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Friday, February 26, 1999


VATICAN CITY, FEB 26, 1999 (VIS) - The Church's condemnation of euthanasia and assisted suicide has been reiterated in the first days of meetings of the Fifth General Assembly of the Pontifical Academy for Life, according to a communique made public today by participants in the assembly. The four-day meeting in the Vatican's Old Synod Hall began on February 24 on the theme "Death and the Dying Person."

"What has emerged with force," says the communique, "is the Church's position of condemnation of death which is inflicted or administered because of 'false pity'. According to Bishop Elio Sgreccia, vice president of the Pontifical Academy for Life, 'euthanasia and assisted suicide represent a double attack on life, even if there is the presumed will of the patient to leave this earthly life'."

Bishop Sgreccia, adds the communique, "appealed to 'the reasonable forces of society' to side against behavior of abandoning the terminally ill and against administering death to a person who is dying. He also appealed for appropriate care for those who are ill, in particular stopgap measures and home care."

The communique explains that the juridical aspects of euthanasia were addressed in the meeting, looking at those countries where it is illegal, but not punishable in a court, to those which have "a criteria of justified necessity, which means 'a lesser evil' (euthanasia) in order to avoid a great one (the patient's suffering)."

The communique concludes with a summary of the Church's position: "What is important is to maintain the quality of life of the patient, even during their last days, without having recourse to aggressive therapy and without causing direct anticipation of death."



VATICAN CITY, FEB 26, 1999 (VIS) - A second press conference to report on organizational aspects of the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000 was held this morning at the Holy See Press Office.

Archbishop Crescenzio Sepe, secretary of the Central Committee of the Great Jubilee, and Francesco Silvano, delegate for telecommunications and information technology, spoke on the Pilgrim's Card and the computerized system of welcoming pilgrims.

The card has the purpose, said Archbishop Sepe, "of knowing and verifying the flux of tourists who will come to Rome in order to ... guarantee that pilgrims, especially those who have travelled from far away, take part in events scheduled on the Jubilee calendar." Other aims are "to provide civil authorities with information on the presence of tourists in Rome on a daily basis" so as to organize the services involving volunteers, safety, city and suburban transport, sanitation and food.
Francesco Silvano explained that the Pilgrim's Card will have a memory chip with the person's health data so as to facilitate medical attention if necessary; the information concerning the events for which the pilgrim has booked; and information relating to meals.

The pilgrim who has this card will be able to use all public transport available at an advantageous price and, paying in advance, will be able to telephone from any of the 130,000 telephones that there will be in Italy. Likewise, certain goods can be purchased at reduced prices during the Jubilee year.

In reality, said Mr. Silvano, "there are several types of Pilgrim's Card": one for Italians and foreigners; another to take part in only one event and which is valid for a day, and another for Roman citizens. For example, the one-day card will cost 10,000 lire, and the card covering urban transport and telephone calls will cost 50,000 lire. Groups of foreign pilgrims will receive their card when they arrive in Italy.

Luca De Mata spoke of the new Holy See web site dedicated to the Jubilee, opening with words from Pope John Paul's 1980 Encyclical "Dives in Misericordia": "The development of computer technology will multiply the creative capacities of people and will allow them to have access to the intellectual and cultural riches of other peoples."

Dr. De Mata recalled that new Internet site (www.jubil2000.org) 'was completely created by the Central Committee in collaboration with various offices of the Holy See and the editorial division of the Central Committee: it became active on February 22, 1999, the feast of the Chair of St. Peter. The very first day there were 45,000 hits." Visitors who navigate this web site, he added, can hear the Holy Father's voice, read daily information from the Holy See Press Office, Vatican Information Service and L'Osservatore Romano, and listen to news from Vatican Radio.

Explaining that the site is structured in seven languages - Italian, French, English, German, Spanish, Portuguese and Polish - he announced that "on the June 29 feast of Sts. Peter and Paul, we wish to present the Holy Father with the site in Russian and, for the 21st anniversary of his election on October 16, 1999 to add Chinese and Arabic to the web site. On December 13, 1999, feast of St. Lucy, the blind will also be able to have access to this site."

OP;JUBILEE;...;SEPE;VIS;19990226;Word: 540;

Thursday, February 25, 1999


VATICAN CITY, FEB 25, 1999 (VIS) - The four corners of the globe will be linked electronically with each other and with Rome and the Vatican for the Jubilee Year 2000 celebrations by means of a multi-media interactive project called "TV Beyond 2000," which was created by the Vatican Television Center (CTV) for the Holy Year.

This project, explains Fr. Ugo Moretto, CTV director general, intends to achieve "a planetary dialogue from the north to the south of the world, including countries with high tech infrastructures as well as countries with more modest resources, from the Fiji Islands to Antarctica, from the North to the South Pole, from Alaska to the Amazonian forests."

According to Fr. Moretto, the potential audience for this planetary dialogue is four billion people. The forthcoming Jubilee, he said, "must be an international event, not strictly a Roman celebration. It must be a year in which international dialogue is created among Christians and non-Christians alike, a year in which cultures interact with each other and participate in the Rome Jubilee, as Rome will participate in theirs." He stressed that one of the challenges facing the project is how to make the Jubilee - a momentous event commemorating the 2,000th birthday of Christ - also meaningful for non-Christians.

To implement this initiative, the CTV is currently preparing in Rome the TV Beyond 2000 Processing Center. Participating partners include Microsoft, Philips, Sony and Telecom Italia, each of which will provide their respective services free of charge, thus making this a non-profit venture. ESA, the European Space Agency will co-ordinate the technological aspects of TV Beyond 2000. CTV will provide the contents, such as the live broadcasts of all papal events during the Holy Year 2000.

Worldwide broadcast dates have already been set for four major Jubilee events: The simultaneous opening of 5,000 Holy Doors throughout the world on Christmas Day 1999 (the Holy Door of St. Peter's Basilica will be opened during the Christmas vigil Mass on December 24): Labor Day festivities on May 1: World Youth Day celebrations on August 19 and the millennium transition on December 31, 2000 and January 1, 2001. All special events will be transmitted live. Locally, a network may use a program live or defer its transmission in consideration of time zones.

Upon request broadcasters throughout the world will be able to receive and transmit the special events of TV Beyond 2000. The signal will be provided free of charge by the processing center in Rome. CTV has already been in touch with some of the world's major networks such as the American cable station CNN, Italy's RAI, Brazil's Rede Globo and Mexico's Televisa. Plans are also underway with Central China TV to televise some events. "The Chinese," said Fr. Moretto, "have shown a willingness to participate in this project, though for the moment no liturgical events will be broadcast. We have made contact, and are continuing to do so, with various Chinese government ministries, and so far we have found a great openness for this project."

Both digital and analogue satellite will be used in weaving together the complex series of transmissions and interactive video and audio links which are being planned. "We are also working on setting up a kind of dialogue with the Vatican," said Moretto. "We hope to achieve this through the Vatican's web site. We want people from throughout the world to take part in these celebrations, and to give us their reactions, feedback and contributions."

At the moment 152 contact points on five continents have been set up by CTV to assist in coordinating this project, and in publicizing events and transmissions schedules.

CTV;JUBILEE PROJECT;...;... ;VIS;19990225;Word: 600;


VATICAN CITY, FEB 25, 1999 (VIS) - Following are some excerpts from an interview given by Cardinal Ratzinger to Vatican Radio following his meeting with the presidents of the doctrinal commissions of North America and Oceania which took place in San Francisco, U.S.A., from February 9 to 12.

Question: What were the main issues discussed during this meeting?

Answer: "The starting point of the discussion was the context of relativism, secularization and subjectivism, in which all theology must be studied, respecting the cultural context and at the same time enlightening the specificity or our faith, particularly emphasizing Christology, which is the center of our faith. We looked at different problems, especially those following the publication last summer of the Holy Father's document 'Ad tuendam fidem' with questions concerning the freedom and essential role of the faith in theology and how academic freedom and the freedom of the research of thought are in harmony with the duty of how to deepen the faith. It seems that we dealt with those points. Documents will be published and thus the important points can be read. The essence of this document is also very clear, often badly interpreted, in that it does not impose new constraints on the theologian and theology, but on the contrary, among possible solutions, as Archbishop Pilarczyk of Cincinnati said, 'the Holy Father has chosen the most moderate and open one'."

Q: Have there been any changes on the themes of homosexuality and feminism?

A: "On these two problems of homosexuality and feminism, which in the cultural situation of these areas (North America and Oceania) are very important, we heard two speeches of great depth: Australian Archbishop D'Arcy spoke on homosexuality, and highlighted the anthropological aspect, the cultural context and Christian moral values. Afterwards, there was also a very interesting speech from the Canadian Cardinal Ambrozic, archbishop of Toronto, on feminism, which showed that there are various points in common between feminism and the Catholic Church, and that it is not correct and it is even absurd to consider all under the aspect of the ordination of women to the priesthood. Thus the prelate highlighted that holiness has primacy 'over every structure and every distinction in the Church of Christ'."

On July 1, 1998 VIS published an explanatory note on John Paul II's Apostolic Letter Motu Proprio 'Ad tuendam fidem'. In this letter there are various norms referring to the formulation of the profession of faith, to the Code of Canon Law and the Code of Canons of the Oriental Churches. These modifications are to explain that truths concerning the faith and morals put forward by the Magisterium of the Church must also be accepted definitively, even though they may not have been dogmatically defined.

...;INTERVIEW;...;RATZINGER;VIS;19990225;Word: 460;

Wednesday, February 24, 1999


VATICAN CITY, FEB 24, 1999 (VIS) - The Holy Father:

- Erected the diocese of Mamfe (area 10,500, population 337,000, Catholics 35,000, priests 8, religious 23), Cameroon, taking territory from the diocese of Buea, making it suffragan to the Metropolitan Church of Bamenda. Fr. Francis Teke Kysinge was appointed as first bishop of Mamfe. The bishop-elect was born in Muea, Cameroon, in 1938, was ordained a priest in 1966 and since 1975 has been spiritual director of the St. Thomas Aquinas Regional Major Seminary of Bambui.

