VATICAN CITY, DEC 29, 2000 (VIS) - The Pope today appeared at the window of his private study in order to pray the angelus and bless the faithful gathered in St. Peter's Square, most of whom were queuing to enter the basilica by the Holy Door. Today's appearance, like that of yesterday and the day before, was unscheduled.
...;ANGELUS;...;...;VIS;20001229;Word: 70;
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Friday, December 29, 2000
VATICAN CITY, DEC 29, 2000 (VIS) - Made public today was an article written by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, which appeared in L'Osservatore Romano under the title "The legacy of Abraham, gift of Christmas."
The cardinal explains that at Christmas we exchange gifts in order to share in the joy "that the choir of angels announced to the shepherds, thus recalling the gift par excellence that God granted to humanity in giving us His Son Jesus Christ."
The history of the relationship between man and God begins with the faith of Abraham, father of the people of Israel, father of believers "and our father in faith." It is the duty of the chosen people, writes the cardinal, "to give their God, the one and true God, to other peoples, indeed in reality, we Christians are the heirs to their faith in the one God." Consequently, our gratitude must go out "to our Jewish brothers who, despite the difficulties of their history, have maintained to the present day their faith in this God, and who bear witness to it before other peoples."
The prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith highlights that "right from the start, relations between the nascent Church and Israel were often conflictory. ... In the history of Christianity, these already difficult relations degenerated further, in many cases even giving rise to anti-Jewish attitudes that produced deplorable acts of violence in the course of history. Even if the last abhorrent experience, the 'Shoah,' was perpetrated in the name of an anti-Christian ideology that sought to strike the Christian faith at its Abrahamic roots - in the people of Israel - it cannot be denied that a certain measure of insufficient resistance to these atrocities on the part of Christians is explained by the anti-Jewish legacy present in the souls of no small number of Christians.
"Perhaps because of the dramatic nature of this last tragedy, a new vision of the relationship between the Church and Israel has arisen, a sincere desire to overcome all types of anti-Jewish feeling and to begin a constructive dialogue of mutual knowledge and reconciliation." In order for this dialogue to bear fruit, God must grant Christians "greater respect and love towards this people, the people of Israel," and at the same time He must grant that people "greater knowledge of Jesus of Nazareth, their son and the gift they gave to us."
Cardinal Ratzinger concludes his article by affirming that all we have and do "is a gift of God, obtained by humble and sincere prayer, a gift that must be shared between ethnic groups, between religions in search of the divine mystery, between nations seeking peace and peoples who wish to found a society in which peace and love reign supreme."
...;CHRISTMAS; GIFT; JEWS;...;RATZINGER;VIS;20001229;Word: 480;
VATICAN CITY, DEC 29, 2000 (VIS) - The Holy Father's general prayer intention for January 2001 is: "That Christians may favor the evangelization of the new generations through the constant search for the unity wanted by Christ."
His missionary intention is: "That through civil and religious education every form of intolerance and discrimination may be uprooted all over the world."
His missionary intention is: "That through civil and religious education every form of intolerance and discrimination may be uprooted all over the world."
VATICAN CITY, DEC 29, 2000 (VIS) - At midday today, Holy See Press Office Director Joaquin Navarro-Valls made the following declaration:
"Today, December 29 2000, in the late morning at the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, a monetary convention was signed between the Holy See and Italy, on behalf of the European Community, following the introduction of the euro as the single currency.
"In the name of the Holy See (as a representative of Vatican City State) the convention was signed by Archbishop Jean-Louis Tauran, secretary for Relations with States, while Lamberto Dini, Italian foreign minister, signed on behalf of Italy.
"The convention establishes the right of Vatican City State to use the Euro as its own official currency. As regards the introduction of notes and coins in euro, Vatican City State undertakes to follow the same calendar as that laid down for the Italian Republic."
VATICAN CITY, DEC 29, 2000 (VIS) - The Holy Father:
- Erected the diocese of Lafia (area 28,500, population 1,510,000, Catholics 72,000, priests 27, religious 21), Nigeria, with territory taken from the archdiocese of Jos and from the diocese of Makurdi, making it a suffragan of the metropolitan church of Abuja. He appointed Fr. Matthew Ishaya Audu, rector "pro tempore" of the St. Thomas Aquinas Major Seminary of Makurdi, as first bishop of the new diocese. The bishop-elect was born in Tudu Uku, Nigeria, in 1959 and ordained a priest in 1984.
- Erected the diocese of Zaria (area 18,000, population 1,750,000, Catholics 64,941, priests 20), Nigeria, with territory taken from the archdiocese of Kaduna, making it a suffragan of the same metropolitan church. He appointed Fr. George Dodo, pastor of the parish of Our Lady in Kaduna, as first bishop of the new diocese. The bishop-elect was born in Zuturung Mago, Nigeria, in 1956 and ordained a priest in 1983.
- Appointed Fr. James Naanman Daman O.S.A., vice-provincial of the vice-province of the Augustinian Fathers in Nigeria, as bishop of Jalingo (area 61,368, population 1,946,156, Catholics 199,252, priests 35, religious 35), Nigeria. The bishop-elect was born in Kwa, Nigeria, in 1956 and ordained a priest in 1982.
ECE; NER;AUDU; DODO; DAMAN VIS 20001229 (200);...;
Thursday, December 28, 2000
VATICAN CITY, DEC 23, 2000 (VIS) - This morning in the Paul VI Hall, the Holy Father received various groups of pilgrims, reminding them that Christmas "calls us to measure our faith against the central message of Christianity. In other words, it invites us to welcome, with a humble and grateful heart, Jesus, Who comes to meet man in poverty and silence."
"The Jubilee," affirmed the Pope, "is coming to an end and it is important that all believers, in this final stage of the jubilee journey, make a more intense commitment to purify and strengthen their faith in the face of the dangers and traps that threaten it in our time. Is not one of these traps the deviant forms of religious sentiment that exploit the most profound aspirations of the human soul, offering illusory and false prospects of satisfaction? Unfortunately, many families are touched by this sad problem through the involvement of one of their number, especially the children who are often more fragile and exposed to such risks."
The Pope indicated that, "for believers, the spread of 'sects' must be a stimulus to deepen their convictions of faith. The only valid response to this challenge is a stronger witness of Christian values and a firm renewal of pastoral commitment. Only profound faith, lived with coherence, can be the effective antidote to these dangerous deviations in religious sentiment and practice."
John Paul II then thanked the employees of the Rome Agency for Jubilee Preparations for their work over these months. He expressed the hope that the service they have given has helped them and continues to help them "to assimilate the great spiritual and cultural values of the Jubilee."
AC;JUBILEE PILGRIMS;...;...;VIS;20001228;Word: 290;
VATICAN CITY, DEC 23, 2000 (VIS) - Made public today was the text of a speech given by Archbishop Paul Josef Cordes, president of the Pontifical Council "Cor Unum", at the Fourth Session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification. The meeting was held in Bonn, Germany, from December 11 to 22 and the Holy See delegation was led by Archbishop Cordes, who was accompanied by Msgr. Frank Dewane, an official of "Cor Unum."
Archbishop Cordes highlighted the importance of the phenomenon of desertification which affects all regions of the world, especially the African continent. He also recalled that "populations living in areas experiencing desertification are often the most marginalized communities of a region and live on the edge of hunger, struggling to maintain an existence in the harshest conditions."
The archbishop went on; "In 1984, Pope John Paul II established the 'Foundation of the Sahel'... on behalf of what he termed 'the thirsty lands'." On that occasion, said archbishop Cordes, the Holy Father said; "After consulting my brothers in the episcopate of the region of the Sahel, it seemed opportune to give a more organic, permanent and effective form to the Church's aid intended for Sahel in a spirit of charity, authentic human promotion and collaboration with all the organizations committed to aid programs." The aim of the foundation is to promote the training of personnel, mostly women, to combat desertification by self-help initiatives that help the humiliated to discover their capacity and dignity.
VATICAN CITY, DEC 23, 2000 (VIS) - Yesterday evening, Holy See Press Office Director Joaquin Navarro-Valls made the following declaration following the full acquittal of Cardinal Michele Giordano, archbishop of Naples, on charges of usury and criminal association:
"The news of the sentence handed down today by the Court of Lagonegro - of full acquittal on all charges brought by the local public prosecutor's office against the archbishop of Naples, His Excellency Cardinal Michele Giordano - has been welcomed with great pleasure by the Holy See.
"Ever since the start of the process, it was quite clear that Cardinal Giordano had no connection whatever with the events in question (which took place in Sant'Arcangelo di Lucania where he was born and where his relatives live). Nonetheless it was decided to continue full investigations, even though the outcome of such investigations left no room for any doubt regarding the Cardinal's innocence, which could have been proclaimed immediately.
"The archbishop of Naples opted for a "shortened trial" at the end of which the presiding judge recognized everything the Cardinal had stated in his own defence on all occasions as being true.
"Now that the trial is over, it cannot but be deplored that a person now recognized as innocent should have to have suffered such grave and prolonged harm for two and a half years, a harm that also reflected indirectly on the meritorious institutions of the Church.
"Finally, it is difficult to overlook the violation of the Concordat in the lack of notification at the time to the competent ecclesial authorities of the emission of a notice of impending investigation against Cardinal Giordano (Article 2 b of the Additional Protocol of the Agreement between the Holy See and the Italian Republic of February 18, 1984). Furthermore, it is well known that the methods used in searches and in intercepting telephone calls gave rise to great astonishment and, apart from disturbing the free exercise of his episcopal ministry (as guaranteed by current agreed norms), were not consonant with the position the Italian State recognizes for Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church."
VATICAN CITY, DEC 24, 2000 (VIS) - "The fourth Sunday of Advent, which this year falls precisely on Christmas Eve," said the Pope prior praying the angelus from the window of his private study, "calls us to meditation and prayer, that we may be prepared for the now imminent coming of the Lord."
He continued, saying that "external preparations, though necessary, must not distract attention from the central extraordinary event we are commemorating, the birth of Jesus, priceless gift of the Father to humanity."
John Paul II indicated that the nativity scene "in its simplicity, constitutes a silent invitation to understand the true value of the mystery of Christmas, a mystery of humility and of love, of joy and of concern for the poor." He concluded by requesting that during this period there be "a gesture of solidarity towards those who, alas, will live these days in solitude and suffering."
ANG;CHRISTMAS;...;...;VIS;20001228;Word: 160;
VATICAN CITY, DEC 23, 2000 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received in separate audiences:
- Cardinal Achille Silvestrini.
- Archbishop Giovanni Battista Re, prefect of the Congregation for Bishops.
AP;...;...;...;VIS;20001228;Word: 30;
- Cardinal Achille Silvestrini.
- Archbishop Giovanni Battista Re, prefect of the Congregation for Bishops.
AP;...;...;...;VIS;20001228;Word: 30;
VATICAN CITY, DEC 25, 2000 (VIS) - In his traditional message, "urbi et orbi" (to the city and the world), John Paul II addressed thousands of faithful gathered in St. Peter's Square, condemning the "alarming signs of the 'culture of death,' which pose a serious threat for the future."
He continued: "Yet however dense the darkness may appear, our hope for the triumph of the Light which appeared on this Holy Night at Bethlehem is stronger still. So much good is being done, silently, by men and women who daily live their faith, their work, their dedication to their families and to the good of society."
The Holy Father affirmed that "in the Newborn Child, laid in the manger, we greet the 'new Adam' Who became for us 'a life-giving spirit.' ... From the manger, our gaze today takes in all humanity, called to receive the grace of the 'second Adam,' yet still heir to the sin of the 'first Adam'."
