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Friday, September 29, 2000


VATICAN CITY, SEP 29, 2000 (VIS) - This morning, the Pope received participants in the 18th general chapter of the Carmelite Missionary Sisters. The congregation has a presence in 35 countries on four continents.

John Paul II asked for "abundant divine gifts" for the new superior general, Maria Esperanza Izco, and her councilors, that they may guide the congregation "with prudence, accompanying their sisters with a fraternal spirit in order that they become women of experience of God, audacious in their response to the challenges of the mission in the third millennium."

"Indeed," he continued, "harmoniously bringing together the contemplative dimension and the missionary impulse, two fundamental pillars of your religious identify, is a particularly acute necessity in an age so often threatened by the fragmentation or superficiality of human existence."

The Holy Father thanked the religious for their commitment "to the ever-urgent task of evangelization and service to the cause of man, especially to the most needy." He concluded by asking them not to cease "giving attention to the emerging necessities of our time, bringing thereto a response born in the heart of Christ and in the mission of the Church."

AC;...;...;CARMELITE MISSIONARIES;VIS;20000929;Word: 200;


VATICAN CITY, SEP 29, 2000 (VIS) - This morning in the Holy See Press Office, Cardinal Virgilio Noe, president of the Fabric of St. Peter's, and Franco Tato, managing director of ENEL (the Italian national electricity company), presented the recently completed restoration and illumination work in the tomb of St. Peter and the Vatican necropolis.

Peter's tomb lies within the Vatican necropolis, which is situated below St. Peter's Basilica. The work was undertaken with the aim of conserving the walls, stuccos and frescos, and of giving prominence, through suitable illumination, to the tomb of the first Pope and the other mausolea.

ENEL, through its "Light for Art" program, has financed the project, which has taken more than two years to accomplish. The results will allow visitors to see, in a different and more profound way, the colors and forms that were previously obscured.

A series of innovative technical solutions has made it possible for the illumination to be less intrusive, thus minimizing the process of photosynthesis. Another new system enables the illumination to be regulated, adapting it to the historical and architectural complexity of the site.

The websites www.enel.it and www.vatican.va will contain further information on the restoration and illumination works.



VATICAN CITY, SEP 29, 2000 (VIS) - In the Holy See Press Office at 11:30 a.m. on Tuesday October 3, there will be a presentation of the Jubilee of Families, which takes place in Rome October 14-15.

Taking part in the press conference will be Cardinal Alfonso Lopez Trujillo, Bishop Francisco Gil Hellin and Msgr. Francesco Di Felice, respectively president, secretary and under-secretary of the Pontifical Council for the Family. Also present will be Archbishop Crescenzio Sepe, secretary general of the Committee for the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000.



VATICAN CITY, SEP 29, 2000 (VIS) - The statue of Our Lady of Fatima will be in the Vatican for three days during the October 6 to 8 Jubilee of Bishops. On Sunday, October 8, at the concluding Mass, there will be the Act of Entrustment to Mary, "almost a coronation of the Great Jubilee," according to a communique from the Central Committee of the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000.
The statue will arrive at Rome's Ciampino Airport on Friday, October 6 and be brought to the Holy Father's private chapel in the papal apartments. On Saturday, the 7th, memory of the Blessed Virgin Mary of the Rosary, the statue will be transferred in a procession to St. Peter's Basilica to be venerated by the faithful. In the afternoon it will be brought to St. Peter's Square where Pope John Paul, together with the bishops who are celebrating their Jubilee, will pray the rosary. That same evening the statue will be brought to the Vatican's "Ecclesia Mater" monastery of cloistered nuns.

On Sunday, October 8, the Holy Father will celebrate Mass in St. Peter's Square, during which the Act of Entrustment to Mary will be read, thus placing the Church and the world under Mary's protection at the start of the new millennium. Afterwards the statue will be returned to the Pope's private chapel.

On Monday morning, Cardinal Angelo Sodano will preside at a farewell ceremony in the San Damaso courtyard. The statue will return to the shrine in Fatima, Portugal, that same day.

...;FATIMA STATUE; BISHOPS'JUBILEE;...;...;VIS;20000929;Word: 260;


VATICAN CITY, SEP 29, 2000 (VIS) - Archbishop Renato Martino, Holy See permanent observer to the United Nations, spoke yesterday before the Third Committee of the 55th session of the General Assembly on Item 103, Social Development.

Referring to the U.N.'s 2000 Report on the World Social Situation, the archbishop expressed the Holy See's satisfaction that the "Report testifies to a growing awareness of human dignity, and a more lively concern that human rights should be respected."

He highlighted, however, the "persistent" and "often widening gap between the haves and the have-nots characterized by the unequal distribution of wealth." Responsibility "lies in part" with "the developing nations themselves," he said, though "developed and wealthy countries continue to furnish inadequate assistance to developing and poor ones."

The nuncio then spoke of "a critical yet often underestimated aspect of development, namely that development cannot be limited to economics and politics, but must pay attention to cultural and human factors. Genuine development must be integral," taking "into account human beings in the totality of their bodily and spiritual existence."

Calling culture "an all-embracing climate rather than an articulated system," Archbishop Martino added that "it is a social force that encompasses individuals and welds them into communities. It shapes their prejudices, ideas, values, habits, attitudes, tastes and priorities."

"In this regard," the archbishop affirmed, "the family plays a critical role," being "the natural and fundamental unit of society. ... It is a stable community of love and solidarity uniquely suited to teaching and handing on the cultural, ethical, social and spiritual values that are essential for the development and well-being of its members and of society."

Concluding, Archbishop Martino stated that "precisely because of the essentially moral character of development, the main obstacles to development will be overcome only by means of essentially moral decisions. ... The Holy See proposes a solidarity which accepts the fact of interdependence and raises it to the moral plane."



VATICAN CITY, SEP 29, 2000 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received in separate audiences:

- Maria Eugenia Brizuela de Avila, Salvadorian minister of foreign affairs, accompanied by her entourage.
- Yossi Beilin, Israeli minister of justice and 'ad interim' minister for religious affairs.
- Margus Laidre, ambassador of Estonia, on a farewell visit.
- Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger and Archbishop Tarcisio Bertone, emeritus of Vercelli, respectively prefect and secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

AP;...;...;... ;VIS;20000929;Word: 70;

Thursday, September 28, 2000


VATICAN CITY, SEP 28, 2000 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received in audience Cardinal Camillo Ruini, his vicar general for the diocese of Rome and president of the Italian Episcopal Conference. The cardinal was accompanied by Archbishop Ennio Antonelli, emeritus of Perugia-Citta della Pieve, secretary general of the same episcopal conference.

AP;...;...;...;VIS;20000928;Word: 50;


VATICAN CITY, SEP 28, 2000 (VIS) - This morning at 11:30 in St. Peter's Basilica, the Holy Father celebrated Mass to commemorate his predecessors, Paul VI, who died on August 6, 1978, and John Paul I, who died on September 28 that same year.

The Pope noted in his homily that "this year the traditional celebration for the repose of the souls of my venerated predecessors Paul VI and John Paul I receives a special meaning and further spiritual strength from this time of Jubilee grace."

"Such strength," John Paul II pointed out, "looking at it closely, redounds not only to the benefit of the souls of these brothers of ours, but also to the benefit of everyone gathered here in prayer. If indeed it is given to us to offer prayers for the repose of their souls, they, beyond the threshold of death, invite us to mediate on the final destination of our earthly pilgrimage."

"The Book of Wisdom," the Pope observed, "tells us that 'the righteous man, though he die early, will be at rest' because 'he pleased God and was loved by Him'. What great love the Father reserved for the venerated Popes Paul VI and John Paul I! He called them to the faith, to the priesthood, to the episcopacy, to the petrine ministry. He enriched them with countless gifts of wisdom and virtues. And we, while we pray to God for them, ... give him thanks for having given them to the Church."

HML;PAUL VI; JOHN PAUL I;...;...;VIS;20000928;Word: 250;


VATICAN CITY, SEP 28, 2000 (VIS) - The Holy Father appointed:

- Bishop Oswald Gracias, auxiliary of the archdiocese of Bombay, India, as metropolitan archbishop of Agra (area 49,162, population, 27,003,487, Catholics 11,116, priests 47, religious 229), India. The archbishop-elect was born in Bombay, India, in 1944, ordained a priest in 1970 and consecrated a bishop in 1997.

- Metropolitan Archbishop Vincent Michael Concessao of Agra, India, as metropolitan archbishop of Delhi, India.

NER;...;...;GRACIAS; CONCESSAO ;VIS;20000928;Word: 70;

Wednesday, September 27, 2000


VATICAN CITY, SEP 27, 2000 (VIS) - Yesterday afternoon, Cardinal Edward I. Cassidy, president of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, read a message from the Pope to mark the closure of the 13th international meeting of representatives from Churches and Christian communities and from the great world religions. Participants have been considering the theme: "Oceans of peace. A contrast of religions and cultures." The meeting has been promoted by the Community of St. Egidio in Lisbon, Portugal.

In his message, dated September 21, John Paul II made reference to the meeting for the invocation of peace, held in Assisi, Italy, in 1986. He told Cardinal Cassidy and the participants that "the 'spirit of Assisi' is a providential gift for our time."

"In the diversity of religious expressions, faithfully recognized as such, to stand together is also a visible demonstration of the human family's aspiration to unity. We must all advance towards this single goal."

The Pope highlighted that dialogue between religions "is no longer simply an aspiration, it has become a reality, even if the road before us remains long." He also gave thanks to God for the gift of "reciprocal opening" between the Catholic Church and Judaism and for the "significant fruits (that have) also blossomed on the path towards encounter with Islam, with oriental religions and with the great cultures of the modern world."

"At the start of the new millennium," concludes John Paul II, "we must not drag our feet, if anything we must move with ever greater speed along this hopeful path."



VATICAN CITY, SEP 27, 2000 (VIS) - In today's general audience, held in St. Peter's Square in the presence of 35,000 pilgrims, John Paul II began a series of catecheses on the Eucharist, "that great yet humble celebration of divine glory."

