle of the new religious 'Bethlemite' order, the first native order in America.

The interior life of Brother Pedro and his devotion were centered in the great mysteries of the life of Christ, the Nativity in Bethlehem, the sorrowful Passion and the Eucharist.

On December 7, 1663, Brother Pedro requested official approval of Bethlehem Hospital from King Felipe IV.

On April 20, 1667, already seriously ill, he made his will in Bethlehem Hospital in which he requested to be buried in the Church of the Lord, St. Francis the Great in the chapel where the Tertiaries were buried.

On April 25, 1667, while looking at an image of St. Joseph in Bethlehem Hospital, he exclaimed, "This is my Glory," and he expired. When he died, he left his work and his religious family to the charge of Brother Rodrigo de la Cruz, duke of Talamanca and the ex-governor of Costa Rica, miraculously converted by the life and example of Brother Peter.

On May 2, 1667, eight days after the death of Brother Pedro, the foundation of Bethlehem Hospital was officially recognized.

On August 20, 1667, the first constitutions of the Bethlemite Brothers were approved. With this act, the new order of the Bethlemite Brothers was born juridically.

On July 25, 1771, Pope Clement XIV pronounced that Brother Pedro had practiced the theological and moral virtues to a heroic degree, declaring him Venerable.

On June 22, 1980, the Pope recognized Brother Pedro's sanctity and declared him Blessed. From that moment on, his spirit has been present in an extraordinary way in the 'Social Works of Brother Pedro' in Old Guatemala.

On July 7, 2001, the decree on the miracle for his canonization was approved by John Paul II.



VATICAN CITY, JUL 29, 2002 (VIS) - John Paul II arrived at the international airport in Guatemala City at 3 p.m. (local time), where he was received by President Alfonso Portillo Cabrera. In addition, Guatemalan bishops, political and civil authorities and the diplomatic corp welcomed the Pope. Present at the welcome ceremony were presidents and prime ministers of the 6 other nations in Central America: Belize, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic.

In his speech, addressed to everyone who had come to greet him, the Holy Father manifested his joy on his third visit to Guatemala and recalled the character of Blessed Pedro de Betancur whom he will canonize tomorrow.

This celebration, he continued, "must be a true moment of grace and renewal for Guatemala. In effect, the example of his life and the eloquence of his message are a valuable contribution to the construction of a society which is being exposed to the challenges of the third millennium." Afterward, the Pope expressed the desire that the Guatemalan people, "thirsty for God and for spiritual values, anxious for peace and reconciliation, as much in their heart, as with neighboring peoples and brothers, that they may live in solidarity and justice and enjoy the dignity that they deserve."



VATICAN CITY, JUL 30, 2002 (VIS) - On the occasion of John Paul II's visit to Mexico City, capital of Mexico, we offer some information on the metropolis and its civil and ecclesiastical situation.

Mexico City, the old Tenochtitlan (City of Light) was founded in 1325 by the Mexica tribe. When the Spaniard Hernan Cortes conquered and destroyed it in 1521, it was a rich and thriving city, the capital of the Aztec empire. Reconstructed quickly, in 1530 it obtained the same privileges as Burgos, then the capital of Castilla, and in 1551 a university was founded.

The city is situated on a plain, previously a lake, at an altitude of 2,240 meters. The Aztecs connected the islets of the lake in order to form one island. The successive drainage of the water caused the fusion of the island to firm ground. With the passage of time, it was been discovered that the subsoil is unstable. In addition, the consequences of the many earthquakes that have affected the area have been dramatic; in the last earthquake that occurred in 1985, 10,000 people died.

This metropolis, one of the oldest in the Western hemisphere, has been and continues to be the center of Latin American culture. Among the monuments that are remnants of the Spanish Empire are the hospital, the Church of Jesus, the cathedral, as well as the French and Spanish colonial neighborhoods. The National Anthropological Museum also stands out.

After Mexican independence in 1821, the city was claimed by Emperor Agustin de Iturbide. When Iturbide abdicated in 1824, it was chosen as capital of the republic. Because of war with the United States and conflicts among liberals and conservatives, American troops occupied Mexico and subsequently French troops in 1863. Maximiliano of Habsburg, named emperor of Mexico, lived in the country until he was overthrown by liberals and the republic was restored in 1867, with Benito Juarez as president. After the revolution of Maximiliano Zapata in 1910, the city was transformed rapidly and in approximately 20 years, its population grew from 350,000 to one million.

Presently, Mexico City has 8,489,000 inhabitants, although 19.5 million people live in the urban area around the federal district. Expansion of the city is blocked by the mountains that surround it. On the outskirts, there are numerous residential centers to the south and west and 'lost cities' or shanty towns to the north. A third of the industrial production of the country comes from industries in the Federal District.

The archdioceses of Mexico City has 8,591,000 inhabitants, of which 7,283,712 are Catholics. There are 425 parishes, 211 churches or missionary stations, 473 educational institutions and 136 charitable centers, 712 diocesan priests, 635 religious priests, 1,630 non-priest male religious and 4,251 female religious. The archbishop is Cardinal Norberto Rivera Carrera and the apostolic nuncio is Archbishop Giuseppe Bertello.


Monday, July 29, 2002


VATICAN CITY, JUL 27, 2002 (VIS) - John Paul II went this morning from Strawberry Island to the Mother House of the Sisters of St. Joseph in Toronto where he will stay till July 29th when he will leave for Guatemala City.

The complex where the Pope is staying is in the middle of a large park in north Toronto - F.K. Morrow Park, named after a philanthropist who gave the nuns the grounds of his property -and is comprised of the Mother House of the order, a residence and a rest home for elderly religious, a chapel and an infirmary.

The community was founded in France in 1651 by Fr. Joseph Medaille, S.J. In the 19th century, the bishop of Toronto asked the religious, as well as the monks of St. Basil, to go to Canada to take charge of an orphanage during the epidemic of typhus and cholera. In 1892, the Sisters of St. Joseph inaugurated the first of their hospitals in Canada which were followed by hospices for the elderly, schools and university residences.
The Pope arrived at the Mother House of the religious just before 11 a.m. where the Canadian political authorities were waiting for him: Prime Minister Jean Chretien, Governor general Adrienne Clarkson, Governor David Young of Ontario, and Mayor Mel Lastman of Toronto. The Holy Father spoke in private with each of them and after greeting the superior general and the council of the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph, he went to the chapel to pray the Angelus with the community.

Before the Marian prayer, John Paul II thanked the nuns for their hospitality and emphasized that he knew how much they had worked "together with so many religious in preparation for World Youth Day and in welcoming young people from all over the world."
After recalling that the congregation just celebrated 150 years since its foundation, he said: "With you I bless the Lord who has done so many marvels through the dedication, sacrifice and humble and hidden service of so many religious of St. Joseph."

After praying the Angelus, the Pope ate lunch in the refectory of the convent with 120 bishops of the Canadian Episcopal Conference.

PV-TORONTO;ANGELUS;...;TORONTO;VIS;20020729;Word: 380;


VATICAN CITY, JUL 26, 2002 (VIS) - This afternoon, Holy See Press Office Director Joaquin Navarro-Valls recounted details about John Paul II's day of rest on Strawberry Island to journalists who are accompanying him on his apostolic trip.

Navarro-Valls said that the Holy Father had taken a boat ride in the morning and later had done the Way of the Cross which is his custom on Fridays.

In response to the Pope's invitation, 14 youths from Canada, Germany, India, the United States, Sudan, China (Hong Kong), Kenya, Tahiti, Peru, Australia, Jordan and Bosnia-Herzegovina, who participated in World Youth Day, arrived on the island at midday to eat lunch with him.

The Director of the Holy See Press Office affirmed that the encounter with the Pope lasted two hours. The Holy Father asked each one for news about their life and country. Of special interest were comments made by a representative of Sudan who told the Pope about the difficult situation in his country, affected by a bloody war and famine, and by another representative from China who said, "There are many people in my country who love him."

After lunch, several of the youths sang. One of the Canadians played country-rock music and a representative from Kenya performed a dance of the Masai tribes.

Among the most significant gifts that the Pope received was a Chinese flag, signed with greetings from young people of the nation, on which it was written: "We hope that one day World Youth Day will be celebrated in our country."



VATICAN CITY, JUL 29, 2002 (VIS) - After celebrating Mass this morning in private, the Pope will go to Lester B. International Airport in Toronto where he will say goodbye to civil and religious authorities at 11:15 a.m. local time (5:15 p.m. Rome time).

The Holy Father will arrive in Guatemala City in 5 hours after covering 3,398 kilometers. His arrival at the international airport in Guatemala City is scheduled for 3 p.m. local time (11 p.m. Rome time).



VATICAN CITY JUL 28, 2002 (VIS) - This morning at 9:30 a.m. local time, John Paul II presided at the Eucharistic Concelebration which concluded World Youth Day in Downsview Park. Four hundred bishops and 1,000 priests concelebrated with the Pope. Eight hundred thousand young people attended the Mass, celebrated in French, English, Inuktikut and in the languages of the diverse participants.
The Pope's homily was dedicated to the theme of the 17th World Youth Day: 'You are the salt of the earth; you are the light of the world.'