Is it not human sin, he asked, that continues "to mar the face of humanity? Children subjected to violence, humiliated and abandoned, women raped and exploited, young people, adults and the elderly marginalized, endless streams of exiles and refugees, violence and conflict in so many parts of the world.
"I am thinking with great concern of the Holy Land where violence continues to stain with blood the difficult path to peace. And what are we to say about countries - I am thinking particularly now of Indonesia - where our brothers and sisters in faith are undergoing a difficult time of trial and suffering? We cannot but recall today that shadows of death threaten people's lives at every stage of life, and are especially menacing at its earliest beginning and its natural end. The temptation is becoming ever stronger to take possession of death by anticipating its arrival, as though we were masters of our own lives or the lives of others."
He concluded by saying: "Of humanity as it approaches the new millennium, You, Lord Jesus, born for us at Bethlehem ask respect for every person, especially the small and the weak; You ask for an end to all forms of violence! To wars, oppression, and all attacks on life! O Christ, Whom we look on today in the arms of Mary, You are the reason for our hope!"
Following the message, the Pope gave Christmas greetings to the world in 59 languages.
MESS;URBI ET ORBI;...;...;VIS;20001228;Word: 410;
VATICAN CITY, DEC 25, 2000 (VIS) - This night, John Paul II celebrated midnight Mass for the Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord. For the first time ever the event was held in St. Peter's Square, in order to accommodate the great numbers of faithful who followed the proceedings despite persistent rain.
In his homily, the Pope recalled that this was the Christmas of the Great Jubilee, "a living remembrance of Christ's 2000 years, of His wondrous birth, which marked the new beginning of history."
"With deep emotion," he continued, "I think back to the days of my Jubilee pilgrimage in the Holy Land. My thoughts return to the stable, where I was given the grace to pause in prayer. In spirit, I embrace that blessed land that saw the blossoming of imperishable joy for the world."
He added: "I think with concern of the Holy Places, and especially of the town of Bethlehem where sadly, because of the troubled political situation, the evocative rites of Christmas cannot be celebrated with their usual solemnity. ... We are close to you, dear brothers and sisters, in a particularly intense prayer. We share your anxiety for the destiny of the entire region of the Middle East. May the Lord hear our plea!"
The Holy Father highlighted the fact that it was not "a palace which sees the birth of the Redeemer, destined to establish the eternal and universal Kingdom. He is born in a stable and, coming among us, He kindles in the world the fire of God's love. This fire will not be quenched ever again. May this fire burn in our hearts as a flame of charity in action, showing itself in openness to and support of our many brothers and sisters sorely tried by want and suffering!"
HML;CHRISTMAS;...;...;VIS;20001228;Word: 310;
VATICAN CITY, DEC 27, 2000 (VIS) - At midday today, the Holy Father made an unscheduled appearance at the window of his study to greet the many pilgrims who had gathered in St. Peter's Square. After praying the angelus, the Pope imparted a "special blessing" to those present and wished them a happy Christmas.
ANG;CHRISTMAS;...;...;VIS;20001228;Word: 60;
ANG;CHRISTMAS;...;...;VIS;20001228;Word: 60;
VATICAN CITY, DEC 26, 2000 (VIS) - In today's angelus, the Holy Father affirmed that St. Stephen, whose feast day this is, "honors with his martyrdom the coming into the world of the King of kings, giving Him his own life as a gift. Thus, he shows us how to live the mystery of Christmas."
"In order to welcome Jesus as He deserves and to prolong the joy of the Holy Night," said the Holy Father to the faithful gathered in St. Peter's Square, "we must make gospel teaching our own, even at the cost of our lives. And if not everyone is called, as St. Stephen was, to spill their blood for Christ, all Christians are nonetheless asked to be coherent with their own faith in all the circumstances of life."
After recalling the angels' announcement to the shepherds, "on earth peace among men with whom He is pleased," John Paul II said: "The peace we so crave and hope for, the only peace capable of placating the minds and hearts of all, is guaranteed to those who, through the trials of life, know how to welcome God's word and commit themselves to observe it with perseverance to the end."
After praying the angelus, the Pope indicated that this morning too, on looking from his window, he had seen in the square "the multitude of people who, taking advantage of the last days of the Jubilee, wait patiently to enter the Basilica through the Holy Door. This is a sight that moves me and evokes in my mind the vision of the People of God marching towards the Promised Land. Christ is the true door that introduce us, His people, into the 'promised land' of heaven."
ANG;ST. STEPHEN; PEACE;...;...;VIS;20001228;Word: 300;
VATICAN CITY, DEC 28, 2000 (VIS) - At midday today, as yesterday, the Holy Father made an unscheduled appearance at his study window. After praying the angelus, he greeted the pilgrims present in St. Peter's Square.
ANG;GREETINGS;...;...;VIS;20001228;Word: 40;
ANG;GREETINGS;...;...;VIS;20001228;Word: 40;
VATICAN CITY, DEC 27, 2000 (VIS) - The Holy Father appointed:
- Fr. Augustinho Petry, of the clergy of the archdiocese of Florianopolis, Brazil, navy chaplain and official of the curia of the military ordinariate, as auxiliary to the military ordinary for Brazil. The bishop-elect was born in Sao Jose, Brazil, in 1938.
- Fr. Francisco Ramirez Navarro, episcopal vicar of Tlalnepantla (area 682, population 3,312,163, Catholics 3,082,003, priests 283, permanent deacons 7, religious 401), Mexico, as auxiliary of the same archdiocese. The bishop-elect was born in Tepatitlan, Mexico, in 1939 and ordained a priest in 1969.
- Archbishop Giuseppe Bertello, Holy See permanent observer to the Office of the United Nations and Specialized Institutions in Geneva, Switzerland, and to the World Trade Organization (WTO), as apostolic nuncio in Mexico.
On Saturday, December 23, it was made public that he appointed:
- Msgr. Salvatore Di Cristina, vicar general of Palermo (area 1,366, population 990,000, Catholics 960,000, priests 570, permanent deacons 24, religious 1,871), Italy, as auxiliary of the same archdiocese. The bishop-elect was born in Palermo in 1937 and ordained a priest in 1960.
- Bishop Lubomyr Husar M.S.U., as apostolic administrator "sede vacante et ad nutum Sanctae Sedis" of the major archbishopric of the Ukrainians.
- Archbishop Silvano Tomasi, apostolic nuncio in Ethiopia and Eritrea, as apostolic nuncio in Djibouti.
NEA; NN; NA;...;...;...;VIS;20001228;Word: 210;
Friday, December 22, 2000
VATICAN CITY, DEC 22, 2000 (VIS) - During a press conference held this morning in the Holy See Press Office, Bishop Piero Marini, master of liturgical ceremonies of the Supreme Pontiff, described the January 5 and 6 concluding celebrations of the Holy Year 2000.
Bishop Marini recalled that the first closing of a Holy Door for which historical and ritual documentation exists is that of St. Peter's Basilica at the end of the Holy Year of 1500.
The sixteenth century rite, he said, was as follows: the entrance procession through the Holy Door and the celebration of vespers in the Vatican Basilica; procession towards the Holy Door with a pause for the exposition and veneration of relics; the procession departs the basilica, the Pope being the last to pass through the Holy Door. In the atrium there was the blessing and sprinkling with holy water of the stones and bricks. Following the prayer "Deus qui in omni loci," the Pope concluded the rite by intoning the "Te Deum" hymn, then ascended to the central loggia to impart the apostolic blessing.
The master of liturgical celebrations indicated that the sixteenth century ritual for closing the Holy Door was maintained up to 1975. In Christmas of that year it was changed as follows: entrance into the basilica through the St. Martha door and a pause for prayer in front of the Confession of St. Peter; a procession through the basilica and exit through the Holy Door, the last to leave being the Pope; silent prayer by the Holy Father kneeling at the threshold of the Holy Door. As the Holy Father went from his chair to the Holy Door, an antiphon was sung. Then the Holy Door was closed as the Pope recited some words and the hymn "Gloria in excelsis Deo" was sung. This was followed by a procession to St. Peter's Square for the celebration of Mass.
Bishop Marini explained that the closing of the Holy Doors in 2001 "will take place in two distinct stages: the actual rite of closing, ... and the walling up of the Holy Door on the inside of the four basilicas, which will take place several weeks later."
"On the afternoon of January 5, vigil of the Epiphany," he stated, "the Holy Doors of the three patriarchal basilicas will be closed by Cardinal Legates: Cardinal Camillo Ruini will close the door of St. John Lateran; Cardinal Roger Etchegaray will close the door of St.Paul's Outside-the-Walls and Cardinal Carlo Furno will close the door of St. Mary Major. The rite of closing will be followed by First Vespers of Epiphany."
On January 6, the solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord, Pope John Paul will close the Holy Door at St. Peter's in a ceremony starting at 9:30 a.m. with a procession, including lay persons from all the continents, deacons and cardinal concelebrants. After they are seated in the atrium in front of the Holy Door, the Pope begins the rite with the sign of the cross, a trinitarian invocation, the liturgical greeting, an introduction and a prayer. The choir sings "O Clavis David" as the Holy Father ascends the steps, kneels, prays in silence and then rises and closes the two sides of the Holy Door. Following this the procession moves to the altar and the Eucharistic celebration begins.
Bishop Marini then turned to the ceremony of the walling up of the Holy Door, and observed that the January 2001 ceremony will be identical to those celebrated in 1975 and 1984, that is, a brick and masonry wall will be built on the inside of each basilica where the Holy Door is located and an urn containing a number of coins and a parchment document will be placed inside. The center of the wall will be marked by the traditional sign of the cross indicating where the bronze urn has been placed.
The walling-up rite contains the following elements, he said: the reading of the parchment, which attests to the opening and closing of the Holy Door and bears the signatures of those present at the rites, the placing of the coins and parchment in the urn, the setting of the box in the wall and the reading of the "rogito" attesting to the event.
Each urn will include a gold medal of the 23rd year of Pope John Paul's pontificate, 23 silver medals corresponding to the 23 years of his papacy, and 17 bronze medals commemorating the 17 years since the last Jubilee (1984-2001). There will also be three gilded bricks bearing the coat of arms of Pope John Paul and a commemorative medal of the Knights of Malta.
Four different urns have been cast for the four basilicas, and were made by a German, a Japanese and two Italians.
The bricks to be used in the wall bear an inscription in Latin containing the name of the Pope or Cardinal Legate who opened and closed the door, as well as the date of the Holy Year.
OP;CLOSE JUBILEE;...;MARINI;VIS;20001222;Word: 850;
VATICAN CITY, DEC 22, 2000 (VIS) - Made public today was a Message from Pope John Paul to Cardinal Giacomo Biffi, archbishop of Bologna, Italy, who tomorrow celebrates the 50th anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood. The Message is written in Latin and dated December 1, 2000.
Cardinal Biffi was born in Milan in 1928, ordained a priest in 1950 and a bishop in 1976. He was named archbishop of Bologna in 1984 and became a cardinal in the consistory of May 1985.
MESS;JUBILEE PRIESTHOOD;...;...;VIS;20001222;Word: 80;
Cardinal Biffi was born in Milan in 1928, ordained a priest in 1950 and a bishop in 1976. He was named archbishop of Bologna in 1984 and became a cardinal in the consistory of May 1985.
MESS;JUBILEE PRIESTHOOD;...;...;VIS;20001222;Word: 80;
VATICAN CITY, DEC 22, 2000 (VIS) - This morning in the Paul VI Hall, John Paul II received 7,000 participants in a meeting promoted by SERMIG, the Youth Missionary Service - Arsenal of Peace, from Turin, Italy. He told them that the world "has need of the light of Christ, it also has need of you."
