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Monday, September 30, 2002


VATICAN CITY, SEP 28, 2002 - This morning the Pope received prelates from the Brazilian cities of Olinda-Recife, Paraiba, Maceio and Natal, and from diocesan suffrages at the end of their "ad limina" visit.

John Paul II expressed his gratitude to the bishops for the dedication with which they carry out their mission, "frequently in difficult circumstances."

"The Successor of Peter," he said, "counts on you so that your
preparation is always bolstered in that spirituality of communion and fidelity to the seat of Peter. ... The integrity of faith, together with eclessial discipline, is and will be a topic that will require attention by all, especially when it comes to knowing how to discern that 'only one faith and one baptism' exist'."

Speaking about the "importance of promoting vocations to the priesthood," the Holy Father said that "there is a need for well-formed priests in order to assume the serious task of representing the Person of Christ in local communities. In addition," he added, "a complete formation of the pastoral agents is very necessary as an aid to evangelization promoted by bishops and priests in order to foster community and witness to faith in more difficult environments."

The Pope drew attention to the bishops' efforts "to strengthen the foundations of a healthy ecumenicism" and he cited the Directory for Ecumenicism, published by the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, when it affirms that "diversity is one dimension of Catholicism. This," he said, "must not carry a certain indifference which balances all opinions because of false irenicism. I hope that the effort of Christian communities to reach unity, so long-awaited, may always be based upon truth."

"There should not be incompatibility," he stated, "between the
affirmation of an unconditional adherence to the truth of Jesus Christ and respect for consciences. If religion is not only a question of conscience, but also of free adherence to the truth, that can or cannot be accepted, its content cannot be compromised. For this reason, it is necessary to illustrate it, without leaving out salient elements. In this way, the importance of your commitment is understood so that there may be instructors capable of guaranteeing the greatest fidelity to theological teaching."

John Paul II concluded by referring to catechesis. "You offer the best service to the cause of ecumenicism when you provide a profound education in freedom in catechesis for adults and young people. When a Christian lives his faith completely, people are attracted to him, he inspires confidence and respect; he never imposes his religious beliefs, but he knows how to convey the truth to those who trust him without deception. He tolerates people without ever tolerating a falsehood."

AL;...;...;BRAZIL ;VIS;20020930;Word: 460;


VATICAN CITY, SEP 28, 2002 (VIS) - Today the Holy Father received in audience six prelates from the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil (Northeast 2) on their "ad limina" visit:

- Bishop Genival Saraiva de Franca of Palmares accompanied by Bishop Acacio Rodrigues Alves, emeritus.
- Bishop Luis Gonzaga Silva Pepeu, O.F.M., of Afogados da Ingazeira accompanied by Bishop Francisco Austregesilo de Mesquita Filho, emeritus.
- Bishop Manoel dos Reis de Farias of Patos accompanied by Bishop Gerardo de Andrade Ponte, emeritus.

AL;...;...;... ;VIS;20020930;Word: 80;


VATICAN CITY, SEP 28, 2002 (VIS) - At 6 p.m. in the Vatican Basilica, Cardinal Angelo Sodano, secretary of State, celebrated in the Pope's name Holy Mass for the repose of the souls of the deceased Supreme Pontiffs Paul VI and John Paul I, who died 24 years ago.

"Today," said Cardinal Sodano in the homily, "we are gathered in this basilica, so dear to them, to remember them and to elevate our prayer to God for the repose of their souls. Guided by the liturgy, we repeat with faith: 'Memento, Domine, famulorum tuorum Pauli Papae VI et Ioannis Pauli Papae I'."

"'Memento,' that is, 'remember'! Certainly," he continued, "the Lord has never forgotten them, but it is right that the Church has a special memorial for them, for what these Pontiffs worked for and suffered so much for, asking the celestial Father to grant them the reward reserved for faithful servants of the Gospel."

The cardinal secretary of State invited everyone to give thanks to God for the gift that He bestowed upon the Church with these two Pontiffs who were "not only luminous teachers of Catholic doctrine but also above all faithful and brave witnesses to the Gospel. Precisely for this reason, their memory does not cease to provoke the esteem, affection and veneration of the people of God."



VATICAN CITY, SEP 30, 2002 (VIS) - As is his custom before leaving his summer residence in Castelgandolfo and returning to the Vatican, the Pope thanked the mayor and councilmen of the city this morning as well law enforcement officials for their service during his stay.

"I wish to express once again," he said, "my deep appreciation for the hospitality and generosity that the local citizens have shown not only to the Pope but also to the pilgrims and visitors that have come to see him."

Addressing the law enforcement officials, John Paul II said: "Thank you for your tireless effort which surely has been a great sacrifice. Continue to always render honor to yourselves and to the uniform you wear. May your work be inspired by an interior strength that comes from your love for God."

The Holy Father said goodbye at the end to the religious and medical personnel.

The Pope's return to the Vatican is scheduled for 6 p.m.

AC;FAREWELL CASTELGANDOLFO;...;... ;VIS;20020930;Word: 160;


VATICAN CITY, SEP 29, 2002 (VIS) - Today at noon John Paul II prayed the Angelus with pilgrims gathered in the courtyard of the apostolic palace in Castelgandolfo. Before the Marian prayer, the Holy Father said that the up-coming month of October, traditionally dedicated to the Virgin of the Rosary, "moves us to discover once again this prayer ... so simple and yet so profound."

"The rosary," he continued, "is a way of contemplating the face of Christ, carried out ... through the eyes of Mary. I want to suggest, therefore, that people, families and Christian communities pray the rosary."

After the Pope explained that in order to reinforce that invitation he was preparing a "document that will help us to discover once again the beauty and the depth of this prayer."
"I want to entrust the great cause for peace to the rosary once again. We are faced by an international situation full of tensions, sometimes heated. In some parts of the world where confrontation is more severe, I am thinking in particular about the afflicted land of Christ, it is felt that political attempts are worthless ... if one is not capable of gaining a new
outlook ... in order to renew with hope the threads of dialogue. But who can spread these feelings except for God? It is necessary more than ever that the petition for peace rises up to Him from all over the world."

"In this way," the Pope emphasized, "the rosary is an especially appropriate prayer. It constructs peace because, while appealing to God's grace, it plants in those who pray it a good seed which bears the fruits of justice and solidarity in personal and community life."

ANG;ROSARY;...;... ;VIS;20020930;Word: 290;


VATICAN CITY, SEP 30, 2002 (VIS) - The Holy Father:

- Appointed Cardinal Jan P. Schotte, C.I.C.M., as a member of the Pontifical Commission for Vatican City State.

- Appointed Eugenio Borgognoni, director of the Administrative Department of the Governatorate, as the director of the Department of Accounts of the State for a period of five years.

- Appointed Massimo Stoppa as "ad interim" director of the Department of Telecommunications. Mr. Stoppa retains his title as director of Technical Services of the State.

- Accepted the resignation from the pastoral care of the archdiocese of Yangon, Myanmar, presented by Archbishop Gabriel Thohey Mahn-Gaby upon having reached the age limit.

- Appointed Bishop Sotero Phamo of Loikaw, Myanmar, as apostolic
administrator "sede vacante et ad nutum Sanctae Sedis" of Yangon, Myanmar.

On Saturday September 29 it was made public that the Holy Father appointed Cardinal Francis Arinze, president of the Pontifical Council for Inter-religious Dialogue, as his special envoy to the celebrations of the Third National Eucharistic Congress which will take place in Ibadan, Nigeria from November 15 - 17, 2002.

RE; NA;...;...;... ;VIS;20020930;Word: 170;

Friday, September 27, 2002


VATICAN CITY, SEP 27, 2002 (VIS) - The International Theological Commission will celebrate its last annual plenary session of the sixth quinquennial from September 30 to October 4 in the Casa Santa Marta in the Vatican. Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, president, will preside and Fr. Georges Cottier, O.P., secretary general, will guide the assembly's discussions.

According to a communique made public today, the presentation of and final vote on the text regarding certain questions about the diaconate are scheduled to take place during the workshops. The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith requested the study and will receive the definitive text.

Later the final draft of the text "Accepting God's self gift: Revelation and inculturation" will be presented and voted on.

The communique indicates that different chapters of the "Instrumentum laboris" whose title is, "Communion and Stewardship: Human Persons created in the Image of God," will be disclosed. The subcommission that prepared the text will send the final draft to all members of the commission for a final vote.



VATICAN CITY, SEP 27, 2002 (VIS) - Today the Holy Father received in separate audiences:

- Archbishop Rino Passigato, apostolic nuncio in Peru.
- Six prelates from the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil (Northeast 2) on their "ad limina" visit:
- Bishop Jose Gonzalez Alonso of Cajazeiras.
- Bishop Jaime Vieira Rocha of Caico.
- Bishop Valerio Breda, S.D.B., of Penedo.
- Bishop Antonio Muniz Fernandes, O.Carm., of Guarabira.
- Bishop Irineu Roque Scherer of Garanhuns.
- Bishop Adriano Ciocca Vasino of Floresta.
- Cardinal Bernardin Gantin, deacon of the College of Cardinals.

AP; AL;...;...;... ;VIS;20020927;Word: 70;

Thursday, September 26, 2002


VATICAN CITY, SEP 26, 2002 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received in separate audiences:

- Archbishop Antonio Maria Rouco Varela of Madrid, Spain.
- Bishop Matias Patricio de Macedo of Campina Grande, Brazil, on his "ad limina" visit.
- Bishop Bernardino Marchio of Pesqueira, Brazil on his "ad limina" visit.

AP; AL;...;...;VARELA; DE MACEDO; MARCHIO ;VIS;20020926;Word: 50;


VATICAN CITY, SEP 26, 2002 (VIS) - This morning in Castelgandolfo, the Holy Father welcomed 250 members of the international association "Faith and Light" and, in his address to them in French, thanked them for their work with handicapped people.