The Pope quoted the gospel passage in which Jesus' disciples, close to the Lake of Galilea, were listening to his "voice, gentle and urgent ... as a call to choose between life and death, between truth and falsehood."

"Today," he continued, "he is speaking the same words to you, the young people ... His words tell you who you are as Christians. They tell you what you must do to remain in his love. ... Jesus offers one thing, and the 'spirit of the world' offers another. The 'spirit of the world' offers many false illusions and parodies of happiness. There is perhaps no darkness deeper than the darkness that enters young people's soul when false prophets extinguish in them the light of faith and hope and love. The greatest deception, and the deepest source of unhappiness, is the illusion of finding life by excluding God, of finding freedom by excluding moral truths and personal responsibility. The Lord is calling you to choose between these two voices."

"The world you are inheriting is a world which desperately needs a new sense of brotherhood and human solidarity. ... It needs you - to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world. Salt seasons and improves the flavor of food. ... You have to change and improve the 'taste' of human history. ... You have to humanize the world we live in."

"If you love Jesus, love the Church! Do not be discouraged by the sins and failings of some of her members. The harm done by some priests and religious to the young and vulnerable fills us all with a deep sense of sadness and shame. But think of the vast majority of dedicated and generous priests and religious whose only wish is to serve and do good!"

"You are young, the Pope is old and a bit tired," he said, as he was interrupted by participants who were exclaiming: "It's not true, the Pope is young." John Paul II then responded, improvising: "To be 82 or 83 is not the same as 22 or 23." Returning to his homily, he emphasized: "But he still fully identifies with your hopes and aspirations. Although I have lived through much darkness, under harsh totalitarian regimes, I have seen enough evidence to be unshakably convinced that no difficulty, no fear is so great that it can completely suffocate the hope that springs eternal in the hearts of young."

When the Mass was over, John Paul II prayed the Angelus with the young people. Before the Marian prayer, the Pope entrusted the fruits of World Youth Day to Mary, Mother of the Redeemer, so that "in time, with her help, they may flourish."

"I wish formally to announce that the next World Youth Day will take place in 2005 in Cologne, Germany. In the great Cathedral in Cologne the relics of the Magi, the Wise Men from the East who followed the star which led them to Christ, are honored. As pilgrims, your spiritual journey to Cologne starts today."

PV-TORONTO;MASS;...;TORONTO;VIS;20020729;Word: 550;


VATICAN CITY, JUL 27, 2002 (VIS) - This afternoon the Pope went from the Mother House of the Sisters of St. Joseph to Downsview Park in Toronto to participate in the Vigil with young people from all over the world. The gathering had the same theme as World Youth Day: "You are the salt of the earth; you are light of the world."

Downsview Park used to be a military airport. It was converted into the first urban national park with its 260 hectareas. The Holy Father celebrated Mass here during his pastoral visit in 1984.

After taking a ride in the popemobile while greeting 500,000 young people from 173 countries, the Holy Father went up to the podium, installed on a large stage.

The event included a welcome from young Canadians to the Pope and the pilgrims, testimony by several youths from different continents, liturgy of the Word, a speech by the Pope, prayers of the faithful, a final blessing and the singing of the World Youth Day 2002 song, 'Light of the World.'

At the beginning of his speech, John Paul II recalled that when in 1985 he started the World Youth Days he imagined them to be "a powerful moment in which young people of the world could meet Christ, who is eternally young, and could learn from Him how to be bearers of the Gospel to other young people. This evening, together with you, I praise God and give thanks to him for the gift bestowed on the Church through the World Youth Days."

"The new millennium opened with two contrasting scenarios: one, the sight of multitudes of pilgrims coming to Rome during the Great Jubilee" and "the terrible terrorist attack on New York, an image that is a sort of icon of a world in which hostility and hatred seem to prevail."

"The question that arises is dramatic," he continued, "on what foundations must we build the new historical era that is emerging from the great transformations of the twentieth century? Is it enough to rely on the technological revolution now taking place, which seems to respond only to criteria of productivity and efficiency, without reference to the individual's spiritual dimension or to any universally shared ethical values? Is it right to be content with provisional answers to the ultimate questions, and to abandon life to the impulses of instinct, to short-lived sensations or passing fads? The question will not go away: on what foundations, on what certainties should we build our lives and the life of the community to which we belong?"

The Holy Father emphasized that the 20th century tried "to build the city of man without reference to Him. It ended actually building that city against man! Christians knows that it is not possible to reject or ignore God without demeaning man."

Humanity nurtures "a new civilization marked by freedom and peace." For this, "a new generation of builders is needed" and he affirmed, "you must be those 'builders', young people."

John Paul II urged the youths: "Let yourselves be taken over by the light of Christ, and spread that light wherever you are. .. If your friendship with Christ, your knowledge of his mystery, your giving of yourselves to him, are genuine and deep, you will be 'children of the light' and you will become 'light of the world'".

"This evening the Pope, along with all of you, young people from every continent, reaffirms before the world the faith that sustains the life of the Church. Christ is the light of the nations. Precisely for this reason I say to you this evening: let the light of Christ shine in your lives! Do no wait until you are older in order to set out on the path of holiness! ... Communicate to everyone the beauty of the contact with God that gives meaning to your lives. In the quest for justice, in the promotion of peace, in your commitment to brotherhood and solidarity, let no one surpass you!"

When the vigil concluded, the Pope went to his residence in the Mother House of the Sisters of St. Joseph to spend the night.



VATICAN CITY, JUL 28, 2002 (VIS) - Cardinal Angelo Sodano, secretary of State, sent a telegram in the Pope's name to Archbishop Lorenzo Baldisseri, apostolic nuncio in India, for the many victims of a shipwreck on a lake in the southern state of Kerala which occurred yesterday.

In addition, the cardinal sent another telegram to Archbishop Nikola Eterovic, apostolic nuncio in Ukraine, following an accident in an air show yesterday afternoon in which a military plane crashed into people who were attending an exhibition, causing dozens of deaths and injuries.



VATICAN CITY, JUL 29, 2002 (VIS) - On the occasion of John Paul II's apostolic trip to Guatemala City, capital of Guatemala, we offer some information about the country and its civil and ecclesiastical state.

Guatemala is the center of Mayan civilization which flourished between the 10th and 12th centuries. It fell to Aztec domination in subsequent centuries until Pedro de Alvarado, Hernan Cortes' captain, conquered the country for the Spanish crown in 1523.

Guatemala belonged to Spain until 1821 when it declared its independence. In 1839, it declared itself an autonomous republic. Another important date in its history is 1954, when President Arbenz Guzman, supporter of radical agrarian reform, was over thrown after a military coup. Since then, and till 1985, the various military regimes that have gained power have faced guerilla forces which consist primarily of indigenous people. In 1996, the government and the National Revolutionary Union signed a peace accord.

Guatemala City, founded in 1776, after an earthquake that destroyed Old Guatemala, is the nation's capital and political, social, cultural and economic center. In addition, it is the biggest city in Central America.

After the country declared its independence, Guatemala City was the capital of the province of Central America for two years under the Mexican empire of Augustin de Iturbide and until 1833 it was also the capital of the Federation of Central America. The real capital of Guatemala until 1902, however, was Quetzaltenango, which was destroyed in the same year by an earthquake. From that date on, the most influential families moved to Guatemala City.

Affected by many earthquakes, the capital was reconstructed between 1917 and 1918. Its main monuments are the churches of San Francisco de la Merced and Santo Domingo, the latter famous for its Holy Week processions. The National Archeological Museum contains important collections of Mayan art. On the outskirts of the city, half of the country's industry is concentrated. The village of Chimnautla, famous for its ceramics, is close to Guatemala city, as are the Indian communities of San Pedro and San Juan Sacatepequez.

The archdiocese of Guatemala City consists of 2,922,080 people, of which 2,045,456 (70%) are Catholics. There are 125 parishes, and 47 churches or missionary stations. There are 96 diocesan priests, 325 religious priests, 579 non-priest, male religious and 1,128 female religious. There are 92 educational institutions and 89 charitable centers. The archbishop is Rodolfo Quezada Toruno and the apostolic nuncio is Archbishop Ramiro Moliner Ingles.

The Pope will be received by Alfonso Portillo Cabrera, president of the Guatemalan Republic, the prime minister of Belize and the presidents of El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama and the Dominican Republic. The bishops of Guatemala, the diplomatic corp and different civil and religious leaders will also welcome the Holy Father.

PV-GUATEMALA CITY;INFORMATION;...;...;VIS;20020729;Word: 450;

Friday, July 26, 2002


VATICAN CITY, JUL 26, 2002 (VIS) - Yesterday afternoon, Archbishop Erwin Josef Ender, apostolic nuncio in the Czech Republic, and Cyril Svoboda, vice prime minister and minister of Foreign Affairs of the same country, signed an accord in Prague between the Holy See and the Czech Republic on the regulation of reciprocal relations.