The Pope recalled that some of their contemporaries "dedicate their lives to the cause of peace. With their generosity they aim to aim to influence many other boys and girls in order to spread the light of the Gospel and change the face of history. May their efforts be crowned by the longed-for results so that the people of the 'artisans of peace' may grow."
"Your human and Christian commitment ... calls you to be witnesses of evangelical hope in the new millennium. It also inspires you to be architects of unity between different cultures and religions through gestures of concrete solidarity, such as the one you in which you are involved in the Middle East. Continue along this path. Consecrate life to the cause of peace."
The Holy Father thanked them for the gift of an image of "Mary, Mother of the young." He assured then that she would help them "to be apostles of peace and to scale the heights of sanctity as happened with no small number of young people before you. At this point, I would like to recall especially a young person from Turin, Blessed Piegiorgio Frassati, who died at the age of 24 after a life of love and faith."
AC;PEACE MISSIONARIES;...;...;VIS;20001222;Word: 270;
VATICAN CITY, DEC 22, 2000 (VIS) - The Holy Father:
- Erected the ecclesiastical province of Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso, elevating the diocese of Bobo-Dioulasso to the status of metropolitan church and assigning it as suffragans the dioceses of Banfora, Dedougou, Diebougou and Nouna. He appointed Bishop Anselme Titianma Sanon of Bobo-Dioulasso, as metropolitan archbishop of the new ecclesiastical province.
- Erected the ecclesiastical province of Koupela, Burkina Faso, elevating the diocese of Koupela to the status of metropolitan church and assigning it as suffragans the dioceses of Fada N'Gourma and Kaya. He appointed Bishop Seraphin Rouamba of Koupela as metropolitan archbishop of the new ecclesiastical province.
- Appointed Msgr. Richard Edmund Pates of the clergy of St. Paul and Minneapolis (area 17,225, population 2,757,989, Catholics 752,325, priests 527, permanent deacons 174, religious 1,298), U.S.A., pastor of the parish of St. Ambrose, as auxiliary of the same archdiocese. The bishop-elect was born in St. Paul, U.S.A., in 1943 and ordained a priest in 1968.
ECE; NER; NEA;...;...;SANON; ROUAMBA; PATES;VIS;20001222;Word: 170;
VATICAN CITY, DEC 22, 2000 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received Cardnal Achille Silvestrini and Archbishop Miroslav Stefan Marusyn, secretary of the Congregation for Oriental Churches.
This evening, he is scheduled to receive Cardinal Jozef Tomko, prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples.
AP;...;...;...;VIS;20001222;Word: 50;
This evening, he is scheduled to receive Cardinal Jozef Tomko, prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples.
AP;...;...;...;VIS;20001222;Word: 50;
VATICAN CITY, DEC 22, 2000 (VIS) - From 10:30 p.m. on December 31, pilgrims who wish to do so may participate in a prayer vigil in St. Peter's Square for the transition to the new year. At midnight, they will receive an apostolic blessing imparted by Holy Father from the window of his study.
According to a communique from the Central Committee for the Great Jubilee 2000, the vigil, which includes the solemn and torch-lit celebration of the pilgrims' evening prayer, will extend to the moment of the blessing.
The communique goes on to state that the Central Committee has promoted another meeting of the Holy Father with children from all over the world, to take place in the Paul VI Hall on the afternoon of January 5, 2001. The gathering will be televised worldwide by RAI (Italian State Television). Just as the first Jubilee celebration of the Holy Year was the Jubilee of Children on January 2, 2000, so it closes with an event dedicated to them.
...;VIGIL; CHILDREN;...;...;VIS;20001222;Word: 170;
Thursday, December 21, 2000
VATICAN CITY, DEC 21, 2000 (VIS) - At midday today in the Consistory Hall, John Paul II received a group of boys and girls from Italian Catholic Action who come every year to exchange Christmas greetings with the Pope.
"Catholic Action," said the Holy Father, "has surely helped you in your development as disciples of Christ. ... Together with your teachers and assistants, your aim is to become even more missionary, more capable of bringing to others the joy of having encountered Christ. I am pleased at this missionary effort and I repeat that I very much count on your collaboration in spreading the Gospel in the family, in school, in sport and everywhere."
The Holy Father assured the young people that he prayed "that, like Jesus, you may grow in wisdom and grace, before God and man. This will happen if you constantly love the Virgin Mary and let yourselves be guided by her."
VATICAN CITY, DEC 21, 200 (VIS) - Pope John Paul received the cardinals of the Roman Curia today, along with other collaborators, for the traditional exchange of Christmas wishes, to thank them for their collaboration during the Holy Year and to relive a number of the highlights of the about-to-conclude Great Jubilee of the Year 2000.
He told the Curia that "the Holy Door is about to close but Christ Whom it represents is 'the same yesterday, today and always'. He is the 'door'!" The Pope added that the "very great number of pilgrims" who passed through the Holy Door of St. Peter's Basilica offered "ever new witnesses of faith and devotion. ... St. Peter's Square this year was more than ever a 'microcosm' in which mankind's various situations came close together," including "the young and the old, artists and athletes, handicapped and families, politicians and journalists, bishops, priests and consecrated people."
The Holy Father had special words for and fond memories of World Youth Day and the Jubilee of Young People, "not only for the dimensions which marked it but above all for the commitment that 'the Pope's boys and girls - as they are called - knew how to show."
John Paul II then expressed his "grateful appreciation" to all who helped make the Jubilee Year a success: the offices of the Holy See, the Governorate, the cardinal archpriest of the Vatican Basilica, the Secretariat of State, the Prefecture of the Papal Household, the Office of the Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff, L'Osservatore Romano, the Press Office, Vatican Radio and Vatican Television Center, the confessors in the various basilicas, the Vicariate of Rome and the many volunteers, young and old.
The first highlight of the Holy Year that the Pope mentioned was the February 22 Jubilee of the Roman Curia. "What we are," he said, "we are in fact because of the ministry that Christ entrusted to Peter: 'Feed my lambs, tend my sheep'." He said that the "Jubilee was for me a moment in which I felt ever more strongly the presence of Christ. The work was ... more weighty than usual but with the help of God all went well." He stressed that "the Roman Curia must be a place in which one breathes holiness. A place in which competition and careerism must be profoundly extraneous, in which only love for Christ should reign."
Other moments of the Jubilee Year 2000 which the Pope chose to highlight included "the commemoration of Abraham 'our father in the faith' in the Paul VI Hall"; his "unforgettable" pilgrimages to Mount Sinai and the Holy Land and his meetings with Christians, Jews and Muslims and the ecumenical and inter-religious prayer services and events which marked the Holy Year throughout.
He said he hoped that the Holy Land would finally find peace: "Today we wish to speak of our closeness to all of those who are suffering in this protracted conflict, and we ask God to placate the violence of both feelings and arms, and to orient people to adequate solutions for a just and lasting peace."
"The Great Jubilee," Pope John Paul observed, "was also a year of a greater awareness of the urgency of charity, especially in the dimension of assistance that should be given to the poorest countries. ... The Church's commitment for the reduction of the international debt of the poor countries had great meaning in this sense." He thanked governments who had moved in this direction, and also thanked "the leaders of nations who received my repeated appeals to make 'a sign of clemency towards prisoners'."
AC;CURIA; CHRISTMAS GREETINGS;...;...;VIS;20001221;Word: 590;
VATICAN CITY, DEC 21, 2000 (VIS) - The following prelates died in recent weeks:
- Cardinal Myroslav Ivan Lubachivsky, major archbishop of Lviv of the Ukrainians, Ukraine, on December 14 at the age of 86.
- Bishop Robert Ratna Bamrungtrakul, emeritus of Chiang Mai, Thailand, on December 8 at the age of 84.
- Bishop Antonius Hofmann, emeritus of Passau, Germany, on March 11 at the age of 90.
- Bishop James Thomas McHugh of Rockville Center, U.S.A., on December 10 at the age of 67.
- Bishop Johannes Bernardus Nienhaus, auxiliary of Utrecht, Netherlands, on December 5 at the age of 71.
- Bishop Fidelis Uga Orgah of Otukpo, Nigeria, on December 7 at the age of 47.
- Bishop Benedict Dotu Sekey of Gbarnga, Liberia, on December 13, at the age of 60.
...;DEATHS;...;...;VIS;20001221;Word: 120;
- Cardinal Myroslav Ivan Lubachivsky, major archbishop of Lviv of the Ukrainians, Ukraine, on December 14 at the age of 86.
- Bishop Robert Ratna Bamrungtrakul, emeritus of Chiang Mai, Thailand, on December 8 at the age of 84.
- Bishop Antonius Hofmann, emeritus of Passau, Germany, on March 11 at the age of 90.
- Bishop James Thomas McHugh of Rockville Center, U.S.A., on December 10 at the age of 67.
- Bishop Johannes Bernardus Nienhaus, auxiliary of Utrecht, Netherlands, on December 5 at the age of 71.
- Bishop Fidelis Uga Orgah of Otukpo, Nigeria, on December 7 at the age of 47.
- Bishop Benedict Dotu Sekey of Gbarnga, Liberia, on December 13, at the age of 60.
...;DEATHS;...;...;VIS;20001221;Word: 120;
VATICAN CITY, DEC 21, 2000 (VIS) - The Holy Father appointed:
- Cardinal Roger Etchegaray, president of the Committee for the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000, as his special envoy to Jerusalem for the January 1 World Day of Peace in Jerusalem and the Holy Land. The cardinal will bring the Holy Father's Message for the World Day of Peace to Israeli and Palestinian authorities.
- Fr. Stanislaw Dowlaszewicz O.F.M. Conv., episcopal vicar and pastor in Santa Cruz de la Sierra (area 50,000, population 1,600,000, Catholics 1,300,000, priests 150, permanent deacons 5, religious 677), Bolivia, as auxiliary bishop of the same archdiocese. The bishop-elect was born in Podworance, Belarus, in 1957 and ordained a priest in 1984.
NA; NEA;...;...;ETCHEGARAY; DOWLASZEWICZ;VIS;20001221;Word: 110;
- Cardinal Roger Etchegaray, president of the Committee for the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000, as his special envoy to Jerusalem for the January 1 World Day of Peace in Jerusalem and the Holy Land. The cardinal will bring the Holy Father's Message for the World Day of Peace to Israeli and Palestinian authorities.
- Fr. Stanislaw Dowlaszewicz O.F.M. Conv., episcopal vicar and pastor in Santa Cruz de la Sierra (area 50,000, population 1,600,000, Catholics 1,300,000, priests 150, permanent deacons 5, religious 677), Bolivia, as auxiliary bishop of the same archdiocese. The bishop-elect was born in Podworance, Belarus, in 1957 and ordained a priest in 1984.
NA; NEA;...;...;ETCHEGARAY; DOWLASZEWICZ;VIS;20001221;Word: 110;
VATICAN CITY, DEC 21, 2000 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received in audience Msgr. Agostino Superbo, general ecclesiastical assistant of Italian Catholic Action and Paola Bignardi, national president of the same organization.
AP;...;...;...;VIS;20001221;Word: 30;
AP;...;...;...;VIS;20001221;Word: 30;
Wednesday, December 20, 2000
VATICAN CITY, DEC 20, 2000 (VIS) - The Holy Father:
- Accepted the resignation from the pastoral care of the diocese of Bunbury, Australia, presented by Bishop Peter Quinn, in accordance with Canon 401, para. 2 of the Code of Canon Law.
- Appointed Bishop Antonio Gaspar, auxiliary of Sao Paulo, Brazil, as bishop of Barretos (area 8,558, population 294,281, Catholics 226,000, priests 22, religious 63), Brazil. He succeeds Bishop Pedro Fre C.SS.R., whose resignation from the pastoral care of the same diocese the Holy Father accepted, upon having reached the age limit.