"It is great," he went on, "because it is the principal expression of Christ's presence among us 'always, to the close of the age.' It is humble, because it is delegated to the simple signs of everyday life, bread and wine, the ordinary food and drink of the land of Jesus and of many other regions."

"Today, in order to appreciate the greatness of the mystery of the Eucharist, we turn to consider the theme of divine glory and of God's action in the world, at times made manifest in the great events of salvation, at others concealed under humble signs that only the eye of faith can perceive."

The Pope affirmed that this divine glory, "particularly manifest in Israel, is present in the entire universe," but Christ expresses it more radically "through His humanity, taken on in the Incarnation."

"The earthly revelation of divine glory reaches its apex in the events of Easter. ... The Paschal mystery, expression of the 'perfect glorification of God,' is perpetuated in the Eucharistic sacrifice, commemoration of death and resurrection entrusted by Christ to the Church, His beloved bride."

The Holy Father highlighted that "today the most exalted celebration of divine glory is undoubtedly the liturgy. ... Christian Worship is the most vital expression of the encounter between divine glory and the glorification that arises from the lips and heart of man."

"As St. Paul reminds us," he concluded, "we must also glorify God in our bodies, in other words in our entire existence, because our bodies are the temple of the Spirit within us."

AG;EUCHARIST;...;...;VIS;20000927;Word: 300;


VATICAN CITY, SEP 27, 2000 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received in audience Cardinal Jan Pieter Schotte C.I.C.M., secretary general of the Synod of Bishops.

Yesterday, Tuesday September 26, he received in audience Archbishop Jozef Kowalczyk, apostolic nuncio in Poland.

AP;...;...;...;VIS;20000927;Word: 40;


VATICAN CITY, SEP 27, 2000 (VIS) - A recharging system for electrical vehicles was inaugurated this morning at 11 in the Vatican's Piazzale del Petriano, which is adjacent to the Paul VI Hall. Among those present were Cardinal Edmund Szoka, president of the Pontifical Commission for Vatican City State.

Joining the cardinal were Bishop Gianni Danzi, secretary of the commission, and representatives of ENEL and So.l.e, the Italian companies which furnished the system. The station will allow electric cars as well as vehicles for the handicapped to be recharged. Other such points will be installed in Vatican City in coming months.

The station inaugurated this morning has four plugs, two for cars, and two for motorcycles and bikes, thus guaranteeing simultaneous recharging of diverse types of transport.

...;RECHARGE SYSTEM;...;VATICAN; SZOKA;VIS;20000927;Word: 130;


VATICAN CITY, SEP 27, 2000 (VIS) - Following is the telegram sent in the Holy Father's name by Cardinal Secretary of State Angelo Sodano to the civil authorities of Greece through the apostolic nuncio, Archbishop Paul Fouad Tabet, on the sinking of a Greek passenger ferry last evening off the Aegean island of Paros:

"Having learned of the tragic boat accident off the Greek coast, the Holy Father joins through prayer in the sorrow and pain of the families who have lost a dear one. He asks the all-merciful God to welcome the deceased into His eternal light and to bring comfort to all the injured. He invokes the Theotokos (Mother of God) to care for, in hope, the persons touched by this tragedy as well as those who assisted in rescue efforts with courage and with devotion to their brothers and sisters in distress. His Holiness asks the Lord to impart on everyone the abundance of His blessings."



VATICAN CITY, SEP 27, 2000 (VIS) - The Holy Father appointed Cardinal Jean-Marie Lustiger, archbishop of Paris, France, as his special envoy at celebrations to mark the 150th anniversary of the diocese of Basse-Terre and Pointe-a-Pitre, Guadeloupe, due to take place in that diocese on November 19.

NA;...;...;LUSTIGER ;VIS;20000927;Word: 50;

Tuesday, September 26, 2000


VATICAN CITY, SEP 26, 2000 (VIS) - Pope John Paul will preside at a Eucharistic celebration in St. Peter's Square at 10 a.m. on Sunday, October 1, during which he will canonize 123 Blesseds, from Asia, Europe, America and Africa.

The future Saints are: Agostino Zhao Rong, priest (d. 1815), and 119 companions, martyrs in China (d. 1648-1930); Maria Josefa del Corazon de Jesus Sancho de Guerra, virgin and foundress of the Institute of the Servants of Jesus of Charity (1842-1912); Katharine Drexel; virgin, foundress of the Sisters of the Most Holy Sacrament for Indians and Colored People (1858-1955); Giuseppina Bakhita, virgin, of the Institute of the Daughters of Charity, Canossians (1869-1947).

OCL;CANONIZATIONS;...;...;VIS;20000926;Word: 110;


VATICAN CITY, SEP 26, 2000 (VIS) - Given below is the text of the telegram sent by the Pope to Archbishop Francois Saint-Macary of Rennes, France, for the death at the age of 89 of Cardinal Paul Gouyon, archbishop emeritus of the same archdiocese:

"Having learned with sorrow of the death of Cardinal Paul Gouyon, I wish to express to you my union in prayer with the archdiocese of Rennes, with the family of the deceased and with all who are touched by this mourning. I give thanks to God for the episcopal ministry of this zealous pastor who ardently devoted himself in the dioceses of Bayonne and then Rennes, giving the best of himself so that the Gospel might be announced to everyone, especially through a generous commitment to the service of Christian unity and peace among men. Through the maternal intercession of the Virgin Mary, may God received the deceased in His Kingdom of light! To you, to all in the diocese, to those close to the deceased and to all who will take part in his funeral Mass, I send my heartfelt apostolic blessing."

TGR;DEATH;...;GOUYON;VIS;20000926;Word: 200;


VATICAN CITY, SEP 26, 2000 (VIS) - At 10 this morning in St. Peter's Basilica, Pope John Paul presided over the funeral Mass for Cardinal Vincenzo Fagiolo, who died Friday, September 22, at the age of 82. He was the president emeritus of the Pontifical Council for the Interpretation of Legislative Texts.

In his homily, the Pope said that the "dear and venerated Cardinal Fagiolo ... belonged, we think, to the great numbers of those 'who did good,' and for this we trust that he now awaits to be called by the voice of Christ to 'the resurrection of life'."

"At this time," he said, "it pleases me to remember the late lamented cardinal as a 'master of justice'. The study and teaching of canon law was a constant during his life. ... Educating to true justice, the justice of Christ, this was the ministry that Cardinal Fagiolo exercised throughout his life."

The Holy Father observed that "Cardinal Vincenzo Fagiolo fell asleep in the Lord precisely during the Jubilee Year, after having lived a considerable part of it. This was surely a comfort to him on the last part of his path towards the encounter with Christ."

In closing, the Pope said; "The Father wished for the Son to give eternal life to all those who believed in Him and to raise them on the last day. ... This luminous Gospel truth comforts us every time that we say our final goodbye to a deceased brother."

HML;FUNERAL; FAGIOLO;...;...;VIS;20000926;Word: 250;


VATICAN CITY, SEP 26, 2000 (VIS) - The International Theological Commission will hold its annual plenary session in the Domus Sanctae Marthae in the Vatican from October 2 to 7, under the presidency of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Fr. Georges Cottier, O.P., secretary general of the commission and theologian of the papal household, will lead the work sessions.

Participants will discuss the theme of the diaconate, for which a 60-page "Instrumentum laboris" has been prepared, and the theme of "Revelation and Inculturation." They will also dedicate time to the presentation of the preparatory reports drafted by the members of the sub-commission which is dealing with the theme "de hominis creatione."

COM-TI;PLENARY;...;RATZINGER;VIS;20000926;Word: 120;


VATICAN CITY, SEP 26, 2000 (VIS) - At midday today in the Holy See Press Office, the book "Vatican Council II, Reception Past and Present in the Light of the Jubilee," was presented. The volume is published by the Central Committee for the Great Jubilee 2000.

Taking part in the presentation were Cardinal Roger Etchegaray and Archbishop Crescenzio Sepe, respectively president and secretary of the Central Committee for the Great Jubilee 2000, and Bishop Rino Fisichella, vice-president of the Historical-Theological Commission of the Great Jubilee 2000.

Cardinal Etchegaray indicated that "since Vatican Council II, the world has undergone one of the greatest accelerations that history has ever known, and the Church was the first to realize that it is easier to alter structures than it is to change mentalities. Of course, there have been excesses or oversights in the application of conciliar decisions. Nonetheless, it may be supposed that the Church, caught up in the storm of change in the world, would have been in a worse position had she not had the benefit of the Council as a solid and luminous point of reference."

For his part, Archbishop Sepe recalled that this book contains the acts of the congress on the implementation of the measures of Vatican Council II, which was held in the Vatican from February 25 to 27, 2000.

Bishop Fisichella affirmed that "the process of interpreting the Council has not been concluded, nor can it be. Indeed, (such interpretation) is part of a current that goes beyond ecclesial confines because the event is part of history. The Church is, nonetheless, the primary interpreter of the Council; it not only belongs to her, but defines her very historical and ecclesial existence."

With reference to the contents of the book, Bishop Fisichella explained that the first part deals with the themes of the four conciliar constitutions: "Dei verbum," "Sacrosanctum concilium," "Lumen gentium" and "Gaudium et spes," while the second part contains some reflections on the reception and implementation of Vatican Council II by the various Churches.



VATICAN CITY, SEP 26, 2000 (VIS) - The following declaration was made this afternoon by Holy See Press Office Director Joaquin Navarro-Valls concerning the canonization on Sunday, October 1, of 120 martyrs in China:

"The declaration made on September 26 by the spokesman of the foreign affairs ministry in Beijing, Sun Yuxi, can only deeply sadden those who see in the imminent canonization of 120 martyrs in China the exaltation of men and women, the majority of whom were Chinese citizens (87 of 120), who knew how to live their own commitment to faith with coherence, up to the point of giving their lives.

"Next Sunday's ceremony has no political motivation and is not directed against anyone, much less the great Chinese people, whose traditions of civility have always been recognized and appreciated by the Holy See, in particular by Pope John Paul II.