According to a note published yesterday, "the accord regulates the juridical position of the Catholic Church and its institutions. The State guarantees the Church the free exercise of its mission, in particular, that which concerns worship, pastoral care and teaching, and other aspects of ecclesiastical life. Canonical marriage will be recognized civilly. In addition, the Czech Republic guarantees the Catholic Church the right to the pastoral care of the faithful in hospitals, in centers of social assistance and in prisons. The Church can institute freely and administer charitable works, in accordance with civil law. Catholic schools are equal to public schools, with the same rights and duties. Furthermore, the teaching of religion is supervised in the public schools and the collaboration of the Church and the State is endorsed for the safeguard of cultural patrimony. Finally, the two parties have shown their commitment to resolve questions about the patrimonial goods of the Catholic Church."

...;CHURCH ACCORD;...;ENDER; SVOBODA;VIS;20020726;Word: 220;


VATICAN CITY, JUL 25, 2002 (VIS) - The Pope traveled by helicopter this afternoon from Strawberry Island to Toronto where, at 4:30 p.m., he participated in the welcome party of the youth at Exhibition Place. The theme of the celebration was the Beatitudes.

After greetings by Bishop Jacques Berthelet, C.S.V., of St. Jean Longueuil, and by five young people from five continents, the Holy Father said a few words.

John Paul II assured the 300,000 young people present from all over the world that he has "been eagerly looking forward to this meeting." While listening "to the long list of countries from which you come, we have practically made a trip round the world. Behind each of you I have glimpsed the faces of all your fellow young people whom I have met in the course of my apostolic travels, and whom in a way you represent here."

"The Pope, who loves you dearly, has come from afar to listen again with you to Jesus' words ... These words can set the hearts of young people aflame and motivate their whole lives. I invite you then to make the various activities of this World Youth Day which is just beginning a special time when each of you listens attentively to the Lord, with a willing and generous heart, in order to become the 'salt of the earth and light of the world'."

Subsequently, the procession of the Holy Year Cross took place and two young Canadians gave testimony about the cross' journey through Canada. The reading of the Gospel of the Beatitudes and the Pope's address followed.

John Paul II said to the young people that their songs and cries of joy had shown their desire to be happy. "Many of these voices speak to you of a joy that can be had with money, with success, with power. Mostly they propose a joy that comes with the superficial and fleeting pleasure of the senses."

"True joy," he continued, "is a victory, something which cannot be obtained without a long and difficult struggle. Christ holds the secret of this victory ... It is by walking with Christ that we can achieve joy, true joy!"

The Holy Father emphasized that "with your gaze set firmly on Him" young people could "discover the path of forgiveness and reconciliation in a world often laid waste by violence and terror. Last year we saw with dramatic clarity the tragic face of human malice. We saw what happens when hatred, sin and death take command. But today Jesus' voice resounds in the midst of our gathering. His is a voice of life, of hope, of forgiveness; a voice of justice and of peace. Let us listen to this voice!"

"Dear friends," he continued, "the Church today looks to you with confidence and expects you to be the people of the Beatitudes. Only Jesus is the true Master, only Jesus speaks the unchanging message that responds to the deepest longings of the human heart. ... Today he calls you to be the salt and light of the world, to choose goodness, to live in justice, to become instruments of love and peace."

The Pope highlighted that "to believe in Jesus is to accept what he says, even when it runs contrary to what other are saying. ... Young people listening to me," he concluded, "answer the Lord with strong and generous hearts! He is counting on you. Never forget: Christ needs you to carry out his plan of salvation! Christ needs your youth and your generous enthusiasm to make his proclamation of joy resound in the new millennium. Answer his call by placing your lives at his service in your brothers and sisters! Trust Christ, because he trusts you."

Once the speech was over, the official World Youth Day 2002 song was performed. After imparting his blessing, the Pope said goodbye to the thousands of young people present and headed toward the helicopter which he boarded for Strawberry Island where he will spend Friday.



VATICAN CITY, JUL 26, 2002 (VIS) - The Holy Father:

- Appointed Fr. Doraboina Moses Prakasam, vicar general of the diocese of Cuddapah, India, as bishop of the same diocese (area 31,018, population 4,930,000, Catholics 68,000, priests 114, religious 266). The bishop-elect was born in 1957 in Mariampuram, India and was ordained a priest in 1983.
- Appointed Bishop Prakash Mallavarapu of Cuddapah, India, as bishop of Vijayawada (area 8,734, population 4,299,875, Catholics 224,514, priests 143, religious 809), India.

NER;...;...;PRAKASAM; MALLAVARAPU ;VIS;20020726;Word: 70;

Thursday, July 25, 2002


VATICAN CITY, JUL 25, 2002 (VIS) - Holy See Press Office Director, Joaquin Navarro-Valls, related yesterday to journalists who are traveling with the Pope on his apostolic trip to Toronto how the pontiff spent his first day of rest on Strawberry Island.
Navarro-Valls said that John Paul II had slept well despite the time difference (when he arrived in Canada it was 1 p.m. while in Rome it was 7 p.m.) and that on Wednesday morning he had gotten up early and had prayed for an hour and a half in the small chapel in the residence where he is staying. Afterward, he celebrated Mass with his personal secretary, Msgr. Stanislaw Dziwisz.

Due to good weather, the Pope decided to take a boat ride on Lake Simcoe. Navarro-Valls said that a group of handicapped children who live in a home on the waterfront saw the Pope pass by and approached him in pedal boats. The Pope greeted each one of them (approximately 20 or 25), blessed them and gave them each a rosary.

Upon returning from the outing which lasted two hours, the Pope decided to have lunch outside in light of the good weather. Later on, he went for a ride in a golf cart and spent time reading.

The Holy Father will leave Strawberry Island this afternoon in order to participate in the welcome ceremony that thousands of young people, participants in the 17th World Youth Day who come from 173 countries, will give him. The event will take place at Exhibition Place in Toronto. Afterward, the Pope will return by helicopter to the island.

On Friday, 14 youths of different nationalities will travel to Strawberry Island to have lunch with John Paul II. Three are from Canada, 1 from Germany, 1 from India, 1 from the United States, 1 from the Sudan, 1 from China (Hong Kong), 1 from Kenya, 1 from Haiti, 1 from Peru, 1 from Australia, 1 from Jordan and 1 from Bosnia-Herzegovina.



VATICAN CITY, JUL 25, 2002 (VIS) - The Holy Father appointed Bishop Arturo M. Bastes, S.V.D., of Romblon, Phillipines, as coadjutor of the diocese of Sorsogon (area 2,141, population 673,386, Catholics 606,048, priests 77, religious 160), Phillipines.

NEC;...;...;BASTES;VIS;20020725;Word: 40;


VATICAN CITY, JUL 25, 2002 (VIS) - Archbishop Diarmuid Martin, permanent observer of the Holy See to the United Nations Office in Geneva, spoke on July 23 in the second meeting of a group of government experts on the "Convention on the Prohibition or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons Which May be Deemed to be Excessively Injurious or to have Indiscriminate Effects."

"There is a growing awareness among States, that today, questions of conflict prevention, peaceful resolution of disputes, peacekeeping and post conflict peace-building and reconstruction must be addressed within a broad understanding of international activity and responsibility." And he recalled that the United Nations Millennium Declaration explicitly referred to this subject and considered "fighting poverty at the center of an integrated and multilateral approach to development and peace."

Afterward, he recalled that, always in this field, "normal social and economic life is hindered by the presence of explosive remnants of war. There is certainly no advantage, military or otherwise, in not rapidly clearing explosive remnants of war, whereas the humanitarian and human risks of non-clearance are indeed great. Explosive remnants of war ravage injury and risk to life among the world's poorest, just at the moment in which they see a more hopeful and profitable future open up for them."

"The Delegation of the Holy See recognizes the complex nature of defining the precise application of international humanitarian law to explosive remnants of war. Experience has shown, however, that in situations where questions of proportionality must be weighed, there is more likelihood of an equitable and consistent application of the fundamental principles of humanitarian law when certain basic, commonly accepted minimum norms can be agreed upon."



VATICAN CITY, JUL 25, 2002 (VIS) - John Paul II sent a telegram to the vicar general of the archdiocese of Paderborn, Germany, Msgr. Bruno Kresing, upon hearing the news of the death of Cardinal Johannes Joachim Degenhardt, archbishop of the same archdiocese, today at 76 years old. The cardinal was born in 1926, ordained a priest in 1952, a bishop in 1968 and named a cardinal by John Paul II in the consistory of 2001. He had been archbishop of Paderborn since April of 1974.


Wednesday, July 24, 2002


VATICAN CITY, JUL 24, 2002 (VIS) - The Holy Father sent a telegram to the new archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Douglas Williams, primate of the Anglican communion. The text follows:

"Having been informed of your appointment as archbishop of Canterbury, I am pleased to extend to you my congratulations and to assure you of my prayers. I have had the opportunity to know and work closely with your predecessors, Archbishop Runcie and Archbishop Carey, in the shared task of promoting understanding between the Anglican Communion and the Catholic Church. I am confident that, with God's help, we can make progress along the path towards unity, in order to experience anew "how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity!" (Ps 133:1) I send my best wishes for your new and demanding ministry."



