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Friday, June 28, 2002


VATICAN CITY, JUN 28, 2002 (VIS) - This morning Cardinal James Francis Stafford, president of the Pontifical Council for the Laity, presented the decree of approval of the statute of the Neocatechumenal Way to its leaders, Kiko Arguello, Carmen Hernandez and Fr. Mario Pezzi. The ceremony took place in the Great Hall of the dicastery.

According to a communique published today, the approval is the fruit of the combined work of 5 dicasteries. In addition to the Pontifical Council for the Laity, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the Congregation for Divine Worship and Discipline of Sacraments, the Congregation for Clergy and the Congregation for Catholic Education collaborated on the approval.
"The Neocatechumenal Way," says the communique, "has not been approved as an association or a movement or religious congregation, but as an itinerary of Christian formation to discover once again our baptism, respecting and confirming the intention of those who began it."

"The process was prolonged because the juridical forms applied most in the Code of Canon Law are those of an association and foundation" while "the Way is effectively at the service of the dioceses and parishes in terms of Christian initiation without being an autonomous entity."

The statute is composed of thirty five articles. In the first article, the nature of the Way is described and the spiritual goods that constitute it. In the second, its mode of application is established: in the dioceses "under the direction of the bishop" and "according to the guidelines proposed by its initiators. The subject who promotes Christian initiation - explains the text - is obviously the bishop to whom is being offered a tool, approved by the Holy See and organized according to the indications of the statute."

The last articles specify scheduled procedure for the succession of the team of initiators of the Neocatechumenal Way.

...;APPROVAL NEOCATECHUMENAL STATUTE;...;...;VIS;20020628;Word: 310;


VATICAN CITY, JUN 28, 2002 (VIS) - John Paul II received this morning the Letters of Credence presented by the new ambassador of the ex-Yugoslav republic of Macedonia, Ivan Angelov.

In his speech to the diplomat, the Pope recalled that the country had suffered in the past "painful trials", but the national authorities "confronted these difficulties with care."

In the face of hatred among people, "we must depart from the heart in order to eradicate such feelings and transform them into a spirit of fraternity and openness towards others, building upon what unifies us, not what divides us. In fact, a society that really desires to be civil and contribute to the progress of people must cultivate in all of its members an objective and impartial understanding of others."

"An understanding of this type," he continued, "has inestimable value, helping others to accept cultural and religious traditions that differ from their own. This is the first step toward reconciliation, given that respect for diversity is an indispensable condition for a genuine relationship between individuals and groups. An ethno-centric culture, even when pretending to resolve problems that are on the table, only exacerbates difficulties and extends previous divisions."

The Holy Father underlined that "the requirements of justice demand that, every time a mistake or wrong is committed, it be recognized, and corrected as much as possible. But human justice finds its ultimate foundation in the law of God and in His plan of salvation for humanity."

"Yes," concluded the Pope, "true peace is the fruit of justice. ... This must be the broad context for diverse priorities - in the long tradition of tolerance and respect for the diverse ethnic groups to which you, Mr. Ambassador, have made reference -that the government pursues, while it makes every effort to introduce a new era of peace and stability for the nation."



VATICAN CITY, JUN 28, 2002 (VIS) - The Pontifical Commission for Vatican City State passed a law which bans smoking in public places, green spaces open to the public and in the work place within the territory of the State, as well as areas outside the territory and in public-use vehicles. The present law will go into effect on July 1.

According to the second article of the law, the Corps of the Gendarmerie of Vatican City will enforce the law and violators will pay a fine of 30 Euros.

The present law, approved by the Pope, was proposed on June 14 and has been signed by 7 cardinals who form part of the Pontifical Commission for Vatican City State.

...;SMOKING BAN VATICAN;...;...;VIS;20020628;Word: 120;


VATICAN CITY, JUN 28, 2002 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received in separate audiences:

- Archbishop Augustine Kasujja, apostolic nuncio in Algeria and Tunisia.
- Bishop Jayme Henrique Chemello of Pelotas, Brazil, president of the Episcopal Conference of Brazil, accompanied by the vice-president and secretary general of the same conference, Archbishop Marcelo Pinto Carvalheira of Paraiba and Bishop Raymundo Damasceno Assis, auxiliary of Brasilia.
- Four prelates from the Episcopal Conference of Peru on their "ad limina" visit: - Bishop Miguel La Fey Bardi of Sicuani.
- Bishop Mario Busquets Jorda of Chuquibamba.
- Bishop Juan Jose Larraneta Olleta, apostolic vicar of Puerto Maldonado, accompanied by his auxiliary, Bishop Francisco Gonzalez Hernandez.
- Ayatollah Seyyed Mohammad Khamene'i, president of the "Islamic Philosophy of Molla Sadra" Foundation and an entourage.
- Cardinal Crescenzio Sepe, prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples.

AP; AL;...;...;...;VIS;20020628;Word: 140;


VATICAN CITY, JUN 28, 2002 (VIS) - The Holy Father:

- Appointed Fr. Lorenzo Loppa, episcopal vicar of pastoral care and parish priest of Santa Maria degli Angeli in Segni, Italy, as bishop of Anagni-Alatri (area 737, population 84,000, Catholics 83,500, priests 72, religious 299), Italy. The bishop-elect was born in Segni in 1947 and was ordained a priest in 1971. He succeeds Bishop Francesco Lambiasi, assistant ecclesiastical general of Italian Catholic Action, whose resignation from the pastoral care of the same diocese the Holy Father accepted.

- Appointed Fr. Fernando Areas Rifan, vicar general of the personal Apostolic Administration of St. John Maria Vianney in Campos, Brazil, as coadjutor of the same apostolic administration. The bishop-elect was born in Sao Fidelis, Brazil in 1950 and was ordained a priest in 1974.

- Appointed Bishop Ludwig Schick, auxiliary of Fulda, Germany, as metropolitan archbishop of Bamberg (area 10,290, population 1,876,102, Catholics 778,874, priests 530, permanent deacons 3, religious 1155), Germany.

- Appointed Fr. Stefan Secka, vice rector of the Seminary of Spis, Solvakia, as auxiliary of the same diocese (area 7,802, population 572,008, Catholics 426,818, priests 326, religious 362).

NEA; NEC; NER; RE;...;...;...;VIS;20020628;Word: 170;

Thursday, June 27, 2002


VATICAN CITY, JUN 27, 2002 (VIS) - The Holy Father received today the Letters of Credence of the new ambassador of France to the Holy See, Pierre Morel. In his speech addressing the diplomat, John Paul II recalled "the age-old history of relations between France and the Holy See" and underlined "the essential role of France in the construction of the European Community and the progressive unification of the continent."

"France," he continued, "is called to play a leading role in the construction and extension of the European identity so that the principles of fraternity, equality and liberty, for which your compatriots feel a legitimate devotion, irradiate all over the world."

After referring to the work of the Commission in charge of studying the Constitution of the European Union and to the principles upon which the constitution must be based, he said: "How can we not mention the decisive contribution of the values which Christianity espouses and that have contributed to strengthening culture and humanism of which Europe feels legitimately proud and without which its most profound identity could not be understood?"

John Paul II praised initiatives in the field of European education directed toward "youths so that through the knowledge of the existence of religion, they might discover different religions and human communities that practice them and in this way be able to commit themselves to searching for the meaning of their existence ... This will promote mutual respect and will contribute to a greater social peace and a deeper fraternity among all those who make up a nation."

"Far from constituting a threat to social life, religious forces are, in effect, an opportunity for community life, because they participate, from the place that corresponds to them, in the construction of a society where man examines himself taking into account all his dimensions. The national community can also benefit from the cultural, spiritual and moral values of which traditional religions are the vehicle."

Referring to relations between the Holy See and France at the end of his speech, he affirmed: "The Holy See congratulates itself for establishing a permanent accord in the field of relations of the Church with the French State ... which will promote without a doubt a better, mutual knowledge ... The path of dialogue and negotiation constitutes a reciprocal advantage as much for the State as for the Church for the resolution of concrete questions relative to exercising freedom of religion and worship."

CD;CREDENTIALS;...;FRANCE; MOREL;VIS;20020627;Word: 410;


VATICAN CITY, JUN 27, 2002 (VIS) - Tomorrow, June 28, Cardinal James Francis Stafford, president of the Pontifical Council for the Laity, will preside in the Great Hall of the dicastery at the presentation of the decree of approval of the statute of the Neocatechumenal Way to its leaders: Kiko Arguello, Carmen Hernandez and Fr. Mario Pezzi.

In a communique made public yesterday afternoon it is affirmed that in the audience which took place in January of 1997, the Pope said to those who started the Way that the preparation of the statute was "a very important step that opens up the path toward formal, juridical recognition by the Church." In April of 2001, the Pope confirmed once again the competency of the dicastery of the Laity in its approval of the statute of the Way.

There has been much contact with prelates and episcopal conferences from all over the world - continues the communique -for the assessment of the experience of the Way at the parochial, diocesan and national level. In addition, many patriarchs, cardinals and bishops from around the world have written to the Holy Father encouraging the statute's examination and approval.

The communique concludes by emphasizing that the purpose of the standard that has now been approved is to regulate the normal procedure of the Neocatechumenal Way and its adaptation into the ecclesiastical fabric, offering help to pastors of the Church in their paternal and attentive guidance to neocatechumenal communities.

...;STATUTE NEOCATECHUMENAL WAY;...;...;VIS;20020627;Word: 250;


VATICAN CITY, JUN 27, 2002 (VIS) - John Paul II received at midday participants in the annual meeting of the Assembly of Works of Assistance to the Oriental Churches (ROACO).

"The special attention with which the Apostolic See follows developments of the situation in the Holy Land, and specifically, the prolongation of the state of tension in the Middle East, prompts me to recommend to your prayers our brothers in the faith who live there."

"I am sure," he continued, "that your effort, thanks also to the traditional collection for the Holy Land, will facilitate the arrival of concrete signs of Christian solidarity to the those martyred regions from the most diverse places in the world. In addition, I am convinced that you will discover in this charitable act grateful correspondence from the pastors and the faithful of the Oriental Catholic Churches and the Latin Community in the Holy Land."

The Holy Father reminded the members of ROACO that their mission was "to respond ever-more attentively and immediately to the urgent needs of the Oriental Catholic Churches, trying to opportunely involve the local communities. ... In this process which is so important," he concluded, "the Congregation for the Oriental Churches, which sustains the varied initiatives that you promote in the field of study, liturgy, in formative commitment and in pastoral projects, is along side you."