"To accuse this body of witnesses (including defenseless men and women of all ages) of 'enormous crimes' is the result of a unilateral reading of history and a mystification, if concrete proofs are not presented.

"Obviously, it is entirely something else to talk about the misdeeds which were sometimes committed by the colonial powers. But whoever reads dispassionately and with objectivity the biographies of the well-deserving missionaries who will be canonized next Sunday can only be struck by and filled with admiration at their self-denial and their desire to serve the Chinese people.

"Besides, as is well known, the Holy See proceeds with a beatification or a canonization only after a very serious and deeply studied examination, not only of the sources of the historical testimonials but also of the heroic virtues of the persons to be honored. How is it possible to imagine that the Holy See would canonize persons who have committed 'enormous crimes'? If it were true that historical reality had been distorted, why did the Chinese community - civil and religious - not react against the processes of beatification of the 120 martyrs, which were celebrated starting in 1893, during the pontificate of Leo XIII?
"With the canonization, the intention is not to formulate a judgment on complex historical periods, during which the majority of the 120 martyrs were called to give their own supreme witness. The solemn ceremony aims instead at making the light of their faith in Christ, Savior of all men, shine before the Church and the eyes of people of good will from throughout the world."



VATICAN CITY, SEP 26, 2000 (VIS) - On Friday, September 29 at 11 a.m. in the Holy See Press Office Cardinal Virgilio Noe, archpriest of the Vatican Basilica, will preside at a press conference for the presentation of the restoration and new lighting of the Vatican necropolis.

Joining Cardinal Noe will be: Franco Tato, an engineer and managing director of ENEL S.p.A., an Italian power company, Pietro Zonder from the works and restoration office of the necropolis and Nazzareno Gabrielli, responsible for the restoration.


Monday, September 25, 2000


VATICAN CITY, SEP 23, 2000 (VIS) - Presidents of the 15 parliaments of the European Union, meeting in Rome for a conference, were welcomed to the Vatican this morning by Pope John Paul who, in his speech to them in French, underlined the need of governments to serve the common good and to protect human rights.

Calling their conference "a highly significant sign of the process of European unification," the Pope told the presidents that they "are witnesses of the convergence between the interest of your respective countries and the interest of the larger unity of Europe." He noted that the European Union, in serving its citizens, "is pledged to maintain their cultural diversity and to safeguard the values and principles of its founders."

The Holy Father pointed out that "the European Union has already developed shared institutions, with a system of checks and balances of power, which safeguard democracy. The time seems ripe to synthesize these achievements in an arrangement which is both less complex and more effective," in order "to satisfy the aspirations of its peoples and to ensure that the common good is served."

"In the Church's social teaching," he went on, "the notion of the common good applies at every level of organization in human society." And he observed that, in addition to "a national common good" there is "a continental and even global common good" because of the economic interdependence in the world today.

John Paul II asserted that "if the European Union were to move to the point of adopting a formal constitution, it would have to choose the kind of system which it finds more suitable. ... The Church stresses, however, that all systems must have as their objective the service of the common good. Moreover, every system must resist the temptation to remain selfishly closed within itself."

He went on to say that it was "a source of deep satisfaction for me to see that the fruitful principle of subsidiarity is increasingly invoked." Calling subsidiarity "a pillar of the Church's social teaching," he explained that "it is an invitation to distribute responsibility at the various levels ... so that only those responsibilities which the lower levels are unable to exercise for the sake of the common good are transferred to the higher levels."

"The protection of human rights is one of the imperative requirements of the common good," Pope John Paul underscored in closing remarks. He also noted that "the European Union is engaged in the difficult task of composing a 'Charter of Fundamental Rights'." Referring to past conventions and charters concerning human rights, he stated that such declarations mark an "inviolable area which society regards as not being subject to interference from the play of human power. Further still, it is recognized that power exists in order to protect this area, the focus of which is the human person."

AC;EUROPEAN PARLIAMENTS;...;...;VIS;20000925;Word: 480;


VATICAN CITY, SEP 23, 2000 (VIS) - In St. Peter's Square this morning, the Pope received a number of Italian pilgrims from the archdioceses of Naples and Lucca and from the dioceses of Brescia and Parma, as well as members of the Apostolate of Prayer from the archdiocese of Barcelona, Spain.

To faithful from Brescia, John Paul II said that their diocese "may take particular glory in having given the Church a Pope of the stature of Paul VI, whose memory remains indelible in the hearts of all." In this Jubilee year, he went on, "may you know how to live with profundity the reality of Christian community, in its two aspects of communion and mission."

"May the Jubilee," he said to pilgrims from the diocese of Parma, "be a forceful moment on your ecclesial journey, one from which arises a renewed impulse to evangelization. Reconciliation with God and with our brothers and sisters is an essential condition for making announcement of the Gospel effective, as there is no Christian mission that is not born from a deep experience of communion with God and with our fellows."

The Holy Father requested faithful from the archdiocese of Lucca to place Christ at the center of their communities "through listening attentively to His Word and through rediscovering the Eucharist as the source and fulfillment of all ecclesial life. You will also find it a great help, not only to give attention to the permanent formation of priests, but also ever increasingly to involve the laity in those sectors most suited to their status within the pastoral life of the diocesan community."

Finally, the Pope greeted members of the Apostolate of Prayer from the archdiocese of Barcelona, Spain, to whom he said: "Remember that in encountering Jesus Christ through prayer, we forge the apostolic temperament that seeks to give rise to a sincere longing for sanctity."

AC;JUBILEE PILGRIMAGES;...;...;VIS;20000925;Word: 320;


VATICAN CITY, SEP 23, 2000 (VIS) - The Pope sent a telegram to Clementina Fagiolo, sister of Cardinal Vincenzo Fagiolo, president emeritus of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts, who died yesterday at the age of 82. The text of the telegram follows:

"Having heard with sadness the news of the demise of our much loved brother, Cardinal Vincenzo Fagiolo, I wish to express to you and your family my profound participation in your mourning. With respect and affection I recall the intense love for Christ held by the lamented cardinal, zealous pastor and distinguished jurist, and his generous and valued ministry in various important ecclesial posts: Archbishop of Chieti-Vasto, secretary of the Congregation for Religious and President of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts. I give thanks for all the good the Lord has performed through this good and faithful servant, and - in the light of the supreme certainties of faith - I raise fervent prayers that his elect soul be welcomed into the kingdom of the blessed, at the same time I impart the comfort of a heartfelt apostolic blessing upon you, upon his brother, his sister and all relatives."

The Pope will preside at a funeral Mass for Cardinal Fagiolo which will take place at the altar of the Cathedra in St. Peter's Basilica at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, September 26.

TGR;DEATH;...;FAGIOLO;VIS;20000925;Word: 230;


VATICAN CITY, SEP 25, 2000 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received the Letters of Credence from the new ambassador of the Republic of Uruguay, Julio Cesar Lupinacci, and highlighted in his address the "Uruguayan people's peaceful and pacifying vocation."

The Church, said the Pope, "never forgets that true peace, like the common good, is intimately linked to the cause of justice, both in the field of the internal relations of a local or national community and in that of the human family as a whole, which is daily more inclined to construct a common history, one shared by all."

He continued: "For this reason it is important that, also in the international arena, agreement exist between your country and the Holy See to defend with vigor and promote with constancy those values that dignify human existence." He added that the defense of human rights, solidarity, the promotion of a culture of life "is an inescapable ethical duty, both for people and for institutions."

John Paul II said that the family and education are "special fields in which understanding and collaboration must be closest, in scrupulous respect of their respective roles and in the firm conviction that any initiative in these fields must be subordinate to the fundamental and primary right of the family. (The family) must be recognized and supported by effective measures, both to maintain its natural configuration and to exercise its right to educate children."



VATICAN CITY, SEP 24, 2000 (VIS) - This morning in St. Peter's Square, John Paul II presided at a Eucharistic celebration for the closure of the 20th International Mariological-Marian Congress and for the Jubilee of Shrines. The two events have been held in Rome from September 15 to 24.

The Pope recalled that the Mariological Congress had reflected "on the 'great things' accomplished in Mary, considering their most central and profound dimension, that of her special relationship with the Trinity. If Mary is the 'Theotokos', Mother of God's only begotten Son, why should we be wonder that she also enjoys an utterly unique relationship with the Father and the Holy Spirit?"

He continued: "This relationship most certainly did not, in her earthly life, relieve her from the burden of the human condition. Mary fully lived the daily reality of so many poor families of her time, she experienced poverty, pain, flight, exile, incomprehension. Her spiritual greatness does not, then, 'distance' her from us. She has followed the same road as us and has remained united with us in the 'pilgrimage of faith'."

The Holy Father indicated that "Mary stands out before our gaze as the 'beloved daughter' of the Father. ... Mary has a unique relationship with the second Person of the Trinity, the Word made flesh, being directly involved in the mystery of incarnation. ... And what can we say about her relationship with the Holy Spirit? Mary is the pure 'shrine' in which He dwells."

"It is, then, natural that the Jubilee of the Son should also be the Jubilee of the Mother! Consequently, it is to be hoped that among the fruits of this year of grace, as well as a stronger love for Christ, there may also be a renewed Marian piety. Mary must indeed be much loved and honored but, to be authentic, devotion to her must: be well founded on the Scriptures and on Tradition; ... find expression in the struggle to imitate Mary Most Holy; ... distance itself from all forms of superstition and vain credulity ... (and) be capable of always returning to the source of Mary's greatness."

Following Mass and before praying the angelus, John Paul II offered greetings to those present in eight languages.



VATICAN CITY, SEP 23, 2000 (VIS) - The Republic of Hungary this evening offered a Jubilee Year concert in the Paul VI Hall in honor of Pope John Paul. The Danubia Youth Symphonic Orchestra, together with the National Choir of Hungary, performed Franz Liszt's "Missa Solennis" for the Pope who, after the concert, addressed the assembled guests, musicians and civil and religious authorities.