VATICAN CITY, JUL 23, 2002 (VIS) - John Paul II arrived at Lester B. Pearson International Airport in Toronto, Canada, at 1 p.m. local time (7 p.m. Rome time), officially beginning his 97th apostolic trip outside of Italy and his third visit to Canada, following previous trips in 1984 and 1987.

After listening to Prime Minister Jean Chretien's words of welcome, the Pope thanked those present "for welcoming the idea of holding the World Youth Day in Canada and for all that has been done to make it a reality."

"Young people from all parts of the world," he said, "are gathering for the World Youth Day. With their gifts of intelligence and heart they represent the future of the world. But they also bear the marks of a humanity that too often does not know peace or justice. Too many lives begin and end without joy, without hope. That is one of the principal reasons for the World Youth Day. Young people are coming together to commit themselves, in the strength of their faith in Jesus Christ, to the great causes of peace and human solidarity."

The Holy Father emphasized that Canadians are "heirs to an extraordinarily rich humanism, enriched even more by the blend of many different cultural elements. But the core of your heritage is the spiritual and transcendent vision of life based on Christian revelation which gave vital impetus to your development as a free, democratic and caring society, recognized throughout the world as a champion of human rights and human dignity."

"In a world of great social and ethical strains, and confusion about the very purpose of life, Canadians have an incomparable treasure to contribute - on condition that they preserve what is deep, and good and valid in their own heritage. I pray that the World Youth Day will offer all Canadians an opportunity to remember the values that are essential to good living and to human happiness."

When the welcome ceremony concluded, the Pope went by helicopter to Strawberry Island, located 95 kilometers from Toronto, where he will remain until Thursday afternoon.

PV-TORONTO;ARRIVAL;...;TORONTO;VIS;20020724;Word: 360;


VATICAN CITY, JUL 24, 2002 (VIS) - The Holy Father appointed Bishop Luciano Bergamin, C.R.L., auxiliary of Santo Amaro, Brazil, as bishop of Nova Iguacu (area 983, population 1,800,000, Catholics 1,260,000, priests 74, permanent deacons 12, religious 135), Brazil.

NER;...;...;BERGAMIN ;VIS;20020724;Word: 40;

Tuesday, July 23, 2002


VATICAN CITY, JUL 23, 2002 (VIS) - John Paul II left this morning at 10 a.m. from Fiumicino Airport in Rome for Toronto, Canada, where he is scheduled to arrive at Lester B. Pearson International Airport at 1:00 p.m. local time (7 p.m. Rome time) after a nine-hour flight. The papal plane will travel 7,147 kilometers and will fly over Italy, France, England, Ireland and Canada.

On his 97th apostolic trip outside of Italy, the Holy Father will preside in Toronto at celebrations on the occasion of the 17th World Youth Day. He will then go to Guatemala City and Mexico City where he will canonize Blesseds Pedro de San Jose de Betancurt and Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin.



VATICAN CITY, JUL 23, 2002 (VIS) - On the occasion of John Paul II's apostolic trip to Toronto, we offer in continuation information about the city and its civil and ecclesiastical situation.

Toronto, founded in 1703, almost a century and a half after Montreal, was an administrative city until the arrival of the train in the middle of the 19th century. It has a 2,500,000 inhabitants, a third of which live within a 160 kilometer radius of the city. It is a cosmopolitan city; more than half of those who reside in Toronto were born abroad and a third speak a second language other than English.

Toronto's economic development has been extraordinary, especially after World War II, due to its proximity to the United States border and access to the Atlantic through the St. Lawrence River. Presently, it is the financial and decision-making center of Canada.

The city is known as "North Hollywood" for its television production industry and is the third world center of theater in the English language, after London and New York. It has the largest underground pedestrian walkway in North America.

The archdiocese of Toronto has 5,360,000 inhabitants, of which 1,847,000 are Catholics (35% of the population). It consists of 222 parishes, 5 churches or missionary stations, 385 diocesan and 501 religious priests, 613 male, non-priest religious and 738 nuns. There are 549 educational institutions and 46 charitable centers. Their archbishop is Cardinal Aloysius Matthew Ambrozic, born in Gabrje, Slovenia.

Forty-one thousand and ten Catholics belong to the diocese of Toronto of the Ukrainians. There are 78 parishes, 85 diocesan priests, 15 religious priests, 17 male, non-priest religious and 36 female religious. There are 7 educational institutions and their bishop is Cornelius John Pasichny, O.S.B.M.
The apostolic nuncio in Canada, as of June 2001, is Archbishop Luigi Ventura.

Upon his arrival, the Pope will be received by Prime Minister Jean Chretien, Governor David Young of Ontario, and Mayor Mel Lastman of Toronto. Representatives of the diplomatic corp and political and civil authorities will be present. Cardinal Ambrozic, archbishop of Toronto, Bishop Jacques Berthelet, C.S.V., president of the Episcopal Conference of Canada, Cardinal Jean-Claude Turcotte, archbishop of Montreal, and different religious leaders will also receive John Paul II, as well as 72 young people who represent the 72 dioceses of Canada and 5 youths from the five continents.

The Holy Father will then go to Strawberry Island where he will stay during his time in Canada. The island, which derives its name from its strawberry shape, belongs to the Basilian Congregation which uses it as a summer residence. It is located in Lake Simcoe, 95 kilometers north of Toronto, and is easily accessible by car or boat.

The religious of the Congregation of St. Basil, founded in France in the 19th century, who devote themselves to the education of young people, moved to Canada around 1852 at the request of the bishop of Toronto, a former student of the order. At present, they run 15 schools and universities in the country as well as others in the United States, and are present in Colombia, Mexico and Australia.


Monday, July 22, 2002


VATICAN CITY, JUL 22, 2002 (VIS) - Cardinal Angelo Sodano, secretary of State, sent a telegram in the Pope's name to Archbishop Giovanni Marra of Messina-Lipari-St. Lucia del Mela, Italy, on the derailment of a train on Saturday night that traveled the Palermo-Venice route and which caused deaths and injuries.

"The Holy Father, profoundly saddened by the news of the serious train accident which took place on Saturday night and caused many deaths and injuries, assures you of his spiritual closeness, entrusts all those who have died in such a tragic way to the mercy of God, and invokes celestial consolation for their families, so severely affected, while he sends a special and consoling apostolic blessing with all his heart."



VATICAN CITY, JUL 21, 2002 (VIS) - Before praying the Angelus this afternoon in Castelgandolfo, the Pope recalled the "unforgettable days" of World Youth Day during the Jubilee in Rome in August of 2000, in which "faithful young people enkindled a flame of hope for everyone. Now, young people will be in Toronto for the next few days where the 17th World Youth Day will be celebrated."

"The tragic events of September 11th and the conflict in the Holy Land," he continued, "have cast a dark cloud over the world. But Jesus urges his disciples not to be afraid and he tells them once again: 'You are the salt of the earth....you are the light of the world.' Young Christians, who will be in Toronto, are willing to respond to Christ: Here we are! On your word, and without fear, we will throw out the nets of the Gospel."

John Paul II indicated that on Tuesday he will leave "to meet those young people from all over the world who are coming to Toronto: I am going to pray with them, and to enjoy and share an enriching experience of faith with them."

After addressing young people who will not be able to be present in Toronto in a special way, he said: "We will all be united through prayer, invoking the One Spirit who makes all Christians one body in Christ. Toronto, metropolis with a cosmopolitan flare, is prepared to become for one week a world capital of youth, the future and hope of the Church and humanity!"

Greeting the pilgrims present in different languages, the Holy Father asked for prayers for the fruits of World Youth Day.



VATICAN CITY, JUL 22, 2002 - John Paul II wrote a telegram to Archbishop Francesco Marchisano, archpriest of St. Peter's Basilica, upon the death of Msgr. Vincenzo Tram Ngoc Thu, canon for many years in the same basilica. The text follows:

"Upon receiving with great sorrow news of the death of Msgr. Vincenzo Tram Ngoc Thu, canon of the patriarchal Vatican basilica for many years, generous servant to the Holy See, first in the apostolic delegation of Saigon, Vietnam, then in the Secretariat of State and finally as an exemplary collaborator in my own secretariat, I implore the Divine Shepherd for the well-deserved prize of the just, for his faithful soul, and expressing sympathy, I ask Him to bestow the consoling, apostolic blessing upon his family members and all those who remember him with affection and esteem."

TGR;DEATH;...;TRAM NGOC THU;VIS;20020722;Word: 150;


VATICAN CITY, JUL 22, 2002 (VIS) - Bishop Giampaolo Crepaldi, secretary of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, sent a message to participants in the workshop on "Democracy and Civil Society" sponsored by the Episcopal Latin American Council (CELAM) which is taking place in Caracas, Venezuela from July 22 to 24.

"In a democratic state," writes Msgr. Crepaldi, "the participation of citizens in community life is one of the fundamental pillars and one of the greatest guarantees ... For its part, the Church, with its specific mission and competency - which distinguishes and separates it from any political system - looks for the political community in healthy cooperation, to be at the service of man and his transcendental character." Furthermore, the bishop underlines that "Christianity is obligated, as a member of political society, to cooperate with its objectives and development."

