VATICAN CITY, JAN 25, 2000 (VIS) - Made public today was the letter from the Pope, written in Latin and dated September 30, 1999, in which he names Archbishop Marcello Zago O.M.I., secretary of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, as his special envoy at celebrations for the centenary of the erection of the first three apostolic prefectures in the Amazon region of Peru. The event is scheduled to take place at Lima, Peru, on January 30, 2000.
The pontifical mission accompanying Archbishop Zago is made up of Frs. Antonio Santarsiero O.S.J., of the Peruvian Episcopal Conference; Maurilio Bernardo Paniagua O.S.A., missionary in the apostolic vicariate of Iquitos and Javier Ignacio Iraizoz Goldaraz O.P., missionary in Puerto Maldonado.