AC;...;...;ROACO;VIS;20020627;Word: 240;


VATICAN CITY, JUN 27, 2002 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received in separate audiences:

- Four prelates from the Episcopal Conference of Peru, on their "ad limina" visit:
- Bishop Bernhard Kuhnel Langer of Caraveli.
- Bishop Domenico Berni Leonardi of Chuquibambilla.
- Bishop Sebastian Ramis Torrens of Huamachucho.
- Bishop Jose Santos Iztueta Mendizabal of Moyobamba.
- Pal Tar, ambassador of Hungary, on his farewell visit.

AL; AP;...;...;...;VIS;20020627;Word: 60;


VATICAN CITY, JUN 27, 2001 (VIS) - Twenty eight metropolitan archbishops will receive the pallium from the hands of Pope John Paul II, on Saturday June 29 - Solemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul, Apostles - at 6 p.m. in St. Peter's Square. The new metropolitans are:

1. Archbishop Jean-Pierre Kutwa, S.D.B, of Gagnoa, Ivory Coast.

2. Archbishop Emiliuis Goulet, P.S.S., of Saint-Boniface, Canada.

3. Archbishop John Joseph Myers of Newark, United States.

4. Archbishop Williams Joseph Kurtz, S.V.D, of Madang, Papua New Guinea.

5. Archbishop Eusebio Oscar Scheid, S.C.I., of Sao Sebastiao do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

6. Archbishop Mariadas Kagithapu, M.S.F.S., of Visakhapatnam, India.

7. Archbishop Peter Smith of Cardiff, Gales.

8. Archbishop Eurico dos Santos Veloso of Juiz de Fora, Brazil.

9. Archbishop Philip Edward Wilson of Adelaide, Australia.

10. Archbishop Jean-Pierre Ricard of Bordeaux, France.

11. Archbishop Peter Kwasi Sarpong of Kumasi, Ghana.

12. Archbishop Antonio Jos‚ L¢pez Castrillo of Calabozo, Venezuela.

13. Archbishop Alfred Clifton Hughes of New Orleans, United States.

14. Archbishop Angelo Scola, patriarch of Venice, Italy.

15. Archbishop Carlos Osoro Sierra of Oviedo, Spain.

16. Archbishop Mario Joseph Conti of Glasgow, Scotland.

17. Archbishop Geraldo Lyrio Rocha of Vitoria da Conquista, Brazil.

18. Archbishop Itamar Navildo Vian O.F.M. Cap, of Feira de Santana, Brazil.

19. Archbishop Tadeusz Kondrusiewicz of Mother of God in Moscow, Russian Federation.

20. Archbishop Murilo Sebastiao Ramos Krieger, S.C.I, of Florian¢polis, Brazil.

21. Archbishop Diego Rafael Padr¢n S nchez of Cumana, Venezuela.

22. Archbishop Stanislaw Gadecki of Poznan, Polond.

23. Archbishop Francisco Gil Hell¡n of Burgos, Spain.

24. Archbishop Lukas Sirkar, S.D.B., of Calcutta, India.

25. Archbishop Anthony G. Meagher of Kingston, Canada.

26. Archbishop Washington Cruz, C.P., of Goiania, Brazil.

27. Archbishop Salvatore Gristina of Catania, Italy.

28. Archbishop Eustaquio Pastor Cuquejo Verga, C.SS.R., of Asuncion, Paraguay.

In addition to these twenty eight, the following metropolitans will receive the pallium in their respective sees: Archbishop Andr‚ Richard, C.S.C., of Moncton, Canada and Archbishop Juan Garcia Rodriguez, of Camaguey, Cuba.

...;PALLIUM;...;...;VIS;20020627;Word: 340;


VATICAN CITY, JUN 27, 2002 (VIS) - The Holy Father:

- Appointed Cardinals Ivan Dias, archbishop of Bombay, India, and Edward Egan, archbishop of New York, United States, as members of the Prefecture for Economic Affairs of the Holy See.

- Appointed Fr. Anibal Gil Lopes, physician and professor of Physiology at the "Carlos Chagas Filho" Biophysics Institute of the Federal University in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and Angelo Fiori, professor of Legal Medicine at the "Agostino Gemelli" Faculty of Medicine and Surgery in Rome, Italy, as ordinary members of the Pontifical Academy for Life.

- Appointed Sergio Zaninelli, professor and president of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan, Italy, as consultant to the Congregation for Catholic Education.

NA;...;...;...;VIS;20020627;Word: 120;

Wednesday, June 26, 2002


VATICAN CITY, JUN 26, 2002 (VIS) - John Paul II wrote a letter to the Missionary Sisters Servants of the Holy Spirit who are celebrating their General Chapter in Rome in order "to examine the practical circumstances of the call to mission," writes the Holy Father, and "to present to the whole Congregation a set of proposals and a leadership team for the coming years." The letter is written in English and dated June 26.

"The Chapter has set itself a lofty and demanding task: to rekindle the fire of 'missionary zeal' in your communities. Be assured that the heart of Peter's Successor is filled with the same hope." He reminds them that in the apostolic letter "Novo Millennio Ineunte" he wrote that the "Church cannot forgo her missionary activity among the peoples of the world. It is the primary task of the "missio ad gentes" to announce that it is in Christ, 'the Way, and the Truth, and the Life', that the people find salvation. You, dear Sisters, understand the significance of these words, and therefore the grace and responsibility that is yours in the Church."

John Paul II also speaks about the "spirit and teachings" of the founders of the order, Blesseds Arnold Janssen and Maria Helena Stollenwerk, and the Servant of God Josepha Hendrina Stenmanns, who surely would inspire the religious during the chapter. "As a providential heritage they left you the call to serve in frontier situations, where people have less chances in life and where no others take care of them."

"The call to heroic love is the very heart of your vocation, the call to be the last and to sacrifice oneself for the work of evangelization, of which Mother Josepha wrote. As long as the Congregation desires to live by that kind of love, it will grow and flourish, even when you seem to be surrounded by difficulties and indifference."

JPII-LETTER;...;...;SERVANTS HOLY SPIRIT;VIS;20020626;Word: 330;


VATICAN CITY, JUN 26, 2002 (VIS) - Psalm eight, "Majesty of the Lord and dignity of man", was the theme of the catechesis of the Holy Father during the general audience celebrated this morning in the Paul VI Hall.

John Paul II explained that Psalm eight is "a celebration of man, an insignificant creature in comparison with the immensity of the universe", yet which has been "'crowned' by God himself."

At the beginning of the hymn, he affirmed, the Lord appears, "whose glory is sung by the heavens, as well as by the lips of man. The praise that spontaneously emanates from the lips of children abolishes and obscures the arrogant discourse of those who deny God."

The Pope said that in the face of the question "What is man?," the first and immediate response speaks of nullity, in relation to the immensity of the heavens as well as, above all, respect for the majesty of the Creator. ... But here is the great surprise: that God has given stupendous dignity to man, a weak creature: he made them only slightly inferior to the angels."

After underlining that God has destined man "to a universal seniority", he said: "He has given the whole horizon of creation to the fragile and frequently selfish hands of human beings, so that they may preserve its harmony and beauty, use not abuse, discover secrets and develop potential."

"Unfortunately," the Holy Father added, "the dominion of man, affirmed in Psalm eight, can be misunderstood and distorted by the selfish man, who is more frequently revealed in crazy tyranny than in wise and intelligent government. ... History documents the evil that human freedom spreads in the world with environmental devastation and the most clamorous social injustice."

John Paul II concludes by affirming that "in contrast to man who humiliates his equals and creation, Christ is perfect man. ... He reigns over the universe with that dominion of peace and love that prepares the new world, the new heavens and the new earth."

AG;PSALM 8;...;...;VIS;20020626;Word: 340;


VATICAN CITY, JUN 26, 2002 (VIS) - The Holy Father received today in audience Cardinal James Francis Stafford, president of the Pontifical Council for the Laity, accompanied by Bishop Stanislaw Rylko, secretary of the same council.

AP;...;...;STAFFORD; RYLKO ;VIS;20020626;Word: 40;


VATICAN CITY, JUN 26, 2002 (VIS) - Today, "International Day of support for torture victims", declared by the United Nations, the Holy See decided to adhere
- in the name of the City State of the Vatican - to the Convention against torture, other punishment and inhumane and degrading cruel treatment.

According to a note published today, this Convention was adopted by the general assembly of the United Nations on December 10, 1984 and enacted on June 16, 1987. Up until now, it was been ratified by 129 states.

The instrument of adhesion, signed by John Paul II, will be placed in the United Nations secretary general's office in New York by Archbishop Renato Martino, permanent observer of the Holy See, along with the following declaration:

"The Holy See considers the Convention against torture and other punishment or degrading and inhumane cruel treatment, a valid and ideal tool for the fight against acts that constitute a grave attack on the dignity of the human person. In the contemporary age, the Catholic Church has declared itself constantly in favor of unconditional respect for life itself and has condemned unequivocally'everything that violates the integrity of the human person, such as mutilation, physical and mental torture, including psychological coercion' (Vatican Council II, Pastoral Constitution 'Gaudium et Spes', December 7, 1965)".

In the note, it is recalled that the Code of Canon Law as well as the Catechism of the Catholic Church (1992) "clearly identify and mention behavior that can hurt the physical or moral integrity of the person, reproache leaders and urge
the abolition of these acts." In addition, the note concludes, both John Paul II and Paul VI condemned torture and cruelty against people on different occasions.

...;CONVENTION AGAINST TORTURE;...;UN;VIS;20020626;Word: 280;

Tuesday, June 25, 2002


VATICAN CITY, JUN 25, 2002 (VIS) - Made public today was a message from the Pope about the twenty-third World Day of Tourism which will be celebrated on September 27 and whose theme is: "Ecological tourism, key to sustainable development."

John Paul II writes in the message dated June 24 that "intelligent tourism aims at valuing the beauty of creation and helps man to become close to it with respect, enjoying it while not altering its equilibrium."

"How can we deny," he asks, "that humanity today is unfortunately living an ecological emergency? A certain savage tourism has contributed and continues to contribute to such destruction, since tourist spots have been built without careful and respectful consideration of the environmental impact."

The Holy Father states that environmental imbalance reflects the consequences of decisions made according to particular interests, "that do not respond to the exigencies of the dignity of man. Frequently, the unbridled desire to accumulate riches prevails which makes it difficult to listen to the alarming cry of poverty of entire groups of people."

