VATICAN CITY, MAR 31, 1999 (VIS) - Made public today was the telegram sent by Pope John Paul to Cardinal Camillo Ruini, vicar general of Rome, for the death yesterday of Bishop Clemente Riva, former auxiliary of the diocese of Rome.
The Pope especially recalled Bishop Riva's "profound spirituality," his "drive in evangelization and the generous and abounding pastoral commitment, especially in inter-religious dialogue and with the world of culture."
TGR;DEATH RIVA;...;RUINI;VIS;19990331;Word: 80;
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Wednesday, March 31, 1999
VATICAN CITY, MAR 31, 1999 (VIS) - Archbishop Paul Cordes, president of the Pontifical Council "Cor Unum" is today in Albania to "bring to the refugees of such an inhumane tragedy" as that of Kosovo, writes John Paul II in a message to the prelate, "my spiritual and material solidarity and that of the entire Christian people."
Having stated that the conflict in Kosovo "is causing untold suffering to peoples, and is sowing hate, violence and death," the Pope adds: "I am closely following the development of the situation and I pray to the Lord, Father of Mercy, that He take pity on his children who are being so sorely tried."
"Tell the children, mothers and elderly people that you meet," he writes, "that the Pope is with them, and that he will continue to be with them until a just and lasting peace reigns in the lands of the Balkans. In this twentieth century, those peoples have seen too much bloodshed and too many tears. May the peace so longed-for finally be established."
The Cor Unum president, who will convey the Pope's message, will visit refugees at the Kukes camp and will meet with the president of the Republic of Albania and with those responsible for the local church, and particularly with Caritas.
VATICAN CITY, MAR 31, 1999 (VIS) - During today's general audience in St. Peter's Square, the Pope recalled that during Holy Week "we commemorate the central events of our redemption. The core of this week is the Triduum of the Lord's Passion and Resurrection."
"Holy Week leads us to meditate on the meaning of the Cross." The Father "freely gave his Only Son to redeem humanity. How could we fail to give thanks to Him (for this)? ... Faced with the Cross, the eloquent call of God's mercy, how could we not repent of our sin and experience a conversion to love? How could we not concretely make reparation for harm caused to others and return goods acquired dishonestly? Forgiveness requires concrete gestures. Repentance is only true and efficacious when it is transformed into tangible acts of conversion and just reparation."
He noted that tomorrow, Holy Thursday, every bishop, surrounded by his priests, will preside at a Chrism Mass and will consecrate the Holy Oils. In the evening, "at the end of the Mass of the Lord's Supper ('In Cena Domini') there will be adoration. ... Good Friday is an intense day, in which the Church will have us listen once again to the narration of the Passion of Christ. The 'adoration' of the Cross will be the focus of the liturgy."
John Paul II said that until Holy Saturday evening "there will be a period of deep silence. ... This silence will be broken by the joy and light of the evocative rites of the Easter Vigil and the glorious song of the 'Alleluia'(will resound). It will be the encounter of faith with the Risen Christ, and the Easter joy will continue for the following fifty days."
"Let us prepare ourselves" he concluded, "to relive these events in prayerful union with the Blessed Virgin Mary."
AG;EASTER TRIDUUM;...;...;VIS;19990331;Word: 310;
VATICAN CITY, MAR 31, 1999 (VIS) - Holy See Press Office Director Joaquin Navarro-Valls made the following declaration early this afternoon: "Cardinal Secretary of State Angelo Sodano this morning received a group of Russian politicians, including former Prime Minister Igor Gaidar, who came to show their proposals for an initiative which might aid the reestablishment of peace in the Balkans."
VATICAN CITY, MAR 31, 1999 (VIS) - Following is the declaration issued last evening by Holy See Press Office Director Joaquin Navarro-Valls on yesterday's meeting in the Vatican on the situation in Yugoslavia:
"Under the presidency of Secretary of State Cardinal Angelo Sodano, a meeting took place on the afternoon of Tuesday March 30, to which ambassadors to the Holy See of NATO member countries and permanent members of the UN Security Council were invited.
"The purpose of the meeting was to inform the ambassadors of the Holy See position concerning the current situation in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and to have an exchange of opinions in this regard.
"Cardinal Sodano mentioned Pope John Paul II's concern for the peoples who are suffering and Holy See action to contribute to a speedy solution to the crisis.
"Archbishop Jean-Louis Tauran, secretary for Relations with States, expressed the Holy See position with regard to: a) appreciation for efforts made in recent months by the international community to end the dramatic situation of the peoples in Kosovo; b) necessity to end military operation so that violence may not have the last word; c) urgent sending of humanitarian aid for refugees and evacuees; d) involvement of the UN and the OSCE in the peace process.
"Information was also presented with regard to steps taken in recent times by Secretary of State with various governments and international organizations."
VATICAN CITY, MAR 31, 1999 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received in audience Cardinal Camillo Ruini, vicar general for the diocese of Rome, accompanied by Archbishop Cesare Nosiglia, vice gerent, and Don Patrizio Milano, pastor of the parish of Our Lady of Loreto.
AP;...;...;...;VIS;19990331;Word: 40;
AP;...;...;...;VIS;19990331;Word: 40;
VATICAN CITY, MAR 31, 1999 (VIS) - The Pontifical Biblical Commission announced in a communique published today that it will hold its annual plenary session in Rome from April 12 to 16 in the International House of the Clergy, under the presidency of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger. The meeting's theme will be "Relationships Between the New and Old Testament, Between Christians and Jews."
COM-B;PLENARY;...;RATZINGER;VIS;19990331;Word: 70;
COM-B;PLENARY;...;RATZINGER;VIS;19990331;Word: 70;
VATICAN CITY, MAR 31, 1999 (VIS) - Cardinal Jan P. Schotte, C.I.C.M., secretary general of the Synod of Bishops, presided at the fourth meeting of the Council for the Special Assembly for America on March 23-24 in the Vatican. Joining him were 3 cardinals, 7 archbishops, 2 bishops and 4 synod staff members. The fifth post-synodal meeting is scheduled for February 22-23, 2000.
VATICAN CITY, MAR 31, 1999 (VIS) - The Holy Father appointed Archbishop Diego Causero, apostolic nuncio in the Central African Republic and in Chad, as apostolic nuncio in Syria.
NN;...;...;CAUSERO;VIS;19990331;Word: 30;
NN;...;...;CAUSERO;VIS;19990331;Word: 30;
Tuesday, March 30, 1999
VATICAN CITY, MAR 30, 1999 (VIS) - Holy See Press Office Director Joaquin Navarro-Valls stated this afternoon: "I can confirm that tomorrow morning Cardinal Secretary of State Angelo Sodano will receive in the Vatican former Russian Prime Minister Gaidar, accompanied by two other former ministers."
VATICAN CITY, MAR 30, 1999 (VIS) - The following declaration was made this morning by Holy See Press Office Director Joaquin Navarro-Valls:
"Secretary of State Cardinal Angelo Sodano, has invited ambassadors to the Holy See from NATO member countries and the United Nations Security Council, to a meeting to discuss the recent situation in Kosovo and to discuss solutions which could contribute to the reestablishment of peace in that region. The meeting will take place this afternoon in the Vatican.
"In this context, the Secretary of State this morning received the ambassador of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia to the Holy See."
VATICAN CITY, MAR 30, 1999 (VIS) - Holy See Press Office Director Joaquin Navarro-Valls made the following declaration last evening: "The Holy Father today had a private meeting with President Oscar Luigi Scalfaro of Italy. The principal theme of the talks was the dramatic situation in the Republic of Yugoslavia and the search for possible ways to return peace to this region as soon as possible."
OP;MEETING POPE; SCALFARO;...;...;VIS;19990330;Word: 80;
OP;MEETING POPE; SCALFARO;...;...;VIS;19990330;Word: 80;
VATICAN CITY, MAR 30, 1999 (VIS) - In the Paul VI Hall this morning, Pope John Paul welcomed 4,000 students participating in the UNIV 99 Congress, the annual Holy Week encounter in Rome promoted throughout the world by the faithful of the prelature of Opus Dei.
Addressing the young people on the theme of their Congress, "Solidarity and Citizenship," the Pope said in English. "I wish to start with the second of these two terms. In a book by Blessed Josemaria, ... we find a whole chapter with this very title: 'Citizenship'. In it we read the following: 'This is your duty as a Christian citizen: to contribute to making the love and freedom of Christ pre-eminent in every aspect of modern life - in culture, in the economy, in work and leisure. in family life, and life in society'.
"Blessed Josemaria speaks of the love and the freedom of Christ: this is freedom from sin, the struggle that, out of love for Christ ... Christians fight in themselves against everything that separates them from God and distances them from their brothers and sisters."
Then, speaking Spanish, the Holy Father highlighted the meaning of solidarity. "How can we not reflect on the immense human potential of peace, harmony and brotherhood that a coherent Christian life ... can cast on the transformation of the world? With a more careful analysis, Christian solidarity shows itself to be, more than a virtue per se, a spiritual conduct in which different virtues come together and, particularly, justice and charity. ... Justice, nevertheless, needs a soul. And the soul of justice is charity, charity which is at the service of every person."
"The first and most basic contribution which every believer is called to offer the new evangelization," stated John Paul II, "is to faithfully embody the Gospel in their own life: to be holy. Indeed, whoever seeks personal holiness without reserve, contributes efficaciously to spreading good throughout the world."
AC;UNIV 99;...;...;VIS;19990330;Word: 320;
VATICAN CITY, MAR 30, 1999 (VIS) - The Holy Father:
- Erected the ecclesiastical province of Patna, India, elevating the same episcopal see to the rank of metropolitan church, making the dioceses of Bettiah, Bhagalpur, Muzaffarpur and Purnea suffragan to it. Bishop Benedict John Osta, S.J., of the diocese of Patna was appointed as the first metropolitan archbishop of Patna. The archbishop-elect was born in Blasurahi, India, in 1931, was ordained a priest in 1963, and since March 1980 has been bishop of Patna.
- Erected the diocese of Yendi (area 25,000, population 450,000, Catholics 3,843, priests 12, religious 6), Ghana, with territory taken from the archdiocese of Tamale, making it suffragan to the same metropolitan church. He appointed Fr. Vincent Boi-Nai S.V.D., as first bishop of Yendi. The bishop-elect was born in Labadi, Ghana, in 1945, made his perpetual vows in 1977 and was ordained a priest the same year. Since 1998 he has been provincial of the Society of the Divine Word (Verbites).
ECE; NER;...;...;OSTA; BOI-NAI ;VIS;19990330;Word: 120;
VATICAN CITY, MAR 30, 1999 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received in audience Archbishop Francesco Pompedda, dean of the Tribunal of the Roman Rota, with other auditor prelates.
AP;...;...;...;VIS;19990330;Word: 30;
AP;...;...;...;VIS;19990330;Word: 30;
VATICAN CITY, MAR 30, 1999 (VIS) - Made public this morning was a communique from the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace which announced that the council secretary, Bishop Diarmuid Martin, is currently attending a three-day seminar in Santiago, Chile, on the effects of the globalization of finances on the economies of poor countries.
The March 29-31 seminar for experts from throughout the world was promoted by the "Jacques Maritain International Institute," the government of Chile and the United Nations Commission for Latin America. The meeting was opened yesterday by President Eduardo Frei Ruiz-Tagle of Chile.
The March 29-31 seminar for experts from throughout the world was promoted by the "Jacques Maritain International Institute," the government of Chile and the United Nations Commission for Latin America. The meeting was opened yesterday by President Eduardo Frei Ruiz-Tagle of Chile.
Monday, March 29, 1999
VATICAN CITY, MAR 27, 1999 (VIS) - In his meeting today with the board of directors of the World Federation of Scientists, the Pope highlighted the importance for faith and science, once the misunderstandings of the past are overcome, "to open up to ever deeper reciprocal understanding, at the service of life and human dignity."
Having underscored the scientific progress of this century, he said that "a cultural factor particularly emerges from this, ... which mainly consists in a new vision of science, characterized by the end of the 'myth of progress', according to which science would have been able to resolve all problems of people in a short period of time."
