Thursday, February 22, 2001


VATICAN CITY, FEB 22, 2001 (VIS) - At 10:30 this morning, Feast of the Chair of Peter, John Paul II presided in St. Peter's Square over a Eucharistic concelebration with the 44 new cardinals created in yesterday's consistory, bestowing on them the cardinalate ring.

"Today's feast," the Pope said in his homily, "highlights the role of Peter and his successors in guiding the ship of the Church upon this 'ocean'. ... Together we wish to give thanks to God for having founded His Church upon the rock of Peter."

The Pope went on to affirm that he considers it "providential" to celebrate the Feast of the Chair of Peter with the new cardinals and the entire College of Cardinals, "because this constitutes a unique and eloquent sign of unity, with which we begin together the post-Jubilee period. A sign which is, at the same time, an invitation to deepen reflection on the Petrine ministry, to which your function as Cardinals is particularly related."

Quoting from his Encyclical "Ut Unum Sint," the Pope recalled that "the full and visible communion of all Communities ... is the ardent desire of Christ." He emphasized that for "this principle aim the Cardinals, both as a College and as individuals, can and must offer their valuable contribution. They, in fact, are the primary collaborators in the ministry of unity of the Roman Pontiff."

John Paul II invited the cardinals to pray in order that full communion be restored in the new millennium. "May the Holy Spirit give all believers the light and the strength needed to realize the fervent yearning of the Lord. I ask you to assist me and to collaborate in every way in this demanding mission."

Following this the Pope pointed out that the rings which would shortly be given to the new members of the College of Cardinals, "place in evidence the special link which unites you to the Apostolic See."

"Today, Christ repeats to each one of you, dear Brother Cardinals: 'I have prayed for you', in order that your faith may not fail you in situations in which your fidelity to Christ, the Church, and the Pope, may be greatly tried. May this prayer, which unceasingly rises from the heart of the Good Shepherd, always be your strength! Do not doubt that, as it was for Christ and Peter, so it will also be for you: your most effective witness will always be that marked by the Cross. The Cross is the chair of God in the world."

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