"Born in Lourdes," the Pope remarked, "your movement has received much of the grace of this special place where the sick and the handicapped take first place. In welcoming these 'little ones' marked by a mental handicap, you see in them the special witness of God's tenderness. ... I am also thinking about their relatives who, thanks to you, feel supported in their suffering and who see their distress change into hope, in order to welcome in humanity and faith their handicapped children."

"I would like to thank you again," affirmed the Pope, "for your witness in our society, called to discover ever more the dignity of the handicapped, to welcome them and to integrate them into social life, even if much remains to be done for the dignity of every human being to be truly respected and for there to no longer be attacks on the gift of life, especially when it is a question of children who are handicapped."

AC;HANDICAPPED PERSONS;...;...;VIS;20020926;Word: 200;

Wednesday, September 25, 2002


VATICAN CITY, SEP 25, 2002 (VIS) - Late yesterday afternoon, Holy See Press Office Director, Joaquin Navarro-Valls, made the following statement: "The Holy Father has accepted an invitation extended to him by the presidents of the Chamber of Deputies and of the Senate of the Italian Republic to visit parliament which will meet in a joint session. The Pope's visit is scheduled for November 14."



VATICAN CITY, SEP 25, 2002 (VIS) - In today's general audience, celebrated in St. Peter's Square, the Pope reflected on "Psalm 84: our salvation is close at hand."

The Holy Father explained that Psalm 84 "is a joyful hymn, full of hope in the future for salvation. It marks the glorious moment of Israel's return from exile in Babylon to the land of the fathers. ... Above all, Israel's physical return is celebrated" as well as another "'more interior and spiritual return'."

"In this 'return' the Lord acts effectively, revealing His love while forgiving the iniquity of the people and erasing all sins, while showing His anger and yet putting an end to His ire. It is precisely this delivery from evil, this forgiveness of and purification from sins that create the new people of God."

John Paul II emphasized that "a 'return' must correspond to this 'return' of God, that is, the conversion of man who repents. The psalm declares that peace and salvation are offered to 'he who returns to Him with all his heart'." He who continues on the path to holiness with determination will receive the gifts of joy, freedom and peace."

In the second part of Psalm 84, he concluded, "a new world is described, one in which God's love and fidelity embrace each other as if they were people. ... Mercy, truth, justice and peace become the four cardinal points of this geography of the spirit."

AG;PSALM 84;...;...;VIS;20020925;Word: 250;


VATICAN CITY, SEP 25, 2002 (VIS) - The Holy Father:

- Accepted the resignation from the pastoral care presented by Bishop Antonin Liska, C.SS.R., of the diocese of Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic, upon having reached the age limit. He is succeeded by Coadjutor Bishop Jiri Pad'our, O.F.M. Cap.

- Accepted the resignation from the office of auxiliary of the archdiocese of Prague, Czech Republic, presented by Bishop Jaroslav Skarvada, upon having reached the age limit.

RE; NER;...;...;LISKA; PAD'OUR; SKARVADA ;VIS;20020925;Word: 90;

Tuesday, September 24, 2002


VATICAN CITY, SEP 24, 2002 (VIS) - Holy See Press Office Director, Joaquin Navarro-Valls, made the following statement late this morning on the situation in the Middle East:

"Worried about the serious attack on the headquarters of the Palestinian National Authority, Cardinal Secretary of State Angelo Sodano has sent a message to Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon asking, in the name of the Holy Father, for a suspension of such actions which compromise the already slender hopes for peace in that region, and expressing hope for an immediate resumption of dialogue between the parties in reciprocal respect and mutual understanding.

"At the same time, the cardinal secretary of state assured President Arafat, at this sad hour for the Palestinian people and the National Authority, of the closeness of His Holiness John Paul II, and his own closeness, while repeating that the Holy See will continue its commitment for the defense of the right of all peoples to live in peace with secure borders and in a climate of mutual respect."



VATICAN CITY, SEP 24, 2002 (VIS) - Friday September 27 marks the 23rd World Tourism Day, sponsored by the World Tourism Organization. Its theme is: "Ecological Tourism, key to sustainable development."

As is tradition on this day, the Vatican Museums, the Sistine Chapel and the Vatican Historical Museum, located at St. John Lateran, will be open to the public free of charge.

In addition, on September 28 and 29, the Holy See will participate in "European Heritage Days," an initiative sponsored by the Council of Europe which comprises over 40 countries. This year's theme is: "The discovery of the origins and traditions of our Christian heritage in Europe."

On this occasion, on Saturday September 28 entrance to the archeological area of the sacred necropolis of St. Peter's Basilica will be free, and on Sunday September 29 the Vatican Museums and the catacombs of Rome will be open to visitors at no charge. The catacomb of Via Latina, which is normally closed to the public, will also be open to visitors.
.../WORLD TOURISM DAY/... VIS 20020924 (180)


VATICAN CITY, SEP 24, 2002 (VIS) - Archbishop Renato Martino, permanent observer to the United Nations, spoke yesterday in New York before the Ad Hoc Committee On An International Convention Against The Reproductive Cloning of Human Beings. He reiterated the Holy See's "well known" position on this question, saying it "supports and urges a world-wide comprehensive ban on human embryonic cloning for both reproductive and scientific purposes."

"Based on the biological and anthropological status of the human embryo and on the fundamental moral and civil rule," he affirmed, "it is illicit to kill an innocent even to bring about a good for society."

The apostolic nuncio noted that "the Holy See looks upon the distinction between 'reproductive' and so-called 'therapeutic' (or 'experimental') cloning to be unacceptable. This distinction masks the reality of the creation of a human being for the purpose of destroying him or her to produce embryonic stem cell lines or to conduct other experimentation."

On the other hand, he asserted, "the Holy See supports research on stem cells of post-natal origin since this approach ... is a sound, promising and ethical way to achieve tissue transplantation and cell therapy that could benefit humanity."

"Attempts at human cloning with a view to obtaining organs for transplants, ... insofar as they involve the manipulation and destruction of human embryos, are not morally acceptable." He underscored that the prospect of "cloning a human embryo, while intentionally planning its demise ... is repugnant to most people, including those who properly advocate for advancement in science and medicine."

Archbishop Martino pointed out that with some modern techniques "there is a risk of a new form of racism, for the development of these techniques could lead to the creation of a 'sub-category of human beings', destined basically for the convenience of certain others." Furthermore, if certain characteristics are selected and propagated through cloning, "this would be akin to the practice of eugenics leading to the institution of a 'super race'."

He concluding by noting that "the Universal Declaration of Human Rights reiterates the sanctity of all human life" and that "international law guarantees the right to life to all, not just some, human beings."

DELSS;CLONING;...;UN; MARTINO;VIS;20020924;Word: 370;


VATICAN CITY, SEP 24, 2002 (VIS) - The Holy Father appointed Fr. Rutilo Munoz Zamora, vicar for ministries of the diocese of Veracruz, Mexico, as bishop of the diocese of Coatzacoalcos (area 10,500, population 1,039,562, Catholics 849,469, priests 50, permanent deacons 4, religious 90), Mexico. Fr. Munoz was born in 1951 in Tulictic, Mexico, and was ordained a priest in 1977. He succeeds Bishop Carlos Talavera Ramirez whose resignation the Holy Father accepted upon having reached the age limit.

NER; RE;...;...;MUNOZ; TALAVERA ;VIS;20020924;Word: 80;


VATICAN CITY, SEP 24, 2002 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received in separate audiences:

- Eight prelates from the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil (Northeast 2) on their "ad limina" visit:
- Archbishop Jose Cardoso Sobrinho, O. Carm., of Olinda and Recife, accompanied by his auxiliary, Bishop Fernando Antonio Saburido, O.S.B.
- Archbishop Jose Carlos Melo, C.M., of Maceio, accompanied by Archbishop Edvaldo Goncalves Amaral, emeritus.
- Bishop Jose Freire de Oliveira Neto of Mossoro.
- Bishop Jorge Tobias de Freitas of Nazare.
- Bishop Paulo Cardoso da Silva, O. Carm., of Petrolina.
- Bishop Fernando Iorio Rodrigues of Palmeiras dos Indios.
- Colonel Pius Segmuller, captain commander of the Pontifical Swiss Guards, accompanied by his family, on his farewell visit.
- Cardinal Dionigi Tettamanzi, archbishop of Milan, Italy.

AL; AP;...;...;...;VIS;20020924;Word: 110;


VATICAN CITY, SEP 24, 2002 (VIS) - The Pontifical Council for Social Communications announced today that the theme chosen by John Paul II for the World Day of Communications 2003 is "The Communications Media at the Service of Authentic Peace in the light of 'Pacem in Terris'."

Archbishop John P. Foley, president of the dicastery, affirmed that the "theme chosen by the Holy Father reflects the importance of the media in promoting authentic peace, based on truth, justice and love, as Blessed John XXIII indicated in his famous encyclical letter of 1963, 'Pacem in Terris'."

The World Day of Communications is the only celebration of universal reach expressly desired by Vatican Council II in the document "Inter Mirifica" of 1963. It is celebrated in most countries on the Sunday before Pentecost at the suggestion of bishops from all over the world. In 2003, it falls on June 1st.

The Holy Father's message is traditionally published on January 24, the feast day of St. Francis de Sales, patron of journalists, to allow the episcopal conferences and diocesan organizations to prepare material for national and local celebrations of this event.

CON-CS;WORLD DAY OF COMMUNICATIONS;...;...;VIS;20020924;Word: 200;

Monday, September 23, 2002


VATICAN CITY, SEP 21, 2002 (VIS) - This morning John Paul II received prelates from the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil (Western Regions 1 & 2) who just completed their "ad limina" visit.

In his speech, the Pope spoke about the collaboration of the lay faithful in diocesan life, especially in the sacred ministry of priests.

The Holy Father recalled the purpose of the Church in fulfilling in the world "the saving mission of Christ ... through the action of its members, within the limits of the function that each one exercises in the Mystical Body of Christ."
"Among the objectives of liturgical reform, established by Vatican Council II," he said, "was the need for all faithful to participate in liturgical ceremonies. ... In reality, however, in the years after the Council, with the purpose that this idea be implemented, 'confusion as to the functions of the priestly ministry and that of laity' spread erratically. ... These serious practical abuses were grounded frequently in doctrinal errors, especially concerning the nature of the liturgy, the common priesthood of Christians, the vocation and mission of lay people and the ordered ministry of priests."