Another factor, said the Holy Father, is the "economic aspect." For the technological application of some discoveries "enormous sums of money are spent, and this (in turn) provokes justified concern for its use and the validity of its projects. Finally, the political dimension of science is of capital importance, for the consequences it has for the building of peace."
John Paul II concluded by emphasizing the need to carry out "suitable projects which, involving scientific volunteer work and the responsible cooperation of cultural, economic and political factors, might contribute to drawing up plans whose aim is to protect creation and benefit authentic human development."
AC;...;...;SCIENTIFIC PROGRESS;VIS;19990329;Word: 220;
VATICAN CITY, MAR 27, 1999 (VIS) - Ambassador Bae Yang-il from the Republic of Korea presented his Letters of Credence today to Pope John Paul, who recalled that, during his first visit to Korea in 1984, "I shared the sufferings and hopes of all the people of the peninsula, and I continue to pray that they will one day be re-united as one family."
"I encourage your government's efforts," the Pope said in his speech in English, "to resolve present difficulties through mutual trust, practical assistance and open dialogue. To work for peace requires patient and persevering effort, for true peace is not a matter of power and strength, but calls for genuine reconciliation between peoples."
He underlined that "the resolution of the many conflicts between countries and ethnic groups represents one of the major challenges facing the international community as we prepare to enter a new millennium. ... To ensure a peace built on solid and lasting foundations, a concerned international effort is needed to promote and guarantee a culture of human rights, and I am pleased that your government shares this opinion."
The Holy Father then referred to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which, he said, "draws attention to a number of essential features of human rights, which are sometimes overlooked or underplayed: It emphasizes that the recognition of the innate dignity of all members of the human family, as well as the equality and inalienability of their rights, is the foundation of liberty, justice and peace. Human rights, therefore, are not conferred by external authority but stem from the inherent dignity and worth of the human person: they are simply a consequence of being human and are common to all."
For peace and development among nations and peoples to occur, "it is essential to defend the universality and indivisibility of human rights."
"The Holy See," affirmed John Paul II, "seeks to be a positive and helpful partner in this immense and crucial task. The Church defends human rights and contributes to the political, social, economic and cultural order because she teaches the transcendent dignity of every person."
He turned to the religious traditions of Buddhism and Confucianism which have shaped Korea, as well as, more recently Christianity. "Korea's respect for religion is undoubtedly influenced by the conviction that at the very heart of every culture lies man's attitude to the greatest mystery, that of God."
In concluding remarks, the Pope noted that "authentic democratic society and just relations between nations depend on the attitude taken to the religious dimension of human existence and to the question of transcendent and objective truth. ... Far from being a limitation upon freedom or a threat to it, reference to the truth about the human person ... is, in fact, the guarantor of freedom's future."
VATICAN CITY, MAR 27, 1999 (VIS) - From March 28 to 30 in Chicago, U.S.A., Cardinal Edward Idris Cassidy, president of the Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews, will take part in a symposium on the Vatican document on the Holocaust, "We Remember. A Reflection on the Shoah."
On Monday, March 29, the cardinal will give a public address at the Catholic Theological Union in Chicago on the Vatican document on the Holocaust and reflections toward a new millennium. The three-day symposium is being convened by both the Joseph Cardinal Bernardin Center for Theology and Ministry and by the Tanenbaum Center for Interreligious Understanding.
VATICAN CITY, MAR 27, 1999 (VIS) - Cardinal Angelo Sodano, secretary of state, sent a telegram on behalf of the Holy Father to Bishop Giuseppe Anfossi of Aosta, Italy, for the accident last Wednesday in the Mont Blanc Tunnel:
"The Supreme Pontiff, having learned the news of the tragic road accident in the Mont Blanc Tunnel which caused the deaths of many French and Italian citizens, charges Your Excellency to express his sympathies to the relatives and friends of the deceased, sharing in their pain for their deep mourning, as well as expressing his solidarity with survivors for the sufferings caused by this terrible disaster. The Holy Father also assures his fervent prayers for the repose of the souls of the victims, and expresses his appreciation for those who in various ways did their utmost in rescue operations. While he invokes God's comfort for those who suffer the consequences of such a difficult trial, he extends to all a special apostolic blessing as a special sign of spiritual closeness."
VATICAN CITY, MAR 28, 1999 (VIS) - Today, Palm Sunday and the 14th World Youth Day, the Pope presided at Mass in St. Peter's Basilica in the presence of thousands of young people from all over the world.
In his homily, the Pope said that the Holy Week ceremonies "begin with 'Hosanna' ... and culminate in the 'Crucifige' (Crucify him) of Good Friday. ... Christ, although he was sinless, took upon himself all that man could not tolerate: injustice, evil, sin, hate, suffering, and finally, death. In Christ, the Son of man, humiliated and suffering, God loves and forgives everyone, and confers the ultimate meaning to human life."
John Paul II then referred to World Youth Days which began in 1985, and which, "following the 'Holy Year Cross', have taken place throughout the world like a long pilgrimage towards the new millennium. ... Today's World Youth Day is the last before the Jubilee: it has, however, a particular importance. Thanks to the contribution of all may this be a strong experience of faith and ecclesial communion!"
"Beloved young people!" said the Pope, "go with joy to meet Christ, Who is the joy of your youth. Seek Him and find Him in adhering to His Word and the mystery of His presence in the Church and in the sacraments. Live with Him in faithfulness to His Gospel, which is demanding, it is true, to the point of sacrifice, but which is at the same time the only source of hope and true happiness. Love Him in the person of your brother or sister in need of justice, help, friendship and peace."
HML;PALM SUNDAY; YOUTH;...;...;VIS;19990329;Word: 270;
VATICAN CITY, MAR 27, 1999 (VIS) - The Holy Father:
- Appointed Fr. Rafael Masahiro Umemura, as bishop of Yokohama (area 28,234, population 15,134,000, Catholics 51,209, priests 145, religious 763), Japan. The bishop-elect was born in Kikuna, in 1952 and was ordained a priest in 1985. Up until now he has been dean of studies of the Interdiocesan Major Seminary of Tokyo.
- Dr. Paolo Vian as "scriptor latinus" of the Vatican Apostolic Library.
NER; NA;...;...;UMEMURA; VIAN;VIS;19990329;Word: 70;
- Appointed Fr. Rafael Masahiro Umemura, as bishop of Yokohama (area 28,234, population 15,134,000, Catholics 51,209, priests 145, religious 763), Japan. The bishop-elect was born in Kikuna, in 1952 and was ordained a priest in 1985. Up until now he has been dean of studies of the Interdiocesan Major Seminary of Tokyo.
- Dr. Paolo Vian as "scriptor latinus" of the Vatican Apostolic Library.
NER; NA;...;...;UMEMURA; VIAN;VIS;19990329;Word: 70;
VATICAN CITY, MAR 29, 1999 (VIS) - The Holy Father, during this morning's annual meeting with the members of St. Peter's Circle, which commemorates 130 years since its founding, thanked them for their "commitment to the poor and the dedicated service to the Church and the Pope."
The Pope recalled that among the different activities of the institution, there was "'Peter's Pence', which is collected yearly in Rome's churches, and which today you have come to present." He stated: "May the Lord reward you for this gesture of active concern for the Apostolic See!" Members also look after liturgical services in St. Peter's Basilica.
"My wish," added the Pontiff, "is that all the baptized may be inspired to a generous impulse to charity, in the likeness of the extraordinary love with which the Father gave his Only Son for the salvation of the world."
"Through your commitment to solidarity, recently enriched by the inauguration of the Welcome Center for free assistance to the terminally ill, particularly the destitute, and your service to the Apostolic See," concluded John Paul II, "you are called to show that tenderness which God has for each and every person."
AC;...;...;ST PETER'S CIRCLE ;VIS;19990329;Word: 200;
VATICAN CITY, MAR 28, 1999 (VIS) - At today's angelus, recited in St. Peter's Basilica following Palm Sunday Mass, Pope John Paul greeted all the young people present for World Youth Day, and also made a heartfelt appeal for peace in the Balkans.
"I know that you are preparing the 15th World Youth Day, which will take place in Rome in August 2000," he told the youth. "It is up to you to welcome in the best possible way your peers who will come from every part of the world, and to give them a witness of authentic faith and cordial fraternity."
The Holy Father then thanked Italy's Puglia region for the olive trees they offered to decorate St. Peter's Square, as well as the olive branches for the day's celebration.
"May these branches," he said, "be the symbol of that peace so desired by the populations of the Balkan region! Today we fervently pray to 'the Prince of Peace', who offers himself to us so defenseless, so that He may inspire all those who take up arms! May fraternity and understanding prevail, also in that part of Europe, over the forces of hatred! The Pope is with those who are suffering, and he cries out to everyone: It is always time for peace! It is never too late to meet and negotiate!"
ANG;YOUTH; PEACE BALKANS;...;...;VIS;19990329;Word: 230;
VATICAN CITY, MAR 29, 1999 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received in separate audiences:
- Didier Opertti, president of the 53rd session of the United Nations General Assembly, and foreign affairs minister of Uruguay, with his wife and entourage.
- Cardinal Paul Poupard, president of the Pontifical Council for Culture.
He also received on Saturday March 27:
- Bishop Reinhard Lettmann of Munster, Federal Republic of Germany.
- Bishop Jayme Henrique Chemello of Pelotas, Brazil, president of the Brazilian Episcopal Conference, accompanied by secretary of the conference, Bishop Raymundo Damasceno Assis, auxiliary of Brasilia.
- Prof. Sergio Zaninello, rector of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart.
- Cardinal Lucas Moreira Neves, prefect of the Congregation of Bishops.
AP/.../... VIS 990329 (110)
- Didier Opertti, president of the 53rd session of the United Nations General Assembly, and foreign affairs minister of Uruguay, with his wife and entourage.
- Cardinal Paul Poupard, president of the Pontifical Council for Culture.
He also received on Saturday March 27:
- Bishop Reinhard Lettmann of Munster, Federal Republic of Germany.
- Bishop Jayme Henrique Chemello of Pelotas, Brazil, president of the Brazilian Episcopal Conference, accompanied by secretary of the conference, Bishop Raymundo Damasceno Assis, auxiliary of Brasilia.
- Prof. Sergio Zaninello, rector of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart.
- Cardinal Lucas Moreira Neves, prefect of the Congregation of Bishops.
AP/.../... VIS 990329 (110)
VATICAN CITY, MAR 29, 1999 (VIS) - This morning in the Clementine Hall, the Pope welcomed 300 members of the parliamentary assembly of the Council of Europe, and members of the parliamentary committees for political affairs, juridical affairs and human rights, migrations, refugees and demography.
Speaking French, he told them that the work that has been accomplished by the Council since it was founded 50 years ago, "has been an eminent service rendered to the peoples of Europe." He recalled that the Council "has steered the same course for 50 years: ... to more closely unite the European peoples on the basis of the patrimony of values which they share."
To accomplish this, John Paul II observed that "what must be remembered is that there is no just political, economic or social life without respect for the dignity of each person." He added that the values of human rights, freedom, democracy, and solidarity "are deeply rooted in the European conscience; they represent the strongest aspirations of European citizens. They must inspire every project whose noble ambition is to unite the peoples of this continent."
The Holy Father then spoke of the conflict in Kosovo, saying it "wounds all of Europe. I ask insistently that everything be undertaken to establish peace in the region and that people be able to live in fellowship in their land. Answering violence with violence is never the way to get out of a crisis. What must be done is to silence arms and acts of vengeance in order to undertake negotiations" leading to a peace agreement respectful "of different peoples and cultures."
Pope John Paul then said: "I add my voice to that of the Council of Europe in asking that the most basic right, the right to life for every person, be recognized throughout Europe and that the death penalty be abolished. This premier right ... not only implies that every person must be able to survive, but that each can live in just and dignified conditions."
The Pope urged the parliamentarians not to neglect "a serious family policy, which guarantees the rights of married couples and children. ... I invite national parliaments to redouble their efforts to sustain the basic cell of society, which is the family, and to give it its full place: it constitutes the primary place of socialization."
