Monday, December 13, 2010


VATICAN CITY, 11 DEC 2010 (VIS) - The Holy See Press Office today released the following communique on the subject of U.S. State Department documents published by the website Wikileaks.

  "Without venturing to evaluate the extreme seriousness of publishing such a large amount of secret and confidential material, and its possible consequences, the Holy See Press Office observes that part of the documents published recently by Wikileaks concerns reports sent to the U.S. State Department by the U.S. Embassy to the Holy See.

  "Naturally these reports reflect the perceptions and opinions of the people who wrote them and cannot be considered as expressions of the Holy See itself, nor as exact quotations of the words of its officials. Their reliability must, then, be evaluated carefully and with great prudence, bearing this circumstance in mind".
OP/                                    VIS 20101213 (140)


  1. The comments and words from bishops and priests, especially out of Vatican city/state are monitored and were once worth something. Now that Rome has spoken on The Legionaires of Christ and Regnum Christi, and the pope commented in that interview book, "Marcial was a false prophet." "Never the less he (Marcial)was an efficacious guide to youth". The official church has now declared God a liar. Christ said,"A bad tree cannot bear good fruit." Me thinks now the hierarchy of The Church has declared itself the Anti-Christ.

  2. I wonder how many of these Wikileaks documents are actually authentic.

    After all, which is easier: to hack into diplomatic computers, or to make up your own documents?

  3. @Anonymous- your logic is terrible! I would suggest an introduction to logic and a crash course in theology and scripture. I think a more appropriate reaction is. Marcial did some terrible things, and did not live a life of virtue (much like all of us),and yet God made good things come out of it, (like he does with all of us). And the pope making this comment does not summarize the totality of t he situation as a whole or the whole position of the church. And therefore also has no ability for one to conclude that the church or hierarchy is "anti-christ". Also look what the pope said. He doesn't say Marcial was a false prophet, but he also did good things he says he was a false prophet and was
    (efficacious) effective, just for one to be effective does not necessarily imply moral judgment. The devil is a false prophet an antichrist but also very effective.

  4. With the greatest repect I would suggest that Jack is being naive here. To suggest that these leaks are "made up" is merely wishful thinking.

    So far the leaks have shown a disturbing tendency at the Vatican to be much too friendly towards the USA, something which will only lead to more problems in the Church. The Holy See needs, now more than ever, to maintain its neutrality. The same goes for its far too obsequios attitude towards Israel.

    If I read the info correctl it does seem that someone in the Vatican is falling back on that trademark ambiguity which has, alas, characterized Churchspeak in recent decades. On the one hand it condemns MAcial and on the other it praises him. No good at all can come from that kind of wishy-washy rhetoric.

  5. We need to know the full truth via Wikileaks about Vatican policies these days - sexual perversion is systemic up to hierarchical levels; financial fraud is rife throughout NO church (remember this is our money we donate to it); its diminishing numbers of presbyters are trying to propagate inappropriate liberal lifestyles and The Vatican is complicit in all this immorality doing very little to discipline anyone because it fails to act decisively. One gets the distinct impression that Rome is sinking with its post-conciliar liberal modernist paradigms, thankfully.

  6. Good evening,

    We should allow the priests and brothers of the Traditional monastic orders (Latin mass) and the Eastern rites united with Rome e.g Byzantine and Maronite to be in the college of cardinals.
    Returning to what worked is the answer. Much like the way relatinships of husband and wife and parents shipwrecked with some movie portrayals (USA- Hollywood) of the getting off the right track and being loose or disorderly with our lives.
