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Monday, January 31, 2000


VATICAN CITY, JAN 29, 2000 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received in separate audiences:

- Cardinal Jozef Tomko, prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples.
- Cardinal Lucas Moreira Neves O.P., prefect of the Congregation for Bishops.
- Cardinal Alfonso Lopez Trujillo, president of the Pontifical Council for the Family, accompanied by Francisco Gil Hellin and Msgr. Francesco Di Felice, respectively secretary and under-secretary of the same pontifical council.
- Participants in a meeting promoted by the "Donum Dei" missionary family.

AP;...;...;...;VIS;20000131;Word: 80;


VATICAN CITY, JAN 29, 2000 (VIS) - In New York on January 26, Bishop Diarmuid Martin, secretary of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, spoke at a panel discussion of ECOSOC (Economic and Social Council of the United Nations) on the Contribution of the U.N. System to Combating Poverty.

Bishop Martin highlighted that "we cannot repeat often enough that the persistence of such widespread extreme poverty is a scandal."

In talking of the fight against poverty, the bishop affirmed that "every sector of modern society is called to assume its appropriate responsibility: humanitarian organizations and religious groups but also business and the private sector; governments and international organizations, but also civil society ... and those living in poverty themselves, whose voice can so easily be ignored."
Bishop Martin went on to refer to the phenomenon of corruption, saying: "International instruments to identify and punish corruption must be put in place."

In closing, he stated that armed conflict and military expenditure represented an area in which progress could still be made: "The statistics are bluntly clear. Conflict produces poverty, peace opens the path to prosperity. There can be no agenda for development which does not address an agenda for peace. The question of the proliferation of small arms must be placed more clearly on the international development agenda and not limited just to a minor disarmament slot."

...;POVERTY;...;NEW YORK; MARTIN;VIS;20000131;Word: 230;


VATICAN CITY, JAN 29, 2000 (VIS) - This morning the Pope received members of the Congregation of the Servants of Charity who are participating in their general chapter, the theme of which is: "Charismatic identity and prophetic witness of the Servants of Charity in the Church and in the world of the third Christian millennium."

"Witness of charity is the great prophecy of modern times," said John Paul II. During the Jubilee year "a refuge of charity must be set up and extended through the whole Church to welcome the multitudes of poor people present in modern society. This is the primary challenge that faces the religious family of Blessed Luigi Guanella," the founder of the congregation.

In order to respond to the requirements of the poor, there is need for "a prophetic announcement that extends its reach to the very structures of society which lie at the roots of so much injustice and oppression against the weaker classes. This represents a second and more difficult challenge for those who have chosen to follow Christ, the good Samaritan."

The Holy Father indicated that the participation of nuns and lay people in the general chapter, "is more than ever significant. It will help you to deepen unity and consolidate collaboration between Don Guanella's spiritual children, in order to strengthen their witness of charity for a juster and more fraternal world."

The Pope concluded by encouraging the followers of Don Guanella, "in the face of a world frequently marked by tensions and individualism, to be ever more a visible sign of dialogue and fraternal communion, as well as credible witnesses of reconciliation and peace."

AC;POOR;...;DON GUANELLA;VIS;20000131;Word: 290;


VATICAN CITY, JAN 31, 2000 (VIS) - This morning, in the presence of civil and ecclesiastical authorities, the diplomatic corps accredited to the Holy See, and representatives of the company who built the new Vatican underground parking lot, Pope John Paul visited and inaugurated the site for tourist busses and cars which was built on Janiculum Hill for the Jubilee Year.

At 11:30 a.m. he arrived by car at level "0" and took an elevator to the fifth floor, where he addressed those present. He thanked the companies who undertook building the parking lot on property owned by the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, whose prefect, Cardinal Jozef Tomko, also spoke to those assembled.

The Pope pointed out that the aim of the parking lot "is to facilitate the pilgrims' access to the Vatican, especially during this Jubilee year, but also to ease traffic circulation in a key point of the city. ... I therefore wish to express great pleasure for a work which offers notable urban advantages without damaging Janiculum Hill's well-known panorama, and I willingly join all of you in thanking the Lord for this."

AC;INAUGURATION PARKING LOT;...;...;VIS;20000131;Word: 200;


VATICAN CITY, JAN 30, 2000 (VIS) - In reflections preceding today's angelus prayer, the Pope pointed out that "Wednesday, February 2, feast of the Presentation of Jesus in the temple, we will celebrate the Jubilee for Consecrated Life, that is, of those persons who have consecrated their lives to Christ, committing themselves to it through vows of poverty, chastity and obedience."

Greeting those who have come to Rome for this Jubilee, as well as those who will celebrate in their respective dioceses, the Holy Father recalled the highlights of this event: today is dedicated to thanksgiving for the consecrated life, tomorrow afternoon the Paul VI Hall will host a "festive encounter" of consecrated persons, February 1 there will be Eucharistic adoration at St. Mary Major and on Wednesday, February 2, the Pope will preside at a Mass in St. Peter's Square.

He invited the faithful "to spiritually join their brothers and sisters who express the different forms of consecrated life, because their vocation is a gift to the entire Church. ... By their very presence, consecrated persons are a sign of Christ and His way of life and, while they invite us to place nothing in front of God and His Kingdom, they are an example for everyone of generosity in prayer and dedication to one's neighbor."
After praying the angelus with the pilgrims gathered in St. Peter's Square, John Paul II remarked that "today is the World Day of Lepers, persons for whom the Church, following Christ's example, has always dedicated special attention. I embrace all our brothers and sisters who suffer Hansen's disease and renew my wish that, in this Jubilee year, they will feel the healing strength of solidarity."

ANG;CONSECRATED LIFE; LEPROSY;...;...;VIS;20000131;Word: 280;


VATICAN CITY, JAN 31, 2000 (VIS) - The Holy Father appointed Fr. Luciano Frigerio, head accountant of the administrative body of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, as bureau chief in the same congregation.

On Saturday, January 29, it was made public that he:

- Appointed Fr. Arturo de Jesus Correa Toro, of the clergy of the diocese of Jerico, Colombia, and pastor of the parish of the Immaculate Conception in Ciudad Bolivar, Venezuela, as bishop of Ipiales (area 11,000, population 360,000, Catholics 342,000, priests 61, religious 136), Colombia. The bishop-elect was born in Ituango, Colombia, in 1941 and ordained a priest in 1967.

- Erected the apostolic vicariate of Puerto Gaitan (area 47,000, population 42,000, priests 9, religious 10), Colombia, with territory taken from the apostolic prefecture of Vichada. He appointed Fr. Jose Alberto Rozo Gutierrez S.M.M., pro-prefect of Vichada, as bishop of the new apostolic vicariate. The bishop-elect was born in Caqueza, Colombia, in 1937 and ordained a priest in 1962.

- Erected the apostolic vicariate of Puerto Carreno (area 57,000, population 33,000, priests 7, religious 7), Colombia, with territory taken from the apostolic prefecture of Vichada. He appointed Fr. Alvaro Efren Rincon Rojas C.SS.R., vicar delegate and chancellor of the apostolic vicariate of Sibundoy, Colombia, as bishop of the new apostolic vicariate. The bishop-elect was born in Calvario, Colombia, in 1933 and ordained a priest in 1962.

- Appointed Archbishop Giorgio Zur, president of the Pontifical Ecclesiastical Academy, as Holy See representative to the Russian Federation.

- Appointed Frs. Guillermo Rodrigo Teodoro Ortiz Mondragon, Jose Luis Fletes Santana and Felipe Tejada Garcia M.Sp.S., respectively rector of the major conciliar seminary and episcopal vicars of Mexico (area 1,479, population 21,816,000, Catholics 19,678,000, priests 1,690, permanent deacons 51, religious 6,906), Mexico, as auxiliary bishops of the same archdiocese. Bishop-elect Ortiz Mondragon was born in Toluca, Mexico, in 1947 and ordained a priest in 1976. Bishop-elect Fletes Santana was born at Rancho Viejo de los Fletes, Mexico, in 1947 and ordained a priest in 1975. Bishop-elect Tejada Garcia was born in Guadalajara, Mexico, in 1935 and ordained a priest in 1966.

NA; NER; ECE; NN; NEA;...;...;...;VIS;20000131;Word: 330;


VATICAN CITY, JAN 31, 2000 (VIS) - Made public today was a message from the Holy Father to Bishop Heinrich Mussinghoff of Aachen, Germany, for the occasion of the 1200th anniversary of that city's cathedral, constructed by the emperor Charlemagne in the year 800.

In the message, dated January 25, the Pope writes that in building the cathedral, Charlemagne "was already aware of the need for strong links with Peter's Successor."

John Paul II recalls that the cathedral houses four relics of cloth that Jerusalem donated to the emperor and that "palpably and with profound reverence, recall significant events in the history of salvation." The most precious relic is the "cloth that bound Jesus' side."

Another of the relics kept in the cathedral, said the Pope, "recalls the attire that clothed the Mother of God on Holy Night. Just as Mary carried the Son in her womb, so the Church, His image, carries Christ in the attire of the pilgrim over the centuries."
The Holy Father concludes by expressing his hope that the 12th centenary of Aachen cathedral "may remind all Christians that they are living stones in the house of God."


Friday, January 28, 2000


VATICAN CITY, JAN 28, 2000 (VIS) - Following are highlights of the activities of Pope John Paul II and the Holy See for the months of August through December 1999. Highlights of the first seven months were presented by VIS on July 30, 1999.


- Friday, 6: Publication of Holy Father's Message for the Eighth World Day of the Sick to be held in Rome on February 11, 2000.
- Saturday and Sunday, 7, 8: Cardinal Angelo Sodano represents Pope John Paul at the closing celebrations of the European Youth Meeting, being held in Santiago de Compostela, Spain from August 4-8.


- Saturday, 4: One-day apostolic trip to Salerno, Italy: Pope John Paul's 136th such trip within Italy.
- Sunday, 5: Audience at Castelgandolfo with Yasser Arafat, president of the Palestinian National Authority.
- Wednesday, 8: Annual papal Message to director of UNESCO for today's World Day for Literacy.
- Monday, 13: Audiences to Bishop Carlos Filipe Ximenes Belo, apostolic administrator of Dili, East Timor, and Prime Minister Pakalitha Bethuel Mosisili of Lesotho.
- Tuesday, 14: Bishop Ximenes Belo of East Timor holds press briefing in the Vatican.
- Wednesday, 15: A meeting is held at Castelgandolfo between the Holy Father and several German bishops on matters relative to Catholic family consulting centers in Germany which provide counselling services and certificates to pregnant women in difficulty.
- Thursday, 16: Communique issued on German Catholic consulting centers. Pope receives President Guido de Marco of the Republic of Malta.
- Friday, 17: New "Enchiridion Indulgentiarum" is presented.
- Saturday, 18: Pope receives King Abdullah Bin Hussein of Jordan.
- Sunday, 19: One-day apostolic trip to Slovenia: the Pope's 88th foreign pastoral trip.
- Thursday, 30: Audience for Hugo Rafael Chavez Frias, president of Venezuela. Holy Father blesses newly restored facade of St. Peter's Basilica in an early evening ceremony, accompanied by fireworks, in St. Peter's Square.


