Vatican City, 4 February 2015 (VIS) –
The positive and decisive aspect of the father figure was the theme
chosen by Pope Francis for the catechesis of today's general
audience, held in the Paul VI Hall.
“Every family needs a father”, he
began, “and I would like to talk about this role starting from
several phrases we find in the Book of Proverbs, words that a father
addresses to his son: 'My son, if your heart is wise, then my heart
will be glad indeed. My inmost being will rejoice when your lips
speak what is right'”.
“One could not better express the
pride and emotion of a father who acknowledges that he has
transmitted to his son what truly counts in life, a wise heart”, he
affirmed, explaining that the phrase in the Book of Proverbs is that
of father who says, “This is what I wanted to leave to you, so that
it might become yours: feeling, acting, speaking and judging with
wisdom and rectitude. And in order for you to be able to do this, I
taught you things you did not know, I corrected errors you did not
see. … I myself, first of all, had to test the wisdom of my heart,
and monitor my excesses of sentiment and resentment, to bear the
weight of the inevitable misunderstandings, and to find the right
words to make myself understood”.
“A father knows well how to transmit
this legacy: with closeness, gentleness and firmness. However, what
consolation and compensation he receives, when his children honour
his legacy! It is a joy that repays every hardship, that overcomes
every misunderstanding and heals every wound”.
To be a good father, the first
requirement is “to be present in the family. To be close to his
wife, to share in everything, joy and pain, burdens and hopes. And to
be close to the children as they grow: when they play and when they
make efforts, when they are carefree and when they are distressed,
when they dare and when they are afraid, when they make missteps and
when they return to the right path. A father must always be present,
but” – the Holy Father warned – “being present is not the
same as controlling. Fathers who seek to control end up stifling
their children; they do not let them grow”.
“The Gospel provides us with the
example of the Father in heaven – the only one, Jesus says, who can
truly be described as a 'good Father'. Everyone knows the
extraordinary parable of the prodigal son, or better of the merciful
father in the Gospel according to Luke. How much dignity and
tenderness we find in the father who stays at the door of his house
awaiting the return of his son! Fathers need to be patient. Sometimes
you can do nothing other than wait; pray and wait with patience,
gentleness, magnanimity, and mercy. A good father knows how to wait
and how to forgive, from the bottom of his heart. He certainly also
knows how to correct firmly. … A father who knows how to correct
without humiliating is the same as he who knows how to protect
“If there is anyone who knows how to
explain in depth the Lord's Prayer, taught by Jesus, it is precisely
he who experiences paternity in the first person”, continued the
Pope. “Without the grace that comes from the Father in heaven,
fathers lose courage, and abandon the field. But children need to
find a father who awaits them when they return home after their
failures. They will do everything to avoid admitting or showing this,
but they need him, and not finding him opens up wounds that are
difficult to heal”.
“The Church, our mother, is committed
to supporting with all her power the good and generous presence of
fathers in families”, Pope Francis concluded, “as, like St.
Joseph, they are the indispensable guardians and mediators of the
faith for new generations, in goodness, justice and God's