- Appointed Bishop Miguel Pedro Mundo, auxiliary of the diocese of Jatai, as bishop of this diocese (area 62,698, population 380,000, Catholics 359,000, priests 27, religious 62), Brazil. He succeeds Bishop Benedito Domingos Coscia O.F.M., whose resignation from the pastoral care of this diocese was accepted by the Holy Father on having reached the age limit.

- Appointed Fr. Joaquin Pertinez Fernandez O.A.R., as bishop of Rio Branco (area 102,136, population 420,000, Catholics 353,000, priests 13, religious 84), Brazil. The bishop-elect was born in Monachil, Spain, in 1952, made his solemn profession in 1977, was ordained a priest in 1978, and since 1977 has been provincial delegate of the Augustinian Recollects for Central America, in Costa Rica.

- Appointed Msgr. Antonio Lino Silva Dinis as bishop of Itumbiara (area 21,871, population 262,928, Catholics 228,000, priests 22, religious 26), Brazil. The bishop-elect was born in Famalicao, Portugal, in 1943, was ordained a priest in 1966, and for a number of years has been rector of the St. Pius X diocesan seminary in Sete Lagoas, Brazil.

- Appointed Fr. Dieudonne Bogmis as auxiliary bishop of the archdiocese of Douala (area 1,200, population 1,950,000, Catholics 478,816, priests 80, religious 157), Cameroon. The bishop-elect was born in Nyanon, Cameroon, in 1955, was ordained a priest in 1983, and since 1990 has been spiritual director and dean of theology at Douala's Major Seminary.

- Appointed Msgr. Americo Ciani and Fr. Jair Ferreira Pena as prelate auditors of the Roman Rota.

- Appointed Fr. Babel Balazs as coadjutor archbishop of the archdiocese of Kalocsa-Kecskemet (area 8,372; population 539,188; Catholics 399,805, priests 102, religious 68), Hungary. The archbishop-elect was born in Gyon, Hungary, in 1950, was ordained a priest in 1976, and is currently rector of the Diocesan Seminary of Vac.
ECE:NER:RE:NEA:NA:NEC/.../... VIS 990224 (350)


VATICAN CITY, FEB 24, 1999 (VIS) - On Friday February 26, at 11:30 a.m., a second press conference will be held at the Holy See Press Office to report on organizational aspects of the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000.

Archbishop Cresenzio Sepe, secretary of the Central Committee of the Great Jubilee, and Francesco Silvano, delegate for telecommunications and information technology, will speak about the purpose and idea behind of the Pilgrim's Card and the computerized system of welcoming pilgrims. Likewise, Luca de Mata, responsible for the Jubilee Committee Internet Office will also speak on the Great Jubilee Web site.

OP;JUBILEE;...;SEPE;VIS;19990224;Word: 100;


VATICAN CITY, FEB 24, 1999 (VIS) - Cardinal Secretary of State Angelo Sodano sent a telegram to Bishop Alois Kothgasser of Innsbruck, Austria, following the alpine avalanche yesterday afternoon which hit the Austrian locality of Galtuer causing many victims.

"It was with sadness and consternation that the Holy Father received the news of the catastrophe caused by an avalanche which hit the Galtuer valley. The Holy Father expresses his spiritual closeness to family members who are mourning their loved ones or who fear for the lives of those close to them. He prays for the eternal repose of the souls of the deceased and remembers in his prayers the thoughts and worries of relatives and friends, praying to God for consolation and fortitude for them."


Tuesday, February 23, 1999


VATICAN CITY, FEB 23, 1999 (VIS) - In response to journalists' questions on the Holy See position concerning the current crisis in Kosovo, the Holy See Press Office made the following declaration yesterday afternoon:

"1. The Holy See has always been close to the people of Kosovo who have been suffering greatly for more than a year now. Pope John Paul II has publicly spoken many times to ask the parties concerned to commit themselves to sincere dialogue, also encouraging the international community to help them (the parties concerned) to find a solution to their legitimate aspirations.

"2. For this reason, the Holy See deeply appreciates the commitment on the part of the international community, particularly of European countries, shown in these days at Rambouillet to help all to walk the path of sincere dialogue. She hopes that a lasting and peaceful solution to the contention will be found, respecting the principles of international law and in the conviction that recourse to arms always brings serious risks and deep suffering to civilians.

"3. The Holy Father's call of January 20, 1999 still holds: 'We ask God with renewed trust that where there is hate, there may be an outpouring of the Father's mercy, reawakening the consciences of all those who guide the future of the peoples and encouraging all souls to work for peace.'"

OP;KOSOVO CRISIS;...;...;VIS;19990223;Word: 220;


VATICAN CITY, FEB 23, 1999 (VIS) - The following prelates died in recent weeks:

- Bishop Benjamin Barrera y Reyes S.S.I., emeritus of Santa Ana, El Salvador, on February 4, aged 96.
- Archbishop Bartolome Carrasco Briseno, emeritus of Antequera, Mexico, on January 7, aged 80.
- Bishop Patrick Joseph Casey, emeritus of Brentwood, Great Britain, on January 26, aged 85.
- Bishop Carlo Cavalla, emeritus of Casale Monferrato, Italy, on January 4, aged 79.
- Bishop Jan Czerniak, former auxiliary of Gniezno, Poland, on February 3, aged 92.
- Bishop George E. Dion, O.M.I., former apostolic vicar of Jolo, the Philippines, on February 12, aged 87.
- Bishop Andre Duirat, S.M.A., emeritus of Bouake, Ivory Coast, on December 29, aged 90.
- Bishop Settimio Arturo Ferrazzetta O.F.M., of Bissau, Guinea-Bissau, on January 26, aged 74.
- Bishop Jules Harle, former auxiliary of Arras, on January 24, aged 82.
- Archbishop Youhannan Semaan Issayi of Teheran of the Chaldeans, on February 7, aged 84.
- Bishop Joseph Kureethara of Cochin, India, on January 6, aged 69.
- Bishop Daniel Enrique Nunez Nunez of David, Panama, on January 11, aged 71.
- Bishop Fernando Prego Casal of Santa Clara, Cuba, on January 9, aged 71.
- Archbishop Nicola Rotunno, bishop emeritus of Sabina-Poggio Mirteto, Italy, on February 8, aged 70.
- Bishop Lawrence Harold Welsh, former auxiliary of Saint Paul and Minneapolis, on January 13, aged 63.

...;DEATHS;...;... ;VIS;19990223;Word: 200;


VATICAN CITY, FEB 23, 1999 (VIS) - The Holy Father appointed Fr. Juda Thade Ruwa'ichi, O.F.M. Cap., as bishop of Mbulu (area 16,057, population 798,000, Catholics 201,200, priests 52, religious 96), Tanzania. The bishop-elect was born in Mulo-Kilena, Tanzania, in 1954, made his perpetual vows and was ordained a priest in 1981, and is currently member of the General Council of the Capuchin Friars Minor.

NER;...;...;RUWA'ICHI;VIS;19990223;Word: 70;


VATICAN CITY, FEB 23, 1999 (VIS) - The Second European Seminar for Catholic Chaplains and Pastoral Workers in Civil Aviation, promoted by the Hungarian Episcopal Conference, starts today in Budapest, Hungary, on the theme "Catholic Airport Chaplaincies of Europe on the Threshold of the Third Millennium."

Also collaborating in this four-day seminar are the European Secretariat of Catholic Chaplains in Civil Aviation and the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People. Twenty chaplains from ten European nations are scheduled to attend, as is Cardinal Laszlo Paskai, O.F.M., archbishop of Esztergom-Budapest and primate of Hungary.

This meeting is subsequent to the first such seminar which took place in Warsaw in 1996. At that time it was proposed to create the European Association of Catholic Chaplains, a proposal which became a reality in 1997. A communique announcing the seminar notes that chaplaincies have been opened in recent years in several Central European countries, including Hungary. It also states that "a greater opening towards Eastern countries, especially those of the former USSR, would be desirable."

"The seminar will above all deal with the theme of preparation in airports for the Great Jubilee," says the communique. "The discussion will turn to various aspects of this great event: the pilgrimage of airport workers themselves, collaboration with tour guides and pilgrimages, receiving and welcoming pilgrims in airports and the involvement and participation of the mass-media in preparing personnel and passengers."


Monday, February 22, 1999


VATICAN CITY, FEB 20, 1999 (VIS) - The Holy Father received the members of the Ghana Bishops' Conference this morning, at the end of their "ad limina" visit and recalled that, since their last such visit to Rome, "six new dioceses have been established in Ghana, a positive sign of the work being done for Christ."

Pointing to the missionary nature of the Church, the Pope stated that "the energy and zeal of the first evangelization of Ghana must continue to be a source of strength and enthusiasm as you proclaim Christ and his saving Gospel. ... Not least in this regard is your duty to address those issues of particular importance for the social, economic, political and cultural life of your country." He added that "the proper administration of public affairs ... is essential if justice and peace are to flourish on your continent."

"As you know so well, it belongs in a particular way to the Church to speak out on behalf of those who have no voice, thus being a leaven of peace and solidarity, particularly where they are most fragile and threatened. Especially important in this regard are your continuing efforts to resolve ethnic tensions; for rivalries based on race or ethnic origin have no place in the Church of Christ."

John Paul II stressed that "in all of this, yours must be an invitation, gentle yet insistent, to conversion (which) is the result of the effective proclamation of the Gospel. ... The continuing formation of the laity must continue to be a priority in your mission as preachers and teachers. ... Moreover, as they are confirmed in the revealed truth, the faithful will be able to respond to the objections raised by the followers of sects and new religious movements. Catechesis is especially important for young people."

The Holy Father then turned to "the important issue of inculturation" and said: "As people find inspiration and direction through contact with God's saving word, they will naturally be led to work for a profound transformation of the society in which they live. The Gospel message penetrates the very life of cultures and becomes incarnate in them. ... The challenges presented by inculturation are especially evident in the areas of marriage and family life."

Pope John Paul highlighted "the growth of the Church in Ghana and the many vocations to the priesthood and religious life." "Cherish your priests" and "regard them as precious co-workers and friends," he urged the bishops. "The priest is not a mere caretaker of an institution. ... He is an evangelist and doctor of souls." And the Pope stressed the importance of seminary formation, as well as ongoing formation for those already ordained.