- Appointed Fr. Ismael Rueda Sierra of the diocese of Girardot, Colombia, rector of the major seminary of that diocese, as auxiliary bishop of Cartagena (area 8,000, population 1,400,000, Catholics 1,249,000, priests 126, permanent deacons 2, religious 324), Colombia. The bishop-elect was born in Suata, Colombia, in 1950 and ordained a priest in 1981.
RE; NER; NEA;...;...;...;VIS;20001220;Word: 140;
VATICAN CITY, DEC 20, 2000 (VIS) - "We are preparing to celebrate," said the Pope at the start of today's general audience which was held in St. Peter's Square, "the event that lies at the heart of the history of salvation: the incarnation of the Son of God, Who came to live among us in order to redeem all mankind by His death on the cross."
"Christmas this year," he continued, "is special, the Christmas of the 2000 years of Christ: an important 'birthday' that we have celebrated with the Jubilee year, meditating upon the extraordinary event of the eternal Word, Who became man for our salvation."
The Holy Father affirmed that "over these days, Bethlehem becomes the place to which all believers' eyes are turned. The representation of the nativity scene, which popular tradition has caused to spread to every corner of the earth, helps us to better reflect upon the message that continues to shine out from Bethlehem to all of humanity. In a wretched stable we gaze upon a God Who, for love, became a child. He brings happiness to those who welcome Him, and reconciliation and peace to peoples."
"Preparing ourselves to receive him," added the Holy Father, "requires, first and foremost, intense and faithful prayer. Making space for Him in our hearts calls for a serious commitment to convert ourselves to His love."
John Paul II highlighted that peace is "the gift we must implore with prayerful trust, it is the project that we are called to make our own with constant solicitude." He concluded by expressing the hope that Christmas "may rekindle in all the will to become active and courageous builders of a civilization of love."
AG;CHRISTMAS;...;...;VIS;20001220;Word: 290;
Tuesday, December 19, 2000
VATICAN CITY, DEC 19, 2000 (VIS) - In the Holy See Press Office at 11:30 a.m. on Friday December 22, Bishop Piero Marini, master of liturgical ceremonies of the Supreme Pontiff, will speak on the concluding Holy Year ceremonies. The Holy Doors of the patriarchal basilicas of St. Paul's Outside-the-Walls, St. Mary Major and St. John Lateran will be closed on January 5, and that of St. Peter's on January 6.
...;CONCLUSION HOLY YEAR;...;MARINI;VIS;20001219;Word: 90;
...;CONCLUSION HOLY YEAR;...;MARINI;VIS;20001219;Word: 90;
VATICAN CITY, DEC 19, 2000 (VIS) - The Holy Father appointed:
- Fr. Piotr Kryk, vicar general of Wroclaw Gdansk of the Byzantine-Ukrainian rite, as apostolic exarch of faithful of the Byzantine-Ukrainian rite in Germany. The bishop-elect was born in Kobylnica Woloska, Poland, in 1945 and ordained a priest in 1971.
- Msgr. Jose Hernan Sanchez Porras of the clergy of the diocese of San Cristobal, Venezuela, secretary general of the Venezuelan Epsicopal Conference, as military ordinary for Venezuela. The bishop-elect was born in Palmira, Venezuela, in 1944 and ordained a priest in 1967.
NA;...;...;KRYK; SANCHEZ;VIS;20001219;Word: 100;
- Fr. Piotr Kryk, vicar general of Wroclaw Gdansk of the Byzantine-Ukrainian rite, as apostolic exarch of faithful of the Byzantine-Ukrainian rite in Germany. The bishop-elect was born in Kobylnica Woloska, Poland, in 1945 and ordained a priest in 1971.
- Msgr. Jose Hernan Sanchez Porras of the clergy of the diocese of San Cristobal, Venezuela, secretary general of the Venezuelan Epsicopal Conference, as military ordinary for Venezuela. The bishop-elect was born in Palmira, Venezuela, in 1944 and ordained a priest in 1967.
NA;...;...;KRYK; SANCHEZ;VIS;20001219;Word: 100;
Monday, December 18, 2000
VATICAN CITY, DEC 16, 2000 (VIS) - The Holy Father this morning welcomed a delegation from the Austrian province of Carinthia and from the Church of Gurk-Klagenfurt in Austria, and thanked them for the Jubilee Year Christmas tree which they donated for St. Peter's Square, fulfilling a promise made three years ago.
He had "a special greeting for Bishop Egon Kapellari and all the pilgrims, among whom is the regional governor of Carinthia with an official delegation amd the mayor of Gurk with a group from City Hall."
John Paul II said that, "when in past days I looked out of my study window to St. Peter's Square, the tree inspired me spiritually. I always loved trees in my own country. When one looks at them, they start, in a certain way, to speak. A poet once considered trees as preachers with a deep message: 'They don't preach doctrines or precepts, but announce the fundamental law of life'.
"In the flowering in the springtime, maturing in the summer, in the fruits of autumn and in dying in the winter, a tree tells the mystery of life."
"As do trees," the Pope went on, "men also need deeply anchored roots. Only those rooted in fertile soil have stability. ... He who believes he can live without foundations, lives an uncertain existence which resembles roots without earth."
He closed with a reference to Adam, in the Garden of Eden, as he ate the fruit of the tree of knowledge and to Christ, who died on the tree of the Cross: "From the tree of paradise came death, from the tree of the Cross came life."
AC;CHRISTMAS TREE;...;AUSTRIA;VIS;20001218;Word: 280;
VATICAN CITY, DEC 16, 2000 (VIS) - Made public today was a Letter from Pope John Paul to Cardinal Antonio Maria Javierre Ortas, who today is presiding at an academic meeting in the Old Synod Hall dedicated to the 1200th anniversary of the crowning of the Emperor Charlemagne by Pope Leo III on Christmas Day 800. The meeting was organized by the Pontifical Committee for Historical Sciences.
"The commemoration of this historical event," the Pope wrote, "coincides with the decisive phase of the drafting of the European Union's Charter of Basic Rights" and "it invites us to reflect on the value which the cultural and religious reform promoted by Charlemagne has even today." He highlighted how this reform was a "remarkable synthesis between the culture of classical antiquity, predominantly Roman, and that of the Germanic and Celtic peoples, a synthesis based on the Gospel of Jesus Christ."
Underscoring that "the Charter of Basic Rights is an attempt to synthesize once again ... the basic values which must inspire the coexistence of European peoples," the Holy Father added: "I cannot hide my great disappointment for the fact that not even one reference to God, Who is the supreme source of the dignity of the human person and his basic rights, was inserted into the text. We cannot forget that it was the denial of God and His commandments which created, in the last century, the tyranny of idols, expressed in the glorification of a race, of a class, of the State, of the nation, of the party, instead of the true and living God."
"Notwithstanding many noble efforts," John Paul II went on, "the text of the Charter of Basic Rights, has not satisfied the just expectations of many people. The defense of the rights of the person and the family, in particular, could have been more courageous. ... In many European States they are threatened, for example, by policies favoring abortion, which is legalized almost everywhere, by attitudes which consider euthanasia as ever more possible and, finally, by certain projects of law in the matter of genetic technology which are not sufficiently respectful of the human quality of the embryo."
In closing, the Pope recalled that "Europe, in the search for its identity, must make an energetic efforts to recover the cultural patrimony left by Charlemagne and preserved for more than a millennium."
VATICAN CITY, DEC 16, 2000 (VIS) - This morning in St. Peter's Square, the Pope received groups of pilgrims from a number of Spanish dioceses, participants in the Jubilee of Fashion, members of the Federation of Italian Fishing Industries and faithful from various Italian parishes.
The Pope greeted pilgrims from Spanish dioceses, including a group from the archdiocese of Toledo led by Archbishop Francisco Alvarez Martinez, who this morning had participated in a Eucharistic celebration in the Hispanic-Mozarabic rite in the Vatican Basilica.
After recalling the Eucharistic celebration in the Spanish-Mozarabic rite that he presided in 1992, John Paul II said: "In the face of the great modern-day challenges you must draw on the abundant spiritual and cultural treasures (of the Mozarabic liturgy) as an aid to strengthen the Christian faith of your people and, at the same time, a secure guide for orienting evangelization in the third millennium in harmony with the spirituality of your ancestors and the characteristics of the Spanish people. Beloved children of Toledo and Spain, do not fear the great trials of the present!"
The Pope told those who work in fashion: "In your work, which calls for imagination and taste, try and transmit love of beauty to others. For this to happen fully, always be animated by those sound moral principles that make up the heritage of every truly human culture."
The Pope then addressed members of the Federation of Italian Fishing Industries: "The sea represents a beautiful image of this world in which our existence unfolds. Humanity plows through the billows of time, advancing towards the shores of eternity. ... I hope that all of you may live your relationship with our natural resources in full respect for the marine environment."
The Pope also had words for the promoters and organizers of the so-called "Derby of the Heart"; a soccer match between a team of singers and one of actors which will take place next Tuesday in Rome's Olympic Stadium. He praised their initiative of sending the funds collected from the event to children who are suffering or in danger, and expressed his desire that this "be a simple but effective contribution that breaks down all barriers of social discrimination and that causes a culture of welcome and solidarity to grow."
Finally, the Holy Father greeted faithful from various Italian dioceses and the "united Scouts" of France.
AC;JUBILEE PILGRIMS;...;...;VIS;20001218;Word: 400;
VATICAN CITY, DEC 17, 2000 - This morning in St. Peter's Square, John Paul II presided at a Eucharistic celebration marking the Jubilee of the World of Entertainment. Those present included cinema and theatre actors, directors, scriptwriters, dancers, television presenters, circus artists and strolling players.
At the start of his homily, the Pope recalled that this, the third Sunday of Advent, "is characterized by joy, the joy of those who await He who 'is close', God-with-us, foretold by the prophets. This is the 'great joy' of Christmas of which we have a foretaste today."
"Moreover, this joy that springs from divine grace is not a superficial and ephemeral happiness; it is a deep joy, rooted in the heart and capable of pervading a believer's entire existence. ... Though the place of Christian joy lies at a more directly spiritual level, it also comprehends wholesome entertainment that benefits both body and spirit. Consequently, society should be grateful to those who produce and create intelligent and entertaining transmissions and programs, that amuse without causing alienation, that are humorous but not vulgar. Spreading true happiness can be a form of true social charity."
The Pope requested the representatives of the world of entertainment to, in their work, "always bear in mind your public, their rights and legitimate aspirations, especially when those people are still being formed. Do not let yourselves be conditioned by mere economic and ideological interests."
He asked the best known personalities "to be constantly aware of their responsibility. People look to you, dear friends, with affection and interest. Always represent positive and coherent models for them, capable of infusing faith, optimism and hope. Precisely because you work with images, gestures and sounds, you must be men and women with strong interior lives."
HML;JUBILEE ENTERTAINMENT;...;...;VIS;20001218;Word: 310;
VATICAN CITY, DEC 16, 2000 (VIS) - Following is the text of the English language telegram sent by the Holy Father to President Leonid Kuchma, president of the Republic of Ukraine, upon the closing of the nuclear power plant in Chernobyl:
"Having learned of the wise decision of your government to close the nuclear plant in Chernobyl I wish to associate myself with all those in your country and throughout (the) world (who) are pleased by this significant move.
"In this Jubilee year when we celebrate the 2000th anniversary of the birth of Christ, the Redeemer of man, it is highly encouraging that your peace, giving to your compatriots and the whole world a sign of hope for a more secure and fraternal world.(sic) "Looking forward to my visit to the beloved Ukrainian nation, I invoke upon your person, your family and all the citizens of your country the abundance of divine assistance."