"It is rather significant," said the Holy Father, "that a thousand years having gone by since my predecessor Sylvester II crowned Stephen as the first king of Hungary, the Republic of Hungary has wished to offer a special homage to the Bishop of Rome. This gesture not only has a highly commemorative value, but also expresses the awareness of the profound ties that link the Hungarian people to the Church.

"History gives witness," he concluded, "to the benefits which have come to your nation from the leaven of Christianity and are now part of its culture. May the new millennium see further development of this fertile exchange on the path of authentic human progress."

AC;CONCERT;...;HUNGARY;VIS;20000925;Word: 180;


VATICAN CITY, SEP 25, 2000 (VIS) - Archbishop John P. Foley, president of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications, is in the United States for a series of speeches to seminaries, schools and universities.

He spoke at the Harvard University Graduate School of Business in Cambridge, Massachusetts, on September 21, gave the homily at the votive Mass for the 150th anniversary of St. Joseph's Preparatory School in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on September 23 and preached a homily at the "Prayer Power" Mass at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary in Philadelphia on September 24.

The archbishop is scheduled to speak today at the Town Hall of Cleveland at the Renaissance Cleveland Hotel in Cleveland, Ohio and at the Mendoza School of Business at the University of Notre Dame in South Bend, Indiana.

CON-CS;SPEECHES;...;US; FOLEY;VIS;20000925;Word: 140;


VATICAN CITY, SEP 25, 2000 (VIS) - This morning in St. Peter's Basilica, Pope John Paul welcomed 3,500 Swiss who are in Rome for their Jubilee Year pilgrimage.

Speaking German, one of Switzerland's national languages, he pointed out that today, "Day of the Swiss," gave him the occasion to speak of the Swiss Guards in the Vatican and to thank them for their "faithful and conscientious service."

"As all pilgrims throughout the Holy Year," the Pope went on, "you too have come to go through the Holy Door, which is open for everyone. The Holy Door is an image of Christ when he said of Himself: 'I am the door'." He remarked that everyone is free to choose the door in life through which they wish to pass, but added that not all doors are fitting ones. The wrong doors, he said, can lead to dissatisfaction, unhappiness and emptiness. The right ones lead us to Christ.

Then, addressing the pilgrims in French, the Pope said: "Your Jubilee path introduces you, as it does the entire Church, to a new period of grace and mission, inviting you to take an ever more active part in the life of your Christian communities, under the guidance of your pastors, to be witnesses of ecclesial communion and missionaries of the Gospel to your brothers."

In closing remarks, the Holy Father greeted Italian-speaking Swiss: "You have come to Rome to pass through the Holy Door. May this rite be for you a strong spiritual experience which helps you welcome Christ in your lives with a more total openness."

AC;PILGRIMS;...;SWISS;VIS;20000925;Word: 270;

Friday, September 22, 2000


VATICAN CITY, SEP 22, 2000 (VIS) - Made public today was a letter from the Pope in which he names Cardinal Camillo Ruini, vicar general for the diocese of Rome and president of the Italian Episcopal Conference, as his special envoy to closing celebrations for the synod of the diocese of Belarus, due to take place in Minsk on September 29 and 30. The letter is written in Latin and bears the date of September 1.

Cardinal Ruini will be accompanied by Bishops Kazimierz Wielikosielec O.P. and Cyril Klimowicz, respectively auxiliary and vicar general of the diocese of Pinsk and auxiliary and vicar general of the archdiocese of Minsk-Mohilev; and by Msgrs. Frantisek Kiselj and Julio Murat, respectively vicar general of the diocese of Vitebsk and secretary of the apostolic nunciature in Minsk.



VATICAN CITY, SEP 22, 2000 (VIS) - The Holy Father this morning greeted Cardinal Adam Maida of Detroit and a group of promoters of the John Paul II Cultural Center in Washington, recalling in his talk to them that the groundbreaking ceremony took place three years ago and that the center is scheduled to open next year.

"The importance of the Center," the Pope remarked, "lies in the fact that it is an instrument of evangelization. Its purpose is not to honor a particular person but to contribute, using the means of modern technology, to making the Church and her message better known and understood. The celebration of the Jubilee Year has shown that people everywhere are not only eager to profess the truths of faith but also eager to build and strengthen the sense of Catholic community through religious and cultural activities."

Pope John Paul concluded by encouraging their "efforts to ensure that the Center provides opportunities for the study of important themes affecting Christian life in the present cultural climate of your country."

AC;CULTURAL CENTER;...;MAIDA;VIS;20000922;Word: 180;


VATICAN CITY, SEP 22, 2000 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received in separate audiences:

- His Grace Daniel Hoi-Kyin, Anglican bishop of Myanmar.
- Ferenc Madl, president of the Republic of Hungary, accompanied by his wife and an entourage.

This evening, he is scheduled to receive Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

AP;...;...;... ;VIS;20000922;Word: 60;


VATICAN CITY, SEP 22, 2000 (VIS) - In the Holy See Press Office at 11 a.m. on Tuesday September 26, the book "Vatican Council II, Reception Past and Present" will be presented.

Taking part will be Cardinal Roger Etchegaray and Archbishop Crescenzio Sepe, respectively president and secretary of the Committee for the Great Jubilee 2000; and Bishop Rino Fisichella, vice-president of the Historical-Theological Commission of the Great Jubilee 2000.



VATICAN CITY, SEP 22, 2000 (VIS) - Holy See Press Office Director Joaquin Navarro-Valls held a press briefing this morning on the October 1 canonization ceremony in St. Peter's Square during which, for the first time, 87 Chinese martyrs will be raised to the honors of the altars. A total of 120 martyrs will be canonized, including 33 non-Chinese missionaries.

The director recalled that "the Chinese people, right from the last half of the third century B.C., had developed a religiosity whose principal characteristics were the recognition and worship of a Supreme Being and filial and devoted piety towards their deceased ancestors."

He added that "the Gospel was preached for the first time in China in the fifth century. At the start of the seventh century the first church was erected. But it was above all the following centuries which saw an important development of Catholic missions in China and many Chinese asked to be instructed in the Catholic religion and to be able to receive baptism.

"While Chinese Catholics, for the most part of the Church's history in China, were able to live in peace," Navarro-Valls pointed out, "in other times and for various reason they were persecuted and a number of them martyred. The 120 martyrs who will be canonized on Sunday, October 1, belong to a multitude of thousands of Catholics who, over the past three and a half centuries, have undergone the same fate. It is enough to remember that in the complex historical period of the Boxers alone, more than 30,000 Chinese Catholics were killed."

He added that these canonizations are the culmination of a long process, recalling that "the first causes began in 1893 and the last two in 1983. ...The 120 martyrs of this canonization cover a period of time which goes from 1648 to 1930."

Since 1943, fifty-seven letters of postulation and petitions have been sent to the Pope for the canonization of the protomartyr of China, Blessed Francisco Fernandez de Capillas, a Dominican who died in 1648. The letters have come from episcopal conferences, bishops and religious conferences in Spain, Portugal, Philippines, China and Taiwan.

Navarro-Valls stressed that "strictly religious parameters must be applied for a correct interpretation of this canonization.

"In the first place, this canonization expresses the great evangelizing vigor of the local Churches from which the missionaries come, as well as the vigorous adhesion of the Chinese." He affirmed that of the 120 martyrs, 87 are Chinese, among them 83 lay men and women. "The 33 non-Chinese missionaries come from Spain, France, Italy, Belgium and the Netherlands. Six of them are bishops, there are also 19 diocesan or religious priests, one religious and seven nuns."

The director of the Holy See Press Office went on: "In the second place, this canonization - of such grand dimensions - is an explicit example of the catholicity of the Church: martyrdom has unified Chinese and foreign Christians, laity, priests, religious and bishops, men and women, people of all ages including children, and of different social classes."

"At the same time," he added, "Chinese faithful are, for the first time, raised to the glory of the altars and presented to Christians of the whole world as an example of human coherence and of faith. In the Church's view, martyrdom expresses the supreme synthesis of humanity and sanctity. For this reason, the upcoming canonizations are considered a great honor both for the Church and for the Chinese people."

Navarro-Valls concluded by saying that October 1, feast of St. Therese of Lisieux, patron saint of missions, had been chosen for the canonization because among the martyrs was a group of missionaries.

At the close of the briefing, Navarro-Valls said in response to a question that, at the present moment, more than 1,500 faithful from Hong Kong, Taiwan and the Chinese diaspora had confirmed they would be present for the canonization.


Thursday, September 21, 2000


VATICAN CITY, SEP 21, 2000 (VIS) - Holy See Press Office Director Joaquin Navarro-Valls said in a declaration today, that "a number of journalists have asked if it is true that the Holy See has taken steps in favor of the Iranian detainees of Jewish origin whose sentence from the court of appeals is imminent. On this matter, the Holy See can state:

"The Secretariat of State, both directly and indirectly, has repeatedly drawn the attention of the Iranian authorities to the case of the above-mentioned detainees.

"Furthermore, the Holy See, in keeping with the Catholic Church's position on this matter, has always hoped that the right to a fair and just trial be respected for the accused, and that their rights be guaranteed.

"Finally it will be recalled that, in the spirit of the Great Jubilee, Pope John Paul II has encouraged the leaders of nations to undertake acts of clemency in favor of prisoners."



VATICAN CITY, SEP 21, 2000 (VIS) - Msgr. Pietro Monni, Holy See permanent observer to the World Tourism Organization, yesterday spoke before an international seminar that is considering the theme: "Implementing Ethical Principles in Tourism Development." The seminar was held in Tel Aviv, Israel, September 20-21.

Msgr. Monni affirmed that the seminar "reflects the willingness of everyone involved in making the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism operative, and in contributing to the diffusion of these rules of behavior valid for tourists, for host countries and for the people working in this sector."

"At this point I cannot continue without talking about a particular type of tourism, and that is pilgrimage." This, he said, "is a spiritual itinerary, the path of the faithful, the search for God." He went on to underline two points: "This search for the divine, for God, cannot be done under the guidance of people of another religion, and the pilgrim must be guaranteed full liberty in regards to entrance and to veneration in the places which are tied to his faith."

