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Tuesday, January 7, 2003


VATICAN CITY, JAN 6, 2003 (VIS) - Today, on the Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord, John Paul II conferred episcopal ordination to twelve presbyters from various nations during a Eucharistic celebration in the Vatican Basilica.

In the homily, the Holy Father recalled that in today's liturgy "the Magi, coming from the Orient to Jerusalem, are guided by a star and represent the first peoples attracted to the light of Christ."

Addressing the new Bishops, he said, "Faith in Christ, the light of the world, guided your steps from childhood to the offering of yourselves to presbyteral consecration. (...) Now Christ asks you to renew this oblation, to take on the episcopal ministry in the Church. (...) Receive the fullness of this gift, at the same time, you are asked for the fullness of commitment."

The Pope continued saluting each one of the twelve Bishop individually. To Monsignors Paul Tschang In-nam, Celestino Migliore, Pierre Nguyen Van Tot and Pedro Lopez Quintana, he said that they would be "his representatives in Asian and African nations and to the United Nations. (...) With respect towards the institutions and the cultures, invite the Nations you are sent to, to be open to the Gospel. Only Christ can guarantee a deep renewal of consciences and of peoples."

He asked Monsignors Angelo Amato and Brian Farrell, respectively Secretaries of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of Christian Unity, for "faithfulness to Catholic tradition and for commitment to ecumenical dialogue."

John Paul II saluted Monsignors Calogero La Piana, of Mazara del Vallo, Italy; Rene-Marie Ehuzu, of Abomey, Benin; Jan Babjak, of the Eparchy of Presov, Slovak Republic; Andraos Abouna, Auxiliary of the Patriarchate of Babylonia of the Chaldeans, Iraq; Milan Sasik, Apostolic Administrator "ad nutum Sanctae Sedis" of the Eparchy of Mukacheve, Ukraine and Giuseppe Nazzaro, Apostolic Vicar of Alep of the Latin Rite, Syria.

He continued, "May the ecclesial communities that will welcome you, and who I salute with affection, find diligent and generous shepherds in you. On the example and the help of the Good Shepherd, always guide the faithful to the pastures of eternal life."

The Holy Father ended by recalling that the Lord demands that the bishops "live and bear witness to His love. (...) Make the beauty of the Gospel, a compendium of divine charity, shine in the eyes of the flock entrusted to you. Offer the entire Christian population a clear witness of holiness. Always be the Epiphany of Christ and His merciful love, and may nothing stop you from achieving this mission."

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