VATICAN CITY, DEC 18, 2000 (VIS) - The Holy Father this morning welcomed a delegation from Slovakia, in Rome to celebrate the November 24 signing of a Basic Agreement between the Holy See and the Slovakian Republic. The delegation included the country's president, the ambassador to the Holy See, Cardinal Jan Chryzostom Korec, the apostolic nuncio and members of the episcopal conference.
The Pope addressed those present in Slovakian, telling them that "the basic reason for collaboration between Church and State is the good of the human person. This cooperation must care for and guarantee the rights of man. A Church which enjoys the full liberty which is her due is placed in the best circumstances to cooperate together with all the other living forces of society 'for the spiritual and material good of the human person and the common good', as is stated1 in the Agreement's preamble."
John Paul II concluded in expressing the hope that the Agreement "might contribute to the consolidation of social ties and spiritual and material development of the Slovakian society."
AC;AGREEMENT SLOVAKIA;...;...;VIS;20001218;Word: 180;
VATICAN CITY, DEC 17, 2000 (VIS) - Pope John Paul this morning, before praying the angelus, greeted in several languages the faithful present for the Jubilee of the World of Entertainment, the last Jubilee Year 2000 celebration for a specific group. As is traditional on the third Sunday of Advent, the Pope also blessed the statues of Baby Jesus brought by Rome's children to St. Peter's Square.
The Holy Father was entertained by members of circus troupes, itinerant jugglers, majorettes and musical bands. He also personally greeted numerous people from the world of entertainment.
"I have special thoughts," he said, "for those of you who are itinerant because you work in circuses, amusements parks and on the streets. Your travels have today become a pilgrimage and remind us that the Church is a people who are always on the move, without a fixed home in this world. Be a Christian community and bring everywhere, along with wholesome entertainment, the values of faith, the family, and solidarity."
The Pope also thanked the members of various bands for their "music which brightened this celebration. Their presence is especially in harmony with the climate of this Sunday which, in the liturgy, is known as Gaudete Sunday, that is, Sunday of joy."
Then, blessing the statues of Baby Jesus which the children will place in the nativity scenes of their homes, the Holy Father said: "I hope that, as they gather around the stupendous sign of God's tenderness, families find happiness and peace and enjoy in simplicity the genuine spirit of Christmas festivities."
ANG;JUBILEE ENTERTAINMENT;...;...;VIS;20001218;Word: 260;
VATICAN CITY, DEC 18, 2000 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received in separate audience:
- Rudolf Schuster, president of the Slovak Republic, accompanied by his wife.
- Archbishops Jose Saraiva Martins and Edward Nowak and Msgr. Michele Di Ruberto, respectively prefect, secretary and under-secretary of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints.
On Saturday, December 16, he received in separate audiences
- Cardinal Camillo Ruini, vicar general for the diocese of Rome and president of the Italian Epsicopal Conference.
- Archbishop Giovanni Battista Re, prefect of the Congregation for Bishops.
AP;...;...;...;VIS;20001218;Word: 60;
- Rudolf Schuster, president of the Slovak Republic, accompanied by his wife.
- Archbishops Jose Saraiva Martins and Edward Nowak and Msgr. Michele Di Ruberto, respectively prefect, secretary and under-secretary of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints.
On Saturday, December 16, he received in separate audiences
- Cardinal Camillo Ruini, vicar general for the diocese of Rome and president of the Italian Epsicopal Conference.
- Archbishop Giovanni Battista Re, prefect of the Congregation for Bishops.
AP;...;...;...;VIS;20001218;Word: 60;
VATICAN CITY, DEC 18, 2000 (VIS) - Today in the Consistory Hall, the following decrees were promulgated in the presence of the Holy Father, John Paul II, the members of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints and the postulators of the respective causes:
- Five decrees regarding miracles attributed to:
- Blessed Giuseppe Marello, bishop of Acqui, Italy, and founder of the Congregation of the Oblates of St. Joseph (1844-1895).
- Blessed Teresa Eustochio (nee Ignazia Verzeri), Italian, virgin, foundress of the Institute of the Daughters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (1801-1852).
- Blessed Francesca Salesia, French, (nee Leonia Aviat), virgin, foundress of the Congregation of the Oblate Sisters of St. Francis of Sales (1844-1914).
- Blessed Maria Crescenzia, German, (nee Anna Hoss), professed nun of the Third Order Regular of St. Francis (1682-1744).
- Servant of God Emilia Tavernier, widow Gamelin, foundress of the Congregation of the Sisters of Providence of Montreal, Canada, (1800-1851).
- Seven decrees regarding the martyrdom of the Servants of God:
- Jose Aparicio Sanz and 73 companions, diocesan priests, laymen and women, killed for the faith during religious persecution under the Second Republic in Spain, 1936.
- Vicente Cabanes Badenas and 18 companions, Capuchin Teritiaries, and Maria Carmela Garcia Moyon, lay woman, killed for the faith during religious persecution under the Second Republic in Spain, 1936.
- Juan Maria de la Cruz (ne Mariano Garcia Mendez), priest of the Congregation of Priests of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (1891-1936). Killed for the faith during religious persecution under the Second Republic in Spain.
- Francisco de Paula Castello y Aleu, layman, (1914-1936). Killed for the faith during religious persecution under the Second Republic in Spain.
- Maria del Patrocinio de San Juan (nee Maria Giner Gomes) professed nun of the Congregation of the Missionary Daughters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Claretians) (1874-1936). Killed for the faith during religious persecution under the Second Republic in Spain.
- Rosario de Soano (nee Petra Maria Vittoria Quinitana Argos) and two companions, Capuchin Tertiaries of the Holy Family, killed for the faith during religious persecution under the Second Republic in Spain.
- Josefa de San Juan de Dios Ruano Garcia and Maria Dolores de San Eulalia Puig Bonay, professed nuns of the Congregation of Sisters of the Abandoned Elderly, killed for the faith during religious persecution under the Second Republic in Spain.
- Seven decrees regarding the heroic virtues of the following Servants of God:
- Vendelino Vosnjak, priest of the Order of Friars Minor (1861, Slovenia - 1933, Croatia).
- Giuseppe Ghezzi, Italian, professed layman of the Order of Friars Minor (1872-1955).
- Liberata del Sagrado Corazon de Jesus (nee Liberata Orozco Santa Cruz), Mexican, foundress of the Congregation of the Franciscan Sisters of Our Lady of Refuge (1834-1926).
- Maria Pilar Izquierdo Albero, Spanish foundress of the Missionary Works of Jesus and Mary, (1906-1945).
- Sanzia Szymkowiak (nee Giannina), Polish, professed nun of the Congregation of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Sorrows (1910-1942).
- Maria Candida Dell'Eucaristia (nee Maria Barba), Italian, professed nun of the Order of Discalced Carmelites (1884-1949).
- Maria Romero Meneses professed nun of the Institute of Daughters of Mary Help of Christians (1902, Nicaragua -1977, Costa Rica).
Among those present were Cardinals Edmund Casimir Szoka and Henri Schwery, and Archbishop Jose Saraiva Martins prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints.
CCS;DECREES;...;...;VIS;20001218;Word: 510;
- Five decrees regarding miracles attributed to:
- Blessed Giuseppe Marello, bishop of Acqui, Italy, and founder of the Congregation of the Oblates of St. Joseph (1844-1895).
- Blessed Teresa Eustochio (nee Ignazia Verzeri), Italian, virgin, foundress of the Institute of the Daughters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (1801-1852).
- Blessed Francesca Salesia, French, (nee Leonia Aviat), virgin, foundress of the Congregation of the Oblate Sisters of St. Francis of Sales (1844-1914).
- Blessed Maria Crescenzia, German, (nee Anna Hoss), professed nun of the Third Order Regular of St. Francis (1682-1744).
- Servant of God Emilia Tavernier, widow Gamelin, foundress of the Congregation of the Sisters of Providence of Montreal, Canada, (1800-1851).
- Seven decrees regarding the martyrdom of the Servants of God:
- Jose Aparicio Sanz and 73 companions, diocesan priests, laymen and women, killed for the faith during religious persecution under the Second Republic in Spain, 1936.
- Vicente Cabanes Badenas and 18 companions, Capuchin Teritiaries, and Maria Carmela Garcia Moyon, lay woman, killed for the faith during religious persecution under the Second Republic in Spain, 1936.
- Juan Maria de la Cruz (ne Mariano Garcia Mendez), priest of the Congregation of Priests of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (1891-1936). Killed for the faith during religious persecution under the Second Republic in Spain.
- Francisco de Paula Castello y Aleu, layman, (1914-1936). Killed for the faith during religious persecution under the Second Republic in Spain.
- Maria del Patrocinio de San Juan (nee Maria Giner Gomes) professed nun of the Congregation of the Missionary Daughters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Claretians) (1874-1936). Killed for the faith during religious persecution under the Second Republic in Spain.
- Rosario de Soano (nee Petra Maria Vittoria Quinitana Argos) and two companions, Capuchin Tertiaries of the Holy Family, killed for the faith during religious persecution under the Second Republic in Spain.
- Josefa de San Juan de Dios Ruano Garcia and Maria Dolores de San Eulalia Puig Bonay, professed nuns of the Congregation of Sisters of the Abandoned Elderly, killed for the faith during religious persecution under the Second Republic in Spain.
- Seven decrees regarding the heroic virtues of the following Servants of God:
- Vendelino Vosnjak, priest of the Order of Friars Minor (1861, Slovenia - 1933, Croatia).
- Giuseppe Ghezzi, Italian, professed layman of the Order of Friars Minor (1872-1955).
- Liberata del Sagrado Corazon de Jesus (nee Liberata Orozco Santa Cruz), Mexican, foundress of the Congregation of the Franciscan Sisters of Our Lady of Refuge (1834-1926).
- Maria Pilar Izquierdo Albero, Spanish foundress of the Missionary Works of Jesus and Mary, (1906-1945).
- Sanzia Szymkowiak (nee Giannina), Polish, professed nun of the Congregation of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Sorrows (1910-1942).
- Maria Candida Dell'Eucaristia (nee Maria Barba), Italian, professed nun of the Order of Discalced Carmelites (1884-1949).
- Maria Romero Meneses professed nun of the Institute of Daughters of Mary Help of Christians (1902, Nicaragua -1977, Costa Rica).
Among those present were Cardinals Edmund Casimir Szoka and Henri Schwery, and Archbishop Jose Saraiva Martins prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints.
CCS;DECREES;...;...;VIS;20001218;Word: 510;
VATICAN CITY, DEC 18, 2000 (VIS) - The Holy Father:
- Accepted the resignation from the pastoral care of Strasbourg, France, presented by Auxiliary Bishop Leon Hegele, upon having reached the age limit.
- Appointed Fr. Christian Kratz, pastor of Saint Symphronien, as auxiliary bishop of Strasbourg (area 8,280, population, 1,713,416, Catholics 1,368,000, priests 1,009, permanent deacons 45, religious 2,450), France. The bishop-elect was born in Strasbourg in 1952 and ordained a priest in 1978.
- Appointed Bishop Edwin Regan of Wrexham, Wales, as apostolic administrator "sede plena et ad nutum Sanctae Sedis" of the archdiocese of Cardiff (area 3,064, population 1,596,100, Catholics 83,023, priests 126, permanent deacons 1, religious 207), Wales.