The permanent observer went on to highlight that the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism, "a true synthesis of the ethical values in the tourism sector, interests all countries. The general aim is oriented towards strengthening the wholesomeness of tourism, which is the bearer of values. Among these values are respect for the environment, peaceful living together of ethnic groups and the widespread choice of a path towards peace. Tourism, reciprocal understanding and peace are inseparable realities."

DELSS;TOURISM;...;TEL AVIV; MONNI;VIS;20000921;Word: 260;


VATICAN CITY, SEP 21, 2000 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received participants in the General Chapter of the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary and of the Perpetual Adoration of the Most Holy Sacrament, who are celebrating the second centenary of their foundation.

The Holy Father recalled that the congregation expanded first through Europe "but later moved to the Pacific, to Latin America, to Asia and Africa, up to the present day when you have a presence in more that 40 countries."

"Today, as always," he continued, "what the Church is called to proclaim before the world is the power of the Cross. ... What this requires from you is that, like Christ Himself, you allow your hearts to open in order that they be converted in the reflection of the spring of living water, the only thing that can satisfy the thirst of the human heart."

John Paul II emphasized that "only in the depths of contemplation can the Holy Spirit transform your hearts. ... Social structures can never be perfected and elevated without a true conversion of hearts. Both aspects should go together as, if the structures are changed without converting hearts, these structural changes may conceal evil but not overcome it. For this reason the mission, if it does not contemplate the Crucified Christ, is condemned to frustration."

After recalling that their founding was characterized by the fact that men and women form part of the same congregation, the Pope indicated that "this unity has not always been easy, and it is important for the governing bodies of both branches to work for an ever more mature testimony of evangelical union, solidarity and interdependence among all members of the congregation."

AC;...;...;CONGREGATION SACRED HEARTS;VIS;20000921;Word: 300;


VATICAN CITY, SEP 21, 2000 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received in separate audiences:

- Eduardo Montealegre Rivas, foreign minister of Nicaragua, accompanied by his wife and an entourage.
- Cardinal Alfonso Lopez Trujillo, president of the Pontifical Council for the Family, accompanied by Bishop Francsico Gil Hellin and Msgr. Francesco Di Felice, respectively secretary and under-secretary of the same pontifical council.

AP;...;...;... ;VIS;20000921;Word: 60;

Wednesday, September 20, 2000


VATICAN CITY, SEP 20, 2000 (VIS) - "The experience of God 'Abba' in Christ and in the Spirit" was the theme of John Paul II's catechesis during the general audience which was held this morning in St. Peter's Square in the presence of 40,000 pilgrims.

"The typically Christian way of considering God always passes through Christ. He is the Way and no one comes to the Father except by Him. ... The experience of God can never be reduced to a generic 'sense of the divine,' nor should the mediation of Christ's humanity be considered as surpassable, the greatest mystics have demonstrated this," rather it must develop "in total coherence with the Gospel."

The Holy Father continued by indicating that "Christ also bore effective witness of the Father's love. In the incredible parable of the prodigal son, Jesus presents the Father as ever awaiting for sinful man to return to His arms." He added, "Those who truly experience God's love, cannot but repeat with ever-fresh emotion the words of the First Letter of St. John: 'See what love the Father has given us, that we should be called children of God, and so we are.' In this light, we can turn to God with the tender, spontaneous and intimate invocation: 'Abba,' Father."

"Christ," he went on, "grants us the very life of God, a life that overcomes time and introduces us into the mystery of the Father, into His joy and infinite light. ... This participation in the life of Christ, that makes us 'sons and daughters in the Son,' is made possible by the gift of the Holy Spirit."

Following the audience, the Pope blessed the statue of St. Marcellin Champagnat, founder of the Marist Teaching Brothers, in the Vatican's Santa Marta Square. The statue is a gift from the Republic of Costa Rica.

AG;CHRIST; SPIRIT;...;...;VIS;20000920;Word: 310;


VATICAN CITY, SEP 20, 2000 (VIS) - Msgr. Dominique Rezeau, Holy See head of delegation to the 44th session of the general conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), meeting in Vienna from September 18 to 22, addressed that assembly on September 18. Msgr. Rezeau, whose speech was published yesterday afternoon, is the Holy See permanent representative to the IAEA.

Highlighting the need "to guarantee the usage of nuclear energy for solely pacific means," he said that "the 1970 nuclear arms non-proliferation treaties, and that of the total banning of nuclear tests, in course of being ratified, are considerable steps towards a universal, progressive and controlled nuclear disarmament."

Msgr. Rezeau then pointed to several items under discussion in the current meeting which are of special importance to the Holy See, including "strengthening the efficacy (of atomic energy), and improving the system of guarantees" and taking "measures to reinforce international cooperation in the domains of nuclear safety, radiological safety and the safety of (nuclear) waste."

"The Holy See delegation," he underlined, "wishes to insist on the extreme importance of international cooperation in the domain of nuclear safety."

While recognizing that States often must make "difficult choices," Msgr. Rezeau said these choices "cannot ignore human and moral factors. The advantages of a correct and safe use of nuclear energy are not negligible for the development of the least favored countries" and can "improve the living conditions of many people."

"Let us not forget," he said in closing remarks, "in a broader perspective of faith in God and confidence in man, that the latter is free to organize his life and his well-being to the best of his abilities."



VATICAN CITY, SEP 20, 2000 (VIS) - Cardinal Jozef Tomko, prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples is in Bangalore, India, for the National Assembly of the Church in India where today he presided at the inaugural Mass and delivered the opening speech.

In his homily he recalled that "this meeting ... celebrates the culmination on a national level of the various diocesan and regional programs formed over three years ago for the Great Jubilee of the Birth of Jesus Christ - 'Yesu Krist Jayanti 2000'."

The cardinal also pointed out that the theme of the assembly is "Jesus Christ: The Foundation of our hope in a new Society." In this regard, he cited Pope John Paul's "Sollicitudo Rei Socialis" where he wrote that "the Church does not have technical solutions to offer for the problem of underdevelopment as such, but offers her first contribution to the solution of the urgent problem of development when she proclaims the truth about Christ, about herself and about man, applying this truth to a concrete solution.

"Thus, through the Gospel message, the Church offers a force for liberation which promotes development precisely because it leads to conversion of heart and of ways of thinking, fosters the recognition of each person's dignity, encourages solidarity, commitment and service to one's neighbor."

Cardinal Tomko once again underlined the assembly's theme when he gave the inaugural address. Focussing on the Church in India, he underscored the need for it to be "a praying Church, ... a free Church, ... and a Church in mission."

He especially stressed the role of the laity, saying that "the building of a new society - the theme of this assembly - calls for a greater involvement in human promotion. ... Your Church has a great need of a strong and involved Catholic laity. ... Most important also is the participation of women in the Church's mission for the building up of any society, whether in the circle of the family, or in various sodalities or associations at various levels of life."


Tuesday, September 19, 2000


VATICAN CITY, SEP 19, 2000 (VIS) - Made public today was a Letter, written in Latin and dated September 14, from the Holy Father to Cardinal Secretary of State Angelo Sodano on the occasion of the golden anniversary of the cardinal's ordination as a priest on September 23.

At 10 a.m. that day, Cardinal Sodano will celebrate Mass in the cathedral of Asti, Italy, where he was born, together with seven companions who, like him, were ordained there 50 years ago.
At 5 p.m. on October 2, his saint's day, Cardinal Sodano will celebrate a Mass of thanksgiving in the Vatican Basilica. On Saturday, October 7 he will celebrate Mass in the cathedral of Albano.



VATICAN CITY, SEP 19, 2000 (VIS) - Made public today was a Letter from Pope John Paul to Bishop Gaston Poulain of Perigueux and Sarlat in France, upon the occasion of the fourth centenary of the priestly ordination of St. Vincent de Paul in that diocese.

St. Vincent de Paul, ordained on September 23, 1600, founded the Congregation of the Missions, also known as the Lazarist or Vincentian Fathers. In 1633 he founded, along with St. Louise de Marillac, the Sisters of Charity, also called the Daughters of Charity. St. Vincent's feast day is September 27. He died on that day in Paris in 1660, and was canonized by Pope Clement XII in 1737.

In the Letter, written in French and dated September 8, the Holy Father writes that St. Vincent's "greatest concern, which is still very real, was proclaiming the Good News to the most defenseless, materially and spiritually. For him, it was evident that evangelization is a responsibility that concerns all baptized persons, the entire Church. It was with lay men and women that he undertook his first great works. But he soon saw that the benefits of mission would not last unless kept alive by the flame of zealous and educated priests."

"Awareness of the difficult situation being lived in France at the time by many priests, especially in the country, led (St. Vincent) to take an active role in the reform of the clergy which developed following the Council of Trent (1545-1563)."

"Vincent de Paul," the Pope went on, "invites us to give renewed consideration to mission in today's world. Through generous collaboration and constant mutual support, in respect of their own vocation, may priests and laity go forth ever audaciously to encounter the men and women of our time to proclaim the Gospel to them! May Christians be living communities, open to everyone, especially to the most defenseless and to those who are the most marginalized."

John Paul II encouraged the diocese of Perigueux "in its project of resolutely undertaking ... a spiritual and pastoral research with the goal of awakening, developing and supporting priestly vocations."



VATICAN CITY, SEP 19, 2000 (VIS) - On July 8, 2000, it was made public that Cardinal John Baptist Wu Cheng-chung, bishop of Hong Kong, had been appointed as the Holy Father's special envoy to the closing celebrations of the National Missionary Congress of the Philippines, due to take place in Cebu from September 27 to October 1.

Made public today was the Pope's letter to the cardinal, written in Latin and dated August 18. The cardinal will be accompanied by Msgrs. Oscar Villamor and Cayetano Gelbolingo, both apostolic pro-notaries of the clergy of the archdiocese of Cebu.


Monday, September 18, 2000


VATICAN CITY, SEP 16, 2000 (VIS) - Today in the Vatican, there was an exchange of instruments of ratification on three Accords between the Holy See and Lithuania which were signed on May 5, 2000 in Vilnius, and which regard juridical questions, collaboration in educational and cultural matters and religious assistance to Catholics in the army.