After affirming that the liturgy is an "activity for all the faithful," the Pope emphasized that "by baptism all the faithful participate in Christ's priesthood; it is what is known as the 'common priesthood of the faithful,' while the 'priestly ministry' is characteristic of those who receive the Sacrament of Orders."

"To disregard the basic difference and the mutual ordination between priestly ministry and the common priesthood of the faithful," he continued, "has immediate repercussions in liturgical celebrations." In this sense, he reminded the pilgrims of the "scarce observance of certain laws and ecclesiastical norms, the arbitrary interpretation of the concept of 'replacement' and the lay tendency to be 'clerical'."

John Paul II indicated that "the lay faithful can exercise certain duties and functions in collaboration with the pastoral service, when they are expressly asked by their respective holy pastors."

The Holy Father ended by referring to the topic of the restoration of the permanent diaconate for married men, "which is an important enrichment for the mission of the Church after the Council. ... The collaboration which the permanent diaconate provides to the Church, especially where there is a shortage of priests, is without a doubt a great benefit for the life of the Church. ... Certainly, the service of the permanent diaconate is and will always be limited to the prescriptions of the law, since full ministerial power corresponds to priests to exercise; in this way, the risk of ambiguity which can confuse the faithful, especially in liturgical celebrations, is avoided."

AL;...;...;BRAZIL;VIS;20020923;Word: 450;


VATICAN CITY, SEP 20, 2002 (VIS) - The Pope presided this afternoon in St. Peter's Basilica at the funeral of Vietnamese Cardinal Francois-Xavier Nguyen Van Thuan who died on Tuesday at age 74. The Eucharistic liturgy was celebrated by Cardinal Angelo Sodano, secretary of state, together with other cardinals. A delegation from the Vietnamese Church, headed by the president of the Espicopal Conference, Bishop Paul Nguyen Van Hoa, also participated in the mass.

In his homily the Holy Father recalled that when the cardinal preached spiritual exercises to the Roman Curia in 2000, he recounted that, during the thirteen years he spent in prison, "he understood that the foundation of Christian life is 'to choose God alone,' abandoning oneself completely into his fatherly hands. We are called, he added in light of his personal experience, to announce to everyone the 'Gospel of hope.' And he specified that only with the radicalness of sacrifice can this vocation be fulfilled, even in the midst of harsher trials."

John Paul II said that "while we say goodbye for the last time to this heroic herald of the Gospel of Christ, we give thanks to the Lord for having given us in him a brilliant example of Christian coherence to the point of martyrdom. ... His secret was total faith in God, nourished by prayer and the suffering he accepted with love. In prison, he celebrated the Eucharist every day with three drops of wine and one drop of water in the palm of his hand. This was his altar, his cathedral. The Body of Christ was his 'medicine'."

"In his spiritual testament," concluded the Pope, "after having asked for forgiveness, the cardinal assures us that he continues to love everyone. 'I am serene as I leave', he affirms, and I do not have contempt for anyone. I offer up all the suffering that I have endured to Immaculate Mary and St. Joseph. The testament ends with a triple recommendation: 'Love the Holy Virgin and trust in St. Joseph, be faithful to the Church, be united and charitable to all.' This was, in short, his life."

HML;FUNERAL;...;NGUYEN VAN THUAN;VIS;20020923;Word: 370;


VATICAN CITY, SEP 22, 2002 (VIS) - Before praying the Angelus with the faithful gathered in the courtyard of the Apostolic Palace at Castelgandolfo, the Pope recalled that in many countries school was re-opening after the summer break.

"Sometimes," affirmed the Holy Father, "it is said that the school, like the family, is in 'crisis.' With this expression, they are referring to the widespread perception that this institution, although recognized for its essential value, needs a complete transformation so that it can respond to the current demands of society."
John Paul II indicated that in order to reach this goal "it is not enough to modify programs and structures. The proper functioning of a school depends most of all on the formative quality of the relationship between teachers and students. Students feel motivated to give the best of themselves when teachers help them to understand the meaning of what they are studying, in terms of their growth and the realities that surround them. This is important for all schools, whether private or public, in all grades."

After recalling that "culture is the foundation of a people's identity," the Pope said that "the contribution that schools offer, subordinate to the family, is and continues to be indispensable in the transmission of the values of a culture."

The Holy Father concluded by asking that no one be excluded from "this fundamental area of formation and that all those who work in schools make a great effort so that they are a place of genuine human maturity."

ANG;SCHOOL;...;...;VIS;20020923;Word: 270;


VATICAN CITY, SEP 21, 2002 (VIS) - Today the Holy Father appointed Jurgen Mittelstrass, professor of philosophy and of philosophy of science and director of the Center for Philosophy of Science at the University of Costanza, Germany, and Dr. Antonio M. Battro, specialist in neuro-development of cognizance at the National Academy of Education of Buenos Aires, Argentina, as ordinary members of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences.

NA;...;...;MITTELSTRASS; BATTRO;VIS;20020923;Word: 70;


VATICAN CITY, SEP 21, 2002 (VIS) - This morning in the Apostolic Palace of Castelgandolfo, John Paul II received catechists and priests of the Neocatechumenal Way, headed by its founders Kiko Arguello and Carmen Hernandez.

"How can we not thank the Lord for the fruits brought about by the Neocatechumenal Way in its more than 30 years of existence," said the Pope at the beginning of his speech. He added that "in a secularized society ... where religious indifference is pronounced ... there are so many who need to discover once again the sacraments of Christian initiation, especially baptism. The Way is without a doubt a providential response to this urgent need."

Afterward the Holy Father referred to the recent approval of the statutes of the Neocatechumenal Way and expressed his joy at the "intense work of research, reflection and dialogue" that resulted in the approval. John Paul II thanked Cardinal James Francis Stafford, president of the Pontifical Council for Laity, for the interest that his dicastery "showed to the international team of the Way in charge of this process."

"I want to emphasize," he added, "the importance of these statutes ... for the present and future life of the Neocatechumenal Way. This norm, in the first place, reaffirms once again its ecclesiastical nature that ... is 'a way of valid Catholic formation for modern society'" and he recalled that the statutes, as well as describing the basic aspects of this Way, "establish the fundamental tasks of different people that have a specific responsibility in this formative course within the Neocatechumenal community, that is, the priests, catechists, families on mission and the teams responsible at any level."

"Thus, the statutes must be for the Neocatechumenal Way 'a clear and secure rule of life' ... so that this process of formation, the goal of which is to bring the faithful to a mature faith, is carried out adequately with the doctrine and discipline of the Church."

"The approval of the statutes," he concluded, "opens up a new chapter in the life of the Way. The Church now expects from you an even stronger and more generous dedication to the new evangelization and in service to the local Church and parishes."

AC;...;...;NEOCATECHUMENAL WAY;VIS;20020923;Word: 370;


VATICAN CITY, SEP 23, 2002 (VIS) - Today the Holy Father received in separate audiences:

- Archbishop Emil Paul Tscherrig, apostolic nuncio in Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Dominica, Jamaica, Grenada, Guyana, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and Grenadine, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, and apostolic delegate in the Antilles.
- Two prelates from the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil (Northwest 2) on their "ad limina" visit:
- Archbishop Marcelo Pinto Carvalheira of Paraiba.
- Archbishop Heitor de Araujo Sales of Natal.

On Saturday September 21, the Holy Father received in audience three prelates from the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil on their "ad limina" visit:
- Bishop Sebastiao de Assis de Figueiredo of Guirating.
- Bishop Vital Chitolina, S.C.I., prelate of Paranatinga.
- Bishop Antonino Migliore, prelate of Coxim.

AP; AL;...;...;...;VIS;20020923;Word: 130;


VATICAN CITY, SEP 23, 2002 (VIS) - This morning in Castelgandolfo, the Holy Father welcomed young bishops from around the world who are participating in the annual meeting held in the Vatican for new bishops. In his talk the Pope focussed on four priorities: being models of holiness, being close to the priests in their diocese, promoting vocations to the priesthood and communicating Christ to modern man.

"The efficacy and the fruitfulness of our ministry," he said, "depend to a great extent on our configuration to Christ and on our personal holiness. ... A bishop's primary duty is to make an authentic desire for holiness grow in all believers, a holiness to which we are all called and in which culminate the aspirations of human beings."

"Another of your priorities," he went on, "is attention to your priests, who are your closest collaborators in the ministry. The spiritual care of priests is a primary duty for every diocesan bishop." He noted that when a bishop takes the hands of a newly ordained priest into his own hands, "the young priest chooses to entrust himself to the bishop and, for his part, the bishop commits himself to caring for those hands."

John Paul II then urged the prelates to "dedicate yourselves with passion to promoting authentic vocations to the priesthood through prayer, witnessing with your life and pastoral concern."

In conclusion, the Pope underscored the mission entrusted to bishops "to communicate Christ to the men of today in the world of today. Every day we experience how our times, so rich in technical means, material means and comfort, are so dramatically poor in purpose, values and ideals. Modern man, deprived of references to values, turns often to restricted and relative horizons. In this agnostic, and at times hostile context, a bishop's mission is not easy. We must not, however, give in to pessimism or discouragement, because the Holy Spirit guides the Church and gives her ... the courage to dare to seek new methods of evangelization in order to reach up-to-now unexplored spheres."

AC;NEW BISHOPS;...;...;VIS;20020923;Word: 350;

Friday, September 20, 2002


VATICAN CITY, SEP 20, 2002 (VIS) - Msgr. Leo Boccardi, permanent observer of the Holy See to the International Organizations in Vienna, Austria, spoke on September 17 at the 46th session of the General Conference of the International Agency of Atomic Energy (IAEA) which concludes today.

