VATICAN CITY, MAR 19, 1999 (VIS) - The Pope went at 1 p.m today to the Generalate of the Society of the Divine Savior, near the Vatican, where he took part in a period of prayer and had lunch with some of its members.
The Society, founded in 1881, has the aim of deepening and spreading the knowledge of Jesus as the only true Savior of the world.
Having prayed before the tomb of the founder, Fr. Francis Mary of the Cross Jordan, John Paul II spoke to members of the Society in English.
"Through the witness of your commitment, through the example of your unbounded generosity and love - like that shown by Saint Joseph and by your own founder - the world will be freed more and more from its bondage to sin and death, the Gospel will be proclaimed with greater enthusiasm and power, faith will increase and the Church herself will grow in holiness and grace. These are the unfailing results of spending one's life so that others may have faith and hope."
In conclusion, the Holy Father encouraged them, through lives of selfless service, especially among young people and in the missions, to inspire others to embrace the faith ever more fully.
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