Cardinal Secretary of State Angelo Sodano signed for the Holy See, and Algirdas Saudargas, Lithuanian foreign affairs minister, signed for his country. Present at the ceremony were representatives of the Holy See, the government of Lithuania and the Episcopal Conference of Lithuania.

...;ACCORDS; LITHUANIA;...;SODANO;VIS;20000918;Word: 100;


VATICAN CITY, SEP 16, 2000 (VIS) - This morning in St. Peter's Square, John Paul II received in audience various groups of pilgrims who have come to Rome for the Jubilee.

The Pope indicated that the Jubilee "stands out as a year of grace and mercy for all believers, who are called to express their recognition and praise to God for His gifts. It is also a propitious time to practice the Sacraments with greater awareness. ... The Eucharist in particular holds within itself the greatest of the mysteries of redemption."

"By celebration of the Eucharist, may your diocesan communities draw the interior conviction and the spiritual strength to grow in charity and to open to other Churches that are poorer and more in need of support in the field of evangelization and missionary cooperation."

The Holy Father addressed a special greeting to members of the Paul VI Institute of Brescia, Italy, and to the 'Studium' publishing house of Rome, thanking them for the gift of the recent publication on Pope Paul VI.

Continuing in English, the Pope addressed participants in the Second International Congress of the Central European Vascular Forum, "gathered in Rome to discuss different vascular pathologies and new techniques to treat them. May these deliberations serve to strengthen the international resolve to put medical knowledge and expertise at the service of all people without distinction, and to use advances in medical science to safeguard and defend human life at every stage of its existence."

John Paul II concluded by speaking in Ukrainian to greet a group of Basilian Fathers, Sisters Handmaidens of Mary Immaculate and lay people of the Greek-Catholic Ukrainian Church who have come to Rome from the archdiocese of Lviv.

AC;JUBILEE PILGRIMAGES;...;...;VIS;20000918;Word: 290;


VATICAN CITY, SEP 17, 2000 (VIS) - Following Mass for the Jubilee of the Elderly, and prior to reciting the angelus today, Pope John Paul greeted those present in St. Peter's Square in seven languages. He said: "Before I impart the final blessing, I would like once again to greet each of you and, with you, give thanks to God who allowed us to reach the year 2000 and to celebrate the Great Jubilee."

He expressed "appreciation to all those who so generously accompanied and assisted you during your Jubilee. And how can I fail to underline the contribution of thousands of choir singers who, with their songs, made this celebration so beautiful and solemn? Your harmonious voices, rising from this square towards heaven, have given our prayers a singular intensity which surely has been echoed in God's Heart. Truly 'who sings, prays twice'!"

The Holy Father observed that "the serene presence of older people is a blessing for every family and community. You are the ones who have struggled long and hard to pass on a better world to the young. May you experience the loving respect and care of those close to you! God bless you always!"

ANG;JUBILEE ELDERLY;...;...;VIS;20000918;Word: 200;


VATICAN CITY, SEP 17, 2000 (VIS) - In St. Peter's Square at 10 a.m. today, the Pope presided at a Eucharistic celebration for the occasion of the Jubilee of the Elderly. He told the 40,000 elderly people present - including himself in the count - that "the Church and civil society need us."

"In such a world as the present," he said in his homily, "where strength and power are frequently mythicized, your mission is to bear witness to the values that are truly important, over and above appearances; those values that abide forever because they are written on the heart of all human beings and guaranteed by the Word of God."

John Paul II indicated that, as older people, they had "a specific contribution to offer towards the development of a true 'culture of life,' bearing witness that each moment of existence is a gift from God and each season of human life has its particular riches that must be made available to all."

"The Church regards you with great respect and trust. The Church needs you! What is more, society also needs you! Know how to use with generosity the time you have available and the gifts that God has given you, opening yourselves to the help and support of others. Contribute to announcing the Gospel as catechesists, animators of the liturgy and witnesses of Christian life. Dedicate time and energy to prayer and to reading and reflecting upon God's Word."

The Pope especially recalled all those elderly people who are "alone and sick, who have been unable to move from home but who are spiritually united to us and follow this celebration by radio and television. I assure those in precarious situations or in particular difficulties that I remain close to them and recall them in my prayers."

AC;JUBILEE ELDERLY;...;...;VIS;20000918;Word: 320;


VATICAN CITY, SEP 16, 2000 (VIS) - The Holy Father:

- Appointed Msgr. Ovidio Poletti, vicar general of the diocese of Vittorio Veneto, Italy, as bishop of Concordia-Pordenone (area 2,675 population 339,322, Catholics 337,204, priests 344, permanent deacons 15, religious 380), Italy. The bishop-elect was born in Caneva, Italy, in 1935 and ordained a priest in 1958. He succeeds Bishop Sennen Corra, whose resignation from the pastoral care of the same diocese the Holy Father accepted, upon having reached the age limit.

- Accepted the resignation from the offices of prefect of the Congregation for Bishops and president of the Pontifical Commission for Latin America presented by Cardinal Lucas Moreira Neves O.P. for reasons of age and health.

- Appointed Archbishop Giovanni Battista Re, substitute for General Affairs, as prefect of the Congregation for Bishops and president of the Pontifical Commission for Latin America.

- Appointed Archbishop Leonardo Sandri, apostolic nuncio in Mexico, as substitute for General Affairs.

NER; RE; NA;...;...;
Subject: ;VIS;20000918;Word: 150;


VATICAN CITY, SEP 18, 2000 (VIS) - At midday today in the Paul VI Hall, the Pope received 650 participants in a jubilee pilgrimage from the archdiocese of Cologne, Germany, led by their archbishop, Cardinal Joachim Meisner.

After recalling that this morning they had passed through the Holy Door of the Vatican Basilica, John Paul II said: "Today, people open so many doors. Among the many open doors, it is the young who find it difficult which door to chose, (the one that) gives truth and meaning to life. For some, it is not easy to reject apparent enjoyment and accustom themselves to deep and silent interior joy. Thus, the Door of Life makes many demands. Who wishes to pass through it ... must leave behind superfluous and secondary things so that their place can be taken by Christ."

"May the Holy Spirit," he concluded, "grant you imagination, strength and courage to choose the right path that leads to the Door."

AC;...;...;COLOGNE; MEISNER;VIS;20000918;Word: 170;


VATICAN CITY, SEP 18, 2000 (VIS) - This morning the Holy Father received in audience members of the Mixed Commission for Dialogue between Catholics and the World Alliance of Reformed Churches.

The Pope recalled that they were now in the third phase of the international dialogue between the World Alliance and the Catholic Church, a phase dedicated to the theme: "The Church and the Kingdom of God."

Referring to the importance of theological dialogue in the ecumenical movement, John Paul II indicated that "in this dialogue we clarify our respective positions and explore the reasons for our differences. Our dialogue then becomes an examination of conscience, a call to conversion, in which both sides examine before God their responsibility to do all that they can to put behind them the conflicts of the past. At that point, the Spirit fills us with a yearning to confess together that 'there is one body and one Spirit, ... one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of us all, who is above all and through all and in all.' And we feel this as a duty, as something that must be done so that 'the world may believe.' For this reason the commitment of the Catholic Church to ecumenical dialogue is irrevocable."



VATICAN CITY, SEP 18, 2000 (VIS) - The Holy Father today welcomed Yosef Neville Lamdan, Israel's new ambassador to the Holy See. In accepting his Letters of Credence, the Pope remarked on "the vivid experience" of his Jubilee year pilgrimage to the Holy Land, calling it "an extraordinary grace of God."

Highlighting the spiritual patrimony common to Christians and Jews, he said: "A fresh mutual and sincere attempt must be made at every level to help Christians and Jews to know, respect and esteem more fully each other's beliefs and traditions, This is the surest way to overcome the prejudices of the past and to raise a barrier against the forms of anti-Semitism, racism and xenophobia which are re-appearing in some places today. Today, as always, it is not genuine religious faith and practice which give rise to the tragedy of discrimination and persecution, but a loss of faith and the rise of a selfish and materialistic outlook bereft of true values, a culture of emptiness."

Then, remarking on "the elusive character of a definitive peace in the Middle East," the Pope stated that "the continuation of dialogue and negotiation is itself a significant development." He pointed out that "sometimes the obstacles to peace appear so great and so many that to face them seems humanly impossible. But what seemed unthinkable even a few short years ago now a reality or at least a matter of open discussion, and this must convince all concerned that a solution is possible."
John Paul II turned specifically to "the delicate question of Jerusalem," and told the ambassador that "what is of special concern to the Holy See is that the unique religious character of the Holy City be preserved by a special, internationally guaranteed statute.

"The history and present reality of interreligious relations in the Holy Land is such that no just and everlasting peace is foreseeable without some form of support from the international community," in order to "conserve the cultural and religious patrimony of the Holy City, a patrimony which belongs to Jews. Christians and Muslims."

"What is at stake," concluded the Pope, "is not just the preservation of and free access to the holy places of the three religions, but also the free exercise of the religious and civil rights pertaining to the members, places and activities of the various communities. The end result must be ... a Jerusalem that will truly be a City of Peace for all peoples."



VATICAN CITY, SEP 18, 2000 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received in audience Cardinal Joachim Meisner, archbishop of Cologne, Federal Republic of Germany.

On Saturday September 16, he received in separate audiences:

- Algirdas Saudargas, foreign minister of Lithuania, accompanied by an entourage.
- Cardinal Lucas Moreira Neves O.P., prefect of the Congregation for Bishops.

AP;...;...;...;VIS;20000918;Word: 50;

Friday, September 15, 2000


VATICAN CITY, SEP 15, 2000 (VIS) - Apostolic nuncios and pontifical representatives, on the occasion of their Jubilee celebration, were welcomed this morning by Pope John Paul II in the Clementine Hall, following Mass presided over by Cardinal Secretary of State Angelo Sodano in St. Peter's Basilica.

"Peace to you!" the Pope greeted the representatives, saying that, in their special and often delicate tasks, they must be "'men in peace' and 'men of peace'."