"Therefore, it is necessary to promote forms of tourism that are more respectful to the environment, more moderate in their use of natural resources and more cooperative with local cultures. They are forms of tourism with strong ethical impetus, rooted in the conviction that the environment is everybody's home and therefore, natural goods are meant for all those who live in it as well as for future generations."

After emphasizing that "ecological tourism" is sound in its principles, the Pope affirms that "we must be careful that it does not become distorted and that it does not turn into a means of exploitation and discrimination. If protection of the environment were promoted as an end unto itself, we would run the risk of seeing modern forms of colonialism born that would damage the traditional rights of resident communities in a given territory."

"In general, ecological tourism takes people to places, environments and regions whose natural equilibrium needs constant care in order not to become endangered. Therefore, studies and rigorous supervision that combine respect for nature as well as man's right to enjoy it for his own development must be carried out."

John Paul II concludes by especially addressing Christians, "so that they make tourism an occasion of contemplation and encounter with God, Creator and Father of all, and may they, in this way, be confirmed in service to justice and peace, in fidelity to He who has promised new heavens and new earth."

MESS;ECOLOGICAL TOURISM;...;...;VIS;20020625;Word: 420;


VATICAN CITY, JUN 25, 2002 (VIS) - The Holy Father:

- Appointed Bishop Timothy Michael Dolan, auxiliary of the archdiocese of St. Louis, U.S.A., as metropolitan archbishop of Milwaukee (area 12,323, population 2,222,364, Catholics 685,004, priests 713, permanent deacons 164, religious 3,226), U.S.A.

- Appointed Fr. Kevin Flannery, S.J., dean of the Faculty of Philosophy of the Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome, as consultant to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

NER; NA;...;...;DOLAN; FLANNERY ;VIS;20020625;Word: 70;


VATICAN CITY, JUN 25, 2002 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received in separate audiences:

- Archbishop Giovanni Bulaitis, apostolic nuncio in Albania.
- Five prelates from the Episcopal Conference of Peru on their "ad limina" visit:
- Bishop Jorge Pedro Carrion Pavlich of Puno.
- Bishop Richard Daniel Alarcon Urrutia of Tarma.
- Bishop Salvador Pineiro Garcia-Calderon, military ordinary.
- Bishop Juan Antonio Ugarte Perez, prelate of Yauyos.
- Bishop Augusto Benzeville Ferro, auxiliary of Piura.

AP; AL;...;...;...;VIS;20020625;Word: 70;

Monday, June 24, 2002


VATICAN CITY, JUN 22, 2002 (VIS) - The Pope sent a message to participants in a European study congress sponsored by the Vicariate of Rome in collaboration with the Commission of the Episcopates of the European Community and the Federation of Catholic Universities of Europe.

After recalling the theme of the congress, "Toward a European Constitution?", the Holy Father writes that the new European organization "must recognize and protect those values that constitute the more precise patrimony of European humanism." These values concern "the dignity of man, the sacred character of human life, the central role of the family, founded in matrimony, the importance of education, liberty of thought, word and profession ... the collaboration of all for the common good, ... political power understood as a service."

"In particular," he continues, "it will be necessary to recognize and safeguard in all situations the dignity of the human person and the right to religious liberty understood in its triple dimension: individual, collective and institutional."
John Paul II underlines that "in the process towards a new institutional organization, Europe will not be able to ignore its Christian patrimony. ... It is necessary to be inspired by creative fidelity in those Christian roots that have marked European history. This is demanded by historical memory and, especially, by Europe's mission which is still today called to be a teacher of true progress, and to promote globalization in solidarity."

Addressing in particular the European politicians, the Pope urges that "while respecting a correct conception of the laity of political institutions, may they know how to give the above-mentioned values that profound transcendent root that is expressed in openness to the religious dimension."

At the end of the message, the Holy Father indicates that "in this whole process the specific identity and social role of Churches and religious Confessions must also be recognized and safeguarded. ... In other words, we must react against the temptation of improving European coexistence while excluding the contribution of religious communities with the richness of their message, action and witness."

MESS;EUROPEAN CONSTITUTION;...;...;VIS;20020624;Word: 350;


VATICAN CITY, JUN 22, 2002 (VIS) - John Paul II wrote a message to participants in the third plenary session of the Pontifical Academy of St. Thomas of Aquinas. In the document, the Pope recalls the experts of international renown who collaborated with the Academy and underlines that the Church has always proposed St. Thomas as a "master of thought and a model of the right way to study theology."

Later, the Holy Father refers to both the achievements and deficiencies of contemporary philosophy, affirming: "Today along with marvelous scientific discoveries and surprising technological progress ... we make two great omissions: the omission of God and of man, the omission of the soul and of the dignity of man. This sometimes causes situations of anguish to which it is necessary to offer rich answers of truth and hope."

"In the encyclical 'Fides et Ratio' ... I indicated the necessity of a 'philosophy of authentic, metaphysical achievement, capable of transcending empirical data in order to reach, in its search for truth, something absolute, ultimate and fundamental'."

"The culture of our time," he concludes, "speaks so much about man and knows so many things about him, but so often gives the impression that it ignores who he really is. In effect, man can only understand himself in the light of God. ... The Vatican Council II teaches that the mystery of man finds a solution only in the light of the mystery of Christ. In the face of the tragedy of atheistic humanism, it is the duty of believers to announce and give testimony that true humanism manifests itself only in Christ."

MESS;...;...;ST. THOMAS ACADEMY;VIS;20020624;Word: 280;


VATICAN CITY, JUN 23, 2002 (VIS) - Before praying the Angelus today at midday with the faithful gathered in St. Peter's Square, John Paul II affirmed that "the month of June is marked in a special way by devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Celebrating the Heart of Christ means going to the intimate center of the person of the Savior."

The Pope said that "if the human heart represents an unfathomable mystery that only God knows, how much more sublime is the Heart of Jesus in which the very life of the Word beats! In it ... all the treasures of wisdom and science and all the fullness of divinity are to be found."

"How necessary is the message derived from the contemplation of the Heart of Christ for contemporary humanity! Today I wish to entrust in a special way all those who live in the Holy Land to the merciful Heart of Jesus: Jews, Christians and Muslims. That Heart, full of shame, never nurtured feelings of hatred or vengeance, but asked pardon for its killers; that Heart shows the only way to exit the spiral of violence: the way of the pacification of souls, reciprocal comprehension and reconciliation."

After the Angelus, the Holy Father indicated that "from the region of Qazvin, situated in northwest Iran, there arrives news of a violent earthquake that has caused numerous deaths, injuries and serious damage. I elevate to the Lord fervent prayers for the victims, their families and for all those who suffer due to the dramatic consequences of the earthquake. I encourage the efforts of the rescue workers and I hope for an immediate and generous response of international solidarity in the face of this grave situation."

ANG;CHRIST HEART; IRAN;...;... ;VIS;20020624;Word: 300;


VATICAN CITY, JUN 12, 2002 (VIS) - On June 17, Archbishop Diarmuid Martin, Holy See permanent observer to the United Nations Office in Geneva, Switzerland, addressed the 90th International Labor Conference which took place in Geneva from June 3 to 20, 2002.

In his speech, Archbishop Martin recalled the words of John Paul II who, in his Encyclical "Centesimus annus," affirms that "an increasing internationalization of the economy ought to be accompanied by effective international agencies which will oversee and direct the economy to the common good ... to an adequate notion of the common good, in relation to the whole human family."

Going on to refer to the creation of the Independent Commission on the Social Dimensions of Globalization, the archbishop expressed the Holy See's hope that the commission will "focus not on sterile ideological debates, but will give rise to a process which is forward-looking and results-oriented and foster coordinated, integrated responses. Successful transformation of the globalization process requires policies that foster greater inclusion and integration and less fragmentation."

He went on: "The tripartite structure of the International Labor Organization is an integrating element quite unique in international life, and a powerful means of overcoming polarization. It forges links between the creative spirit of entrepreneurship, the initiative and the fundamental needs of workers and the requirements of the global common good. ... At the same time, tripartitism cannot remain static. The worlds of employers, of labor and of government have changed. ... While maintaining integral the tripartite system, new partnerships can be established through dialogue with various sectors of civil society."

In closing, the archbishop affirmed that the world "needs new alliances in favor of work. Work is a fundamental dimension of human existence; it is the key to the global social question and to advancement in the fight against poverty. Work is a key factor in creating social cohesion and sustainability. Broad social dialogue is therefore a common interest and a common responsibility of all."



VATICAN CITY, JUN 24, 2002 (VIS) - The Holy Father appointed Fr. Dawid Albin Zywiec, O.F.M.Cap., episcopal vicar in Bluefields (area 60,000, population 650,000, Catholics 544,000, priests 24, religious 58), Nicaragua, as auxiliary for the same apostolic vicariate. The bishop-elect was born in 1947 in Chicago, U.S.A., and was ordained a priest in 1974.

NEA;...;...;ZYWIEC ;VIS;20020624;Word: 50;


VATICAN CITY, JUN 24, 2002 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received in separate audiences:

- Seven prelates from the Episcopal Conference of Peru on their "ad limina" visit:
- Bishop Isidro Sala Ribera of Abancay, accompanied by his auxiliary, Bishop Gilberto Gomez Gonzalez. - Bishop Ermanno Artale Ciancio of Huanuco.
- Bishop Daniel Thomas Turley Murphy of Chulucanas.
- Bishop Lino Panizza Richero of Carabayllo.
- Bishop Jesus Moline Labarta of Chiclayo.
- Bishop Ivo Baldi Gaburri of Huaraz.
- Karl Bonutti, ambassador of Slovenia, on his farewell visit.
- Julio Cesar Lupinacci, ambassador of Uruguay, on his farewell visit.
- Cardinal Rosalio Jose Castillo Lara.

On Saturday June 22, the Holy Father received in separate audiences:

- Pier Ferdinando Casini, president of the Italian Chamber of Deputies, and an entourage.
- Six prelates from the Episcopal Conference of Peru on their "ad limina" visit:
- Bishop Jose Hugo Garaycoa Hawkins of Tacna and Moquegua.
- Bishop Juan Godayol Colom, S.D.B., prelate of Ayaviri.
- Bishop Angel Francisco Simon Piorno of Cajamarca.
- Bishop Norbert Klemens Strotmann Hoppe of Chosica.
- Bishop Emiliano Antonio Cisneros Martinez of Chachapoyas.
- Bishop Victor de la Pena Perez, apostolic vicar of Requena.
- Cardinal Battista Re, prefect of the Congregation for Bishops.

