Monday, July 21, 2003


VATICAN CITY, JUL 20, 2003 (VIS) - This morning, in the courtyard of the summer papal residence, the Holy Father recited the Angelus with the pilgrims who had come to Castelgandolfo, and also reflected on the future European constitution and Europe's strong bonds with Christianity.

He noted that recent months had been dedicated to editing the new constitution, "whose definitive version will be approved by an intergovernmental conference starting next October. Even the Church feels the duty to offer her contribution to this important task which involves all components of European society."

He went on to say that the Church "recalls, among other things, as I noted in the Post-synodal Apostolic Exhortation 'Ecclesia in Europa', that 'Europe has been broadly and deeply penetrated by Christianity'. This constitutes, in the continent's complex history, a central and qualifying element that has become consolidated on the basis of the classic legacy and the diverse contributions offered by the cultural-ethnic flow that has taken place over the centuries."

"We could say that the Christian faith has formed the culture of Europe, becoming one with its history and, notwithstanding the painful division between East and West, Christianity has become 'the religion of the Europeans themselves'. Its influence has remained notable, even in the modern and contemporary era, despite the strong and widespread phenomenon of secularization."

In concluding remarks, John Paul II said: "The Church knows that her interest for Europe comes from her very mission. As the deposit of the Gospel, she has promoted those values which have made the European culture universally appreciated. This patrimony cannot vanish. Rather, the new Europe must be helped 'to build itself in revitalizing the Christian roots that gave origin to it."


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