"I have special words of affection," he said, "for those among you who are the oldest, either in age or in years of service, and who have generously faced the 'pondus diei e aestus' (the weight of the days and the years) in places that are often difficult for the socio-political situation or for the climate."

The Holy Father then recalled that the nuncios are "representatives of the Pope to national governments or to supranational institutions, but in the first place are witnesses of his ministry of unity to the local Churches." You are also, he added, "in service to full unity of all Christians."

In highlighting the "many illustrious" personalities who have been in the Holy See's diplomatic service, the Pope stressed the work done by and the personality of Blessed John XXIII, whose motto, he said, was "obedience and peace. Using this to inspire one's own interior disposition undoubtedly constitutes a valid antidote to despondency or sadness which can assail one when an initiative prepared at great length does not have the desired results, or when a step taken with the most noble of aims is misunderstood, or even when the least pleasing human elements emerge in life's situations or in the very organization of your work."

"Blessed John XXIII's spiritual secret," added John Paul II, "was in his capacity to transform, through the inner strength of prayer, every situation into good: his days, his worries, the joys and sorrows, the passing of years."

He added that he knew the difficulties of living and working together in small communities in a nunciature: "Collaborating can sometimes be difficult, because of differences in age, nationality, formation or mentality."

John Paul II underlined that those who are nuncios to the Church in the country in which they live perform" a service of communion .... but must also be an authentic pastoral presence. The nuncio - never forget it - is also a pastor."

He addressed "the sacrifices faced (by representatives) in different climates, languages, mentality, culture, conditions of life, During my apostolic trips I have been able to know you better, visiting you where you work." He recalled telling one of the nuncios, upon departing the country after an apostolic visit: 'Today is liberation day for you'. By that, I meant to let you know that I understand what the preparation and undertaking of a papal trip means for a nuncio."

Pope John Paul expressed his "great consideration" for their commitment "as well as for all the work of mediation which you undertake with respect to the political and social situations of the countries where you work or in the relationship with international organisms. ... In your work, you can count on the prestige of a centuries-old diplomacy."

Among those present this morning was Archbishop Justo Mullor Garcia, president of the Pontifical Ecclesiastical Academy where future Holy See diplomats are trained.

Former academy president Archbishop Giorgio Zur, whom VIS yesterday reported as the president, is currently the Holy See representative to the Russian Federation.

AC;JUBILEE NUNCIOS;...;...;VIS;20000915;Word: 570;


VATICAN CITY, SEP 15, 2000 (VIS) - At 10 a.m. on Sunday, September 17, the Pope will preside at a Eucharistic celebration in St. Peter's Square for the occasion of the Jubilee of the Elderly.

Starting at 9 a.m., there will be a period of spiritual preparation involving meditation on John Paul II's Letter to the Elderly of October 1, 1999. An elderly couple will recount how it is possible to grow old together in love, a group of children will read the letters they have written to their grandparents and a Romanian woman will relate how older people were able to transmit the faith under difficult conditions.

Among the participants will be groups organized by various Italian dioceses as well as members of Italian Catholic Action (ACI), of the Community of St. Egidio and of other movements and communities.

At 3:30 p.m. in the Paul VI Hall, a meeting organized by ACI will take place in which there will be testimonies, reflection and songs on the theme: "Announce joy, novelty and hope."

On Saturday September 16, 500 people - delegates of episcopal conferences, ecclesial movements, associations of faithful and religious congregations - will, at the invitation of the Pontifical Council for the Laity, participate in a debate on the theme: "The gift of a long life: responsibility and hope." Following an introduction by Cardinal James Stafford, president of the pontifical council, Cardinal Dionigi Tettamanzi, archbishop of Genoa, Italy, will speak on: "The Jubilee, theological and spiritual significance for the aged." During the course of the afternoon, a round-table discussion will consider the different ways in which it is possible to contribute to respecting the dignity of the elderly, helping them to carry out their mission in today's world.

...;JUBILEE ELDERLY;...;STAFFORD;VIS;20000915;Word: 290;


VATICAN CITY, SEP 15, 2000 (VIS) - The Holy Father this morning met with 60 religious and lay members of the Congregation of Jesus-Mary, founded by Saint Claudine Thevenet, who are in Rome for a meeting and to celebrate the Jubilee Year 2000.

Addressing them in French, the Pope recalled the "the objective of your spiritual family is 'to better know Jesus Christ and to work in the Church to make God and His merciful goodness known'."

"I greatly encourage you," he said, "to renew with generosity the gift of yourselves to Christ in welcoming the gift that He gives you of Himself and in remaining in intimate union with Him. In your lives as disciples of Christ, as in your apostolic commitments, keep alive within you an active ecclesial conscience. ... Be ever more efficacious signs of the presence of Christ the Savior among His brothers, mankind, especially the least of these! May no one among them feel excluded from the love which the Father proposes to all His children!"

"Following Saint Claudine Thevenet," the Holy Father concluded, "be for everyone, and especially children and young people, ardent witnesses of pardon and mercy."

AC;FAMILY JESUS-MARY;...;...;VIS;20000915;Word: 200;


VATICAN CITY, SEP 15, 2000 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received in audience Archbishop Antonio Mennini, apostolic nuncio in Bulgaria, accompanied by members of his family.

Yesterday, September 14, he received Cardinal James Francis Stafford, president of the Pontifical Council for the Laity, with his collaborators in the council.

AP;...;...;... ;VIS;20000915;Word: 50;

Thursday, September 14, 2000


VATICAN CITY, SEP 14, 2000 (VIS) - The Jubilee of Pontifical Representatives starts late this afternoon in the basilica of the Holy Cross in Jerusalem where Cardinal Secretary of State Angelo Sodano will preside at second vespers. Today is the feast of the Exaltation of the Cross. The Jubilee of apostolic nuncios will culminate tomorrow morning with Mass for the papal ambassadors in St. Peter's Basilica, over which Cardinal Sodano will preside, followed by an audience with Pope John Paul II.

The world's oldest diplomatic service is that of the Holy See, and it origins can be traced to the very first centuries of the Catholic Church when papal legates, "legati a latere," were sent by the Popes to represent them at important councils or for other matters. In fact, a legate was present at the Council of Nicea in 325.

Though the mission of the early papal representatives was primarily spiritual in nature, changes began to occur between the fifth and eighth centuries when Popes sent temporary emissaries to special civil ceremonies as well as to religious events.

In the mid-15th century, permanent papal representation began to appear and by the 16th century, history records the establishment of apostolic nunciatures in different countries, with an exchange of representatives between those countries and the Holy See. The very first apostolic nunciature was established in Venice in 1500.

As affirmed in the Vienna Diplomatic Convention of April 18, 1961, the Holy See's ambassadors, or apostolic nuncios, are considered the deans of the diplomatic corps of the country to which they are accredited. Where such a precedence "de iure" does not exist, the Holy See nonetheless sets up a nunciature, which is headed by a nuncio with the rank of ambassador.

The Holy See exercises both the "active" right of sending emissaries to other nations and the "passive" right of receiving their emissaries. Today the Holy See exchanges representatives with 184 nations. This includes Missions of a special nature such as the Russian Federation, the Office of the Organization for the Liberation of Palestine and the Sovereign MIlitary Order of Malta, and relations established this year with Bahrain and Djibouti.

On June 24, 1969, Pope Paul VI, who during Vatican Council II had expressed the wish that the functions of papal legates be more clearly defined, issued the Motu Proprio "Sollicitudo omnium Ecclesiarum" (The Care of All the Churches), which dealt with precisely such issues.

This Motu Proprio categorized the papal representatives as follows: apostolic nuncio, an archbishop with the rank of ambassador who represents the Holy Father to the local Catholic Church and to the State or government; apostolic pro-nuncio, same functions and rank as a nuncio, though not dean of the diplomatic corps; apostolic delegate, an archbishop representing the Pope only to the local Church because the particular country and the Holy See do not have diplomatic relations; charge d'affaires, who heads the nunciature in the absence of a nuncio or apostolic delegate. A fifth category, inter-nuncio, disappeared with the new Code of Canon Law. Only the title "nuncio" is now used in nominations: the prefix "pro" has been dropped.
In addition to the above-named categories of legates, canon law states: "Those also represent the Apostolic See who are appointed to Pontifical Missions as Delegates or Observers at international councils or at conferences and meetings."

Canons 362 through 367 of the 1983 Code of Canon Law concern papal legates. The first reads: "The Roman Pontiff has the innate and independent right to nominate, send, transfer and recall his own legates to particular Churches in various countries and regions, to States and to public authorities; the norms of international law are to be observed concerning the sending and recalling of legates appointed to States."

Canon 364 defines the duties of a legate: "to send information to the Apostolic See on the conditions of the particular churches ...; to assist the bishops by action and counsel, while leaving intact the exercise of the bishops' legitimate power; to foster close relationships with the conference of bishops ... ; to transmit or propose the names of candidates to the Apostolic See in reference too the naming of bishops ..."

Also among those functions: "to strive for the promotion of matters which concern peace, progress and the cooperative efforts of peoples; to cooperate with the bishops to protect what pertains to the mission of the Church and the Apostolic See in relations with the leaders of the state; to exercise the faculties and fulfill the other mandates committed to him by the Apostolic See."

"The function of pontifical legate," affirms Canon 367, "does not cease when the Apostolic See becomes vacant unless the contrary is determined in the pontifical letters; it does cease, however, when his mandate has been filled, when he has been informed of his recall, or when his resignation has been accepted by the Roman Pontiff."

The Holy See is represented at international governmental organizations including, among others, the United Nations, headquartered in New York, U.S.A.; U.N. Offices and Specialized Institutions in Geneva, Switzerland and in Vienna, Austria; International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Vienna, Austria; Organization for Cooperation and Security in Europe (OCSE), Vienna; Council of Europe, Strasbourg, France; Organization of American States (OAS), Washington, D.C., U.S.A.; Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) in Rome, Italy; United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Paris, France and the World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva. A lay person represents the Holy See as delegate to the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law.