AP; AL;...;...;...;VIS;20020624;Word: 190;

Friday, June 21, 2002


VATICAN CITY, JUN 21, 2002 (VIS) - On Saturday June 29, the Solemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul, Apostles, the Pope will preside at a Eucharistic concelebration at 6 p.m. in St. Peter's Square with metropolitan archbishops upon whom he will impose the Pallium.



VATICAN CITY, JUN 21, 2002 (VIS) - This morning in the Vatican John Paul II received the archbishop of Canterbury, George Carey, whom he thanked for the farewell visit prior to the archbishop's forthcoming retirement.

"Your visit is, as it were," said the Holy Father, "a living sign of the close relations which have continued to develop down the years between the Anglican Communion and the Catholic Church."

Looking back on his eleven years as archbishop of Canterbury, the Pope remembered specially the Common Declaration which they signed in 1996. "While acknowledging obstacles which keep us from full communion, we determined 'to consult further about how the relationship between the Anglican Communion and the Catholic Church is to progress.'"

"In recent months," he continued, "we have begun to see the fruits of this spirit of perseverance through the formation of the new International Anglican-Roman Catholic Commission for Unity and Mission, to accompany the continuing work of the Anglican Roman Catholic International Commission."

"I gladly repeat what I wrote in my Encyclical 'Ut Unum Sint', that 'truly the Lord has taken us by the hand and is guiding us.' With the hope that is born of the Spirit, let us trust that the initiatives and instruments of reconciliation we have fostered and encouraged will be guided always by the same Holy Spirit, who is ever capable of bringing forth blessing upon blessing."

AC;...;...;ARCHBISHOP CANTERBURY;VIS;20020621;Word: 240;


VATICAN CITY, JUN 21, 2002 (VIS) - The Holy Father:

- Appointed Fr. Jean-Pierre Cattenoz of the clergy of the archdiocese of Avignon, France as metropolitan archbishop of the same archdiocese (area 3,578, population 498,523, Catholics 350,000, priests 162, permanent deacons 19, religious 349). The archbishop-elect was born in Maxeville, France in 1945 and was ordained a priest in 1983. He succeeds Archbishop Raymond Bouchex whose resignation from the pastoral care the Holy Father accepted upon having reached the age limit.

- Appointed Msgrs. Guido Fiandino and Giacomo Lanzetti, vicars general of the archdiocese of Torino, Italy, as auxiliaries of the same archdiocese (area 3,350, population 2,143,843, Catholics 2,065,443, priests 1,483, permanent deacons 119, religious 5,312). Bishop-elect Fiandino was born in Savigliano, Italy in 1941 and was ordained a priest in 1964. Bishop-elect Lanzetti was born in Carmagnola, Italy in 1942 and ordained a priest in 1966.

- Appointed Msgr. Michael F. Burbidge of the clergy of the archdiocese of Philadelphia, U.S.A. and rector of St. Charles Borromeo Seminary, as auxiliary of the same archdiocese (area 5652, population 3,707,238, Catholics 1,430,161, priests 1,165, permanent deacons 190, religious 4,261). The bishop-elect was born in 1957 in Philadelphia and was ordained a priest in 1984.

NER; NEA; RE;...;...;...;VIS;20020621;Word: 180;


VATICAN CITY, JUN 21, 2002 (VIS) - Today the Holy Father received in separate audiences:

- Fra Andrew Bertie, prince and grand master of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, and an entourage.
- His Grace, Dr. George Carey, archbishop of Canterbury and primate of the Anglican Communion, and an entourage.
- Five prelates from the Episcopal Conference of Peru on their "ad limina" visit:
- Bishop Luis Armando Bambaren Gastelumendi of Chimbote.
- Bishop Miguel Irizar Campos of Callao.
- Bishop Guido Brena Lopez of Ica.
- Bishop William Dermott Molloy McDermott of Huancavelica accompanied by his coadjutor, Bishop Isidro Barrio Barrio.
- Cardinal Crescenzio Sepe, prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples.

AP; AL;...;...;...;VIS;20020621;Word: 100;


VATICAN CITY, JUN 21, 2002 (VIS) - Holy See Press Office Director, Joaquin Navarro-Valls, released the following declaration at midday:

"Today, June 21, during an audience with Archbishop Jean-Louis Tauran, Jerry Adams, president of the Irish nationalist republican party, wanted to inform the Holy See of the current state of the peace process in Northern Ireland.

"Adams underlined the progress gained and insisted on the necessity of accelerating the rhythm of the different stages of the process with the purpose of achieving a peace based on justice as soon as possible.
"Later, referring to the violence that still marks the life of that population, he cited the important contribution offered by the Catholic Church and by Christian churches in general to create and promote a pedagogy of peace.

"In conclusion, it was agreed that by taking into due consideration, the regional identities in the process of European integration can certainly contribute to a lasting peace in Northern Ireland."


Thursday, June 20, 2002


VATICAN CITY, JUN 20, 2002 (VIS) - Made public today was a communique on the 3rd meeting of the tenth ordinary council of the General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops which took place in Rome on June 13 and 14.

In addition to the secretary general of the Synod, Cardinal Jan P. Schotte, C.I.C.M., six cardinals, four archbishops and four members of the general secretariat took part in the meeting.

During the work sessions, a report on the activity of the general secretariat after the second meeting of the council was presented and the future apostolic exhortation of the tenth Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, which was held in October of 2001, was debated.

Furthermore, continues the communique, the results of a general study on the subject of the next Ordinary General Synod were examined. Proposals from the episcopal conferences, Roman Curia and all those who have the right to express an opinion, have made the selection of designated topics possible, which were presented to the Pope for a final decision.



VATICAN CITY, JUN 20, 2002 (VIS) - Today the Holy Father received in audience:
- Ferenc Madl, president of the Republic of Hungary, accompanied by his wife and an entourage.
- Cardinal Paul Poupard, president of the Pontifical Council for Culture, special envoy to the closing celebrations of the Millennium of the birth of Pope St. Leo IX at Eguisheim, France.
- Three prelates from the Episcopal Conference of Peru on their "ad limina" visit:
- Archbishop Luis Abilio Sebastiani Aguirre of Ayacucho.
- Archbishop Jose Paulino Rios Reynoso of Huancayo.
- Bishop Lorenzo Leon Alvarado of Huacho.
- Har Seung-Soo, president of the 56th session of the General Assembly of the Organization of the United Nations and an entourage.

AP; AL;...;...;...;VIS;20020620;Word: 120;


VATICAN CITY, JUN 20, 2002 (VIS) - Yesterday in New York the prime minister of the Republic of Bulgaria, Simeon Saxe-Coburg Gotha, received the "Path to Peace" Award which the foundation of the same name bestows annually in recognition of an individual's outstanding leadership in the international community. The foundation's founder and president is Archbishop Renato Martino, apostolic nuncio and Holy See permanent observer to the United Nations.

According to a communique from the foundation, the designation of the prime minister of Bulgaria as this year's honoree is attributed to his "unrelenting and selfless service to the people of Bulgaria and to the cause of peace throughout the world."

The Path to Peace Foundation, established in 1991 is a non-profit foundation providing support for the Permanent Observer Mission of the Holy See to the United Nations, in fulfilling its further humanitarian mandate of keeping the moral standards and message of the Gospel before the universal community and of assisting the Holy Father in encouraging all towards the path to peace. The foundation, independent from but in collaboration with the Holy See Mission, directs its activities primarily, albeit not exclusively, to the international stage of the United Nations.



VATICAN CITY, JUN 20, 2002 (VIS) - The following prelates died recent weeks:

- Bishop Antonio Soares Costa of Caruaru, Brazil, on June 7, 2002 at the age of 71.
- Archbishop Teodulfo S. Domingo, emeritus of Tuguegarao, Phillipines, on June 3, 2002 at the age of 91.
- Archbishop Bonifatius Haushiku, emeritus of Windhoek, Namibia, on June 12, 2002 at the age of 67.
- Bishop James Patrick Mahoney, auxiliary of the archdiocese of New York, on June 1, 2002 at the age of 76.
- Bishop Michel Ntuyahaga, emeritus of Bujumbura, Burundi, on June 6, 2002 at the age of 89.

...;DEATHS;...;... ;VIS;20020620;Word: 80;

Wednesday, June 19, 2002


VATICAN CITY, JUN 19, 2002 (VIS) - At the end of the general audience, celebrated this morning in the Paul VI Hall, the Pope
made two appeals, one concerning yesterday's attack in Jerusalem and the other in the face of the "tragic exodus" of human beings:

"The dramatic news of the attack that sowed terror and death in Jerusalem yesterday can only provoke the most absolute condemnation by all. Yet again I repeat to those who plot and plan such barbaric acts that they will have to answer to God. While I express my fervent human and spiritual solidarity to the families in mourning and to the injured, I invite you all to pray with me to the Lord so that he convert hardened hearts and inspire reciprocal thoughts of peace and reconciliation in all those who live in that region which is for us so beloved."

Subsequently, John Paul II recalled that "tomorrow we celebrate World Refugee Day, sponsored by the United Nations in order to call attention to 15 million human beings, forced to cross the borders of their countries in order to escape persecution or the violation of their fundamental rights.

"May the leaders of nations," he said, "listen to this appeal in the face of such tragic exodus of individuals and families and may they do everything possible to offer an adequate response to the dramatic problems of these brothers and sisters of ours."

AC;APPEAL JERUSALEM; REFUGEES;...;...;VIS;20020619;Word: 240;


VATICAN CITY, JUN 19, 2002 (VIS) - In today's general audience, celebrated in the Paul VI Hall, the Pope spoke about a canticle from Deuteronomy, "a joyous hymn to the Lord who protects and cares for his people with love amidst the dangers and difficulties of the day."

In the canticle, said the Holy Father, "the Lord is called the Rock... an image that exalts unceasing fidelity and does not disappoint, very different from the instability and infidelity of the people."

In order to urge the faithful to return to fidelity, the Canticle stresses the wonders that God has done for his people, not with an attitude of "implacable sovereign" but with one of a "loving father", affirmed John Paul II.

"Biblical faith," he continued, "is a 'memorial', that is, to rediscover the eternal action of God in the passage of time; it is to make present and effective the salvation that the Lord has given to us and continues to offer to man. The great sin of infidelity coincides with the 'oversight' that erases the memory of the divine presence in us and in history."

The Pope concluded by emphasizing that the Canticle of Moses invites us "to an examination of conscience so that the people of God finally respond to the divine benefits received not with sin but with fidelity."