He also addressed the "decisive role in the spread of the faith and the formation of new local Churches" played by religious and missionary institutes.
In concluding remarks, John Paul II said: "Always be attentive to the human and spiritual needs of your people. Time and resources should never be spent on diocesan and parochial structures or development projects at the expense of the people; nor should structure or projects impede personal contact with those whom God has called us to serve."

AL;...;...;GHANA;VIS;19990222;Word: 530;


VATICAN CITY, FEB 20, 1999 (VIS) - Made public today was a message from the Pope for the 85th World Migration Day. This day is celebrated in local churches on the date established by a country's episcopal conference.

"The presence of migrants," he writes, "calls for the responsibility of believers as individuals and as a community. A privileged expression of the community is the parish" which "welcomes all without discrimination, because no one is a foreigner to her."

"Where the sense of parish is alive, the differences between natives and strangers lessen or disappear, because the awareness of us all belonging to God, and one Father, prevails. From the very mission of each parish community and its importance in society emerges the importance which the parish has in the welcome of foreigners, and in the integration of baptized people from different cultures and in dialogue with believers from other religions."

John Paul II writes in the message dated February 2 that parishes are "visible points of reference, easily found and accessible, and very often are a sign of hope and fraternity between social problems, tension and outbreaks of violence."

"Against insecurity, (the parish) offers a place of trust where one learns to overcome fear; faced with the absence of reference points from which to have light and encouragement to live together, it presents, from the Gospel of Christ, a path of fraternity and reconciliation."

The Holy Father also refers to the imbalance between rich and poor countries, and asks that, "in order for this not to be irreversible, with tragic consequences for humanity," there might be a review of "the indebtedness of poor countries to rich countries."

"I truly hope that the forthcoming Jubilee ... might be a favorable occasion to find fitting solutions and offer new conditions of dignity and organized development to poor countries."

MESS;WORLD MIGRATION DAY;...;...;VIS;19990222;Word: 300;


VATICAN CITY, FEB 20, 1999 (VIS) - John Paul II at midday today received 7,000 participants in the UNITALSI annual congress, an Italian association which assists the sick on pilgrimages to international Marian shrines.

"I wish to express my delight for the charitable and steadfast work you do with discretion and generosity for those who suffer trials in body and mind. You offer them a special witness of charity."

The Pope said that "the network of leadership and aid in the various Italian dioceses, gives witness to the generosity of so many priests, doctors, nurses, religious volunteers, stretcher-bearers, companions and volunteers who, making visible in the world today the image of the Good Samaritan, care both materially and spiritually for the sick."

He recalled that they are reflecting on the spirit of UNITALSI during the congress "in relation to the changes and challenges in today's society." He ended by saying that, in spite of the changes in structure and organization, "the spirit and charism of the Union's service cannot change, and love especially should remain as it's vital core and irradiation, without which your work would lose its meaning."

AC;...;...;UNITALSI;VIS;19990222;Word: 200;


VATICAN CITY, FEB 20, 1999 (VIS) - Holy See Press Office Director Joaquin Navarro-Valls, in a declaration this morning, confirmed that "Foreign Affairs Minister of the Republic of China (Taiwan) Jason C. Hu, was received in the Vatican yesterday by Archbishop Jean-Louis Tauran, secretary for Relations with States, and today by Cardinal Secretary of State Angelo Sodano.

"During the conversations, questions of common interest for the Apostolic See and the government of Taipei were reviewed, as well as the broader questions of the Chinese and international situations."

OP;CHINA;...;NAVARRO-VALLS;VIS;19990222;Word: 100;


VATICAN CITY, FEB 20, 1999 (VIS) - Cardinal Secretary of State Angelo Sodano this morning presented the 1999 "Annuario Pontificio" or pontifical yearbook, to Pope John Paul, in the presence of Archbishop Giovanni Battista Re and officials from the Statistics Office of the Church and the Vatican printing office.

A communique released today, stating that the new yearbook is updated to December 31, 1998, also outlined some of the salient statistics of the Church.

During 1998 the Holy See established diplomatic relations with the Republic of Palau and the Republic of Yemen, bringing to 168 the number of countries with which it has such relations.

Also last year, 12 new bishoprics, an apostolic vicariate and three metropolitan sees were created, and 137 bishops were appointed.

Catholics for the first time exceed one billion worldwide, equal to 17.3 percent of the total population. They constitute 62.9 percent of the population on the American continent, 41.4 in Europe, 27.5 in Oceania, 14.9 in Africa and 3 percent in Asia. Globally there are 219,369 parishes and 115,311 missionary stations.

At the end of 1997, those involved in pastoral activity included: 4,420 bishops, 404,208 priests (of whom 263,521 are diocesan), 24,407 permanent deacons, 877,477 religious, 31,197 members of secular institutes, 26,068 lay missionaries and 2,019,021 catechists.
Vocations in 1997 increased by 2.5 percent over the preceding year. The total number of priests was practically unchanged but the number of permanent deacons increased by 4.1 percent. There was, however. a decline of 1.3 percent among religious.



VATICAN CITY, FEB 21, 1999 (VIS) - At today's angelus, the Pope spoke of the liturgical season of Lent, calling it a time which helps man "to recover what he could never attain by his own strength: God's friendship and grace, the supernatural life which alone can bring fulfillment to the deepest aspirations of the human heart."

He referred to today's Gospel in which Christ, "in the desert, faces the tempter and, at the end of forty days of fasting and prayer, overcomes him through firm submission to the will of God the Father. In this way, Jesus shows the path for defeating sin: the path of penance."

"Jesus precedes us," the Holy Father went on, "but he also calls us to follow him. 'Repent' is the first word of his preaching. And his call resonates with particular force and urgency this year, which is the last before the Great Jubilee."

"I make the appeal of the Apostle Paul my own," stated the Pope. "'Be reconciled to God', don't allow this favorable time to pass you by. We must shake off the indifference and distractions of the world and listen to the voice of God, which resonates in the Church, and before that, in every person's conscience."

Turning then to the examination of conscience, John Paul II observed that this "is therefore one of the most decisive moments of life. It places each individual before the truth of his own life. Thus he discovers the distance which separates his deeds from the ideal which he has set himself."

ANG;LENT;...;...;VIS;19990222;Word: 260;


VATICAN CITY, FEB 21, 1999 (VIS) - John Paul II this morning told the faithful of the Roman parish of San Raimondo Nonnato, quoting today's Gospel: "'May the word which comes from the mouth of God' call us and nourish our spirit, because 'man does not live on bread alone'. Our hearts need God above all else."

Having expressed his wish to parishioners that "the unity of the parish grow stronger, making it a true 'family of families'," the Pope said: "I take joy in the strong commitment with which you are living to the Citizens' Mission."

"Christians should feel moved to take initiatives and meet their brothers and sisters in their homes, in their neighborhood and in places of life and work where the same word of salvation is heard - the Word of God - which is more necessary than bread for the life of the person."

The Holy Father recalled that Lent "is an important time of penance and grace. This year is an even more significant call to repentance and conversion, in view of the Jubilee of the Year 2000."
"Pay special attention to the celebration of the sacrament of Penance. ... May the closeness of the Jubilee awaken in every believer an active interest in this sacrament; may priests be available to develop with care and dedication this essential sacramental ministry; may the places where the celebration of the sacrament takes place be multiplied, with confessors available at different times during the day, ready to generously dispense the endless mercy of God."

HML;...;...;SAN RAIMONDO NONNATO;VIS;19990222;Word: 260;


VATICAN CITY, FEB 20, 1999 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received in separate audiences:

- Three prelates from Ghana Bishops' Conference on their "ad limina" visit:
- Bishop Philip Naameh of Damongo.
- Bishop Peter Kwaku Atuahene of Goaso.
- Bishop John Martin Darko of Sekondi-Takoradi.
- Cardinal Lucas Moreira Neves, prefect of the Congregation for Bishops.

AL; AP;...;...;...;VIS;19990222;Word: 60;


VATICAN CITY, FEB 22, 1999 (VIS) - The Holy Father:

- Appointed Canons Antonio Maria Bessa Taipa and Antonio Jose Cavaco Carrilho, as auxiliary bishops of the diocese of Porto (area 3,010, population 2,266,000, Catholics 1,940,000, priests 601, religious 1,574), Portugal. Bishop-elect Antonio Maria Bessa Taipa was born in Freamunde, Portugal, in 1942, was ordained a priest in 1966 and since 1979 has been rector of the major seminary and pro-vicar general of the diocese. Bishop-elect Antonio Jose Cavaco Carrilho was born in St. Clemente, Portugal, in 1942, was ordained a priest in 1965, and since 1994 has been director of the general secretariat of the Portuguese Episcopal Conference.

- Adopted the following dispositions for Zimbabwe:

- Appointed Fr. Robert Christopher Ndlovu as bishop of Hwange (area 43,427, population 324,609, Catholics 31,230, priests 26, religious 91). The bishop-elect was born in Thsongokwe, Zimbabwe, in 1955, was ordained a priest in 1983, and since 1993 has been rector of the Major Seminary of Chishawasha. He succeeds Bishop Ignacio Prieto Vega, whose resignation from the pastoral care of the diocese of Hwange was accepted by the Holy Father, on having reached the age limit.

- Erected the diocese of Masvingo (area 70,000, population 1,180,000, Catholics 102,000, priests 43, religious 142) with territory taken from the diocese of Gweru, making it suffragan to the Metropolitan Church of Bulawayo. Bishop Michael Dixon Bhasera of Gokwe was appointed as first bishop of Masvingo.

On Saturday February 20, it was made public that the Holy Father appointed Bishop Arrigo Miglio of Iglesias, as bishop of Ivrea (area 1,850, population 206,883, Catholics 205,173, priests 207, religious 521), Italy. He succeeds Bishop Luigi Bettazzi whose resignation from the pastoral care of this diocese was accepted by the Holy Father on having reached the age limit.
NEA:NER:RE:ECE/.../ VIS 19990222 (280)


VATICAN CITY, FEB 22, 1999 (VIS) - Today, February 22, is the Feast of the Chair of St. Peter, a day on which we recall the ministry of the supreme Pastor of the Church which the Lord conferred on Peter, a sign of unity of the Church.