- Friday, 1: A concelebrated Mass in St. Peter's Basilica opens the Second Special Assembly for Europe of the Synod of Bishops. During the Mass, Pope John Paul proclaims St. Edith Stein (Benedicta of the Cross), St. Bridget of Sweden and St. Catherine of Siena as co-patronesses of Europe.
- Saturday, 2: Archbishop Paul Cordes, president of the Pontifical Council "Cor Unum," visits Kosovo.
- Sunday, 3: Pope beatifies six Servants of God.
- Friday, 8: Presentation of book by Fr. Pierre Blet, S.J., "Pius XII and the Second World War in the Vatican Archives."
- Saturday, 9: Audience with Hubert Vedrine, foreign minister of France.
- Thursday, 14: Declaration by Holy See Press Office Director Joaquin Navarro-Valls on the building of a mosque in Nazareth near the basilica of the Annunciation.
- Friday, 15: Holy Father's annual Message for World Food Day, on the theme "Young People Against Hunger."
- Saturday, 16: John Paul II marks the 21st anniversary of his election as Pope. His pontificate is the 10th longest in history (St. Peter's is considered the longest).
- Tuesday, 19: Official visit by Italian President Carlo Azeglio Ciampi. Also, an announcement that a joint team of Catholic and Jewish scholars will be formed to review published volumes of Church archival material covering the World War II period.
- Friday, 22: Final message of European Synod of Bishops.
- Saturday, 23: Closing Mass for Second Special Assembly for Europe of the Synod of Bishops.
- Sunday, 24: Celebration of World Mission Day.
- Monday, 25: Audiences to Igor Sergheevich Ivanov, foreign affairs minister of the Russian Federation and Joao Soares, mayor of Lisbon, Portugal. Opening of Inter-Religious Assembly in the Vatican.
- Tuesday, 26: Publication of "The Letter of His Holiness John Paul II to the Elderly." Publication of letter from the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life and the Central Jubilee Committee to cloistered orders of religious.
- Thursday, 28: Pope receives Franjo Tudjman, president of Croatia, and Croatia's foreign affairs minister, Mate Granic.
- Friday, 29: Pope grants audience to President Rudolf Schuster of Slovakia, and Slovakia's foreign affairs minister, Eduard Kukan. Holy Father and world's religious leaders gather in St. Peter's Square at conclusion of Inter-religious assembly in the Vatican.
- Sunday, 31: Joint Declaration on the Doctrine Justification signed in Augsburg, Germany by Catholic Church and World Lutheran Federation.


- Thursday, 4: Cardinal Cassidy attends enthronement of new Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, Karekin II.
- Friday, 5: Pope leaves for five-day trip to India and Republic of Georgia on his 89th foreign pastoral visit. Also, the Latin, Greek-Orthodox and Armenian patriarchs of Jerusalem announce that Holy Land shrines will be closed November 22 and 23 to express disapproval of the building of a mosque near the basilica of the Annunciation in Nazareth.
- Saturday, 6: John Paul II signs Post-synodal Apostolic Exhortation "Ecclesia in Asia" in New Delhi.
- Tuesday, 9: Courtesy visit paid to President Eduard Shevardnadze of Georgia.
- Saturday, 13: Audience to King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia of Sweden.
- Monday, 15: Visit by President Abdelaziz Bouteflika of the Republic of Algeria.
- Friday, 19: Pope receives Fernando Henrique Cardoso, president of Brazil.
- Sunday, 21: Holy Father canonizes 12 Blesseds.
- Monday, 22: Audiences to Carlos Saul Menem, president of Argentina, and to Sheikh Hamad Bin Essa Al-Khalifa, emir of Bahrain.
- Tuesday, 23: Audiences to Martti Ahtisaari, president of Finland, and Jordan Sokolov, president of the Bulgarian parliament.
- Wednesday, 24: Announcement that Pope John Paul sent $100,000 to aid flood victims in Vietnam.
- Saturday, 27: Archbishop Jean-Louis Tauran, secretary for Relations with States, departs for Cuba to attend symposium on Apostolic Exhortation "Ecclesia in America."
- Monday, 29: Publication of Pope's Message for 37th World Day of Prayer for Vocations.


- Monday, 6: Publication of Pope's Message for 86th World Day of Migrants and Refugees.
- Friday, 10: Publication of papal Message to Catholics in China for the Jubilee Year.
- Saturday, 11: John Paul II inaugurates completely restored Sistine Chapel. Papal telegram for death of Croatian President Franjo Tudjman.
- Monday, 13: Publication of Holy Father's Message for the January 1, 2000 World Day of Peace, entitled "Peace on earth to those whom God loves!" Audiences to president of Eritrea, Isaias Afwerki and to His Beatitude Nerses Bedros XIX, patriarch of Cilicia of the Armenians.
- Friday, 17: Pope inaugurates new lighting (a total of 46,650 kilowatts) for the facade, atrium, dome, skylights, tambour and small domes of St. Peter's Basilica. Audience to Alwi Shihab, foreign minister of Indonesia.
- Saturday, 18: Audience to Vaclav Havel, president of the Czech Republic. - Monday, 20: Promulgation of decrees by Congregation for the Causes of Saints: includes Popes Pius IX and John XXIII among those who will be beatified.
- Friday, 24: Pope John Paul II opens Holy Door at St. Peter's Basilica, thus commencing the Jubilee Year 2000, following which he presides at the celebration of Christmas Midnight Mass.
- Saturday, 25: Christmas Day "Urbi et Orbi" Message and Blessing. Pope opens the Holy Door at the patriarchal basilica of St. John Lateran.
- Friday, 31: Vespers and traditional end-of-the-year "Te deum" of thanksgiving in St. Peter's Basilica. At midnight Pope appears at his window and wishes the crowd gathered in St. Peter's Square a Happy New Year, new millennium and Jubilee year. He imparts his "Urbi et Orbi" blessing.

...;HIGHLGHTS 1999;...;... ;VIS;20000128;Word: 1130;


VATICAN CITY, JAN 28, 2000 (VIS) - Today at 6 p.m., Cardinal Virgilio Noe, archpriest of the Vatican Basilica, will inaugurate a new space exclusively dedicated to confessions, as penance is a central part of the Jubilee Year. Two rows of confessionals have been installed inside the Charlemagne Wing, a monumental corridor linking the colonnade to the atrium of St. Peter's.

In the new space, the Sacrament of Penance will be administered in various languages, above all by priests of the Roman Curia who have requested to work alongside the penitentiaries of St. Peter's who regularly administer the sacrament at confessionals within the Basilica.

...;CONFESSIONALS;...;NOE;VIS;20000128;Word: 110;


VATICAN CITY, JAN 28, 2000 (VIS) - The participants in the plenary session of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith were welcomed this morning by the Holy Father, who dedicated his talk to one of the two themes of the plenary, "the oneness and saving universality of Christ and of the Church," affirming that the fullness of salvation is found in the Catholic Church.

The Pope stated that "the reaffirmation of the Magisterium's doctrine in this regard is proposed ... in order to refute errors and grave ambiguities which have taken shape and are being spread in diverse milieux."

"In recent years, in fact," he affirmed, "in certain theological and ecclesial milieux a mentality has emerged which tends to relativize the revelation of Christ as the one and universal mediation for salvation, as well as to redimension the Church's need for Christ as a universal sacrament of salvation. To remedy this relativistic mentality the definitive and complete nature of the revelation of Christ must be reiterated."

"The thesis concerning the limited nature of the revelation of Christ, which finds its complement in other religions, is therefore contrary to the Church's faith. The basic reason for this assertion claims to be based on the fact that the truth about God cannot be received and shown in its universality and fullness by any one historical religion, therefore, not even by Christianity, much less by Jesus Christ. This position, however, contradicts the affirmation of faith according to which Jesus Christ represents the full and complete revelation of the saving mystery of God."

John Paul II continued: "Linked to the oneness of the saving mediation of Christ is the oneness of the Church He founded. In fact the Lord Jesus constituted His Church as a saving reality: as His Body, through which He Himself works in the history of salvation. As there is only one Christ, there is only one Body: 'one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church'."

"It is therefore erroneous to consider the Church as one road to salvation next to those built by other religions." What must be excluded is "a religious relativism which leads people to hold that one religion equals another."

He observed that Vatican Council II said that non-Christians could attain eternal life "'moved by grace' if 'they seek God with a sincere heart'. ... Their situation, however, is lacking, if compared to that of those who, in the Church, have the fullness of the means of salvation."

Pope John Paul closed his talk by re-confirming "the Catholic Church's commitment to 'the re-establishment of unity'. ... Our ardent desire to one day reach full communion with other Churches and ecclesial communities must not however obscure the truth that the Church of Christ is not a utopia that must be put back together from existing fragments, with our human strength. The Decree 'Unitatis redintegratio' explicitly spoke of the unity 'which we believe subsists, without the possibility of being lost, in the Catholic Church and which we hope will grow every day to the end of time'."


Thursday, January 27, 2000


VATICAN CITY, JAN 27, 2000 (VIS) - Today in the Consistory Hall, the following decrees were promulgated in the presence of the Holy Father, John Paul II, the members of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints and the postulators of the respective causes:

- One decree regarding the heroic virtue of Servant of God Francesco Saverio Seelos, German, priest of the Congregation of the Holy Redeemer (1819-1867).

- Three decrees regarding the martyrdom of the Servants of God:
- Nicola Bunkerd Kitbamrung, Thai, diocesan priest, martyred for the faith in Thailand in 1944.
- Andrea, lay catechist, protomartyr of Vietnam, born c. 1625 or 1626, martyred for the faith in Vietnam in 1644.
- Pietro Calungsod, Filippino, lay catechist, martyred for the faith in Guam in 1672.

- One decree regarding a miracle attributed to the intercession of Blessed Katharine Mary Drexel, American, foundress of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament for Indians and Colored People (1858-1955).