It has permanent representation to 10 international NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations).

Future Holy See diplomats receive training at the Pontifical Ecclesiastical Academy, founded by Pope Clement XI in 1701. Pius XI, on September 8, 1937, established the cardinal secretary of state as the academy's protector "pro tempore." The current president is Archbishop Justo Mullor Garcia.

Candidates to the academy must first have received an academic degree, as well as one in canon law. Their studies, which include languages, last between three and four years. On average there are 35 students from at least 20 countries at the academy.

...;JUBILEE NUNCIO;...;...;VIS;20000914;Word: 1000;


VATICAN CITY, SEP 14, 2000 (VIS) - The Holy Father today welcomed 350 participants in the Jubilee Year pilgrimage of Armenian Catholics, in particular His Beatitude Nerses Bedros XIX, patriarch of Cilicia of Catholic Armenians, and the bishops accompanying him.

Later today, feast of the Exaltation of the Cross, Armenian Catholics will continue their Jubilee celebrations with vespers in the Armenian rite in Rome's basilica of the Holy Cross in Jerusalem. Following this they will process to the nearby basilica of St. John Lateran where vespers will be celebrated in the Antasdan rite, which includes blessing the four corners of the earth with the Cross.

In his speech to them in French, the Pope referred to the celebrations of the 17th centenary of the baptism of the Armenian people, and added: "This Jubilee of the Universal Church opens your Jubilee, in an admirable continuity of spirit and theological content: from the Cross, from the side of Christ sprang forth the water of your baptism."

"The Armenian people," he pointed out, "know the Cross well: they have carried it engraved in their hearts. It is the symbol of their identity, of the tragedies of their history and of the glory of their renewal after each adverse event. ... Entire generations of Armenians have not hesitated to offer their lives in order not to deny their faith which, as one of your historians said, belongs to them like color does to skin."

The Pope then made reference to their liturgical celebration this evening when, "with the Cross, you will bless the four corners of the earth, to remind us that this poor instrument of torment has become judgment on the world, a cosmic symbol of the blessing of God."

John Paul II told the pilgrims that he prays for their communities in Armenia, "where new and serious poverty tries your brothers and sisters, tempting them to a new exodus in order to go and seek other means of living and of assuring security for their families. Your people ask for bread and for justice, they ask politics .... to be an honest and disinterested service to the common good."

In closing, the Holy Father said that he "wishes to carry today with you the Cross of those who suffer." Promising prayers for them, he added: "In addition to Catholics, my thoughts and my greetings go to the children of the apostolic Armenian Church."

AC;JUBILEE ARMENIAN CATHOLICS;...;...;VIS;20000914;Word: 400;


VATICAN CITY, SEP 14, 2000 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received in separate audiences:

- Andrej Bajuk, prime minister of the Republic of Slovenia, accompanied by his wife and an entourage.
- Cesar Ivan Feris Iglesias, ambassador of the Dominican Republic, accompanied by his wife, on a farewell visit.

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VATICAN CITY, SEP 14, 2000 (VIS) - Today in Rocca di Papa, Italy - according to a communique from the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity - the annual meeting will begin of the Mixed International Dialogue Commission with representatives of the World Alliance of Reformed Churches.

The theme being considered by the commission during the present phase of dialogue concerns the notion of the Kingdom of God. The commission has ten members and six consultors appointed by the Pontifical Council and by the World Alliance. On the Catholic side, the commission is presided by Bishop Anthony J. Farquhar, auxiliary of Down and Connor, Ireland, while for the Alliance, the president is Dr. Russel Botman of South Africa.

CON-UC;MIXED DIALOGUE COMMISSION;...;...;VIS;20000914;Word: 130;

Wednesday, September 13, 2000


VATICAN CITY, SEP 13, 2000 (VIS) - The theme of the Pope's catechesis during the general audience, which was held this morning in St. Peter's Square in the presence of 35,000 pilgrims, was "The Christian, animated by the Spirit."

John Paul II recalled that the whole current of the Church "is pervaded by the presence and activity of the Spirit, donated 'without measure' to believers in Christ."

"The Holy Spirit," he said, "lies at the root of the experience of faith. ... The breath of the Spirit is present at the very source of Christian life - when we are born as new creatures - making us sons in the Son and causing us 'walk' along the paths of justice and salvation."

The Holy Father affirmed that "the whole Christian experience must, then, develop under the influence of the Spirit. ... The Spirit is near us at the moment of trial, becoming our defender and our support."

"The Spirit," he added, "lies at the root of Christian liberty, which is the removal of the yoke of sin. ... Moral life - as St. Paul reminds us - precisely because it is irradiatated by the Spirit, produces fruits of 'love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control'."

John Paul II indicated that "the Spirit animates the whole community of believers in Christ," ensuring "the unity of the Church as the work of the Holy Spirit" and confers "the various charisms, in other words the particular gifts offered to members of the Church."

AG;SPIRIT;...;...;VIS;20000913;Word: 260;


VATICAN CITY, SEP 13, 2000 (VIS) - At the end of today's general audience in St. Peter's Square, and just before reciting the Our Father with the pilgrims present, Pope John Paul made the following appeal for clemency for Derek Rocco Barnabei, who is on death row in a prison in Virginia, U.S.A.:

"In the spirit of clemency which is proper to the Jubilee Year, I once again join my voice to all those asking that young Derek Rocco Barnabei be spared his life. I also hope, in a more general way, that there no longer be recourse to capital punishment, given that States today have the means to efficaciously control crime, without definitively taking away an offender's possibility to redeem himself."



VATICAN CITY, SEP 13, 2000 (VIS) - Given below is the calendar of liturgical celebrations at which the Holy Father will preside from September to November 2000:

- Sunday 17: 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time. At 10 a.m. in St. Peter's Square, Mass for the Jubilee of the Elderly.

- Sunday 24: 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time. At 10 a.m. in St. Peter's Square, Mass for conclusion of the Marian-Mariological Congress.

- Thursday 28: At 11:30 a.m. at the main altar of the Vatican Basilica, Mass for deceased Popes, Paul VI and John Paul I.


- Sunday 1: 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time. At 10 a.m. in St. Peter's Square, Mass and canonization of Blesseds Agostino Tchao and 119 Companions, Chinese martyrs; Maria Josefa del Corazon de Jesus Sancho de Guerra; Katherine Drexel and Josephine Bakhita.

- Sunday 8: 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time. At 10 a.m. in St. Peter's Square, Mass and act of entrustment to the Blessed Virgin Mary for the Jubilee of Bishops.

- Sunday 15: 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time. At 10 a.m. in St. Peter's Square, Mass and celebration of matrimony for the Jubilee of Families.

- Friday 20: At 6 p.m. in the Vatican Basilica, Mass for the start of the academic year in the ecclesiastical universities.

- Sunday 22: 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time. At 10 a.m. in St. Peter's Square, Mass for World Mission Day.

- Sunday 29: 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time. At 10 a.m. in Rome's Olympic Stadium, Mass for the Jubilee of Athletes.


- Wednesday 1: Solemnity of All Saints. At 10 a.m. in St. Peter's Square, Mass for the 50th anniversary of the dogmatic definition of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. At 6 p.m. in the Vatican Grotto, moment of prayer for deceased Popes.

- Sunday 5: 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time. At 9:30 a.m. in the Vatican Basilica, Mass for the Jubilee of Government Leaders and Parliamentarians.

- Sunday 12: 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time. At 10 a.m. in St. Peter's Square, Mass for the Jubilee of the Agricultural World.

- Tuesday 14: At 11:30 a.m. in the Vatican Basilica, Mass for deceased cardinals and bishops.

- Sunday 19: 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time. At 10 a.m. in St. Peter's Square, Mass for the Jubilee of the Armed Forces and Police.
- Sunday 26: Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe. 34th Sunday in Ordinary Time. At 9:30 a.m. Mass in the Vatican Basilica for the World Congress of the Apostolate of the Laity.

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VATICAN CITY, SEP 13, 2000 (VIS) - Cardinal Roger Etchegaray, president of the Vatican's central committee for the Jubilee Year, has left for Beijing, China, to participate in an Italo-Chinese symposium on "Religions and Peace" from September 14 to 16 at the Institute of World Religions, a section of the Academy of Social Sciences of Beijing.

The symposium was organized by the Tian Xia Yi Jia ("under the very heavens only one family") cultural association, whose president is Prof. Giovagnoli of Milan's Sacred Heart University. The vice president is Fr. Lazzarotto, PIME.

Prior to his departure Cardinal Etchegaray granted an interview to Vatican Radio. Following are excerpts from that interview:

VATICAN RADIO: "You are already known in continental China...

ETCHEGARAY: "Yes, I made two previous trips, one in 1980 and again in 1993. The first one - I was still in Marseille (France) at the time - was important for its length - three weeks - and for the quality of contacts with highly placed Chinese. I was the first cardinal to visit Communist China, and I was able to see in person the serious difficulties that China was going through, but also the intrepid faith of the Catholics.

VATICAN RADIO: "But this time the religious situation seems even more complex...

ETCHEGARAY: "No one can deny the diverse positive aspects which indicate how the Catholic community is growing under the action of the Holy Spirit. However, it is true that some news stories which reach us are serious and not reassuring. In any case, one can never block the movement of history and Christians know that well just by looking at the Church's twenty centuries of history. The Gospel teaches us to always look forward, 'with our glance fixed on the Christ' of yesterday, today and tomorrow."

VATICAN RADIO: "... What are you thinking of doing in China to help Catholics?

ETCHEGARAY: "I don't know in advance: Starting with my first trip, twenty years ago, I pray every night for the Chinese people and for the Church in China. I would like to be able to give some little sign of hope. I am fully aware that my words, my gestures, though limited, risk being misunderstood, badly used. Eventual contacts will not be able to be interpreted as a recognition of existing ecclesiastical structures. My own desire is simply to be able to witness to everyone a sincere and determined will to dialogue without hiding any truths of the Church which Christ founded. I place myself totally in God's hands and also in the trust and fraternal prayer of all Catholics in China."

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