On Saturday, December 16, it was made public that he:
- Appointed Fr. Luis Felipe Gallardo Martin del Campo S.D.B., inspector of the province of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mexico, as bishop prelate of Mixes (area 10,000, population 196,200, Catholics 188,400, priests 26, permanent deacons 19, religious 59), Mexico. The bishop-elect was born in Irapuato, Mexico, in 1941 and ordained a priest in 1967. He succeeds Bishop Braulio Sanchez Fuentes S.D.B., whose resignation from the pastoral care of the same territorial prelature the Holy Father accepted, upon having reached the age limit.
- Appointed Fr. Gustavo Arturo Help, pastor in the diocese of Lomas de Zamora, Argentina, as bishop of Venado Tuerto (area 14,000, population 216,000, Catholics 207,000, priests 44, religious 52), Argentina. The bishop-elect was born in Banfield, Argentina, in 1946 and ordained a priest in 1972. He succeeds Bishop Paulino Reale whose resignation from the pastoral care of the same diocese the Holy Father accepted, upon having reached the age limit.
RE; NEA; NA; NER;...;...;...;VIS;20001218;Word: 250;
Friday, December 15, 2000
VATICAN CITY, DEC 15, 2000 (VIS) - Archbishop John Foley, president of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications, led the traditional Jubilee Year evening prayer in St. Peter's Square last night, on the vigil of the Jubilee of the World of Entertainment which officially opens today.
The first event of this jubilee celebration took place this morning at St. Mary Major Basilica. Archbishop Foley and Bishop Pierfranco Pastore, council secretary, greeted the participants and the archbishop delivered a homily during a marian celebration.
Later this afternoon Cardinal Giovanni Cheli will preside at a penitential service in the basilica of Holy Cross in Jerusalem, following which there will be a procession to St. John Lateran Basilica. Bishop Cesare Nosiglia, auxiliary of the diocese of Rome, will preside at a Eucharistic celebration in St. John Lateran.
VATICAN CITY, DEC 15, 2000 (VIS) - This morning, the Pope received in audience the artists who, on Saturday December 16, will participate in the traditional "Christmas in the Vatican" concert, which will be held in the Paul VI Hall.
John Paul II thanked the artists because "with their contribution, this special concert aims to help the vicariate of Rome accomplish the '50 churches for Rome 2000' project. This initiative is an important commitment to give - to those parishes that still do not have them - structures for worship, catechesis and for the many vital social, charitable and sporting activities." In the last 20 years, he added, the diocese of Rome "has been able to build 39 parish complexes; ten are being built and 12 are still in the planning stages."
After wishing the artists a happy Christmas, the Holy Father said: "Through the medium of television, may my affectionate greetings reach out to those who tune in to follow your performance."
AC;VATICAN CHRISTMAS CONCERT;...;...;VIS;20001215;Word: 160;
VATICAN CITY, DEC 15, 2000 (VIS) - This morning, John Paul II received the Letters of Credence of Franjo Zenko, the new ambassador from the Republic of Croatia. In his address, the Pope recalled that the two visits he made to that country, in 1994 and 1998, had enabled him "to see at close range the spiritual strength of the Croatian people and the rich religious and cultural heritage they possess."
The Pope expressed the hope that the "pages of history, marked by unforgettable human and social tragedies, may help the countries of Europe to become ever more aware of the need to overcome together the tragic heritage of various totalitarian regimes, rendering Europe itself a common house, an area of effective solidarity permeated by the Gospel values that molded its history."
"Croatia," he went on, "is proceeding along the path of democracy. ... The progress of the last ten years is an encouragement to work towards an ever brighter future for the country."
The Holy Father emphasized that "all European nations, great and small, must be guaranteed liberty and democracy, with equal rights and duties. This is the road that leads to a future of stable peace and to an authentic development which will benefit not only Europe. Indeed, democracy must not be imposed or improvised; quite the contrary, it calls for education and support."
"Democracy," he continued, "requires that State structures be placed at the service of all citizens, not just of individual groups, and that a stable dialogue between all political and social tendencies be developed in a shared search for the common good, while maintaining respect for all and for each one."
John Paul II concluded by affirming that "it is vital to take the just and legitimate needs of families and young people into account, both in the socio-economic and the juridical-political spheres. It is necessary to protect the individual and human life at every stage, from conception to natural end. Families and young people justly aspire to be able to live and work honestly in order to build with trust a more serene future."
VATICAN CITY, DEC 15, 2000 (VIS) - The Holy Father erected the apostolic prefecture of Likouala (area 66,044, population 72,000, Catholics 21,000, priests 9, religious 2), Republic of the Congo, with territory taken from the diocese of Ouesso. He appointed Fr. Jean Gardin C.S.Sp., regional superior of the western region of Rennes, France, as apostolic prefect of Likouala.
ECE; NA;...;...;GARDIN ;VIS;20001215;Word: 60;
ECE; NA;...;...;GARDIN ;VIS;20001215;Word: 60;
VATICAN CITY, DEC 15, 2000 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received in audience:
- Archbishop Lajos Kada, apostolic nuncio.
- Cardinal Alfonso Lopez Trujillo, Bishop Francisco Gil Hellin and Msgr. Francisco Di Felice, respectively president, secretary and under-secretary of the Pontifical Council for the Family.
This evening, he is scheduled to receive Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
AP;...;...;...;VIS;20001215;Word: 40;
- Archbishop Lajos Kada, apostolic nuncio.
- Cardinal Alfonso Lopez Trujillo, Bishop Francisco Gil Hellin and Msgr. Francisco Di Felice, respectively president, secretary and under-secretary of the Pontifical Council for the Family.
This evening, he is scheduled to receive Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
AP;...;...;...;VIS;20001215;Word: 40;
Thursday, December 14, 2000
VATICAN CITY, DEC 14, 2000 (VIS) - The Holy Father this morning collectively received the Letters of Credence of seven new ambassadors to the Holy See. He spoke to them as a group in English but consigned to each of them an address in their own language, touching on specific issues regarding their country.
The new ambassadors are: Samuel A. Otuyelo of Nigeria; Silas S. Ncozana from Malawi; Boaz K. Mbaya of Kenya; Christos N. Psilogenis from Cyprus; Niranjan N. Desai of India; Beraky Gebreslassie from Eritrea and Mahmoud H. Mahmoud of Chad.
"We are approaching the end of the Year of the Great Jubilee," he began his address, "during which it has been my wish to awaken the consciences of Christians and all people of good will to the importance of beginning the new millennium with a fresh commitment to the construction of a transformed world, a world more solidly founded on fundamental human and moral values."
Inviting heads of government and civil and religious authorities "to be builders of a genuine culture of peace," Pope John Paul pointed out that "the young especially desire to see the day when peace will reign on earth. We must not disappoint them. It is our responsibility not to leave them a world in which basic human rights are too often disregarded and tensions often turn into open conflict." He added that proper schooling would be "an essential step in this direction."
The Pope observed that "it is appropriate to reflect on the efforts of international and supra-national institutions to find new ways of organizing economic and social realities, of promoting dialogue and agreement, of resolving conflicts. ... We can all rejoice in the most recent accord between the Eritrean and Ethiopian governments."
John Paul II concluding by underlining "the significance of diplomacy as a means of overcoming the crises affecting many countries across the world and the importance of a diplomacy of proximity in support of local negotiations. ... In this sense you each have a magnificent opportunity to be authentic builders of justice, peace and harmony in the world."
CD;LETTERS CREDENCE;...;...;VIS;20001214;Word: 350;
VATICAN CITY, DEC 14, 2000 (VIS) - "Dialogue between Cultures for a Civilization of Love and Peace" is the title of Pope John Paul II's Message for the 34th World Day of Peace which will be celebrated on January 1, 2001. The Message, dated December 8 and made public today, is written in Italian, Spanish, French, English, Polish and Portuguese. It is 25 pages long and divided into 14 sections. Excerpts from the document are given below:
"At the dawn of a new millennium, there is growing hope that relationships between people will be increasingly inspired by the ideal of a truly universal brotherhood. Unless this ideal is shared, there will be no way to ensure a stable peace."
"At the same time, however, it cannot be denied that thick clouds overshadow these bright hopes."
"I therefore consider it urgent to invite believers in Christ, together with all men and women of good will, to reflect on the theme of dialogue between cultures and traditions. ... I do not believe that there can be easy or readily applicable solutions to a problem like this. ... But for this very reason I see the usefulness of a shared reflection on these issues."
"MANKIND AND ITS DIFFERENT CULTURES. ... Culture is the form of man's self-expression in his journey through history, on the level of both individuals and social groups. ... In most cases, a culture develops in a specific place, where geographical, historical and ethnic elements combine in an original and unique way. The 'uniqueness' of each culture is reflected more or less clearly in those individuals who are its bearers. ... In any event, a person necessarily lives within a specific culture."
"HUMAN DEVELOPMENT AND BEING PART OF A CULTURE. ... It is on the basis of this essential relationship with one's own 'origins' ' on the level of the family, but also of territory, society and culture ' that people acquire a sense of their nationality, and culture tends to take on, to a greater or lesser degree in different places, a 'national' configuration. ... Moreover, when cultures are carefully and rigorously studied, they very often reveal beneath their outward variations significant common elements. ... Cultural diversity should therefore be understood within the broader horizon of the unity of the human race."
"CULTURAL DIFFERENCES AND MUTUAL RESPECT. ... The authenticity of each human culture, the soundness of its underlying ethos, and hence the validity of its moral bearings, can be measured to an extent by its commitment to the human cause and by its capacity to promote human dignity at every level and in every circumstance. The radicalization of identity which makes cultures resistant to any beneficial influence from outside is worrying enough; but no less perilous is the slavish conformity of cultures, or at least of key aspects of them, to cultural models deriving from the Western world. Detached from their Christian origins, these models are often inspired by an approach to life marked by secularism and practical atheism and by patterns of radical individualism. This is a phenomenon of vast proportions, sustained by powerful media campaigns and designed to propagate lifestyles, social and economic programs and, in the last analysis, a comprehensive world-view which erodes from within other estimable cultures and civilizations. Western cultural models are enticing and alluring because of their remarkable scientific and technical cast, but regrettably there is growing evidence of their deepening human, spiritual and moral impoverishment."
"DIALOGUE BETWEEN CULTURES. ... Dialogue between cultures ... emerges as an intrinsic demand of human nature itself, as well as of culture. It is dialogue which protects the distinctiveness of cultures as historical and creative expressions of the underlying unity of the human family, and which sustains understanding and communion between them."
"POSSIBILITIES AND RISKS OF GLOBAL COMMUNICATION. ... Ours is an era of global communication, which is shaping society along the lines of new cultural models. ... The free flow of images and speech ... is transforming ... relations between peoples. ... The fact that a few countries have a monopoly on these cultural 'industries' and distribute their products to an ever growing public in every corner of the earth can be a powerful factor in undermining cultural distinctness."
"THE CHALLENGE OF MIGRATION. A style and culture of dialogue are especially important when it comes to the complex question of migration. ... In the case of many civilizations, immigration has brought new growth and enrichment. In other cases, the local people and immigrants have remained culturally separate but have shown that they are able to live together. ... It is important to remember the principle that immigrants must always be treated with the respect due to the dignity of every human person."
"RESPECT FOR CULTURES AND THE 'CULTURAL PROFILE' OF DIFFERENT REGIONS. It is a much more difficult thing to determine the extent to which immigrants are entitled to public legal recognition of the particular customs of their culture, which may not be readily compatible with the customs of the majority of citizens. ... Much depends upon whether people embrace a spirit of openness that, without yielding to indifference about values, can combine the concern for identity with the willingness to engage in dialogue. ... In the dialogue between cultures, no side can be prevented from proposing to the other the values in which it believes, as long as this is done in way that is respectful of people's freedom and conscience. 'Truth can be imposed only with the force of truth itself, which penetrates the mind both gently and powerfully'."