- Six decrees regarding miracles attributed to the intercession of Servants of God:
- John XXIII (ne Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli), Italian, Pope (1881-1963).
- Columba (ne Joseph Marmion), Irish, priest of the Order of St. Benedict (1858-1923).
- Giorgio Preca, Maltese, diocesan priest and founder of the Society for Christian Doctrine (1880-1962).
- Maria Teresa Chiramel Mankidiyan, Indian, foundress of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Holy Family (1876-1926).
- Marie Elizabeth Hesselblad, Swedish, foundress of the Order of the Most Holy Savior and of St. Bridget (1870-1957).
- Francesco Saverio Seelos, German, priest of the Congregation of the Holy Redeemer (1819-1867).

Among those present for the promulgation of the decrees were Archbishops Jose Saraiva Martins and Joseph Nowak, respectively prefect and secretary of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints.

CCS;DECREES;...;SARAIVA;VIS;20000127;Word: 260;


VATICAN CITY, JAN 27, 2000 (VIS) - Made public today was John Paul II's message for Lent 2000, the theme of which is "I am with you always, to the close of the age." Selections from the text, which bears the date of September 21, 1999 and is published in Italian, English, French, Spanish, German and Portuguese, are given below:

"This year, the celebration of Lent, a time of conversion and reconciliation, takes on a particular character, occurring as it does during the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000. The time of Lent is in fact the culminating point of the journey of conversion and reconciliation which the Jubilee, the year of the Lord's favor, offers to all the faithful, so that they can renew their fidelity to Christ and proclaim his mystery of salvation with renewed ardor in the new millennium."

"We were dead through sin, this is how St. Paul describes the situation of man without Christ. ... This is a slavery which man experiences every day, as he perceives its deep roots in his own heart. Sometimes it shows itself in dramatic and unusual ways, as happened in the course of the great tragedies of the twentieth century, which deeply marked the lives of countless communities and individuals, the victims of cruel violence. Forced deportations, the systematic elimination of peoples, contempt for the fundamental rights of the person: these are the tragedies which even today humiliate humanity. In daily life too we see all sorts of forms of fraud, hatred, the destruction of others, and lies of which man is both the victim and source. Humanity is marked by sin. Its tragic condition reminds us of the cry of alarm uttered by the Apostle to the nations: 'None is righteous, no, not one'.

"In the face of the darkness of sin and man's incapacity to free himself on his own, there appears in all its splendor the saving work of Christ. ... He shared in human life 'unto death, even death on a cross,' to ransom mankind from the slavery of evil and restore humanity to its original dignity as children of God. ... In the Risen Lord, death's power is broken and mankind is enabled, through faith, to enter into communion with God."

"The Jubilee is the time of grace in which we are invited to open ourselves in a particular way to the mercy of the Father, who in the Son has stooped down to man, and to reconciliation, the great gift of Christ. ... God offers his mercy to whoever is willing to accept it, even to the distant and doubtful. The people of our time, tired of mediocrity and false hopes, are thus given an opportunity to set out on the path that leads to fullness of life. ... During the Holy Year the Church offers various opportunities for personal and community reconciliation. Each diocese has designated special places where the faithful can go in order to experience a particular presence of God. ... Particular significance attaches to pilgrimage to the Holy Land and to Rome, which are special places of encounter with God, because of their unique role in the history of salvation. ... I too hope, precisely during Lent of the year 2000, to be a pilgrim in the Holy Land, to the places where our faith began, in order to celebrate the two-thousandth Jubilee of the Incarnation."

"The path of conversion leads to reconciliation with God and to fullness of new life in Christ. A life of faith, hope and love. ... The grace of the Jubilee above all impels us to renew our personal faith. ... For Jews, Christians and Muslims alike, Abraham is the exemplar of the believer: trusting in the promise, he follows the voice of God calling him to set out on unknown paths. ... Through the grace of the Jubilee, the Lord likewise invites us to renew our hope. ... Through the virtue of hope, Christians bear witness to the fact that, beyond all evil and beyond every limit, history bears within itself a seed of good which the Lord will cause to germinate in its fullness. ... Through the Jubilee, finally, the Lord asks us to rekindle our charity. ... The Christian community knows that faith without works is dead. Thus, through charity, Christians make visible God's love for man revealed in Christ, and make manifest Christ's presence in the world 'to the close of the age.' ... During Lent, everyone ' rich and poor ' is invited to make Christ's love present through generous works of charity. During this Jubilee Year our charity is called in a particular way to manifest Christ's love to our brothers and sisters who lack the necessities of life, who suffer hunger, violence or injustice. ... How can we ask for the grace of the Jubilee if we are insensitive to the needs of the poor, if we do not work to ensure that all have what is necessary to lead a decent life?"

"'I am with you always, to the close of the age.' These words of Jesus assure us that, in proclaiming and living the Gospel of charity, we are not alone."

MESS;LENT 2000;...;...;VIS;20000127;Word: 850;


VATICAN CITY, JAN 27, 2000 (VIS) - At midday today in the Holy See Press Office, Archbishop Paul Josef Cordes, president of the Pontifical Council "Cor Unum," presented the Pope's Message for Lent 2000, whose theme is "I am with you always, to the close of the age."

In the message, said the archbishop, the Holy Father "confronts the problem of evil at the roots," and "seeks to reinforce the call to combat sin," inspiring us to interior conversion.
Archbishop Cordes affirmed that the message "is not the customary call to give help to the needy. ... In the first instance, it considers man's relationship with God."

Archbishop Angelo Massafra O.F.M., metropolitan of Scutari and apostolic administrator of Sappa, Albania, then spoke of the "human catastrophe" which that country has had to bear over the last three years.

"The Catholic Church in Albania," he said, "through the work of Caritas at both national and diocesan level, is summoned by the tragic events of history to a great and outstanding witness of solidarity towards Kosovar refugees, without overlooking normal pastoral service."

Archbishop Massafra made two appeals: "No more assistance, rather investments in north and northeast Albania, in order to create work opportunities. Let us build a small church in each of the mountain villages for the Jubilee 2000."

At the close of the press conference, the fifth edition of the Catholic Aid Directory was presented. The book lists organizations that carry out charitable work within the field of operations of "Cor Unum." In addition to the book, a compact disc has been issued, allowing more rapid retrieval of addresses. Other information given includes whether the organizations listed finance projects, what countries/regions they operate in, and what type of projects are involved. The names, addresses and other information relative to the organizations appear in the language of their country of origin.

...;LENT MESSAGE;...;CORDES; MASSAFRA;VIS;20000127;Word: 320;


VATICAN CITY, JAN 27, 2000 (VIS) - The Holy Father appointed Fr. Richard Joseph Malone, of the clergy of Boston (area 6,382, population 3,764,400, Catholics 2,002,322, priests 1,770, permanent deacons 187, religious 3,979), U.S.A. and archdiocesan secretary for education, as auxiliary bishop of the same archdiocese. The bishop-elect was born at Salem, U.S.A., in 1946 and ordained a priest in 1972.

NEA;...;...;MALONE ;VIS;20000127;Word: 60;


VATICAN CITY, JAN 27, 2000 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received in separate audiences:

- Cardinal Dario Castrillon Hoyos, prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy and special envoy to the 12th centenary celebrations for the construction of the cathedral at Aachen, Germany.
- Archbishop Jose Saraiva Martins C.M.F., prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints.
- Archbishop Louis-Marie Bille of Lyon, France, president of the French Episcopal Conference, accompanied by Bishop Jean-Pierre Ricard of Montpellier, France, and Msgr. Bernard Lagoutte, respectively vice-president and secretary general of the same episcopal conference.

AP;...;...;...;VIS;20000127;Word: 100;


VATICAN CITY, JAN 27, 2000 (VIS) - On Monday, January 31, Pope John Paul will inaugurate the new underground parking lot for tourist busses and cars which was built on Janiculum Hill for the Jubilee Year, and a week later he will inaugurate and bless the new entrance to the Vatican Museums.

On January 31, in the presence of civil and ecclesiastical authorities, the diplomatic corps accredited to the Holy See, and representatives of the company who built the parking lot, the Holy Father will arrive by car at level "0" and take an elevator to the fifth floor. Here he will greet those present and make a speech.

Work on the new entrance to the Vatican Museums, which the Pope will inaugurate on February 7, began in mid-1997. A new entrance was deemed necessary to accommodate the ever-increasing number of visitors to the Museums, which has gone from 1.5 million annually twenty years ago to more than 3 million annually at the moment. The former entrance to the museums has become the new exit.

JPII-INAUGURATIONS;...;...;...;VIS;20000127;Word: 180;

Wednesday, January 26, 2000


VATICAN CITY, JAN 26, 2000 (VIS) - On Tuesday, February 1 at 11:30 a.m. in the Holy See Press Office, Archbishop Javier Lozano Barragan and Bishop Jose Luis Redrado, O.H. will hold a press conference to present the Jubilee of the Sick and of Health Care Workers, which will take place February 9 to 13.

The president and secretary of the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Health Care Workers will be joined by Fr. Felice Ruffini, M.I., council under-secretary, and by Maurizio Scelli, secretary general of UNITALSI (an Italian association of volunteers who assist the sick during pilgrimages to Marian shrines) and Fr. Marko Ivan Rupnik, S.J., creator of the "Jubilee of the Sick" logo.



VATICAN CITY, JAN 26, 2000 (VIS) - "The glory of the Trinity in the creation" was the theme of John Paul II's catechesis during the general audience, held this morning in the Paul VI Hall.

"The glory of the Trinity," said the Pope, "shines out in creation. In fact, it is possible to see, in the light of Revelation, how the creative act is associated with the 'Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change'."

John Paul II affirmed that "in Holy Scripture, creation is often also linked to the divine Word which bursts forth and acts. ... At other times, Scripture highlights the role of the Spirit of God in the creative act. ... That same Spirit is symbolically represented in the breath of the mouth of God."

"Faced with the glory of the Trinity in creation, man must contemplate, sing out, rediscover his wonder. ... For believers, contemplating creation also comprehends listening to a message, hearing a paradoxical and silent voice."

The Pope indicated that nature "is a gospel that speaks to us of God." He added that "this capacity to contemplate and know, this discovery of a transcendental presence in creation, must also lead us to rediscover our fraternal relationship with the earth, to which we are bound from the moment of our creation. ... If nature is not violated and humiliated, she will once more become the sister of man."

