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Monday, July 5, 2004


VATICAN CITY, JUL 3, 2004 (VIS) - Pope John Paul today gave a Message to Pier Ugo Calzolari, rector of the University of Bologna, whom he received in audience, together with his wife. The Pope thanked the Italian university for having bestowed on him, on the occasion of the silver anniversary of his pontificate, the Great Seal of the "Alma Mater Studiorum." He said he was "honored by this recognition considering that the university at Bologna is one of the oldest and most famous in the world."

  He wrote that "the university world and, in a special way, the young students have always had a special place in my pastoral concerns. I have enthusiastically dedicated great energies of my priesthood and episcopal ministry to them." He noted that as Bishop of Rome he has visited many universities in Rome, in Italy and elsewhere during his apostolic trips.

  The Holy Father expressed his delight "at the thought that this present show of esteem was motivated by the special attention I have given to culture and to its basic importance for the promotion of man and of historical progress. ... There is an inseparable reciprocity between the education of man and culture. If the human person is educated by reason of the culture in which he lives, it is also true that the value of culture is measured by its capacity to make man grow according to his high vocation, helping him, that is, to become ever more man."

  He closed the Message by encouraging the rector and the academic senate "to work so that scientific and cultural activity is always moved by a sincere passion for man and ordered to his harmonious and integral promotion."

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