AG;CANTICLE DEUTERONOMY;...;...;VIS;20020619;Word: 230;


VATICAN CITY, JUN 19, 2002 (VIS) - The tenth meeting of the Postsynodal Council of the secretariat general for the Special Assembly for Africa of the Synod of Bishops took place on June 11 and 12, according to a communique published yesterday afternoon.

Under the presidency of Cardinal Jan P. Schotte, C.I.C.M., secretary general of the synod, four cardinals, three archbishops, one bishop and four officials from the secretariat general participated in the meeting.

The work sessions included a debate on the current situation in Africa, the application of the postsynodal apostolic exhortation "Ecclesia in Africa" till now, which is proceeding favorably, and in particular, on the tendencies, new problems and presentation of the first results of a study being conducted on the opportunity to celebrate a second Special Assembly for Africa.

The participants in the meeting reported on "the political and institutional crises in some countries". It was emphasized in the communique that all kinds of conflicts continue "affecting civil life and the apostolic activity of pastors in vast areas and nations. This instability, acts of persecution against the Church, and the persistence of serious economic, social and public health situations, worry the pastors of the Church in Africa greatly."

The communique concludes by announcing that the next meeting will take place on June 18 and 19, 2003.

...;MEETING AFRICA SYNOD;...;SCHOTTE;VIS;20020619;Word: 230;


VATICAN CITY, JUN 19, 2002 (VIS) - Cardinal Francis Arinze, president of the Pontifical Council for Inter-religious Dialogue, organized and presided at a meeting of reflection in the Vatican on the role of religions in reconciliation and peace-building, as a follow-up to the Day of Prayer for Peace in the World, held in Assisi on January 24.

In the meeting, which took place June 7 through 8, members of different religions participated (Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and Sikhism) from several countries, as well as a representative from the World Council of Churches in Geneva. During the meeting, the results of the Inter-religious Assembly celebrated in October of 1999 in the Vatican were also analyzed.

According to a communique published today, the participants agreed that it is necessary "to study together the role and resources of religions for peace both globally and locally" and they considered that "religions can contribute both to the prevention and resolution of conflicts." They also discussed organizing a series of workshops "in which fundamental texts would be studied, various models would be examined, and some symbolic action undertaken, in order to convey the message that religions can be a catalyst for peace and justice."

The participants also discussed the formation of an advisory group which would cooperate with the Pontifical Council for Inter-religious Dialogue to implement the suggestions made.

...;INTER-RELIGIOUS MEETING;...;ARINZE;VIS;20020619;Word: 240;


VATICAN CITY, JUN 19, 2002 (VIS) - The Holy Father:

- Appointed Msgr. Rafael Martinez Sainz, vicar general of the archdiocese of Guadalajara, Mexico, and Fr. Jose Maria De la Torre Martin, moderator of pastoral action of the Cathedral of the diocese of San Juan de los Lagos, as auxiliaries of the archdiocese of Guadalajara (area 20,827, population 6,300,000, Catholics 5,733,000, priests 1,210, permanent deacons 2, religious 4,416), Mexico. Bishop-elect Martinez was born in Arandas, Mexico in 1935 and was ordained a priest in 1959. Bishop-elect De la Torre was born in Pegueros, Mexico in 1952 and was ordained a priest in 1980.

- Appointed Msgr. Renato Volante, nunciature counselor, as permanent observer of the Holy See to the United Nations Organizations and Organisms for Food and Agriculture (FAO, IFAD, PAM, and CMA).

NEA; NA;...;...;...;VIS;20020619;Word: 130;

Tuesday, June 18, 2002


VATICAN CITY, JUN 18, 2002 (VIS) - Made public today was a report from the Pontifical Council "Cor Unum," the dicastery that administers papal charity, on charitable activity in the world. This includes contributions to countries affected by natural disasters and war, as well as human promotion in developing countries.

The report recalls that the Pope charged "Cor Unum" to assign funds collected on the World Day of Fasting and Prayer for Peace to the most needy. The Day was held on December 14, 2001, after the terrorist attacks of September 11 and the war in Afghanistan, but offers still continue to arrive and, up to the present, 1,800,000 Euros have been collected.

In the first months of this year, "Cor Unum," as directed by the Pope, sent aid amounting to 950,000 dollars for Afghan and Iraqui refugees and for the victims of war in the Middle East. It also sent a contribution of 50,000 dollars to a hospital in New York for medical aid to victims of the terrorist attack. Last month, during his apostolic visit to Azerbaijan, the Holy Father consigned a cheque for 100,000 dollars for refugees in that country.

The dicastery that administers papal charity has assigned a total of 1,209,700 dollars for people affected by natural disasters and war, and 841,200 dollars for integral human promotion among the weakest sectors of the population in various countries.

The report further indicates that the administrative council of the John Paul II Foundation for the Sahel, instituted by the Pope in 1984, approved financing to the value of 2,333,308 dollars for 230 projects to combat drought and desertification in countries of sub-Saharan Africa and to form specialists in that field.

Finally, the report concludes, the administrative council of the "Populorum Progressio" Foundation, established by the Pope in 1992 to favor the integral human promotion of poor indigenous, mixed race and Afro-American rural peoples in Latin America and the Caribbean, examined 294 projects and decided to finance 216 for a total amount of 1,773,700 dollars.

CON-CU;PAPAL CHARITY;...;...;VIS;20020618;Word: 340;


VATICAN CITY, JUN 18, 2002 (VIS) - At midday today the program of the Pope's forthcoming apostolic trip to Toronto, Guatemala City and Mexico City was made public. The visit will take place from July 23 to August 2, 2002, and is his 97th such journey outside Italy since the beginning of his pontificate.

The Holy Father will depart from Rome's Fiumicino airport on July 23 at 9:40 a.m. and is due to arrive in Toronto at 1 p.m. local time. After the welcome ceremony, he will travel to "Strawberry Island" in Lake Simcoe. No activities are scheduled for July 24 or the morning of July 25. In the afternoon of July 25 he will attend a welcome party with young people in Toronto's Exhibition Place.

No activities are scheduled for Friday July 26. On Saturday July 27 he is scheduled to meet, among others, the Canadian prime minister. At 1 p.m. he will pray the angelus with the Community of the Sisters of St. Joseph in the chapel of their motherhouse, and at 7:30 p.m. he will participate in a vigil with young people at Downsview Park.

On Sunday July 28, the Pope will celebrate Mass and pray the angelus in Downsview Park to mark the celebration of 27th World Youth Day.

On Monday July 29 he will celebrate Mass in private and after a farewell ceremony in Lester B. Pearson International Airport in Toronto he will depart for Guatemala City, where he is scheduled to arrive at 3 p.m.

The Holy Father will celebrate Mass on Tuesday July 30 at 9 a.m. and will canonize Blessed Brother Peter of San Jose of Betancur in the hippodrome of Guatemala City. That same afternoon, he will depart for Mexico City where he will arrive three hours later.

On Wednesday July 31 he will celebrate Mass at 10 a.m. and canonize Blessed Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin in the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe. In the afternoon, he will rest.

The Pope will celebrate Mass in private on August 1 in the chapel of the apostolic nunciature in Mexico City and later will go to the Basilica of Guadalupe to celebrate a liturgy of the Word at 10:15 a.m. and to beatify the martyrs Juan Bautista and Jacinto de los Angeles. At 1 p.m. a farewell ceremony will take place. The papal plane will depart at 1:30 p.m. and will land at 9 a.m. on August 2 in Ciampino Airport in Rome.

JPII-TRIP;TORONTO; GUATEMALA; MEXICO;...;...;VIS;20020618;Word: 410;


VATICAN CITY, JUN 18, 2002 (VIS) - The Holy Father:

- Appointed Fr. Phillipe Breton of the clergy of the archdiocese of Paris, pastor of St. Honore d'Eylau, as bishop of Aire et Dax (area 9,364, population 326,617, Catholics 255,000, priests 205, permanent deacons 6, religious 309), France. The bishop-elect was born in Rouen, France in 1936 and was ordained a priest in 1966. He succeeds Bishop Robert Sarrabere whose resignation from the pastoral care of the same diocese the Holy Father accepted upon having reached the age limit.

- Appointed Bishop Gerard Daucourt of Orleans, France as bishop of Nanterre (area 175, population 1,410,000, Catholics 950,000, priests 346, permanent deacons 30, religious 949), France. He succeeds Bishop Francois Favreau whose resignation from the pastoral care of the same diocese the Holy Father accepted in accordance with Canon 401, para. 2 of the Code of Canon Law.

NER; RE;...;...;...;VIS;20020618;Word: 130;


VATICAN CITY, JUN 18, 2002 (VIS) - Today the Holy Father received in separate audiences:

- Six prelates from the Episcopal Conference of Peru on their "ad limina" visit:
- Cardinal Juan Luis Cipriani Thorne, archbishop of Lima, accompanied by his auxiliaries, Bishop Carlos Garcia Camader and Bishop Jose Antonio Eguren Anselmi.
- Archbishop Alcides Mendoza Castro of Cuzco.
- Archbishop Luis Sanchez-Moreno Lira of Arequipa.
- Archbishop Hector Miguel Cabrejos Vidarte of Trujillo.
- Community of the Pontifical Ecclesiastical Academy.
- Cardinal Armand Gaetan Razafindratandra, archbishop of Antananarivo, Madagascar.

AL; AP;...;...;...;VIS;20020618;Word: 90;


VATICAN CITY, JUN 18, 2002 (VIS) - Archbishop John P. Foley, president of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications, is participating in a meeting of the General Assembly of the United Nations dedicated to Information and Communication Technologies for Development which is taking place in New York from June 17 to 18.

In his speech to the assembly, the archbishop reaffirmed the Holy See's interest in this subject and in the "human and moral implications" and he recalled that while making information and communication technology available to as many people as possible we must respect three basic principles: "the importance of truth, the dignity of the human person and the promotion of the common good."

After referring to the digital divide, he emphasized that in order to close this gap it was "necessary that measures be taken to end the unjust discrimination dividing the rich from the poor, both within and among nations, on the basis of access to the new information and communications technologies. Another divide," he added, "operates to the disadvantage of women, and it too, needs to be closed."

"The extension of basic telecommunications services to the entire population of developing countries is a matter of justice. ... The information and communication technologies propel and sustain the process of globalization, leading to a situation where commerce and communication are freed from the restraints of national frontiers."

The archbishop underlined that although this situation could have been a motive to "create wealth and promote development", the distribution of benefits has been "unequal. While some countries - as well as corporations and individuals - have greatly increased their wealth, others have been unable to keep up or have even become poorer. Worse, there is a perception in some countries that globalization has been imposed upon them and that it is a process in which they are unable to participate in an effective way."