In his greetings to pilgrims at the audience, Pope John Paul addressed a large group of sick people from all Italy who yesterday participated in a prayer meeting in the Basilica of St. Mary Major. The event was part of an initiative that will be celebrated on the last Tuesday of every month during the Jubilee year: "In the example of the saints, know how to find help in offering your sufferings, united with those of Christ, so that the announcement of salvation may reach all men and women."

AG;CREATION;...;...;VIS;20000126;Word: 330;


VATICAN CITY, JAN 26, 2000 (VIS) - Yesterday evening in the Basilica of St. Paul's Outside-the Walls, Cardinal Roger Etchegaray, president of the Central Committee for the Great Jubilee 2000, presided at the second vespers of the feast of the conversion of St. Paul. The event marked the close of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.

In his homily, Cardinal Etchegaray stated that "of all prayers, the prayer for unity is without doubt that which, so to say, beseeches the most." He asked the Lord: "Cause us to enter into Your prayer for unity to the point that, together in You, we may be one in Your Spirit and in the glory of Your Father."

"The path to unity," the cardinal went on, "does not initially mean that Christians should look one another more closely in the eye. ... Rather, above all, it means looking together towards the Lord and holding out our hands to Him, in common obedience to the Holy Spirit sent by Him."

He said that "ecumenical prayer is not a purely spiritual practice, reserved for those who cannot do anything else in favor of unity. It must inspire all Christians to discover as well as to embrace the advances (that have been made) at the level of common thought and action."

May this afternoon's prayer, concluded Cardinal Etchegaray, "help us to look with faith at the unity already achieved over a few years: Antioch, Rome, Alexandria, Etchmiadzin, Constantinople, Wittenberg, Canterbury, Geneva, all cities which up until now were distant from one another, now seem to be closer together, because they are closer to Jerusalem, the land of Christ!"



VATICAN CITY, JAN 26, 2000 (VIS) - The Holy Father appointed Fr. Protogenes Jose Luft S.d.C., provincial superior in Brazil for the Servants of Charity, as coadjutor bishop of Barra do Garcas (area 103,830, population 143,000, Catholics 132,000, priests 25, permanent deacons 2, religious 116), Brazil. The bishop-elect was born in Chapada, Brazil, in 1949 and ordained a priest in 1975.

NEC;...;...;LUFT ;VIS;20000126;Word: 60;


VATICAN CITY, JAN 26, 2000 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received in audience Cardinal Camillo Ruini, his vicar general for the diocese of Rome and president of the Italian Episcopal Conference, accompanied by Cardinal Dionigi Tettamanzi, archbishop of Genova, Italy, and vice-president of the same episcopal conference; Archbishop Giuseppe Costanzo of Siracusa, Italy; Bishop Alberto Ablondi of Livorno, Italy, and Msgr. Ennio Antonelli, secretary general of the same episcopal conference.

AP;...;...;...;VIS;20000126;Word: 70;

Tuesday, January 25, 2000


VATICAN CITY, JAN 25, 2000 (VIS) - Made public today was the letter from the Pope, written in Latin and dated September 30, 1999, in which he names Archbishop Marcello Zago O.M.I., secretary of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, as his special envoy at celebrations for the centenary of the erection of the first three apostolic prefectures in the Amazon region of Peru. The event is scheduled to take place at Lima, Peru, on January 30, 2000.

The pontifical mission accompanying Archbishop Zago is made up of Frs. Antonio Santarsiero O.S.J., of the Peruvian Episcopal Conference; Maurilio Bernardo Paniagua O.S.A., missionary in the apostolic vicariate of Iquitos and Javier Ignacio Iraizoz Goldaraz O.P., missionary in Puerto Maldonado.



VATICAN CITY, JAN 25, 2000 (VIS) - The following communique on the visit to Pope John Paul by Costa Rican President Miguel Angel Rodriguez was published yesterday afternoon:

"Today, January 24, the Holy Father received the president of the Republic of Costa Rica, Miguel Angel Rodriguez. The president then met with Cardinal Angelo Sodano, secretary of state.

"During the talks there was an overview of Church-State relations in Costa Rica, with particular regard given to the need for collaboration for the formation of youth and for promoting moral values, especially of the family.

"There was also an exchange of information on the general situation in Central America."



VATICAN CITY, JAN 25, 2000 (VIS) - Pope John Paul II will preside at a concelebrated Mass at 10 a.m. in St. Peter's Basilica on Wednesday, February 2, feast of the Presentation of Our Lord, to mark the Fourth World Day for Consecrated Life.

The Mass will be concelebrated by the cardinal prefect, secretary, under-secretary and bureau chiefs of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life and the priest members of the executive council of the Union of Superiors General.

According to tradition, those who wish to offer special candles to the Holy Father will place them at the Altar of the Confession before the start of Mass. Mass will be preceded by the blessing of these candles and a procession. Following the Pope's homily, there will be thanksgiving to God for the gift of consecrated life.

OCL;CONSECRATED LIFE;...;...;VIS;20000125;Word: 150;


VATICAN CITY, JAN 25, 2000 (VIS) - The Holy Father appointed:

- Fr. Dominic Jala S.D.B., provincial of the Salesians in Guwahati, India, as metropolitan archbishop of Shillong (area 14,262, population 1,298,051, Catholics 313,085, priests 145, religious 680), India. The archbishop-elect was born in Mawlai, India, in 1951 and ordained a priest in 1977.

- Fr. Gerald Mathias, pastor of the cathedral at Lucknow, India, as bishop of Simla and Chandigarh (area 83,566, population 18,000,000, Catholics 10,600, priests 63, religious 238), India. The bishop-elect was born in Kallianpur, India, in 1953 and ordained a priest in 1979.

- Fr. Vilhelms Lapelis O.P., vicar general of Liepaja (area 13,210, population 314,500, Catholics 33,000, priests 12, religious 5), Latvia, as coadjutor bishop of the same diocese. The bishop-elect was born in 1961 at Daugavpils, Latvia, and ordained a priest in 1986.

NER; NEC;...;...;JALA; MATHIAS; LAPELIS;VIS;20000125;Word: 130;


VATICAN CITY, JAN 25, 2000 (VIS) - In the Holy See Press Office at 11:30 a.m. on Thursday, January 27, Archbishops Paul Josef Cordes, president of the Pontifical Council "Cor Unum" and Angelo Massafra O.F.M. of Shkodre, Albania, will present the message of the Holy Father for Lent 2000. The theme of the message is "I am with you always, to the close of the age."



VATICAN CITY, JAN 25, 2000 (VIS) - Msgr. Piero Monni, Holy See permanent observer to the World Tourism Organization, spoke today in Madrid, Spain, on the final day of the two-day extraordinary session of the WTO's executive council. He highlighted what he termed "one of the more absorbing aspects" of tourism, the "new role which the private sector could assume."

He spoke in particular of the possibilities for tourism when partnerships occur, that is, collaboration between the public and private sectors. Calling this a "positive" development, he added: "What could also be useful is an ever greater collaboration between authorities at the central and local levels."

Msgr. Monni remarked that "tourism appears increasingly within the globalization process aimed at bringing a notable contribution to various social sectors. The human aspects of this question call for greater attention by those responsible for social policies. Inattention to these expectations is a great omission in fulfilling those social obligations. It is within this prospective of 'economic and social peace' that the great values to which man is called to respond take their shape."

DELSS;TOURISM;...;MADRID; MONNI;VIS;20000125;Word: 190;

Monday, January 24, 2000


VATICAN CITY, JAN 22, 2000 (VIS) - Made public today was a letter of congratulation from the Holy Father to Chiara Lubich, foundress and president of the Focolare movement, on the occasion of her 80th birthday today for which the local authorities in Rome have granted her honorary citizenship.

"After (God) called you through Baptism to become His beloved daughter," the Pope writes, "He wished to unite you more intimately to the poor, chaste and obedient Christ through complete consecration to His love. (He did so) in order that you, with an undivided heart, be a messenger of unity and mercy among so many brothers and sisters in all parts of the world."

John Paul II states that "in the footsteps of Christ, crucified and abandoned, you gave life to the Focolare movement to help the men and women of our time to experience the faithfulness of God. With them, you live the grace of fraternal communion that they might become joyous and credible proclaimers of the Gospel."



VATICAN CITY, JAN 23, 2000 (VIS) - "While cordially greeting the Spanish-language pilgrims," said John Paul II in remarks following the angelus prayer today, "I wish to express my deep pain for the news of last Friday's terrorist attack in the capital of Spain, which cost the life of a servant of the State and ended 15 months which had given cause for hope."

"With all my energy I deplore this execrable act, which greatly endangers the efforts of those who seek just and peaceful solutions for coexistence. I ask the Lord to convert those who use or believe in terror to impose their ideas, and for harmony among all citizens of the dear Spanish people."

ANG;TERRORISM;...;...;VIS;20000124;Word: 130;


VATICAN CITY, JAN 23, 2000 (VIS) - Prior to praying the angelus today, Pope John Paul addressed the faithful gathered in St. Peter's Square from his study window and reflected on the opening of the last Jubilee Holy Door at St. Paul's-Outside-the Walls, the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity and a Jubilee initiative for those who are ill.

He said that he had desired the January 18 opening of the Holy Door at St. Paul's, accomplished with the representatives of numerous Christian Churches and ecclesial communities, "to coincide with the start of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity with the intention of visibly demonstrating how the commitment to the re-formation of Christian unity is common to all and must animate the great prayer which in this period of the Jubilee year is raised to the Lord from every part of the earth."

"The gesture of opening together that door, the symbol of Christ, was an eloquent sign which encourages us to go forth on the path which remains to be fulfilled and for which we must, above all, pray."

"Almost a month has passed since the beginning of the Great Jubilee," said the Holy Father in concluding remarks, "and throughout the Church there has been great activity for spiritual and charitable initiatives. Among these I wish to point out that of the Pontifical Council for Health Care Workers, which has promoted in Rome a series of prayer meetings of the sick, in the basilica of St. Mary Major. These will take place the last Tuesday of every month of the Jubilee Year."

ANG;UNITY; THE ILL;...;...;VIS;20000124;Word: 270;


VATICAN CITY, JAN 22, 2000 (VIS) - Made public today was a letter from the Holy Father, written in Latin and dated December 4, 1999, in which he names Cardinal Edward Bede Clancy, archbishop of Sydney, Australia, as his special envoy to the Marian Congress on the Holy Trinity, which will take place January 27-29 in Manila, the Philippines.