Referring later to one of the themes of the seminar, "Adaptation of the social doctrine of the Church to the present context", the bishop recalls that the "teachings of the Church, most recently of John Paul II, on human rights and freedom of association, are a beautiful treasure which we must explore more ... The social doctrine of the Church, by being a coherent doctrinal body, based on the Gospel and managed throughout the years by successive declarations by the Magisterium in response to specific social questions, is a precious and ideal instrument to indicate the correct path when responding also to bigger challenges that the current political situation in Latin America and the Caribbean present."

The secretary of Justice and Peace concludes by expressing the desire that the workshop result in "courses of action" that help "men and women of good will ... to collaborate actively in giving life to processes of authentic democracy that lead to the consolidation of more sensitive, fair and efficient governments, and to more participative civil societies that avoid the grave danger of democratic regression that threatens many in your countries at this time."



VATICAN CITY, JUL 22, 2002 (VIS) - The Holy Father appointed Msgr. Earl Boyea, president-rector of Josephinum Pontifical College in Columbus, U.S.A., as auxiliary of the archdiocese of Detroit (area 10,106, population 4,266,651, Catholics 1,443,651, priests 781, permanent deacons 146, religious 2,333), U.S.A. The bishop-elect was born in 1951 in Pontiac, U.S.A., and was ordained a priest in 1978.

On Saturday July 20th, it was made public that the Holy Father nominated Bishop Peter Kang U-il, auxiliary of Seoul, Korea, as bishop of Cheju (1,845, population 543,323, Catholics 52,468, priests 31, religious 109), Korea.

NER; NEA;...;...;BOYEA; KANG U-IL;VIS;20020722;Word: 100;

Friday, July 19, 2002


VATICAN CITY, JUL 19, 2002 (VIS) - The Holy Father:

- Accepted the resignation from the pastoral care of the diocese of Florencia, Colombia, presented by Bishop Fabian Marulanda Lopez, in accordance with Canon 401, para. 2, of the Code of Canon Law.

- Appointed Bishop Cristian Enrique Contreras Molina, O.M., prelate of Calama, Chile, as bishop of San Felipe (area 10,223, population 310,000, Catholics 248,000, priests 55, permanent deacons 7, religious 154), Chile.

- Erected the diocese of Chingleput (area 4,888, population 1,605,129, Catholics 130,000, priests 65, religious 645), India, with territory taken from the archdiocese of Madras and Mylapore, making it a suffragan of the same metropolitan church. He appointed Fr. Anthonisamy Neethinathan, professor and vice-rector of the Sacred Heart Seminary, as the first bishop of the new diocese. The bishop-elect was born in 1955 in Kakkanur, India and was ordained a priest in 1987.

RE; NER; ECE;...;...;...;VIS;20020719;Word: 130;


VATICAN CITY, JUL 19, 2002 (VIS) - The Holy See Press Office published statistics about the Catholic Church in the three countries that the Holy Father will visit from July 23 to August 2: Canada, Guatemala and Mexico. The main reason for this apostolic trip is the celebration of World Youth Day and the canonization of Blesseds Pedro de San Jose de Betancur and Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin.

Canada, which the Pope visited in 1984 and in 1987, has a population of 30,750,000, of which 13,453,000 are Catholics, 43.75 % of the total population. There are 137 bishops, 9,832 priests, 26,171 religious and 985 seminarians.

On the second leg of his trip, John Paul II will visit Guatemala for the third time during his pontificate. He previously visited the country in 1983 and 1996. Guatemala has 11,390,000 inhabitants. The 9,471,000 Catholics represent 83.15% of the population. There are 21 bishops, 970 priests, 2,242 religious and 967 seminarians.

The Pope will then travel to Mexico. This will be his fifth time in the country following trips in 1979, 1990, 1993 and 1999. Mexico has 97,020,000 inhabitants, with 89,664,000 Catholics who constitute 92.42% of the total population. There are 132 bishops, 14,049 priests, 30,320 religious and 12,192 seminarians.


Thursday, July 18, 2002


VATICAN CITY, JUL 18, 2002 (VIS) - John Paul II wrote a message to Sister Carmela Distefano, superior general of the Congregation of the Ursuline Religious of the Holy Family on the occasion of the general chapter of the institution, dedicated to the theme: "The mission that is confronted with the charisma and eye toward the future."

The Holy Father recalls that the order, according to what their constitutions establish, wants "to expand the Kingdom of God through the apostolate of education, assistance and missionary work" and underlines that the foundress, Rosa Roccuzzo, "was inspired for her tireless service of her neighbor in the spirit of the Holy Family, striving to confront ... the typical forms of the poverty of her time: from economic and moral to poverty provoked by the lack of adequate health care."

He then exhorts the religious to be "daily witnesses to the Gospel ... capable of distinguishing themselves by intense communion and active cooperation with the Church."

"The great challenge of inculturation," he concludes, "today requires that believers announce the Good News with language and ways comprehensible to the men and women of these times. An urgent mission and vast apostolic perspectives are opening up before you ... Be willing to offer your existence for the service of the poor; cultivate a true passion for educating young people, dedicate yourself with generosity to people, especially the sick and those who are suffering. So many are still waiting to get to know Jesus and His Gospel! So many need to feel the love of God."

MESS;...;...;URSULINES;VIS;20020718;Word: 240;


VATICAN CITY, JUL 18, 2002 (VIS) - Today a message was made public from the Pope to Reverend Mother Maria Floriana Pasqualetto, superior general of the Congregation of the Religious of St. John the Baptist and St. Catherine of Siena who are celebrating their general chapter this month. The theme of the chapter is: "From the structure, the Institute's new vitality for the good of the Church and of society in the present and future."

John Paul II writes in the message, dated July 11, that the religious, "reflecting on the enthusiasm with which their order was founded, want to reaffirm their interior energy in order to project brave new missionary goals."

The foundress of the congregation, Medea Ghiglino Patellani, "set out to translate the great 'lesson' of the exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola into everyday life. ... Communion lived integrally and the education of young people, considering the human person in his entirety, constituted since then the center of your charisma." And he adds: "I am sure that the general chapter" will help the religious family "to take the next step, adapting natural law to the demands of our time, without betraying its substance."

The Holy Father urged the religious to take care, above all, of "communion, a central element, and at the same time, the synthesis of your charisma. The apostolic service," he concluded, "in which the glory of God shines, comes from communion really lived out."

MESS;...;...;ST. JOHN BAPTIST; ST. CATHERINE;VIS;20020718;Word: 250;


VATICAN CITY, JUL 18, 2002 (VIS) - The following prelates have died in recent weeks:

- Bishop Roberto Pinarello de Almeida, emeritus of Jundiai, Brazil, on Jun 28 at the age of 74.
- Bishop Jozef-Maria Heuschen, emeritus of Hasselt, Belgium, on July 1 at the age of 86.
- Bishop Henri Clement Donze, emeritus of Tarbes et Lourdes, France, on June 25 at the age of 89.

...;DEATHS;...;... ;VIS;20020718;Word: 60;


VATICAN CITY, JUL 18, 2002 (VIS) - The Holy Father:

- Appointed Bishop Florentin Crihalmeanu, auxiliary of the eparchy of Cluj-Gherla dei Romeni (Catholics 100,000, priests 143, religious 125), Romania, as bishop of the same eparchy. He succeeds Bishop Gheorghe Gutiu whose resignation from the pastoral care of the same eparchy the Holy Father accepted in accordance with Canon 210, para. 1, of the Code of Canon Law of the Eastern Churches.

- Appointed Msgr. Paolo Schiavon, pastor of the parish of St. Gregory Barbarigo and prefect of the 24th Prefecture of Rome, as auxiliary of the diocese of Rome (area 881, population 2,667,166, Catholics 2,587,720, priests 5,867, permanent deacons 61, religious 27,432), Italy. The bishop-elect was born in Terranegra of Padua, Italy in 1939 and was ordained a priest in 1964.

NER; RE; NEA;...;...;...;VIS;20020718;Word: 120;


VATICAN CITY, JUL 18, 2002 (VIS) - At the end of the general audience yesterday, the Pope delivered a message to the founder and superior general of Sodalitium Christianae Vitae, Luis Fernando Figari, on the occasion of the fifth anniversary of its canonical approval as a society of apostolic life.

In the message, John Paul II encourages the members to always aspire to sanctity from their specific Christian vocation, through apostolate in different fields of activity with young people, evangelization of culture, promotion of Christian life in family and in service to the poor, needy and defenseless, privileged fields of their work."

"In addition, I wish to extend once again the invitation to the whole 'sodalite' family to live intimately united to Christ, in communion of mind and heart with the pastors of the Church, cultivating a style that combines prayer and apostolate, obtaining a solid spirituality that allows you to see God in all things and so that all things lead to God."


