VATICAN CITY, 25 JUN 2008 (VIS) - In a Message published today, Benedict XVI expresses his appreciation for the first Malayalam-language version of the "Osservatore Romano", which is the translation of the English-language weekly edition of that newspaper.
"The publication", writes the Pope in his English-language Message, "is a highly significant event in the life of the Church in India, since it will keep the over six million Catholics in Kerala State fully informed about the ministry of the Pope and the work of the Holy See and strengthen the bonds of faith and ecclesial communion linking the Catholic community to the See of Peter.
"I willingly take this occasion to offer my prayerful good wishes for this important undertaking, together with my heartfelt thanks to the directors of the Carmel International Publishing House and to all those who in any way have contributed to its realisation.
"It is my hope that this new translation of the English edition, which now takes its place alongside the other language editions of the 'Osservatore Romano', will prove a valuable source of instruction and enrichment in the faith, an incentive to ever greater fraternity and co-operation within Kerala's richly diverse Catholic community, and an indispensable aid to the continuing work of evangelisation".
"The publication", writes the Pope in his English-language Message, "is a highly significant event in the life of the Church in India, since it will keep the over six million Catholics in Kerala State fully informed about the ministry of the Pope and the work of the Holy See and strengthen the bonds of faith and ecclesial communion linking the Catholic community to the See of Peter.
"I willingly take this occasion to offer my prayerful good wishes for this important undertaking, together with my heartfelt thanks to the directors of the Carmel International Publishing House and to all those who in any way have contributed to its realisation.
"It is my hope that this new translation of the English edition, which now takes its place alongside the other language editions of the 'Osservatore Romano', will prove a valuable source of instruction and enrichment in the faith, an incentive to ever greater fraternity and co-operation within Kerala's richly diverse Catholic community, and an indispensable aid to the continuing work of evangelisation".

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