Also made public were the names of the three members of the pontifical mission: Msgrs. Geronimo Reyes, judicial vicar of the archdiocese of Manila, and Francisco De Leon, rector of the San Carlos Major Seminary of Manila, and Francisco Alba, knight of St. Sylvester.



VATICAN CITY, JAN 24, 2000 (VIS) - This morning in the Holy See Press Office, Archbishop John P. Foley and Bishop Pierfranco Pastore, respectively president and secretary of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications, presented the program for World Communications Day, 2000.

On a historical note, Archbishop Foley recalled that during Vatican Council II, the world's bishops had proposed almost unanimously that World Communications Day be celebrated on the Sunday before Pentecost. The reason for this is, he said, "the emphasis that the biblical readings used in the Liturgy during that period place on the proclamation of the Gospel, the announcing of the good news of Jesus Christ."

Furthermore, he added, the message for this day, whose theme is "Proclaiming Christ in the Media at the Dawn of the New Millennium," is published on the feast of St. Francis of Sales, patron saint of journalists, "in accordance with the request of bishops and episcopal commissions for social communications throughout the world."

Bishop Pastore outlined the program for the Journalists' Jubilee (June 1-4) and for the Performing Artists' Jubilee (December 15-17), although he conceded that the calendar is not yet definitive.

On the afternoon of Thursday, June 1, Solemnity of the Ascension, there will be a moment of prayer in the Sistine Chapel. A conference on "Truth and Witness" is scheduled for Friday, June 2, as is a visit to the catacombs. On the afternoon of the same day, from the Holy See Press Office, a video conference will be transmitted on the theme, "Prospects for the Church in the Third Millennium" with links to the world's principal communications media.

An ecumenical celebration is scheduled for Saturday, June 3. The event, entitled "Feast of the Word" and presided by Cardinal Edward I. Cassidy, will take place in the Basilica of St. Paul's Outside-the-Walls in the presence of other Christian denominations. The afternoon will be a time for confessions, these will take place in linguistic groups at, among others, the Spanish and American colleges. A concert will be held at 9 p.m. On Sunday, June 4, a Jubilee Mass will be celebrated in St. Peter's Basilica. An audience with the Pope is scheduled for journalists who participate in the Jubilee.

Regarding the performing artists' Jubilee, Bishop Pastore indicated that three celebrations - Marian, Penitential and Eucharistic - will be held on December 15 in various Roman basilicas. On Saturday, December 16, martyrs will be commemorated at a place in Rome yet to be defined and the performers will have the chance to express the reasons that motivated them to accept the Holy Father's invitation to attend the Jubilee. At 10 a.m. on Sunday, December 17, a Jubilee Mass will be celebrated at the Basilica of St. Paul's Outside-the-Walls. The same afternoon a show will be held, closing the three days of the Jubilee. It is likely that on one of those days, the Holy Father will receive the participants in audience.



VATICAN CITY, JAN 24, 2000 (VIS) - Made public today was the Holy Father's Letter, written in Latin and dated December 11, 1999, in which he names Cardinal Dario Castrillon Hoyos as his special envoy to the celebrations of the 12th centenary of the building of the cathedral of Aachen, Germany.

Accompanying the cardinal to the January 29-30 celebrations will be Msgr. August Peters, canon of the cathedral and judicial vicar of the diocese of Aachen, and Fr. Caspar Seeger, honorary canon, dean, and pastor in Monschau.



VATICAN CITY, JAN 24, 2000 (VIS) - At midday today, with reference to an article concerning the health of the Holy Father that appeared yesterday in the English press, Holy See Press Office Director Joaquin Navarro-Valls released the following declaration:

"This is not the first time that we read such 'prophecies' that later reveal themselves as unfounded. The article, which has no source and gives no precise information, is not to be taken into consideration."

OP;POPE HEALTH;...;NAVARRO-VALLS ;VIS;20000124;Word: 90;


VATICAN CITY, JAN 24, 2000 (VIS) - Made public today in six languages was Pope John Paul's Message for the 34th World Communications Day, which falls on June 4, 2000. French, Spanish, Italian, German and Portuguese were translated from the original English. Following are excerpts:

"The theme of the thirty-fourth World Communications Day, 'Proclaiming Christ in the Media at the Dawn of the New Millennium,' is an invitation to look ahead to the challenges we face, and also back to the dawn of Christianity itself, for the light and courage we need."

"The early chapters of the Acts of the Apostles contain a moving account of the proclamation of Christ by his first followers - a proclamation at once spontaneous, faith-filled, and persuasive, and carried out through the power of the Holy Spirit."

"It goes without saying that circumstances have changed enormously in two millennia. Yet the same need to proclaim Christ still exists. Our duty to bear witness to the death and resurrection of Jesus and to his saving presence in our lives is as real and pressing as was the duty of the first disciples. We must tell the good news to all who are willing to listen."

"Direct, personal proclamation ... is essential; so are other traditional forms of spreading the word of God. But, alongside these, proclamation today must take place also in and through the media."

"The impact of the media in today's world can hardly be exaggerated. ... Through the media, people come into contact with other people and events, and form their opinions about the world they live in - indeed, form their understanding of the meaning of life. ... The proclamation of Christ must be part of this experience."

"Naturally, in proclaiming the Lord, the Church must make energetic and skilful use of her own means of communication. ... And Catholic communicators must be bold and creative in developing new media and methods of proclamation."

"Already the media contribute to spiritual enrichment in many ways - for example, the many special programs being carried to worldwide audiences through satellite telecasts during the year of the Great Jubilee. In other cases, however, they display the indifference, even hostility, to Christ and his message that exist in certain sectors of secular culture."

"Media presentations which call attention to authentic human needs, especially those of the weak, the vulnerable and the marginalized, can be an implicit proclamation of the Lord. But besides implicit proclamation, Christian communicators should also seek out ways to speak explicitly of Jesus crucified and risen."

"To do this well demands professional training and skill. ... (and) a personal relationship with (Christ) through prayer."

"To proclaim Christ is not only a duty but a privilege."

"To proclaim Christ in the media at the dawn of the new millennium is not only a necessary part of the Church's evangelizing mission; it is also a vital, inspiring and hope-filled enrichment of the media's message. May God abundantly bless all those who honor and proclaim His Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, in the vast world of the means of social communication."

MESS;WORLD COMMUNICATIONS DAY;...;...;VIS;20000124;Word: 500;


VATICAN CITY, JAN 24, 2000 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received in separate audiences:

- Miguel Angel Rodriguez, president of the Republic of Costa Rica, accompanied by his wife and an entourage.
- His Beatitude Michel Sabbah, patriarch of Jerusalem of the Latins.
- Bishop Walter Kasper, emeritus of Rottenburg-Stuttgart and secretary of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, and Msgr. Francesco Eleuterio Fortino, under-secretary of the same council.

On Saturday, January 22, he received in separate audiences:

- Archbishop Blasco Francisco Collaco, apostolic nuncio in Bulgaria.
- Archbishop Alfio Rapisarda, apostolic nuncio in Brazil.
- Bishop Jozef Zlatnansky, secretary of the Permanent Inter-dicasterial Commission for the Church in Eastern Europe.
- Fr. Peter-Hans Kolvenbach S.J., superior general of the Company of Jesus.
- Archbishop Francesco Monterisi, secretary of the Congregation for Bishops.

AP;...;...;...;VIS;20000124;Word: 130;

Friday, January 21, 2000


VATICAN CITY, JAN 21, 2000 (VIS) - Today, as is traditional at this time of year, the Pope received members of the Tribunal of the Roman Rota for the occasion of the start of the juridical year.

In his talk, the Holy Father recalled the doctrine concerning the absolute and indissoluble nature of ratified and consummated matrimony. He contrasted this with the "'mistaken theoretical and practical concept of the independence of the spouses in relation to each other' (which has an effect on) 'the growing number of divorces'."

He went on: "'The indissolubility of marriage finds its ultimate truth in the plan that God has manifested in His revelation: He wills and communicates the indissolubility of marriage as a fruit, a sign and a requirement of the absolutely faithful love that God has for man and that the Lord Jesus has for the Church'."

Quoting the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the Holy Father stated: "'The Church maintains, through faith in the Word of Jesus Christ, that a new union cannot be recognized as valid, if the first marriage was (valid)'."

"The declarations of nullity for reasons laid down in canon law, especially due to defects or errors in matrimonial consent, cannot however conflict with the principle of indissolubility. It is undeniable that the current mentality of the society in which we live has difficulty in accepting the unbreakable nature of the matrimonial tie. ... Nonetheless, this genuine difficulty is not equivalent 'sic et simpliciter' to a concrete refusal of Christian marriage and of its essential qualities. Even less does it justify the supposition, unfortunately at times postulated by certain tribunals, that the prevalent intention of spouses - in a secularized society beset by strong currents in favor of divorce - is to seek a breakable marriage link, to the point that (these tribunals) demand proof for the existence of true consent."

The Pope went on to deal with the topic of the Supreme Pontiff's authority in relation to ratified and consummated marriage, underlining that even the power of the Pope cannot dissolve the link: "To sustain the opposite view," he explained, "would imply the idea that absolute and indissoluble marriage does not exist. This would be contrary to the meaning of what the Church has taught and still teaches about the unbreakable bond of matrimony."

The 'sacra potestas' of the Roman Pontiff, he added, "does not include any power over divine, natural or positive Law. ... Consequently, it is clear that the non-extension of the Pope's authority over sacramental, ratified and consummated marriage is a fact taught by the Church's Magisterium as a doctrine to be considered as definitive, even though it has not been solemnly declared in a defining act."



VATICAN CITY, JAN 21, 2000 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received in separate audiences:

- Msgr. Raffaello Funghini, dean of the Tribunal of the Roman Rota, accompanied by the judges of the same tribunal.
- Archbishop Paul Josef Cordes, president of the Pontifical Council "Cor Unum."

This evening he is scheduled to receive Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

AP;...;...;... ;VIS;20000121;Word: 70;


VATICAN CITY, JAN 21, 2000 (VIS) - Msgr. Piero Monni, Holy See permanent observer to the World Tourism Organization (WTO), will attend the First Extraordinary Session of the Executive Council of the WTO, which will be held in Madrid, Spain, from January 24 to 27. The International Tourism Fair will also be held in Madrid during that period.

Msgr. Monni is scheduled to address the participants on Tuesday, January 25. A note from his office announcing the Madrid meeting also lists some of the themes which will be discussed over four days. These include: an examination of the methods of modernization of the WTO, an analysis of the new role of the private sector within the WTO, and an evaluation of the opportunity to create public-private partnerships aimed at realizing the goals of this multilateral and intergovernmental organization which is closely linked to the United Nations.