Wednesday, July 17, 2002


VATICAN CITY, JUL 17, 2002 (VIS) - The Holy Father:

- Appointed Fr. Pedro Brito Guimaraes, rector of the major regional seminary of Teresina, Brazil, as bishop of Sao Raimundo Nonato (area 39,316, population 175,169, Catholics 170,000, priests 19, religious 22), Brazil. The bishop-elect was born in Buriti, Brazil in 1954 and was ordained a priest in 1986. He succeeds Bishop Candido Lorenzo Gonzalez, O. M., whose resignation from the pastoral care of the same diocese the Holy Father accepted upon having reached the age limit.

- Accepted the resignation presented by Bishop Reginald Michael Cawcutt, auxiliary of the archdiocese of Cape Town, South Africa, in accordance with Canons 401, para. 2, and 411 of the Code of Canon Law.

- Appointed Bishop Joao Braz de Aviz of Ponta Grossa, Brazil, as metropolitan archbishop of Maringa (area 6,294, population 603,387, Catholics 452,541, priests 59, permanent deacons 3, religious 180), Brazil.

NER; RE;...;...;...;VIS;20020717;Word: 130;


VATICAN CITY, JUL 17, 2002 (VIS) - In this Wednesday's general audience, celebrated in the courtyard of the apostolic palace at Castelgandolfo, the Pope spoke about Psalm 148, "Glorification of God, Lord and Creator".

John Paul II affirmed that this psalm is "a true 'canticle of creatures', a sort of 'Te Deum' of the Old Testament, a cosmic alleluia in which everything and everyone praises the Lord."

"In heaven," he said, "we find singers of the starlit universe. ... The procession continues with the creatures of the atmosphere" and "the mountains and hills, commonly considered the oldest creatures of the earth. ... Finally, there is man who presides at the liturgy of creation."

The Holy Father indicated that "we too are invited to join this immense chorus, becoming an outspoken voice for all creatures and praising God in the two fundamental dimensions of his mystery. On the one hand, we must adore his transcendental grandeur. ... On the other hand, we recognize his kindness because God is close to his creatures and helps especially his people."

After greeting the 4,000 pilgrims present in different languages, the Pope referred to the up-coming World Youth Day and asked for prayers "so that it may be a propitious occasion to experience the joy of being true witnesses of Christ."

AG;PSALM 148;...;CASTELGANDOLFO;VIS;20020717;Word: 220;

Tuesday, July 16, 2002


VATICAN CITY, JUL 16, 2002 (VIS) - Archbishop Javier Lozano Barragan will participate in the 21st World Congress of the International Federation of Catholic Medical Associations (FIAMC) that will take place from September 1 to 4 in Seoul, Korea. The theme of the congress is: "Identity and mission of Catholic Doctors in Health Care."

Archbishop Lozano, president of the Pontifical Council for Health Care Ministry, will address participants at the beginning of the meeting and will read a message from John Paul II, written for the occasion. In addition to an inaugural session, four scientific sessions are scheduled on the following topics: "Church and Health Care: Ethos and Ethics"; "The Mission of the Catholic Doctor"; "Overseas Medical Mission: The Witness of Catholic Doctors in the Field of International Health Care Cooperation" and "Catholic Church and Managed Care."

Currently, 52 countries form part of the FIAMC and among their objectives is the promotion of the meeting of medical professionals from all over the world. At the conference in September in Seoul, almost all the delegates of the international associations of Catholic doctors of these 52 countries will be represented.



VATICAN CITY, JUL 16, 2002 (VIS) - The Holy Father:

- Appointed Bishop Philippe Barbarin of Moulins, France as metropolitan archbishop of Lyon (area 5,087, population 1,725,300, Catholics 1,200,000, priests 878, permanent deacons 46, religious 2,489), France.

- Appointed Bishop Ramon Antonio Linares Sandoval of Puerto Cabello, Venezuela, as bishop of Barinas (area 35,200, population 557,896, Catholics 400,000, priests 44, religious 47), Venezuela.

- Appointed Bishop Octavio Ruiz Arenas, auxiliary of Bogota, Colombia, as bishop of Villavicencio (area 65,470, population 512,320, Catholics 491,217, priests 140, permanent deacons 13, religious 117), Colombia.

- Appointed Bishop Arthur Roche, auxiliary of Westminster, England, as coadjutor of Leeds (area 4,075, population 2,000,000, Catholics 157,957, priests 193, permanent deacons 19, religious 203), England.

NER; NEC;...;...;... ;VIS;20020716;Word: 90;

Monday, July 15, 2002


VATICAN CITY, JUL 13, 2002 (VIS) - The Holy Father:

- Appointed Bishop Hugo Barrantes Urena of Puntarenas, Costa Rica, as metropolitan archbishop of San Jose de Costa Rica (area 3,758, population 2,761,910, Catholics 2,347,623, priests 376, religious 721), Costa Rica. He succeeds Archbishop Roman Arrieta Villalobos whose resignation from the pastoral care of the same archdiocese the Holy Father accepted upon having reached the age limit.

- Appointed Fr. Vittorino Girardi, M.C.C.I., professor at the Catholic University of Costa Rica, as bishop of Tilaran (area 11,736, population 347,000, Catholics 338,000, priests 57, religious 44), Costa Rica. The bishop-elect was born in 1938 in Lendinaria, Italy and was ordained a priest in 1963. He succeeds Bishop Hector Morera Vega whose resignation from the pastoral care of the same diocese the Holy Father accepted upon having reached the age limit.

- Accepted the resignation from the office of auxiliary of the archdiocese of San Jose de Costa Rica, Costa Rica, presented by Bishop Antonio Troyo Calderon upon having reached the age limit.

NER; RE;...;...;...;VIS;20020715;Word: 150;


VATICAN CITY, JUL 15, 2002 (VIS) - John Paul II sent a telegram, through Cardinal Angelo Sodano, secretary of State, to Cardinal Jaime L. Sin, archbishop of Manilla, Phillipines, to express his closeness to the victims of the typhoons that have hit the islands.

"Deeply concerned," says the text, "by news of death and damage caused by typhoons and bad weather in the Phillipines, especially Manilla and Luzon, the Holy Father is close to you in prayer, commending the victims to Almighty God and invoking divine strength and comfort upon their grieving families all affected by this tragedy. He joins you in appealing for a great surge of solidarity at this difficult time for the nation."



VATICAN CITY, JUL 14, 2002 (VIS) - At midday today, the Holy Father addressed pilgrims gathered in the courtyard of the apostolic palace in Castelgandolfo to pray the Angelus.

John Paul II wished all those who are on vacation "a serene and beneficial rest for the body and the spirit" and he remembered especially those who do not have the possibility to take a vacation.

"I am thinking especially about those who are in jail or in the hospital, or those who are alone at home. I want to assure them of my spiritual closeness, while I hope that they do not lack necessary help provided by friends. In addition, I express my appreciation for those, who with authentic human and Christian spirit, dedicate themselves to helping people in need, the sick and those who find themselves in difficulty."

The Pope recalled that today is the memorial liturgy of St. Camillo of Lellis, patron of the sick and their care-takers. He "consecrated himself totally to God", he said, and "founded a new order: Ministers of the Sick, later called 'Camilians.' They wear a big red cross on their chest, sown to their habit, to remind themselves and everyone that Christ is the divine doctor, the true saviour of humanity."

After greeting pilgrims in different languages, the Holy Father concluded by asking the Virgin to intercede "for the up-coming World Youth Day, so that it may be a rich experience of faith and of Christian commitment for the young people who gather in Toronto."

ANG;REST; SICK;...;...;VIS;20020715;Word: 260;

Friday, July 12, 2002


VATICAN CITY, JUL 12, 2002 (VIS) - The Holy Father accepted the resignation from the pastoral care of the diocese Libano-Honda, Colombia, presented by Bishop Jose Luis Serna Alzate, I.M.C., in accordance with Canon 401, para. 2, of the Code of Canon Law.

RE;...;...;SERNA ;VIS;20020712;Word: 50;


VATICAN CITY, JUL 12, 2002 (VIS) - The Pontifical Council for the Laity has published the program of scheduled events for the 17th World Youth Day which will take place in Toronto, Canada from July 23 to 28 on the theme: "You are the salt of the earth....You are the light of the world."

World Youth Day will officially open on the afternoon of Tuesday July 23 with a Eucharistic celebration at Exhibition Place presided by Cardinal Aloysius Ambrozic, archbishop of Toronto. The cardinal will welcome young people from Canada as well as from other nations.

According to information provided by the office in charge of planning this event, 200,000 young people have registered to date. However, this figure does not include many Canadians who have not yet signed up. In addition, many young people from poor countries have had difficulties with their visas.

The welcoming ceremony with the Pope is scheduled for the afternoon of Thursday July 25 at Exhibition Place. On the mornings of July 24, 25 and 26, in more than 100 Churches and civic centers in Toronto, there will be sessions of catechesis for young people in various languages, led by bishops from all over the world. The themes for the three days are: "You are the salt of the earth"; "You are the light of the world"; "Be reconciled to God". All the catechesis sessions will conclude with Mass.

On the afternoons of July 24, 25 and 26, young people will be able to visit Coronation Park, situated on the outskirts of Ontario, which has been christened "Duc in Altum Park" for this occasion. Confessionals will be installed in the park and priests will be availabe for confession in different languages. One area of the park will be reserved for Eucharistic adoration.