The Chair of St. Peter, ensconced in 1666 in Bernini's altar of the same name, is actually a throne that Charles the Bald gave to Pope John VIII at the former's coronation as emperor on Christmas Day 875.

In its long history, the Chair of St. Peter has been considered under two perspectives: the chair-symbol (symbol of Peter's primacy: in ancient times the chair or "cathedra" was the sign of authority to teach) and the chair-object (the throne of Charles the Bald, used by John VIII and his successors for papal liturgical events).

...;CHAIR ST PETER;...;...;VIS;19990222;Word: 150;

Friday, February 19, 1999


VATICAN CITY, FEB 19, 1999 (VIS) - Answering journalists' questions concerning Holy See intervention with the British government in favor of General Pinochet, Holy See Press Office Director Joaquin Navarro-Valls replied:
"I can confirm that a diplomatic step was undertaken by the Holy See with the English government, as was declared yesterday in London in the House of Lords by Baroness Symons of Verhnam Dean, of the Foreign Office.

"The Holy See step was made confidentially and can be made public whenever timely, as agreed with the United Kingdom government, in accordance with international praxis.

"The Apostolic See's interest has its origin in the request of the Chilean government, which is made up of a Christian-Democrat and Socialist coalition and which claims its territorial sovereignty in the various international forums, also in the judicial field."

OP;PINOCHET;...;NAVARRO-VALLS;VIS;19990219;Word: 150;


VATICAN CITY, FEB 19, 1999 (VIS) - Following is the declaration made by Holy See Press Office Director Joaquin Navarro-Valls on the audience granted this morning by Pope John Paul to Yasser Arafat, president of the Palestinian Authority:

"During the cordial meeting there was an exchange of news concerning the current situation in the Middle East, and particularly on the prospect of progress in negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians, with special attention paid to the city of Jerusalem.

"Mr. Arafat reiterated his invitation to the Holy Father to visit the city of Bethlehem, where the Pope's presence is awaited with fervor. John Paul II once again accepted the invitation.

"Following the audience with the Holy Father, Mr. Arafat was received by Cardinal Angelo Sodano, secretary of State. Archbishop Jean-Louis Tauran, secretary for Relations with States also took part in the meeting."



VATICAN CITY, FEB 19, 1999 (VIS) - Members of the organizing committee of the International Forum "Bethlehem 2000" were welcomed this morning by the Pope, who stressed that "it is the birth of Christ ... which gives Bethlehem its unique place in the mind and heart of the world."

"The Gospel of Saint Luke," he added, "reports that at the birth of Jesus angels sang of peace on earth to all people of good will. And although Bethlehem's history since then has often been marked by violence, the city still stands as a promise of peace and an assurance that the human hope for peace is not vain."

John Paul II remarked that "the Great Jubilee which will celebrate the two thousandth anniversary of the birth of Jesus at Bethlehem invites us to look forward in hope to a world in which peace will be secure. We must all work for a future in which there will be no threat to peace from among the worshippers of the one God, from any who bear the name of Christian or Jew or Muslim."

"The promise of peace made at Bethlehem," he concluded, "will become a reality when the dignity and the rights of human beings made in the image of God are acknowledged and respected."

AC;BETHLEHEM; PEACE;...;...;VIS;19990219;Word: 220;


VATICAN CITY, FEB 19, 1999 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received in separate audiences:

- Yasser Arafat, president of the Palestinan Authority, and entourage.
- Three prelates from the Ghana Bishop's Conference on their "ad limina" visit:
- Bishop Paul Bemile of Wa.
- Bishop Joseph Osei-Bonsu of Konongo-Mampong.
- Bishop Thomas Kwaku Mensah of Obuasi.

He is scheduled to receive Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, in audience later this evening.

AP; AL;...;...;... ;VIS;19990219;Word: 70;

Thursday, February 18, 1999


VATICAN CITY, FEB 18, 1999 (VIS) - Yesterday afternoon, Ash Wednesday, the Holy Father presided at the Liturgy of the Word in St. Sabina's Basilica, during the Mass celebrated by Cardinal Jozef Tomko, prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples.

"Lent," said the Holy Father in his homily, "reminds us of the work of salvation, so that people will realize that death, a reality which must always be confronted, is not however a truth which has been since the beginning. In the beginning, this did not exist."

The Pope said that "the death of man has been destroyed by the death of Christ. However, if Lent directs us relive the dramatic events of Golgotha, it always and exclusively does this as a preparation to immerse us afterwards in the fulfillment of the Easter event, that is, in the luminous joy of the resurrection."

"Lent," he recalled "is a time of intense prayer and prolonged praise; it is a time of penance and fasting. ... The Lenten practices of fasting and almsgiving, apart from expressing personal asceticism, have an important value in the community and in society: they recall the need for 'conversion', the model for development in a more just distribution of goods, so that all might live in greater dignity, protecting creation at the same time."

Following the homily and the rite of blessing, the Pope received ashes from the hands of Cardinal Tomko, who is titular of the basilica of St. Sabina, and gave ashes in turn to some of the faithful present.



VATICAN CITY, FEB 18, 1999 (VIS) - Cardinal Roger Etchegaray, president of the Central Committee of the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000, today addressed the Bethlehem 2000 International Conference, being held in the Rome headquarters of the United Nations' Food and Agricultural Organization.

In his remarks, the cardinal recalled that the meeting had been organized under the aegis of the "Committee for Exercising the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People." He also pointed out that the U.N. General Assembly had recommended the conference in a unanimous resolution, "perhaps the only (unanimous) one of the many resolutions regarding the Middle East."

Cardinal Etchegaray pointed out that "Pope John Paul had wished that the forthcoming Jubilee ... be celebrated not only in Rome but also in the Holy Land." He indicated that pilgrims must find a Holy Land that is "welcoming and peaceful. ... This peace cannot be decreed, does not depend on any process, but rather proceeds from a conversion of spirits and hearts and is based on the dignity of every person, respected without discrimination or bickering."

...;BETHLEHEM 2000; JUBILEE;...;ETCHEGARAY;VIS;19990218;Word: 180;


VATICAN CITY, FEB 18, 1999 (VIS) - This morning John Paul II held his traditional meeting with Roman clergy at the beginning of Lent. The Pontiff spoke on the final stage of the Citizens' Mission which is directed towards the world of work and society.

"The decision not to limit the mission to families who live in parishes," and to reach those places in which people work and study, "has been without doubt a courageous and committed decision. We took it because we are convinced of its importance and, even more, of its necessity if we truly wish that the Gospel of Christ be proclaimed and witnessed to in all circumstances and situations of life."

The Citizens' Mission "in practice, is entrusted above all to the laity," said the Pope. However. "it is not first and foremost the work of each individual believer, but is rather of all the community, and moreover of those who are responsible for that same community. ... You are and must always be missionaries and evangelizers everywhere."
The Pope told priests that each one has the duty "to prepare and support the laity, called to give witness to Christ in all situations of life." He added that "the fundamental elements of formation and spiritual growth" are prayer, catechesis "penance, conversion of heart and the progressive opening up to the love of God and the brothers and sisters."

"The workplace in some cases is where secularization seems to be more advanced, and speaking of God and Jesus Christ can be difficult and almost out of place. However in reality God is never extraneous, Christ is never extraneous."

Referring finally to the increase in unemployment and poverty in the city, he highlighted the necessity to find new means so that Rome "might promote her social and economic development for the good of the Italian nation and of the world."

AC;...;...;PRIESTS ROME;VIS;19990218;Word: 320;


VATICAN CITY, FEB 18, 1999 (VIS) - The Holy Father appointed:

- Bishop Thomas C. Collins of Saint Paul in Alberta, as coadjutor archbishop of Edmonton (area 81,151, population 1,149,245, Catholics 294,935, priests 199, religious 640), Canada.

- Bishop Juan Carlos Maccarone of Chascomus as bishop of Santiago del Estero (area 81,969, population 671,000, Catholics 530,000, priests 62, religious 108), Argentina.

- Msgrs. Anthony Mancini and Louis Dicaire as auxiliary bishops of the archdiocese of Montreal (area 1,399, population 2,170,792, Catholics 1,570,650, priests 1,541, religious 7,586), Canada. Bishop-elect Mancini was born in Mignano Monte Lungo, Italy, in 1945 and was ordained a priest in 1970. He is currently vicar general, bursar and director of the pastoral care of English-speaking people in the archdiocese of Montreal. Bishop-elect Dicaire was born in Montreal in 1946, was ordained a priest in 1974 and since 1996 has been episcopal vicar of the eastern region of Montreal.

- Frs. Nello Cipriani O.S.A., Giovanni Iammarone O.F.M. Conv., and Maurizio Faggioni O.F.M., as consultors for the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

NEC; NER; NEA; NA;...;...;... ;VIS;19990218;Word: 170;


VATICAN CITY, FEB 18, 1999 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received Cardinal Camillo Ruini, vicar general for the diocese of Rome, together with Archbishop Cesare Nosiglia, vice gerent, and Fr. Eraclio Contu, O.de M. (Mercedarians), pastor of the Parish of San Raimondo Nonnato, accompanied by a parish curate.

AP;...;...;...;VIS;19990218;Word: 50;


VATICAN CITY, FEB 18, 1999 (VIS) - Holy See Press Office Director Joaquin Navarro-Valls released the following declaration today: "On the occasion of a trip to Europe, Jason Hu, foreign affairs minister of the Republic of China, wished to include a visit to the Vatican, within the framework of diplomatic relations between the Holy See and the Republic of China."

"This evening Minister Jason Hu will be received by Archbishop Jean-Louis Tauran, secretary for Relations with States, and Saturday morning he will have a talk with Cardinal Secretary of State Angelo Sodano.


Wednesday, February 17, 1999


VATICAN CITY, FEB 17, 1999 (VIS) - Made public today was the Holy Father's annual video message for the traditional Lenten "Fraternity Campaign," promoted by the Church in Brazil. The theme this year is "Fraternity and Unemployment." The message will be shown this evening on Brazilian television.