DELSS;TOURISM; MADRID; MONNI VIS 20000121 (150);...;


VATICAN CITY, JAN 21, 2000 (VIS) - In liturgical memory of the virgin-martyr St. Agnes, for whom the traditional symbol is a lamb, Pope John Paul today blessed several lambs whose wool will be used to make the palliums given every year to new metropolitan archbishops as signs of their office.

In a 1978 document, "Inter Eximina Episcopalis," Pope Paul VI restricted use of the pallium to the Pope and metropolitan archbishops, In 1984 Pope John Paul decreed that it would be conferred on the metropolitans by the Pope on the June 29th solemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul, Apostles.

The blessing of lambs, who are under one year of age, is traditionally celebrated on the January 21 feast of St. Agnes, who died about 350 and who is buried in the basilica named for her on Rome's Via Nomentana. The lambs are raised by Trappist Fathers of the Abbey of the Three Fountains and the palliums are made from the newly-shorn wool by the sisters of St. Cecilia.

Usually in attendance at the ceremony in the papal apartments are two Trappist Fathers, two Canons of the Chapter of St. John, the dean of the Roman Rota, two ceremonial officers and two officials from the Office of the Liturgical Ceremonies of the Supreme Pontiff.

JPII-BLESSING LAMBS;ST AGNES;...;...;VIS;20000121;Word: 220;

Thursday, January 20, 2000


VATICAN CITY, JAN 20, 1999 (VIS) - Following is the text of the telegram sent in Pope John Paul's name by Cardinal Secretary of State Angelo Sodano to Anna Craxi, the wife of former Italian Prime Minister Bettino Craxi, who died yesterday in Hammamet, Tunisia:

"Having learned of the sudden death of your beloved husband, the Honorable Bettino Craxi, the Supreme Pontiff wishes to send you and your entire family expressions of his deepest condolences for this grave loss and he joins in the prayers for the repose of his soul, asking Divine Goodness for eternal peace for the deceased, while recalling his lengthy political commitment and his incisive activity in government. In the light of the supreme certainty of faith he sends his comforting apostolic blessing."

Yesterday afternoon, upon learning of the death of the Hon. Bettino Craxi, Holy See Press Office Director Joaquin Navarro-Valls, released the following statement: "The Holy Father and his collaborators remember him in prayer as the person who, as president of the Council (of Ministers), contributed to the good relations between State and Church in Italy."

TGR;DEATH CRAXI;...;SODANO;VIS;20000120;Word: 180;


VATICAN CITY, JAN 20, 2000 (VIS) - Six thousand members of the Italian Municipal Police Force celebrated their Jubilee today, the feast day of their patron, St. Sebastian. They attended Mass in the Vatican basilica, celebrated by Cardinal Camillo Ruini, vicar general of Rome, and had an audience with the Pope.

In his address, John Paul II made reference to the huge quantity of work of the municipal police, work which requires "determination and selflessness in the service of the common good as well as attention to individuals, a sense of responsibility, continual patience and a spirit of helpfulness towards everyone. These are not easy qualities, consequently it is important to be able to count on God's help."

The Pope recalled that the Jubilee "is a time of mercy in which the Lord offers us the opportunity to follow an intense path of interior purification and corroboration of good intentions. ... This deep and spiritual dimension of the Jubilee must lead everyone to question themselves as to their real commitment in responding to the requirement of faith in the Gospel to which the Lord calls them, starting with the state of their own lives."

Furthermore, added the Pope, the Jubilee "calls you to respect - and cause to be respected - the law of man when this does not contrast with the Law of God. It asks that you be craftsmen of the harmony that arises from the accomplishment of daily duty and the elimination of conflict between individuals. It encourages you to become promoters of solidarity in all circumstances, especially towards the weakest and most defenseless. It requests you to be upholders of the right to life, through your commitment to the safety of traffic and of individuals."

AC;...;...;MUNICIPAL POLICE;VIS;20000120;Word: 290;


VATICAN CITY, JAN 20, 2000 (VIS) - The Holy Father appointed:

- Cardinal Secretary of State Angelo Sodano as pontifical legate for celebrations marking the thousandth anniversary of the archdiocese of Gniezno, Poland. The event is due to take place in that city on March 12.

- Bishop Jacinto Tomas de Carvalho Botelho, auxiliary of Braga, Portugal, as bishop of Lamego (area 2,848, poulation 149,385, Catholics 147,980, priests 169, religious 94), Portugal.

NA; NER;...;...;SODANO;CARVALHO ;VIS;20000120;Word: 70;


VATICAN CITY, JAN 20, 2000 (VIS) - The itinerary for Pope John Paul's February 24-26 Jubilee pilgrimage to Mount Sinai was made public this afternoon. This will be his 90th foreign apostolic trip.

The Pope will depart Rome the morning of Thursday, February 24 and arrive at Cairo airport at 2 p.m. local time where there will be a welcome ceremony and where he will meet privately with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. At 6:15 p.m. he is scheduled to pay a courtesy visit to His Holiness Shenouda III, Pope of Alexandria and patriarch of the See of St. Mark of Cairo in his residence. At 7:15 p.m. he will pay a courtesy visit to His Excellency Mohammed Sayed Tantawi, Grand Sheikh of Al Azhar of Cairo, in his residence.

On Friday, February 25, the Holy Father will celebrate Mass in the cathedral of Our Lady of Egypt in Cairo in the morning. At 5:30 p.m. he will speak during an ecumenical encounter in the chapel of the Inter-ritual Major Seminary of St. Leo the Great in Cairo.

At 8:40 a.m. on the morning of February 26, the Pope, after a private mass in the apostolic nunciature, is scheduled to leave by helicopter for St. Catherine's Monastery on Mount Sinai. He will have a private visit of the monastery, to be followed by a celebration of the Word in the Garden of Olives, at the foot of Mount Horeb. Just before 1 p.m. Pope John Paul will return to Cairo for his return flight to Rome, where he is set to arrive at 8:45 p.m., local time.

OP;TRIP MOUNT SINAI;...;...;VIS;20000120;Word: 270;

Wednesday, January 19, 2000


VATICAN CITY, JAN 19, 2000 (VIS) - The Holy Father appointed Fr. Jose Haring O.F.M., pastor of the parish of St. Anthony in Aracaju, Brazil, as bishop of Limoeiro do Norte (area 18,316, population 556,000, Catholics 525,000, priests 28, religious 73), Brazil. The bishop-elect was born in Gronau, Germany, in 1940 and ordained a priest in 1967.

NER;...;...;HARING ;VIS;20000119;Word: 60;


VATICAN CITY, JAN 19, 2000 (VIS) - Pope John Paul's Message for the 34th World Communications Day will be presented in the Holy See Press Office on Monday, January 24, at 11:30 a.m. by Archbishop John Foley and Bishop Pierfranco Pastore, respectively president and secretary of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications. The theme of the message is: "Announcing Christ in the Media at the Dawn of the New Millennium."

The jubilee celebrations for journalists and for those involved in the entertainment industry will also be presented that day during the press conference.



VATICAN CITY, JAN 19, 2000 (VIS) - The Holy Father's catechesis today was the first in a series on the contemplation of the mystery of God. This theme is in keeping with the Apostolic Letter "Tertio millennio adveniente" where the Pope wrote that the aim of the celebration of this Jubilee year is "to give glory to the Trinity, from whom everything in the world and in history comes and to whom everything returns."

Speaking to the faithful gathered in the Paul VI Hall for the general audience, the Pope said: "Drawing inspiration from an image of the Book of the Apocalypse, we can compare this task to the journey of a pilgrim along the banks of the river of God, in other words, of His presence and His revelation in the history of men."

John Paul II said that today "we will consider the two extremities of that river, the source and the estuary, uniting them in a single horizon. The Holy Trinity lies at the very roots of existence and of history and is present in their final culmination. It constitutes the beginning and the end of the history of salvation. Between the two extremes" the vicissitudes of life take place, marked by sin and by grace.

"The mystery of the Trinity," he went on, "far from being a dry and intellectual truth, is life that abides within us and sustains us. In this Jubilee year, our reflections spring from this trinitarian life which precedes and lays the foundation for the creation."

The Pope added that God "is love in His innermost life, where the trinitarian energy is precisely the expression of the eternal love with which the Father begets the Son and both of Them mutually give Themselves in the Holy Spirit. This is love in relation to the world."

He concluded: "If the eyes of our heart, illuminated by the revelation, become sufficiently pure and penetrating, they become capable of finding, within the faith, this mystery in which everything that exists has its roots and foundation."

AG;TRINITY; SALVATION;...;...;VIS;20000119;Word: 350;

Tuesday, January 18, 2000


VATICAN CITY, JAN 18, 2000 (VIS) - The Holy Father:

- Appointed Fr Aurelio Jose Kuhn O.F.M., pastor in the archdiocese of Rosario, Argentina, as bishop of the territorial prelature of Dean Funes (area 28,700, population 54,064, Catholics 51,500, priests 11, religious 8), Argentina. The bishop-elect was born in Aldea Santa Maria, Argentina, in 1938 and ordained a priest in 1963. He succeeds Bishop Lucas Luis Donnelly O. de M., whose resignation from the pastoral care of the same diocese the Holy Father accepted, upon having reached the age limit.

- Appointed Bishop Roger Lawrence Schwietz O.M.I,, of Duluth, U.S.A., as coadjutor archbishop of Anchorage (area 359,832 population 384,209, Catholics 28,723, priests 31, permanent deacons 12, religious 55), U.S.A. The archbishop-elect was born in Saint Paul, U.S.A., in 1940 and ordained a priest in 1967.

NER; RE; NEC;...;...;KUHN; DONNELLY; SCHWIETZ;VIS;20000118;Word: 140;


VATICAN CITY, JAN 18, 2000 (VIS) - At 11 this morning, in the presence of representatives of 23 Christian Churches, communions and organizations, Pope John Paul opened the fourth and final Holy Door of the Jubilee Year 2000 at the patriarchal basilica of St. Paul's Outside-the Walls, and presided at an ecumenical celebration.

In his homily, the Pope recalled that "the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity starts today in Rome with this celebration which sees us united here. I wanted the opening of the Holy Door in this basilica to coincide with this event ... in order to underline the ecumenical dimension which must mark the Jubilee Year. At the start of the new Christian millennium in this year of grace which invites us to a more radical conversion to the Gospel, we must turn with ever more heartfelt supplication to the Holy Spirit, asking for the grace of our unity."