In concluding remarks, he expressed the Holy See's appreciation for the assembly's recent declaration that "democracy and religion are not incompatible; on the contrary ... religion, through its moral and ethical commitment, the values it defends, its critical sense and its cultural expression, can be a viable partner of a democratic society."
Friday, March 26, 1999
VATICAN CITY, MAR 26, 1999 (VIS) - John Paul II yesterday evening called for an end "as soon as possible" to the war in Yugoslavia and for a just and lasting peace. The Pope made this plea during a meeting with young people from the diocese of Rome in the Paul VI Hall.
As is traditional every year before the World Youth Day on Palm Sunday, the Pope took part in a time of celebration and reflection with the youth of Rome. Those who could not enter the hall followed the event on a big screen outside.
He answered three questions asked by the young people. The first was: How could the love of God the Father be understood in the face of hate, violence and war? The Holy Father referred to the current conflict in Yugoslavia and said: "I hope with all my heart that arms are silenced as soon as possible and that dialogue and negotiation are resumed so that with the participation of all, a just and lasting peace may reign throughout this region." He explained that evil "has its root in sin," and that in spite of all, "the Father's love is not lacking for us because God Himself wanted to share suffering and death with us."
Then, in reference to his Message this year for World Youth Day, in which "there is a strong invitation to conversion and to come to the Sacrament of Confession," he was asked: "Where should our desire for conversion come from?"
The Pope said that "only thanks to a constant process of conversion and renewal, will the person move forward on the path of self-knowledge, the control of their will and the capacity to avoid evil and do good. ... In Confession, we live at first hand the essence of the love of God. He comes to meet us in the most fitting way, which is that of mercy. By this, I do not mean that the way of conversion is easy."
In the third question, the youth asked the Pope how the Church knows how to love and pardon. "The most important sign of the capacity to love like God," responded the Pope, "is forgiveness. God loves us and for this he forgives us constantly."
Before the end of the encounter, John Paul II invited the young people to World Youth Day 2000, which will take place in Rome from August 15 to 20. He also encouraged them to invite their friends who are indifferent to the faith, and to generously welcome those who come from far away.
AC;...;...;YOUTH ROME;VIS;19990326;Word: 450;
VATICAN CITY, MAR 26, 1999 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received in separate audiences:
- Mr. Olusegun Obasanjo, president-elect of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, and his entourage.
- Cardinal Antonio Maria Rouco Varela, archbishop of Madrid, Spain.
- Archbishop Jose Saraiva Martins, prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints.
- Cardinal Joachim Meisner, archbishop of Cologne, Germany.
He is scheduled to receive later this evening, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
AP;...;...;...;VIS;19990326;Word: 70;
- Mr. Olusegun Obasanjo, president-elect of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, and his entourage.
- Cardinal Antonio Maria Rouco Varela, archbishop of Madrid, Spain.
- Archbishop Jose Saraiva Martins, prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints.
- Cardinal Joachim Meisner, archbishop of Cologne, Germany.
He is scheduled to receive later this evening, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
AP;...;...;...;VIS;19990326;Word: 70;
VATICAN CITY, MAR 26, 1999 (VIS) - Today in the Consistory Hall, the following decrees were promulgated in the presence of John Paul II and members of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints and postulators of the respective causes:
- Three decrees regarding miracles attributed to the intercession of Blesseds:
- Tommaso da Cori (ne Francesco Antonio Placidi), Italian, priest of the Order of Friars Minor (1655-1729).
- Benedetto (ne Angelo Menni Figini), Italian, priest of the Hospitaller Order of St. John of God, and founder of the Hospital Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (1841-1914).
- Maria de Jesus Sacramento (nee Maria Venegas de la Torre), Mexican, foundress of the Congregation of the Daughters of the Heart of Jesus (1868-1959).
- One decree regarding a miracle attributed to the intercession of Servant of God Mariano de Jesus Euse Hoyos, Colombian, diocesan priest (1845-1926).
- Three decrees regarding the martyrdom of Servants of God:
- Anton Julian Nowowiejski, archbishop-bishop of Plock, Henrick Kaczorowski and Anicet Koplinski, diocesan priests, Maria Anna Biernacka, lay woman, and 104 companions, Polish, martyred for the faith during the Nazi persecution of the Church from 1939-1945.
- Stefan Vincenz Frelichowksi, Polish, diocesan priest, (1913-1945), died "ex aerumnis carceris" in 1945 at Dachau concentration camp, Germany.
- Alfonso Lopez and five companions, Spanish, of the Order of Friars Minor Conventual, who were martyred for the faith on July 27 and 31, and August 3, 1936, during the religious persecution of the Second Spanish Republic, in Salamus, Spain.
- Five decrees regarding the heroic virtue of Servants of God:
- Lino da Parma (ne Linus Maupas), Croatian, of the Order of Friars Minor (1866-1924).
- Egidio Giuseppe Dei Sacri Cuori (ne Severino Malacarne), Italian, priest of the Congregation of the Passionists (1877-1953).
- Aureliano del Santisimo Sacramento (ne Pedro Landeta y Azcueta), Spanish, priest of the Order of Discalced Carmelites (1887-1963).
- Isabel del Sagrado Corazon de Jesus (nee Isabel Larranga Ramirez), Filipino, founder of the Congregation of the Sisters of Charity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (1836-1899).
- Marie Elizabeth Hesselblad, Swedish, foundress of the Order of the Most Holy Savior and of St. Brigid (1870-1957).
Among those present were Archbishop Jose Saraiva Martins, prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, Archbishop Edward Nowak, secretary, a group of cardinals and members of dicasteries.
CCS;DECREES;...;SARAIVA;VIS;19990326;Word: 370;
- Three decrees regarding miracles attributed to the intercession of Blesseds:
- Tommaso da Cori (ne Francesco Antonio Placidi), Italian, priest of the Order of Friars Minor (1655-1729).
- Benedetto (ne Angelo Menni Figini), Italian, priest of the Hospitaller Order of St. John of God, and founder of the Hospital Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (1841-1914).
- Maria de Jesus Sacramento (nee Maria Venegas de la Torre), Mexican, foundress of the Congregation of the Daughters of the Heart of Jesus (1868-1959).
- One decree regarding a miracle attributed to the intercession of Servant of God Mariano de Jesus Euse Hoyos, Colombian, diocesan priest (1845-1926).
- Three decrees regarding the martyrdom of Servants of God:
- Anton Julian Nowowiejski, archbishop-bishop of Plock, Henrick Kaczorowski and Anicet Koplinski, diocesan priests, Maria Anna Biernacka, lay woman, and 104 companions, Polish, martyred for the faith during the Nazi persecution of the Church from 1939-1945.
- Stefan Vincenz Frelichowksi, Polish, diocesan priest, (1913-1945), died "ex aerumnis carceris" in 1945 at Dachau concentration camp, Germany.
- Alfonso Lopez and five companions, Spanish, of the Order of Friars Minor Conventual, who were martyred for the faith on July 27 and 31, and August 3, 1936, during the religious persecution of the Second Spanish Republic, in Salamus, Spain.
- Five decrees regarding the heroic virtue of Servants of God:
- Lino da Parma (ne Linus Maupas), Croatian, of the Order of Friars Minor (1866-1924).
- Egidio Giuseppe Dei Sacri Cuori (ne Severino Malacarne), Italian, priest of the Congregation of the Passionists (1877-1953).
- Aureliano del Santisimo Sacramento (ne Pedro Landeta y Azcueta), Spanish, priest of the Order of Discalced Carmelites (1887-1963).
- Isabel del Sagrado Corazon de Jesus (nee Isabel Larranga Ramirez), Filipino, founder of the Congregation of the Sisters of Charity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (1836-1899).
- Marie Elizabeth Hesselblad, Swedish, foundress of the Order of the Most Holy Savior and of St. Brigid (1870-1957).
Among those present were Archbishop Jose Saraiva Martins, prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, Archbishop Edward Nowak, secretary, a group of cardinals and members of dicasteries.
CCS;DECREES;...;SARAIVA;VIS;19990326;Word: 370;
VATICAN CITY, MAR 26, 1999 (VIS) - The Holy Father appointed Bishop Roberto Octavio Gonzalez, O.F.M., of Corpus Christi as metropolitan archbishop of San Juan de Puerto Rico (area 1,051, population 1,233,743, Catholics 1,002,080, priests 300, religious 552), Puerto Rico. The archbishop-elect was born in Elizabeth, United States of America, in 1950, was ordained a priest in 1977 and a bishop in 1988. He succeeds Cardinal Luis Aponte Martinez, whose resignation from the pastoral care of this archdiocese was accepted by the Holy Father on having reached the age limit.
NER; RE;...;...;GONZALEZ; APONTE ;VIS;19990326;Word: 90;
NER; RE;...;...;GONZALEZ; APONTE ;VIS;19990326;Word: 90;
Thursday, March 25, 1999
VATICAN CITY, MAR 25, 1999 (VIS) - Last evening, Wednesday, March 24, shortly after the start of the bombings by NATO forces against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Holy See Press Office Director Joaquin Navarro-Valls made the following declaration:
"Recourse to the use of force is always a defeat for humanity. One cannot help but think of the eventual victims and the feelings of hatred that will inevitably arise. It makes one think of Pius XII's words on August 24, 1939: 'Nothing is lost with peace. All can be lost with war'."
Also last night, relative to the postponement of the visit of a delegation from the Patriarchate of Moscow, which was to have taken place in coming days in the Vatican, Dr. Navarro-Valls thus answered journalists' questions:
"The decision taken by the Patriarchate of Moscow, due to the situation which has been created in the Balkans, and for reasons extraneous to both the Holy See and the Patriarchate, is understandable.
"As was previously announced in Moscow, it is only a question of changing dates, agreed to by both parties."
VATICAN CITY, MAR 25, 1999 (VIS) - Yesterday afternoon in the Sala Regia, Pope John Paul inaugurated the Rome-Armenia Exhibition in the presence of Armenia's President Kocharian, His Holiness Karekin I, Catholicos of All the Armenians, and His Beatitude Jean Pierre XVIII Kasparian, patriarch of Armenian Catholics.
Karekin I was accompanied by His Beatitude Patriarch Torkom, archbishop of Jerusalem. Prelates, priests and lay people from these Churches also attended the opening.
"You have wished to honor the Church of Rome in the most beautiful manner accorded to Christians, by the witness of charity and the holy kiss of communion," the Holy Father told Catholicos Karekin I. "I deeply appreciate this delicate gesture, which constitutes a new and important chapter in the history of the common quest for full unity between Christ's followers."
John Paul II remarked that "communion does not mean the absorption and loss of one's own identity. Rather, it is a shared pilgrimage to the one Lord, preserving what is specific and gaining the strength and richness that comes from universality."
He then addressed "warm greetings" to Patriarch Kasparian, accompanied by bishops of his Church, and noted that "full communion with the See of Peter, while making this Church an integral part of the Catholic family, does not separate it from the marvelous heritage of spiritual life and culture which brings so much honor to the Armenian people."
Turning to the history of the Armenian people, the Pope said that, "despite opposition and even open persecution, Armenians did not close in upon themselves, but considered it vital ... to engage in an open and intelligent exchange with other peoples. ... They have always shown initiative and courage, ever sustained by the power of the Gospel which shaped their history and provided a solid foundation for their life."
"The relationship between Armenia and Rome preceded the coming of Christianity, but Christianity soon became the very reason for that relationship," affirmed the Pope. He added that communion between the Armenian Church in the Cilicia region and the Church of Rome "reached an intensity perhaps never attained in other cases."
If the cultural exchange "failed to yield more lasting fruit, it was in part due to the intransigence of some who perhaps were not able to appreciate fully the value of so providential an opportunity. On the Roman side, some of this lack of understanding was the result of tragic internal conflicts in the Western Church and the emergence of new canonical and theological concepts which made it more difficult to understand the ancient spiritual heritage of the East. For us today all of this is a motive of profound regret."