"THE RECOGNITION OF SHARED VALUES. Dialogue between cultures ... is based upon the recognition that there are values which are common to all cultures because they are rooted in the nature of the person. ... Leaving aside ideological prejudices and selfish interests, it is necessary to foster people's awareness of these shared values, in order to nurture that intrinsically universal cultural 'soil' which makes for fruitful and constructive dialogue."
"THE VALUE OF SOLIDARITY. The promotion of justice is at the heart of a true culture of solidarity. It is not just a question of giving one's surplus to those in need, but of 'helping entire peoples presently excluded or marginalized to enter into the sphere of economic and human development'."
"THE VALUE OF PEACE. The alarming increase of arms, together with the halting progress of commitment to nuclear non-proliferation, runs the risk of feeding and expanding a culture of competition and conflict, a culture involving not only States but also non-institutional entities, such as paramilitary groups and terrorist organizations. ... And what can be said about the permanent risk of conflicts between nations, of civil wars within some States and of widespread violence, before which international organizations and national governments appear almost impotent? Faced with such threats, everyone must feel the moral duty to take concrete and timely steps to promote the cause of peace and understanding among peoples."
"THE VALUE OF LIFE. ... Human life cannot be seen as an object to do with as we please, but as the most sacred and inviolable earthly reality. There can be no peace when this most basic good is not protected. It is not possible to invoke peace and despise life. Our own times have seen shining examples of generosity and dedication in the service of life, but also the sad sight of hundreds of millions of men and women whom cruelty and indifference have consigned to a painful and harsh destiny. I am speaking of a tragic spiral of death which includes murder, suicide, abortion, euthanasia, as well as practices of mutilation, physical and psychological torture, forms of unjust coercion, arbitrary imprisonment, unnecessary recourse to the death penalty, deportations, slavery, prostitution, trafficking in women and children. To this list we must add irresponsible practices of genetic engineering, such as the cloning and use of human embryos for research, which are justified by an illegitimate appeal to freedom, to cultural progress, to the advancement of mankind."
"THE VALUE OF EDUCATION. Education has a particular role to play in building a more united and peaceful world. It can help to affirm that integral humanism, open to life's ethical and religious dimension, which appreciates the importance of understanding and showing esteem for other cultures and the spiritual values present in them.
"FORGIVENESS AND RECONCILIATION. During the Great Jubilee, two thousand years after the birth of Jesus, the Church has had a powerful experience of the challenging call to reconciliation. ... Mindful of the significant Jubilee experience of the purification of memory, I wish to make a specific appeal to Christians to become witnesses to and missionaries of forgiveness and reconciliation."
"AN APPEAL TO YOUNG PEOPLE. I wish to conclude this Message of peace with a special appeal to you, young people of the whole world, who are humanity's future and living stones in the building of the civilization of love. I treasure in my heart the memory of ... the recent World Youth Day in Rome. ... Feeling your closeness to me, I sensed a profound gratitude to the Lord who gave me the grace of contemplating ... the miracle of the universality of the Church, of her catholicity, of her unity. ... Dear young people of every language and culture, a high and exhilarating task awaits you: that of becoming men and women capable of solidarity, peace and love of life, with respect for everyone. Become craftsmen of a new humanity, where brothers and sisters ' members all of the same family ' are able at last to live in peace."
MESS;WORLD PEACE DAY;...;...;VIS;20001214;Word: 1570;
VATICAN CITY, DEC 14, 2000 (VIS) - At midday today in the Holy See Press Office, Archbishop Francois-Xavier Van Thuan, president of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, presented John Paul II's Message for the 34th World Day of Peace. The title of the Message is: "Dialogue between Cultures for a Civilization of Love and Peace."
Archbishop Van Thuan was accompanied by Bishop Diarmuid Martin and Msgr. Giampaolo Crepaldi, respectively secretary and under-secretary of the same pontifical council.
The papal Message, explained the archbishop, opens with an introduction "which highlights both the need for dialogue between cultures and the difficulties confronting it." The Holy Father does not hide the effort of tackling "this subject which is rendered difficult and complex by a situation in constant flux."
Following the introduction, John Paul II dwells on "certain philosophical and anthropological characteristics of different human cultures," and makes a call to cultivate "the fundamental perspective of unity of the human race. Only by simultaneously considering diversity and unity is it possible to achieve a complete understanding of the full truth of each human culture."
Archbishop Van Thuan affirmed that at the core of the Message there is "a proposal for dialogue between cultures, with certain theological references. ... The dialogue between cultures has its source, its origin and its model in God, One and Triune."
The Holy Father discusses two contemporary issues: that of the new information technology, denouncing "the monopoly of a limited number of countries", and "the challenge of migration."
The president of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace said that the values proposed by the Message are solidarity, peace, life and education. Furthermore, there is a call "to cultivate forgiveness and reconciliation." In closing, the Pope addresses young people, "humanity's future and living stones in the building of the civilization of love."
OP;PEACE MESSAGE;...;VAN THUAN;VIS;20001214;Word: 320;
VATICAN CITY, DEC 14, 2000 (VIS) - The Holy Father appointed Fr. Benoit Riviere, epsicopal vicar of Marseille (area 650, population 1,000,000, Catholics 669,000, priests 341, permanent deacons 15, religious 990), France, as auxiliary of the same archdiocese. The bishop-elect was born in Brive, France, in 1954 and ordained a priest in 1983.
NEA;...;...;RIVIERE ;VIS;20001214;Word: 50;
NEA;...;...;RIVIERE ;VIS;20001214;Word: 50;
VATICAN CITY, DEC 14, 2000 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received in separate audiences:
- Bishop Javier Echevarria Rodriguez, prelate of the personal prelature of Opus Dei.
- Carl A. Anderson, supreme knight of the Knights of Columbus, accompanied by his wife and an entourage.
AP;...;...;...;VIS;20001214;Word: 40;
- Bishop Javier Echevarria Rodriguez, prelate of the personal prelature of Opus Dei.
- Carl A. Anderson, supreme knight of the Knights of Columbus, accompanied by his wife and an entourage.
AP;...;...;...;VIS;20001214;Word: 40;
VATICAN CITY, DEC 14, 2000 (VIS) - The following declaration was released this afternoon by Holy See Press Office Director Joaquin Navarro-Valls:
"On December 16, a delegation from Carinthia, Austria, led by Governor Jorg Haider and by Bishop Egon Kapellari of Gurk, will officially give the Holy Father the gift of a Christmas tree which has been set up in St. Peter's Square, next to the nativity scene, as has been traditional since 1982.
"The offer of this tree was made official on December 3, 1997 with the then Governor of Carinthia, Christof Zernatto.
"As occurred in all preceding years, the delegation from Carinthia, a region of deep religiousness, will be received in the morning by the Holy Father.
"As is well known, pontifical audiences cannot be compared to the usual meetings between heads of State and political figures. They follow uniquely pastoral criteria. This allows the Roman Pontiffs the full liberty to encourage their guests to respect human and Christian values, following a line of conduct marked by constructive and productive dialogue."
"On December 16, a delegation from Carinthia, Austria, led by Governor Jorg Haider and by Bishop Egon Kapellari of Gurk, will officially give the Holy Father the gift of a Christmas tree which has been set up in St. Peter's Square, next to the nativity scene, as has been traditional since 1982.
"The offer of this tree was made official on December 3, 1997 with the then Governor of Carinthia, Christof Zernatto.
"As occurred in all preceding years, the delegation from Carinthia, a region of deep religiousness, will be received in the morning by the Holy Father.
"As is well known, pontifical audiences cannot be compared to the usual meetings between heads of State and political figures. They follow uniquely pastoral criteria. This allows the Roman Pontiffs the full liberty to encourage their guests to respect human and Christian values, following a line of conduct marked by constructive and productive dialogue."
Wednesday, December 13, 2000
VATICAN CITY, DEC 13, 2000 (VIS) - In today's general audience, which was held in St. Peter's Square in the presence of 35,000 people, John Paul II spoke on "The value of commitment in temporal realities."
The Pope said that "biblical revelation and the finest philosophical wisdom agree in their emphasis that humanity is, on the one hand, drawn towards the infinite and the eternal and, on the other, firmly rooted on earth within the coordinates of time and space."
Genesis indicates that the alliance between the Creator and man comes about in the latter's commitment to stewardship over earthly realities and to the service of God. "Unfortunately," continued the Pope, "man often accomplishes the mission with which God has entrusted him, not as a wise architect but as an arrogant tyrant. In the end, he finds himself in a devastated and hostile world, in a shattered and wounded society. Genesis also shows us this ... in describing the rift in man's harmony with his fellows, with the earth and with the Creator Himself. This is the fruit of original sin."
"We must, then, with the grace of Christ the Redeemer, make ours once more the plan of peace and development, of justice and solidarity, of transformation and evaluation of earthly and temporal realities. ... By means of the economy, commerce and social life, we must cultivate well-being and knowledge and seek victory over misery and over all forms of humiliation of human dignity."
The Holy Father emphasized that "the work of creation is, in a certain sense, delegated by God to man in order that it may continue in the extraordinary feats of science and technology, ... with the aim of 'cultivating and protecting' the earth and making men and women more united."
"Christians," he concluded, "are called to collaborate with the Creator in order to build on earth a 'house for man' more in keeping with his dignity and the divine plan."
AG;COMMITMENT; EARTHLY REALITIES;...;...;VIS;20001213;Word: 330;
VATICAN CITY, DEC 13, 2000 (VIS) - The Holy Father:
- Appointed Fr. Luigi Martella of the clergy of Otranto, Italy, spiritual director of the pontifical seminary of Molfetta and professor of moral theology at the theological institute of Molfetta, as bishop of Molfetta-Ruvo-Giovinazzo-Terlizzi (area 422, population 138,269, Catholics 137,105, priests 99, permanent deacons 6, religious 162), Italy. The bishop-elect was born in Depressa, Italy, in 1948 and ordained a priest in 1977.
- Appointed Msgr. Alfonso Badini Confalonieri of the clergy of Susa, Italy, delegate of the ordinary section of the Administration of the Patrimony of the Holy See, as bishop of Susa (area 1,062, population 62,000, Catholics 60,000, priests 75, permanent deacons 1, religious 159). The bishop-elect was born in Valenza, Italy, in 1944 and ordained a priest in 1978. He succeeds Bishop Vittorio Bernardetto, whose resignation from the pastoral care of the same diocese the Holy Father accepted, upon having reached the age limit.
- Appointed Msgr. Tommaso Stenico, study assistant at the Congregation for the Clergy, as bureau chief of the same congregation.
NER; RE; NA;...;...;...;VIS;20001213;Word: 170;
VATICAN CITY, DEC 13, 2000 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received in audience Archbishop John Patrick Foley, president of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications, accompanied by Bishop Pierfranco Pastore, secretary of the same pontifical council.
AP;...;...;...;VIS;20001213;Word: 40;
AP;...;...;...;VIS;20001213;Word: 40;
Tuesday, December 12, 2000
VATICAN CITY, DEC 12, 2000 (VIS) - Yesterday afternoon, following the Holy Father's audience with Vojislav Kostunica, president of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Holy See Press Office Director Joaquin Navarro-Valls made the following declaration:
"Mr. Kostunica gave an assurance of his desire to cooperate towards peace in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and in the Balkans.
"The talks dwelt upon the Holy See's commitment to peace during these years of difficult and tragic events, and the hope was expressed that the situation soon reach harmony between souls and social peace.
"Mr. Kostunica, accompanied by his entourage, then went on to visit His Holiness' Secretary of State, Cardinal Angelo Sodano."
"Mr. Kostunica gave an assurance of his desire to cooperate towards peace in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and in the Balkans.