The Pope, quoting in part from "Tertio Millennio Adveniente," writes: "We are unmistakably journeying towards e Jubilee of the Year 2000 and, in this perspective, 'it has to be said that a commitment to justice and peace in a world like ours, marked by so many conflicts and intolerable social and economic equalities, is a necessary condition for the preparation and celebration of the Jubilee."

Having cited the parable of the laborers in the vineyard, he adds: "Certainly, to be able to work in the Lord's vineyard is a divine gift from God. This vision of the ultimate possession of the heavenly kingdom reinforces the need to understand the right to work in this world. ... Bread is 'the fruit of the earth and of the work of human hands', but the disconcerting worldwide phenomenon of unemployment and under-employment, must once again call on the conscience of every Christian, in the face of the anguishing question asked by the Fraternity Campaign: Are you without work ... Why?"

Pope John Paul closed his message "with a blessing for all who are listening."



VATICAN CITY, FEB 17, 1999 (VIS) - "With the solemn ceremony of receiving ashes, today marks the beginning of the penitential Lenten itinerary" which, in the Year of the Father, "is an invitation to (receive) divine mercy," said the Pope in today's general audience held in the Paul VI Hall.

John Paul II recalled that in the parable of the prodigal son, which speaks of the "tender mercy of the Heavenly Father," there are three moments "with which each one of us, in a certain way, identifies when we give in to temptation and fall into sin."

The first moment is the "distancing of ourselves from God," which happens when we misuse the talents received from Him; the second is conversion, when people "becoming aware of what they have lost, take the decisive step to come to their senses"; the third moment is the return to the Father's house, "the feast of forgiveness and joy."

"At the beginning of Lent," continued the Holy Father, "it is important to prepare ourselves to receive the gift of divine mercy in abundance. ... The Church indicates prayer, penance, fasting and charitable acts as means by which we can enter into an atmosphere of true personal and community renewal."

"We can say that Lent is the special time of God's concern for the forgiveness of our sins: it is the time of reconciliation. Thus, he ended, "this is the most appropriate time to approach the Sacrament of Penance."

AG;LENT;...;...;VIS;19990217;Word: 250;


VATICAN CITY, FEB 17, 1999 (VIS) - The Pontifical Academy for Life will hold its fifth General Assembly in the Vatican's Old Synod Hall February 24-27 on the theme "The Dignity of Dying," according to an academy communique published today.

This theme follows in the line of previous academy meetings on topics such as "The Identity and Statute of the Human Embryo," "The Human Genome" and "Human Personality and Society in the Future."

The communique states that, "in treating the theme 'The Dignity of Dying', our purpose was to include not only an examination of proposals to legalize euthanasia; but to study as well society in all its cultural and socio-psychological attitudes towards death and dying, which we will do on the first day; we will examine the theme of death in its medical and philosophical reality on the second day and, on the third, we wish above all to underline the dignity of the dying person, a dignity dubiously cited by pro-euthanasia movements themselves, and we intend to recall the duties inherent in assisting the dying."

The communique added that 17 scholars from outside the pontifical academy and from numerous countries will participate in the assembly.

ACAD-V;DEATH; DYING;...;... ;VIS;19990217;Word: 200;


VATICAN CITY, FEB 17, 1999 (VIS) - The annual Lenten retreat of the Roman Curia, in the presence of the Holy Father, will start on February 21, the first Sunday of Lent, in the Clementine Hall of the Vatican, and conclude on Saturday morning, February 27. All papal audiences, including the Wednesday general audience, will be suspended during this period.

The retreat will be preached by Bishop Andre-Mutien Leonard of Namur. It will start on Sunday at 6 p.m. with vespers, and there will be two sessions daily, morning and afternoon, which will include prayers, meditation, the rosary, adoration and benediction.

Papal spiritual exercises originated with Pope Pius XI in 1929, following the publication that year of his Encyclical "Mens Nostra," in which he indicated his intention of starting annual retreats with members of the Roman Curia. For a number of years the retreats took place during the first week of Advent; Paul VI changed the date to the first week in Lent. In 1976, the then-Cardinal Karol Wojtyla of Krakow, preached the spiritual exercises for Paul VI.

JPII-RETREAT;LENT;...;LEONARD;VIS;19990217;Word: 180;

Tuesday, February 16, 1999


VATICAN CITY, FEB 16, 1999 (VIS) - Holy See Press Office Director Joaquin Navarro-Valls, in a declaration published this afternoon, announced that "the president of the Palestinian Authority, Yasser Arafat, will be received in audience by the Holy Father John Paul II the morning of Friday, February 19."



VATICAN CITY, FEB 16, 1999 (VIS) - A music CD entitled "Abba Father," featuring Pope John Paul as he prays, chants or delivers homilies to backgrounds of original compositions for orchestra and chorus, will be released by Vatican Radio on March 23, just days before Palm Sunday 1999.

Vatican Radio, Pauline Media and Sony Classical are collaborating on the CD, which includes 11 selections with the Pope's voice in Italian, English, French, Spanish and Latin. The Roman Academy Choir and Pablo Colino's Choir provide the vocal setting for a number of the selections.

Fr. Pasquale Borgomeo, S.J., director general of Vatican Radio, explained that the audio-visual section of Pauline Media approached Vatican Radio, saying that it wished to celebrate in a special way 1999, the third and last year of preparation for the Jubilee Year 2000 and the year dedicated the God the Father. He suggested a CD with the Pope's voice, and outlined the project. Sony Classical was chosen to provide worldwide distribution.

The director general said the inspiration came from Pope John Paul's words at the angelus last November 29, the first Sunday of Advent and the day on which the Bull of Indiction for the Jubilee Year 2000 was read: "This is the year of God the Father. I invite everyone to make a spiritual pilgrimage towards the house of the heavenly Father, who is so rich in mercy; a journey of conversion, undertaken in charity, in sharing with the poor and in dialogue with our neighbors."

The Pope's invitation was the catalyst for the content and title of the CD - Abba and Pater are, respectively, Aramaic and Latin for Father - as well as for the choice of the Holy Father, symbolically the head of a large family, as leader of this spiritual pilgrimage. The idea, said Fr. Borgomeo, "was to have a pastoral dialectic with the people making this pilgrimage to the Father's house, to help them discover along the way, the treasures of our faith such as the Beatitudes, the Lord's Prayer, and the Psalms, all of which are on the CD."

"'Abba Pater'," remarked Fr. Borgomeo, "proposes a pilgrimage that is universal, rather than solitary, a pilgrimage led by the Pope himself, one that is open to all people through a variety of expressions, languages, voices and sounds, a pilgrimage that is interior rather than showy, one that is aimed at searching, praying and meditating on the real meaning of the Great Jubilee of the year 2000."

"Alongside divinely inspired words and ancient, yet always new, spiritual texts that help us rediscover and revitalize our faith in God and our love for humanity," he added, "contemporary music, which draws its inspiration from them, can open up prayerful spaces and prepare our hearts to listen more. With this wish, we send 'Abba Pater' out into the world, ... into a world so tirelessly travelled by the pilgrim Pope, who extends his invitation to all humanity and who embraces all of humanity on the threshold of the Third Millennium."

Vatican Radio's director stressed that, while the messenger, Pope John Paul, is important, what truly matters is the message as we undertake our pilgrimage.

The readings and prayers which the Pope recites were chosen from Vatican Radio's vast archives covering John Paul's 20-year pontificate. For example, the first track, "Seek His Face," comes from the Pope's visit to St. Robert Bellarmine Parish in Rome on March 2, 1980. The "Our Father" was recited in St. Peter's Basilica in March 1995. Track Five, "Come, Holy Spirit, Come," contains words from a January 1, 1998 homily. A libretto accompanying the CD explains the text and original setting for each track.

A promotional CD containing five selections was sent to the nuncios around the world who, in turn, gave it to the respective episcopal conferences. Sony will assist the conferences in distribution. An audio sample from the album will shortly be available on Sony's web site.

A press conference to present "Abba Pater" will be held in the Holy See Press Office on March 17. It will be a rare afternoon conference, given the time difference with the United States, with whom a live linkup is scheduled.

JPII-CD;ABBA PATER;...;RV; BORGOMEO;VIS;19990216;Word: 690;


VATICAN CITY, FEB 16, 1999 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received five bishops from the Ghana Bishops' Conference on their "ad limina" visit:

- Bishop Francis Anani Kofi Lodonu of Ho.
- Bishop Gabriel Charles Palmer-Buckle of Koforidua.
- Bishop Lucas Abadamloora of Navrongo-Bolgatanga.
- Bishop Anthony Kwami Adanuty of Keta-Akatsi.
- Bishop Gabriel Akwasi Ababio Mante of Jasikan.

AL;...;...;...;VIS;19990216;Word: 60;


VATICAN CITY, FEB 16, 1999 (VIS) - The Holy Father appointed:

- Msgr. Thomas J. Olmsted as coadjutor bishop of Wichita (area 51,835, population 910,544, Catholics 105,172, priests 128, religious 422), United States of America. The bishop-elect was born in Oketo, U. S.A., in 1947, was ordained a priest in 1973, and since 1996 has been rector of the Josephinum Pontifical College in Columbus.

- Msgr. Pietro Farina as bishop of Alife-Caiazzo (area 580, population 70,000, Catholics 69,000, priests 61, religious 75), Italy. The bishop-elect was born in Maddaloni, Italy, in 1942, was ordained a priest in 1966, and since 1985 has been vicar general of the diocese of Caserta.

NEC; NER;...;...;OLMSTED; FARINA ;VIS;19990216;Word: 100;

Monday, February 15, 1999


VATICAN CITY, FEB 13, 1999 (VIS) - Members of the Alcide De Gasperi Foundation for Peace and International Cooperation were welcomed this morning by the Holy Father who highlighted their commitment for over 25 years "of promoting peace ... through the study of problems of international society, and through ties with similar institutions in Europe and in the world."

"In your praiseworthy initiative," he pointed out, "you have chosen as the basic point of reference the perennial values of the Christian faith."

"In fact," affirmed John Paul II, "building peace is not the result of compromise, but it comes from a very profound and systematic awareness of both remote and close-at-hand causes, from sensitizing the leaders of nations to the deep desires of poor people and from forming an authentic culture of peace in young generations." He said that support must be given to those who "are tempted to renounce efforts of dialogue and of respect for the basic rights of each and every person."