"We, representatives of diverse peoples and nations, of various Churches and ecclesial communities," he continued, "know that we are still divided brothers, but we have put ourselves with a decisive conviction on the path which leads to full unity of the Body of Christ."

"Welcome to this encounter which marks a step forward towards unity in the Spirit in which 'we have been baptized'," affirmed the Holy Father. "We have received one Baptism. This places a sacramental bond of unity among those who, through it have been regenerated."

"Christ is the door to our salvation, which leads to reconciliation, peace and unity. .. The humble symbol of a door which opens bears within it an extraordinary richness of meaning: it proclaims to all that Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life."

Recalling St. Paul's words that "we are all baptized in One Spirit to form one body," Pope John Paul asked: "Can a body be divided? Can the Church, the Body of Christ, be divided? From the first Councils, Christians have professed together that the Church is 'one, holy, Catholic and apostolic'. With Paul, they know that one alone is the body, one alone is the Spirit, one alone is the hope to which we have been called."

"In this year of grace," he observed, "the awareness of our own responsibility for the divisions which mark the history of the mystical body of Christ must grow in each of us."

The Holy Father said that "in this basilica built to honor St. Paul, ... we ask pardon of Christ for all that in the history of the Church has prejudiced His plan for unity. With trust we ask Him, the door of life, the door of salvation, the door of peace, to sustain our steps, to make lasting the progress already undertaken, to grant us the support of His Spirit, so that our commitment may be ever more authentic and efficacious."
"My wish in this solemn moment," John Paul II concluded, "is that the year of grace 2000 will be for all of Christ's disciples an occasion for a new impulse for the ecumenical commitment."

At the end of his homily, the Pope said, in off-the-cuff remarks: "'Unitade! Unitade!' This cry that I heard during my visit to Bucharest comes back to me now as a powerful echo. 'Unitade! Unitade!' the people cried during the celebration of the Eucharist. All Christians, Catholics, Orthodox and evangelical Protestants, cried together 'Unitade! Unitade!' Thank-you for this voice, for this consoling voice of our brothers and our sisters. Perhaps we too can leave this basilica, shouting like them: 'Unita, unita; Unite, Unity.' Thank-you."

Following the ceremony, there was a lunch at St. Paul's Abbey for all participants. After lunch, the Holy Father spoke briefly, naming each delegate present and thanking them personally for their participation in today's ecumenical service.

HML;HOLY DOOR; ECUMENISM;...;ST.PAUL'S;VIS;20000118;Word: 650;

Monday, January 17, 2000


VATICAN CITY, JAN 15, 2000 (VIS) - Today, John Paul II received in audience 300 participants in the second meeting of people involved in pastoral ministry to young people. Representatives from various episcopal conferences and from ecclesial movements, associations and communities are all taking part in the meeting which is promoted by the Pontifical Council for the Laity and is dedicated to preparations for the fifteenth World Youth Day.

The Pope greeted the participants and reminded them that World Youth Days, which began in 1985, "now constitute an important engagement in the pilgrimage of the younger generations." The Pope continued, saying that this year in particular "World Youth Day has its place within the spiritual itinerary of the Jubilee and thus becomes the 'Young People's Jubilee': a privileged moment to contemplate together the mystery of the incarnation of the Son of God, ... and to discover what consequences derive in everyday life, from such a strong spiritual experience.

"I pray to God," the Pope went on, "that, for all participants, the coming World Youth Day may be a stimulus to unitedly profess the faith at the start of the third millennium. In this city and in this Church of Rome ... the youth of world the will meet to fix their eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of the faith, and to give Him the response of their Christian commitment."
The Pope concluded: "I am certain that when they leave to re-embark on their life journeys, they will be workers of the new evangelization, builders of a civilization of love. In fact, their principal task is to 'ferry' the Gospel into the first century of the new millennium, pervading everyday life with the unchangeable values contained in this eternal and unchangeable 'Book of Life'."

AC;...;...;YOUTH;VIS;20000117;Word: 300;


VATICAN CITY, JAN 15, 2000 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received the rector and students of Rome's diocesan seminary "Almo Collegio Capranica," for the occasion of the feast of their patroness, St. Agnes, which falls on January 21.

The Pope confirmed that the Jubilee should stimulate them "above all, to rediscover the deep significance of life as a giving of oneself. The young man preparing himself for the priesthood must take on a kind of disinterested love, making it his own, a love expressed by a fundamental orientation and by concrete choices of openness towards God and towards our brothers and sisters."

After highlighting that the Eucharist is the "source and the culmination" of the spiritual relationship and the "center of the life and mission of all ecclesial communities," John Paul II recalled the importance that human, spiritual and intellectual formation holds for the seminarian.

The Pope concluded by saying: "The itinerary of your preparation for the priesthood is developed within the community context. ... Live your community experience, not as a transitory phase linked to the years in the seminary, but rather as a structure for your entire priestly lives. The vocational plan that embraces the whole life of the priest, is a community plan. Each vocation is always a convocation, in other words, a call from God to live and to 'be with others and for others'."

AC;...;...;ALMO COLLEGIO CAPRANICA;VIS;20000117;Word: 240;


VATICAN CITY, JAN 17, 2000 (VIS) - John Paul II today received an ecumenical delegation from the Churches of Finland. He told them that their visit "builds upon the promising initiatives that have brought Orthodox, Lutheran and Catholic Christians closer together in recent times. It encourages me to pursue the path towards unity which the Successor of the Apostle Peter must be the first to take."

The Pope requested that tomorrow, upon passing through the Holy Door of St. Paul's Outside the Walls, "may we take another step closer to the unity in Christ which Peter and Paul proclaimed, and which the Lord Himself so clearly wills. I am deeply grateful to you for the commitment of mind and will with which you pursue the ecumenical task."



VATICAN CITY, JAN 16, 2000 (VIS) - At midday today, after praying the angelus with the faithful gathered in St. Peter's Square, the Pope greeted participants in a congress on Hansen's disease. The congress, which was held yesterday in the Vatican, was promoted by the Pontifical Council for Pastoral Assistance to Health Care Workers and the Italian Association of the Friends of Raoul Follereau.
"I wish to express my appreciation for their commitment in support of those struck by leprosy, of whom there are still around fifteen million in the world today.

"I trust that the year 2000 will mark a decisive step forward for the healing and recovery of these, our brothers. In fact, leprosy is curable with medicines that are relatively inexpensive but that are often beyond the reach of the sick due to their great poverty. In the final analysis, the most dangerous 'leprosy' is misery, which must be combatted on an economic level and, above all, through a deep-rooted conversion from the logic of egoism to that of solidarity. May the Holy Year arouse in Christian souls a generous openness towards all our brothers and sisters in need."

ANG;LEPERS;...;...;VIS;20000117;Word: 200;


VATICAN CITY, JAN 16, 2000 (VIS) - Prior to praying the angelus, the Pope reminded the faithful gathered in St. Peter's Square that on Tuesday, January 18, the Prayer Week for Christian Unity begins. "On the occasion of the Jubilee year," said the Pope, "this takes on an even greater importance. The Great Jubilee 2000 has a strongly ecumenical character."

The Pope continued: "In order to underscore this fundamental aspect of the Holy Year we, together with a delegation representing numerous Churches and ecclesial communities, will go to the Basilica of St. Paul's Outside the Walls to open the Holy Door in a solemn ecumenical celebration."

John Paul II said that "only with God's help is it possible to progress along the road to unity, overcoming the divisions created in the Christian world during the course of the second millennium. I give thanks to God that, in the Basilica of St. Paul, I will have the joy to meet and pray with representatives from the principal Churches and ecclesial communities. To them, I would now like to extend a cordial welcome. We will ask pardon from God and from one another for the sins perpetrated against the unity of the Church. At the same time, we will give thanks for progress made along the path to reconciliation, especially over the last century. I invite all believers to unite in our prayer in order that the start of the third millennium may see a promising development in ecumenical relations."

After affirming that this year the theme for the Prayer Week is taken from an expression of St. Paul: "Blessed be God ... who has blessed us in Christ," the Holy Father explained that this theme "has been prepared in the Middle East by a work group which represents the various Christian confessions present in the land of Jesus." He concluded by recalling that tomorrow Italy celebrates the Day for religious dialogue between Jews and Christians.

ANG;ECUMENISM;...;...;VIS;20000117;Word: 330;


VATICAN CITY, JAN 17, 2000 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received in separate audiences:

- Felipe Perez Roque, foreign minister of Cuba.
- Archbishop Paul Fouad Tabet, apostolic nuncio in Greece.
- Metropolitan Archbishop Timotheos of Vostra, secretary general of the Greek-Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem.
- Irawan Abidin, ambassador of Indonesia, accompanied by his wife, on a farewell visit.
- Jorge Siles Salinas, ambassador of Bolivia, accompanied by his wife, on a farewell visit.
- Cardinal Jan Pieter Schotte C.I.C.M., president of the Central Labor Office of the Holy See, accompanied by Archbishop Giovanni De Andrea and Gio Maria Poles, respectively vice-president and director of the same office.

On Saturday, January 15, he received in separate audiences:

- Archbishop Paolo Romeo, apostolic nuncio in Canada.
- Bishop Jerzy Mazur S.V.D., apostolic administrator of Eastern Siberia.
- Archbishop Agostino Cacciavillan, president of the Administration of the Patrimony of the Holy See, accompanied by Archbishop Claudio Maria Celli, Msgr. Alfonso Badini Confalonieri and Giorgio Stoppa, respectively secretary and delegates of the administration.
- Cardinal Luca Moreira Neves O.P., prefect of the Congregation for Bishops.

AP;...;...;...;VIS;20000117;Word: 180;


VATICAN CITY, JAN 17, 2000 (VIS) - Holy See Press Office Director Joaquin Navarro-Valls today made the following declaration:

"The Holy Father today received Felipe Perez Roque, the foreign minister of Cuba. Later, the minister also met with Cardinal Secretary of State Angelo Sodano and Archbishop Jean Louis Tauran, secretary for Relations with States.

"The meetings provided an opportunity to evaluate the development of Church-State relations in Cuba.

"On this subject, the minister emphasized his government's willingness to support mutual and harmonious collaboration.

"For its part, the Holy See expressed its hope for ever greater religious liberty, in accordance with declarations made by the Holy Father during his historic visit of January 1998.

"The convergence of views regarding the international political situation was also noted, as was the need for greater solidarity in support of the poorest countries."