Msgr. Boccardi affirmed that "it is very important to replace old technical equipments with modern ones that provide a higher level of safety, but it seems even more vital for a nuclear safety culture to increase the awareness of potential dangers which go with nuclear technologies. At the same time we have to follow attentively the situation in this regard in all Member States in order to prevent or eliminate, if there are some cases of it, double standards of protection and quality assurance for industrialized countries on the one hand, and developing ones on the other hand."

"The radiological protection of patients and caregivers has been for my Delegation a question of great importance. We are not getting tired in repeating that it the human person who is at the center of all scientific research and development. But this fundamental principle does not exclude the problem of environment protection and the question of the impact of nuclear technologies, notably ionizing radiation, on it."

The permanent observer to the IAEA indicated that "the assistance granted in the fields of medicine, particularly for cancer treatment, diagnostic radiology and nuclear medicine, helps numerous people in those regions where the modern forms of diagnosis and medical treatment are on a large scale not yet available and where especially the rural population has scarcely any access to it."

At the end of the speech, Msgr. Boccardi expressed his desire that the IAEA put nuclear technology "at the service of sustainable development, peace and well-being of the entire human family."



VATICAN CITY, SEP 20, 2002 (VIS) - The Pontifical Council for Social Communications announced today that the 25th Christmas during the pontificate of John Paul II will be celebrated with several events that will be broadcast around the world.

For this occasion, choirs from all over the world have been invited to sing Christmas carols. The program will begin at 11 a.m. Rome time and will continue for 24 hours. At noon the "Urbi et Orbi" message and blessing will be transmitted, along with traditional Christmas greetings by the Holy Father in more than 60 languages.

The communique ends by indicating that bishops from around the world have been asked to invite choirs from their dioceses to participate in this broadcast which may be followed on cable and satellite television as well as on the internet. Choirs that wish to participate can find information on the following web site: www.vaticanchristmas2002.com.

...;CHRISTMAS BROADCAST;...;CON-CS;VIS;20020920;Word: 160;


VATICAN CITY, SEP 20, 2002 (VIS) - "The elderly, active protagonists in society," was the title of the speech delivered by Archbishop Diarmuid Martin on September 12 in Berlin, Germany during the European Ministerial Conference on Ageing which is being sponsored by the United Nations Economic Conference for Europe.

The archbishop, permanent observer of the Holy See to the United Nations Office and Specialized Institutions in Geneva, began his speech by emphasizing that "too often today, longevity and ageing are classified as problems," when in reality they are "a gift of God, to be enjoyed and utilized fruitfully."

Afterward, he recalled that institutions in society must guarantee that an adequate framework exists for people so that when they get old they can continue to be active protagonists. "We have not yet taken fully into consideration the broad significance of the demographic changes which will arise from increased longevity in Europe."

"Changes in family patterns in many European countries have led to a greater isolation of older people," the archbishop explained. He added that current individualist philosophy which has resulted in the drop in birth rates and has caused families "to take less into account the responsibility of families towards the future of society ... can reduce the capacity of the family to carry out its role in inter-generational society."

"It is difficult to establish the correct balance between a stress on the individual's right to personal fulfillment and the obligation of solidarity," he continued. He went on to advocate social policy "structured in such a way that inter-generational solidarity ... is not rendered impossible because [it is] too costly."

"The fact of widespread and growing longevity will demand not just structural changes in our societies but also in the choices of persons," said Archbishop Martin. He emphasized that in order to ensure that "older people are facilitated in remaining autonomous and active for the longest possible periods, greater stress should be placed on educational structures ... which provide intellectual stimulus and address also the particular spiritual needs of older people."

"The program of action proposed by this Conference," he concluded, "stresses the need to foster a more positive image of older people. We must recognize our societies as multi-generational societies, to which older people belong not just on the margins. Social recognition should not be linked solely to economic productivity. The inalienable dignity of each older person does not depend on his or her apparent utility."



VATICAN CITY, SEP 20, 2002 (VIS) - Today the Holy Father received in separate audiences:

- Archbishop Giovanni Angelo Becciu, apostolic nuncio in Angola, Sao Tome and Principe.
- Archbishop Peter Paul Prabhu, apostolic nuncio.
- Four prelates from the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil (West 1 & 2) on their "ad limina" visit:
- Bishop Bruno Pedron, S.D.B., of Jardim.
- Bishop Protogenes Jose Luft, S.C., of Barra do Garcas.
- Bishop Milton Antonio dos Santos, S.D.B., of Corumba.
- Bishop Redovino Rizzardo, C.S., of Dourados.

AP; AL;...;...;... ;VIS;20020920;Word: 80;

Thursday, September 19, 2002


VATICAN CITY, SEP 19, 2002 (VIS) - This morning in the courtyard of the Apostolic Palace at Castelgandolfo, the Holy Father received 220 abbots and abbesses of the Cistercian Order of Strict Observation who are celebrating their general chapter in Rome. "The Pope is grateful to you," he said at the beginning of his speech, "because from the silence of your cloisters incessant prayer ascends to heaven for your ministry and for the intentions and needs of the entire ecclesiastical community."

After John Paul II recalled that the two general chapters of the Order had gathered during these days "to reflect on how your common spiritual patrimony, while preserving the spirit of its origins, can better respond to the demands of the present moment."

"From their beginnings," explained the Holy Father, "the Cistercians were characterized by a 'mystical passion' demonstrating that a sincere search for God, through an ascetic way of life, can lead to the indescribable joy of a conjugal encounter with God in Christ. ... This elevated spirituality maintains its value as testimony in the present cultural context which too often encourages the desire for deceptive goods and artificial paradises. Your vocation ... is to give witness to the high ideal of sanctity which is summarized in unconditional love for God and, as a result, a love which in prayer mystically embraces all of humanity."

The Pope urged them to preserve their charismatic patrimony which he defined as "a source for all Christian people." Referring to the present context of the Order, he said that its development today put monks, "especially those in the Far East, in contact with different traditional religions with which it is necessary to promote prudent and wise dialogue so that the unique light of Christ shines in all places in the plurality of cultures. Jesus is the resplendent sun of whom the Church must be a faithful reflection."

"Do not lose heart," he said, "because of the trials and tribulations, as painful as they may be." And he recalled in particular the seven monks of Notre Dame d'Atlas, killed in Algeria in 1996. "May their bloodshed," he exclaimed, "be the seed for many holy vocations for your monasteries in Europe, where the old age of the communities of nuns and monks is noticeable, and in other parts of the planet where the urgency is another, that of guaranteeing the formation of those aspiring to the Cistercian life."



VATICAN CITY, SEP 19, 2002 (VIS) - The Apostleship of the Sea, a section of the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant Peoples, will celebrate its 21st congress in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil from September 29 to October 5, 2002, according to a communique published by the dicastery.

"The Apostleship of the Sea in a new globalized world" will be the theme of the congress in which about 250 delegates (bishops, priests, religious men and women, experts and observers) from more than 60 countries will analyze together the impact and effects of globalization on the maritime industries in the context of the pastoral solicitude of the Church "for the men and women of the sea."

"Globalization," says the text, "has created an environment of increased competition in the maritime industry, where profits must be optimized at all costs, and more than often this is achieved to the detriment of the dignity of those who work in this industry ... who suffer from difficult working conditions, long working hours, minimum wage, no leisure, insecurity of employment. Crews are reduced to a minimum and are often multicultural and multilingual, sometimes lacking a common language, thus making it even more lonely and dangerous an occupation."

"This is the first time that a Congress of the Apostleship of the Sea is being hosted by Latin America. However, Rio de Janeiro was chosen not only for reasons of ecclesial strategy - half of the Catholics of the whole world live in that continent today -but also because it was the seat of the historical Declaration of Rio de Janeiro in 1992, which proclaims that the human being must be at the heart of the concern for sustainable development and that any global policy should consider this as a basic principle."



VATICAN CITY, SEP 19, 2002 (VIS) - Made public today was a message from John Paul II to Sister Aurelia Damiani, superior general of the Congregation of the Hospital Religious of Mercy, and to the nuns who are celebrating the 62nd general chapter of the congregation during these days.
"Your mission has great merit!" writes the Pope. "With your work in hospitals, you help the sick and those who suffer, giving them witness to divine mercy. Keep this unique charisma alive."

Referring to care for the sick, the Holy Father affirms that it is "one of the most urgent ways of evangelization" and he invites the nuns to put into practice "'the imagination of charity ... that promotes not only the efficacy of the help lent but also the capacity to draw close to those who suffer'."

"The challenge of the lack of culture today requires believers to announce the Good News in languages and ways understandable to the people of our times. Before you unfold ... an urgent mission and vast apostolic perspectives. May concrete results spring forth from a close examination of the modern socio-cultural realities in order to make the presence of your institution more incisive in the field of health care, forging more ideal paths for apostolic endeavors at the same time."

MESS;...;...;DAMIANI;VIS;20020919;Word: 220;


VATICAN CITY, SEP 19, 2002 (VIS) - The Holy Father received today in separate audiences:

- Fatos Nano, prime minister of Albania, accompanied by his wife and an entourage.
- Bishop Luigi Antonio Secco, S.D.B., of Willemstad, Dutch Antilles, on his "ad Limina" visit.
- Bishop Franco Dalla Valle, S.D.B., of Juina, Brazil on his "ad Limina" visit.
- Bishop Canisio Klaus of Diamantino, Brazil on his "ad Limina" visit.

AP; AL;...;...;.... ;VIS;20020919;Word: 70;


VATICAN CITY, SEP 19, 2002 (VIS) - Archbishop Diarmuid Martin, permanent observer of the Holy See to the United Nations Office and Specialized Institutions in Geneva, delivered a speech on September 17 during the Fourth Conference of the States Parties to the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on their Destruction, taking place from September 16 to 20.

In his speech, the archbishop recalls the final objective of the Treaty of Ottawa: "To remove these inhumane weapons definitively from the lives of entire populations." He states that the progress made since then shows that "more than 20 million mines destroyed and a drastic reduction in the number of producers" even if "230 million mines still remain to be eliminated" and there have been "over 20,000 deaths."

