Thursday, January 27, 2011


VATICAN CITY, 27 JAN 2011 (VIS) - On 24 and 25 March, the Pontifical Council for Culture, the president of which is Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi, will launch a new permanent Vatican structure to be known as the "Courtyard of the Gentiles", the aim of which is to promote dialogue and encounter between believers and non-believers.

  According to a communique released by the council, the launch will involve three colloquia on the themes of "religion, enlightenment and common reason". They will be held on 24 March at the Paris headquarters of UNESCO, on the morning of 25 March at the Sorbonne University and on the afternoon of the same day at the "Institut de France". The colloquia will be followed by a round table discussion at the "College des Bernardins".

  On the evening of 25 March a celebration will be organised on the forecourt of the cathedral of Notre Dame with the theme: "Into the Courtyard of the Unknown". The event is open to everyone. especially young people, and will involve artistic creations, music, drama, lights, meeting and reflection. Exceptionally, the cathedral will remain open for those who wish to participate in a prayer vigil and shared meditation.
CON-C/                                VIS 20110127 (210)


  1. How about promoting non-believers to believe in Our Blessed Lord?? What is wrong with you Modernists? Do you not believe in Jesus Christ??

  2. I second Mr Werling. We must remember that failure to evangelize those who do wrong or who are in wrong is sinful; furthermore, it is a sin to conform to water down our faith as taught by The Lord. Examples for this are Extra Ecclesiam nulla sallus, Syllabus of Errors and Oath against Modernism ! from Lee Lovelock-Jemmott

  3. As a former Catholic who long ago stopped believing that someone died 2,000 years ago for sins I haven't even committed yet, I welcome the chance for an encounter.

  4. What, if you please, is to be the subject(s) of the shared meditation? And to Whom (whom) will the prayers be addressed? Our Lord told us to go out and make disciples of all men, and we must teach them the truth: that there is only one true Church and it is His Church, the Holy Catholic Church. Is this the aim of this latest initiative?

  5. Open a dialogue? Yes. Evangelize? Yes. But just how do you unite with non-believers? The pursuit of truth I hope will be the driving force behind these get-togethers.