In Exhibition Place on the afternoons of July 24, 25 and 26, there will be the Youth Festival which will include artistic, cultural and spiritual events based on the life and faith of young people from all around the world. For the first time, there will be the opportunity to participate in social service projects.

On the afternoon of July 26, the Way of the Cross will take place in several areas of Toronto. The main procession will depart from City Hall at 7:30 p.m. and will cross the center of the city along University Avenue.

The climax of World Youth Day will be the Vigil and Mass presided by Pope John Paul II at Downsview Park on the evening of Saturday July 27 and the morning of July 28. Young people will walk to Downsview Park after 8 a.m. on Saturday morning from different points of the city. The distance will be between 6 and 10 kilometers. The vigil will begin at 8 p.m. and will include prayer, music, testimony and the Holy Father's words.
The Holy Father will celebrate the concluding Mass of the 17th World Youth Day on Sunday July 28 at 9:30 a.m.

...;WORLD YOUTH DAY;...;TORONTO;VIS;20020712;Word: 480;

Thursday, July 11, 2002


VATICAN CITY, JUL 11, 2002 (VIS) - The 15th National Assembly of the Pastoral Care of Nomads took place from July 2 to 5 in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The meeting was sponsored by the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil and Bishop Paulo Moretto, leader of the Episcopal Commission for this type of ministry, presided.

The opening address was delivered by Fr. Michael Blume, S.V.D., under secretary of the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant Peoples which examined the characteristics, problems and hopes of pastoral care for nomads (around 15 million in the whole world).

"Gypsies constitute a world characterized by marked differences and contrasts ... nevertheless they have also some features in common (ethnic identity, culture and psychology) which give them a certain degree of uniformity ... Neither welcomed nor accepted, they live isolated in their camps on the outskirts of cities, forgotten in their needs, rights and dignity. ... Gypsies often consider the Church an institution for the majority in society and some see gypsies as a small group requiring no special pastoral care which will eventually integrate with the masses of faithful. As a result, few priests dedicate themselves full time to this pastoral work." Fr. Blume went on to affirm that "many people, often even priests themselves, engaged in this activity, are isolated because of their friendship with gypsies and their desire to live with them the Gospel of Jesus Christ."

"This situation demands," he specified, "a pastoral care which involves gypsies themselves, as subjects and protagonists. It also means assuring that ... they can foster their vocations so that their people will be well-represented." Referring to the difficulties involved, he then cited a few: not being part of a local Church due to constant nomadism which leads to a lack of ecclesial reference, sense of Church, community and sufficient religious instruction that exposes gypsies to pressure by religious sects. "Pastoral work therefore includes the necessity to integrate the family of nomads into the hosting parish community ... the constitution of personal parishes where the circumstances so require."

In continuation, he referred to the "positive values" that characterize the gypsy world: hospitality, solidarity, strong attachment to the faith and the traditions of their ancestors. He also affirmed that these values must be "given suitable revaluation in new pastoral programs. It will be necessary to set up structures to guarantee the continuity of the process of furthering gypsies' participation in society and of their acceptance."

"In her maternal solicitude, the Church, and through the Church all those who hold responsibilities within the Church, have a duty to promote the pastoral care of nomadic peoples."



VATICAN CITY, JUL 11, 2002 (VIS) - The Holy Father:

- Appointed Cardinal Dionigi Tettamanzi, archbishop of Genova, Italy, as metropolitan archbishop of Milan (area 4,243, population 5,089,148, Catholics 4,789,148, priests 3,188, permanent deacons 32, religious 8,582), Italy. He succeeds Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini, S.J., whose resignation from the pastoral care of the same diocese the Holy Father accepted upon having reached the age limit.

- Appointed Fr. Valentino Di Cerbo, official in the Secretariat of State, as bureau chief of the Section for General Affairs.

- Appointed Archbishop Jean-Pierre Ricard of Bordeaux, France, as a member of the Pontifical Commission "Ecclesia Dei."

NER; RE; NA;...;...;...;VIS;20020711;Word: 110;

Wednesday, July 10, 2002


VATICAN CITY, JUL 9, 2002 (VIS) - Archbishop Stephen Fumio Hamao, president of the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant Peoples, participated last week in a congress that took place in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia, sponsored by the Office for Human Development of the Federation of Asian Episcopal Conferences.

Archbishop Hamao recalled that all people by virtue of the fact that they are sons and daughters of God possess their own dignity. "This dignity never disappears, whatever the external circumstances may be, even when a human person loses his mind, commits a crime or is on his death bed. Persons in an illegal situation and asylum seekers maintain that dignity."

Christian solidarity manifests itself, he underlined, in taking "care of human beings, especially young people, minors and children, who are incapable of defending themselves because they lack protection under the law and often do not know the language of the country in which they have been obliged to seek refuge due to natural catastrophes, wars, violence, persecution, even genocide in their own country or to economic conditions there that are such as to endanger their physical integrity or life itself."

The president of the council affirmed that the "obligation to receive immigrants cannot be determined only by the mere defense of its own well-being. Emigrants have the right to live worthily with their family, to preserve and develop their cultural and religious patrimony, and to be treated under all circumstances in keeping with their human dignity."

Archbishop Hamao concluded by emphasizing that "migration has certainly opened a new way for inter-religious dialogue." And he urged believers of different religions to consider dialogue as a "leading way to follow."

...;MIGRANTS;...;MALAYSIA; HAMAO;VIS;20020710;Word: 290;


VATICAN CITY, JUL 10, 2002 (VIS) - Following is a declaration by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith which warns seven Catholic women who have received priestly ordination from the hands of the founder of a schismatic community. They are required to comply with certain conditions before July 22 if they do not wish to incur excommunication. The declaration (monitum) is dated today and is signed by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger and Archbishop Tarcisio Bertone, S.D.B., prefect and secretary of the dicastery.

"On June 29, 2002, Romulo Antonio Braschi, the founder of a schismatic community, attempted to confer priestly ordination on the following Catholic women: Christine Mayr-Lumetzberger, Adelinde Theresia Roitinger, Gisela Forster, Iris Mller, Ida Raming, Pia Brunner and Angela White.
"In order to give direction to the consciences of the Catholic faithful and dispel any doubts which may have arisen, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith wishes to recall the teaching of the Apostolic Letter Ordinatio Sacerdotalis of Pope John Paul II, which states that 'the Church has no authority whatsoever to confer priestly ordination on women and that this judgment is to be definitively held by all the Church's faithful' (n. 4). For this reason, the above-mentioned 'priestly ordination' constitutes the simulation of a sacrament and is thus invalid and null, as well as constituting a grave offense to the divine constitution of the Church. Furthermore, because the 'ordaining' Bishop belongs to a schismatic community, it is also a serious attack on the unity of the Church. Such an action is an affront to the dignity of women, whose specific role in the Church and society is distinctive and irreplaceable.

"The present Declaration, recalling the preceding statements of the Bishop of Linz and the Episcopal Conference of Austria and in accordance with canon 1347 1 of the CIC, gives formal warning to the above-mentioned women that they will incur excommunication reserved to the Holy See if, by July 22, 2002, they do not (1) acknowledge the nullity of the 'orders' they have received from a schismatic Bishop in contradiction to the definitive doctrine of the Church and (2) state their repentance and ask forgiveness for the scandal caused to the faithful."



VATICAN CITY, JUL 10, 2002 (VIS) - Today's general audience took place today in the courtyard of the apostolic palace at Castelgandolfo for the first time since the beginning of John Paul II's pontificate. The theme of the catechesis was the canticle of the third chapter of the Book of Daniel "May all creatures praise the Lord."

The Holy Father explained that the canticle is one of thanksgiving to the Lord for all the wonders of the universe. It is a hymn sung by three young men who are going to suffer martyrdom and who "do not hesitate to sing and give praise." Their faith provokes "divine intervention" which protects them from death.

"In the canticle of the three young men," he continued, "a sort of cosmic procession passes before our eyes which comes from heaven, inhabited by the angels." Later, "the focus shifts to the earth." The plants, seas, rivers and animals come together to praise God. "The last actor of creation that enters the scene is man," he said.

The Pope affirms that in the canticle "the three words of divine glorification resound, as in a litany: 'Bless, praise, exalt' the Lord. This is the authentic soul of prayer and of the canticle: to give praise to the Lord continually with the joy of forming part of a choir that includes all creatures."

"As human beings," he concluded, "we must add our joyful and confident voice, accompanied by a coherent and faithful life, to this concert of praise."

At the end of the audience, the Holy Father greeted in a special way those who live in Castelgandolfo, "who welcome me with great cordiality once again this year. I am thinking about World Youth Day which will take place in Toronto at the end of the month. I ask you to pray that this important ecclesiastical event produce the desired spiritual fruits."



VATICAN CITY, JUL 10, 2002 (VIS) - The Holy Father:

- Appointed Fr. Thomas Aquinas, vicar general of Vellore, India, as bishop of Coimbatore (area 28,490, population 9,422,273, Catholics 225,773, priests 120, religious 638), India. The bishop-elect was born in 1953 in Pillaithope, India and was ordained a priest in 1980. He succeeds Bishop Ambrose Mathalaimuthu whose resignation from the pastoral care he accepted upon having reached the age limit.