"John Paul II, in an address to the UN Secretary General and to the Administrative Committee on Coordination of the United Nations," concluded the archbishop, "spoke of a 'growing sense of international solidarity' that offers the United Nations System 'a unique opportunity to contribute to the globalization of solidarity by serving as a meeting place for States and civil society and a convergence of the varied interests and needs'."

...;NEW TECHNOLOGIES;...;USA; FOLEY;VIS;20020618;Word: 390;

Monday, June 17, 2002


VATICAN CITY, JUN 15, 2002 (VIS) - Today the Holy Father received in separate audiences:

- Mathieu Kerekou, president of the republic of Benin, accompanied by his wife and an entourage.
- Archbishop Telesphore Placidus Toppo of Ranchi, India.
- Bishop Jerzy Mazur of St. Joseph at Irkutsk, Russian Federation.
- Desai Niranjan Natverlal, ambassador of India, on his farewell visit.
- Cardinal Giovanni Battista Re, prefect of the Congregation for Bishops.

AP;...;...;...;VIS;20020617;Word: 70;


VATICAN CITY, JUN 15, 2002 (VIS) - Made public today was a letter by the Holy Father in which he names Cardinal Paul Poupard, president of the Pontifical Council for Culture, as his special envoy for the closing celebrations of the millennium of the birth of Pope St. Leo IX which will take place in Eguisheim, France on June 23. The letter is written in Latin and dated March 23.

The entourage to accompany the cardinal includes Msgr. Joseph Gaschy, vicar general of the archdiocese of Strasbourg, Fr. Aloys Kieffer of the same archdiocese and Fr. Jean-Marie Mazas, F.S.J., official of the Pontifical Council for Culture.



VATICAN CITY, JUN 15, 2002 (VIS) - The Holy Father received today in audience participants in the general chapter of the Institute of the Daughters of St. Camillo who are reflecting upon the spiritual patrimony received by the blessed founders Giuseppina Vannini and Luigi Tezza "to consciously and enthusiastically follow the way of holiness."

John Paul II praised "the generous effort in the service of the poor and sick", as well as the impulse of the religious, present on four continents, "to missionary activity in South America, the East and Eastern Europe," and he encouraged them to "continue on this path."

"Make Christ, ever-merciful, present in every encounter with your neighbor, beginning with your congregation. May the spirit of fraternal charity reign among you so that every sister feels understood and valued in her capacities and may nobody complain of injustice or abuse."

The Pope underlined that the Daughters of St. Camillo were "called to be concrete signs of the mercy of Christ, especially where suffering oppresses human beings in body and spirit. ... Following the example of St. Camillo and of the blessed founders, do not hesitate to proclaim with words, but above all with action, the joy of sacrificing your existence for your brothers in need."

"Through your health institutions and schools," he concluded, "may you be promoters of authentic humanity and charity, capable of sustaining in those who have contact with the sick the desire to transform 'curing' into 'caring' and 'profession' into 'vocation'."

AC;...;...;DAUGHTERS OF ST. CAMILLO;VIS;20020617;Word: 260;


VATICAN CITY, JUN 16, 2002 (VIS) - At 10 a.m. today in the presence of more than 300,000 people who filled St. Peter's Square and the surrounding streets, John Paul II celebrated the Eucharist and canonized the Italian, Blessed Pio of Pietrelicna (Francesco Forgione), priest of the Order of Friars Minor Capuchins.

The two subjects of the friar's miracles were present at the ceremony: Consiglia de Martino and Matteo Colella. In 1992, the former was inexplicably cured of the rupture of a lymph vessel, something which would normally result in death; the latter, a child now almost ten years old, recovered two years ago from an irreversible coma caused by the sudden onset of meningitis.

In his homily the Pope affirmed that Jesus' words to His disciples, "my yoke is easy, and my burden is light," are "a magnificent synthesis of the life of Padre Pio of Pietrelcina, who today is pronounced a saint. The gospel image of the 'yoke' evokes the many trials that the humble Capuchin of St. Giovanni Rotondo had to face. ... The life and mission of Padre Pio provide testimony that difficulty and pain, if accepted with love, become a privileged path to sanctity."

"Padre Pio generously distributed divine mercy, making himself available to everyone through openness, spiritual guidance and, especially, administration of the sacrament of penance. The ministry of the confessional, one of the distinguishing traits of his apostolate, attracted huge crowds of faithful to the monastery of St. Giovanni Rotondo," said the Pope during his homily, recalling that he himself had received confession from Padre Pio. He went on: "Even when that most particular of confessors treated pilgrims with apparent harshness they, conscious of the gravity of their sin and sincerely repentant, almost always turned back and yielded to the embrace of sacramental forgiveness." He requested that "Padre Pio's example may encourage priests to perform this ministry happily and diligently."

The Holy Father stressed that "the profound roots of this spiritual fertility are to be found in that intimate and constant union with God; eloquent testimony of which are the long hours he spent in prayer. ... That fundamental characteristic of his spirituality continues in the 'Prayer Groups' founded by him, which offer the Church and society the formidable contribution of incessant and faithful invocation. Padre Pio united prayer with intense charitable activity of which the 'House for the Relief of Suffering' is an extraordinary expression. Prayer and charity, a concrete synthesis of Padre Pio's teaching, which today is again proposed to everyone."

Following Mass and before praying the angelus, the Pope greeted all those who had taken part in the celebration: cardinals, archbishops, bishops, the minister general of the Capuchins, the members of Padre Pio's order and Italian civil and military authorities.

The Pope added: "My thoughts go out particularly to all the pilgrims gathered in this square and the adjoining streets, especially those who have had to remain standing for such a long time. I also greet the faithful gathered in prayer at St. Giovanni Rotondo, and those following the event on television. In exhorting everyone to follow in the footsteps of St. Pio of Pietrelcina, I am happy to announce that his liturgical anniversary, with the denomination of 'obligatory,' will be inserted in the general Roman calendar on September 23, the day he died to be born in heaven."
At the end of the ceremony, the Pope travelled by 'popemobile' around St. Peter's Square and the adjoining Via della Conciliazione in order to greet the tens of thousands of faithful who had come from Italy and other countries. Those who attended the canonization ceremony had to bear temperatures of over 35 degrees Celsius and were doused with water to prevent them suffering sunstroke or dehydration.

HML;CANONIZATION PADRE PIO;...;...;VIS;20020617;Word: 630;


VATICAN CITY, JUN 15, 2002 (VIS) - The Holy Father:

- Appointed Bishop Eustaquio Pastor Cuquejo Verga, C.SS.R., military ordinary of Paraguay, as metropolitan archbishop of Asuncion (area 658, population 1,602,173, Catholics 774,000, priests 354, permanent deacons 51, religious 1,842), Paraguay. The archbishop-elect was born in San Estanislao, Paraguay in 1939 and was ordained a priest in 1964. He succeeds Archbishop Felipe Santiago Benitez Avalos whose resignation from the pastoral care of the same archdiocese the Holy Father accepted upon having reached the age limit.

- Accepted the resignation from the pastoral care of the archdiocese of Bahia Blanca, Argentina, presented by Archbishop Romulo Garcia upon having reached the age limit.

- Appointed Fr. Luis Antonio Sanchez Armijos, S.D.B., vicar and bursar of the Post-Noviciate Community and professor in the Department of Religious Sciences of the Salesian Polytechnic University of Quito, Ecuador, as bishop of Tulcan (area 3,699, population 231,810, Catholics 213,000, priests 113, permanent deacons 6, religious 102), Ecuador. The bishop-elect was born in Olmedo, Ecuador in 1943 and was ordained a priest in 1975.

- Appointed Fr. Leopoldo Hermes Garin Bruzzone, vicar general of Canelones (area 4,532, population 443,660, Catholics 365,821, priests 38, permanent deacons 10, religious 178), Uruguay, as auxiliary of the same diocese. The bishop-elect was born in San Ramon, Uruguay in 1947 and ordained a priest in 1973.

- Accepted the resignation from the office of auxiliary of the diocese of Chicoutimi, Canada, presented by Bishop Roch Pedneault upon having reached the age limit.

NER; NEA; RE;...;...;...;VIS;20020617;Word: 230;


VATICAN CITY, JUN 17, 2002 (VIS) - The Holy Father received this morning in the Paul VI Hall thousands of pilgrims who participated yesterday in the canonization of Padre Pio of Pietrelcina, "a credible witness of Christ and His Gospel," said the Pope. "His example and intercession encourage each one of us to an ever-greater love of God and toward real solidarity with our fellow man, especially those in most need."

The Pope said that St. Pio "was a 'friar of the people'" and "a miracle-worker saint, as the extraordinary events that characterize his life testify. Padre Pio was above all a religious who sincerely loved the crucified Christ. He participated in the mystery of the Cross, even physically, during his entire life."

"His ascetic and spiritual path brought him to deep communion with the Church. Momentary misunderstandings with ecclesiastical authorities did not inhibit his attitude of filial obedience. Padre Pio was at the same time a faithful and brave son of the Church, following the luminous example of St. Francis of Assisi."

John Paul II emphasized that to the numerous faithful who used to go to him, Padre Pio "would convey the consoling and illuminating Word of God, allowing each one to drink from the fonts of grace by his assiduous dedication to the ministry of Confession and the fervent celebration of the Eucharist."

"Holy Mass," concluded the Pope, "was the center and the source of all his spirituality. ... The faithful who gathered around his altar remained deeply impressed by the intensity of his 'immersion' in the mystery and they perceived that 'Father' was participating first hand in the Redeemer's suffering."

AC;CANONIZATION PADRE PIO;...;...;VIS;20020617;Word: 290;

Friday, June 14, 2002


VATICAN CITY, JUN 14, 2002 (VIS) - The instruction: "Starting Afresh from Christ. A Renewed Commitment to Consecrated Life in the Third Millennium" was made public today by the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life.

The document, which has 60 pages and contains an introduction and four chapters, has been published in English, French, Italian, Spanish, German and Portuguese. It bears the signatures of Cardinal Eduardo Martinez Somalo and Archbishop Piergiorgio Silvano Nesti C.P., respectively prefect and secretary of the congregation, and is dated May 19, Solemnity of Pentecost.

The fundamental core of the document, which is addressed to consecrated men and women, "is the need for a strong spiritual life and for renewed quality in consecrated life."