Pope John Paul then turned to the exhibition itself, commenting that "the objects on display in the Sala Regia - from the fragment of Noah's Ark from Echmiadzin to the archeological finds from ancient Cilicia ... are signs of the great things which God has done for the Armenian people. They are an invitation to ever deeper self-knowledge and ever greater self-esteem."
VATICAN CITY, MAR 25, 1999 (VIS) - Cardinal Dario Castrillon Hoyos and Archbishop Csaba Terniak, respectively prefect and secretary of the Congregation for Clergy, presented the Holy Father John Paul II's Letter to Priests for Holy Thursday 1999 this morning at the Holy See Press Office.
Archbishop Terniak said that the reason for the Pope's letter is for the celebration of Holy Thursday, "because this is the day on which the ordained priesthood was born, the priesthood which partakes in that original and intransferable priesthood of Jesus Christ, of which the priest is gift and sign of love for His Church."
He announced that the next international meeting of clergy will be held in the Holy Land from June 22-27, and said that like the three previous such meetings, this one "responds to that deep desire of staying a while with the Lord, in a heart to heart (encounter), in the palpable reality of priestly communion."
For his part, Cardinal Castrillon explained that the Letter is focussed on the theme of divine fatherhood. It begins with the invocation "Abba Father", a term used by Jesus in the Garden of Olives and which "indicates an intimacy for which there are no examples before Christ."
"Priests are invited to be permeated by this fatherhood, but they are also called to give it to the whole world, which is in such urgent need of it! ... Spiritual fatherhood involves bringing the light of the Gospel, the light of the Word of God to others."
The prefect of the Congregation for Clergy ended by stating that "the Eucharist is the inexhaustible mystery of Christ and from his prayer is the summit and source of all good. ... The Holy Sacrifice is the absolute center of the life and day of the priest. Priesthood and the Eucharist are indissolubly united."
VATICAN CITY, MAR 25, 1999 (VIS) - Pope John Paul II this morning welcomed His Holiness Karekin I, Catholicos of All the Armenians, and in his speech in French, highlighted the nearly two millennia-old history of Christianity in Armenia. "Thanks to their fidelity to their roots and their tenacity in adversity," he said, "the Armenian people have known how to turn their many sufferings into a source of creativity and dynamism."
The Pope then observed that "soon Christians ... will sing and celebrate the mystery of our redemption. Our faith in Jesus Christ is the foundation of our life, our mission and the links of fraternal communion among our Churches. I welcome with satisfaction the progress made in our common search for unity in Christ. ... The regrettable divisions of the past must not continue to bear negatively on the life and witness of our Churches."
"The Catholic Church and the Armenian Church have developed a deep relationship, especially since Vatican Council II," Pope John Paul pointed out. "I wish to especially thank Your Holiness," he added, "for what you have accomplished and are still accomplishing to realize unity among Christians."
The Holy Father then referred to the invitation to visit Armenia, extended to him by both Karekin I and the country's president. "I pray the Lord that he will allow me to make this visit."
AC;VISIT KAREKIN I;...;ARMENIA;VIS;19990325;Word: 230;
VATICAN CITY, MAR 25, 1999 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received the bishops of the Ukrainian Catholic communities of the Latin rite on their first "ad limina" visit.
At the beginning of his speech, the Pope recalled the "witness of so many heroes of the faith who suffered persecution, and the courage of uncountable numbers of parents who continually passed on the love for the Gospel to their children."
Having encouraged the bishops to maintain "a deep apostolic missionary zeal," he urged their communities to be "full of life and fervor, that they might be united to their pastors and directed at evangelization. You can thus look towards the future with trust and undertake in an ever better way your mission in the beloved land of Ukraine."
The Pope said that, having overcome difficulties of recent years, the bishops now must concern themselves with providing their communities with sacred buildings. "Many parish churches and chapels have been reopened for worship, and there are now three seminaries."
"In your country, you show the richness of the Catholic Church through the variety of her ritual expressions: the Byzantine tradition, the Latin one, with the numerically limited contribution of Armenia. ... The Church can be proud of this plurality in unity."
"May the specific difficult religious situation in your country," exhorted the Pope, "not discourage you in the constant search for paths of dialogue, reciprocal understanding and, as far as is possible and fitting, concrete means of cooperation. An attentive and courageous missionary zeal will be useful for you so that the barriers raised by the desolating oppression of 70 years of militant atheism will fall."
Lastly, referring to ecumenism, he emphasized the importance of "the preaching and witness of followers of Christ in Ukrainian society. Families, fragile in unity and in the respect for life, need it, the weakest need it, particularly children, who are often abandoned; society needs it; ... young people seek it, who desire new hope and concrete ideals for which they can commit their lives."
AL;...;...;UKRAINE;VIS;19990325;Word: 340;
VATICAN CITY, MAR 25, 1999 (VIS) - Following are excerpts from Pope John Paul's Letter to Priests for Holy Thursday 1999, dated March 14 and made public this morning in Italian, English, Spanish and French:
"'Abba, Father!'
"Dear Brothers in the priesthood, my Holy Thursday appointment with you in this year which immediately precedes the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000 focuses on this invocation ... which encloses the unfathomable mystery of the Word made flesh, sent by the Father into the world for the salvation of humanity."
"God the Father sends the Son to make us, in him, his adopted children. ... The Father then sends the Spirit of the Son to enlighten us with regard to this extraordinary privilege: 'Because you are sons and daughters, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, Abba, Father!"
"How can we fail to give thanks to God as we think of the hosts of priests who, in this vast span of time, have spent their lives in the service of the Gospel, sometimes to the point of the supreme sacrifice of life itself? In the spirit of the coming Jubilee, while confessing the limitations and shortcomings of past Christian generations, and therefore also of the priests of those times, we recognize with joy that a very significant part of the Church's inestimable service to human progress is due to the humble and faithful work of countless ministers of Christ who, in the course of the millennium, have been generous builders of the civilization of love.
"The immensity of time! If time is always a movement away from the beginning, it is also, when we think of it, a return to the beginning. And this is of fundamental importance: if time did no more than take us ever further from the beginning, and if its final orientation ' the recovery of the origin ' were not clear, then our whole existence in time would lack a definite direction. It would have no meaning.
"It is with Christ that we pass through time, going in the same direction that he has taken: towards the Father."
"The Gospel is a continuous revelation of the Father. When the twelve-year-old Jesus is found by Joseph and Mary among the teachers in the Temple, he replies to his Mother's words, 'My son, why have you done this to us?', by referring to the Father: 'Did you not know that I must be about the things of my Father?' Even at the age of twelve he already has a clear awareness of the meaning of his own life, of his mission, which, from the first moment to the last, is wholly dedicated to 'the things of the Father'."
"The Gospel relates that the Apostles, marvelling at the Master's inner recollection in his dialogue with the Father, asked him: 'Lord, teach us to pray'. Then, for the first time, he spoke the words which would become the principal and most frequently used prayer of the Church and of individual Christians: the 'Our Father'.
"In the Eucharist the priest personally draws near to the inexhaustible mystery of Christ and of his prayer to the Father. He can immerse himself daily in this mystery of redemption and grace by celebrating Holy Mass, which retains its meaning and value even when, for a just reason, it is offered without the participation of the faithful, yet always for the faithful and for the whole world."
"The Eucharistic liturgy is a pre-eminent school of Christian prayer for the community."
"It is precisely in this context that I exhort all priests to carry out with confidence and courage their duty of guiding the community to authentic Christian prayer. This is a duty which no priest may ever forsake, even though the difficulties caused by today's secularized mentality can at times make it extremely demanding for him."
JPII-LETTER PRIESTS;HOLY THURSDAY;...;... ;VIS;19990325;Word: 650;
VATICAN CITY, MAR 25, 1999 (VIS) - The following declaration was made early this afternoon by Holy See Press Office Director Joaquin Navarro-Valls on the Pope's audiences this morning with the president of Armenia and the prime minister of Singapore:
"The president of the Republic of Armenia, Mr. Robert Kotcharian, was received in audience this morning by the Holy Father John Paul II. The Armenian head of state then met with Cardinal Angelo Sodano, secretary of state.
"During the discussions, the historical relations established 1700 years ago between the Holy See and Christian Armenia were mentioned, as well as the current religious situation in that country. Special attention was then given to relations between Armenia and other countries of the Caucasus and with European organizations.
"President Kotcharian invited the Holy Father to visit Armenia. John Paul II thanked the Armenian president, saying that he hoped that providence would allow him to go on this apostolic trip soon."
"Also this morning, the Pope received in audience the prime minister of Singapore, Mr. Goh Chok Tong, who subsequently met with the Cardinal Secretary of State. The meeting allowed for a useful exchange of information on the current situation in that young republic, and in the Far East in general."
OP;...;...;NAVARRO-VALLS;VIS;19990325;Word: 210
VATICAN CITY, MAR 25, 1999 (VIS) - The following is a declaration made today by Holy See Press Office Director Joaquin Navarro-Valls: "The Holy Father is deeply concerned about the suffering of peoples struck by the painful situation in which they presently find themselves. It is a solidarity which is extended to all Albanians and Serbs, Muslims and Christians, Orthodox and Catholics, because all are children of the same Father in heaven.
"At the same time, the Holy See remains in contact with the parties involved, inviting them to accept the path of dialogue once again, and to find honorable solutions for all. Such an invitation was made by the Holy See to the government in Belgrade, so that it may seek the cooperation of other European countries. Belonging to a common European culture will certainly provide a basis of dialogue for all parties."
VATICAN CITY, MAR 25, 1999 (VIS) - The Holy Father appointed:
- Archbishop Luigi Bressan, apostolic nuncio in Thailand, Singapore and Cambodia, and apostolic delegate in Laos, Malaysia, Brunei Darussalem and Myanmar, as metropolitan archbishop of Trent (area 6,212, population 464,398, Catholics 461,000, priests 855, religious 1,249), Italy.
- Archbishop Luigi Ventura, apostolic nuncio in the Ivory Coast, Burkina Faso, and Niger, as apostolic nuncio in Chile.
- Bishop Umberto Tramma of Nola, Italy, as deputy secretary of the Pontifical Council for the Interpretation of Legislative Texts.
- Fr. Giuseppe Sciacca as prelate auditor of the Roman Rota.
NER; NN; NA;...;...;... ;VIS;19990325;Word: 90;
- Archbishop Luigi Bressan, apostolic nuncio in Thailand, Singapore and Cambodia, and apostolic delegate in Laos, Malaysia, Brunei Darussalem and Myanmar, as metropolitan archbishop of Trent (area 6,212, population 464,398, Catholics 461,000, priests 855, religious 1,249), Italy.
- Archbishop Luigi Ventura, apostolic nuncio in the Ivory Coast, Burkina Faso, and Niger, as apostolic nuncio in Chile.
- Bishop Umberto Tramma of Nola, Italy, as deputy secretary of the Pontifical Council for the Interpretation of Legislative Texts.
- Fr. Giuseppe Sciacca as prelate auditor of the Roman Rota.
NER; NN; NA;...;...;... ;VIS;19990325;Word: 90;
VATICAN CITY, MAR 25, 1999 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received in separate audiences:
- Robert Kocharian, president of the Republic of Armenia, and his entourage.
- His Holiness Karekin I, supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of all Armenians, and his entourage.
- Goh Chok Tong, prime minister of the Republic of Singapore, and his entourage.
AL;...;...;...;VIS;19990325;Word: 50;
- Robert Kocharian, president of the Republic of Armenia, and his entourage.
- His Holiness Karekin I, supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of all Armenians, and his entourage.
- Goh Chok Tong, prime minister of the Republic of Singapore, and his entourage.
AL;...;...;...;VIS;19990325;Word: 50;
VATICAN CITY, MAR 25, 1999 (VIS) - The fifth and final pre-synodal council for the Second Special Assembly for Europe of the Synod of Bishops was held in the Vatican March 16-18 under the presidency of Cardinal Jan P. Schotte, C.I.C.M., and in the presence of four cardinals, four archbishops, two bishops and staff members of the secretariat general of the Synod of Bishops.