In closing remarks. the Pope cited his 1999 Message for the World Day of Peace: "No human right is safe if we fail to commit ourselves to safeguarding them all. ... Only when a culture of human rights which respects different traditions becomes an integral part of humanity's moral patrimony shall we be able to look at the future with serene confidence."

AC;PEACE; HUMAN RIGHTS;...;...;VIS;19990215;Word: 240;


VATICAN CITY, FEB 13, 1999 (VIS) - The Pope today received 7,000 teachers and pupils from Roman schools in the Paul VI Hall, to whom he "symbolically" gave a letter last December 8 for the Citizens' Mission which is dedicated this year to places of study and work.

In his speech, the Holy Father said that "the future of humanity and the social development of a nation depend greatly on the quality of schools and the commitment with which they are put forward as educative communities for all their members."

"Educational and cultural projects suited to the requirements of a full development of the person, which is the main concern of schools, should be encouraged. ... In practical terms, all members of Rome's civic and ecclesial communities should be concerned by the problems of schools and promote suitable action so as to support the complete training of all young people, with special attention to those who undergo difficult situations or abandonment, sustaining their expectations, hopes and plans for their insertion in society and the world of work."

John Paul II emphasized that, "to successfully face up to these situations, close collaboration between state and non-state schools, families, parishes and social and cultural entities is required."

Addressing particularly the pupils, he said: "Be active protagonists in your intellectual and spiritual growth, making an effort in your studies, loving your schools and bringing the joy and generosity of your hearts to it."

AC;SCHOOLS;...;ROME;VIS;19990215;Word: 250;


VATICAN CITY, FEB 14, 1998 (VIS) - Pope John Paul, at the noon angelus, spoke of today's feast of the brother saints Cyril and Methodius who, together with St. Benedict, are the co-patrons of Europe. He also spoke of the start of Lent this coming Ash Wednesday.

He observed that Cyril and Methodius were "the great evangelizers of the Slav world which ... brought to the Church and to humanity a priceless patrimony of spirituality and culture."

"In this light," the Pope went on, "how can we not think about the mission horizons which are opening in Europe on the threshold of the new millennium? The Holy Door of the Year 2000 will open on a society which needs to be illuminated by the light of Christ. The 'old Europe' has received the gift of the Gospel, but it now calls for a renewed Christian proclamation which will help persons and nations to wed freedom and truth, and will assure spiritual and ethical foundations for the economic and political unification of the continent."

Then, remarking that Lent begins this coming Wednesday with the giving of ashes, he stated, quoting in part "Tertio Millennio Adveniente": "This year, the last before the year 2000, Lent is seen more than ever as a propitious time for a 'return to the house of the Father," a "journey of authentic conversion. This includes both a 'negative' aspect, that of liberation from sin, and a 'positive' aspect, that of choosing good. Isn't this the most suitable context for the rediscovery of the sacrament of Penance in its deepest meaning?"

ANG;CYRIL; METHODIUS; LENT;...;...;VIS;19990215;Word: 270;


VATICAN CITY, FEB 14, 1999 (VIS) - John Paul II this morning celebrated Mass in the Roman parish of St. Fulgentius and, in his homily, encouraged the faithful to continue their efforts so that the parish might be "dynamic and open, to respond to the spiritual challenges of the area."

"Courageously continue along this path, prioritizing the aspects of evangelization which are oriented to a mature Christian formation for all. Firstly, be mindful of the inner growth of people, with doctrinal teaching well rooted in the tradition of the Church. The zealous passing on of the heritage of the faith requires attention and suitable methods adapted for the different age groups, without excluding anyone: from children to young people, from families to elderly people."

The Pope said that "it is important to reserve an important place for the pastoral care of families and the preparation of young people and engaged couples for marriage." Likewise, "it is essential to give witness in practical ways to solidarity with the poor and those who suffer."

"If you carefully and enthusiastically pass on to each resident of the area the invitation to share the liberating experience of meeting Christ though the parish, you will help them to grow in reciprocal trust and sharing of faith. Is this not the aim of the Citizens' Mission?"

Lastly, having referred to World Youth Day 2000, he said: "Let us entrust the youth of Rome and particularly the youth of this parish to the motherly heart of Mary, so that they might know how to generously answer the call to holiness, realizing that which the Lord asks of each one of them."

HML;...;...;ST FULGENTIUS;VIS;19990215;Word: 280;


VATICAN CITY, FEB 13, 1999 (VIS) - The Holy Father paid his traditional annual visit this afternoon to the Major Seminary of Rome for the feast of its patroness, Our Lady of Trust.

Having listened to music dedicated to Peter the Apostle, the Pope said that this oratorio had "made us meditate on the vocation to the priesthood as a call to become 'fishers of men'."

"In the seminary, thanks to the diligent and discreet work of your teachers, under the action of the Holy Spirit, the secret of the miraculous catch of fish is learned. Most Holy Mary is the expert guide in this. She is the Mother of Trust for all Christians, and especially for the apostles."

John Paul II said that "in this Major Seminary of Rome which I value so much, you learn from Mary how to cast out your nets, she Our Lady of Trust, who teaches every seminarian the secret of the miraculous catch of fish. Mary is also a teacher for you young people of this seminary who find here a precious place for your apostolic training."

Later, in off-the-cuff remarks, the Pope spoke of the conclave in which he was elected: "What the Pope wants to say is linked with the seminary, with vocations, with my last seminary, which lasted a few days, the conclave. At the end, when everything was clear, Cardinal Wyszynski said to me: 'It would be good if you took the name John Paul'. I told him: 'I was thinking of doing precisely that'. That was the last vocation for me. From the Roman seminary or from the clandestine seminary, as I did, right up to the 'seminary' of the conclave. My vocation: 'you must call yourself Peter'. My vocation: 'you must call yourself John Paul'."

AC;...;...;MAJOR SEMINARY ROME;VIS;19990215;Word: 280;


VATICAN CITY, FEB 15, 1999 (VIS) - Holy See Press Office Director Joaquin Navarro-Valls, in a statement made this afternoon, said that "the Holy Father would vist Maribor, Slovenia, on Sunday, September 19, where he will preside at the beatification ceremony for Venerable Servant of God Anton Martin Slomsek."

Last Saturday, February 13, Navarro-Valls had announced that "the Holy Father John Paul II received an official invitation from His Beatitude Teocist, patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church, to visit Romania. The Holy Father has accepted the invitation. The date and agenda of the trip have not yet been defined."

OP;PAPAL TRIPS;...;NAVARRO-VALLS;VIS;19990215;Word: 120;


VATICAN CITY, FEB 15, 1999 (VIS) - The Pope this morning welcomed an ecumenical delegation from Chicago led by Cardinal Francis George, archbishop of Chicago, and by His Eminence Iakovos, metropolitan of Chicago of the Greek Orthodox archdiocese of the United States.

"You are making a pilgrimage of faith," he told them, speaking English, "first to Constantinople, sacred to the memory of the Apostle Andrew, and now to Rome, the city sacred to the memory of the Apostles Peter and Paul. ... The regular exchanges between our two Churches and the work of theological dialogue have been important in this process; and joint initiatives such as your pilgrimage help in another way to strengthen the bonds of 'koinonia'."

"Overcoming the misunderstandings of the past," concluded the Pope, "we look in hope to a future when love will be perfect among us and the world will therefore know that we are Christ's disciples."



VATICAN CITY, FEB 15, 1999 (VIS) - Made public today was a message from the Holy Father to Bishop Fiorino Tagliaferri, emeritus of Viterbo, Italy, president of the Italian Spiritual Exercises Federation (FIES), which held its national assembly from February 13 to 15.

In his message dated 11 February, the Pope writes that the aim of this meeting was "to ask questions about the 'times of the Spirit for a strong experience of the Father's mercy'."

"The experience of spiritual exercises, thanks to an appropriate time of prayer and reflection and though a type of moderation, self-discipline and sacrifice, strengthens personal attachment to Christ."

The Pope says that "the Father's merciful embrace takes on a particular connotation in the Sacrament which concretely expresses conversion and, with the grace of forgiveness, brings the penitent back to life as a child of God."

"The importance of this FIES meeting is great for all pastoral ministry in Italy. I truly hope that, faithful to its vocation, it might contribute to increasing in the Christian people the desire for the universal call to holiness."



VATICAN CITY, FEB 15, 1999 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received in separate audiences:

- Five prelates from the Ghana Bishops' Conference on their "ad limina" visit:
- Archbishop Dominic Kodwo Andoh of Accra.
- Archbishop Gregory Ebo Kpiebaya of Tamale.
- Archbishop Peter Kodwo Appiah Turkson of Cape Coast.
- Bishop Peter Kwasi-Sarpong of Kumasi.
- Bishop James Kwadwo Owusu of Sunyani.
- Bishop Serafim de Sousa Ferreira e Silva of Leiria-Fatima, Portugal.

On Saturday, February 13, he received in separate audiences:

- Rev. Dr. George Leonard Carey, archbishop of Canterbury and his entourage.
- Fourteen prelates from the Italian Episcopal Conference on their "ad limina" visit:
- Cardinal Camillo Ruini, vicar general of the diocese of Rome.
- Archbishop Pier Luigi Mazzoni of Gaeta.
- Bishop Dante Bernini of Albano with his auxiliary Bishop Paolo Gillet.
- Bishop Angelo Cella of Frosinone.
- Bishop Luca Brandolini of Sora-Aquino-Pontecorvo.
- Bishop Luigi Belloli of Anagni-Alatri.
- Bishop Andrea Maria Erba of Velletri-Segni.
- Bishop Giuseppe Matarrese of Frascati.
- Bishop Eduardo Davino of Palestrina.
- Bishop Giuseppe Petrocchi of Latina-Terracina-Priverno-Sezze.
- Dom Bernardo Fabio D'Onorio, S.D.B., abbot of Montecassino.
- Archimandrite Marco Petta, O.S.B.I., abbot of Santa Maria di Grottaferrata.
- Dom Mauro Meacci, O.S.B., abbot of Subiaco.