The first chapter, "Consecrated Life: the Presence of the Love of Christ in the midst of Humanity," is a "song of praise to God for the gifts of grace that He has made and continues to make to His Church through this particular manner of following Christ." After highlighting the "admiration aroused by the many and varied missionary activities of consecrated persons," the document affirms that "the strength of the Spirit continues to guide the dynamism of consecrated life, and even in times of crisis we see the flowering of new institutes."

Chapter two, "Courage to face Trials and Challenges," considers the most significant difficulties that consecrated people must face. These include the "temptation of efficiency and activism," the dominance of individualism and "the decline in numbers and increasing old age of members." These challenges "must be faced with a new quality of consecrated life ... by means of a process of formation that involves - at different levels - superiors, communities or fraternities, and individual consecrated men and women."

The third chapter: "Spiritual Life in the First Place," offers a series of concrete guidelines "for authentic formation, for overcoming difficulties and for responding to challenges." The document makes an invitation to follow the indications given by the Pope in his Apostolic Letter, "Novo millennio ineunte" practicing "contemplation of the face of Christ" and "a profound spirituality of communion." It is emphasized that "when the Word of God, prayer and the Eucharist are the motor driving consecrated life, the consequent spirituality naturally tends to be a spirituality of communion."

"Witnesses to Love," chapter four of the document, is "an invitation to all consecrated people to follow to the end this path of spirituality and communion, renewing life and work." The instruction gives particular attention to "the necessity for consecrated persons to be engaged in dialogue with everyone; with brothers who are separated, with those who belong to other religions and with those who profess no particular religion."

...;INSTRUCTION CONSECRATED LIFE;...;...;VIS;20020614;Word: 460;


VATICAN CITY, JUN 14, 2002 (VIS) - Today the Holy Father received in separate audiences:

- Joseph Kabila, president of the Democratic Republic of Congo and an entourage.
- Archbishop Giuseppe De Andrea, apostolic nuncio in Kuwait, Bahrain, Yemen, and apostolic delegate in the Arabian Peninsula.
- Msgr. Francesco Follo, permanent observer of the Holy See to the Organizations of the United Nations for Education, Science and Culture (U.N.E.S.C.O.).
- Stelios Rocanas, ambassador of Greece, on his farewell visit.
- Cardinal Lubomyr Husar, major archbishop of Lviv, Ukraine.

Later this afternoon the Holy Father will receive in audience Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

AP;...;...;...;VIS;20020614;Word: 110;

Thursday, June 13, 2002


VATICAN CITY, JUN 13, 2002 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received in separate audiences:

- Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga, president of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, and an entourage.
- Archbishop Patrick Coveney, apostolic nuncio in New Zealand, the Fiji Islands, the Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Samoa, Vanuatu, Tonga, Naura, Kiribati, Palau and the Cook Islands, and apostolic delegate of the Pacific Ocean.
- Three prelates from the Episcopal Conference of Venezuela on their "ad limina" visit:
- Bishop Ramiro Diaz Sanchez, apostolic vicar of Machiques.
- Bishop Reinaldo Del Prette Lissot, coadjutor of Maracay.
- Fr. Victor Manuel Roa Aguilar, diocesan administrator of Barinas.
- Archbishop Luigi De Magistris, major pro-penitentiary of the Apostolic Penitentiary, accompanied by Fr. Gianfranco Girotti, O.F.M.Conv., regent of the Apostolic Penitentiary.

AP; AL;...;...;... ;VIS;20020613;Word: 130;


VATICAN CITY, JUN 13, 2002 (VIS) - Tomorrow, instructions from the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life are to be made public. They are entitled: "Begin again from Christ. A renewed commitment to consecrated life in the third millennium."

...;CONSECRATED LIFE;...;...;VIS;20020613;Word: 50;

Wednesday, June 12, 2002


VATICAN CITY, JUN 12, 2002 (VIS) - In today's general audience which was held in the Paul VI Hall, the Holy Father spoke about Psalm 91, "a hymn," he said, "raised to the eternal and glorious Lord ... on the eve of the holy sabbath day of prayer, of contemplation, of serene peace in body and spirit."

The Pope explained that "at the center of the Psalm stands the figure of God Most High, solemn and generous; around Him a harmonious and peaceful world takes shape." This hymn comprises "an intense call to praise, to the joyful song of thanksgiving, to the happiness of music. ... The love and faithfulness of the Lord must be celebrated by the song of the liturgy, which has to be interpreted 'artistically'."

The Psalm, he went on, contrasts the wicked with the righteous. The former, "are faced with the Lord" while, "unlike the wicked who are like the grass of the fields, abundant but ephemeral, the righteous reach up to the sky, solid and majestic, like the palm and the cedar of Lebanon." The righteous "have a solid and stable affiliation with the temple and, consequently, with the Lord who has established His dwelling there."

John Paul II concluded by affirming that Psalm 91 "celebrates faith in God which is the source of serenity and peace, even when faced with the apparent success of the wicked. A peace that remains intact even in old age, a period in which fruitfulness and security may still be experienced."

AG;PSALM 91;...;... ;VIS;20020612;Word: 260;

Tuesday, June 11, 2002


VATICAN CITY, JUN 11, 2002 (VIS) - On Sunday June 16, eleventh Sunday in ordinary time, John Paul II will celebrate the Eucharist at 10 a.m. in St. Peter's Square and will canonize Blessed Pio da Pietrelcina (Francesco Forgione), priest of the order of Friars Minor Capuchins.

OCL;PADRE PIO CANONIZATION;...;...;VIS;20020611;Word: 60;


VATICAN CITY, JUN 11, 2002 (VIS) - This morning, John Paul II addressed prelates of the Episcopal Conference of Venezuela at the close of their "ad limina" visit, inviting them to "promote a climate of open and constructive dialogue" with those in positions of civil responsibility.

The Pope expressed his joy at the celebration of the first Plenary Council of Venezuela which is presently being held. It, he said, "must be lived and fulfilled as a truly special experience of the Spirit that guides the Church and keeps her in the unity of faith and charity. Its first fruit is communion among pastors who, in their turn, are the foundation for unity in the particular Churches over which they preside."

"In all stages of this council," he continued, "I thus invite you to foster a spirit of dialogue, fraternal harmony and sincere collaboration, avoiding any form of discord that could disorient the faithful or become a pretext for malicious acts by those who harbor interests that are alien to the good of the Church."

The Holy Father affirmed that the prelates are "highly conscious of the profound and rapid social transformations that influence the great task of evangelization. ... In this context, the renewal of catechesis takes on particular importance." He went on to add that "the lay culture, the climate of religious indifference and the fragility of certain traditionally-solid institutions - such as the family, educational centers and even some ecclesiastical institutions - can damage the channels through which Christian faith and education are transmitted to the new generations."

In this situation, he said, "we must infuse pastors and catechists with renewed ardor so that, through their own testimony and the creativity that so often characterizes them, they may find the most appropriate ways to bring the light of Christ to the hearts of all Venezuelans, inducing that joyous sense of surprise that His message and presence bring."

The Pope indicated that over the last few years, despite the country's abundant natural and human resources, there has been an increase in poverty "at times extreme, for numerous people and families." He stressed that the Church "has always borne witness to divine mercy and continues to do so with her generous and unconditional dedication to the most needy. This must become an ever more generalized approach among all Christian communities, with the active collaboration of their members and the tireless promotion of a spirit of solidarity among all the Venezuelan people.

"Apart from these urgent problems which cannot be put off, you also feel the need to contribute to building a social order that is ever more just, peaceful and beneficial for everyone. Indeed, without seeking to compete in matters that concern the civil authorities, at times the Church will feel called to speak out for those to whom no one seems to listen. ... At other times, she will seek forms of loyal collaboration in initiatives aimed at the integral good of people and which, for that reason, concern both the Church's own mission and the specific aims of social organizations. Such organizations cannot overlook, still less ignore, the Church's considerable contribution to so many matters that regard the common good."

John Paul II concluded: "I well know that this aspect of your ministry is not always easy, and that there is no lack of misunderstandings, of attempts at distortion and of intentions that are more or less openly partisan. However, this is not the field in which the Church operates. She wishes to promote a climate of open, constructive, patient and impartial dialogue between all those who hold positions of civil authority, with the aim of safeguarding the dignity and inalienable rights of the individual in all social projects."

AL;...;...;VENEZUELA;VIS;20020611;Word: 620;


VATICAN CITY, JUN 11, 2002 (VIS) - The Holy Father:

- Accepted the resignation from the pastoral care of the diocese of Lexington, U.S.A., presented by Bishop James Kendrick Williams, in accordance with Canon 401, para. 2, of the Code of Canon Law.

- Appointed Cardinal Francis Stafford, president of the Pontifical Council for the Laity, as his special envoy for the dedication of the new cathedral of the archdiocese of Los Angeles, U.S.A., which will take place September 2, 2002.

RE; NA;...;...;WILLIAMS; STAFFORD ;VIS;20020611;Word: 80;


VATICAN CITY, JUN 11, 2002 (VIS) - Today the Holy Father received in separate audiences:

- Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, president of the republic of Uganda and an entourage.
- Gnasingbe Eyadema, president of the republic of Togo and an entourage.
- Teburoro Tito, president of the republic of Kiribati and an entourage.
- Kessai H. Note, president of the Marshall Islands and an entourage.
- King Mswati III of Swaziland and an entourage.

AP;...;...;...;VIS;20020611;Word: 70;


VATICAN CITY, JUN 11, 2002 (VIS) - Yesterday afternoon, John Paul II signed simultaneously with Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I of Constantinople the "Venice Declaration" which concluded the symposium entitled "The Adriatic. A sea in danger, unity of purpose," sponsored by the patriarch. A special television connection between Venice and Rome made the simultaneous signing possible. Scientists, environmental and ecological experts and representatives from different religions participated in the symposium which took place during a 6-day cruise along the Adriatic coast.

"This connection," the Pope said, "thanks to which we can jointly sign the final declaration of the symposium, gives voice to the unity of purpose that the very theme of this event has evoked. Our gathering, although it is at a distance, allows us to express together the common will of safeguarding creation, to support and sustain every initiative that truly improves, cares for and preserves the earth which God gave us so that we would conserve it with wisdom and love."

At the end of his greeting, John Paul II recalled the Day of Prayer for Peace in the world which was celebrated in Assisi last January and in which Patriarch Bartholomew also participated, saying: "I believe our exchanges are truly gifts from God who indicates to us in this way that the spirit of collaboration is capable of finding new expressions to make concrete and solid the witness to communion, which the world expects of us."