The head of the delegation of the Holy See underlines that "any delay or weakening of enthusiasm" in fully implementing the Ottawa Convention will only cause more victims and in an "era of interdependence it is no longer tolerable to condemn, through inaction, entire populations to live in fear and precariousness."


Wednesday, September 18, 2002


VATICAN CITY, SEP 18, 2002 (VIS) - "Psalm 95: God, King and Judge of the Universe" was the theme of the catechesis of the Holy Father during the general audience which took place in the Paul VI Hall.

The Pope affirmed that Psalm 95 "exalts the Creator of all beings and the Savior of peoples: 'the world is established, it shall never be moved; He will judge the peoples with equity'. ... Thus, we have the assurance that we have not been abandoned to the dark forces of chaos and chance but we are always in the hands of a merciful and just Sovereign."

"The Psalm," he said, "begins with a festive invitation to praise God. ... The fundamental act before our King, the Lord Jesus who shows His glory in the history of salvation, it is a hymn of adoration, praise and blessing. These attitudes must be present also in our daily liturgy and in our personal prayer."

The Holy Father indicated that the second part of the Psalm opens with "the proclamation of the Lord's majesty." The Fathers of the Church have seen in this Psalm "a prefiguration of the Incarnation and of the Crucifixion, sign of the majestic paradox of Christ."

"The mystery of divine majesty is manifested in the Incarnation. Christ Who reigns on earth, triumphs precisely in the humiliation of the Cross. It is significant that many used to read in the past verse 10 of this Psalm from an evocative cristological perspective: 'The Lord reigned from the wood of the Cross'."

AG;PSALM 95;...;...;VIS;20020918;Word: 250;


VATICAN CITY, SEP 18, 2002 (VIS) - In recent weeks the following prelates died:

- Cardinal Lucas Moreira Neves, O.P., on September 8 at the age of 76.
- Cardinal Francois-Xavier Nguyen Van Thuan on September 16 the age of 74.
- Archbishop Jozsef Bank, bishop emeritus of Vac, Hungary, on September 7 at the age of 91.
- Archbishop Samuel Emmanuel Carter, S.J., bishop emeritus of Kingston in Jamaica, Jamaica on September 3 at the age of 83.
- Bishop Charles Gomes, S.J., emeritus of Ahmedabad, India on September 15 at the age of 92.
- Bishop Hanna Kello, emeritus of Amadiyah dei Caldei, Iraq on September 7 at the age of 80.
- Bishop Manuel Palmeira Da Rocha, emeritus of Pesqueira, Brazil on September 2 at the age of 83.
- Archbishop Francis Xavier Kaname Shimamoto of Nagasaki, Japan on August 31 at the age of 70.

...;DEATHS;...;...;VIS;20020918;Word: 130;


VATICAN CITY, SEP 18, 2002 (VIS) - At the end of the general audience, John Paul II made an appeal for peace once again upon having received news about Iraq:

"In the last few days, after the winds of war threatened to upset the entire region of the Middle East, I have received the good news of the possibility of Iraq's collaboration once again with the international community. I urge you to continue to pray that the Lord enlightens the leaders of nations, opens up and sustains attitudes of good will and leads humanity, afflicted by so many evils, toward co-existence free from war and violence".

AG;APPEAL; IRAQ;...;...;VIS;20020918;Word: 110;

Tuesday, September 17, 2002


VATICAN CITY, SEP 17, 2002 (VIS) - John Paul II wrote a message to Sister Tomasina Gheduzzi, superior general of the Congregation of the Religious Ministers of the Sick of St. Camillus, and to the sisters who are celebrating their general chapter in Rome. The message, dated September 12, 2002, was published today.

Commenting on the theme of the general chapter entitled "Toward a new rule of life", the Holy Father writes: "The novelty that interests you is certainly not that of those who want to change the original orientation but, on the contrary, the fruit of rigorous and passionate research on the sources, a fruit that aspires to be, if it is possible, ever more faithful to its roots."

Afterward the Pope recalls Blessed Maria Domenica Brun Barbantini, foundress of the congregation, and he highlights that from the small group of women that wanted to be called "nurse oblates ... an Institute has developed today that is present in nine countries and three continents."

To be faithful to the vocation is "essential," continues John Paul II, "to feed life itself with prayer and especially ... with the Eucharist ... following the glowing example of St. Camillus de Lellis" and he invites the religious to "give witness to charity" with "incessant effort."

"Contemporary humanity," he writes, "exhausted by new and old misery and poverty, needs more than ever to experience the love and mercy of God. It needs to feel loved in order to accept life. You work in the midst of serious attacks on life ... Keep on working with generosity in this apostolic 'front'."

At the end, the Pope observes that in order to carry out that mission a "far-reaching" formation is necessary and that the general chapter has emphasized that priority. He concludes by reiterating the need to "foster the spiritual life ... the apostolic, professional and cultural dimension, as well as that of the specific charisma".



VATICAN CITY, SEP 17, 2002 (VIS) - The Pope sent various telegrams of condolence upon the death of Cardinal Francois-Xavier Nguyen Van Thuan yesterday at age 74 in Rome. The late cardinal was president of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace.

In the telegram sent to Bishop Paul Nguyen Van Hoa of Nha Trang, president of the Episcopal Conference of Vietnam, the Holy Father recalls "this great priestly and episcopal figure of his country, who gave witness to his faith in Christ with exemplary fidelity and courage, being closely associated to his mission through his ministry and his passion due to the suffering that he endured. On the Pontifical Council, he was a craftsman, convinced and full of affection, of reconciliation, justice and peace among human beings and peoples. ... May his testimony strengthen and encourage pastors and the faithful in proclaiming the Gospel."

The Holy Father also wrote a telegram to the mother of the deceased cardinal and to Bishop Giampaolo Crepaldi, secretary of the dicastery, and other officials. In both, he emphasizes his heroic life and complete fidelity to the Church, including "during the hard time of persecution."

John Paul II will preside at the funeral of Cardinal Nguyen Van Thuan on the Altar of the Confession in the Vatican Basilica at 5:30 p.m. on September 20. The eucharistic liturgy will be celebrated by Cardinal Angelo Sodano, secretary of state, along with other cardinals.

TGR;DEATH;...;NGUYEN VAN THUAN;VIS;20020917;Word: 200;


VATICAN CITY, SEP 17, 2002 (VIS) - The 35th Annual Conference of the International Association of Chaplains of Civil Aviation whose theme is, "The airport, a border or a place of exchange among cultures and peoples," opened this morning in Paris in the headquarters of UNESCO. The conference will end on September 20th.

In addition to Msgr. Franco Follo, permanent observer of the Holy See to UNESCO, and Msgr. Anthony Chirayath, official of the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People, more than one hundred airport chaplains from all continents are participating in the conference.

In a message sent to participants, John Paul II encourages them to "to value the opportunities that airports can provide, working for greater solidarity among the millions of travellers who use them every day and among airport employees who spend long hours in them." The Pope expresses his desire that the conference "will find ways to enhance the role of airport chaplains and further promote the use of airport chapels as a service to people on the move."



VATICAN CITY, SEP 17, 2002 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received in separate audiences:

- Cardinal Edmund Casimir Szoka, president of the Pontifical Commission for Vatican City State and president of the Governorate of Vatican City State.
- Archbishop Gabriel Montalvo, apostolic nuncio in the United States of America and permanent observer to the Organization of the American States.
- Archbishop Juliusz Janusz, apostolic nuncio in Mozambique.
- Three prelates from the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil (West 1 - 2) on their "ad limina" visit:
- Bishop Jose Vieira de Lima, T.O.R., of Sao Luiz de Caceres. - Bishop Gentil Delazari of Sinop.
- Bishop Juventino Kestering of Rondonopolis.

AP; AL;...;...;...;VIS;20020917;Word: 100;

Monday, September 16, 2002


VATICAN CITY, SEP 14, 2002 (VIS) - This morning John Paul II received prelates from the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil (North/Northwest region) who just completed their "ad limina" visit.

The Pope affirmed that "the ecclesiastical communities need shepherds that are men of faith and who are united among themselves, capable of confronting the challenges of a society tending ever-more toward secularization and consumerism."

"A good portion of people," said the Holy Father, "have received baptism in the Catholic Church," but "sometimes lack a solid and clear faith." In this sense, "indifference toward religious values and ethical principles is a great obstacle for evangelization. All of this is made even more difficult by the presence of sects and new pseudo-religious groups."

"As teachers of doctrine, called to show the way that leads to the Father," he continued, "... do not stop offering the teaching of the Magisterium, united as the successors of the Apostles."

John Paul II recalled that "Christ gave his Church a solid doctrine. ... We have an infinite scientific treasure: the Word of God, preserved by the Church; the grace of Christ, entrusted to his pastors through the administration of the Sacraments."

"It is inevitable that we show our love and veneration to this Church. It is the natural attitude of children toward their mother. Its pastors must show a love of predilection without limits, a self-sacrificing service, capable of renouncing all personal interests to live the same obedience with which Christ suffered on the Cross."

The Pope emphasized the idea that "the episcopate is also rooted in the unity of the Church." He then referred to his letter to the world episcopate in which he stated: "Unity of the Eucharist and unity of the episcopate with Peter, under Peter there are no roots independent of the unity the Church, because Christ instituted the Eucharist and the Episcopate as fundamentally linked truths."

At the end of the speech, the Holy Father spoke about the "importance of giving priority to the formation of vocations, through adequate formation of candidates to the priesthood. At the same time, it is important to make an effort to guide priests in their ministerial duties, with appropriate permanent human, spiritual, intellectual and pastoral formation within the limits of the possibilities of each diocese, or with regional or national initiatives."

AL;...;...;BRAZIL;VIS;20020916;Word: 400;


VATICAN CITY, SEP 14, 2002 (VIS) - The Holy Father appointed Cardinal Claudio Hummes, archbishop of Sao Paulo, Brazil, as a member of the Congregation for Bishops.