AL; AP;...;...;...;VIS;19990215;Word: 200;


VATICAN CITY, FEB 15, 1999 (VIS) - A press release was issued today by the participants in the February 9-12 meeting in California, U.S.A., between a delegation from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and chairmen and members of doctrinal commissions and episcopal conference presidents.

The communique points out that the "productive meeting centered on various doctrinal questions related to the proclamation of the truth of Jesus Christ in the very diverse cultural circumstances represented by the participating bishops." This is the sixth in a series of such regional meetings.

Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, congregation prefect, spoke on "Subjectivity, Christology and the Church." "In referring to the question of the unity of Catholic teaching in the multiplicity of cultures," says the release, "the cardinal stated that because the Word of God is 'prior to human speech', all cultures can receive the truth about the person of Christ and every human language 'can become the bearer of God's Word'."

Congregation secretary Archbishop Tarcisio Bertone "stressed that obedience to the truth of Jesus Christ represents 'not a suppression of the intellect' but a progressive harmonization of one's mind and heart with the mind and heart of God'."

The communique states: "Extended discussion centered on topics such as the authority of the Church's Magisterium, the importance of the Profession of Faith, the ecclesial role of the theologian, and dialogue between bishops and theologians. Other issues receiving attention at the meeting were the implications of feminism for Catholic thought and the pastoral care of homosexual persons."

"In addressing the implications of feminism for Catholic thought, Cardinal Aloysius Ambrozic (archbishop of Toronto) asserted that 'women could not find an ally more clearly determined than the Church to recognize and defend their dignity'. The universal call to holiness is addressed to women and men equally, and has primary 'over every structure and every distinction in the Church of God'."

"Archbishop Eric D'Arcy (of Hobart, Australia), in his presentation on homosexuality, stressed the holistic way in which the Church approaches the biblical teaching on human sexuality and on homosexuality. ... (He) reiterated the Catholic rejection of the moral relativism that denies the objectivity of moral truth and moral reality. On the basis of Scripture and sound moral reasoning, the Church teaches that homosexual acts cannot contribute to the authentic good of the human person, and consistently condemns any violence against homosexual persons."


Friday, February 12, 1999


VATICAN CITY, FEB 11, 1999 (VIS) - The Holy Father appointed:

- Archbishop Beniamino Stella, apostolic nuncio in Cuba, as apostolic nuncio in Colombia.

- Archbishop Giuseppe Pittau, secretary of the Congregation for Catholic Education, and Professor Gian Luigi Gigli, president of the International Federation of Associations of Catholic Doctors, as members of the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Assistance to Health Care Workers.
- Professor Giovanni Giacobbe as promotor of justice at the Court of Appeal of Vatican City State.

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Subject: ;VIS;19990212;Word: 90;


VATICAN CITY, FEB 11, 1999 (VIS) - The Holy Father spoke briefly at the end of the Mass celebrated today in St. Peter's Basilica and presided over by Cardinal Camillo Ruini, his vicar general for the diocese of Rome, on the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes and the Seventh World Day of the Sick.

Addressing the sick and the volunteers accompanying them, the Pope said that today's celebration was "an appropriate time of prayer which spiritually unites the sick throughout the world, especially since February 11th, for the past seven years, has been the World Day of the Sick. Each year it is held at an important Marian shrine; today it is Harissa, near Beirut."

He concluded by saying: "I entrust each one of you to (Our Lady), invoking her consolation in your trials. I assure you of my daily prayer."



VATICAN CITY, FEB 11, 1999 (VIS) - Pope John Paul, in opening remarks made this morning to the bishops of the Episcopal Conference of Laos and Cambodia at the conclusion of their "ad limina" visit, recalled that it is the first time that they have met together with the Successor of Peter.

He pointed to the "heroic fidelity demonstrated by the disciples of Christ a time when your nations were undergoing terrible suffering and there were countless innocent victims of blind violence and the denial of human dignity. Numerous priests, religious and laity gave their lives to follow the Lord, mixing their blood with that of their brothers and sisters, facing trials with dignity and fortitude."

"I know with what self-abnegation you yourselves have served and continue to serve the Church in your countries," the Holy Father told the prelates. "Several of you have known prison or exile, while some of your brothers had already given their lives for the flock, following the example of the Good Shepherd."

He highlighted the small but growing number of priestly and religious vocations in Laos and Cambodia and said he recognized the often "difficult conditions of life and ministry."

Christ assists you and your priests, the Pope said, "with his grace." He invited priests "to promote among themselves a spirit of priestly fraternity and collaboration," and he urged bishops "to fraternally associate the priests in the leadership of the ecclesiastical circumscriptions, respecting the orientations of Vatican Council II and the norms of Canon law."

John Paul II congratulated the bishops on the concern they show for vocations and for "the meritorious efforts you have undertaken in the formation of those young people who accept to walk in the steps of Christ to serve the Church."

He asked the bishops to convey his gratitude to "the youth who have answered the Lord's call" and to the laity "for their fidelity, on occasion heroic, to Christ, in particular when, in certain areas, they were without priests for many years."

"During the difficult periods which you have lived," underlined the Holy Father, "the Christian family has played an essential role in preserving the faith. It is indispensable that parents convey to their children what they have received. In founding family life on love, simplicity, real commitment and daily witness, they will defend the basic values which constitute it from the breakup which too often today threatens this primary institution of society."

The Pope expressed the Church's "respect and esteem for the cultural and spiritual riches rooted in your people," pointing out that "ancient and noble civilizations have developed in your countries. They have been deeply marked by Asia's great religious traditions, bearers of wisdom and culture, especially Buddhism. ... Christianity itself has been present for more than four centuries."

John Paul II then highlighted the Church's dedication in numerous countries to helping "refugees and persons in distress," as well as her assistance to those struck by natural calamities. "The Church intends to fight all that which enslaves the human person and threatens his or her life, thus participating in the rebuilding of the nation. I greatly encourage you to pursue your generous and disinterested work at the service of the peoples of your countries, especially the weakest ones."

AL;...;...;LAOS; CAMBODIA;VIS;19990212;Word: 550;


VATICAN CITY, FEB 12, 1999 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received in separate audiences:

- Mary Mc Aleese, president of the Republic of Ireland, accompanied by her husband and entourage.
- Archbishop Angel Suquia Goicoechea, emeritus of Madrid, Spain.
- Archbishop Geraldo Majella Agnelo of Sao Salvador da Bahia, Brazil.
- Cardinal Jozef Glemp, archbishop of Warsaw, primate of Poland.

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VATICAN CITY, FEB 12, 1999 (VIS) - Holy See Press Office Director Joaquin Navarro-Valls made the following declaration at noon:

"The Holy Father this morning received Mrs. Mary McAleese, president of Ireland, together with her husband and entourage. Immediately afterwards, the president met with Cardinal Angelo Sodano, His Holiness'secretary of state.

"In the course of the meetings, the current situation in Ireland and Europe was discussed.

"Special attention was given to the problem of peace in Ireland. Mrs. McAleese referred to the objectives already reached and to the prospects for the future. The Holy Father John Paul II expressed his satisfaction to the president for this path of reconciliation."



VATICAN CITY, FEB 12, 1999 (VIS) - The Pope received at midday today the cardinals and bishops from various continents who are friends of the Focolari Movement and who have just finished their annual congress in Castelgandolfo.

John Paul II said that during their meeting, they "appropriately highlighted the vital importance of prayer and Christian meditation, as experiences of love which lift the soul and unite it to God. ... In our daily lives, it is important that intimate dialogue with our Heavenly Father is not lacking. Everything should find its meaning and value in this communion of life, so that our being and actions show the merciful love of God, source of unity and communion."

"Know how to discern, welcome and favor the charism which the Spirit stirs up in the Movement, so that the desire for unity and communion be accomplished in all peoples, which is a privileged characteristic of the 'Opus Mariae'" (Work of Mary), the official name of the Focolari Movement.

The Holy Father asked the prelates to always take care to "proclaim and give witness to the Gospel of love. This requires a deep spirituality which obtains unceasing vitality from the Eucharistic mystery, in full harmony with the Magisterium of the Church and with the necessities of the ecclesial community."

AC;....;...;FOCOLARI;VIS;19990212;Word: 230;

Wednesday, February 10, 1999


VATICAN CITY, FEB 10, 1999 (VIS) - In today's general audience John Paul II recalled his recent apostolic trip to Mexico and the United States during which he closed, at the feet of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the Special Assembly for America of the Synod of Bishops.

The American continent received the Gospel five centuries ago, and now "Christian communities of the north, the center, the south and the Caribbean are called to renewal in the faith, to develop an ever greater solidarity. They are invited to collaborate in coordinated pastoral projects."

The Pope asserted that "the Mexicans answered with unmistakable enthusiasm" his call to conversion and to follow Christ. The meeting with representatives from the various generations of this century at Aztec stadium was "an amazing testimony of how faith can unite generations and can respond to the challenges of all stages of life."

"I am overjoyed," he continued, "to have met with a large number of young people in Mexico and the United States. With their enthusiastic participation ... they showed that they wanted to be the protagonists in a new era of courageous testimony, active solidarity and generous commitment at the service of the Gospel."

The Holy Father observed that during his visit "he met American Catholics who were very active and committed to the defense of life and of the family. ... This trip was, in a certain way, a great call for America to welcome the Gospel of life and family, and to repudiate and reject all forms of violence against the person, from the moment of conception until natural death, with intellectual and moral coherence. No to abortion and euthanasia! End the unnecessary recourse to the death penalty! No to racism, and to the exploitation of children, women and indigenous peoples! May there be an end to the arms trade, drug trafficking and the destruction of the environment!"

AG;TRIP MEXICO; UNITED STATES;...;...;VIS;19990210;Word: 330;


VATICAN CITY, FEB 10, 1999 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received Cardinal Camillo Ruini, vicar general for the diocese of Rome, accompanied by Bishop Vincenzo Apicella, auxiliary of Rome for the western pastoral sector, and Fr. Giorgio Alessandrini, pastor of the Parish of St. Fulgentius.

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VATICAN CITY, FEB 10, 1999 (VIS) - Tomorrow marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of Vatican City State as a sovereign entity. On that same date in 1929 the Holy See and the Kingdom of Italy signed the Lateran Pacts, thus ending the "Roman Question" which concerned the relationship between the pontiffs and Italy.

