VATICAN CITY, 17 JUN 2010 (VIS) - The Holy Father today received in separate audiences:
- Seven prelates from the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil, on their "ad limina" visit:
- Archbishop Ricardo Pedro Chaves Pinto Filho O. Praem. of Pouso Alegre.
- Bishop Diamantino Prata de Carvalho O.F.M. of Campanha.
- Bishop Jose Lanza Neto of Guaxupe.
- Archbishop Aloisio Roque Oppermann S.C.I. of Uberaba.
- Bishop Claudio Nori Sturm O.F.M. Cap. of Patos de Minas.
- Bishop Dario Campos O.F.M. of Leopoldina.
- Archbishop Jose Alberto Moura C.S.S. of Montes Claros.
- Fr. Alvaro Corcuera Martinez del Rio, superior general of the Legionaries of Christ.
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