NA;...;...;HUMMES;VIS;20020916;Word: 30;


VATICAN CITY, SEP 14, 2002 (VIS) - John Paul II wrote a message to Sister Fabiola Detomi, superior general of the Institute of the Minim Sisters of Our Lady of Suffrage which is celebrating the general chapter of the congregation, focused on the theme "Give witness to Christ, our hope in a world that is changing."

Referring to the theme, the Pope writes that "Christ, our hope is at the root of everything and is the end to which everything is directed. His mysterious presence keeps alive that eschatological tension of our existence that each believer must have. Your congregation considers this eschatological tension of our existence one of its fundamental characteristics which you received as a legacy from your blessed founder."

Afterward, the Holy Father recalls the founder of the order, Blessed Francesco Faa de Bruno, whom he elevated to the altars in 1988. He underlines that he worried about his final destination, "encouraged always by the interior desire to cooperate in the salvation of his brothers. The final goal of man is, in effect, to find God."

In this context, the Pope cites the construction of a church by the blessed in Turin dedicated to Our Lady of Suffrage and says to the religious: "To worry about 'suffrage', about praying for the repose of the souls in Purgatory: this is ... your characteristic charism which prompts you to constant prayer for those who have gone before you. This same charismatic intuition is a concrete stimulus to fill every earthly day of those goods which do not pass or fade away."

John Paul II concludes by urging the religious to be "joyful and tireless heralds of hope for humanity of our time, so many times obscured by violence and injustices and enclosed by merely earthly horizons. ... Help each brother and sister to discover that everlasting 'not yet' and 'beyond' to which we are all headed."

MESS;...;...;DETOMI;VIS;20020916;Word: 320;


VATICAN CITY, SEP 16, 2002 (VIS) - Made public today was the text of the telegram sent by Cardinal Angelo Sodano, Secretary of State, in the Holy Father's name to Archbishop Ramiro Moliner Ingles, apostolic nuncio in Guatemala, for the floods that have had tragic consequences in the country.

"Having received the sad news of the floods that have provoked serious damage and many victims in various parts of the country, the Holy Father wishes to make present his special closeness to the victims, offering prayers for the souls and the eternal rest of the deceased and asking the Almighty to give comfort and Christian hope to all those who are suffering this adversity."

"In addition, he urges national and international institutions as well as all people of good will to intensify their solidarity and fraternal charity, bringing the necessary help to overcome the dramatic situation in which many Guatemalan families have found themselves."

At the end of the telegram, the Pope imparts his apostolic blessing "as a sign of affection to the beloved people of Guatemala who received him with so much affection during his recent apostolic visit."



VATICAN CITY, SEP 15, 2002 (VIS) - This afternoon before praying the Angelus with pilgrims and faithful in the courtyard of Castelgandolfo, the Pope spoke about today's feast of Our Lady, Virgin of Sorrows and yesterday's feast, the Exaltation of the Cross.

John Paul II said that these two liturgical memorials "invite us to make a spiritual pilgrimage to Calvary. They inspire us to join the Virgin Mary in contemplating the mystery of the cross."

After recalling that "the main symbol of Christianity is the cross," he affirmed: "Wherever the Gospel has taken root, the cross indicates the presence of Christians. In churches and homes, hospitals, schools and cemeteries, the cross has become the sign par excellence of a culture that obtains truth and liberty, confidence and hope from Christ's message."

"In the process of secularization which characterizes a great part of the contemporary world," he continued, "it is more important than ever that believers focus their gaze on this central sign of revelation and discover its original and true meaning."

The Holy Father indicated that "also today, according to the school of the old Fathers, the Church presents the cross to the world as a 'symbol of life,' in which the ultimate and full sense of each life and all of history can be discovered."

"Since Jesus made the Cross an instrument of universal salvation, it is not a symptom anymore of misfortune but of blessing. ... In a word, the cross is the supreme symbol of love. For this reason, young Christians carry it with pride on their paths in the world, leaving all their worries and hopes for freedom, justice and peace to Christ."

After greeting those present in different languages, the Pope entrusted to the Sorrowful Virgin "young people and families, nations and all of humanity. I invoke her in a special way for the sick and all those who suffer, for innocent victims of injustice and violence, for Christians persecuted for their faith. May Christ's glorious Cross be for everyone a sign of hope, redemption and peace!"

ANG;CRUZ;...;CASTELGANDOLFO;VIS;20020916;Word: 350;


VATICAN CITY, SEP 16, 2002 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received in separate audiences:

- Three prelates from the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil (West 1-2) on their "ad limina" visit:
- Archbishop Bonifacio Piccinini, S.D.B., of Cuiaba.
- Archbishop Vitorio Pavanello, S.D.B., of Campo Grande.
- Archbishop Izidoro Kosinski, C.M., of Tres Lagoas.
- Thierry Muuls, ambassador of Belgium, on his farewell visit.

On Saturday September 14, the Holy Father received in separate audiences:

- Archbishop Giovanni Battista Morandini, apostolic nuncio in Korea and Mongolia.
- Archbishop Santos Abril y Castello, apostolic nuncio in Argentina.
- Archbishop Janusz Bolonek, apostolic nuncio in Uruguay.
- Archbishop Fernando Filoni, apostolic nuncio in Jordan and Iraq.
- Two prelates from the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil on their "ad limina" visit:
- Bishop Carillo Gritti, I.M.C., prelate of Itacoatiara.
- Bishop Walmir Alberto Valle, I.M.C., of Ze Doca.

AL; AP;...;...;...;VIS;20020916;Word: 130;


VATICAN CITY, SEP 16, 2002 (VIS) - This morning the Pope received at Castelgandolfo members of management, technicians and players of the Real Madrid Football Club.

In his greetings, John Paul II affirmed that the Church "considers sports as an instrument of education when elevated human and spiritual ideals are fostered; when they form young people in a complete way in values such as loyalty, perseverance, friendship, solidarity and peace. Sports, overcoming the diversity of cultures and ideologies, provide the ideal occasion for dialogue and understanding among people for the construction of the desired civilization of love."

"I therefore invite you," he concluded, "to put into practice these values, based on the dignity of the human person, in the face of possible interests that can cast a shadow on the nobility of sports."

AC;...;...;REAL MADRID;VIS;20020916;Word: 140;

Friday, September 13, 2002


VATICAN CITY, SEP 13, 2002 (VIS) - The Holy Father received today in separate audiences:

- Archbishop Alfio Rapisarda, apostolic nuncio in Brazil.
- Four prelates from the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil (North/Northwest region) on their "ad limina" visit:
- Bishop Gutemberg Freire Regis, C.S.S.R., prelate of Coari.
- Bishop Jose Afonso Ribeiro, T.O.R., prelate of Borba.
- Bishop Jesus Moraza Ruiz de Azua, O.A.R., prelate of Labrea.
- Bishop Sergio Eduardo Castriani, C.S.Sp., prelate of Tefe.
- Bishop Miguel Esteban Hesayne, emeritus of Viedma, Argentina.
- Cardinal Crescenzio Sepe, prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples.

AP; AL;...;...;...;VIS;20020913;Word: 100;


VATICAN CITY, SEP 13, 2002 (VIS) - This morning in the apostolic palace at Castelgandolfo, the Holy Father received the Letters of Credence of the new ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany, Gerhard Westdickenberg.

After recalling that twelve years ago the "historic reunification of Germany" took place, the Pope said: "The Holy See has supported the unification of Europe from the beginning, with all possible means, making it very clear that faith in a spiritual and cultural common identity of nations must be the base for the common political and institutional growth of the European Union. ... Europeans have to confront the great challenge of constructing a culture and an ethic of unity. If these elements do not exist, any political position of unity is destined to fail sooner or later."

"The Holy See," continued John Paul II, "confirms with joy that the Federal Republic, after reunification and great economic and social efforts, has not let itself get distracted by the challenges presented by European integration. ... Germany has continued to be faithful to its European vocation as well as to its commitment, recognized by all, to solidarity with other nations of the world."

In the process of the continent's integration, the Federal Republic, affirmed the Holy Father, emphasizes that the "ever-stronger unity of Europe must not be understood as a movement toward isolation from other parts of the world, since it bears inherently in itself an openness to the world."

"Countries," he concluded, "are called to collaborate actively in the construction of a global order of justice and peace. From this perspective, the Holy See observes with pleasure the constant commitment of the Federal Republic to promoting respect for human rights in the whole world and their help in development."


Thursday, September 12, 2002


VATICAN CITY, SEP 12, 2002 (VIS) - The Holy Father gave his blessing to the election by the Synod of Bishops of the Antiochene Church of the Maronites, who gathered from June 2 to 8, 2002 at Bkerke, of Fr. Mansour Hobeika, director of St. Jean Okaibe school, to the episcopal see of the Bishops of Zahleh of the Maronites (priests 29, religious 47) in Lebanon. The bishop-elect was born in 1941 in Hadeth-Baalbek, Lebanon and was ordained a priest in 1968. He succeeds Bishop Georges Scander whose resignation from the pastoral care of the diocese was accepted in accordance with Canon 210, para. 2, of the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches.

NER; NA;...;...;HOBEIKA; SCANDAR;VIS;20020912;Word: 100;


VATICAN CITY, SEP 12, 2002 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received in separate audiences:

- Archbishop Luigi Bonazzi, apostolic nuncio in Haiti.
- Six prelates from the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil (North/Northwest region) on their "ad limina" visit:
- Bishop Mose Joao Pontelo, C.S.Sp., of Cruzeiro do Sul.
- Bishop Giuliano Frigeni, P.I.M.E., of Parintins.
- Bishop Joaquin Pertinez Fernandez, O.A.R., of Rio Branco.
- Bishop Franz Josef Meinrad Merkel, C.S.Sp., of Humaita.
- Bishop Jose Song Sui-wan of Sao Gabriel de Cachoeira accompanied by Bishop Walter Ivan de Azevedo, S.D.B., emeritus.