Ratified on June 7, 1929 the Pacts were a triple agreement encompassing a political treaty, a financial convention and a concordat regulating Church-State relations. Vatican City was established as a juridic-political reality, Catholicism became the official religion of Italy and a financial indemnity was paid to the Vatican for the expropriation of the Papal States in 1870.

The international character of the Holy See, which is distinct from Vatican City State, was also established. It is the Holy See which is recognized in international law and which carries out diplomatic relations.

In March of 1947, the Lateran Pacts became Article 7 of the Italian Constitution. The concordat was revised in 1984.

A booklet published by the Vatican's Governorate explains that "the entire territory of Vatican City State is placed under the protection of the Hague Convention of May 14, 1954 concerning the safeguard of cultural goods in case of armed conflict. The State is thus recognized - and this is so also in international discipline - as a moral, artistic and cultural patrimony worthy of being respected and protected as a treasure belonging to humanity. In 1954 Vatican City State was registered in the World Heritage List."

Since 1929 the anniversary of the treaty has been marked as a holiday in the 44 hectare (108.5 acre) Vatican City State.

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VATICAN CITY, FEB 10, 1999 (VIS) - A Holy See delegation is participating in an international forum on population and development, now underway in the Hague, in preparation for the special meeting this summer at the United Nations, five years after the U.N. population conference in Cairo. The five-day meeting ends February 12.

Head of delegation Msgr. Frank Dewane of the Pontifical Council "Cor Unum" spoke today at the forum's plenary session.

He recalled that at the 1994 Cairo population conference, "for the first time the linkage between population and development was the focus of consideration. All forms of coercion in the implementation of population policies were rejected. The family was recognized as the fundamental unit of society based on marriage and entitled to comprehensive support and protection."

"In the follow-up process," he went on, "the Holy See calls for a priority treatment of issues regarding development and insists on two important components: education and the reduction of poverty. However, the disproportion between the funds allocated for reproductive health and those allocated for the elimination of widespread endemic disease or for education is noted."

Msgr. Dewane stated that "the role of the family ... is strongly reaffirmed by the Holy See," as is its rejection of "an individualistic concept of sexuality." He also reiterated that it is the parents who have the primary responsibility to educate their children "in matters pertaining to sexuality and reproduction."

The head of delegation decried the "present practice of 'emergency contraception' and use of the RU 486 pill," and said: "These abortive practices, camouflaged as means of contraception, are clearly contrary to national legislative systems which grant legal protection and safeguards to life from the moment of conception. ... The Holy See continues to deplore recourse to sterilization by the exertion of various types of pressure on patients or by seeking to disguise this type of intervention."


Tuesday, February 9, 1999


VATICAN CITY, FEB 9, 1999 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received in separate audiences:

- Cardinal Jorge Arturo Estevez, prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments.
- Archbishop Marcello Zago, secretary of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples.
- Archbishop Pierre Mouallem of Akka of the Greek Melkites, Israel.
- Bishop Giulio Sanguinetti of Brescia, Italy.
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VATICAN CITY, FEB 9, 1999 (VIS) - "Television and Liturgical Celebrations presided over by the Holy Father during the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000" is the theme of the study seminar for producers and commentators of television transmissions, which will be held in the Vatican from 11-13 February.

The seminar has been organized by the Pontifical Council for Social Communications, the Office for Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff and the Vatican Television Center.


Monday, February 8, 1999


VATICAN CITY, FEB 6, 1999 (VIS) - Pope John Paul received the mayor and city officials of Rome this morning and, in his talk to them, highlighted the spiritual and material preparations for the forthcoming Jubilee year 2000, as well as the challenges the city faces with regards to the family, young people and immigrants.

The Pope recalled that the Church in Rome has been preparing spiritually for the Jubilee Year celebrations, in particular through the Citizen's Mission, which he entrusted to the people of Rome on December 8, 1995, and his Letter on the Gospel of Work to Roman workers, promulgated on the same day last year.

He recognized that Rome is also preparing for the new millennium "on a practical and organizational level." Saying that "renewed structures would provide Rome with lasting benefits," he thanked everyone involved in the preparations. He expressed the hope that projects would be completed on time in order "to prepare an atmosphere which favors a worthy celebration of the Holy Year, both for pilgrims and for the city's residents."

Pope John Paul then spoke of three "concerns which I have especially taken to heart," naming families, young people and immigrants.

He asked the officials, "you, who have direct responsibilities for running the city, to commit yourselves to assuring ... concrete conditions for a healthy family life, starting with the availability of housing and with initiatives to support the family and the education of children."

On the subject of youth, "the future of society," he asked them "to encourage all those initiatives in the city which aim at offering young people sufficient places to express that great treasure of inventiveness, hope and good which they have within them." And he stressed that Rome would have to mobilize all of its forces for "one of the great events scheduled for the Jubilee, that is, World Youth Day, ... this extraordinary appointment of young people with Christian Rome, with Rome, teacher of civilization."

Lastly, the Pope spoke of another aspect of the city's future which can be seen "in the growing presence of immigrants. ... Immigration is a serious challenge but can, however, also constitute a great opportunity. ... The Church is making efforts to help those in need, without distinction of culture and religion ... and she renews her availability for a constructive collaboration with civil institutions."

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VATICAN CITY, FEB 7, 1999 (VIS) - Pope John Paul, before praying the angelus from his study window with the faithful gathered in St. Peter's Square, recalled that "today Italy is observing the Day for Life, whose theme this year is: 'Fatherhood and Motherhood. Gift and Commitment'."

"The invitation to reflect on the greatness of the mission entrusted by the Lord to parents, that of transmitting the gift of life, is clear," he continued. "Looking at the loftiness of this duty, one instinctively thinks about the obstacles that often interfere with having children: the lack of a dignified job, of adequate housing or a healthy and safe environment. And What can one say about those parents who, pursuing an egotistical and hedonistic vision of life, willingly renounce the gift and joy of being fathers and mothers?"

The Holy Father then pointed out that he had received "the declaration against human cloning signed by many faculty members of Rome's universities. In expressing my pleasure for this firm condemnation of human cloning, I wish to encourage university teachers to pursue the path of preparing a new culture of human rights, defending the human person, right from conception, from every form of violation of their dignity. A declaration such as this one becomes even more meaningful in the light of today's Day for Life."
Following the angelus, the Pope had brief greetings in French, Spanish, Slovenian and Croatian for the pilgrims in St. Peter's Square.

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VATICAN CITY, FEB 6, 1999 (VIS) - At 7:30 p.m. in the Paul VI Hall, the Second Feast of the Family was held, an event organized by the diocese of Rome in preparation for the 21st Day of Life which will be celebrated tomorrow in Italy.

Following a time of festivity and reflection, the Rosary was prayed, after which Cardinal Camillo Ruini, vicar general for the diocese of Rome, read a message from the Holy Father addressed to families.

"With the prayer of the Rosary," writes John Paul II, "you wish to entrust all families of our city to our Heavenly Mother, so that she will listen to all of their desires and hopes, and they, faithful to the plan of God, will answer fully to their special vocation in the Church and in society."

Having evoked the theme of the Day for Life, "Motherhood and Fatherhood. Gift and Commitment," the Pope states: "Nobody can reject the gift of fatherhood and motherhood, neither for themselves nor for others. Each and every person has the specific task of living this gift according to their own vocation."

"Fatherhood and motherhood exist even without procreation, but procreation cannot be separated from fatherhood and motherhood. Nobody can separate it from the love of a man and woman who in marriage give themselves to each other forming 'one flesh'. Moreover, there is the risk of treating man and woman not as persons but as objects."

Finally, the Pope highlighted that "love of parents is the factor which qualifies their task of education. It is an original, primary, irreplaceable and unalienable right and duty."

MESS;FAMILY;...;RUINI;VIS;19990208;Word: 280;

ARCHBISHOP CORDES VISITS COLOMBIA VATICAN CITY, FEB 8, 1999 (VIS) - The Holy See Press Office announced this morning that Archbishop Paul Josef Cordes

VATICAN CITY, FEB 8, 1999 (VIS) - The Holy See Press Office announced this morning that Archbishop Paul Josef Cordes, president of the Pontifical Council "Cor Unum," will arrive in Colombia today from the United States and Brazil, and will give a donation from the Holy Father to the bishops of Armenia and Pereira whose dioceses were affected by the recent earthquake.



VATICAN CITY, FEB 8, 1999 (VIS) - The Pope today received the Letters of Credence from the new ambassador of the Republic of Hungary, Pal Tar. In his speech, he asked that the millennium of the founding of the Hungarian State, which will be celebrated in the year 2000, "be an occasion for all to affirm their unity and look to the future with trust."

The Pope expressed his gratitude for the efforts which the country's authorities are making to "give the Catholic Church the means to assure its spiritual mission," and to return "the goods which were unjustly taken from her."

"Your compatriots," he continued, "know that thanks to their religious, cultural and human roots, they can come through times of trial. ... In their faith in God and in their adherence to Christian values, Hungarians have the means to build the society of the future together."

Referring to religious freedom which has been regained, the Holy Father said that this "cannot but favor the renewal of the nation; ... at the same time, it is the foundation of respect of the other person and their dignity. An essential role belongs to the family. ... Thus, it is fitting to recall ... the fundamental value of all human life, especially of the unborn."

Having affirmed that "the Hungarian people are making an effort to find justice and peace within their borders and in their relations with neighboring countries," John Paul II said that "minorities also should be respected so that their special characteristics be recognized by the national and international communities."

CD;CREDENTIALS;...;HUNGARY; TAR ;VIS;19990208;Word: 270;


VATICAN CITY, FEB 7, 1999 (VIS) - Holy See Press Office Director Joaquin Navarro-Valls this morning made the following declaration upon learning the news of the death of King Hussein of Jordan:

"The Holy See shares in the grief of this noble country, recalling also the many contacts which King Hussein had with the Holy Father.

"Given the diplomatic links which unite the Kingdom of Jordan to the Holy See and the personal links which unite the Royal Household with the Apostolic See, the Holy Father has sent Cardinal Achille Silvestrini, prefect of the Congregation for the Oriental Churches, as his personal representative to the funeral of the King of Jordan."

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