According to the communique published today on the meeting, the council "introduced the presentation of the final draft of the ''Instrumentum laboris'" and dedicated time to a survey of possible points to suggest for the "Relatio ante disceptationem."
Wednesday, March 24, 1999
VATICAN CITY, MAR 24, 1999 (VIS) - The theme of John Paul II's catechesis during today's general audience in St. Peter's Square, was "God the Father's Providential Love."
Quoting the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the Pope reminded the 22,000 pilgrims present that "the witness of Scripture is unanimous that the solicitude of divine providence is concrete and immediate; God cares for all, from the least things to the great events of the world and its history."
"However, with this message of the Father's providential love, the question spontaneously arises of how pain can be explained. It must be recognized that the problem of pain is an enigma before which human reason is lost. Divine Revelation helps us to understand that it is not willed by God, but that it entered the world because of people's sin. God allows it for the salvation of the person, by drawing good from evil."
The Holy Father affirmed that "God's plans are not those of the person; they are infinitely greater, and are often incomprehensible for the human mind. ... What should our attitude be before his provident and far-sighted divine action? We should not passively wait for what He sends us, but rather cooperate with Him so that He complete what He began to do in us. We should be above all concerned in the search for heavenly goods. ... Other goods should not be the object of excessive worry, because our heavenly Father knows our needs."
In conclusion of the catechesis, the Holy Father said that "the certitude of God's love lets us trust in his fatherly providence even in the most difficult moments of life. ... What is human misfortune can be part of that plan of infinite love with which the Father provides for our salvation."
After the audience, John Paul II implored the Father of mercy "to grant the gift of peace which Kosovo and Europe need so badly today."
AC;GOD FATHER;...;...;VIS;19990324;Word: 320;
VATICAN CITY, MAR 24, 1999 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received a group of prelates from the Italian Episcopal Conference (second group, Piedmont region), on their "ad limina" visit:
- Bishop Severino Poletto of Asti.
- Bishop Fernando Charrier of Alessandria.
- Bishop Diego Natale Bona of Saluzzo.
- Bishop Sebastiano Dho of Alba.
- Bishop Natalino Pescarolo of Cuneo and Fossano.
- Bishop Giuseppe Anfossi of Aosta.
- Bishop Luciano Pacomio of Mondovi.
- Bishop Piergiorgio Debernardi of Pinerolo.
AL;...;...;...;VIS;19990324;Word: 70;
- Bishop Severino Poletto of Asti.
- Bishop Fernando Charrier of Alessandria.
- Bishop Diego Natale Bona of Saluzzo.
- Bishop Sebastiano Dho of Alba.
- Bishop Natalino Pescarolo of Cuneo and Fossano.
- Bishop Giuseppe Anfossi of Aosta.
- Bishop Luciano Pacomio of Mondovi.
- Bishop Piergiorgio Debernardi of Pinerolo.
AL;...;...;...;VIS;19990324;Word: 70;
VATICAN CITY, MAR 24, 1999 (VIS) - Made public today was Pope John Paul's Apostolic Letter issued motu proprio "Inter Munera Academiarum," in which he defines the basis and mission of the Pontifical Academies of St. Thomas Aquinas and of Roman Theology, and approves the new statutes of both institutions.
The Latin-language letter is dated January 28, 1999, memorial of St. Thomas Aquinas, priest and Doctor of the Church. The Letter was accompanied by an explanatory note written by Fr. Bernard Ardura, O.Praem., secretary of the Pontifical Council for Culture.
Fr. Ardura, calling the Letter "one of the first fruits of the Encyclical 'Fides et Ratio', published six months ago," adds: "On this occasion the Holy Father reiterates the importance and dignity of the mission of theologians, especially in the field of dialogue between theology and philosophy, and refers explicitly to the thought and work of St. Thomas Aquinas, rightly called 'the Apostle of Truth'."
"In the Apostolic Letter 'Inter Munera Academiarum', the Holy Father takes note of the profound cultural changes, especially in the field of anthropology, which have modified the perception that men have of the relationship between the human person and God, between human persons and between the human person and creation."
Fr. Ardura refers briefly to the history of each academy. He recalls that it was Pope Leo XIII who, three months after the publication of his Encyclical "Aeterni Patris," created the Pontifical Academy of St. Thomas Aquinas on October 15, 1879, "with the specific duty of enacting what he himself had established in his encyclical."
"The Pontifical Academy of Theology," the note continues, "was founded in Rome and received its first statutes from Clement XI, in 1718. Created as a seat of sacred sciences with the aim of forming well-prepared theologians, the Academy has the mission of promoting dialogue between faith and reason, as well as a deeper study of Christian doctrine following the indications of the Holy Father, ... to present the Christian message in such a way that it corresponds to the exigencies of our times."
Fr. Ardura observes that "the Holy Father ... reminds academicians and all theologians that faith does not fear reason and reason does not fear faith. Indeed, reason itself trusts in faith because faith elevates reason and advances it, just as grace elevates and perfects nature."
In concluding remarks, the council secretary writes: "Renewing his faith in the Pontifical Academy of St. Thomas Aquinas and in the Pontifical Academy of Theology, John Paul II ... wishes to communicate to us his passion for truth, his love for truth and his personal commitment to the study of truth."
LIT;PONTIFICAL ACADEMIES;...;...;VIS;19990324;Word: 420;
VATICAN CITY, MAR 24, 1999 (VIS) - The Holy Father:
- Erected the ecclesiastical province of Arusha, Tanzania, elevating the same episcopal see to the rank of metropolitan church, making the dioceses of Mbulu, Moshi and Same suffragen to it. He appointed Bishop Josaphat Louis Lebulu of this same diocese as first metropolitan archbishop of Arusha.
- Appointed Fr. Jacob Koda as bishop of Same (area 10,000, population 540,000, Catholics 42,000, priests 40, religious 55), Tanzania. The bishop-elect was born in Kilomemi, Tanzania, in 1957, was ordained a priest in 1987, and since 1995 has been professor of Pastoral Theology at St. Charles Lwanga Major Seminary in Segerea, Dar es Salaam.
- Appointed Fr. Bruno Pedron, S.D.B., as coadjutor bishop of Jardim (area 69.972, population 200,000, Catholics 192,000, priests 9, religious 39), Brazil. The bishop-elect was born in Torreglia, Italy, in 1944, made his religious profession in 1963, was ordained a priest in 1974, and was recently transferred to Lins where he was director of the magazine "Presenca Salesiana."
- Accepted the resignation from the pastoral care of the territorial abbey of Claraval, Brazil, presented by Dom Domenico Carmelo Recchia, O.Cist., on having reached the age limit. He appointed Bishop Orani Joao Tempesta, O.Cist., of Rio Preto, as apostolic administrator "sede vacante et ad nutum Sanctae Sedis" of this same territorial abbey (area 844, population 12,500, Catholics 10,625, priests 7, religious 19).
ECE; NER; NEC; RE;...;...;...;VIS;19990324;Word: 210;
- Erected the ecclesiastical province of Arusha, Tanzania, elevating the same episcopal see to the rank of metropolitan church, making the dioceses of Mbulu, Moshi and Same suffragen to it. He appointed Bishop Josaphat Louis Lebulu of this same diocese as first metropolitan archbishop of Arusha.
- Appointed Fr. Jacob Koda as bishop of Same (area 10,000, population 540,000, Catholics 42,000, priests 40, religious 55), Tanzania. The bishop-elect was born in Kilomemi, Tanzania, in 1957, was ordained a priest in 1987, and since 1995 has been professor of Pastoral Theology at St. Charles Lwanga Major Seminary in Segerea, Dar es Salaam.
- Appointed Fr. Bruno Pedron, S.D.B., as coadjutor bishop of Jardim (area 69.972, population 200,000, Catholics 192,000, priests 9, religious 39), Brazil. The bishop-elect was born in Torreglia, Italy, in 1944, made his religious profession in 1963, was ordained a priest in 1974, and was recently transferred to Lins where he was director of the magazine "Presenca Salesiana."
- Accepted the resignation from the pastoral care of the territorial abbey of Claraval, Brazil, presented by Dom Domenico Carmelo Recchia, O.Cist., on having reached the age limit. He appointed Bishop Orani Joao Tempesta, O.Cist., of Rio Preto, as apostolic administrator "sede vacante et ad nutum Sanctae Sedis" of this same territorial abbey (area 844, population 12,500, Catholics 10,625, priests 7, religious 19).
ECE; NER; NEC; RE;...;...;...;VIS;19990324;Word: 210;
Tuesday, March 23, 1999
VATICAN CITY, MAR 23, 1999 (VIS) - Tomorrow morning in the Regia Hall, Pope John Paul will inaugurate the "Rome-Armenia Exhibition" in the presence of Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of all Armenians, Karekin I, and Armenian President Robert Kocharian, it was announced this morning during a press conference.
Presiding at the conference to present the exhibit were Archbishop Jorge Maria Mejia, archivist and librarian of Holy Roman Church, and Armenia's ambassador to the Holy See, Armen Sarkissian.
Highlighting the long-standing relations between the Church in Rome and the Church in Armenia and the Armenian people, Archbishop Mejia observed that "an ancient and venerable Church which has inspired and continues to inspire an intense and many-faceted cultural life in a number of milieux of human knowledge and activity, will become even more present and better known and appreciated by the many visitors who are expected." He added that "the importance which the Holy See gives to this exhibition is underlined by the presence of the Holy Father at the solemn opening tomorrow."
Ambassador Sarkissian stated that "the Rome-Armenia exhibition in the magnificent Sistine Hall of the Vatican displays as never before the great historical and cultural relationship between these two ancient civilizations which stretches back nearly 2,000 years and is now enjoying a renaissance following the return to the world community of an independent Armenia."
"Key to its unique identity," added the ambassador, "has been Armenia's unswerving adherence to Christianity." In 301 A.D., Armenia adopted Christianity as the state religion, he said, adding that "this act of self-determination ... made Armenia the first country in the world to declare Christianity as its state religion. ... Its faith in the values and principles of Christ has reinforced its support for the fundamental ideas of freedom, human dignity and the self-determination of free people."
The exhibit, he remarked, "will help to create an atmosphere of greater understanding and cooperation which, I am convinced, is the way to a better world of peace, harmony and goodwill among peoples in the Third Christian Millennium."
VATICAN CITY, MAR 23, 1999 (VIS) - Made public today was a letter from the Pope to Dom Lorenzo Russo, general abbot of the Benedictine Congregation of Vallombrosa, central Italy, on the millennium of the birth of their founder, St. John Gualberto.
John Paul II writes that St. John Gualberto "was chosen by God so that in a difficult moment for the history of the Church, in a period of profound transformation which was shaking the world of religious orders, he contributed to reawaken the desire of a Christian monastic life without compromise."
"Your founder's example should inspire you to commit yourselves to the task of spreading the spirituality of communion, first of all in your monastic family and then in the ecclesial community and beyond its boundaries."
The Holy Father expresses the hope that the millennium might intensify in the monks their following of Christ and, according to the saint's example, that their monasteries "might become ever more 'houses of God'."
"I wish to repeat," he concludes, "what I wrote in the Post-Synodal Exhortation 'Vita Consacrata': 'The Church ... wishes to hold up before the world the example of communities in which solitude is overcome through concern for one another, in which communication inspires in everyone a sense of shared responsibility, and in which wounds are healed through forgiveness, and each person's commitment to communion is strengthened.' May your father and founder's exhortation remain engraved on your hearts: inviolably safeguard charity!"
VATICAN CITY, MAR 23, 1999 (VIS) - The Pontifical Council "Cor Unum," the Holy See office responsible for organizing, collecting and distributing financial assistance to the needy in the Pope's name, said in its just-released report for 1998, that this aid last year totalled $21.5 million.
These monies, said the detailed report, were earmarked "to ease the suffering in countries struck by calamities, to sustain programs of ecclesial works for the human and Christian promotion of persons and communities in developing countries and to revitalize the theological virtue of charity through spiritual and corporal works of mercy."
Cor Unum held its plenary assembly in November 1998 on the theme "Towards the Great Jubilee - 1999: Father of Love." The council had decided earlier that its priority during this final year of immediate preparation for the 2000 Jubilee would be to accent the virtue of charity, and to this end has focussed its work on four initiatives.
