Wednesday, February 2, 2011


VATICAN CITY, 2 FEB 2011 (VIS) - Following his catechesis during this morning's general audience, Benedict XVI recalled the fact that today marks the Day of Consecrated Life.

  "To your prayers I entrust those who, having made vows of poverty, chastity and obedience, strive after sanctity in the service of children, young people, the sick, the elderly and the lonely. We are grateful to them for their prayers and for the work they do in parishes, hospitals, care homes and schools. Their service represents a particularly precious gift for the Church. My heartfelt blessings go to all those who live in accordance with the evangelical counsels".
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1 comment:

  1. Religious Orders of men and women which are loyal to the teachings of the Church, foster and practice our holy Catholic traditions, use Latin in their Mass (both Latin Novus Ordo and the Tridentine Latin Rite), and which wear traditional habits like friars, priests, monks and nuns did 60 years ago are a great treasure in the Church and a source of tremendous pride for Catholic Faithful. We love our priests and nuns who are visible witnesses of the Church, and who are faithful to Catholic tradition. These types of religious Orders are young, and growing in numbers.
    Those Orders which on the other hand have been continual malcontents, dissenters, aggitators for married priests, women priests, gay marriage, and who foster disobedience to the Pope and Catholic tradition, who celebrate bizarre sacriledgeous Mass with many liturgical abuses, and who have abandoned disipline, Catholic tradition, and the wearing of the traditional religious habits in favor of secular clothes are very much despised by faithful Catholics, especially by the young.
    They represent experiments and updating in the Church which have failed and are repudiated by the faithful. These communities of priests, friars, monks and nuns are all aged, and are dying out rapidly.
    God bless traditional holy religious Orders with many vocations. The liberal Orders however are dying out. That too, is a great blessing from, God.