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VATICAN CITY, SEP 12, 2002 (VIS) - John Paul II presided yesterday evening in the Vatican Basilica at the funeral of Cardinal Lucas Moreira Neves, O.P., who died on September 8 in Rome. The Eucharistic Liturgy was celebrated by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, vice deacon of the College of Cardinals, along with the other cardinals.

In the homily, the Pope recalled that Cardinal Moreira Neves "entered the Order of Preachers very young." In his will he said: "I loved this vocation passionately," and he added: "I hope to die keeping completely faithful to the essence of the Dominican vocation."

"In these long years marked by illness," continued the Holy Father, "his incessant cooperation for the good of his brothers became even more apostolic and in a certain sense, became more effective in virtue of his intimate union with the Our Lord Jesus."

In his testament, John Paul II said, the cardinal affirmed: "In a perspective of faith and obedience to the adorable will of God, I thank him also for my illness. ... The certainty that with this suffering I have entered into communion with the Passion of Christ, that I have tried a part of purgatory and that I have collaborated, more than with any preaching, in the redemption of my brothers, consoles me."

The Pope indicated that "in the face of the mystery of death, for the man who has no faith everything can seem irreparably lost. But the word of Christ lights up the way and gives value to everything. Jesus Christ is the Lord of life. ... Our brother lived his whole existence precisely on this horizon of faith."

Cardinal Moreira Neves directed his last thought to "the search for Christ's face," affirmed the Holy Father. The cardinal "wanted to conclude his own spiritual will by expressing one last desire: "I would like it to be written on my grave only the words of the psalm: 'Vultum tuum, Domine quaesivi."

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Wednesday, September 11, 2002


VATICAN CITY, SEP 11, 2002 (VIS) - In the general audience today celebrated in the Paul VI Hall, the Holy Father remembered the victims of the attacks on the Twin Towers in New York on the first anniversary of the tragic events, and he entrusted them to God's mercy.

The Pope assured the families and loved ones of those who died of his "spiritual closeness. But we also want to speak to the consciences of those who planned and executed such a barbaric and cruel act."

"One year after September 11, 2001, we repeat that no situation of injustice, no feeling of frustration, no philosophy or religion can justify such an aberration. Every person has the right to respect for life itself and dignity which are inviolable goods. God says it, international law sanctions it, the human conscience proclaims it, civil co-existence requires it."

The Holy Father emphasized that "terrorism is and will always be a manifestation of inhuman cruelty, which precisely for this reason will never be able to resolve conflicts among human beings. Abuse, armed violence and war are choices that sow and generate hate and death. Only reason and love are valid means to overcome and resolve disputes between people and nations."

"A harmonious and resolute effort is necessary and urgent to carry out new political and economic initiatives capable of resolving the scandalous situations of injustice and oppression that continue to afflict so many members of the human family, creating favorable conditions for the uncontrollable explosion of the desire for vengeance. It is necessary to build together a global culture of solidarity, that returns hope for the future to young people."

John Paul II stressed that "only from truth and justice can freedom and peace be born. Upon these values it is possible to construct a dignified life for man. Outside of these values, there is only ruin and destruction."

"On this sad anniversary," he concluded, "we raise our prayer to God so that love can replace hate and, with the effort of all people of good will, harmony and solidarity can be affirmed in all corners of the earth."

When greeting his countrymen in Polish, the Pope invited them to pray for the victims of the attacks and asked for "mercy and pardon for the authors of this horrible terrorist attack."

At the end of the audience John Paul II recited a prayer invoking divine mercy "for the injustices that stain the conscience of humankind," and prayed that the breath of the Holy Spirit, instilled in every man and woman, would make them grow "in harmony and become one big family" in which everyone is welcome as a son of God.
"May the memory of the tragic events in human history," he said, "not obscure confidence in the infinite mercy and fidelity of God. His unchanging will for love and peace, manifested in Christ Who died and rose from the dead, is the foundation of secure hope for all human beings and for all peoples."

The faithful who joined in the Pope's prayer expressed four prayer intentions in English, French, Arab and Spanish.

The intention in English prayed for "the victims of violence and terrorism and in particular for those who were cruelly snatched from their loved ones a year ago today." In French, they prayed for "the Church ... so that it may feed and sustain the hope of men of good will, guiding his footsteps on the ways of peace and justice."

"For believers of all religions," stated the Arab intention, "so that in the name of God All Merciful, Lover of peace they may reject firmly any form of violence and so that they may commit themselves to resolve conflicts with sincere and patient dialogue, respectful of the different historical, cultural and religious experiences."

Lastly, in Spanish they prayed for children and young people, "the hope of the new millennium ... so that they may be helped to build a civilization of love and peace, in a world where everyone's rights are defended and where goods are distributed equally in all parts."

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VATICAN CITY, SEP 11, 2002 (VIS) - This morning, in the chapel at Fiumicino Airport in Rome, there was a solemn eucharistic concelebration to commemorate the victims of the terrorist attacks of September 11.

At the beginning of the mass, Archbishop Stephen Fumio Hamao, president of the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant Peoples, expressed the "solidarity of the Holy See with all those who have suffered and continue to suffer the consequences of that terrible day." In addition, he invited everyone to pray for the deceased and for just and lasting peace in the world.

Archbishop John P. Foley, president of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications, will celebrate a mass this evening for peace and justice in the American parish of St. Susanna in which American residents of Rome will participate.



VATICAN CITY, SEP 11, 2002 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received in audience Archbishop Mario Roberto Cassari, apostolic nuncio in the Republic of the Congo and Gabon.

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VATICAN CITY, SEP 11, 2002 (VIS) - Msgr. Ettore Balestrero, head of the delegation of the Holy See at the annual meeting of the Organization of Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), delivered a speech on September 9 upon the opening of the work sessions. The meeting is taking place in Warsaw, Poland and is dedicated this year to the analysis of the implementation of the commitments assumed by 55 participating states regarding the so-called 'human mission' of the OSCE.

The prelate began his talk by recalling the Declaration of Human Rights of Helsinki and affirmed that it was necessary to "keep alive the 'flame of the torch'" lit on that occasion. For this reason, he continued, it is necessary "to implement the commitments assumed, and to act in a manner consistent with them, even when responding to the threat of terrorism."

"Without a functioning rule of law there is no possibility of effectively addressing the scourge of terrorism. At the same time, if special measures are required, these should not be potential factors of change for the quality and nature of the democratic and judiciary systems. In other words, it should be avoided the risk of undermining the very basis of democracy and the rule of law even with the reason of coming to its defense."

Referring to the defense of religious freedom, the Holy See delegate asserted that "no civil law or religious communities may therefore be used to limit the activities, which are expressions of the religious freedom of those communities and of their individual members." He went on to underline that "member states of the OSCE should therefore reject any pressure possibly exercised in the context of their jurisdiction by whatever religious confession ... which might damage the expressions of religious freedom of other religious communities."

Another of the topics brought up by the prelate was human trafficking, "which has been defined," he said, "as the slavery of the 21st century. It is necessary for us all to confront the uncomfortable fact that so far States have not succeeded in eliminating this trade. ... This makes it especially important not to give in to any demagogy which would hamper the determination of new remedies and the implementation of the existing ones."

Lastly, Msgr. Balestrero spoke about immigration and observed that its regulation, through projects respectful of immigrants as well as the host population, would benefit everyone, that always "the right and fundamental freedoms of all parties involved should obviously be guaranteed."

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Tuesday, September 10, 2002


VATICAN CITY, SEP 10, 2002 (VIS) - The Italian newspaper "Avvenire" published an interview today with Archbishop Jean-Louis Tauran, secretary for Relations with States, about the international situation.

Referring to the anniversary of the terrorist attacks on the Twin Towers in New York on September 11, 2001, the archbishop says that "that abominable action provoked the universal condemnation of terrorism ... and prompted the leaders in society to examine the causes of such inhuman violence. In addition, the meeting in Assisi on January 24 as well as the 'Men and Religion' meeting in Palermo have emphasized that religion can never justify terrorism and that all believers have the common duty to dispel hatred."

Then, speaking about the Holy See's position on the situation in Iraq, the prelate responds by saying: "To promote dialogue always; never to isolate a country or a government. ... Obviously one evil cannot be combatted with another evil. ... If the international community, inspired by international law and in particular by the resolutions of the Security Council of the United Nations, were to consider the use of force opportune and fair, this would have to take place through a decision made within the framework of the United Nations, after having weighed the consequences for the Iraqi population, as well as the repercussions on countries in the area and on world stability; if not only the strictest law would prevail."

With respect to what would be the basic conditions in order to achieve lasting peace in the Middle East, the secretary for Relations with States says that in the first place is it necessary that "they abandon their arms and that everyone respects each other and their legitimate aspirations; that everyone applies the rules of international law; that the (Israelis leave) the occupied territories and that a special statute that is internationally guaranteed is instituted to safeguard the unique and sacred character of the Holy Sites of the three religions in Jerusalem. In addition, the international community would have to be more present in the region in the order to help both sides."

Asked about the repercussion of John Paul II's words of condemnation throughout the year, Msgr. Tauran said that "they have been of great value to help everyone to understand that a theology of terror cannot exist and that extremist groups that find inspiration in Islam should not be confused with true Muslims" and that "many heads of State who have visited the Vatican have expressed satisfaction because the Holy See's position has warned about any such confusion and has addressed an independent word to each one."

Regarding changes that may have been implemented due to September 11 in relations between the Holy See and the Islamic world, the archbishop says: "I think that it is clear to everyone that fighting terrorism does not mean combatting Islam ... the Pope and his collaborators have reiterated this on many occasions."

Lastly, analyzing the results of the war on terrorism during this past year, he affirms that "the most important thing is that no political leader worthy of that title or religious leader can justify terrorism in any part of the world ... We must punish the guilty and make sure that they do not do any more damage. But we must be careful not to confuse justice with vengeance and to avoid that entire populations pay for the cruelty of those responsible for the attacks."

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VATICAN CITY, SEP 10, 2002 (VIS) - The Holy Father today accepted the resignation from the pastoral care of the diocese of Charlotte, U.S.A., presented by Bishop William G. Curlin upon having reached the age limit.