The first initiative, called "The 100 Projects of the Holy Father," was extended to include 223 projects on all continents, for which a total of $20 million was raised. The second initiative, "Panis caritatis," was launched within Italy to sensitize people to the problems of poverty and hunger, through the sale of specially-shaped loaves of bread, a part of whose sale is given to a papal charity. So far $300,000 has been raised.
The last two council initiatives are, respectively, the publication of the Holy Father's 1999 Lenten Message and the organization of the May 12-15 International Congress on Charity in Rome.
About $1 million in aid was given to other Cor Unum projects, not listed above, including assistance to refugees and to victims of drought, earthquakes, volcano eruptions and floods. It also includes monies for "human and Christian promotion" in the fields of liturgy, education, youth formation, medicine, aid to migrants, assistance for the ill and handicapped and to families in difficulty.
"Such aid was possible," the account underlines, "thanks to the generous collaboration of dioceses, religious congregations, aid organizations, volunteer associations and movements and individuals from every part of the world who, in communion with the Holy Father, ... have given concrete witness to the God the Father's love for mankind."
The Cor Unum report highlighted the "dramatic consequences" caused last year by Hurricane Mitch in four countries of Central America - Nicaragua, El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala. It recalled that John Paul II had sent council president, Archbishop Paul Josef Cordes, as his envoy in solidarity with a check for $170,000 to assist those in need. The report added that "the response of solidarity and sharing by Catholics was remarkable. In barely two weeks the aid sent by Caritas Spain, the coordinating center, had reached the considerable sum of $50 million."
CON-CU;PAPAL CHARITY 1998;...;CORDES;VIS;19990323;Word: 450;
Monday, March 22, 1999
VATICAN CITY, MAR 19, 1999 (VIS) - The Pope went at 1 p.m today to the Generalate of the Society of the Divine Savior, near the Vatican, where he took part in a period of prayer and had lunch with some of its members.
The Society, founded in 1881, has the aim of deepening and spreading the knowledge of Jesus as the only true Savior of the world.
Having prayed before the tomb of the founder, Fr. Francis Mary of the Cross Jordan, John Paul II spoke to members of the Society in English.
"Through the witness of your commitment, through the example of your unbounded generosity and love - like that shown by Saint Joseph and by your own founder - the world will be freed more and more from its bondage to sin and death, the Gospel will be proclaimed with greater enthusiasm and power, faith will increase and the Church herself will grow in holiness and grace. These are the unfailing results of spending one's life so that others may have faith and hope."
In conclusion, the Holy Father encouraged them, through lives of selfless service, especially among young people and in the missions, to inspire others to embrace the faith ever more fully.
AC;...;...;SOCIETY DIVINE SAVIOR;VIS;19990322;Word: 220;
VATICAN CITY, MAR 19, 1999 (VIS) - Today, the Solemnity of St. Joseph, patron of workers, John Paul II received 8,000 employees from municipal establishments in Rome in the Paul VI Hall.
Having recalled that the Citizens' Mission of Rome is focussed this year on the workplace, the Pope said that "an explicit proclamation of the Gospel is necessary, without shame of being Christian, even though in some circumstances silence is more appropriate to give greater place to the strength of witness."
The Pope, in referring to those who are looking for their first job, said: "For many young people, the lack of work creates situations of anxiety and sometimes of deep disillusionment. In fact, they see the road closed to taking up a direct responsibility in society, and they are often obliged to postpone the moment for starting their own family. If this situation is prolonged, it becomes dangerous and intolerable, it creates a barrier between people and society and generates a feeling of mistrust which does not help the formation of civil conscience."
"Sometimes work, either due to its organization in shifts or to determined schedules, gives rise to a feeling of uneasiness. It can be that some who are motivated by opportunities of going further in their careers, distort their relationships with colleagues. Solidarity disappears and sincere friendly mutual relations give way to suspicion and criticism, which leads to people being locked in their own individualism."
The Pontiff concluded: "In the workplace, clearly show the core of the faith which you profess: the love of Christ which goes to meet all generously and freely."
AC;...;...;WORKERS ROME;VIS;19990322;Word: 270;
VATICAN CITY, MAR 20, 1999 (VIS) - The Pope this morning received prelates from the Episcopal Conference of Mozambique who have just completed their "ad limina" visit.
At the beginning of his speech in Portuguese, the Holy Father gave thanks to God for the increase in priestly ordinations in the dioceses of Mozambique. Faced with the impossibility of being able to accept all young people who desire to enter the seminary due to of a lack of place, he said: "God must inspire you with ways and means to welcome vocations which are sent to you and which you so much need."
"Seminarians need to meet each other, 'to be' with their pastor and vice versa. ... A seminarian and priest, strengthened by prayer, mutual support and friendship, favor the spirit of obedience, which makes the priest receptive to carrying out the pastoral work entrusted to him by his bishop. ... Simplicity and self-denial must be the characteristics of those who follow the Lord."
John Paul II expressed his joy for "the invaluable service of consecrated people" and the flourishing of religious vocations in Mozambique. Sisters "cannot be seen as the priest's female counterparts, because their vocation is not to guide the flock, but to keep the ideal of the Beatitudes alive, anticipating the definitive condition of the Kingdom of God through the practice of the evangelical counsels."
The Holy Father encouraged bishops "to show interest for all (priests), independently of age, condition or nationality, be they natives or foreigners."
"The unity of all citizens, without distinction of race or creed, founded on the love of a common fatherland, should be ardently sought so as to work together for the integral development of the nation, in peace and justice. May young people not be afraid to commit themselves to the future of their country!"
The Pope emphasized that the greatest challenge has always been "the urgency of evangelization. ... Now that the Church in Mozambique today has solid foundations, the time has come for a great number of missionaries to come back to your country where millions of people have still not been evangelized, to 'proclaim the Good News to all.'"
In conclusion, the Pontiff asked God "to free the hearts of all citizens of Mozambique from hate, resentment and revenge, to reach the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000 truly and deeply reconciled, in peace with God and with other people. This reconciliation, as Christians know, has its source of grace and strength in the Eucharist."
AL;...;...;MOZAMBIQUE;VIS;19990322;Word: 430;
VATICAN CITY, MAR 20, 1999 (VIS) - The Holy Father evoked the figure of St. Joseph "guardian of the Redeemer" in his speech this morning to one of several groups of pilgrims received in a special audience.
"From the first centuries," said the Pope, "the Fathers of the Church emphasized that, as Joseph lovingly cared for Mary and joyfully looked after Jesus's upbringing, so he cares and protects the Church, the mystical body of Christ of which Our Lady is the figure and model."
Speaking to a group from Brescia, the native city of Pope Paul VI, the Pontiff, textually quoted his "unforgettable predecessor" and encouraged them to "be faithful and to assure future generations that you will solidly, strongly, completely and fruitfully preserve the heritage of the Christian faith."
John Paul II had a special thought for Blessed Don Secondo Pollo, in words to pilgrims from Vercelli: "'Bet with him on holiness', which is the vocation of the entire people of God. It is a demanding endeavor, but it is also a source of true joy."
The Pope sent a special greeting to the sick and to the friends of the OFTAL association, founded by Msgr. Alessandro Rastrelli, "apostle of suffering, who spent all his life at the service of the sick. ... May Holy Mary who truly knows the redemptive value of human suffering be at your sides, in moments of trial and in times of prolonged illness."
Finally, the Holy Father addressed members of various confraternities on pilgrimage to the tombs of the apostles and martyrs, calling them "missionaries of hope and Christian solidarity," and urging them "to bring Christ's light, joy and grace, everywhere."
AC;...;...;...;VIS;19990322;Word: 280;
VATICAN CITY, MAR 20, 1999 (VIS) - The Holy Father appointed:
- Archbishop Francisco Javier Lozano Sebastian, apostolic nuncio in Tanzania, as apostolic nuncio in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
- Bishop Alois Kothgasser of Innsbruck, Austria, as member of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of Sacraments for a period of five years.
- Frs. Ignacio M. Calabuig Adan, O.S.M., Giuseppe Ferraro, S.J., and James Patrick Moroney, as consultors of the Congregation for Divine Worship and Discipline of Sacraments.
- As members of the Congregation for the Clergy: Cardinals Lucas Moreira Neves, prefect of the Congregation for Bishops; Bernard Francis Law, archbishop of Boston, United States of America; Jan Chryzostom Korec, bishop of Nitra, Slovakia; Salvatore De Giorgi, archbishop of Palermo, Italy; Dionigi Tettamanzi, archbishop of Genoa, Italy; Norberto Rivera Carrera, archbishop of Mexico, Mexico; Jorge Arturo Medina Estevez, prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and Discipline of the Sacraments; Archbishops Tarcisio Bertone, secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith; Crescenzio Sepe, secretary general of the Committee for the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000; Julian Herranz, president of the Pontifical Council for the Interpretation of Legislative Texts; Paul Josef Cordes, president of the Pontifical Council "Cor Unum, and Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Buenos Aires, Argentina; Bishops Fernando Antonio Figueiredo of Santo Amaro, Brazil; Klaus Jung of Feldkirch, Austria; Umberto Tramma of Nola, Italy, and Heinrich Mussinghoff of Aachen, Germany.
NN;NA;...;...;VIS;19990322;Word: 240;
VATICAN CITY, MAR 20, 1999 (VIS) - Holy See Press Office Director Joaquin Navarro-Valls today made a declaration on the President of the Republic of Colombia's audience with the Pope and another on the visit of a Holy See delegation to Vietnam.
The declaration on the visit of Colombia's president states: "In the course of the cordial meeting, and in the ensuing audience with Secretary of State Cardinal Angelo Sodano, the tragic earthquake which struck Colombia in January and caused many victims and damage to the population, was recalled. The important problem of peace in Colombia itself was then discussed, as well as relations between Church and State in the light of the existing concordat. In conclusion, reference was made to inter-American cooperation in the Organization of American States and in relations with Europe."
The second declaration states: "The Holy See delegation, with Msgr. Celestino Migliore, under-secretary for Relations with States, and Msgr. Barnaba Nguyen Van Phuong, official at the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, returned to Rome yesterday, March 19, following a five-day visit to Vietnam.
"The delegation met with members of the Permanent Council of the Episcopal Conference of Vietnam and also held meetings with deputy vice-minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr. Nguyen Di Nien, and with the president of the Office for Religious Affairs, Mr. Le Quang Vinh.
"Various aspects of the presence and life of the Catholic Church in the country were reviewed with the government authorities. The appointment of bishops was discussed, for which a positive answer from the Vietnamese is expected in the near future. The issue of diplomatic relations between Vietnam and the Holy See was touched upon, establishing foundations for future negotiations in this regard.
"The delegation visited Ho Chi Minh City and Phan Thiet. During the Masses celebrated in the two southern episcopal sees on the 17th and 18th, and in the capital on the 19th on the Solemnity of St. Joseph, patron of the archdiocese of Hanoi, the many faithful present expressed their true hope on behalf of all Catholics of the country for a papal visit to Vietnam."
VATICAN CITY, MAR 22, 1999 (VIS) - Holy See Press Office Director Joaquin Navarro-Valls today made the following declaration concerning a presumed appeal made by the Holy See for the liberation in China of the bishop of Baoding and his auxiliary:
"The Secretariat of State up until now has taken no step concerning the liberation of the two bishops of Baoding. The circulation of such news was a personal initiative of Fr. Bernardo Cervellera, not agreed on by authorities at the Secretariat of State.
"Regarding relations with China, Archbishop Jean-Louis Tauran's interview in today's 'Corriere della Sera' (an Italian daily newspaper) adequately explains this point. Obviously, only the Secretariat of State is qualified to say what the Holy See wishes or does not wish to say. Therefore the ideas raised in the International Fides Service are Fr. Cervellera's personal opinions for which he assumes full responsibility."
VATICAN CITY, MAR 21, 1999 (VIS) - In reflections made prior to reciting the angelus today, the Pope spoke about St. Joseph, whose liturgical feast was March 19, and recalled that the "spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary, is the patron of the universal Church," whose mission was to be "guardian of the Redeemer and of the Church."