Monday, June 10, 2002


VATICAN CITY, JUN 8, 2002 (VIS) - This morning in the Paul VI Hall, the Holy Father received a group of pilgrims from the Italian archdiocese of Capua who came to Rome in commemoration of the Pope's pastoral visit of ten years ago, and participants in a congress sponsored by Italian Catholic Action.

The Pope urged the faithful of Capua to try to find Christ "with new ardor, to listen to His voice, He who calls you to a more intense evangelical faithfulness. He asks you to make Him present wherever man finds himself alone, rejected or humiliated due to sorrow or violence and wherever people, tired of human words, have a deep desire to be close to God."

After recalling the invitation that he made ten years ago to the young people of Capua to respond with generosity to Jesus' call, he said: "Today, ten years later, I desire to extend this invitation once again to young people: do not ever lose pride in being Christians, to be able to forge a friendship with Christ, to look for what He looks for, to behave as He behaved. Jesus must become the center of your life. He helps you to be the 'salt and leaven' of your land."

Subsequently, John Paul II addressed the participants in a congress on Armida Barelli, "who was known as the 'Big Sister' of the young women of Catholic Action."

"Follow with faithfulness the path laid out by this strong and fearless woman, imitating her aspiration to holiness, her missionary dedication and her civil and social commitment to instill the fields of culture, politics, business and free time with the leaven of the Gospel."

AC;...;...;ITALIAN PILGRIMS;VIS;20020610;Word: 290;


VATICAN CITY, JUN 10, 2002 (VIS) - Today the Holy Father received in separate audiences:

- Andres Pastrana Arango, president of the republic of Colombia, accompanied by his wife and an entourage.
- Bishop Timothy Joseph Carroll, apostolic vicar of Kontagora, Nigeria on his "ad limina" visit.
- Robert Gallo and Luc Montagnier, professors from the World Foundation for Research and Prevention of AIDS.
- Megawati Soekarnoputri, president of the republic of Indonesia, accompanied by her husband and an entourage.

On Saturday June 8, the Holy Father received in separate audiences:

- John Agyekum Kufuor, president of Ghana, accompanied by his wife and an entourage.
- Three prelates from the Episcopal Conference of Venezuela on their "ad limina" visit:
- Bishop Felipe Gonzalez Gonzalez, apostolic vicar of Tucupita.
- Bishop Jesus Alfonso Guerrero Contreras, apostolic vicar of Caroni.
- Bishop Jose Angel Divasson Cilvetti, apostolic vicar of Puerto Ayacucho.
- Cardinal Giovanni Battista Re, prefect of the Congregation for Bishops.

AP; AL;...;...;...;VIS;20020610;Word: 150;


VATICAN CITY, JUN 10, 2002 (VIS) - Made public today was a message by the Pope to the heads of State and government who are participating in the World Food Summit which is taking place from June 10 to 13 in Rome.

John Paul II recalls at the beginning of the message that at the previous summit in 1996, it was made clear that hunger and malnutrition are not only natural phenomena but also the result of a "more complex situation of underdevelopment."

"If the goals of the 1996 Summit have not been met, that can be attributed also to the absence of a culture of solidarity, and to international relations often shaped by a pragmatism devoid of ethical and moral foundations. Moreover, a cause for concern is to be found in the statistics according to which assistance given to poor countries in recent years appears to have decreased rather than increased."

The Holy Father affirms that "today more than ever there is an urgent need in international relationships for solidarity to become the criterion underlying all forms of cooperation, with the acknowledgment that the resources which God the Creator has entrusted to us are destined for all."

John Paul II expresses his joy that the present summit is pushing governments and governmental institutions toward a commitment to "guarantee the right to nutrition in cases where an individual State is unable to do so because of its own underdevelopment and poverty. Such a commitment can be seen as entirely necessary and legitimate, given the fact that poverty and hunger risk compromising even the ordered coexistence of peoples and nations, and constitute a real threat to peace and international security."

"Hence the importance of the present World Food Summit," he concludes, "with its reaffirmation of the concept of food security and its call for a mobilization of solidarity aimed at reducing by half, by the year 2015, the number of people in the world who are undernourished and deprived of the bare necessities of life. This is an enormous challenge, and one to which the Church too is fully committed."

MESS;WORLD FOOD SUMMIT;...;...;VIS;20020610;Word: 350;


VATICAN CITY, 9 JUN, 2002 (VIS) - Before praying the angelus with the faithful gathered in St. Peter's Square, the Pope told them that today in Ravenna, Italy, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholemew I celebrated a solemn liturgy, and that tomorrow he and the pope - by means of a special television linkup between Rome and Venice - will sign a joint "Declaration" in defence of creation.

"This event," the Pope went on, "falling a few months after the Day of Prayer for peace in Assisi, when the ecumenical patriarch was at my side, is another example of that shared intent that is a prelude to renewed and full communion. The very histories of Ravenna and Venice call and encourage us to continue along the path towards full unity between western and eastern Christians."

John Paul II went on to say that this morning, at the headquarters of the FAO in Rome, the World Food Summit is being inaugurated; a meeting in which heads of State and government from all over the world will be participating. "Millions of people," he said, "who suffer daily because of hunger and malnutrition hope that this gathering will confirm the commitments made in 1996. May God bless this meeting and illuminate leaders of nations that they may know how to express people's legitimate aspirations and to give fresh impulse to the struggle of the international community against hunger."

After the angelus, the Holy Father made reference to "the dear population of Angola who, following the suffering of a long and bloody civil war, now find themselves facing a dramatic humanitarian crisis because of a lack of food and the most basic medicines, as well as the constant danger of anti-personnel mines disseminated over the whole territory."

The Holy Father concluded by saying: "We ask that the Lord may illuminate all those who have the possibility to contribute to overcoming this tragedy, and that He bring them to act in such a way that the resources of the country may help all its inhabitants and be an aid to the entire continent of Africa."

ANG;...;...;...;VIS;20020610;Word: 350;


VATICAN CITY, JUN 10, 2002 (VIS) - The Holy Father:

- Appointed Bishop Juan Garcia Rodriguez, auxiliary of Camaguey, Cuba, as metropolitan archbishop of the same archdiocese (area 18,671, population 858,351, Catholics 535,000, priests 25, permanent deacons 5, religious 52). The archbishop-elect was born in 1948 in Camaguey and was ordained a priest in 1972. He succeeds Archbishop Adolfo Rodriguez Herrera, whose resignation from the pastoral care of the same archdiocese the Holy Father accepted, upon having reached the age limit.

- Appointed Bishop Jean-Pierre Tafunga, S.D.B., of Kilwa-Kasenga, Democratic Republic of Congo, as bishop of Uvira (area 36,000, population 374, 852, Catholics 221,471, priests 35, religious 31), Democratic Republic of Congo. He succeeds Bishop Jerome Gapangwa Nteziryayo, whose resignation from the pastoral care of the same diocese the Holy Father accepted, in accordance with Canon 401, para. 2, of the Code of Canon Law.
It was made public on Saturday June 8 that the Holy Father:

- Appointed Fr. Alfred Leonhard Maluma, professor of moral theology at the Major Seminary of Peramiho, Tanzania, as bishop of Njombe (area 20,860, population 543,000, Catholics 230,000, priests 90, religious 419), Tanzania. The bishop-elect was born in 1955 in Lukani, Tanzania and was ordained a priest in 1985. He succeeds Bishop Raymond Mwanyika, S.M.M., whose resignation from the pastoral care of the same diocese the Holy Father accepted in accordance with Canon 401, para. 2 of the Code of Canon Law.


Friday, June 7, 2002


VATICAN CITY, JUN 7, 2002 (VIS) - Today the Holy Father received in separate audiences:

- Dato' Seri Mahathir bin Mohamad, prime minister of Malaysia, accompanied by his wife and an entourage.
- Five prelates from the Episcopal Conference of Venezuela on their "ad limina" visit:
- Bishop Gustavo Garcia Naranjo of Guarenas.
- Bishop Jose de la Trinidad Valera Angulo of La Guaira.
- Bishop Manuel Felipe Diaz Sanchez of Carupano.
- Bishop Jose Sotero Valero Ruz of Guanare.
- Bishop Georges Kahhale Zouhairaty, apostolic exarch for the Greek-Melkite faithful in Venezuela and apostolic visitor for the Greek-Melkite faithful in Argentina.
- Bengt O. Johansen, ambassador of Norway, accompanied by his wife, on his farewell visit.

This afternoon the Holy Father will receive in audience Archbishop Tarcisio Bertone, secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

AP; AL;...;...;...;VIS;20020607;Word: 140;


VATICAN CITY, JUN 7, 2002 (VIS) - Holy See Press Office Vice-Director, Fr. Ciro Benedettini, C.P., released the following declaration this morning:

"This morning, Friday June 7, 2002, the Prime Minister of Malaysia, His Excellency Dato' Seri Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad, was received in audience by His Holiness Pope John Paul II. He then held meetings with His Eminence Angelo Sodano, Secretary of State and His Excellency Jean-Louis Tauran, Secretary for the Holy See's Relations with States.

"During the course of the conversations, the present state of Church-state relations in Malaysia was discussed, as well as the mutual cooperation for the promotion of dialogue between culture and religions, with a particular consideration of the cultural links between Islam and Christianity.

"Also, there was an exchange of opinions on current international questions, particularly those regarding Southeast Asia and the Middle East.

"The meetings which took place today mark the first time in history that a Prime Minister of Malaysia met with the Holy Father and the highest officials of the Holy See."



VATICAN CITY, JUN 7, 2002 (VIS) - The Holy Father:

- Appointed Bishop Salvatore Gristina of Acireale, Italy, as metropolitan archbishop of Catania (area 1,332, population 731,056, Catholics 716,000, priests 418, permanent deacons 20, religious 757), Italy. He succeeds Archbishop Luigi Bommarito, whose resignation from the pastoral care of the same archdiocese the Holy Father accepted, upon having reached the age limit.

- Appointed Fr. Aloysius Murwito, O.F.M., provincial vicar of the Franciscan Fathers, Indonesia as bishop of Agats (area 37,000, population 85,000, Catholics 49,000, priests 17, religious 12), Indonesia. The bishop-elect was born in Sleman-Yogya, Indonesia in 1950 and was ordained a priest in 1982.

- Appointed Msgr. Donald Kettler of Sioux Falls, U.S.A., as bishop of Fairbanks (area 1,061,099, population 155,224, Catholics 17,132, priests 29, permanent deacons 40, religious 20), U.S.A. The bishop-elect was born in Minneapolis, U.S.A. in 1944 and was ordained a priest in 1970.

NER; RE;...;...;...;VIS;20020607;Word: 140;
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