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VATICAN CITY, SEP 10, 2002 (VIS) - On October 4 and 5, on the occasion of the seventh centennial of the birth of St. Brigid of Sweden, a symposium will take place in Rome on the theme, "For a more just and dignified world: The Way of Beauty." An ecumenical celebration presided by the Pope will also take place.

On the morning of Friday October 4, after the general abbess of the Order of the Holy Savior of St. Brigid, Mother M. Tekla Famiglietti, inaugurates the workshops, several conferences are scheduled to take place. For example: "Femininity and Beauty: a resource for Europe"; "Brigid of Sweden: a woman for unity"; "Catherine of Siena: the teachings of a woman"; "Edith Stein: a woman in the silence of the Cross." At 6 p.m., John Paul II will preside at St. Peter's Basilica in an ecumenical celebration with Vespers.

On Saturday October 5, workshops will continue, focussing on two main themes: "A new soul for the old continent" and "New Music for the Third Millennium." Cardinals Alfonso Lopez Trujillo and Crescenzio Sepe, president of the Pontifical Council for the Family and prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, will speak respectively about St. Brigid and the Gospel of the family, and St. Brigid and the Gospel of the poor. Bishop Anders Arborelius of Stockholm will speak about the Gospel of peace. At 5:30p.m. in the Basilica of St. Lorenzo in Damaso, Cardinal Walter Kasper, president of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, will celebrate mass and later there will be a concert of sacred classical and modern music.

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VATICAN CITY, SEP 10, 2002 (VIS) - Holy See Press Office Director, Joaquin Navarro-Valls, made the following declaration on the deportation of another Catholic priest from Russia this morning.

"This is such a serious act that now there is talk of a true persecution. The most worrying thing is that the Holy See has not received any official explanation regarding the motives for these expulsions. The Holy See will try to resolve the problem through diplomatic channels."


Monday, September 9, 2002


VATICAN CITY, SEP 7, 2002 (VIS) - This morning John Paul II received the Letters of Credence of the new ambassador of Great Britain, Kathryn Frances Colvin.

Referring to the ambassador's words about the terrorist attacks on September 11 and injustice in the world, the Pope said: "It calls for a resolute and uncompromising commitment on the part of individuals, peoples, and nations to defending the inalienable rights and dignity of every member of the human family. At the same time, it demands the building of a global culture of solidarity which will find expression not simply in terms of more effective economic or political organization but more importantly in a spirit of mutual respect and cooperation in the service of the common good."

After the attacks on September 11, the Holy Father continued, "the international community has recognized the urgent need to combat the phenomenon of well-financed and highly-organized international terrorism, which represents a formidable and immediate threat to world peace. ... As an essential part of its fight against all forms of terrorism, the international community is called to undertake new and creative political, diplomatic and economic initiatives aimed at relieving the scandalous situations of gross injustice, oppression and marginalization which continue to oppress countless members of the human family."

"The building of such a global culture of solidarity is perhaps the greatest moral task confronting humanity today." This, he added, is a challenge for developed countries in the West where Christian values are being challenged by cultural models which leads to "indifferentism, hedonism, consumerism and a practical materialism that can erode and even subvert the foundations of social life." The Holy Father expressed his confidence that the United Kingdom continues to offer "credible testimony to their convictions through their programs of educational, charitable and social outreach."

John Paul II spoke also about the need "for an uncompromising defense of the rights of the family and the legal protection of the institution of marriage." When the family unit is weakened, he affirmed, "grave difficulties and problems for society as a whole" occur.

"Another area of concern in which Christians can offer a privileged witness is that of respect for life in the face of attempts to legitimize abortion, the production of human embryos for research and processes of genetic manipulation such as the cloning of human beings. Neither human life nor the human person," he concluded, "can ever legitimately be treated as an object to be manipulated or as a disposable commodity." All human beings, because of their dignity as creatures, "demand the greatest respect and vigilance on the part of individuals, communities, nations and international bodies."



VATICAN CITY, SEP 9, 2002 (VIS) - The Office of Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff has made public the calendar of celebrations that is scheduled to be presided over by the Holy Father from September 28 to November 5, 2002:


- Saturday, 28: 26th Sunday in ordinary time. Mass at 6 p.m. in memory of Popes Paul VI and John Paul I at the main altar of the Vatican Basilica.


- Friday, 4: Ecumenical celebration with Vespers on the 7th Centennial of the birth of St. Brigid of Sweden at 6 p.m. in the Vatican Basilica.
- Sunday, 6: 27th Sunday in ordinary time. Canonization of Blessed Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer in St. Peter's Square at 10 a.m.
- Sunday, 13: 28th Sunday in ordinary time. Mass at 9:30 a.m. in the Vatican Basilica on the occasion of the visit of His Beatitude Teoctist, patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church.
- Friday, 18: Mass at 5:30 p.m. in the Vatican Basilica for the beginning of the academic year of the Ecclesiastical Universities.
- Sunday, 20: 29th Sunday in ordinary time. At 10 a.m. in St. Peter's Square, Beatification of the Servants of God: Daudi Okelo and Jildo Irwa, Andrea Giacinto Longhin, Marcantonio Durando, Mary of the Passion (nee Helene Marie de Chappotin de Neuville) and Liduina Meneguzzi.


- Friday, 1, Solemnity of All Saints: Moment of prayer for deceased popes at 6 p.m. in the Vatican Grottos.
- Tuesday, 5: Mass at noon at the main altar of the Vatican Basilica in memory of cardinals and bishops who died this year.



VATICAN CITY, SEP 8, 2002 (VIS) - This evening at 7:15 p.m. in the Apostolic Palace at Castelgandolfo, the Russian Symphony Orchestra performed a concert organized by the "Thousand Cities of the World" and the "World of Art" Programs in Moscow for John Paul II. Valery Gergiev conducted the orchestra and the children's choir of UNESCO and the choir of the Academy of Art, directed by Victor Popov, accompanied it.

At the end of the concert, the Pope greeted the participants and affirmed that he was very happy to receive "the noble message sent by His Holiness Alexis II, patriarch of Moscow and all of Russia, for this gathering. May my deferent and cordial regards reach him."

Afterward the Holy Father urged that the initiatives of the "World of Art" Foundation help to "spread human and spiritual values which are the necessary base for any kind of authentic moral, civil and cultural progress for Europe and for all humanity" and he expressed his desire that they promote "understanding and dialogue among people and nations."

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VATICAN CITY, SEP 8, 2002 (VIS) - Today at noon the Holy Father prayed the Angelus with the faithful present in the courtyard of the Apostolic Palace at Castelgandolfo.

Before the Marian prayer, John Paul II spoke about the efficacy of and the need for prayer. "Unfortunately," he said, "we frequently witness dramatic events which spread uncertainty and anxiety in public opinion. Modern man seems to live sure of himself, however, especially on crucial occasions, he feels powerless: he experiences the incapability to intervene, and as a consequence, he lives in uncertainty and fear."

"The secret to confronting personal and social problems, not only in emergencies but day after day, is found in prayer carried out with faith. He who prays will not get discouraged not even in the face of the most serious difficulties, because he feels God's proximity and he finds refuge, serenity and peace in his fatherly arms. Opening up to God with confidence, one opens up to his neighbor with greater generosity. He is capable of constructing history according to the divine plan."

The Pope underlined that "it is very important to pray every day, personally and with the family. May praying and praying together be the daily breath of families, parishes and all communities."

When greeting pilgrims after the Angelus, John Paul II urged them to ask God and the Virgin Mary for justice and peace in the world.

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VATICAN CITY, SEP 7, 2002 (VIS) - Archbishop Renato Martino, head of the Holy See Delegation to the World Summit on Sustainable Development, which took place from August 26 to September 4, delivered the closing statement on the summit's plan of action on September 4.

"The Holy See, in conformity with its nature and its particular mission, is pleased to join the consensus of the Plan of Action of the World Summit on Sustainable Development."

"The Holy See reaffirms its position," he continued, "that any discussion on development must center on human dignity and in this, renews its commitment to the Rio Principles, the first of which states that 'Human beings are at the center of concerns for sustainable development.' They are entitled to a healthy and productive life in harmony with nature."

"The Holy See only regrets that this first Principle did not find its way into the chapeau of each and every section of the document, helping to remind and guide the purpose of our work here and in every realm of sustainable development."

"My delegation," he concluded, "is pleased to inform that in joining in this consensus adoption, it does so without reservation. At the same time, the Holy See reaffirms all of the reservations that it has previously expressed at the conclusion of the various United Nations Conferences and Summits, as well as the Special Sessions of the General Assembly for the review of those meetings."



VATICAN CITY, SEP 9, 2002 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received in separate audiences:

- Archbishop Nikola Eterovic, apostolic nuncio in Ukraine.
- Seven prelates from the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil on their "ad limina" visit:
- Archbishop Moacyr Grechi, O.S.M., of Porto Velho.
- Archbishop Luiz Soares Vieira of Manaus, accompanied by his auxiliary Bishop Mario Pasqualotto, P.I.M.E.
- Bishop Geraldo Verdier of Guajara-Mirim, accompanied by his auxiliary Bishop Jose Maria Pinheiro.
- Bishop Evangelista Alcimar Caldas Magalhaes, O.F.M.Cap., of Alto Solimoes.
- Bishop Antonio Possamai, S.D.B., of Ji-Parana.
- Cardinal Walter Kasper, president of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity.

On Saturday September 7, the Holy Father received in separate audiences:

- Archbishop Francesco Canalini, apostolic nuncio in Australia.
- Five prelates from the Episcopal Conference of Argentina on their "ad limina" visit: - Bishop Ramon Artemio Staffolani of Villa de la Concepcion del Rio Cuarto.
- Bishop Juan Carlos Maccarone of Santiago del Estero.
- Bishop Gustavo Arturo Help of Venado Tuerto.
- Bishop Andres Stanovnik, O.F.M.Cap., of Reconquista.
- Bishop Pedro Olmedo Rivero, C.M.F., prelate of Humahuaca.

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