"In Joseph, in fact, who was called to be the earthly father of the Word Incarnate, we see reflected in a singular way the divine fatherhood. Joseph is the father of Jesus because he is truly the spouse of Mary. She conceived as a virgin through the work of God, but the Child is also the son of Joseph, her legitimate husband. Thus, both are called the 'parents' of Jesus in the Gospel. In exercising his fatherhood, Joseph cooperates, in the fullness of time, in the great mystery of the redemption."
John Paul II then asked for the faithful to pray for peace in Kosovo, given "the worsening situation" there. "Those communities have already gone through a long 'way of the cross', and await solutions which respect history and law."
After the angelus prayer, the Holy Father spoke of the 39 missionaries who were killed last year, and noted that "on Wednesday, March 24, Italy and other countries in the world will celebrate a day of prayer and fasting in memory of martyred missionaries. The blood of these brothers and sisters is the seed of new Christians, the seed of reconciliation and hope."
The Pope then pointed out that on Thursday, March 25, "Rome's young people will gather in the Vatican for the now traditional meeting of celebration and prayer, in which I will personally participate, in preparation for World Youth Day, which will be celebrated throughout the Church on the following Sunday, Palm Sunday. I invite all young boys and girls of Rome to this appointment, which looks towards the Jubilee year 2000 when Rome will host the Great Jubilee of Young People from August 15 to 20."
ANG;ST JOSEPH; KOSOVO; YOUTH;...;...;VIS;19990322;Word: 340;
VATICAN CITY, MAR 21, 1999 (VIS) - The Pope this morning celebrated Mass in the Roman parish of St. Therese of the Child Jesus in Panfilo, and entrusted the future of the Citizens' Mission to their patroness, familiarly called "Teresina" (little Therese).
Commenting on today's Gospel, which recounts the Resurrection of Lazarus, the Pontiff said that, "in a society in which signs of death emerge but in which a deep necessity of hope for life is also felt, Christians have the mission of continuing to proclaim Christ, mankind's 'resurrection and life'. Yes, in the face of symptoms of an extensive 'culture of death', the great revelation of Jesus 'I am the Resurrection and the Life' must still resound today."
The Holy Father recalled that St. Therese "intensely lived the missionary call within the walls of the Carmel, so much so that she came to be called patroness of the missions. Together with the Citizens' Mission, we also entrust to her 'the ad gentes mission' of the diocese of Rome and all Roman missionaries, who have gone to many places throughout the world to generously sow the seed of the Gospel."
"St. Therese reminds us of the enthusiasm and generosity of young people. Her continual abandonment into the hands of God's loving mercy made her youth more joyful and radiant. Dear young people of this parish and of this entire diocese whom I will have the joy to meet in the Vatican this Thursday: I wish you the simplicity of heart and the holiness of the 'young' Therese, so as to experience her trust in God's merciful providence. Are young people not precisely those who especially feel the need to be listened to, loved and forgiven?"
HML;...;...;ST THERESE;VIS;19990322;Word: 300;
VATICAN CITY, MAR 22, 1999 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received in separate audiences:
- Cardinal Giovanni Saldarini, archbishop of Turin, Italy, on his "ad limina" visit.
- Eight prelates from the Ukranian Episcopal Conference, on their "ad limina" visit:
- Archbishop Marian Jaworski of Lviv of the Latin rite, accompanied by his auxiliary, Bishop Stanislaw Padewski, O.F.M.
- Bishop Jan Olszanksi, M.I.C., of Kamyanets-Podilskyi, accompanied by his auxiliary, Bishop Maksymilian Dubrawski, O.F.M.
- Bishop Jan Purwinski of Kyiv-Zhytomyr, accompanied by his auxiliary, Bishop Stanislaw Szyrokoradiuk, O.F.M.
- Bishop Markijan Trofimiak of Lutsk.
- Bishop Antal Majnek, O.F.M, apostolic administrator of Zakarpattia.
- A group of eight prelates from the Italian Episcopal Conference on their "ad limina" visit:
- Bishop Pier Giorgio Micchiardi, auxiliary of Turin.
- Archbishop Enrico Masseroni of Vercelli.
- Bishop Luigi Bettazzi, emeritus of Ivrea.
- Bishop Livio Maritano of Acqui.
- Bishop Massimo Giustetti of Biella.
- Bishop Vittorio Bernadetto of Susa.
- Bishop Renato Corti of Novara.
- Bishop Renato Zaccheo of Casale Monferrato.
On Saturday March 20, he received in separate audiences:
- Andres Pastrana-Arango, president of the Republic of Colombia, accompanied by his wife and entourage.
- Archbishop Leonardo Sandri, apostolic nuncio in Venezuela.
- Cardinal Lucas Moreira Neves, prefect of the Congregation for Bishops.
AL; AP;...;...;...;VIS;19990322;Word: 210;
- Cardinal Giovanni Saldarini, archbishop of Turin, Italy, on his "ad limina" visit.
- Eight prelates from the Ukranian Episcopal Conference, on their "ad limina" visit:
- Archbishop Marian Jaworski of Lviv of the Latin rite, accompanied by his auxiliary, Bishop Stanislaw Padewski, O.F.M.
- Bishop Jan Olszanksi, M.I.C., of Kamyanets-Podilskyi, accompanied by his auxiliary, Bishop Maksymilian Dubrawski, O.F.M.
- Bishop Jan Purwinski of Kyiv-Zhytomyr, accompanied by his auxiliary, Bishop Stanislaw Szyrokoradiuk, O.F.M.
- Bishop Markijan Trofimiak of Lutsk.
- Bishop Antal Majnek, O.F.M, apostolic administrator of Zakarpattia.
- A group of eight prelates from the Italian Episcopal Conference on their "ad limina" visit:
- Bishop Pier Giorgio Micchiardi, auxiliary of Turin.
- Archbishop Enrico Masseroni of Vercelli.
- Bishop Luigi Bettazzi, emeritus of Ivrea.
- Bishop Livio Maritano of Acqui.
- Bishop Massimo Giustetti of Biella.
- Bishop Vittorio Bernadetto of Susa.
- Bishop Renato Corti of Novara.
- Bishop Renato Zaccheo of Casale Monferrato.
On Saturday March 20, he received in separate audiences:
- Andres Pastrana-Arango, president of the Republic of Colombia, accompanied by his wife and entourage.
- Archbishop Leonardo Sandri, apostolic nuncio in Venezuela.
- Cardinal Lucas Moreira Neves, prefect of the Congregation for Bishops.
AL; AP;...;...;...;VIS;19990322;Word: 210;
Thursday, March 18, 1999
VATICAN CITY, MAR 18, 1999 (VIS) - Cardinal Edward I. Cassidy, president of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, accompanied by Bishop Pierre Duprey, secretary of this same council, was "cordially" received in Athens by Archbishop Christodoulos, new Orthodox archbishop of Athens and All Greece, on the morning of Monday, March 15.
For his part, Bishop Duprey gave a talk in Greek on the theme "Sister Churches: What Catholics Understand by This Expression."
For his part, Bishop Duprey gave a talk in Greek on the theme "Sister Churches: What Catholics Understand by This Expression."
VATICAN CITY, MAR 18, 1999 (VIS) - Cardinal Achille Silvestrini, prefect of the Congregation for the Oriental Churches, will preside at a press conference on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the founding of the magazine "Civilta Cattolica" (Catholic Civilization). This will be held on Monday, March 22, at 11.30 a.m at the Holy See Press Office.
On Tuesday, March 23, at 11.30 a.m., Archbishop Jorge Maria Mejia, archivist and librarian of Holy Roman Church, will hold a press conference at the Holy See Press Office for the presentation of the "Rome-Armenia" exhibition.
On Tuesday, March 23, at 11.30 a.m., Archbishop Jorge Maria Mejia, archivist and librarian of Holy Roman Church, will hold a press conference at the Holy See Press Office for the presentation of the "Rome-Armenia" exhibition.
VATICAN CITY, MAR 18, 1999 (VIS) - On Sunday, March 21, the feast of St. Benedict, abbot, patron of Europe and founder of the abbey of Montecassino and of the Order that bears his name, Cardinal Secretary of State Angelo Sodano will preside at a solemn Eucharistic liturgy in the church of the abbey of Montecassino.
Among those expected to attend are the president of the European Parliament, Italy's foreign affairs minister and European ambassadors accredited to Italy and to the Holy See.
Among those expected to attend are the president of the European Parliament, Italy's foreign affairs minister and European ambassadors accredited to Italy and to the Holy See.
VATICAN CITY, MAR 18, 1999 (VIS) - Following is the text of the declaration released this morning by Holy See Press Office Director Joaquin Navarro-Valls concerning the possibility of extradition for Mehmet Ali Agca, the Turk who made an attempt on Pope John Paul's life in St. Peter's Square on May 13, 1981:
"On June 25, 1997, following a confidential request made from the then Minister for Justice Giovanni M. Flick, the (Holy See) replied that it had no objections to handing Ali Agca over to the Turkish authorities, and that it would leave the decision to the Italian authorities.
"On October 24, 1997, Cardinal Secretary of State Angelo Sodano, in reply to a letter sent through diplomatic channels by Minister Flick, assured (him) that:
a) the Holy See had no objections to the request for the extradition of Mr. Ali Agca presented to the Italian government by the Turkish government;
b) there also were no objections to the acts which would be necessary to be able to proceed to receiving the above-mentioned request for extradition."
VATICAN CITY, MAR 18, 1999 (VIS) - The following prelates died in recent weeks:
- Bishop Gilberto Baroni, emeritus of Reggio Emilia-Guastalla, Italy, on March 14, aged 85.
- Archbishop Isidore de Souza of Cotonou, Benin, on March 13, aged 64.
- Bishop Aloysius Haene, S.M.B., of Gweru, Zimbabwe, on February 19, aged 88.
- Bishop Teodardo Leitz, O.F.M., emeritus of Dourados, Brazil, on February 27, aged 83.
- Archbishop Gian Vincenzo Moreni, apostolic nuncio in the Philippines, on March 3, aged 67.
- Bishop Francisco Nunes Teixeira, emeritus of Quelimane, Mozambique, March 2, aged 89.
- Bishop Raimondo Verardo O.P., emeritus of Ventimiglia-Sanremo, Italy, on March 2, aged 86.
...;DEATHS;...;...;VIS;19990318;Word: 100;
- Bishop Gilberto Baroni, emeritus of Reggio Emilia-Guastalla, Italy, on March 14, aged 85.
- Archbishop Isidore de Souza of Cotonou, Benin, on March 13, aged 64.
- Bishop Aloysius Haene, S.M.B., of Gweru, Zimbabwe, on February 19, aged 88.
- Bishop Teodardo Leitz, O.F.M., emeritus of Dourados, Brazil, on February 27, aged 83.
- Archbishop Gian Vincenzo Moreni, apostolic nuncio in the Philippines, on March 3, aged 67.
- Bishop Francisco Nunes Teixeira, emeritus of Quelimane, Mozambique, March 2, aged 89.
- Bishop Raimondo Verardo O.P., emeritus of Ventimiglia-Sanremo, Italy, on March 2, aged 86.
...;DEATHS;...;...;VIS;19990318;Word: 100;
VATICAN CITY, MAR 18, 1999 (VIS) - The Holy Father:
- Appointed Bishop Ruben Salazar Gomez of Cucuta as metropolitan archbishop of Barranquilla (area 3,338, population 1,706,305, Catholics 1,202,535, priests 131, religious 536), Colombia. The archbishop-elect was born in Bogota, Colombia, in 1942, was ordained a priest in 1967 and a bishop in 1992. He succeeds Archbishop Felix Maria Torres Parra, whose resignation from the pastoral care of this diocese was accepted by the Holy Father on having reached the age limit.
- Accepted the resignation from the pastoral care of the diocese of Victoria, Canada, presented by Bishop Remi Joseph De Roo on having reached the age limit. He is succeeded by Coadjutor Bishop Raymond Roussin, S.M.