- Appointed Fr. Gabriel Malzaire, pastor and professor at the Regional Seminary in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago as bishop of Roseau (area 750, population 75,393, Catholics 59,707, priests 29, religious 58), Dominica. The bishop-elect was born in 1957 in Mons Repos, Saint Lucia and was ordained a priest in 1985.

- Appointed Fr. Vincent Darius, O.P., spiritual director of the regional seminary in Port of Spain, Trinidad, as bishop of Saint George's in Grenada (area 344, population 98,000, Catholics 55,919, priests 25, religious 57), Grenada. The bishop-elect was born in 1955 in Crochi, Grenada and was ordained a priest in 1987. He succeeds Bishop Sydney Anicetus Charles whose resignation the Holy Father received upon having reached the age limit.

NER; RE;...;...;...;VIS;20020710;Word: 170;

Tuesday, July 9, 2002


VATICAN CITY, JUL 9, 2002 (VIS) - A message from the Holy Father to Archbishop Paul Josef Cordes, president of the "Populorum Progressio" Foundation, was made public today. The institution, whose administrative council is meeting from July 6 to 13 in Sucre, Bolivia, celebrates its tenth anniversary this year. Msgr. Cordes is also president of the Pontifical Council "Cor Unum".

In the message dated June 14, the Pope thanks those who started the foundation and promoted its activities, which are primarily directed towards indigenous, mixed and afro-american populations in Latin American.

"Between 1993 and 2001," he recalls, "1,596 projects have been helped, for a total of $13,142,529, thanks particularly to the generosity of Italian Catholics ... and through gifts of other benefactors and Church organizations. It is noteworthy that the particular Churches in Latin America also participate in financing the projects."

John Paul II affirms that the "social situation is unfortunately very difficult in various parts of Latin America. The states and the particular Churches of these countries, each in its own area of responsibility, must work to improve the conditions of life for everyone, to the exclusion of no one. The underlying causes are aggravated also by the presence of injustice and corruption. Moreoever, in some countries, the external debt has reached astronomical figures and impedes economic development."

"For us Christians," he concludes, "the word of God ... exhorts us to worry about our brothers and sisters who are truly in need. Besides, our role as evangelizers leads us to this, since there is an intimate connection between evangelization and human promotion."


Monday, July 8, 2002


VATICAN CITY, JUL 6, 2002 (VIS) - Made public today was a message from John Paul II to Fr. Giovanni Maria Villa, superior general of the Regular Clergy of St. Paul, on the occasion of the fifth centenary of the birth of their founder, St. Anthony Mary Zacaria.

In the message dated July 5, the saint's feast, the Pope expresses his desire that the celebrations "be a beautiful occasion to emphasize the gift of sanctity resplendent in the Church in all times and that the Church found in St. Anthony Maria Zacaria a singular witness in the 16th century."

"I am sure," he affirms, "that reflection on his ardent love for Jesus ... and his tireless fervor for souls will constitute for his spiritual sons an invitation to dedicate themselves with renewed ardor to the human and Christian education of young generations that represent the future of the Church and society.

The Holy Father underlines that "it is necessary to take special care with the Christian formation of new generations by announcing the Word of God, punctual and devout celebration of the sacraments, especially Reconciliation, spiritual direction and spiritual exercises."

"The words and the example of the founder continue to encourage his sons towards a renewed fidelity to missionary activity which is fed by fervent prayer and is based on solid theological and cultural preparation. Only in this way," he concludes, "is it possible to make an incisive announcement and credible testimony of the Gospel everywhere."

MESS;...;...;REGULAR CLERGY ST. PAUL;VIS;20020708;Word: 260;


VATICAN CITY, JUL 6, 2002 (VIS) - This morning the Pope received participants in the twentieth General Assembly of the Brotherhood of Working Diocesan Priests of the Sacred Heart of Jesus which is taking place in Rome.

After recalling the theme of the assembly, "The pastoral vocation, Challenge of our identity today," John Paul II said: "You, Working Diocesan Priests, have always dedicated your greatest energies to the pastoral care of priestly, religious and apostolic vocations, conscious that they are the most effective universal means for the promotion of all other pastoral fields."

"I wish to urge you," he continued, "to reproduce the bravery, creativity and holiness of your founder, Blessed Manuel Domingo y Sol, adapting yourselves, when it is necessary, to new situations and needs in total docility to divine inspiration and ecclesiastical discernment."

The Holy Father exhorted the Working Diocesans to follow "with renewed courage" the work that the Church has entrusted them with, "striving to carry it out with the lifestyle and activity that characterize you: priestly brotherhood. Your lives and examples will certainly become a stimulus for so many who are looking for the radical pursuit of Christ."

The Pope concluded by encouraging those present to confront "the challenge of evangelization in this millennium with courage. Never say, 'we have tried it all; there is nothing else we can do.' On the contrary, always be willing to continue transforming your commitment and identity as 'workers' in concrete pastoral capacities that respond to the demands of your charisma and to the needs of the Church in the world today."

AC;...;...;DIOCESAN WORKERS;VIS;20020708;Word: 270;


VATICAN CITY, JUL 6, 2002 (VIS) - The Holy Father received in separate audiences:

- John Howard, prime minister of Australia, accompanied by his wife and an entourage.
- Mark Edward Pellew, ambassador of Great Britain, on his farewell visit.
- Wilhelm Hans-Theodor Wallau, ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany, on his farewell visit.
- Msgr. Lorenzo Frana.
- Cardinal Edmund Casimir Szoka, president of the Pontifical Commission for Vatican City State and president of the Governorate.
- Cardinal Giovanni Battista Re, prefect of the Congregation for Bishops.

AP;...;...;...;VIS;20020708;Word: 90;


VATICAN CITY, JUL 6, 2002 (VIS) - Yesterday afternoon, the Holy See Press Office released the following communique:

"In light of news reports regarding supposed new information in the case of the deaths of Alois Estermann, Gladys Meza Romero and Cedric Tornay, a clarification follows:

"A request has reached the Promoter of Justice of the Tribunal of Vatican City State, sent through the Secretary of State, to re-open the investigation conducted by the lawyers Jacques Verges and Luc Brossolet, on behalf of Muguette Baudat, mother of Vice-Corporal Cedric Tornay. This request is presently being considered by the Legal Office, in accordance with article 295 and those that follow of the Code of Criminal Procedure of Vatican City State.

"However, the offensive statements, which are unfounded, made against the Holy See, Vatican City State and its judicial organisms are unacceptable."

OP;SWISS GUARDS;...;...;VIS;20020708;Word: 140;


VATICAN CITY, JUL 8, 2002 (VIS) - John Paul II went this morning to Castelgandolfo, south of Rome, where he will spend his summer holiday. From today on, all private and special audiences are suspended and the general Wednesday audience will take place on the patio of the apostolic palace at 10:30 a.m. If there are many pilgrims who wish to attend, the audience will then be held in the Vatican.

...;SUMMER POPE;...;CASTELGANDOLFO;VIS;20020708;Word: 80;


VATICAN CITY, JUL 8, 2002 (VIS) - John Paul II wrote a message to Bishop Agostino Vallini of Albano, Italy, on the occasion of the centenary of the death of St. Maria Goretti. Her remains are preserved in Neptune's Sanctuary which is entrusted to the Passionist Fathers.

After recalling that the saint was "cruelly stabbed" on July 5 and died the next day, he writes: "Because of her spiritual life, the strength of her faith, her capacity to forgive her killer, she is among the most beloved saints of the twentieth century."

"In the face of a culture that overestimates physical relations between men and women," he continues, "the Church continues to defend and promote the value of sexuality as something in which all the aspects of the person are involved and which, therefore, must be lived with an interior attitude of freedom and mutual respect, in the light of the original design of God. In this sense, the person realizes that he or she is the receiver of a gift and is called to become, in turn, a gift for the other."

The Holy Father underlines that "it is undeniable that presently there are many threats to the unity and stability of the family. Luckily, however, along with these threats there exists a renewed consciousness of the rights of children to be cared for with love, protected from all danger and formed in a way so that they are able to confront life with bravery and strength."

"In the heroic testimony of the saint of Le Ferriere," he adds, "the forgiveness offered to the killer and the desire to meet him one day in paradise deserve special attention. It is a spiritual and social message of extraordinary importance for this time."

The Pope recalls that forgiveness for the Church "does not mean moral relativism or permissiveness. On the contrary, it requires full recognition of the fault itself and the ascension of responsibilities as a condition in order to find once again true peace and to learn with trust the way of evangelical perfection. May humanity be presented decisively in the way of mercy and forgiveness!"

At the end of the message, John Paul II indicates the Italian saint as an example especially for young people. "St. Maria Goretti and so many adolescents who throughout the centuries have paid for their adhesion to the Gospel with martyrdom, are alongside [young people] to order instill in their souls the strength to remain solid in faithfulness."

MESS;ST. MARIA GORETTI;...;VALLINI;VIS;20020708;Word: 420;
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