"The talks dwelt upon the Holy See's commitment to peace during these years of difficult and tragic events, and the hope was expressed that the situation soon reach harmony between souls and social peace.
"Mr. Kostunica, accompanied by his entourage, then went on to visit His Holiness' Secretary of State, Cardinal Angelo Sodano."
VATICAN CITY, DEC 12, 2000 (VIS) - The Holy Father:
- Accepted the resignation from the pastoral care of the diocese of Saint Augustine, U.S.A., presented by Bishop John J. Snyder upon having reached the age limit.
- Appointed Bishop Edward K. Braxton, auxiliary of St. Louis, U.S.A., as bishop of Lake Charles (area 13,755, population 259,425, Catholics 84,908, priests 71, permanent deacons 25, religious 46), U.S.A. He succeeds Bishop Jude Speyrer, whose resignation from the pastoral care of the same diocese, the Holy Father accepted, in accordance with Canon 401, para. 2 of the Code of Canon Law.
- Appointed Msgr. Martin W. Currie of the clergy of Halifax, Canada, vicar general of the same archdiocese and pastor of the parish of the Immaculate Conception at Truro, as bishop of Grand Falls (area 42,369, population 92,464, Catholics 30,749, priests 27, religious 28), Canada. The bishop-elect was born in Marinette, Canada, in 1943 and ordained a priest in 1968.
- Appointed Fr. Ruben Antonio Gonzalez Medina C.M.F., provincial in the Antilles of the Missionary Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, as bishop of Caguas (area 1,728, population 653,012, Catholics 515,000, priests 113, permanent deacons 60, religious 217), Puerto Rico. The bishop-elect was born in Santurce, Puerto Rico, in 1949 and ordained a priest in 1975.
- Appointed Fr. Antony Devotta, vicar general and pastor of the cathedral of the archdiocese of Madras and Mylapore, India, as bishop of Tiruchirapalli (area 18,144, population 3,666,320, Catholics 392,430, priests 257, religious 1,199), India. The bishop-elect was born in San Thome, India, in 1943 and ordained a priest in 1971.
- Appointed Fr. Stephen Athipozhiyil, rector of the minor seminary of Alleppey (area 333, population 700,000, Catholics 137,700, priests 82, religious 295), India, as coadjutor bishop of the same diocese. The bishop-elect was born in Chennavely, India, in 1944 and ordained a priest in 1969.
- Appointed Msgr. William Francis Malooly, vicar general of Baltimore (area 12,430, population 2,849,409, Catholics 484,287, priests 583, permanent deacons 187, religious 1,583), U.S.A., as auxiliary bishop of the same archdiocese. The bishop-elect was born In Baltimore in 1944 and ordained a priest in 1970.
RE; NER; NEC; NEA;...;...;...;VIS;20001212;Word: 330;
VATICAN CITY, DEC 12, 2000 (VIS) - This morning in the Holy See Press Office, Cardinal Roger Etchegaray, Archbishop Crescenzio Sepe and Bishop Pierfranco Pastore presented the Jubilee of the World of Entertainment which is due to be held in Rome from December 15 to 17.
Cardinal Roger Etchegaray, president of the Central Committee for the Great Jubilee 2000, recalled that this celebration would be the last Jubilee of a specific category. Everyone in the world of entertainment, he said, "has in common the vocation to show, to be shown; both to 'convert,' as bearers of a message, and to 'entertain' as artisans of happiness. ... Yet, before being artists dedicated to entertainment, they are men and women with their own interior, personal, family and professional problems."
Archbishop Crescenzio Sepe, secretary of the Central Committee for the Great Jubilee 2000, affirmed that this Jubilee "intends to discover the most authentic values of entertainment, to promote them and to encourage all endeavors that aim towards respecting people and their dignity." He highlighted that "this is a world of work, often hard and committed work, that involves thousands of people, many of whom humbly toil 'behind the scenes'."
Bishop Pastore, secretary of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications, announced that, at the present time, 8,000 people have confirmed their participation in this Jubilee. Most of them are Italian but there will be many others from various countries on all continents; among them Belgium, Ivory Coast, Costa Rica, Croatia, France, Kenya, Slovak Republic, Spain, Sweden and the U.S.A.
The central moment of the Jubilee of the World of Entertainment will be a Mass and the angelus presided over by John Paul II on Sunday, December 17 at 9; 30 a.m. in St. Peter's Square. The entire program was released by VIS on Monday, December 4.
Monday, December 11, 2000
VATICAN CITY, DEC 11, 2000 (VIS) - Pope John Paul this morning welcomed the members of the executive committee of FIFA, the International Federation of Association Football, and told them that they have "a global responsibility, with more than 200 countries and 120 million players involved," and "an immense power ... (that) must be used for the good of the human family."
"You are administrators, certainly, but you are educators as well, since sport can inculcate many higher values such as loyalty, friendship and team spirit," he said. "It is true that football's financial success can help to sustain praiseworthy new initiatives, such as FIFA's 'Charity Project'. But it can also contribute to a culture of selfishness and greed. That is why the finer values of sport must be emphasized and passed on through the bodies represented in your federation."
The Holy Father, speaking in English, pointed out that "as a sport shared by people of different ethnic, racial, economic and social backgrounds, football is an excellent means of promoting the solidarity so greatly needed in a world deeply affected by ethnic and racial tensions. ... Sport is educational because it takes human impulses, even potentially negative ones, and turns them to good purpose. The young can learn to have healthy competition without conflict. ... I express the earnest hope that FIFA will continue at all levels to tackle the problem of violence, which does so much harm to the game."
In concluding, the Pope stressed that "for all its importance as an education for the great challenges of life, football remains a game. It is a form of play, both simple and complex, in which people take joy in the wonderful possibilities of human life - physical, social and spiritual."
"You are administrators, certainly, but you are educators as well, since sport can inculcate many higher values such as loyalty, friendship and team spirit," he said. "It is true that football's financial success can help to sustain praiseworthy new initiatives, such as FIFA's 'Charity Project'. But it can also contribute to a culture of selfishness and greed. That is why the finer values of sport must be emphasized and passed on through the bodies represented in your federation."
The Holy Father, speaking in English, pointed out that "as a sport shared by people of different ethnic, racial, economic and social backgrounds, football is an excellent means of promoting the solidarity so greatly needed in a world deeply affected by ethnic and racial tensions. ... Sport is educational because it takes human impulses, even potentially negative ones, and turns them to good purpose. The young can learn to have healthy competition without conflict. ... I express the earnest hope that FIFA will continue at all levels to tackle the problem of violence, which does so much harm to the game."
In concluding, the Pope stressed that "for all its importance as an education for the great challenges of life, football remains a game. It is a form of play, both simple and complex, in which people take joy in the wonderful possibilities of human life - physical, social and spiritual."
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VATICAN CITY, DEC 8, 2000 (VIS) - At 4 p.m. today. solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Pope travelled in a convertible car to Rome's central Spanish Steps for the traditional homage to the statue of Mary Immaculate. He was greeted by thousands of faithful who lined the streets leading up the piazza and waiting in the square itself where the statue is located.
After placing a basket of dozens of roses at the foot of the column, atop which is the state of Mary Immaculate, the Holy Father paid homage to the Virgin.
In his prayer, John Paul II said that "today Romans renew their pilgrimage to this square where Blessed Pius IX raised the marian monument in 1856 to recall the promulgation of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception (in 1854). ... As I do every year, I willingly join in this traditional floral homage, an eloquent symbol of a chorus of entrustment to the Immaculate Heart of the Mother of Our Lord."
The Holy Father, in his prayer to Mary, asked for help "in the fight against evil and in the commitment to good. Preserve us under your maternal protection, All beautiful and holy Virgin! Help us to go forward in the new millennium wrapped in that humility which made you the chosen one in the eyes of the Most High. May the fruits of this Jubilee Year not be lost! Into your hands we place the future which awaits us, invoking your constant protection on the entire world."
Following this homage to Mary, the Pope went to St. Mary Major Basilica where he presided at the celebration of the Akathistos hymn in which representatives of several Catholic Byzantine Churches participated. The hymn was sung in Greek, Paleoslavonic, Hungarian, Ukrainian, Romanian and Arabic.
At the end of the hymn's 24 verses, John Paul II delivered a brief homily. "Mother of the Risen Lord and Mother of the Church," he said, "Mary precedes us and leads us to the authentic knowledge of God and the encounter with the Redeemer. She shows us the way and shows us her Son. ... We greet her with the title 'full of grace' and we implore her intercession for all the children of the Church who, with this hymn, celebrate her glory."
VATICAN CITY, DEC 8, 2000 (VIS) - At noon today, solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, Pope John Paul appeared at his study window to recite the angelus with the faithful gathered below in St. Peter's Square.
The Holy Father pointed out that "today we contemplate this humble young girl from Nazareth who was preserved, with an extraordinary and ineffable privilege, from the stain of original sin and from every sin, in order to be the worthy abode of the Word made flesh. In Mary, the new Eve, Mother of the new Adam, the original marvelous plan of the Father's love is re-established in a yet more wondrous way."
"Today's liturgy proposes the Gospel account of the Annunciation," remarked the Pope. "The virgin, answering the angel, proclaimed: 'Behold the handmaiden of the Lord. Let it be to me according to your word'. Mary showed her total assent of mind and heart to the divine and mysterious wishes and readied herself to receive, first in faith and then in her womb, the Son of God."
He said that Mary's "'Here I am!'" and her "immediate adherence to the divine will constitute a model for all of us believers, so that, in the great events, as well as in ordinary ones, we entrust ourselves entirely to the Lord. With the witness of her life, Mary encourages us to believe in the fulfillment of the divine promises."
After these reflections, John Paul II prayed the angelus and, following that, greeted numerous groups present in St. Peter's Square, including the Pontifical Academy of Mary Immaculate, Italian Catholic Action and the Work for Religious Assistance for the Ill.
VATICAN CITY, DEC 9, 2000 (VIS) - Made public today was a Letter from John Paul II to His Beatitude Gregory III, canonically elected as patriarch of Antioch of Greek-Melkite Catholics in the Holy Synod of Bishops of the Greek-Melkite Catholic Church, which was held in Charfet, Lebanon on November 29, 2000.
In the Letter, written in French and dated December 5, the Pope wrote: "With my warm congratulations and the assurance of an entirely fraternal charity, I welcome with a full heart, venerable brother, your request for ecclesiastic communion, in conformation to the usage and desire of the entire Catholic Church. May the Lord assist you, Beatitude, throughout your new ministry, which I hope to be most fruitful, in union with our brothers in the episcopacy, the Fathers of the Patriarchal Synod!"
VATICAN CITY, DEC 9, 2000 (VIS) - Today, vigil of the feast of Our Lady of Loreto, in the name of all families throughout the world, Cardinal Alfonso Lopez Trujillo, president of the Pontifical Council for the Family, offered a golden rose to Our Lady of Loreto in the marian shrine of the same name on Italy's Adriatic coast. The rose, blessed by the Holy Father during the Mass on October 15 for the Jubilee of Families, was presented during a solemn Eucharistic concelebration
A communique released today which highlighted this event explained that "this initiative was born in the context of the Jubilee of Families, who are inspired by the model of the Holy Family of Loreto." It added that members of an Italian family, accompanied by Archbishop Angelo Comastri, prelate of Loreto, had presented the 40 centimeter long rose to the Pope for his blessing on October 15.
Two weddings bands, which mark a couple's commitment to fidelity, form part of the flower's stem. On a cartouche at its base is the prayer: "Queen of Families, make every house a Holy House and every family a Holy Family." This prayer will now be recited every morning in the shrine of Loreto.
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