VATICAN CITY, JAN 17, 2000 (VIS) - The Holy Father appointed:

- Fr. Gerald Isaac Lobo, episcopal vicar of the diocese of Mangalore, India, and pastor of the parish of St. Monica at Kumbla, as bishop of Shimoga (area 21,405, population 4,247,881, Catholics 25,405, priests 37, religious 157), India. The bishop-elect was born at Agrar, India, in 1949 and ordained a priest in 1977.

On Saturday, January 15, it was made public that he:

- Appointed as consultors of the Commission for Religious Relations with Muslims, which is part of the Pontifical Council for Inter-religious Dialogue: Frs. Matthew Kukah, Nigeria; James Channan O.P., Pakistan; Jean-Marie Gaudeul M. Afr., France. Also, Vincenzo Buonomo, Italy, and Yussef Kamal El-Hage, Lebanon.

- Appointed His Beatitude Jean Pierre XVIII Kasparian, patriarch emeritus of Cilicia of the Armenians, as member of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity and of the Pontifical Council for Inter-religious Dialogue.
- Appointed as consultors of the Congregation for Bishops: Frs. Domingo Javier Andres Gutierrez C.M.F., president of the "Utriusque Iuris" Institute of the Pontifical Lateran University; Gianfranco Ghirlanda S.J., dean of the faculty of canon law at the Pontifical Gregorian University; Edward Kaczynski O.P., rector of the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas; Donato Valentini S.D.B., lecturer in dogmatic theology at the Pontifical Salesian University.

- Appointed as consultors of the Pontifical Council for Pastoral Assistance to Health Care Workers: Msgr. Sergio Pintor of the archdiocese of Oristano, Italy, director of the Italian Episcopal Conference's national office for pastoral assistance in the field of health care; Fr. Ernesto Scirpoli of the diocese of Biella, Italy. Also, Fernando S. Antezana Aranibar, former assistant director general of the World Health Organization, Bolivia and Maurizio Scelli, secretary general of UNITALSI, Italy.

- Gave his blessing to the election, canonically carried out by the Synod of Bishops of the Greek-Melkite Catholic Church, meeting at Roboueh, Lebanon, on January 14, 2000, of Fr. Joseph Kallas S.M.S.P., as archbishop of Beirut and Gibail of the Greek-Melkites (Catholics 200,000, priests 70, religious 313), Lebanon. The archbishop-elect was born at Fiki, Lebanon, in 1931 and ordained a priest in 1958.

- Gave his blessing to the election canonically carried out by the Synod of Bishops of the Greek-Melkite Catholic Church, meeting at Roboueh, Lebanon, on January 14, 2000, of Fr. Nicholas Sawaf, of the clergy of Aleppo of the Greek-Melkites, Syria, as archbishop of Lattaquie of the Greek Melkites (Catholics 10,000, priests 18, religious 24), Syria. The archbishop-elect was born in Aleppo, Syria, in 1943 and ordained a priest in 1968.

NER; NA;...;...;...;VIS;20000117;Word: 420;

Friday, January 14, 2000


VATICAN CITY. JAN 14, 2000 (VIS) - Today, John Paul II received commanders and officers of the General Inspectorate for Public Security at the Vatican, thanking them for their service to the Holy See and to his own person.

The Holy Father stated that they were called "to a greater commitment in order to ensure that celebrations and events associated with the Jubilee take place smoothly and propitiously. The external order which you attentively safeguard cannot but favor an interior order, diffused with serenity and peace."

After recalling that the Christmas period has recently come to a close, a period in which "we spiritually encountered Christ, born for us on Holy Night," the Pope said: "May this spiritual experience accompany us through the entire Holy Year! May the Great Jubilee be a time ... of reconciliation with God and with our brothers and sisters. In this way, I trust that each of you live the coming months in the best possible of ways, welcoming the gifts of grace that this salvational event offers us. I hope that within yourselves, you experience that peace announced by the angels at Bethlehem for all men and women of good will."

AC;...;...;VATICAN PUBLIC SECURITY;VIS;20000114;Word: 210;


VATICAN CITY, JAN 14, 2000 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received in separate audiences:

- Archbishop Pablo Puente, apostolic nuncio in Great Britain.
- Archbishop Peter Stephan Zurbriggen, apostolic nuncio in Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan.
- Archbishop Hans Schwemmer, apostolic nuncio in Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands.
- Bishop Jayme Henrique Chemello of Pelotas, Brazil, president of the Brazilian Episcopal Conference, accompanied by Archbishop Marcelo Pinto Carvalheira of Paraiba, Brazil, and Bishop Raymundo Damasceno Assis, auxiliary of Brasilia, Brazil, respectively vice-president and secretary general of the same episcopal conference.
- Cardinal Lucas Moreira Neves O.P., president of the Pontifical Commission for Latin America and Bishop Cipriano Calderon Polo, vice-president of the same commission.

This evening he is scheduled to receive Archbishop Tarcisio Bertone S.D.B., emeritus of Vercelli, Italy, and secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

AP;...;...;...;VIS;20000114;Word: 140;


VATICAN CITY, JAN 14, 2000 (VIS) - At 11 a.m. on Tuesday, January 18, John Paul II will open the Holy Door of the Patriarchal Basilica of St. Paul's Outside the Walls and preside at an ecumenical celebration, together with representatives from other Churches and ecclesial communities.

In a press conference on the opening of the Holy Door, held at midday today in the Holy See Press Office, Cardinal Roger Etchegaray stated that the week between January 18 and 25 will be, above all, a week of prayer. "In Rome, as elsewhere, this will be the most significant ecumenical event of the Holy Year. For the first time in jubilee history, the Pope himself will open ... the Holy Door of St. Paul's Outside the Walls; and he will do so in the presence of a large delegation from other Churches."

Representatives from the following Churches, communions and Christian organizations are scheduled to attend the ceremony: Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople (2); Greek-Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria (1); Greek-Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch (3); Greek-Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem (1); Patriarchate of Moscow (1); Patriarchate of Serbia (3); Orthodox Patriarchate of Romania (1); Greek Orthodox Church (1); Polish Orthodox Church (1); Albanian Orthodox Church (2); Finnish Orthodox Church (1); Coptic-Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria (1); Syrian-Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch (1); Apostolic Church of Armenia (1); Catholicosate of Cilicia of the Armenians, Antelias, Lebanon (1); Assyrian Church of the East (1); Anglican Communion (led by Archbishop George Carey of Canterbury, president of the communion, accompanied by four others); Old Catholic Church - Union of Utrecht (2); World Lutheran Federation (3); World Methodist Council (1); Disciples of Christ (2); Pentecostal Church (1) and the World Council of Churches (3).

Between January 18 and 24, ecumenical celebrations will be held in various churches in Rome. At 5.30 p.m. on January 25, in the Basilica of St. Paul's Outside the Walls, Cardinal Roger Etchegaray will preside at the celebration of vespers, thus concluding the week of prayer for Christian unity.

According to the Jubilee calendar, two other ecumenical celebrations are scheduled to take place in Rome in the course of the year: On May 7 at the Colosseum, a commemoration for witnesses to the faith in the 20th century will be held; while on Saturday, August 5, in the Basilica of St. Mary Major, there will be a prayer vigil in response to a call from the Patriarch of Constantinople, Bartholomew I.

Bishop Piero Marini, master of liturgical ceremonies of the Supreme Pontiff, explained the significance of the ceremony of January 18 and the order of events.

"With the opening of the Holy Door and the ecumenical prayer celebration at the Basilica of St. Paul's Outside the Walls on January 18, the Pope wishes to underline the special ecumenical character of the Jubilee 2000. ... It was in the basilica dedicated to St. Paul, apostle of the gentiles, that John XXIII announced Vatican Council II on January 25, 1959."

The ceremony is divided into three stages with three moments of prayer, these are linked by the course of a procession that the Holy Father will follow together with representatives from more than 30 Churches and ecclesial communities.

The first stage is the "statio" under the portico of the basilica. Here St. Paul's Letter to the Ephesians - which has been chosen as the theme of the prayer week for Christian Unity - will be read out. The first part will be read by John Paul II, whereafter three representatives from other Churches and ecclesial communities will continue.

Then the Pope, together with two representatives from other Churches, will open the Holy Door, pushing it with their hands. After a brief prayer, the Orthodox deacon will hand the Gospel to the Pope who will raise the book, showing it to the assembly. The book will then be handed back to the deacon as the Pope enters the basilica, whereupon three representatives from other Churches and eccelsial communities will step onto the threshold and receive the Gospel which they will show to the four cardinal points then enter the basilica. The entire procession will then enter the basilica and proceed towards the altar.

Finally, inside the basilica, once the procession has reached the presbytery, the Gospel will be placed on the throne. Psalm 144 will be sung, all together proclaiming the sanctity and greatness of God, followed by three readings. The first of these is from the Bible (1 Cor. 12, 4-13) while the second, from the work of the Russian priest Georgij Florovskij (1893-1973), highlights the dynamic unity of the Church, upheld through the bond of peace. The third reading comes from the work of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a Lutheran theologian executed by the Nazis in 1945, and concerns the identification between the Church and the Body of Christ. "The Church," says Bonhoeffer, "is not the religious community of the adorers of Christ, it is Christ Himself who has taken shape among men."

Following the homily, the sign of peace will be exchanged. The two deacons, in Greek and in Italian, will invite those present to make a gesture of fraternal communion.

Bishop Marini indicated that with the opening of the Holy Door "we wish to recognize Christ as the single and common door of salvation through which all must pass."

"The celebration will be presided by the Holy Father and 'concelebrated' by the representatives from other Churches and ecclesial communities. These representatives will participate directly at various times during the ceremony. ... At particular moments during the course of the rite, after the Holy Father, representatives from Orthodox, Pre-Chalcedonian and Reformation Churches will take part. In this way we will be able to contemplate, unfortunately, the great divisions that have taken place between Christians over the course of the centuries."



VATICAN CITY, JAN 14, 2000 (VIS) - The Holy Father appointed Fr. Matthew Vaniakizhakel C.V., rector of the DePaul Institute of Religion and Philosophy in Bangalore, India, as bishop of Satna of the Syro-Malabars (area 45,201, population 7,180,655, Catholics 2,609, priests 38, religious 162), India. The bishop-elect was born in Kaithappara, India, in 1945 and ordained a priest in 1972. He succeeds Bishop Abraham Mattam C.V., whose resignation from the pastoral care of the same eparchy the Holy Father accepted, in accordance with canon 201, para. 1 of the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches.

NER; RE;...;...;VANIAKIZHAKEL; MATTAM;VIS;20000114;Word: 100;
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