VATICAN CITY, JUN 16, 2004 (VIS) - In today's general audience, which took place in St. Peter's Square, the Pope spoke about Psalm 45, "God, our refuge and strength."
This Psalm, said the Holy Father, "celebrates the holy city of Jerusalem, 'a sacred place where the Most High dwells,' but above all it expresses total faith in God Who 'is our refuge and strength, and Who is always near us in our suffering.' The psalm evokes the most tremendous trials in order to affirm with greater force the victorious intervention of God who provides total security."
"The first part of the hymn," he said, "focuses on the symbol of water and presents a double, contrasting meaning. On the one hand, there are tempestuous waters, which in biblical language are a symbol of disaster, chaos and evil. ... On the other hand, the waters which satisfy thirst ... are a sign of the life that prospers in the holy city, of its spiritual fecundity and of its regenerating strength. Therefore, despite the circumstances of history which make peoples sigh and kingdoms shake, the faithful find the peace and serenity that come from communion with God in Zion."
John Paul II indicated that the second part of the Psalm refers to "a world transformed. The Lord intervenes with great strength from his throne in Zion against wars and establishes the peace that everyone hopes for. ... The prophet Isaiah praised the end of the arms race and the transformation of the instruments of war into means of development for the people: 'They shall beat their swords into ploughshares, their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more."
"With this psalm," he concluded, "Christian tradition exalts Christ, 'our peace' and our deliverer from evil, through His death and resurrection."
During his remarks to the crowd of 10,000, the Holy Father recalled that on Friday we will celebrate the solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. "This feast," he said, "evokes the mystery of God's love for mankind in all ages." Addressing young people in particular, he invited them to prepare themselves "in the school of Christ's heart, in order to confront life's commitments with faith."
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