- Appointed Bishop Gustavo Martinez Frias of Ipiales as metropolitan archbishop of Nueva Pamplona (area 6,571, population 310,000, Catholics 297,000, priests 59, religious 119), Colombia. The archbishop-elect was born in San Vicente de Chucuri, Colombia, in 1935, was ordained a priest 1960, and was consecrated a bishop 1987.
- Appointed Bishop Rafael Conde Alfonzo, coadjutor of La Guaira, as bishop of Margarita (area 1,050, population 360,000, Catholics 350,000, priests 25, religious 53), Venezuela.
- Appointed Fr. Bernard Genoud as bishop of Lausanne, Geneva and Fribourg (area 5,557, population 1,346,000, Catholics 671,072, priests 656, religious 1,641), Switzerland. The bishop-elect was born in Chatel-St-Denis, Switzerland, in 1942, was ordained a priest in 1968, and since 1994 has been rector of the major diocesan seminary.
- Appointed Fr. Leopoldo Gonzalez Gonzalez as auxiliary bishop of Morelia (area 22,000, population 2,811,000, Catholics 2,637,000, priests 555, religious 1,258), Mexico. The bishop-elect was born in Abasolo, Mexico, in 1950, was ordained a priest in 1975, and since 1995 has been vicar general of the archdiocese of Morelia.
- Appointed Fr. Jose Luis Azuaje Ayala as auxiliary bishop of Barquisimeto (area 8,590, population 1,194,000, Catholics 1,132,000, priests 171, religious 354), Venezuela. The bishop-elect was born in Valera, Venezuela, in 1957, was ordained a priest in 1984, and since 1993 has been episcopal vicar of diocesan pastoral ministry.
NER; RE; NEA;...;...;...;VIS;19990318;Word: 290;
VATICAN CITY, MAR 18, 1999 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received in separate audiences:
- Cardinal Cahal Brendan Daly, archbishop emeritus of Armagh, Ireland.
- Archbishop Franco Festorazzi of Ancona-Osimo, Italy, on his "ad limina" visit.
- Seven bishops from the Episcopal Conference of Mozambique, on their "ad limina" visit:
- Bishop Paulo Mandlate S.S.S., of Tete.
- Bishop Julio Duarte Langa of Xai-Xai.
- Bishop Franciso Joao Silota, M.Afr., of Chimoio.
- Bishop Germano Grachane C.M., of Nacala.
- Bishop Manuel Chuanguira Machado of Gurue.
- Bishop Tome Makhweliha S.C.I., of Pemba.
- Bishop Januario Machaze Nhangumbe, emeritus of Pemba and secretary general of the Episcopal Conference of Mozambique.
- A group of twelve prelates from the Italian Episcopal Conference (Marches region) on their "ad limina" visit:
- Archbishop Ugo Donato Bianchi of Urbino-Urbania-Sant'Angelo in Vado.
- Archbishop Angelo Comastri, prelate of Loreto, pontifical delegate for the shrine of Loreto.
- Archbishop Angelo Fagiani of Camerino-San Severino Marche.
- Archbishop Benito Franceschetti of Fermo.
- Bishop Oscar Serfilippi of Jesi.
- Bishop Luigi Scuppa of Fabriano-Matelica.
- Bishop Vittorio Tomasetti of Fano-Possombrone-Cagli-Pergola.
- Bishop Gervasio Gestori of San Benedetto del Tronto-Ripatransone-Montalto.
- Bishop Luigi Conti of Macerata-Tolentino-Recanati-Cingoli-Treia.
- Bishop Giuseppe Orlandoni of Senigallia.
- Bishop Silvano Montevecchi of Ascoli Piceno.
- Bishop Angelo Bagnasco of Pesaro.
AP; AL;...;...;...;VIS;19990318;Word: 200;
- Cardinal Cahal Brendan Daly, archbishop emeritus of Armagh, Ireland.
- Archbishop Franco Festorazzi of Ancona-Osimo, Italy, on his "ad limina" visit.
- Seven bishops from the Episcopal Conference of Mozambique, on their "ad limina" visit:
- Bishop Paulo Mandlate S.S.S., of Tete.
- Bishop Julio Duarte Langa of Xai-Xai.
- Bishop Franciso Joao Silota, M.Afr., of Chimoio.
- Bishop Germano Grachane C.M., of Nacala.
- Bishop Manuel Chuanguira Machado of Gurue.
- Bishop Tome Makhweliha S.C.I., of Pemba.
- Bishop Januario Machaze Nhangumbe, emeritus of Pemba and secretary general of the Episcopal Conference of Mozambique.
- A group of twelve prelates from the Italian Episcopal Conference (Marches region) on their "ad limina" visit:
- Archbishop Ugo Donato Bianchi of Urbino-Urbania-Sant'Angelo in Vado.
- Archbishop Angelo Comastri, prelate of Loreto, pontifical delegate for the shrine of Loreto.
- Archbishop Angelo Fagiani of Camerino-San Severino Marche.
- Archbishop Benito Franceschetti of Fermo.
- Bishop Oscar Serfilippi of Jesi.
- Bishop Luigi Scuppa of Fabriano-Matelica.
- Bishop Vittorio Tomasetti of Fano-Possombrone-Cagli-Pergola.
- Bishop Gervasio Gestori of San Benedetto del Tronto-Ripatransone-Montalto.
- Bishop Luigi Conti of Macerata-Tolentino-Recanati-Cingoli-Treia.
- Bishop Giuseppe Orlandoni of Senigallia.
- Bishop Silvano Montevecchi of Ascoli Piceno.
- Bishop Angelo Bagnasco of Pesaro.
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Wednesday, March 17, 1999
VATICAN CITY, MAR 17, 1999 (VIS) - The theme of today's general audience celebrated in St. Peter's Square, was "Knowing the Father.'" The Pope said that "we can know God as Father on different levels, according to our perspective and the aspect of the mystery contemplated."
The Holy Father explained that "there is a natural knowledge of God from creation. This leads us to recognize in Him the origin and transcendent cause of the world and the human person." However, "it is not possible to know the depths of divine fatherhood, but only as God himself shows himself."
"In the events of the history of salvation what reveals itself more and more is the initiative of the Father who, with his interior action, opens the hearts of believers to welcome his Incarnate Son. Knowing Jesus, they will be able to know the Father also."
John Paul II said that "knowing the Father means, then, finding in him the source of our being and our unity as members of one family, but it also means being immersed in a 'spiritual' life, the same life of God."
"The proclamation of the Son," he concluded, "continues to be, therefore, the royal road to know the Father and to make Him known. ... God is the one Father of all, wishing to offer salvation to all through the work of His Son. It is what St. John's Gospel calls the gift of eternal life."
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The Holy Father explained that "there is a natural knowledge of God from creation. This leads us to recognize in Him the origin and transcendent cause of the world and the human person." However, "it is not possible to know the depths of divine fatherhood, but only as God himself shows himself."
"In the events of the history of salvation what reveals itself more and more is the initiative of the Father who, with his interior action, opens the hearts of believers to welcome his Incarnate Son. Knowing Jesus, they will be able to know the Father also."
John Paul II said that "knowing the Father means, then, finding in him the source of our being and our unity as members of one family, but it also means being immersed in a 'spiritual' life, the same life of God."
"The proclamation of the Son," he concluded, "continues to be, therefore, the royal road to know the Father and to make Him known. ... God is the one Father of all, wishing to offer salvation to all through the work of His Son. It is what St. John's Gospel calls the gift of eternal life."
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VATICAN CITY, MAR 17, 1999 (VIS) - The Holy Father:
- Appointed Bishop Osorio Bebber O.F.M. Cap., prelate of the territorial prelature of Coxim, as bishop of Joacaba (area 10,202, population 256,800, Catholics 220,000, priests 37, religious 88), Brazil. He succeeds Bishop Henrique Muller, O.F.M., whose resignation from the pastoral care of the diocese of Joacaba was accepted by the Holy Father on having reached the age limit.
- Appointed Fr. Luc J. Matthys as bishop of Armidale (area 115,000, population 168,564, Catholics 40,553, priests 34, religious 68), Australia. The bishop-elect was born in Drongen, Belgium, in 1935, was ordained a priest in 1961, and since 1998 has been dean and pastor of Melbourne cathedral.
- Accepted the resignation presented by Bishop Hilarion Capucci B.A., apostolic visitor for Greek-Melkite Catholics in Western Europe, on having reached the age limit.
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VATICAN CITY, MAR 17, 1999 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received Cardinal Camillo Ruini, vicar general for the diocese of Rome, accompanied by Bishop Enzo Dieci, auxiliary for Rome for the northern pastoral sector, together with Fr. Tommaso Pacini, O.C.D., pastor of the parish of St. Therese of the Child Jesus in Panfilo, and a parish curate.
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Tuesday, March 16, 1999
VATICAN CITY, MAR 16, 1999 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received in separate audiences:
- Cardinal Jozef Tomko, prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples.
- Cardinal Jan Pieter Schotte, secretary general for the Synod of Bishops.
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- Cardinal Jozef Tomko, prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples.
- Cardinal Jan Pieter Schotte, secretary general for the Synod of Bishops.
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VATICAN CITY, MAR 16, 1999 (VIS) - The following is the entire text of a communique made public today concerning the Holy Father's forthcoming trip to Romania, scheduled for May 7-9. The communique was signed by representatives of the Romanian presidency and government, by the patriarchate of the Romanian Church and by the Catholic Church.
"Following an exchange of letters between His Beatitude Teoctist, patriarch of the Rumanian Orthodox Church, and His Holiness John Paul II, and the subsequent meeting on March 15, 1999, of official representatives of the presidency and government, the Romanian Orthodox Church and the Catholic Church, on the occasion of the visit by Holy See special envoy, Fr. Roberto Tucci, S.J, to Bucharest, it is announced that the Holy Father's visit to Romania will take place from May 7 to 9, 1999.
"The Holy Father's main engagements will be the following:
"Friday May 7: Official welcome at Bucharest's Baneasa airport, followed by a time of prayer at the Patriarchal Cathedral. On this first afternoon, the Supreme Pontiff will meet the Romanian Catholic episcopate. In the evening, there will be a visit to the Cotroceni Palace, where His Holiness will meet with the president of the Republic and other dignitaries.
"Saturday May 8: After a time of prayer at Belu Catholic cemetery, there will be Mass at St. Joseph's Cathedral. In the afternoon, His Holiness John Paul II will meet His Beatitude Patriarch Teoctist and some members from the Holy Synod, after which there will be a reception for the Holy Father at the Patriarchal Palace.
"Sunday May 9: A meeting will be held with the prime minister in the morning. There will then be a Mass with His Beatitude Patriarch Teoctist and members of the Holy Synod, in the presence of His Holiness John Paul II. In the afternoon, the Supreme Pontiff will preside at the celebration of Catholic Mass, in the presence of His Beatitude Patriarch Teoctist. In the evening, there will be the official farewell ceremony for John Paul II at Bucharest's Baneasa airport.
"We hope that the Pope's visit be a sign of joy and hope for the Romanian people and for our churches, with ecumenical dialogue in view of bringing about the unity desired by Christ."
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VATICAN CITY, MAR 16, 1999 (VIS) - The Holy Father appointed:
- Fr. Horacio Benites Astoul, as auxiliary bishop of Buenos Aires (area 202, population 3,771,000, Catholics 3,455,000, priests 949, religious 2,815), Argentina. The bishop-elect was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 1933, was ordained a priest in 1962, and since 1976 has been pastor of Immaculate Conception parish.
- Bishop Walter Kasper of Rottenburg-Stuttgart, Germany, as secretary of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity.
- Fr. Horacio Benites Astoul, as auxiliary bishop of Buenos Aires (area 202, population 3,771,000, Catholics 3,455,000, priests 949, religious 2,815), Argentina. The bishop-elect was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 1933, was ordained a priest in 1962, and since 1976 has been pastor of Immaculate Conception parish.
- Bishop Walter Kasper of Rottenburg-Stuttgart, Germany, as secretary of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity.
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